Sanskrit Word of the Day: Prakritija
Here is another delightful word from Sanskrit –
prakritija – it means “springing from nature, inborn, innate.” Pronounced pra-kriti--ja.
The relevance of prakritija is this: the impulse to meditate springs up from your innate self, and calls you to rest there. As soon as possible in your learning curve, you want to get so that your yoga meditation practice feels utterly effortless and natural.
(H3) | pra-kṛti--ja [p= 654,1] [L=130055]
mfn. |
springing from nature , inborn , innate Bhag.
Other words for springing:
1 annaja (springing)
2 annajāta (springing)
3 abhiniṣpatana (springing)
4 abhyutpatana (springing)
5 amarṣaja (springing)
6 āpluta (springing)
7 āvalgita (springing)
8 uccalita (springing)
9 utkūrdana (springing)
10 utpatita (springing)
11 utplavana (springing)
12 udbhava (springing)
13 udvartana (springing)
14 ullaṅghya (springing)
15 audbhida (springing)
16 kṣipra (springing)
17 kṣepnu (springing)
18 cikraṃsā (springing)
19 nabhanya (springing)
20 paṅkajanābha (springing)
21 pāpaja (springing)
22 prakṛtija (springing)
23 pracalākā (springing)
24 pratyāplavana (springing)
25 pratyunnamana (springing)
26 prapāta (springing)
27 prabhava (springing)
28 prabhavana (springing)
29 pravicāramārga (springing)
30 plavita (springing)
31 bījakāṇḍaprarohin (springing)
32 bījakāṇḍaruha (springing)
33 bhū (springing)
34 marutplava (springing)
35 markaṭotplavana (springing)
36 mahāvaṃśya (springing)
37 mūlabhava (springing)
38 mūlaka (springing)
39 rasollāsa (springing)
40 vipluta (springing)
41 śīghralaṅghana (springing)
42 śrutimūlaka (springing)
43 samutthāna (springing)
44 sphuraṇa (springing)
45 himavatprabhava (springing)
(H3) anna--ja [p= 45,1] [L=8492] mfn. springing from or occasioned by food as the primitive substance.
(H3) anna--jāta [L=8493] mfn. springing from or occasioned by food as the primitive substance.
(H2) abhi-niṣpatana [p= 64,2] [L=11685] n. springing forth , issuing.
(H2) abhy-utpatana [p= 78,2] [L=13531] n. springing or leaping against any one Ragh. ii , 27.
(H3) a-marṣa--ja [p= 81,1] [L=13971] mfn. springing from impatience or indignation MBh.
(H2) ā-pluta [p= 144,3] [L=25150] mfn. one who has bathed (himself) , bathed MBh. BhP.
[L=25151] wetted , sprinkled , overflowed MBh. Hariv. Ragh. &c
[L=25152] ifc. (used fig.) overrun
[L=25153] afflicted , distressed (vyasanā*°)
[L=25154] one who has sprung or jumped near Hariv. MBh.
(H2B) ā-pluta [L=25155] m. (= ā-plava-vratin) , an initiated householder L.
(H2B) ā-pluta [L=25156] n. bathing MBh.
(H2B) ā-pluta [L=25157] n. jumping , springing towards MBh. Hariv.
(H2) ā-valgita [p= 155,1] [L=27017] mfn. springing , jumping MBh. Hariv.
(H2) uc-calita [p= 173,2] [L=30355] mfn. gone up or out , setting out Ragh. Katha1s. &c
[L=30356] springing or jumping up L.
(H2) ut-kūrdana [p= 176,2] [L=30834] n. jumping up , springing upwards Pan5cat.
(H2) ut-patita [p= 180,2] [L=31596] mfn. springing up , risen , ascended.
(H2) ut-plavana [p= 181,3] [L=31815] n. jumping or leaping up , springing upon BhP.
[L=31816] skimming off (impure , oil or ghee , or any dirt floating on a fluid by passing two blades of kuśa grass over it Kull. ) Mn. v , 115.
(H1) ud-bhava [p= 190,1] [L=33316] » ud- √bhū.
(H2) ud-bhava [p= 190,2] [L=33361] m. existence , generation , origin , production , birth
[L=33362] springing from , growing
[L=33363] becoming visible Ya1jn5. Mn. Katha1s. Pan5cat. &c
[L=33364] birth-place S3vetUp. Ka1vya7d.
[L=33365] N. of a son of nahuṣa VP.
[L=33366] a sort of salt L. , (ifc.) mfn. produced or coming from MBh. Mn. &c
(H2) ud-vartana [p= 192,2] [L=33703] mfn. causing to burst Hariv. 9563
(H2B) ud-vartana [L=33704] n. the act of rising , going up , ascending , jumping up Megh. Katha1s. VarBr2S.
(H2B) ud-vartana [L=33705] n. the springing up of plants or grain &c
(H2B) ud-vartana [L=33706] n. swelling up , overflowing Car.
(H2B) ud-vartana [L=33707] n. drawing out metal , laminating W.
(H2B) ud-vartana [L=33708] n. grinding , pounding
(H2B) ud-vartana [L=33709] n. rubbing or kneading the body , rubbing and cleansing it with fragrant unguents
(H2B) ud-vartana [L=33710] n. the unguents used for that purpose (or to relieve pains in the limbs &c ) Ya1jn5. Mn. Sus3r. Katha1s. &c
(H2B) ud-vartana [L=33711] n. bad behaviour , bad conduct L.
(H2) ul-laṅghya 1 [p= 219,1] [L=37560] mfn. = ul-laṅghanīya above Katha1s.
[L=37561] ind.p. having leapt over , springing over , passing beyond
[L=37561.1] transgressing &c
(H1) aúdbhida [p= 238,1] [L=40996] mfn. (fr. 2. ud-bhid) , coming forth , springing forth , breaking through , issuing from MBh. Sus3r.
[L=40997] forcing one's way towards an aim , victorious VS. xxxiv , 50
(H1B) aúdbhida [L=40998] n. (with and without lavaṇa) fossil salt Sus3r.
(H1B) aúdbhida [L=40999] n. (scil. udaka) water breaking through (the earth and collecting in a mine L. ) Sus3r. i , 170 , 12.
(H2) kṣiprá [p= 329,1] [L=59551] mf(ā)n. (compar. kṣépīyas , superl. kṣépiṣṭha , qq. vv.) springing , flying back with a spring , elastic (as a bow) RV. ii , 24 , 8
[L=59552] quick , speedy , swift S3Br. vi
[L=59553] ix
[L=59554] (said of certain lunar mansions) VarBr2S.
(H2B) kṣiprá [L=59555] m. N. of a son of kṛṣṇa Hariv. 9195
(H2B) kṣiprá [L=59557] m. v
(H2B) kṣiprá [L=59558] m. xiii Mn. MBh. &c
(H2B) kṣiprá [L=59559] n. a measure of time (= 1÷15 muhūrta or 15 etarhis) S3Br. xii , 3 , 2 , 5
(H2B) kṣiprá [L=59560] n. the part of the hand between the thumb and forefinger and the corresponding part of the foot Sus3r.
(H2B) kṣiprá [L=59564] n. iv
(H2B) kṣiprá [L=59565] n. v
(H2B) kṣiprá [L=59566] n. x
(H2B) kṣiprá [L=59567] n. ([cf. Gk. κραιπνός])
(H2) kṣepnú [p= 329,2] [L=59640] m. springing or flying (of a bowstring) RV. x , 51 , 6.
(H1) cikraṃsā [p= 395,1] [L=73434] f. ( √kram Desid.) desire of attacking or springing upon W.
(H2) nabhanyá [p= 527,3] [L=103738] mfn. springing forth (as a hymn , horse &c ) ib.
(H4) páṅka--ja---nābha [p= 574,2] [L=113308] m. " having a lotus springing from his navel " , N. of viṣṇu Ragh. BhP.
(H3) pāpá--ja [p= 618,3] [L=122195] mfn. springing from evil MW.
(H3) pra-kṛti--ja [p= 654,1] [L=130055] mfn. springing from nature , inborn , innate Bhag.
(H4) pra-° calākā [p= 657,2] [L=130658] f. springing up TS. Sch.
(H1) praty-ā-plavana [p= 677,1] [L=134222] n. ( √ plu) springing or leaping back R.
(H1) praty-un-namana [p= 678,1] [L=134387] n. ( √ nam) rising or springing up again , rebounding Sus3r.
(H2) pra-pāta [p= 682,1] [L=135088] m. a partic. mode of flying Pan5cat.
[L=135089] springing forth Var.
[L=135090] an attack L.
[L=135091] starting off , setting out , departure Katha1s.
[L=135092] falling down , falling from (abl. or comp.) or into (loc. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=135093] falling out (of teeth , hair &c ) Sus3r.
[L=135094] discharge , emission , flow (of semen) VP.
[L=135095] letting fall (a glance on anything) Kum.
[L=135096] a steep rock , cliff , precipice MBh. Hariv. &c
[L=135097] a steep bank or shore L.
[L=135098] a cascade , waterfall L.
(H1) pra-pāta [p= 682,2] [L=135183] &c » pra- √pat.
(H1) pra-bhava [p= 683,3] [L=135404] &c » under pra- √bhū.
(H2) pra-bhavá [p= 684,2] [L=135529] mfn. prominent , excelling , distinguished RV.
(H2B) pra-bhavá [L=135530] m. production , source , origin , cause of existence (as father or mother , also " the Creator ") , birthplace (often ifc. , with f(ā). , springing or rising or derived from , belonging to) Up. Mn. MBh. &c
(H2B) pra-bhavá [L=135531] m. might , power (= pra-bhāva) L.
(H2B) pra-bhavá [L=135532] m. N. of a sādhya Hariv.
(H2B) pra-bhavá [L=135533] m. of viṣṇu A.
(H2B) pra-bhavá [L=135534] m. of sev. men HParis3.
(H2B) pra-bhavá [L=135535] m. N. of the first or 35th year in a 60 years' cycle of Jupiter Var.
(H3) pra-° bhavana [L=135539] n. production , source , origin (ifc. " springing from " ; cf. meru-prabh° and Pa1n2. 8-4 , 34 Sch.)
[L=135540] ruling , presiding (?) W.
(H4) pra-° vicāra---mārga [p= 691,3] [L=136964] m. pl. springing from side to side (an artifice in fighting) Kir.
(H2) plavita [p= 715,2] [L=141529] n. swimming or springing Lalit.
(H3) bī́ja--kāṇḍaprarohin [p= 732,2] [L=145398] ( Mn. i , 46) (i , 48) mfn. springing from a seed or from the (slip or portion taken from a) stalk ,
(H3) bī́ja--kāṇḍa-ruha [L=145399] i , 48 mfn. springing from a seed or from the (slip or portion taken from a) stalk ,
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 1.1, 34.37, 34.37
Whitney Roots links: BU
(H1) bhū 1 [p= 760,2] [p= 760,1] [L=151456]
cl.1 P. ( Dha1tup. i , 1) bhávati (rarely A1. °te ; pf. babhū́va , 2. pers. °ū́tha or °ūvitha cf. Pa1n2. 7-2 , 64 ; babhūyās,°yā́r,babhūtu RV. ; A1. babhūve or bubhūve Vop. ; cf. below ; aor. ábhūt , °ūvan ; Impv. bodhí [cf. √ budh] , bhūtu RV. ; aor. or impf. ábhuvat , bhúvat , bhuvāni ib. ; Prec. bhūyāsam , 2. 3. sg. °yās ib. ; bhūyāt AV. ; bhūyiṣṭhās BhP. ; bhaviṣāt [?] AitBr. ; abhaviṣṭa,bhaviṣīṣta. Gr. ; fut. bhaviṣyáti , ep. also °te and 2. pl. °ṣyadhvam ; bhavitā Br. &c ; inf. bhuvé , -bhvé , bhūṣáṇi RV. ; bhavitum,°tos Br. ; ind.p. bhūtvā́ ; bhūtvī́ RV. ; -bhū́ya RV. &c ; -bhū́yam,-bhávam Br. ) , to become , be (with nom , or adv. or indeclineable words ending in ī or ū cf. kṛṣṇī- √bhū &c ) , arise , come into being , exist , be found , live , stay , abide , happen , occur RV. &c (often used with participles and other verbal nouns to make periphrastical verbal forms ; with a fut.p. = to be going or about to e.g. anuvakṣyan bhavati , he is going to recite S3Br. ; the fut. of √ bhū with a pf. p. = a fut. pf. e.g. kṛtavān bhaviṣyasi , you will have done MBh. ; the pf. P. babhūva after the syllable ām is put for the pf. of verbs of the 10th class &c [cf. √1. as and √1. kṛ] ; the A1. appears in this meaning S3is3. ix , 84 Kum. xiv. 46 ; observe also bhavati with a fut. tense , it is possible that , e.g. bhavati bhavān yājayiṣyati , it is possible that you will cause a sacrifice to be performed Pa1n2. 3-3 , 146 Sch. ; bhavet , may be , granted , admitted Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 3-2 , 114 ; bhavatu id. , well , good , enough of this Ka1v. Hit. ; iticed bhavet , if this question should be asked Mn. x , 66 ; kva tad bhavati , what is to become of this , it is quite useless TBr. ; with na = to cease to exist , perish , die MBh. Ka1v. &c ; with iha na , not to be born on earth MBh. ; with śata-dhā , to fall into a hundred pieces MBh. ; with dūrataḥ , to keep aloof. S3a1rn3gP. ; with manasi or cetasi and gen. , to occur to the mind of any one Ka1d. ; id. with gen. alone Lalit. ) ;
to fall to the share or become the property of , belong to (cf. " esse alicujus " ; with gen. , rarely dat. or loc. accord. to Vop. also with pari or prati and preceding acc.) RV. &c ;
to be on the side of , assist (with gen. or -tas) MBh. 1301 (cf. Pa1n2. 5-4 , 48 Sch.) ;
to serve for , tend or conduce to (with dat. of thing) RV. &c (with phalāya. to bear fruit Ka1m. ) ;
to be occupied with or engaged in , devote one's self to (with loc.) MBh. Ka1v. ;
to thrive or prosper in (instr.) , turn out well , succeed RV. TS. Br. ;
to be of consequence or useful Mn. iii , 181 ;
(also A1. Dha1tup. xxxiv , 37) to fall , or get into , attain to , obtain Br. MBh. ;
(with idám) to obtain it i.e. be successful or fortunate TS. : Pass. bhūyate (or °ti Up. ; aor. abhāvi) sometimes used impers. e.g. yair bhaviṣyate , by whom it will be existed i.e. who will be Ra1jat. : Caus. bhāvayati (rarely °te ; aor. abībhavat Gr. ; inf. bhāvitum R. ; Pass. bhāvyate &c MBh. ) , to cause to be or become , call into existence or life , originate , produce , cause , create Pur. Sa1h. ;
to cherish , foster , animate , enliven , refresh , encourage , promote , further AitUp. MBh. &c ;
to addict or devote one's self to , practise (acc.) MBh. HYog. ;
to subdue , control R. ;
(also A1. Dha1tup. xxxiv , 37) to obtain Jaim. Sch. ;
to manifest , exhibit , show , betray MBh. Ka1m. Das3. ;
to purify BhP. ;
to present to the mind , think about , consider , know , recognize as or take for (two acc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to mingle , mix , saturate , soak , perfume Kaus3. Sus3r. (cf. bhāvita , [p= 755,1]): Desid. of Caus. bibhāvayiṣati ( Pa1n2. 7-4 , 80 Sch.) , to wish to cause to be &c Br. : Desid. búbhūṣati (°te) , to wish or strive to become or be RV. &c ;
(with kṣipram) , to strive to be quickly possessed MBh. ;
to want to get on , strive to prosper or succeed TS. Br. MBh. ;
to want to have , care for , strive after , esteem , honour MBh. Hariv. ;
to want to take revenge BhP. : Intens , bóbhavīti , bobhavati , bobhoti , bibhūyate , to be frequently , to be in the habit of BhP. Bhat2t2. ;
to be transformed into (acc.) RV. AV. ;
(with tiraḥ) , to keep anything (instr.) secret S3Br. [cf. Zd. bu1 ; Gk. φύω , ἔφυν ; Lat. fuit , fuat &c ; Slav. byti ; Lith. bu4ti ; Germ. bim , bim ; Angl.Sax. beo4 ; Eng. be.]
(H2) bhū́ 2 [p= 760,3] [L=151548] mfn. becoming , being , existing , springing , arising (ifc. ; cf. akṣi- , giri- , citta- , padmabhū &c )
(H2B) bhū́ 2 [L=151549] m. N. of viṣṇu MBh. xii , 1509 ( Ni1lak. )
(H2B) bhū́ 2 [L=151550] m. of an ekā*ha S3rS.
(H2B) bhū́ 2 [L=151551] f. the act of becoming or arising Pa1n2. 1-4 , 31
(H2B) bhū́ 2 [p= 761,1] [L=151552] f. the place of being , space , world or universe (also pl.) RV. AV.
(H2B) bhū́ 2 [L=151553] f. the earth (as constituting one of the 3 worlds , and therefore a symbolical N. for the number " one ") Mn. MBh. &c
(H2B) bhū́ 2 [L=151554] f. one of the three vyāhṛtis (» bhúvas , bhūr , pp. 760 and 763)
(H2B) bhū́ 2 [L=151555] f. earth (as a substance) , ground , soil , land , lauded property ib.
(H2B) bhū́ 2 [L=151556] f. floor , pavement Megh.
(H2B) bhū́ 2 [L=151557] f. a place , spot , piece of ground RV. &c
(H2B) bhū́ 2 [L=151558] f. the base of any geometrical figure A1ryabh.
(H2B) bhū́ 2 [L=151559] f. object , matter (» vivādasaṃvāda-bhū)
(H2B) bhū́ 2 [L=151560] f. a term for the letter l Ra1matUp.
(H2B) bhū́ 2 [L=151561] f. a sacrificial fire L.
(H2) bhū [p= 1331,2] [L=337670] f. (also) a partic. land-measure, Inscr.
(H3) marút--plava [p= 790,2] [L=158324] m. " springing with the rapidity of wind " , a lion L.
(H3) markaṭo* tplavana [p= 791,1] [L=158437] n. the act of springing like an ape BhP.
(H4) mahā́--vaṃ° śya [p= 800,1] [L=160699] mfn. springing from a high or noble race Ra1jat.
(H3) mū́la--bhava [p= 826,3] [L=166409] mf(ā)n. springing or growing from roots Sus3r.
(H2) mūlaka [p= 827,1] [L=166497] mf(ikā)n. (ifc.) rooted in , springing from (-tva n.) MBh. Jaim. Sch. &c
[L=166498] born under the constellation mūla Pa1n2. 4-3 , 28
(H2B) mūlaka [L=166499] mn. a radish Mn. Ya1jn5. &c
(H2B) mūlaka [L=166500] mn. a sort of yam W.
(H2B) mūlaka [L=166501] m. a kind of vegetable poison L.
(H2B) mūlaka [L=166502] m. N. of a prince (a son of aśmaka) Pur.
(H2B) mūlaka [L=166504] n. a root MBh. Pan5car.
(H3) raso* llāsa [p= 870,3] [L=175817] m. the springing up of desire for (comp.) Gi1t. Sch. (°sin mfn. feeling the awakening of desire Cat. )
(H2) vi-pluta [p= 976,3] [L=198064] mfn. drifted apart or asunder , scattered , dispersed &c
[L=198065] confused , disordered , gone astray , lost , perished Mn. MBh. &c
[L=198066] suffused , dimmed (as the eyes) R.
[L=198067] agitated , excited , troubled (as speech or reason) MBh.
[L=198068] broken , violated (as chastity , a vow &c ) Mn. Ya1jn5. BhP.
[L=198069] vicious , immoral Katha1s.
[L=198070] committing adultery with (saha) Mn. viii , 377
[L=198071] (with karmaṇā) wrongly treated , mismanaged (in med.) Car.
[L=198072] (with plava) drawn out of the water , landed (?) Hariv.
[L=198073] depraved , wicked W.
[L=198074] contrary , adverse ib.
[L=198075] inundated , immersed ib.
(H2B) vi-pluta [L=198076] n. springing or bursting asunder Hariv.
(H3) śīghra--laṅghana [p= 1077,2] [L=218251] mfn. springing or jumping quickly , moving rapidly Ghat2.
(H4) śrúti--mū° laka [p= 1102,1] [L=223611] mfn. founded on or springing from the veda MW.
(H2) sam-utthāna [p= 1166,1] [L=235147] n. (ifc. f(ā).) the act of rising up together , getting up R.
[L=235148] hoisting (of a flag) Tithya1d.
[L=235149] recovering from sickness or injury MBh.
[L=235150] healing , cure Mn. Ya1jn5.
[L=235151] swelling (of the abdomen) R.
[L=235152] augmentation , increase , growth (of property) Ya1jn5.
[L=235153] rise , origin (ifc. = " rising or springing from ") Sus3r. Hariv. Ka1v.
[p= 1166,2] [L=235154] performance of work , active operation , effort , industry (ekī-s° or sambhūya-s° " common enterprise " , " co-operation " , " partnership " Mn. viii , 4) Mn. Ka1m. MBh. R.
[L=235155] indication or symptom of disease L.
(H2) sphuraṇa [p= 1271,1] [L=256973] mfn. glittering , sparkling VarBr2S.
(H2B) sphuraṇa [L=256974] n. the act of trembling , throbbing , vibration , pulsation (also f(ā).) Dha1tup. L.
(H2B) sphuraṇa [L=256975] n. quivering or throbbing of parts of the body (as indicating good or bad luck) MW.
(H2B) sphuraṇa [L=256976] n. springing or breaking forth , starting into view , expansion , manifestation Sa1h. BhP. Sarvad.
(H2B) sphuraṇa [L=256977] n. flashing , coruscation , twinkling , glittering Megh. Ma1lati1m.
(H4) himá--vat---prabhava [p= 1299,1] [L=263036.45] mfn. springing from or belonging to the himālaya R.