
hāsya [L=262112]
to be laughed at , laughable , ridiculous , funny , comical MBh. Ka1v. &c

rhet. one of the 10 rasas or of the 8 sthāyi-bhāvas , qq. vv.) Ya1jn5. MBh. &c

Mn. MBh. &c
(H2) mfn.
[L=262113]laughing , laughter , mirth (in
[L=262114]jest , fun , amusement
hāsya--kara [L=262116]
Sa1h. ) mfn. provoking laughter , causing to laugh.
(H3) (
hāsya--kāra [L=262117]
R. ) mfn. provoking laughter , causing to laugh.
(H3) (
hāsya--padavī [L=262124]
the roar of laughter (°- , " to incur ridicule ") Pan5cat. (-bhāva m. = -tā Katha1s. )

pl.) Hariv.

(H3) f.
[L=262125]a jest , joke (
uccaghana [p= 173,1] [L=30303]
laughter in the mind not expressed in the countenance W.
(H1) n.

other words related to laughter:

1 aṭṭahasita (laughter) 2 aṭṭahāsya (laughter) 3 aṭṭāṭṭahāsa (laughter) 4 atihasita (laughter) 5 atihāsa (laughter) 6 anavacchinnahāsa (laughter) 7 antarhāsa (laughter) 8 apahasita (laughter) 9 īṣaddhāsya (laughter) 10 uccaghana (laughter) 11 utprāsa (laughter) 12 uddhas (laughter) 13 udvardhana (laughter) 14 upahasita (laughter) 15 upahāsa (laughter) 16 upahāsyatā (laughter) 17 upahāra (laughter) 18 (laughter) 19 gharghara (laughter) 20 paricchedana (laughter) 21 prakāśa (laughter) 22 prasmi (laughter) 23 prahas (laughter) 24 prahasana (laughter) 25 prahasita (laughter) 26 prahāsa (laughter) 27 prahāsaka (laughter) 28 buka (laughter) 29 bhūtahāsa (laughter) 30 mahāhāsa (laughter) 31 mahīyas (laughter) 32 viplavāṭṭahāsa (laughter) 33 vihasatikā (laughter) 34 vihasita (laughter) 35 vihāsa (laughter) 36 vyavahāsa (laughter) 37 vyāvahāsī (laughter) 38 śūrpaṇakhā (laughter) 39 sanarmahāsa (laughter) 40 saprahāsam (laughter) 41 samprahāsa (laughter) 42 saviḍālambha (laughter) 43 sahasa (laughter) 44 sāṭṭahāsa (laughter) 45 sotkṛṣṭahasitasvara (laughter) 46 sotprāsahasita (laughter) 47 sopahāsa (laughter) 48 smayana (laughter) 49 smiti (laughter) 50 ha (laughter) 51 has (laughter) 52 haskṛti (laughter) 53 hasa (laughter) 54 hasakṛt (laughter) 55 hasana (laughter) 56 hasikā (laughter) 57 hasita (laughter) 58 hāsa (laughter) 59 hāsakara (laughter) 60 hāsabhūta (laughter) 61 hāsaśāla (laughter) 62 hāsāspada (laughter) 63 hāsaka (laughter) 64 hāsikā (laughter) 65 hāsana (laughter) 66 hāsya (laughter) 67 hāsyakara (laughter) 68 hāsyakāra (laughter) 69 hāsyapadavī (laughter)

aṭṭa--hasita [p= 11,2] [L=2362]
loud laughter , a horse-laugh.
(H3) n.
aṭṭa--hāsya [L=2369]
loud laughter

(H3) n.
[L=2370]a horse-laugh.
aṭṭā* ṭṭa-hāsa [L=2371]
very loud laughter.
(H3) m.
áti--hasita [p= 13,1] [L=2859]
excessive laughter.
ati-hasita [p= 1310,1] [L=302410]
(in rhet.) excessive or foolish laughter, Sa1h.
(H3) n.
(H2) n.
áti--hāsa [p= 13,1] [L=2860]
excessive laughter.
(H3) m.
an-avacchinna--hāsa [p= 26,3] [L=5292]
continuous or immoderate laughter.
(H3) m.
antar--hāsa [p= 43,3] [L=8169]
laughing inwardly

(H3) m.
[L=8170]suppressed laughter
apa-hasita [p= 53,2] [L=9900]
silly or causeless laughter Sa1h.
apa-hasita [p= 1314,2] [L=310500]
(also) smiling in tears, Das3ar.
(H2) n.
(H2) n.
īad--dhāsya [p= 171,2] [L=29953]
(°t-hā°) id.
īad--dhāsya [L=29953.1]
slight laughter , a smile.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) n.
uccaghana [p= 173,1] [L=30303]
laughter in the mind not expressed in the countenance W.
(H1) n.
ut-prā* sa [p= 181,2] [L=31789]
( √2. as) hurling , throwing afar L.

(H1) m.
[L=31789.1]violent burst of laughter
[L=31789.2]derision , jocular expression
ud-dhas [p= 189,1] [L=33117]
ud-has) P. -dhasati , to break out into laughter (said of the lightning)  ; 
to flash
BhP. iii , 12 , 6.
(H1) (
ud-vardhana [p= 191,3] [L=33553]
ud-vardhana [p= 192,3] [L=33726]
sly or suppressed laughter L.
(H1) »
(H2) n.
upa-hasita [p= 212,1] [L=36467]
laughed at , derided Katha1s.
upa-hasita [L=36468]
laughter accompanied by shaking the head (sa-śira-kampam) Das3ar. iv , 70.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) n.
upa-hāsá [L=36470]
laughter , derision , mockery , jeer Katha1s. Ragh. Sa1h.


S3Br. Pa1rGr2. MBh. &c
(H2) m.
[L=36472]fun , play , jest , sport
upa-hāsya--tā [L=36480]
the state of being to be laughed at or derided , ridiculousness

upahāsyatā-gam , to expose one's self to laughter , become ridiculous Ragh. i , 3.)
(H3) f.
upa-hāra [L=36501]
offering , oblation (to a deity)

MBh. Megh. Katha1s. &c

upahāra vi-dhā , to offer an oblation to a god [acc.] , sacrifice to any one Katha1s. )

Ka1m. Hit. &c
212,2] [L=36505]
&c )

pāśupatas) a kind of religious service (consisting of laughter , song , dance , muttering huuk , adoration and pious ejaculation) Sarvad. 77 , 22.
(H2) m.
[L=36502]complimentary gift , present (to a king or superior)
[L=36504]a particular kind of alliance (purchased through a gift)
[p= food (distributed to guests
[L=36506](with the
Whitney Roots links: f
 1 [p= 223,2] [L=38404]
ri in merrily).
 2 [L=38407]
an interjection expressing laughter L.


 3 [L=38408]
heaven L.
 3 [L=38409]
N. of aditi L.
 4 [L=38410]
P. cchati , iyarti , ṛṇoti , and ṛṇvati (only Ved.)  ; 
āra , ariyati , ārat , and ārīt , to go , move , rise , tend upwards RV. Nir. &c  ; 
to go towards , meet with , fall upon or into , reach , obtain
RV. AV. S3Br. ChUp. MBh. &c  ; 
to fall to one's share , occur , befall (with
acc.) RV. AitBr. S3Br. Mn. &c  ; 
to advance towards a foe , attack , invade
S3Br. MBh. Mn.  ; 
to hurt , offend
S3Br. vii  ; 
to move , excite , erect , raise , (
íyarti vā́cam , he raises his voice RV. ii , 42 , 2 ; stómān iyarmi , I sing hymns RV. i , 116 , 1) RV. AV. vi , 22 , 3 : Caus. arpayati , to cause to move , throw , cast AV. x , 9 , 1 Ragh. &c  ; 
to cast through , pierce
AV.  ; 
to put in or upon , place , insert , fix into or upon , fasten
RV. S3a1k. Kum. Bhag. &c  ; 
to place on , apply
Katha1s. Ratna1v. Ragh. &c  ; 
to direct or turn towards
R. Bhag. &c  ; 
to deliver up , surrender , offer , reach over , present , give
Ya1jn5. Pan5cat. Vikr. &c  ; 
to give back , restore
Mn. viii , 191 Ya1jn5. S3ak. &c : Ved. Intens. alarti RV. viii , 48 , 8  ; 
sg. alari RV. viii , 1 , 7 Pa1n2. 7-4 , 65)  ; 
to move or go towards with speed or zeal: Class.
Intens. A1. arāryate ( Pa1n2. 7-4 , 30) , to wander about , haste towards Bhat2t2. Pat. Ka1s3. ; ([cf. Gk. ρ-νυ-μι , ρ-έ-της , ρό-ω , &c : Zend √ir: Lat. or-ior , re-mus , aro: Goth. argan: Angl.Sax. a1r: Old High Germ. ruo-dar , ar-an: Lith. ir-ti , " to row " ; ar-ti , " to plough. "])
(H1) the seventh vowel of the Sanskrit alphabet and peculiar to it (resembling the sound of
(H1) ind.
[L=38407.1]a particle implying abuse
[L=38407.2]a sound inarticulate or reiterated as in stammering
(H1) m.
(H1B) f.
(H1) cl.1.3.5.
gharghara [p= 376,3] [L=69600]
(onomat.) uttered with an indistinct gurgling or purring sound Katha1s. xxv , 66

Ra1jat. ii , 99

gharghara [L=69603]
an indistinct murmur , crackling (of fire) , rattling (of a carriage) , creaking L.
gharghara [L=69604]
laughter , mirth L.
gharghara [L=69605]
a duck (" an owl " BR. ) L.
gharghara [L=69606]
a fire of chaff L.
gharghara [L=69607]
a curtain L.
gharghara [L=69608]
a door L.
gharghara [L=69609]
the post round which the rope of a churning stick is wound Gal.
gharghara [L=69610]
a particular form of a temple Hcat. ii , 1 , 390
gharghara [L=69611]
the river Gogra L.
gharghara [L=69614]
(ā , or ī). a kind of lute or cymbal.
(H1) mfn.
[L=69601]sounding like gurgling
[L=69602](in music applied to a particular note)
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) mf
pari-cchedana [p= 594,1] [L=117458]
( L. ) discriminating , dividing

(H3) n.
[L=117459]the division of a book
[L=117460]joyful laughter (?).
pra-° kāśa [p= 653,1] [L=129833]
visible , shining , bright S3a1n3khBr. MBh. &c

Mn. MBh. &c (nāmadheyam prakāśa ktvā , " pronouncing a name out loud " S3a1n3khGr2. )


instr. or comp.) MBh. Ka1lid.

comp.) Ragh.

ifc.) having the appearance of , looking like , resembling MBh. R. &c
pra-° kāśa [L=129839]
openly , publicly , before the eyes of all Mn. MBh. &c (°śa*bhyudaikata , " he did not look up openly " R. )
pra-° kāśa [L=129841]
clearness , brightness , splendour , lustre , light RV. &c
pra-° kāśa [L=129842]
(fig.) light , elucidation , explanation (esp. at the end of titles of explanatory works e.g. kāvya- , tarka- &c )
pra-° kāśa [L=129843]
appearance , display. manifestation , expansion , diffusion MBh. Ka1v. Sa1h.
pra-° kāśa [L=129844]
publicity , fame , renown , glory Hariv.
pra-° kāśa [L=129845]
sunshine open spot or air MBh. S3ak. Ma1rkP. (°śe ind. openly , publicly , before the world ifc. in the presence of MBh. Prab. )
pra-° kāśa [L=129846]
the gloss on the upper part of a (horse's) body VS. ( Mahi1dh. )
pra-° kāśa [L=129847]
w.r. for prāk° TBr.
pra-° kāśa [L=129848]
a chapter , section Cat.

of sev. works. ib.


of a Brahman (son of tamas) MBh.

manu raivata Hariv.

(pl.) the messengers of viṣṇu L.
pra-° kāśa [L=129854]
bell-metal , brass L.
(H3) mfn.
[L=129834]clear , manifest , open , public
[L=129836]universally noted , famous , celebrated for (
[L=129837]renowned throughout (
(H3B) ibc.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) n.
pra- √ smi [p= 700,1] [L=138426]
-smayate (ep. P. pr. p. -smayat) , to burst into laughter Nir. MBh. Hariv.
(H1) A1.
pra- √ has [p= 700,3] [L=138531]
-hasati (ep. also A1. °te) , to burst into laughter (also with hāsam) MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to laugh with (
acc.) MBh. Pan5cat.  ; 
to laugh at , mock , deride , ridicule
MBh. R. &c
(H1) P.
pra-° hasana [L=138538]
laughter , mirth , mockery , derision Uttarar. Hit. (°nam , enclit. after a finite verb g. gotrā*di ; °nek , to mock , deride g. *kād-ādi Ka1s3. )

rhet.) satire , sarcasm

esp.) a kind of comedy or farce Das3ar. Sa1h. &c
(H3) n.
pra-° hasita [L=138541]
laughing , cheerful Hariv. Ka1v. Pur.
pra-° hasita [L=138542]
N. of a buddha Lalit.
pra-° hasita [L=138543]
of a prince of the ki-naras Ka1ran2d2.
pra-° hasita [L=138544]
bursting into laughter BhP.
pra-° hasita [L=138545]
displaying bright gaudy colours Ja1takam.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
pra-° hāsa [L=138548]
loud laughter , laughter Hariv. Ka1v.

Pa1n2. 1-4 , 106 &c




of śiva L. (cf. °hasa)

śiva MBh.

nāga ib.

varua R.

tīrtha (w.r. for °bhāsa?) L.
pra-° hāsa [L=138558]
(with bharad-vājasya) N. of a sāman (w.r. for prāsāha) L.
(H3) m.
[L=138549]derision , irony
[L=138550]appearance , display
[L=138551]splendour , of colours
[L=138552]an actor , dancer
[L=138554]of an attendant of
[L=138555]of a
[L=138556]of a minister of
[L=138557]of a
(H3B) n.
pra-° hāsaka [L=138559]
one who causes laughter , a jester L.
(H3) m.
buka [p= 733,1] [L=145539]
= hāsya , laughter Gan2ar.

vuka) Agati Grandiflora Bhpr.
(H1) m.
[L=145540](also written
bhūtá--hāsa [p= 762,2] [L=151983]
" demoniacal laughter " , a kind of fever Bhpr.
(H3) m.
mahā́--hāsa [p= 802,1] [L=161186]
loud laughter L.
mahā́--hāsa [L=161187]
laughing loudly R.
(H3) m.
(H3B) mfn.
mahīyas [p= 803,3] [L=161615]
greater , mightier , stronger (or , " very great , very mighty &c ") Up. MBh. Ka1v. &c (with hāsa m. very loud laughter ; with kula n. a very noble family).
(H2) mfn.
vi-pla° * ṭṭahāsa 1 [p= 976,3] [L=198054]
malicious laughter Dharmas3.
(H3) m.
vi-hasatikā [p= 1003,1] [L=203123]
gentle laughter , smiling Hcar. (v.l. °sitikā).
(H2) f.
vi-° hasita [L=203125]
laughing , smiling Hariv. Caurap.

vi-° hasita [L=203127]
laughter , laughing , smiling Ka1v. Sa1h.
(H3) mfn.
[L=203126]laughed , smiled at
(H3B) n.
vi-hāsa [L=203129]
laughing , laughter Hariv. Pan5car.
vi-hāsa [L=203130]
opened L.
(H2) m.
(H2B) mfn.
vy-ava-hāsa [p= 1034,1] [L=209112]
has) , mutual laughter W.
(H1) ( √
vy-ā* va-hāsī [p= 1039,1] [L=210016]
( √ has) mutual or universal laughter Bhat2t2. (cf. Pa1n2. 3-3 , 43 Sch.)
(H1) f.
śū́rpa--akhā [p= 1086,2] [L=220353]
-akhī) f. (wrongly -nakhā , °khī ; cf. Pa1n2. 4-1 ; 58) " having fingernails like winnowing fans " N. of the sister of rāvaa (she fell in love with rāma-candra and , being rejected by him and insulted by sītā's laughter , assumed a hideous form and threatened to eat her up , but was beaten off by lakmaa , who cut off her ears and nose and thus doubly disfigured her ; in revenge she incited her brother to carry off sītā) MBh. R.
(H3) (rarely
sa--narma-hāsa [p= 1141,2] [L=231121]
attended with merry laughter (as a speech) , Katha1s.
(H3) mfn.
sa--prahāsam [p= 1149,1] [L=232376]
with laughter , bursting into a laugh Ma1lav.
(H3) ind.
sam-prahāsa [p= 1176,3] [L=236644]
laughing at , loud laughter Bhat2t2.
1177,1] [L=236645]
(H2) m.
[p= mockery , derision
saviālambha [p= 1191,2] [L=239671]
n. a partic. kind of jest (for exciting laughter) Bhar.
(H1) (?)
sa--hasa [p= 1195,2] [L=240459]
(ā)n. having laughter , laughing , smiling. S3is3. vi , 57.
(H3) mf
* ṭṭahāsa [p= 1199,3] [L=241363]
with loud laughter (am ind.) Ma1rkP.
(H1) mfn.
so* tkṛṣṭa-hasita-svara [p= 1248,3] [L=252568]
accompanied by loud laughter R.
(H2) mfn.
so* tprā* sa--hasita [L=252577]
derisive or sarcastic laughter MW.
(H3) n.
so* pahāsa [p= 1249,2] [L=252670]
accompanied with derisive laughter , sneering , jocular , sarcastic (am ind.) , sah.
(H1) mfn.
smayana [p= 1271,3] [L=257082]
a smile , gentle laughter A1s3vS3r.
(H2) n.
smiti [L=257097]
smiling , a smile , laughter MW.
(H2) f.
ha 1 [p= 1286,1] [L=260028]
nāgarī alphabet (in ini's system belonging to the guttural class , and usually pronounced like the English h in hard ; it is not an original letter , but is mostly derived from an older gh , rarely from dh or bh).
ha 2 [L=260031]
(only L. ) a form of śiva or bhairava (cf. nakulī*śa)

i.e. the arithmetical figure which symbolizes o)




ha 2 [L=260031.40]
ha 2 [L=260031.44]
the Supreme Spirit
ha 2 [L=260031.46]
pleasure , delight
ha 2 [L=260031.48]
a weapon
ha 2 [L=260031.50]
the sparkling of a gem
ha 2 [L=260031.52]
calling , calling to the sound of a lute
ha 2 [L=260031.54]
= aham (?). IndSt.
ha 2 [L=260031.56]
mad , drunk.
ha 3 [L=260032]
(prob. orig. identical with 2. gha , and used as a particle for emphasizing a preceding word , esp. if it begins a sentence closely connected with another ; very frequent in the brāhmaas and sūtras , and often translatable by) indeed , assuredly , verily , of course , then &c (often with other particles e.g. with tv eva , u , sma , vai &c ; na ha , " not indeed " ; also with interrogatives and relatives e.g. yad dha , " when indeed " ; kad dha , " what then? " sometimes with impf. or pf. [cf. Pa1n2. 3-2 , 116] ; in later language very commonly used as a mere expletive , esp. at the end of a verse) RV. &c &c
ha 4 [L=260033]
(ā)n. (fr. √ han) killing , destroying , removing (only ifc. ; » arāti- , vtra- , śatruha &c )
ha 5 [L=260034]
(ā)n. (fr. √3. ) abandoning , deserting , avoiding (ifc. ; » an-oka- and vāpī-ha)
ha [p= 1287,2] [L=260298]
4. ha , [p= 1286,1].
ha [p= 1296,2] [L=262509]
5. ha , [p= 1286,1].
(H1) the thirty-third and last consonant of the
(H1) m.
[L=260031.04]a cipher (
[L=260031.06]meditation , auspiciousness
[L=260031.08]sky , heaven , paradise
[L=260031.18]the moon
[L=260031.22]war , battle
[L=260031.26]a horse
[L=260031.30]a physician
[L=260031.32]cause , motive
(H1B) mf.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) ind.
(H1B) mfn.
(H1) ind.
(H1) mf
(H1) mf
(H2) »
(H2) »
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 17.72
Whitney Roots links: has
has 1 [p= 1294,2] [L=262056]
( Dha1tup. xvii , 72) hasati (mc. also °te ; pf. jahāsa , jahase MBh. &c ; aor. ahasīt Gr. ; fut. hasitā ib. ; hasiyati MBh. &c ; inf. hasitum ib. ; ind.p. hasitvā , -hasya ib.) , to laugh , smile , laugh at (instr.) Shad2vBr. Gobh. MBh. &c  ; 
to deride , mock , ridicule (
acc.) MBh. R. &c  ; 
to surpass , excel
Ka1vya7d.  ; 
to expand , open (as a blossom)
Kuval. : Pass. hasyate (aor. ahāsi) , to be laughed or smiled at MBh. Ka1v. &c : Caus. hāsayati (aor. ajīhasat) , to cause to laugh Hariv. Kum. : Desid. jihasiati (cf. √ 1. jak) Gr.: Intens. jāhasyate (p. °yamāna MBh. ) , jāhasti , to laugh continuously or immoderately ib.
has 2 [L=262057]
an exclamation of laughter or loud merriment (also employed as a nidhana in the sāman).
(H1) cl.1 P.
(H2) ind.
has--kti [L=262060]
hás-.) f. loud merriment , laughter ib.
(H3) (
hása [L=262061]
hasá) m. (ifc. f(ā).) mirth , laughter RV. &c
(H2) (or
hása--kt [L=262062]
causing mirth or laughter , S3r2in3ga1r.
(H3) mfn.
hasana [L=262072]
(ā)n. laughing Nir. iii , 5

hasana [L=262074]
N. of one of skanda's attendants MBh.
hasana [L=262076]
laughter , a laugh (accord. to some , " with tremulous lips ") VarBr2S. Sus3r.
(H2) mf
[L=262073]jesting or sporting with
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
hasikā [L=262082]
laughter , derision , jesting L.
(H2) f.
hasita [L=262083]
laughing , jesting , smiling Katha1s.

m. " he laughed " = jahāsa) Vet.


hasita [L=262087]
laughing , laughter (also impers. = " it has been laughed ") TA1r. Ka1v. Katha1s. &c
hasita [L=262088]
the bow of kāma (god of love) W.
(H2) mfn.
[L=262084]one who has laughed (
[L=262085]mocked , ridiculed , surpassed , excelled ,
[L=262086]blown , expanded
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
hāsa [L=262092]
(ifc. f(ā).) laughing , laughter , mirth (often in pl.) MBh. Ka1v. &c

gen.) R.

ākhyāna-h° , " a funny story ") Katha1s.

R. Katha1s. Sa1h.

hāsa [p= 1297,2] [L=262711]
» p.1294 , cols. 2 and 3.
(H2) m.
[L=262093]mocking , derision of (
[L=262094]a jest , joke , fun (
[L=262095]dazzling whiteness (regarded as laughter in which the teeth are shown)
[L=262096]pride , arrogance
(H1) hāsya
hāsa--kara [p= 1294,3] [L=262098]
provoking laughter , causing to laugh S3is3.

(H3) mfn.
[L=262099]laughing , merry
hāsa--bhūta [L=262100]
representing the laughter of (gen.) Ja1takam.
(H3) mfn.
hāsa--śāla [L=262102]
prone to mirth or laughter Katha1s.
(H3) mfn.
hāsā* spada [L=262103]
an object of jest or laughter. Katha1s.
(H3) n.
hāsaka [L=262104]
one who causes laughter , a buffoon , jester MBh. R. Subh.

(H2) m.
[L=262105]a laugher
hāsikā [L=262106]
laughter , mirth , merry-making L.
(H2B) f.
hāsana [L=262107]
(fr. Caus.) causing laughter , funny , comical Katha1s.
(H2) mfn.
hāsya [L=262112]
to be laughed at , laughable , ridiculous , funny , comical MBh. Ka1v. &c

rhet. one of the 10 rasas or of the 8 sthāyi-bhāvas , qq. vv.) Ya1jn5. MBh. &c

Mn. MBh. &c
(H2) mfn.
[L=262113]laughing , laughter , mirth (in
[L=262114]jest , fun , amusement
hāsya--kara [L=262116]
Sa1h. ) mfn. provoking laughter , causing to laugh.
(H3) (
hāsya--kāra [L=262117]
R. ) mfn. provoking laughter , causing to laugh.
(H3) (
hāsya--padavī [L=262124]
the roar of laughter (°- , " to incur ridicule ") Pan5cat. (-bhāva m. = -tā Katha1s. )

pl.) Hariv.
(H3) f.
[L=262125]a jest , joke (