
gūhanīyatamam bhadre tathāpi kathayāmi te |
yatkiṃcit sakalaṃ rūpaṃ bhairavasya
prakīrtitam || 8 ||

pra-° kīrtita [p= 653,2] [L=129921]
announced , proclaimed , revealed , stated , said , mentioned Mn. Ya1jn5.
653,2] [L=129922]
Mn. Pan5c.
653,2] [L=129923]
Ya1jn5. Pan5c.
(H3) mfn.
[p= named , called
[p= approved , praised , celebrated

pra- √ kīrt [p= 653,2] [L=129917]
-kīrtayati , to announce , proclaim , declare , call , name , state , approve Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c
(H1) P.

pra-° kīrti [p= 653,2] [L=129920]
celebration , declaration Bhag.
(H3) f.

Mandukya Upanisad With Karika - Page 208
Swami Chinmayananda - 1998 - 414 pages - Preview
utpatteh = of creation; y^lRfa*^ prakirtitam = has been declared; ^fafc^ bhavisyad = for future; ^n vrttya = identity; "nW^ gaunam = only secondary; cr^ tat = that; •JOT^H, mukhyatvam = primary importance; ^ f% na hi = not at all; ...

pra-° kaāya [p= 652,3] [L=129779]
P. °yati , to manifest , reveal , proclaim VarP.
(H3) Nom.
pra- √ kāś [p= 653,1] [L=129832]
-kāśate (ep. also P. °) , to become visible , appear , shine , become evident or manifest Up. MBh. Ka1v. &c : Caus. -kāśayati (rarely °te) , to make visible , cause to appear or shine , illumine , irradiate , show , display , manifest , reveal , impart , proclaim ib. : Intens. (only pr.p. -cākaśat) to illumine (and) to survey RV. iv , 53 , 4.
(H1) A1.