
bhrāntvā bhrāntvā śarīreṇa tvaritam bhuvi pātanāt |
kṣobhaśaktivirāmeṇa parā saṃjāyate daśā || 111 ||

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 20.20
Whitney Roots links: Bram
bhram [p= 769,3] [p= 769,2] [L=153524]
( Dha1tup. xx , 20) bhramati (ep. also °te) and cl.4 P. (xxvi , 96) , bhrāmyati (Pot. bhramyāt Pa1rGr2. ; pf. babhrāma , 3. pl. babhramu or bhremu MBh. Ka1v. &c ; fut. bhramitā Gr. ; bhramiyati MBh. ; aor. abhramīt ib. ; inf. bhramitum or bhrāntum MBh. Ka1v. &c ; ind.p. bhramitvā , bhrāntvā , -bhrāmya ib.) , to wander or roam about , rove , ramble (with deśam , to wander through or over a country ; with bhikām , go about begging) MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to fly about (as bees)
Ka1v. Var.  ; 
to roll about (as the eyes)
Ka1vya7d.  ; 
to wag (as the tongue)
S3a1rn3gP.  ; 
to quiver (as the fetus in the womb)
BhP.  ; 
to move to and fro or unsteadily , flicker , flutter , reel , totter
S3Br. Ka1lid. Pur.  ; 
to move round , circulate , revolve (as stars)
MBh. Hariv. Su1ryas.  ; 
to spread , be current (as news)
Das3.  ; 
to waver , be perplexed , doubt , err
Bhag. Pur. Siddh. : Pass. aor. abhrāmi (impers. , with te , " you have wandered or roamed about ") R. : Caus. bhrāmayati (mc. also °te ; aor. abibhramat: Pass. bhrāmyate) , to cause to wander or roam , drive or move about , agitate MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
paaham or °ha-ghoaām) , to move a drum about , proclaim by beat of drum Katha1s.  ; 
to cause to move or turn round or revolve , swing , brandish
Up. MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to drive through (
acc.) in a chariot Cat.  ; 
to disarrange
Kaus3.  ; 
to cause to err , confuse
Hariv. Ma1rkP.  ; 
to move or roam about (
aor. abibhramat ; B. ababhramat) R. : Desid. bibhramiati Gr.: Intens. bambhramīti , bambhramyate (also with pass. meaning) and bambhrānti (only Gr.) , to roam about repeatedly or frequently , wander through , circumambulate Hariv. Var. S3atr. [cf. Gk. βρέμω ; Lat. fremere ; Germ. bre0men , brimmen , brummen ; Eng. brim , brim-stone.]
(H1) cl.1 P.