
sa-yoga [p= 1112,2] [L=225750]
conjunction , combination , connection (°ge or °geu ifc. " in connection with , with regard to , concerning ") , union or absorption with or in (gen. , or instr. with and without saha , or loc. , or ifc.) A1past. MBh. &c

esp. in phil. " direct material contact " , as of sesamum seed with rice-grains [in contradistinction to contact by the fusion of particles , as of water with milk] , enumerated among the 24 guas of the nyāya cf. under sam-bandha) Yogas. Kan2. Bha1sha1p.

MBh. &c

gen. , saha with instr. , or comp.) Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c

Ka1m. Hit.

bheda) R.

°gak , " to undertake , set about , begin " ; agnihotra-sayogamk , " to undertake the maintenance of a sacred fire ") A1past. Mn. R.

Pra1t. Pa1n2. &c


astron.) conjunction of two or more heavenly bodies MW.


of śiva MBh.
(H2) m.
[L=225751]contact (
[L=225752]carnal contact , sexual union
[L=225753]matrimonial connection or relationship by marriage with or between (
[L=225754]a kind of alliance or peace made between two kings with a common object
[L=225755]agreement of opinion , consensus (opposed to
[L=225756]applying one's self closely to , being engaged in , undertaking (
[L=225757](in gram.) a conjunct consonant , combination of two or more consonants
[L=225758]dependence of one case upon another , syntax
[L=225760]total amount , sum

Ian Whicher - 1998 - 426 pages - Google eBook - Preview
Our analysis thus far views the conjunction (samyoga) of purusa and prakrti much as a state of epistemic distortion, ... There is no real evidence to the effect that samyoga constitutes a definitive association or ontological alliance ...
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The Aṣṭādhyāyī of Pāṇini with translation and explanatory notes: - Page 18
Pāṇini, Shivram Dattatray Joshi, J. A. F. Roodbergen - 2002 - 438 pages - Preview
Samyoga is defined by P. 1.1.7 as consonants which follow in immediate sequence, a consonant cluster. ... Strictly speaking, since the s forms a samyoga with n, and since, therefore, the n comes to occupy the prefinal position of the ...
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The Saṃbandha-samuddeśa (chapter on relation) and Bhartṛhari's ...
Jan E. M. Houben, Helārāja, Bhartr̥hari - 1995 - 460 pages - Snippet view
KARIKA 7 Definition of samyoga (connection) 7 kd cid eva hi sdvasthd kdryaprasavasucitd \ kasya cit kena cid yasydm samyoga upajdyate \ \ The state in which samyoga (connection) of one particular thing with another particular thing ...
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