Deva-Goddess, Worship

  • (H1) devā́ [p= 492,3] [L=95540]
  • f. Hibiscus Mutabilis or Marsilia Quadrifolia
  • (H1B) devī́ [p= 492,3] [L=95540.1]
  • f. » s.v. ([cf. Lat. di1vus , deus ; Lit. de14vas ; Old Pruss. deiwas.])
  • (H3) devī- [p= 495,2] [L=96278]
  • » devī́.
  • (H2) devī́ [p= 496,1] [L=96437]
  • f. (cf. devá) a female deity , goddess RV. AitBr. MBh. &c (e.g. uṣas RV. vii , 75 , 5 ; sarasvatī , v , 41 , 17 ; sāvitrī , the wife of brahmā MBh. ; durgā , the wife of śiva MBh. Hariv. Ka1v. &c ; the 4 goddesses of Buddhists are rocanī , māmakī , pāṇḍurā and tārā Dharmas. iv)
  • [p= 496,1] [L=96438]
  • N. of nymph beloved by the Sun L.
  • [p= 496,1] [L=96439]
  • of an apsaras MBh. i , 4818
  • [p= 496,1] [L=96440]
  • (with jainas) the mother of 18th arhat of present ava-sarpiṇī L.
  • [p= 496,1] [L=96441]
  • queen , princess lady (the consecrated wife or daughter of a king , but also any woman of high rank) MBh. Ka1v. &c
  • [p= 496,1] [L=96442]
  • a kind of bird (= śyāmā) L.
  • [p= 496,1] [L=96443]
  • a partic. supernatural power (= kuṇḍalinī) Cat.
  • [p= 496,1] [L=96444]
  • worship , reverence W.
  • [p= 496,1] [L=96445]
  • N. of plants (colocynth , a species of cyperus , Medicago Esculenta &c ) L.
devā́ [p= 492,3] [L=95540]
Hibiscus Mutabilis or Marsilia Quadrifolia
devī́ [p= 492,3] [L=95540.1]
» s.v. ([cf. Lat. di1vus , deus ; Lit. de14vas ; Old Pruss. deiwas.])
devī- [p= 495,2] [L=96278]
devī́ [p= 496,1] [L=96437]
(cf. devá) a female deity , goddess RV. AitBr. MBh. &c (e.g. uas RV. vii , 75 , 5 ; sarasvatī , v , 41 , 17 ; sāvitrī , the wife of brahmā MBh. ; durgā , the wife of śiva MBh. Hariv. Ka1v. &c ; the 4 goddesses of Buddhists are rocanī , māmakī , ṇḍurā and tārā Dharmas. iv)
496,1] [L=96438]
of nymph beloved by the Sun L.
496,1] [L=96439]
apsaras MBh. i , 4818
496,1] [L=96440]
jainas) the mother of 18th arhat of present ava-sarpiī L.
496,1] [L=96441]
MBh. Ka1v. &c
496,1] [L=96442]
= śyāmā) L.
496,1] [L=96443]
partic. supernatural power (= kuṇḍalinī) Cat.
496,1] [L=96444]
496,1] [L=96445]
of plants (colocynth , a species of cyperus , Medicago Esculenta &c ) L.
devī [p= 1329,1] [L=333990]
(also) = gāyatrī, Para1s3.
1329,1] [L=333990.1]
nāgī, Buddh.
(H1) f.
(H1B) f.
(H3) »
(H2) f.
[p= N.
[p= of an
[p= (with
[p= queen , princess lady (the consecrated wife or daughter of a king , but also any woman of high rank)
[p= a kind of bird (
[p= a
[p= worship , reverence
[p= N.
(H2) f.
[p= =