A few examples of Sexual Polysemy

bandhá [p= 720,3] [L=142631]
binding , tying , a bond , tie , chain , fetter RV. &c



Mn. MBh. &c

comp.) Pan5cat. BhP. (ifc. = connected with , conducive to MBh. )

MBh. Ka1v. &c


°dhe-sthā = to remain deposited) Campak.


esp. of the hands and feet) Ragh. Kum.

partic. mode of sexual union (there are said to be 16 , 18 , 36 , or even 84 L. ) , Caur. ??

&c ) MBh. Ra1jat.



&c ) Cat.


ifc.) conceiving , cherishing , feeling , betraying Hariv. Ka1lid.




phil.) mundane bondage , attachment to this world S3vetUp. Bhag. &c (opp. to mukti , moka , " final emancipation " , and regarded in the khya as threefold , viz. prakti- , vaikārika- , and dakiā-b°)

rhet.) , construction or arrangement of words Ka1vya7d. Prata1p.

partic. shape Kpr.



ifc. with numerals) a part (cf. pañca- , daśa-b°).
(H2) m.
[L=142632]a ligature , bandage
[L=142633]damming up (a river)
[L=142634]capture , arrest , imprisonment , custody
[L=142635]connection or intercourse with (
[L=142636]putting together , uniting , contracting , combining , forming , producing
[L=142637]joining (the hollowed hands)
[L=142638]anything deposited (
[L=142639]a deposit , pledge
[L=142640]any configuration or position of the body (
[L=142642]constructing , building (of a bridge
[L=142643]bridging over (the sea)
[L=142644]knitting (the brows)
[L=142645]fixing , directing (mind , eyes ,
[L=142646]assumption , obtainment (of a body)
[L=142648]a border , framework , inclosure , receptacle
[L=142649]a sinew , tendon
[L=142650]the body
[L=142652]combination of sounds (in
[L=142653]arrangement of a stanza in a
[L=142654]arrangement of musical sounds , composition
[L=142655]a disease which prevents the eyelids from quite closing

nadá [p= 526,1] [L=103309]
a roarer , bellower , thunderer , crier , neigher &c (as a cloud , horse , bull , met. a man , i , 179 , 4 ) RV.

of RV. viii , 58 , 2 (beginning with nadam) S3Br. S3a1n3khS3r.

ifc. ind(-nadam). ; cf. nadī) Mn. MBh. &c

naa , reed RV. i , 32 , 8
nadá [p= 1329,2] [L=334630]
accord. to some also, "the penis").
(H2) m.
[L=103311]a river (if thought of as male
(H2) (

bhága [p= 742,3] [L=147581]
[p= 743,2].
bhága [p= 743,2] [L=147751]
(ifc. f(ā and ī). g. bahv-ādi) " dispenser " , gracious lord , patron (applied to gods , esp. to savit) RV. AV.
743,3] [L=147752]
of an āditya (bestowing wealth and presiding over love and marriage , brother of the Dawn , regent of the nakatra uttara-phalgunī ; yāska enumerates him among the divinities of the highest sphere ; according to a later legend his eyes were destroyed by rudra) ib. &c

nakatra uttara-phalgunī MBh. vi , 81

ib. iii , 146


of a rudra MBh.

RV. AV. Br. Ya1jn5. BhP.

ifc. f(ā). ) dignity , majesty , distinction , excellence , beauty , loveliness RV. AV. Br. Gr2S. BhP.

n. L. ) love , affection , sexual passion , amorous pleasure , dalliance RV. AV. Br. Ka1tyS3r. BhP.

n. L. ; ifc. f(ā).) the female organs , pudendum muliebre , vulva Mn. MBh. &c
bhága [L=147762]
a partic. muhūrta Cat.
bhága [L=147763]
the perinaeum of males L.
bhága [L=147764]
= yatna , prayatna , kīrti , yaśas , vairāgya , icchā , jñāna , mukti , moka , dharma , śrī L. [cf. Zd. bagha = Old Pers. baga ; Gk. Βαγαος ;Slav. bogu8 , bogatu8 ; Lith. bago4tas , na-ba4gas.] ,
(H1) »
(H2) m.
[p= N.
[L=147754]the sun
[L=147755]the moon
[L=147757]good fortune , happiness , welfare , prosperity
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) mn.

sam- √ bhū [p= 1179,1] [p= 1178,3] [L=236947]
-bhavati , °te (ind.p. -bhūya , q.v.) , to be or come together , assemble , meet , be joined or united with (instr. with or without saha , or loc.) RV. &c  ; 
to be united sexually with (
instr. with or without saha , or *rdham , or acc.) AV. S3Br. MBh. &c  ; 
to be born or produced from (
abl.) , arise , spring up , develop ib.  ; 
to happen , occur , be , be found , exist
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to be possible
Hit. Veda7ntas.  ; 
to be or become anything (
nom.) RV. Br. MBh.  ; 
to accrue to , fall to the share of (
loc. or gen.) R. Katha1s.  ; 
to prevail , be effective
S3Br.  ; 
to be able to or capable of (
inf. or loc.) S3is3.  ; 
to enter into , partake of , attain to (
acc.) Ya1jn5.  ; 
to find room in , be contained in or numbered among (
loc.) RV. MBh. &c  ; 
to be adequate
MBh.  ; 
to be capable of holding
Pa1n2. 5-1 , 52 : Caus. -bhāvayati , to cause to be together , bring together , present or affect any one (acc.) with (instr. ; with doea , " to attach blame to " , with annena , " to give food to ") Ka1v. Katha1s. BhP.  ; 
to cause to be born or produced , effect , accomplish , make
AitBr. MBh. &c  ; 
to foster , cherish
MBh.  ; 
to resort to (
acc.) ib.  ; 
to meet with , find (
jīvantīm , " alive ") Hcar.  ; 
to honour , revere , salute , greet
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to receive or accept graciously
Pan5cat.  ; 
to imply , suggest a possibility , suppose anything possible in any one (
loc. or gen.) MBh. ; Ka1v. &c  ; 
to regard or consider as (two
acc.) Ka1lid. Pan5cat.  ; 
to think it possible that (
Pot. with and without yad , or fut.) Pa1n2. 3-3 , 155 Sch.  ; 
na) to think it impossible that (Pot. with and without yad , yacca , yatra , yadā , yadi , or jātu ; fut. with and without ki kila) Pa1n2. 3-3 , 145 &c Sch.  ; 
A1.) to reach , arrive at (acc.) Pat. : Pass. of Caus. -bhāvyate , to be brought about or together &c (» above )  ; 
to be (thought) possible or probable or fitting or consistent
Mr2icch. Ka1lid. &c : Desid. -bubhūati , to wish to thrive or prosper Sa1n3khS3r. ??
(H1) P. A1.

ni-° dhuvana [p= 549,1] [L=108614]
shaking , trembling , agitation L.

Gi1t. Ha1sy.

(H3) n.
[L=108615]sexual intercourse
[L=108616]sport , play

gāmin [p= 353,3] [L=64840]
going anywhere (local adv. [ MBh. i] or acc. [ Pa1n2. 2-3 , 70 Ka1s3. ] or prati MBh. iv)

ifc. ( Pa1n2. 2-1 , 24 Va1rtt. 1) going or moving on or in or towards or in any peculiar manner Mn. iii , 10 MBh. &c

Ya1jn5. ii , 234 (cf. māt-g°)

R. v VarBr2S.

Ya1jn5. ii MBh. xiii Hariv. S3ak. &c

Ma1lav. v , 12÷13

Mn. xi , 56 Bhag. viii , 8

MBh. ii , 26 Sa1h. vi , 180 (cf. agra- , anta- , anya- , āśu- , tu- , kāma-.)
(H2) mfn.
[L=64841](in the following meanings only)
[L=64842]having sexual intercourse with
[L=64843]reaching or extending to
[L=64844]coming to one's share , due
[L=64845]attaining , obtaining
[L=64846]directed towards
[L=64847]relating to

miśrī--bhāva [p= 818,1] [L=164543]
mixing , mingling , mixture Hit. (also -karman n.)

(H3) m.
[L=164544]mingling carnally , sexual intercourse

mano--bha° * gāra [p= 785,2] [L=157081]
" abode of love " , pudendum muliebre Bhpr.
(H4) n.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 24.41
Whitney Roots links: yA
 4 [p= 838,2] [L=168992]
going , a car
 4 [L=168993]
restraining , religious meditation
 4 [L=168994]
 4 [L=168995]
pudendum muliebre
 4 [L=168996]
N. of lak.
 1 [p= 849,2] [p= 849,1] [L=171018]
i) cl.2 P. ( Dha1tup. xxiv , 41) yā́ti (1. pl. yāmahe MBh. ; impf. 3. pl. ayu Br. ; ayān Pa1n2. 3-4 , 111 Sch. ; pf. yayaú , yayā́tha , yayá , yayú RV. &c ; yaye Ka1v. ; aor. ayāsam or ayāsiam ; Subj. yā́sat , yeam , yāsiat RV. Br. ; Prec. yāsiīṣṭhās Br. ; fut. yātā MBh. &c ; yāsyati AV. ; °te MBh. ; inf. yātum MBh. &c ; Ved. inf. yaí , yā́tave or °vaí ; ind.p. yātvā́ Br. &c ; -yā́ya,-yāyam ib.) , to go , proceed , move , walk , set out , march , advance , travel , journey (often with instr. or acc. of the way , esp. with gatim,mārgam,adhvānam,panthānam,padavīm,yātrām) RV. &c  ; 
to go away , withdraw , retire
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
(also with
palā*yya) to flee , escape R. Katha1s. (with kemea or svasti , to escape unscathed Pan5cat. BhP. )  ; 
to go towards or against , go or come to , enter , approach , arrive at , reach
RV. &c &c (with acc. often followed by prati e.g. with gham , to enter a house ; with ripum prati , to march against the enemy ; with mgayām , to go out hunting ; with śirasāmahīm , to bow down to the ground with the head ; with praktim , to return to one's natural state ; with karau , to come to the ears , be heard ; with utsavād utsavam , to go from one festival to another ; with hastam ifc. , to fall into the hands of ; with patham or gocaram ifc. , to come within range of ; esp. with the acc. of an abstract noun = to go to any state or condition , become , be e.g. vināśa yāti , he goes to destruction i.e. he is destroyed ; hinya yāti , it becomes hard ; dveyatā yāti , he becomes hated ; similarly nidhana- , to die ; nidrā- , to fall asleep ; udaya- , to rise , said of stars &c ; sometimes also with loc. e.g. yāhi rājñah sakāśe , go into the presence of the king R. ; or even with dat. e.g. yayatu sva-niveśāya , both went home Katha1s. ; na cā*tmane kpaasya dhana yāti , nor does the wealth of the miser go to [i.e. benefit] himself. Hit. ; phalebhyo yāti , he goes to [fetch] fruits Pa1n2. 2-3 , 14 Sch.)  ; 
to go to for any request , implore , solicit (with two
acc.) RV.  ; 
striyam) to go to a woman for sexual intercourse MBh.  ; 
to go to for any purpose (
inf.) Bhat2t2. Vop.  ; 
often with adverbs
e.g. with bahir , to go out Katha1s.  ; 
adho , to go down , sink BhP.  ; 
khaṇḍaśo or dalaśo , to fall to pieces Katha1s.  ; 
śata-dhā , to fall into a hundred pieces ib.  ; 
to extend to (
acc.) VarBr2S.  ; 
to last for (
acc.) Hit.  ; 
to pass away , elapse (said of time)
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to vanish , disappear (as wealth)
Mr2icch.  ; 
to come to pass , prosper , succeed
BhP.  ; 
to proceed , behave , act
MBh.  ; 
to find out , discover
MBh.  ; 
to receive or learn (a science) from (
abl.) BhP.  ; 
to undertake , undergo (
acc.) RV.  ; 
Impv. yātu , be it as it may Hit. : Pass. yāyate , to be gone or moved MBh. : Caus. yāpáyati (aor. ayīyapat) , to cause to depart , cause to go or march , dismiss Ka1v. BhP.  ; 
to cause to go towards (
acc.) Pa1n2. 1-4 , 32 Sch. (cf. yāpita)  ; 
to direct (the gaze) towards (
loc.) Bhartr2. (v.l. pātayati)  ; 
to drive away remove , cure (a disease)
Sus3r.  ; 
to cause to pass or elapse , pass or spend (time)
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to live (
pāli yāpeti) DivyA7v.  ; 
to cause to subsist , support , maintain
DivyA7v.  ; 
to induce
MW. : Desid. yiyāsati , to intend or be about to go , desire to proceed MBh. Ka1v. &c : Intens. īyāyate (?) , to move Pras3nUp.  ; 
yāyayate,yāyeti,yāyāti Gr.
 2 [L=171019]
ifc.) going , moving (» ṛṇa- eva- , tura- , deva-yā).
 3 [p= 850,2] [L=171221]
of 3. ya q.v.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1) (collateral form of √5.
(H2) (
(H1) f.

Sanskrit Words for Sex with Links to the Monier-Williams
The only difference between this and the previous page is that on this one, the formatting is weird and the blue, underlined numbers link to the actual pages in the Monier-Williams dictionary.

samá--rata [p= 1152,3] [L=233144]
n. a partic. posture in sexual union L.
(H3) m.
sam-abhi- √ gam [p= 1155,3] [L=233631]
-gacchati , to go towards together , approach R.  ; 
to go to , have sexual intercourse with (
instr.) Katha1s.
(H1) P.
sam-āgama [p= 1159,1] [L=234068]
(ifc. f(ā).) coming together (either in a hostile or friendly manner) , union (also sexual) , junction , encounter or meeting with (instr. with or without saha gen. , [rarely] loc. , or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c

comp.) MBh. R. Katha1s.


(H2) m.
[L=234069]association , assembly of (
[L=234070]conjunction (of planets)
[L=234071]approach , arrival
sam-° āgamana [L=234077]
coming together , meeting , union (also = sexual intercourse) MBh.
(H3) n.
sam- √ i [p= 1164,1] [L=234791]
-eti , to go or come together , meet at (acc.) or with (instr. or dat.) , encounter (as friends or enemies) RV. &c  ; 
to come together in sexual union , cohabit (
acc. or *rdham , saha) MBh. R.  ; 
to come to , arrive at , approach , visit , seek , enter upon , begin
RV. &c  ; 
to lead to (
acc.) RV. iii , 54 , 5  ; 
to consent , agree with (
instr. " it is agreed between " , with gen. of pers. and loc. of thing) S3Br. MBh. : Pass. -īyate , to be united or met or resorted to &c : Intens. -īyate , to visit , frequent RV.  ; 
to appear , be manifested
(H1) P.
sam-utsarga [p= 1166,3] [L=235210]
pouring out or shedding forth together (of urine) Mn. iv , 50

°ga-k with loc. , " to have sexual intercourse with ") Kull.
(H2) m.
[L=235211]emission (of semen ;
sam-upa- √ bhuj [p= 1169,2] [L=235637]
-bhukte , to enjoy sexually , have sexual union with (acc.) MBh. R.
(H1) A1.
sam-upabhoga [L=235638]
enjoying , eating MBh.

(H2) m.
[L=235639]cohabitation , sexual union
sam-upe* [p= 1170,2] [p= 1170,1] [L=235739]
-upa-  5 i) -upaī*ti , to come together , meet (as friends or foes) MBh. R. Pan5cat.  ; 
to have sexual intercourse
MBh.  ; 
to come near , approach , go to (
acc.) ib.  ; 
to have recourse to , apply to ,
S3a1rn3gP.  ; 
to attain , incur , partake of
VarBr2S. S3is3.  ; 
to occur , happen , appear
MBh.  ; 
to come upon , befall
R.  ; 
to be absorbed in
(H1) (
sam-parka [p= 1172,3] [L=236122]
» sam-pc.
sam-parka [p= 1173,2] [L=236198]
(ifc. f(ā).) mixing together , mixture , commingling , conjunction , union , association , touch , contact between (comp.) or with (instr. with or without saha gen. , or comp.) MaitrUp. MBh. Ka1v. &c

comp.) Kull.

(H1) &c
(H2) m.
[L=236199]bodily contact , sexual intercourse with (
[L=236200]addition , sum
sam-° prayoga [p= 1176,1] [L=236529]
(ifc. f(ā).) joining together , attaching , fastening Mr2icch.

instr. with and without saha , or comp.) A1past. MBh. &c (cf MWB. 44)

comp.) MBh. VarBr2S.

astron.) conjunction (of the moon and the lunar mansions) VarBr2S.



sam-° prayoga [L=236536]
= arthita L.
(H3) m.
[L=236530]conjunction , union , connection , contact with (
[L=236531]matrimonial or sexual union with (
[L=236533]mutual proportion , connected series or arrangement
[L=236534]application , employment
(H3B) mfn.
sam-° prayogin [L=236538]
addicted to sexual intercourse , wanton = kāmuka L.

su-prayoga L.
(H3) mfn.
sam- √ bhā [p= 1178,2] [L=236871]
-bhāate (pr. p. in MBh. also -bhāat) , to speak together , converse with (instr. with or without saha) Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to speak to (
acc.) , address , greet , salute KaushUp. MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to join in a conversation
Vait.  ; 
to agree , consent , enter into an engagement
R.  ; 
to talk over , persuade
Hit.  ; 
to speak , say , recite
Hariv.  ; 
to have sexual intercourse with
MW. : Caus. -bhāayati (ind.p. -bhāitvā v.l. in B. for -bhāayitvā) , to converse with (instr.) Hariv.  ; 
to speak to , address (
acc.) R.  ; 
to persuade , prevail upon (
v.l. for -bhāvayati) MBh.
(H1) A1.
sam-bhāā [L=236873]
id. MBh. Ka1v. &c
sam-bhāā [L=236874]
engagement , contract , agreement Subh.
sam-bhāā [L=236875]
watchword W.
sam-bhāā [L=236876]
greeting MW.
sam-bhāā [L=236877]
sexual connection ib.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
sam-° bhāaa [L=236878]
conversation , discourse with (gen. , instr. , or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c


(H3) n.
[L=236880]sexual intercourse
sambhoga 1 [p= 1178,3] [L=236919]
bhuja-s° , [p= 759,1].
sam-bhogá 2 [L=236924]
(ifc. f(ā).) complete enjoyment , pleasure , delight in (comp.) S3Br. &c

comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c

rhet.) a subdivision of the śṛṅgāra or sentiment of love (described as " successful love leading to union " , and opp. to vipralambha , " disappointed love , separation ") Das3ar. Sa1h. &c (only L. , " duration ; joy ; employment , use ; a Partic. part of an elephant's trunk ; a jaina or Buddhist edict ; a libertine ")

of a man Buddh.
(H2) »
(H2) m.
[L=236925]carnal or sensual enjoyment , sexual union with (
sam-bhavá [p= 1178,2] [L=236867]
» [p= 1179,1].
sam-bhavá [p= 1179,1] [L=236948]
(or sám-bhava) (ifc. f(ā).) being or coming together , meeting , union , intercourse (esp. sexual intercourse , cohabitation) Gobh.

ifc.= " contained in ") MBh. Sus3r.

abl. ; ifc. = " arisen or produced from , made of , grown in ") Mn. MBh. &c

ifc.= " caused or occasioned by ") ib.

ifc. = " occurring " or " appearing in ") ib.

S3vetUp. MBh. &c

ifc. " made possible by " ; ena , " according to possibility " , " as possible ") MBh. Ma1rkP. Sa1h.

rhet.) a possible case Kuval.

phil.) equivalence (regarded as one of the pramāas q.v. ; illustrated by the equivalence between one shilling and pence) MW.

esp. of the receptacle with the thing received) W.




N. of a world SaddhP.

of a prince , VP.

arhat of the present avasarpiī. L.
sam-bhavá [L=236948.80]
(ā)n. existing , being Pan5car.
(H1) &c
(H2) m.
[L=236948.05]finding room in , being contained in (
[L=236948.10]birth , production , origin , source , the being produced from (
[L=236948.15]cause , reason , occasion (
[L=236948.20]being brought about , occurrence , appearance (
[L=236948.25]being , existence
[L=236948.30]capacity , ability , possibility (
[L=236948.45]agreement , conformity (
[L=236948.50]compatibility , adequacy
[L=236948.55]acquaintance , intimacy
[L=236948.60]loss , destruction
[L=236948.65](with Buddhists)
[L=236948.75]of the third
(H2B) mf
 sammadava ī
sam-° mada---vaī [p= 1180,1] [L=237092]
" being together in rut or sexual passion " , and " feeling delight " Ba1lar.
(H4) mfn.
samīcaka [p= 1181,2] [L=237318]
sexual union , copulation W.
(H2) m.
sahá--ca° rī-dharma [p= 1193,3] [L=240142]
" the wife's duty " , sexual intercourse Hariv.
(H4) m.
sihá--līla [p= 1213,2] [L=243872]
(in music) a kind of time Sam2gi1t.

partic. kind of sexual union L.
(H3) m.
si* sana [p= 1213,3] [L=243935]
" lion's-seat " , " king's seat " , " a throne " MBh. Ka1v. &c

partic. sedent posture Cat.
si* sana [L=243937]
a kind of sexual union L.
(H3) n.
(H3B) m.
su--prakīre* ndriya [p= 1228,2] [L=247621]
addicted to too frequent seminal effusion (i.e. to sexual excess) VarBr2S.
(H3) mfn.
su--yā́śu [p= 1232,1] [L=248556]
(a female) who receives excessive sexual embraces (comp. -tarā) RV. x , 86 , 6.
(H3) f.
su--rata [L=248605]
sporting , playful Un2. v , 14 Sch.

su--rata [L=248607]
N. of a mendicant Buddh.
su--rata [L=248609]
N. of an apsaras MBh.
su--rata [L=248610]
great joy or delight ib.
su--rata [L=248611]
(ifc. f(ā).) amorous or sexual pleasure or intercourse , coition Ka1v. Katha1s. &c
su-rata [p= 1235,2] [L=249611]
» [p= 1232,1].
(H3) mfn.
[L=248606]compassionate , tender
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H1) &c
su--rata---glāni [p= 1232,1] [L=248615]
exhaustion from sexual intercourse Megh.
(H4) f.
su--rata---janita [L=248616]
produced by sexual intercourse ib.
(H4) mfn.
su--rata---nivtti [L=248619]
cessation of sexual intercourse Cat.
(H4) f.
su--rata---pradīpa [L=248620]
a lamp burning during sexual intercourse Kum.
(H4) m.
su--rata---prasaga [L=248622]
addiction to sexual intercourse MW.
(H4) m.
su--rata---prasagin [L=248623]
addicted to sexual intercourse R2itus.
(H4) mfn.
su--rata---mdita [L=248629]
worn out by sexual intercourse Bhartr2.
(H4) mfn.
su--rata---ragin [L=248630]
(for sura-t° » [p= 1234,2]) , delighting in or addicted to sexual intercourse Subh.
(H4) mfn.
su--rata---varana [L=248631]
description of sexual intercourse Cat.
(H4) n.
su--rata---vārarātri [L=248632]
a night fit for sexual intercourse Ragh.
(H4) f.
su--rata---viśea [L=248634]
a partic. kind of sexual intercourse Kir.
(H4) m.
su--rata---vyāpārajāta-śrama [L=248635]
wearied by addiction to sexual intercourse Subh. @
(H4) mfn.
su--rata---sambhoga [L=248636]
enjoyment of sexual intercourse Vet.
(H4) m.
su--rata---saukhya [L=248637]
the pleasure of sexual intercourse ib.
(H4) n.
su--rata---stha [L=248638]
engaged in sexual intercourse Katha1s.
(H4) mfn.
su--ra° to* tsava [L=248639]
the joy of sexual intercourse Subh.
(H4) m.
su--ra° to* tsuka [L=248640]
desirous of sexual intercourse VarBr2S.
(H4) mfn.
su--ra° to* pacāra-kuśala [L=248641]
skilled in sexual intercourse ib.
(H4) mfn.
su--ád [p= 1237,3] [L=250198]
addicted to sexual intercourse AV.
(H3) mfn.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 14.30
Whitney Roots links: sev
sev [p= 1247,1] [L=252262]
( Dha1tup. xiv , 30) sevate (rarely °ti ; pf. sieve , °va MBh. &c ; fut. sevitā Gr. ; seviyate ib. , °ti MBh. ; aor. asievat , aseviṣṭa Gr. ; inf. sevitum MBh. &c ; ind.p. sevitvā , -sevya ib.) , to dwell or stay near or in (loc.) S3Br.  ; 
to remain or stay at , live in , frequent , haunt , inhabit , resort to (
acc.) Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to serve , wait or attend upon , honour , obey , worship
ib.  ; 
to cherish , foster (a child)
Katha1s.  ; 
to present with (
instr.) Ragh.  ; 
to enjoy sexually , have sexual intercourse with (
acc.) Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to refresh by soft breezes , fan (said of the wind)
R. Ka1lid. Pan5cat.  ; 
to devote or apply one's self to , cultivate , study , practise , use , employ , perform , do
RV. &c  ; 
to exist or be found in anything (
acc.) R. Hariv. Katha1s. : Pass. sevyate , to be followed or served &c MBh. : Caus. sevayati (aor. asievat) , to attend upon , serve , honour Hit.  ; 
to tend , cherish (plants)
Bhartr2. : Desid. of Caus. » sisevayiu: Desid. siseviate , °ti Gr.: Intens. seevyate ib.
(H1) cl.1 A1.
sevana [p= 1218,1] [L=245010]
2. sev° s.v.
sevana 1 [p= 1247,1] [L=252271]
(for 2. » col.2) the act of frequenting or visiting or dwelling in or resorting to (comp.) Ka1v. Pan5cat. BhP.

Mn. MBh. &c

f(ā).) Ka1v. VarBr2S. &c

comp.) Mn. xi , 178

gen. or comp.) Mn. R. &c
sevana 2 [p= 1247,2] [L=252354]
(for 1. » col.1) the act of sewing , darning , stitching Sus3r. Vop. A1pS3r. Sch.

(H3) »
(H2) n.
[L=252272]waiting upon , attendance , service
[L=252273]honouring , reverence , worship , adoration (also
[L=252274]sexual enjoyment , intercourse with (
[L=252275]devotion or addiction to , fondness for , indulgence in , practise or employment of (
(H2) n.
[L=252355]a sack
sevā [p= 1247,1] [L=252280]
going or resorting to , visiting , frequenting Ca1n2. Subh.

loc. gen. , or comp. ; sevā-k , with gen. , " to be in the service of ") Mn. MBh. &c

gen. or comp.) ib.

comp.) Hit. Subh.

comp.) Nir. Mn. MBh. &c
(H2) f.
[L=252281]service , attendance on (
[L=252282]worship , homage , reverence , devotion to (
[L=252283]sexual intercourse with (
[L=252284]addiction to , indulgence in , practice or employment or frequent enjoyment of (
sevin [p= 1247,2] [L=252321]
(only ifc.) going or resorting to , frequenting , inhabiting MBh. R. &c

Ka1lid. Kir. VarBr2S.

Mn. MBh. &c


MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2) mfn.
[L=252322]attending on , serving , a servant
[L=252323]honouring , revering , deferential to
[L=252324]having sexual intercourse with
[L=252325]addicted to , fond of , enjoying , practising , employing
saurata [p= 1255,1] [L=253849]
(fr. su-rata) relating to sexual enjoyment BhP.
saurata [L=253850]
sexual enjoyment ib.
saurata [L=253851]
mild wind L.
(H1) mfn.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) m.
stána--bhava [p= 1257,2] [L=254344]
being on the breast MW.
stána--bhava [L=254345]
a partic. posture in sexual union L.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
stabdha--medhra [p= 1258,1] [L=254487]
one whose sexual organ has become stiff (-tā f.) Sus3r.
(H3) mfn.
strī́--karaa [p= 1260,3] [L=254936]
sexual connection L.
(H3) n.
strī́--kta [L=254942]
(ā)n. (strī́-) made or done by women AV.
strī́--kta [L=254942.1]
sexual connection Gaut.
(H3) mf
(H3B) n.
strī́--gamana [L=254947]
going to women , sexual union with women Pa1rGr2. R.
(H3) n.
strī́--bandha [p= 1261,1] [L=255035]
union with women , sexual union L.
(H3) m.
strī́--bhoga [L=255045]
" enjoyment of women " , sexual intercourse Ma1rkP.
(H3) m.
strī́--vāsas [p= 1261,2] [L=255085]
a garment fit for sexual union A1past. Sch.
(H3) n.
strī́--viaya [L=255092]
" women's sphere " , sexual connexion VP.
strī́--viaya [L=255093]
only feminine , S3a1ntis3.
(H3) m.
(H3B) mfn.
strī́--sambhoga [L=255117]
enjoyment of women , sexual connexion VP.
(H3) m.
snuā́--ga [p= 1268,1] [L=256470]
having sexual intercourse with a daughter-in-law Ml.
(H3) mfn.
sparśa [p= 1268,2] [L=256548]
śana &c » p.1269.
sparśá [p= 1269,1] [L=256604]
touching (in a-bhūtala-sp° , mana-sp° , q.v.)
sparśá [L=256605]
(ifc. f(ā). ) touch , sense of touch (-tas ind. e.g. sparśa-ta sukha tat , " that is pleasant to the touch ") , contact (fig. applied to the beginning of an eclipse or to any astron. contact) Mn. MBh. VarBr2S. &c
sparśá [L=256606]
(in gram.) collective N. of the twenty-five consonants constituting the five classes from k to m (so-called because formed by complete contact of the organs of utterance ; cf. sthāna and spṛṣṭa) Pra1t. ChUp. BhP.
sparśá [L=256607]
(in phil.) the quality of tangibility (which constitutes the skin's viaya q.v.) IW. 68
sparśá [L=256608]
any quality which is perceptible by touching any object (e.g. heat , cold , smoothness , softness &c ) MBh. &c
sparśá [L=256609]
feeling , sensation (e.g. sira-śūla-sp° , " sensation of headache ") S3Br. &c
sparśá [L=256610]
pleasant feeling MBh. v , 1366
sparśá [L=256611]
unpleasant or morbid sensation , illness Pa1n2. 3-3 , 16 Va1rtt. 1 Pat.
sparśá [L=256612]
air , wind L.
sparśá [L=256613]
(accord. to some) temperature Nya1yad.
sparśá [L=256614]
a kind of sexual union L.
sparśá [L=256615]
a gift , offering (» kāka-sp° and sp°-yajña below)
sparśá [L=256616]
w.r. for spaśa , a spy MBh. S3is3.
sparśá [L=256618]
(a word of unknown meaning) Hariv. 10243.
(H1) °
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) f.
spṛṣṭa--maithuna [p= 1269,2] [L=256699]
defiled by sexual intercourse Mn. viii , 205.
(H3) mfn.
smara [p= 1271,2] [L=257073]
» p.1272 , col , 1.
smara [p= 1272,1] [L=257113]
(ā)n. remembering , recollecting (» jāti-smara)
smara [L=257114]
(ifc. f(ā).) memory , remembrance , recollection ChUp. Uttarar.
smara [L=257115]
loving recollection love , (esp.) sexual love AV. &c
smara [L=257116]
kāma-deva (god of love) Ka1lid. Katha1s. &c
smara [L=257117]
an interpreter or explainer of the veda (and " the god of love ") Naish.
smara [L=257118]
the 7th astrol. mansion VarBr2S.
(H1) &c
(H2) mf
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
smara--cakra [L=257126]
a kind of sexual union L.
(H3) m.
smara--candra [L=257127]
a kind of sexual union L.
(H3) m.
smara--smarya [L=257177]
" to be remembered by kāma " , a donkey (noted for sexual power) L.
(H3) m.
svaná--cakra [p= 1280,2] [L=258915]
a form of sexual union L.
(H3) m.
hasá--kīlaka [p= 1286,2] [L=260070]
a partic. form of sexual union (v.l. -nīlaka) L.
(H3) m.
hara--dagdha-mūrti [p= 1289,1] [L=260704]
" whose body has been burnt by śiva " , kāma-deva (also " sexual love ") VarBr2S.
(H3) m.
hara [p= 1292,2] [L=261652]
(ifc. f(ā). ; fr. √ hṛṣ) bristling , erection (esp. of the hair in a thrill of rapture or delight) MBh. Ka1v. &c
1292,3] [L=261653]
dharma) Kat2hUp. MBh. &c



of an asura Katha1s.

kṛṣṇa BhP.

&c (also with dīkita , miśra , sūri &c ; cf. śrī-hara)
hara [L=261659]
happy , delighted W.
hara [p= 1303,2] [L=263916]
» p.1292.
(H1) m.
[p= joy , pleasure , happiness (also personified as a son of
[L=261654]erection of the sexual organ , sexual excitement , lustfulness
[L=261655]ardent desire
[L=261657]of a son of
[L=261658]of various authors
(H1B) mfn.
(H2) &c
hara--kīlaka [p= 1292,3] [L=261662]
a kind of sexual enjoyment L.
(H3) m.
hara--sampua [L=261712]
a kind of sexual enjoyment L.
(H3) m.
haraa [L=261728]
causing the hair of the body to stand erect , thrilling with joy or desire , gladdening , delightful , pleasant MBh. Hariv. &c
haraa [L=261729]
" gladdener " , N. of one of the five arrows of kāma-deva Bcar.
haraa [L=261730]
of a man VP. ( L. also , " a partic. disease of the eyes " ; " a partic. śrāddha " ; " a deity presiding over śrāddhas " ; " the 14th of the astron Yogas. ")
haraa [L=261731]
bristling , erection Sus3r.
haraa [L=261732]
erection of the sexual organ , sexual excitement ib.
haraa [L=261733]
the act of delighting , delight , joy , happiness MBh. R.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
hastin [p= 1295,3] [L=262431]
having hands , clever or dexterous with the hands RV. AV.

mga , " the animal with a hands i.e. with a trunk " , an elephant ; cf. dantah°) ib.

hastin [L=262434]
an elephant (four kinds of elephant are enumerated ; » bhadra , mandra , mga , miśtra ; some give kiliñja-h° , " a straw elephant " , " effigy of an elephant made of grass ") AV. &c
hastin [L=262435]
(ifc.) the chief or best of its kind g. vyāghrā*di
hastin [L=262436]
a kind of plant (= aja-modā) L.
hastin [L=262437]
N. of a son of dhta-rāṣṭra MBh.
hastin [L=262438]
of a son of suhotra , (a prince of the Lunar race , described as founder of hastinā-pura) ib. VP.
hastin [L=262439]
of a son of bhat-katra BhP.
hastin [L=262440]
of a son of kuru S3atr.
hastin [L=262442]
a kind of drug and perfume (= haṭṭa-vilāsinī) L.
hastin [L=262443]
a woman of a partic. class (one of the 4 classes into which women are divided , described as having thick lips , thick hips , thick fingers , large breasts , dark complexion , and strong sexual passion) Sin6ha7s.
hastin [L=262444]
N. of hastinā-pura L.
(H2) mfn.
[L=262433]having (or sitting on) an elephant
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
hiṇḍana [p= 1298,2] [L=262852]
(only L. ) wandering , roaming

(H2) n.
[L=262853]sexual intercourse
hillola [p= 1300,3] [L=263395]
(cf. hindola) a wave , surge MW.


partic. form of sexual union ib.

rāgas ib.
(H1) m.
[L=263396]a whim
[L=263398](in music) one of the
agni--madana [p= 1309,1] [L=300982.1]
the fire of sexual love, MBh.
(H3) n.
á-vyatī [p= 1317,3] [L=316060]
not desirous (of sexual intercourse), RV. x, 95, 5.
(H2) f.
khara--turagīya [p= 1326,1] [L=329690.2]
samparka, m. ), sexual union of a donkey and a horse, Kull.
(H3) (with