Augha - Flood

abindum avisargaṃ ca akāraṃ japato mahān |
udeti devi sahasā jñānaughaḥ parameśvaraḥ || 90 ||

jñānaughaḥ = jnana, knowledge + augha, flood.

aughá [p= 236,3] [L=40816]
(fr. ogha-vah) , flood , stream S3Br. (cf. ogha.)

(H1) m.
ogha [p= 235,2] [L=40609]
(ifc. f(ā).)

vah) flood , stream , rapid flow of water MBh. Megh. S3ak. &c

MBh. BhP. Katha1s. &c



L. (cf. augha.)
ogha [p= 1323,2] [L=325770]
pl. the (four) floods (of worldly passion), Divya7v.
(H1) m.
[L=40610]( √
[L=40611]heap or quantity , flock , multitude , abundance
[L=40612]quick time (in music)
[L=40613]uninterrupted tradition
(H2) m.

Other words related to flood:

  • 1 arṇa (flood)
    2 arṇava (flood)
    3 arṇas (flood)
    4 aśruplāvita (flood)
    5 āpūra (flood)
    6 āplāva (flood)
    7 udaplava (flood)
    8 udgāra (flood)
    9 upaplu (flood)
    10 ogha (flood)
    11 augha (flood)
    12 khādoarṇa (flood)
    13 khādoarṇas (flood)
    14 caṭ (flood)
    15 jṛmbh (flood)
    16 dhārā (flood)
    17 dhārāśru (flood)
    18 nadīpūra (flood)
    19 nicumpuṇa (flood)
    20 netrajalasrava (flood)
    21 naubandhana (flood)
    22 payaḥpūra (flood)
    23 pūra (flood)
    24 pūraka (flood)
    25 pṛthivīplava (flood)
    26 praplu (flood)
    27 prasara (flood)
    28 plava (flood)
    29 plāvana (flood)
    30 pluta (flood)
    31 pluti (flood)
    32 bāṣpapūra (flood)
    33 bāṣpāmbupūra (flood)
    34 manu (flood)
    35 mahāplava (flood)
    36 vanya (flood)
    37 vega (flood)
    38 velājala (flood)
    39 saṃyamāmbhas (flood)
    40 samudravelā (flood)
    41 samplava (flood)
    42 sarira (flood)
    43 salila (flood)
    44 salilopaplava (flood)
    45 sāgarodgāra (flood)
    46 sindhu (flood)
    47 sindhunandana (flood)
    48 sindhupati (flood)
    49 sudhodgāra (flood)
    50 sudhodgāramaya (flood)
    51 sūkarapreyasī (flood)
    52 kṣoṇī (flood)
    53 jalabṛṃhaṇa (flood)
    54 pūrṇi (flood)

ára [p= 90,2] [L=15792]
a wave , flood stream RV. BhP.

RV. v , 50 , 4
ára [L=15794]
a letter , syllable Ra1matUp. N. of a metre (comprising ten feet , and belonging to the class called daṇḍaka)
ára [L=15795]
the teak tree (» arjunā*pama above ) L.
ára [L=15796]
N. of a man (» arna citráratha below)
ára [L=15797.1]
N. of a people BhP.
(H1) mn.
[L=15793](figuratively applied to the) tumult of battle
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m. pl.

aravá [L=15801]
agitated , foaming , restless RV. VS. AV.
aravá [L=15802]
a wave , flood RV.
aravá [L=15803]
the foaming sea RV. VS.
aravá [L=15804]
the ocean of air (sometimes personified as a demon with the epithet mahā́n or ta nayitnús) RV. AV.
aravá [L=15805]
(as , rarely am [ MBh. xiii , 7362]) the sea
aravá [L=15806]
(hence) the number , " four " Su1ryas.
aravá [L=15807]
N. of two metres (cf. ára , m.) , N. of wk. on jurisprudence.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) mn.
(H2B) mn.
(H2B) mn.

áras [L=15820]
a wave , flood , stream RV.



ifc. aras-ka) Ba1lar. N. of different metres RPra1t. &c
(H2) n.
[L=15821]the foaming sea ocean of air
[L=15823]water (

áśru--plāvita [p= 114,3] [L=19832]
a flood of tears Ka1d.
(H3) n.

ā-pūra [p= 143,3] [L=25014]
» under ā-p.
ā-pūra [L=25023]
flood , flooding , excess , abundance Katha1s. S3is3. &c


(H1) &c
(H2) m.
[L=25024]filling up , making full
[L=25025]filling a little

ā-plāva [p= 144,3] [L=25143]
(= ā-plava Pa1n2. 3-3 , 50), submerging , wetting

(H2) m.
[L=25144]flood , inundation

uda--plava [p= 183,2] [L=32104]
water-flood BhP.
(H3) m.

ud-gāra [p= 187,1] [L=32760]
» ud-g below.
ud-gāra [L=32774]
( Pa1n2. 3-3 , 29) the act of discharging , spitting out , ejecting (from the mouth) , vomiting , belching , eructation R. Sus3r. Ragh. Megh. &c


MBh. Sus3r. Gaut.

R. Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 3-3 , 29

MBh. S3a1ntis3. &c
(H1) &c
(H2) m.
[L=32775]relating repeatedly
[L=32776]spittle , saliva
[L=32777]flood , high water
[L=32778]roaring , hissing , a loud sound

upa- √ plu [p= 202,3] [L=35184]
-plavati , to overflow , inundate  ; 
to assault , invade , afflict
to eclipse
Kaus3.  ; 
to rush upon , assail
MBh. : A1. -plavate , to swim on the surface (as a light object) Comm. on Pa1n2. 3-2 , 126  ; 
to hang over , move aloft
Ta1n2d2yaBr. Ka1t2h. : Caus. -plāvayati , to irrigate , flood , water BhP.  ; 
to float near (?)
S3Br. xiii , 1 , 2 , 9.
(H1) P.

ogha [p= 235,2] [L=40609]
(ifc. f(ā).)

vah) flood , stream , rapid flow of water MBh. Megh. S3ak. &c

MBh. BhP. Katha1s. &c



L. (cf. augha.)
ogha [p= 1323,2] [L=325770]
pl. the (four) floods (of worldly passion), Divya7v.
(H1) m.
[L=40610]( √
[L=40611]heap or quantity , flock , multitude , abundance
[L=40612]quick time (in music)
[L=40613]uninterrupted tradition
(H2) m.

aughá [p= 236,3] [L=40816]
(fr. ogha-vah) , flood , stream S3Br. (cf. ogha.)
(H1) m.
 khādo ara

khā́do-ara [p= 339,2] [L=61808]
" having a devouring flood " , i.e. having a flood that carries away the bank (said of a river) RV. v , 45 , 2 ( Naigh. i , 13) .
khā́do-ara [L=61834]
(H3) mfn.
(H1) &c
 khādo aras

khā́do-aras [L=61809]
" having a devouring flood " , i.e. having a flood that carries away the bank (said of a river) RV. v , 45 , 2 ( Naigh. i , 13) .
(H3) mfn.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 9.6
Whitney Roots links: caw

ca [p= 382,3] [L=70830]
°ati , to fall in (as the flood) Pan5cat. i , 12 , 0÷1  ; 
to reach (with
loc.) , fall to the share of or into Sin6ha7s. Pan5cad.  ; 
to hang down from (
loc.) Subh.  ; 
to rain
Dha1tup. ix , 6  ; 
to cover (
v.l. for √ka) ib. : Caus. ayati , to break , xxx , 47  ; 
to kill
ib. (cf. uc- , vi-.)
(H1) cl.1 P.
Whitney Roots links: jfmB

jmbh [p= 424,2] [L=80122]
cf.jabh) cl.1 A1. jrímbhate (ep. also P. °bhati ; p. °bhamāa ; pf. jajmbhe ; ind.p. jmbhitvā) to open the mouth , yawn A1s3vGr2. iii , 6 Mn. &c  ; 
to gape open , open (as a flower)
R2itus. Katha1s. xxv  ; 
to fly back or recoil (as a bow when unstrung)
MBh. v , 1909  ; 
to unstring a bow
R. iii , 30 , 28  ; 
to unfold , spread (as a flood
&c ) , expand , occupy a larger circuit MBh. Hariv. Bhartr2. iii , 41 Ra1jat. v , 269  ; 
to spread (as sound) ,
v , 363  ; 
to feel at ease
Hariv. 12073 Kum. iii , 24 Katha1s. vii , 102 Ra1jat. vi , 283 : Caus. (pf. jmbhayām āsa) to cause to yawn Hariv. 10632 : Intens. jarījmbhate , to spread everywhere Dhu1rtan. Introd.
(H1) (

dhā́rā 1 [p= 515,3] [L=101044]
stream or current of water

cf. tri- , dvi- , śata- , sahasra-) , flood , gush , jet , drop (of any liquid) , shower , rain (also fig. of arrows , flowers , &c ; vásor dh° , " source of good " , N. of a partic. libation to agni AV. S3Br. MBh. ; of a sacred bathing-place MBh. ; of agni's wife BhP. )

&c L.

S3is3. v , 60 (5 enumerated , viz. dhorita , valgita , pluta , ut-tejita , ut-te*rita , or ā-skandita , recita for the two latter L. ; with paramā , the quickest pace Katha1s. xxxi , 39)



cf. vana-)

line of a family L.

of a sacred bathing-place (also with māheśvarī cf. above ) MBh.

bhoja) Cat.
dhā́rā 2 [L=101095]
( √2. dhāv) margin , sharp edge , rim , blade (esp. of a sword , knife , &c ; fig. applied to the flame of fire) RV. S3Br. MBh. Ka1v. &c


Ragh. xiii , 15




cf. °*dhirūha) glory , excellence L.


(H2) f.
[L=101046]a leak or hole in a pitcher
[L=101047]the pace of horse
[L=101048]uniformity , sameness (as of flowing water?)
[L=101049]custom , usage
[L=101050]continuous line or series (
[L=101053]of a town (the residence of
(H1) f.
[L=101096]the edge of a mountain
[L=101097]the rim of a wheel
[L=101098]the fence or hedge of a garden
[L=101099]the van of an army
[L=101100]the tip of the ear
[L=101101]highest point , summit (

dhā́rā--° śru [L=101082]
°*śru) n. a flood of tears Amar.
(H3) (

nadī́--pūra [p= 526,2] [L=103373]
" river-flood " , a swollen river Amar.
(H3) m.

ni-cumpuá [p= 546,3] [L=108227]
( √ cup?) prob. a gush , flood (apām) RV. viii , 93 , 22

of a śaunaśepa Ka1t2h. Anukr.
(H1) m.

netra--jala---srava [p= 569,1] [L=112114]
a flood of tears R.
(H4) m.

naú--bandhana [p= 571,2] [L=112635]
" ship-anchorage " , N. of the highest peak of the himā*layas (to which in the great flood manu fastened his ship) MBh.
(H3) n.

paya--pūra [p= 585,3] [L=115904]
flood of water Ratna7v.
(H3) m.

pūra [p= 641,3] [L=127548]
( √ p , Caus.) filling , making full (cf. i-)

cf. kāma-)
pūra [L=127550]
the act of filling , fulfilling &c Ka1v. Pur.
pūra [p= 642,1] [L=127551]
the swelling or rising of a river or of the sea , a large quantity of water , flood , stream (also met. = abundance , high degree , esp. ifc.) Ka1v. Sus3r. &c
pūra [L=127552]
a cake R. (cf. ghta-)
pūra [L=127553]
a kind of breath-exercise = pūraka below BhP.
pūra [L=127554]
the cleansing of a wound L. (cf. pūraa)
pūra [L=127555]
the citron tree (= bīja-pūra) L.
pūra [L=127557]
a kind of incense L.
pūra [L=127558]
bdellium L.
pūra [L=127559]
(ā)n. a sort of unleavened cake fried with ghee or oil W. (cf. pūrikā below) .
(H1) mfn.
[L=127549]fulfilling , satisfying (
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) mf

pūraka [L=127562]
filling , completing , fulfilling , satisfying (ifc. or with gen. ; cf. Pa1n2. 2-3 , 70 Ka1s3. ) Mn. MBh. &c
pūraka [L=127563]
flood , stream , effusion BhP.
pūraka [L=127564]
(in arithm.) the multiplier
pūraka [L=127565]
a ball of meal offered at the conclusion of the oblations to the pits L. (also -piṇḍa m. Kull. on Mn. v , 85)
pūraka [L=127566]
closing the right nostril with the forefinger and then drawing up air through the left and then closing the left nostril and drawing up air through the right (as a religious exercise) RTL. 402
pūraka [L=127567]
the citron tree L.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.

pthivī́--plava [p= 646,2] [L=128501]
" earth-flood " , the sea Gal.
(H3) m.

pra- √ plu [p= 683,1] [L=135254]
-plavate , to go to sea (samudram) , float or sail away TS. AitBr. : Caus. -plāvayati , to cause to float or sail away Shad2vBr.  ; 
to wash or flood with water
S3Br. Gr2S3rS.
(H1) A1.

pra-sara [p= 697,2] [L=137922]
a » pra-s.
pra-sara [p= 698,2] [L=138097]
(ifc. f(ā).) going forwards , advance , progress , free course , coming forth , rising , appearing , spreading , extension , diffusion Ka1lid. Ka1d. S3am2k. &c




Gi1t. BhP.






pra-sara [L=138109]
(in music) a kind of dance Sam2gi1t.
(H1) pra-sara
(H2) m.
[L=138098]range (of the eye)
[L=138099]prevalence , influence
[L=138100]boldness , courage
[L=138101]a stream , torrent , flood
[L=138102](in med.) morbid displacement of the humours of the body
[L=138103]multitude , great quantity
[L=138104]a fight , war
[L=138105]an iron arrow
[L=138107]affectionate solicitation
(H2B) n.

plava [p= 715,1] [L=141442]
&c » col.2.
plavá [p= 715,2] [L=141469]
(ā)n. swimming , floating S3a1n3khGr2. Sus3r.

Hariv. Var. Hcat. (in astrol. applied to a constellation situated in the quarter ruled by its planetary regent Var. Sch.)

plavá [L=141472]
(ifc. f(ā).) a float , raft , boat , small ship RV. &c
plavá [L=141473]
a kind of aquatic bird (= gātra-samplava , kāraṇḍava , jala-vāyasa , jala-kāka or jala-kukkua L. ) VS. &c
plavá [L=141474]
a frog L.
plavá [L=141475]
a monkey L.
plavá [L=141476]
& sheep L. an arm L.
plavá [L=141477]
a caṇḍāla L.
plavá [L=141478]
an enemy L.
plavá [L=141479]
Ficus Infectoria L.
plavá [L=141480]
a snare or basket of wicker-work for catching fish L.
plavá [L=141481]
the 35th (or 9th) year in a cycle of Jupiter VarBr2S.
plavá [L=141482]
swimming , bathing (ifc. f(ā).) MBh. R. Katha1s.
plavá [L=141483]
flooding , a flood , the swelling of a river MBh. Ma1rkP.
plavá [L=141484]
the prolated utterance of a vowel (= pluti) L.
plavá [L=141485]
protraction of a sentence through 3 or more ślokas (= kulaka) L.
plavá [L=141486]
sloping down or towards , proclivity , inclination L.
plavá [L=141487]
(in astrol.) = plava-tva VarBr2S. Sch.
plavá [L=141488]
a kind of metre Col.
plavá [L=141489]
N. of a sāman (also with vasiṣṭhasya) A1rshBr.
plavá [L=141490]
jumping , leaping , plunging , going by leaps or plunges R. (cf. comp. below)
plavá [L=141491]
returning L.
plavá [L=141492]
urging on L.
plavá [L=141493]
Cyperus Rotundus or a species of fragrant grass Sus3r. [cf. Gk. πλόος for πλοϝος , πλοον]
(H1) plavaka
(H2) mf
[L=141470]sloping towards , inclined
(H2B) mn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.

plāvana [L=141533]
(fr. Caus.) bathing , immersion , ablution MBh.


cf. jala-pl°)

(H2) n.
[L=141534]filling a vessel to overflowing (for the purification of fluids)
[L=141535]inundation , flood , deluge (
[L=141536]prolation (of a vowel)

pluta [L=141548]
floated , floating or swimming in (loc.) , bathed , overflowed , submerged , covered or filled with (instr. or comp.) Ya1jn5. MBh. R. &c
715,3] [L=141549]
mātrās (q.v.) Pra1t. Pa1n2. 1-2 , 27 esp. S3rS. &c (also said of a kind of measure Cat. )


MBh. Hariv.
pluta [L=141552]
a flood , deluge (pl.) Hariv.
pluta [L=141553]
leaping , moving by leaps MBh. R. Vcar.
pluta [L=141554]
capering (one of a horse's paces) L.
(H2) mfn.
[p= protracted , prolated or lengthened (as a vowel) to 3
[L=141551]leaped , leaping
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.

pluti [L=141560]
overflowing , a flood Var.

cf. pluta) Pra1t. Pa1n2. Sch. S3rS.

S3ak. i , 7 v.l. (also met. ; cf. maṇḍūka-pl°)

(H2) f.
[L=141561]prolation (of a vowel
[L=141562]a leap , jump
[L=141563]capering , curvet (one of a horse's paces)

pa--pūra [p= 730,1] [L=144857]
a flood of tears Ma1lati1m.
(H3) m.

* mbu---pūra [L=144872]
a flood of tears MW.
(H4) m.

mánu [p= 784,2] [L=156870]
thinking , wise , intelligent VS. S3Br.
mánu [L=156871]
" the thinking creature(?) " , man , mankind RV. VS. AitBr. TA1r. (also as opp. to evil spirits RV. i , 130 , 8 ; viii , 98 , 6 &c ; the bhus are called manor nápāta , the sons of man , iii , 60 , 3)
mánu [L=156872]
the Man par excellence or the representative man and father of the human race (regarded in the RV. as the first to have instituted sacrifices and religious ceremonies , and associated with the ṛṣis kava and atri ; in the AitBr. described as dividing his possessions among some of his sons to the exclusion of one called nābhā-nediṣṭha q.v. ; called varaa as author of RV. ix , 101 , 10-12 ; āpsava as author of ib. 106 , 7-9 ; in Naigh. v , 6 he is numbered among the 31 divine beings of the upper sphere , and VS. xi , 66 as father of men even identified with prajā-pati ; but the name manu is esp. applied to 14 successive mythical progenitors and sovereigns of the earth , described Mn. i , 63 and in later works as creating and supporting this world through successive antaras or long periods of time » manv-antara below ; the first is called svāyambhuva as sprung from svayam-bhū , the Self-existent , and described in Mn. 12 , 34 as a sort of secondary creator , who commenced his work by producing 10 prajāpatis or maharis , of whom the first was marīci , Light ; to this manu is ascribed the celebrated " code of manu " » manu-sahitā , and two ancient sūtra works on kalpa and ghya i.e. sacrificial and domestic rites ; he is also called hairayagarbha as son of hiraya-garbha , and prācetasa , as son of pra-cetas ; the next 5 manus are called svārocia , auttami , tāmasa , raivata , cākua cf. IW. 208 n.1 ; the 7th manu , called vaivasvata , Sun-born , or from his piety , satya-vrata , is regarded as the progenitor of the present race of living beings , and said , like the Noah of the Old Testament , to have been preserved from a great flood by viṣṇu or brahmā in the form of a fish: he is also variously described as one of the 12 ādityas , as the author of RV. viii , 27-31, as the brother of yama , who as a son of he Sun is also called vaivasvata , as the founder and first king of ayodhyā , and as father of ilā who married budha , son of the Moon , the two great solar and lunar races being thus nearly related to each other » IW. 344 ; 373 ; the 8th manu or first of the future manus accord. to VP. iii , 2, will be sāvari ; the 9th daka-sāvari ; the 12th rudra-sāvari ; the 13th raucya or deva-sāvari ; the 14th bhautya or indra-sāvari)
mánu [L=156873]
thought (= manas) TS. Br.
mánu [L=156874]
a sacred text , prayer , incantation , spell (= mantra) Ra1matUp. Pan5car. Prata1p.
mánu [L=156875]
N. of an agni MBh.
mánu [L=156876]
of a rudra Pur.
mánu [L=156877]
of kśā*śva BhP.
mánu [L=156878]
of an astronomer Cat.
mánu [L=156879]
(pl.) the mental Powers BhP.
mánu [p= 784,3] [L=156880]
N. of the number " fourteen " (on account of the 14 manus) Su1ryas.
mánu [L=156881]
manu's wife (= manāvī) L. ; Trigonella Corniculata L. [cf. Goth. manna ; Germ. Mannus , son of Tuisto [TM] , mentioned by Tacitus , in his wk. Germania , as the mythical ancestor of the West-Germans , mann , man ; Angl.Sax. man ; Eng. man.]
mánu [p= 787,1] [L=157535]
» [p= 784,2].
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) f.
(H1) &c

mahā́--plava [p= 797,3] [L=160131]
a great flood Ma1rkP.
(H3) m.

ványa [p= 919,1] [L=186143]
(ā)n. growing or produced or existing in a forest , wild , savage VS. &c

AV. vi , 2

agni) TS.

ványa [L=186147]
a wild animal R. VarBr2S.
ványa [L=186148]
a wild plant R.
ványa [L=186149]
N. of partic. wild plants (= Arundo Bengalensis ; varāhī-kanda ; vana-śūraa) L.
ványa [L=186150]
a Buddhist novice Gal.
ványa [L=186152]
abundance of water , a flood , deluge Kr2ishis.
ványa [L=186153]
N. of various plants (Physalis Flexuosa ; Abrus Precatorius ; a kind of Curcuma ; a kind of gourd or cucumber ; a kind of Cyperus ; dill) L.
ványa [L=186154]
anything grown in a wood the fruit or roots of wild plants MBh. R. &c
ványa [L=186155]
= tvaca L. (cf. also cakur-v° and a-jīta-punar-vaya).
(H2) mf
[L=186144]greenish (?)
[L=186145]being or existing in woods (said of
[L=186146]made of wood , wooden
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.

véga [p= 1013,3] [L=205300]
(fr. √ vij) violent agitation , shock , jerk AV. R.

&c ) AV. S3vetUp. MBh. &c

MBh. BhP.

vegād vega-gam , to go from speed to speed , increase one's speed) MBh. Ka1v. &c




Sus3r. seven stages or symptoms are mentioned) Ya1jn5. Ka1v. &c



Kan2. Sarvad.

Trichosanthes Palmata L.

of a class of evil demons Hariv.
(H1) m.
[L=205301]a stream , flood , current (of water , tears
[L=205302]rush , dash , impetus , momentum , onset
[L=205303]impetuosity , vehemence , haste , speed , rapidity , quickness , velocity (
[L=205304]the flight (of an arrow)
[L=205305]outbreak , outburst (of passion) , excitement , agitation , emotion
[L=205306]attack , paroxysm (of a disease)
[L=205307]circulation , working , effect (of poison ; in
[L=205308]expulsion of the feces
[L=205309]semen virile
[L=205311]the fruit of

vélā--jala [p= 1018,3] [L=206289]
sg. and pl. flood-tide (opp. to " ebb ") Uttamac.
(H3) n.

sa-ya° * mbhas [p= 1112,1] [L=225669]
the flood of water at the end of the world BhP.
(H3) n.

sam-udrá--velā [p= 1167,1] [L=235307]
the flood-tide MaitrUp. Hit.

(H3) f.
[L=235308]an ocean-wave

sam-plava [p= 1177,2] [L=236728]
flowing together , meeting or swelling (of waters) , flood , deluge R. Hariv. BhP. a dense mass , heap , multitude Mn. MBh. &c


esp. of battle) Hariv. R.

Ya1jn5. MBh. Ka1v. &c

comp.) BhP.
(H2) m.
[L=236729]conglomeration , taking a form or shape , rise , origin
[L=236730]noise , tumult (
[L=236731]submersion by water , destruction , ruin
[L=236732]end , close of (

sarirá [p= 1183,1] [L=237663]
(cf. salila) the heaving sea , flood , tide VS. TBr.

= loka or tri-loka) VS. Sch.
(H2) n.
[L=237665]the universe (

salilá [p= 1189,3] [L=239287]
(ā)n. (cf. sarirá) flowing , surging , fluctuating , unsteady RV. AV. MaitrS.
salila [L=239289]
(ifc. f(ā).) flood , surge , waves RV. AV. Br.
salila [L=239290]
(also pl.) water (acc. with √ k , " to offer a libation of water to [gen.] ") Kaus3. MBh. &c
salila [L=239291]
rainwater , rain VarBr2S.
salila [L=239292]
eye-water , tears Megh.
salila [L=239293]
a kind of wind (» -vāta)
salila [L=239294]
a partic. high number S3a1n3khS3r.
salila [L=239295]
a kind of metre Nida1nas.
(H2) mf
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.

salilo* paplava [L=239363]
" a flood of water " , inundation MW.
(H3) m.

sāgaro* dgāra [p= 1198,2] [L=241160]
the swelling or heaving of the sea , flowing tide , flood (as opp. to , " ebb ") R.
(H3) m.

síndhu [p= 1217,1] [L=244810]
and f. (prob. fr. √1. sidh , " to go ") a river , stream (esp. the indus , and in this sense said to be the only river regarded as m. » -nada , col.2) RV. &c
síndhu [L=244811]
flood , waters (also in the sky) RV. AV.
síndhu [L=244812]
ocean , sea RV. &c
síndhu [L=244813]
a symbolical term for the number 4 (cf. 1. samudra) Gan2it.
síndhu [L=244814]
N. of varua (as god of the ocean) MW.
síndhu [L=244815]
the moisture of the lips Kum.
síndhu [L=244816]
water ejected from an elephant's trunk (= vamathu) L.
síndhu [L=244817]
the exudation from an elephant's temples L.
síndhu [L=244818]
the country around the indus (commonly called Sindh ; pl. " the inhabitants of Sindh ") MBh. Ka1v. &c
síndhu [L=244819]
a king of Sindh (?) Cat.
síndhu [L=244820]
N. of viṣṇu RV. MBh.
síndhu [L=244821]
white or refined borax (= śveta-akaa) L.
síndhu [L=244822]
= sindhuka L.
síndhu [L=244823]
(in music) a partic. rāga , Sam2gi1tas.
síndhu [p= 1217,2] [L=244824]
N. of a king of the gandharvas R.
síndhu [L=244825]
of a serpent-demon Buddh.
síndhu [L=244826]
of various men Ra1jat.
(H1) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.

síndhu--nandana [L=244853]
" son of the ocean " , the moon (one of the 14 precious things recovered by churning the ocean after the flood) L.
(H3) m.

síndhu--pati [L=244855]
lord of the flood RV.

N. of jayad-ratha MBh.
(H3) m.
[L=244856]" lord of Sindh " ,

sudho* dgāra [p= 1226,1] [L=247000]
a flood of nectar
(H3) m.

sudho* dgāra---maya [L=247001]
(ī)n. consisting of a flood of nectar Naish.
(H4) mf

sū-kará--preyasī [p= 1240,2] [L=250852]
the beloved of the Boar (N. of the Earth as rescued from the flood by viṣṇu in the form of a boar) Katha1s.
(H3) f.

koī́ [p= 333,2] [L=60519]
(nom. sg. also °ī́s nom. pl. °ī́s , once °áyas RV. x , 22 , 9) a multitude of men , people (as opposed to the chief) RV.
koī́ [L=60520]
the earth R. i , 42 , 23 BhP. v , 18 , 28 and viii , 6 , 2
koī́ [L=60521]
Ved. nom. du. " the two sets of people " i.e. the inhabitants of heaven and earth [" heaven and earth " Naigh. iii , 30] RV. ii , 16 , 3 ; viii , 7 , 22 ; 52 , 10 ; 99 , 6.
koī [L=60527]
°á q.v.)
koī́ [p= 1325,3] [L=329490]
accord. to some also, " a partic. class of goddesses or semi-divine females" ; accord. to others, "flood, stream of water or soma &c ").
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H2) (f. of
(H2) (

jala--bṛṃhaa [p= 1327,2] [L=331760.8]
(H3) flood of water,

pūri [p= 1330,2] [L=336230]
a flood, stream (= pūra), L.
(H2) f.