(H2) | bandhá [p= 720,3] [L=142631]m. |
[L=142632] | a ligature , bandage |
[L=142633] | damming up (a river) |
[L=142634] | capture , arrest , imprisonment , custody |
[L=142635] | connection or intercourse with ( |
[L=142636] | putting together , uniting , contracting , combining , forming , producing |
[L=142637] | joining (the hollowed hands) |
[L=142638] | anything deposited ( |
[L=142639] | a deposit , pledge |
[L=142640] | any configuration or position of the body ( |
[L=142641] | a |
[L=142642] | constructing , building (of a bridge |
[L=142643] | bridging over (the sea) |
[L=142644] | knitting (the brows) |
[L=142645] | fixing , directing (mind , eyes , |
[L=142646] | assumption , obtainment (of a body) |
[L=142647] | ( |
[L=142648] | a border , framework , inclosure , receptacle |
[L=142649] | a sinew , tendon |
[L=142650] | the body |
[L=142651] | (in |
[L=142652] | combination of sounds (in |
[L=142653] | arrangement of a stanza in a |
[L=142654] | arrangement of musical sounds , composition |
[L=142655] | a disease which prevents the eyelids from quite closing |
[L=142656] | ( |
(H2) | nadá [p= 526,1] [L=103309]m. |
[L=103310] | N. |
[L=103311] | a river (if thought of as male |
[L=103312] | = |
(H2) | nadá [p= 1329,2] [L=334630]( |
(H1) | bhága [p= 742,3] [L=147581]» |
(H2) | bhága [p= 743,2] [L=147751]m. |
[p= | 743,3] [L=147752]N. |
[L=147753] | the |
[L=147754] | the sun |
[L=147755] | the moon |
[L=147756] | N. |
[L=147757] | good fortune , happiness , welfare , prosperity |
[L=147758] | ( |
[L=147759] | (also |
[L=147760] | ( |
(H2B) | bhága [L=147762]n. |
(H2B) | bhága [L=147763]n. |
(H2B) | bhága [L=147764]mn. |
(H1) | sam- √ bhū [p= 1179,1] [p= 1178,3] [L=236947]P. A1. |
(H3) | ni-° dhuvana [p= 549,1] [L=108614]n. |
[L=108615] | sexual intercourse |
[L=108616] | sport , play |
(H2) | gāmin [p= 353,3] [L=64840]mfn. |
[L=64841] | (in the following meanings only) |
[L=64842] | having sexual intercourse with |
[L=64843] | reaching or extending to |
[L=64844] | coming to one's share , due |
[L=64845] | attaining , obtaining |
[L=64846] | directed towards |
[L=64847] | relating to |
(H3) | miśrī--bhāva [p= 818,1] [L=164543]m. |
[L=164544] | mingling carnally , sexual intercourse |
(H4) | mano--bha° vā* gāra [p= 785,2] [L=157081]n. |
(H1B) | yā 4 [p= 838,2] [L=168992]f. |
(H1B) | yā 4 [L=168993]f. |
(H1B) | yā 4 [L=168994]f. |
(H1B) | yā 4 [L=168995]f. |
(H1B) | yā 4 [L=168996]f. |
(H1) | yā 1 [p= 849,2] [p= 849,1] [L=171018](collateral form of √5. |
(H2) | yā 2 [L=171019]( |
(H1) | yā 3 [p= 850,2] [L=171221]f. |
(H3) | samá--rata [p= 1152,3] [L=233144]m. |
(H1) | sam-abhi- √ gam [p= 1155,3] [L=233631]P. |
(H2) | sam-āgama [p= 1159,1] [L=234068]m. |
[L=234069] | association , assembly of ( |
[L=234070] | conjunction (of planets) |
[L=234071] | approach , arrival |
(H3) | sam-° āgamana [L=234077]n. |
(H1) | sam- √ i [p= 1164,1] [L=234791]P. |
(H2) | sam-utsarga [p= 1166,3] [L=235210]m. |
[L=235211] | emission (of semen ; |
(H1) | sam-upa- √ bhuj [p= 1169,2] [L=235637]A1. |
(H2) | sam-upabhoga [L=235638]m. |
[L=235639] | cohabitation , sexual union |
(H1) | sam-upe* [p= 1170,2] [p= 1170,1] [L=235739]( |
(H1) | sam-parka [p= 1172,3] [L=236122]&c |
(H2) | sam-parka [p= 1173,2] [L=236198]m. |
[L=236199] | bodily contact , sexual intercourse with ( |
[L=236200] | addition , sum |
(H3) | sam-° prayoga [p= 1176,1] [L=236529]m. |
[L=236530] | conjunction , union , connection , contact with ( |
[L=236531] | matrimonial or sexual union with ( |
[L=236532] | (in |
[L=236533] | mutual proportion , connected series or arrangement |
[L=236534] | application , employment |
[L=236535] | spell |
(H3B) | sam-° prayoga [L=236536]mfn. |
(H3) | sam-° prayogin [L=236538]mfn. |
[L=236539] | = |
(H1) | sam- √ bhāṣ [p= 1178,2] [L=236871]A1. |
(H2B) | sam-bhāṣā [L=236873]f. |
(H2B) | sam-bhāṣā [L=236874]f. |
(H2B) | sam-bhāṣā [L=236875]f. |
(H2B) | sam-bhāṣā [L=236876]f. |
(H2B) | sam-bhāṣā [L=236877]f. |
(H3) | sam-° bhāṣaṇa [L=236878]n. |
[L=236879] | watchword |
[L=236880] | sexual intercourse |
(H2) | sambhoga 1 [p= 1178,3] [L=236919]» |
(H2) | sam-bhogá 2 [L=236924]m. |
[L=236925] | carnal or sensual enjoyment , sexual union with ( |
[L=236926] | (in |
[L=236927] | N. |
(H1) | sam-bhavá [p= 1178,2] [L=236867]&c |
(H2) | sam-bhavá [p= 1179,1] [L=236948]m. |
[L=236948.05] | finding room in , being contained in ( |
[L=236948.10] | birth , production , origin , source , the being produced from ( |
[L=236948.15] | cause , reason , occasion ( |
[L=236948.20] | being brought about , occurrence , appearance ( |
[L=236948.25] | being , existence |
[L=236948.30] | capacity , ability , possibility ( |
[L=236948.35] | (in |
[L=236948.40] | (in |
[L=236948.45] | agreement , conformity ( |
[L=236948.50] | compatibility , adequacy |
[L=236948.55] | acquaintance , intimacy |
[L=236948.60] | loss , destruction |
[L=236948.65] | (with Buddhists) |
[L=236948.70] | N. |
[L=236948.75] | of the third |
(H2B) | sam-bhavá [L=236948.80]mf |
(H4) | sam-° mada---vaī [p= 1180,1] [L=237092]mfn. |
(H2) | samīcaka [p= 1181,2] [L=237318]m. |
(H4) | sahá--ca° rī-dharma [p= 1193,3] [L=240142]m. |
(H3) | siṃhá--līla [p= 1213,2] [L=243872]m. |
[L=243873] | a |
(H3) | siṃhā* sana [p= 1213,3] [L=243935]n. |
[L=243936] | a |
(H3B) | siṃhā* sana [L=243937]m. |
(H3) | su--prakīrṇe* ndriya [p= 1228,2] [L=247621]mfn. |
(H3) | su--yā́śu [p= 1232,1] [L=248556]f. |
(H3) | su--rata [L=248605]mfn. |
[L=248606] | compassionate , tender |
(H3B) | su--rata [L=248607]m. |
(H3B) | su--rata [L=248609]m. |
(H3B) | su--rata [L=248610]n. |
(H3B) | su--rata [L=248611]n. |
(H1) | su-rata [p= 1235,2] [L=249611]&c |
(H4) | su--rata---glāni [p= 1232,1] [L=248615]f. |
(H4) | su--rata---janita [L=248616]mfn. |
(H4) | su--rata---nivṛtti [L=248619]f. |
(H4) | su--rata---pradīpa [L=248620]m. |
(H4) | su--rata---prasaṅga [L=248622]m. |
(H4) | su--rata---prasaṅgin [L=248623]mfn. |
(H4) | su--rata---mṛdita [L=248629]mfn. |
(H4) | su--rata---raṅgin [L=248630]mfn. |
(H4) | su--rata---varṇana [L=248631]n. |
(H4) | su--rata---vārarātri [L=248632]f. |
(H4) | su--rata---viśeṣa [L=248634]m. |
(H4) | su--rata---vyāpārajāta-śrama [L=248635]mfn. |
(H4) | su--rata---sambhoga [L=248636]m. |
(H4) | su--rata---saukhya [L=248637]n. |
(H4) | su--rata---stha [L=248638]mfn. |
(H4) | su--ra° to* tsava [L=248639]m. |
(H4) | su--ra° to* tsuka [L=248640]mfn. |
(H4) | su--ra° to* pacāra-kuśala [L=248641]mfn. |
(H3) | su--ṣád [p= 1237,3] [L=250198]mfn. |
(H1) | sev [p= 1247,1] [L=252262]cl.1 A1. |
(H3) | sevana [p= 1218,1] [L=245010]» |
(H2) | sevana 1 [p= 1247,1] [L=252271]n. |
[L=252272] | waiting upon , attendance , service |
[L=252273] | honouring , reverence , worship , adoration (also |
[L=252274] | sexual enjoyment , intercourse with ( |
[L=252275] | devotion or addiction to , fondness for , indulgence in , practise or employment of ( |
(H2) | sevana 2 [p= 1247,2] [L=252354]n. |
[L=252355] | a sack |
(H2) | sevā [p= 1247,1] [L=252280]f. |
[L=252281] | service , attendance on ( |
[L=252282] | worship , homage , reverence , devotion to ( |
[L=252283] | sexual intercourse with ( |
[L=252284] | addiction to , indulgence in , practice or employment or frequent enjoyment of ( |
(H2) | sevin [p= 1247,2] [L=252321]mfn. |
[L=252322] | attending on , serving , a servant |
[L=252323] | honouring , revering , deferential to |
[L=252324] | having sexual intercourse with |
[L=252325] | addicted to , fond of , enjoying , practising , employing |
(H1) | saurata [p= 1255,1] [L=253849]mfn. |
(H1B) | saurata [L=253850]n. |
(H1B) | saurata [L=253851]m. |
(H3) | stána--bhava [p= 1257,2] [L=254344]mfn. |
(H3B) | stána--bhava [L=254345]m. |
(H3) | stabdha--medhra [p= 1258,1] [L=254487]mfn. |
(H3) | strī́--karaṇa [p= 1260,3] [L=254936]n. |
(H3) | strī́--kṛta [L=254942]mf |
(H3B) | strī́--kṛta [L=254942.1]n. |
(H3) | strī́--gamana [L=254947]n. |
(H3) | strī́--bandha [p= 1261,1] [L=255035]m. |
(H3) | strī́--bhoga [L=255045]m. |
(H3) | strī́--vāsas [p= 1261,2] [L=255085]n. |
(H3) | strī́--viṣaya [L=255092]m. |
(H3B) | strī́--viṣaya [L=255093]mfn. |
(H3) | strī́--sambhoga [L=255117]m. |
(H3) | snuṣā́--ga [p= 1268,1] [L=256470]mfn. |
(H1) | sparśa [p= 1268,2] [L=256548]° |
(H2) | sparśá [p= 1269,1] [L=256604]mfn. |
(H2B) | sparśá [L=256605]m. |
(H2B) | sparśá [L=256606]m. |
(H2B) | sparśá [L=256607]m. |
(H2B) | sparśá [L=256608]m. |
(H2B) | sparśá [L=256609]m. |
(H2B) | sparśá [L=256610]m. |
(H2B) | sparśá [L=256611]m. |
(H2B) | sparśá [L=256612]m. |
(H2B) | sparśá [L=256613]m. |
(H2B) | sparśá [L=256614]m. |
(H2B) | sparśá [L=256615]m. |
(H2B) | sparśá [L=256616]m. |
(H2B) | sparśá [L=256618]f. |
(H3) | spṛṣṭa--maithuna [p= 1269,2] [L=256699]mfn. |
(H1) | smara [p= 1271,2] [L=257073]&c |
(H2) | smara [p= 1272,1] [L=257113]mf |
(H2B) | smara [L=257114]m. |
(H2B) | smara [L=257115]m. |
(H2B) | smara [L=257116]m. |
(H2B) | smara [L=257117]m. |
(H2B) | smara [L=257118]m. |
(H3) | smara--cakra [L=257126]m. |
(H3) | smara--candra [L=257127]m. |
(H3) | smara--smarya [L=257177]m. |
(H3) | svaná--cakra [p= 1280,2] [L=258915]m. |
(H3) | haṃsá--kīlaka [p= 1286,2] [L=260070]m. |
(H3) | hara--dagdha-mūrti [p= 1289,1] [L=260704]m. |
(H1) | harṣa [p= 1292,2] [L=261652]m. |
[p= | 1292,3] [L=261653]joy , pleasure , happiness (also personified as a son of |
[L=261654] | erection of the sexual organ , sexual excitement , lustfulness |
[L=261655] | ardent desire |
[L=261656] | N. |
[L=261657] | of a son of |
[L=261658] | of various authors |
(H1B) | harṣa [L=261659]mfn. |
(H2) | harṣa [p= 1303,2] [L=263916]&c |
(H3) | harṣa--kīlaka [p= 1292,3] [L=261662]m. |
(H3) | harṣa--sampuṭa [L=261712]m. |
(H2) | harṣaṇa [L=261728]mfn. |
(H2B) | harṣaṇa [L=261729]m. |
(H2B) | harṣaṇa [L=261730]m. |
(H2B) | harṣaṇa [L=261731]n. |
(H2B) | harṣaṇa [L=261732]n. |
(H2B) | harṣaṇa [L=261733]n. |
(H2) | hastin [p= 1295,3] [L=262431]mfn. |
[L=262432] | (with |
[L=262433] | having (or sitting on) an elephant |
(H2B) | hastin [L=262434]m. |
(H2B) | hastin [L=262435]m. |
(H2B) | hastin [L=262436]m. |
(H2B) | hastin [L=262437]m. |
(H2B) | hastin [L=262438]m. |
(H2B) | hastin [L=262439]m. |
(H2B) | hastin [L=262440]m. |
(H2B) | hastin [L=262442]m. |
(H2B) | hastin [L=262443]m. |
(H2B) | hastin [L=262444]m. |
(H2) | hiṇḍana [p= 1298,2] [L=262852]n. |
[L=262853] | sexual intercourse |
[L=262854] | writing. |
(H1) | hillola [p= 1300,3] [L=263395]m. |
[L=263396] | a whim |
[L=263397] | a |
[L=263398] | (in music) one of the |
(H3) | agni--madana [p= 1309,1] [L=300982.1]n. |
(H2) | á-vyatī [p= 1317,3] [L=316060]f. |
(H3) | khara--turagīya [p= 1326,1] [L=329690.2](with |