(H2) | ny-āsa [p= 572,1] [L=112769]
m. |
putting down or in , placing , fixing , inserting , applying , impressing , drawing , painting , writing down MBh. Ka1v. &c (cf. akṣara- , khura- , caraṇa- , nakha- , pada-. , pāda-. , bīja- , rekhā-)
[p= | 572,1] [L=112770]
putting away , taking off , laying aside |
MBh. Hariv. Das3. BhP. (cf. deha- , śarīra- , śastra-)
[p= | 572,1] [L=112771]
abandoning , resigning |
Up. Bhag. BhP.
[p= | 572,1] [L=112772]
depositing , intrusting , delivering
[p= | 572,1] [L=112773]
any deposit or pledge |
Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c
[p= | 572,1] [L=112774]
written or literal text ( |
cf. yathā-nyāsam) Pat.
[p= | 572,1] [L=112775]
lowering (the voice) |
[p= | 572,1] [L=112776]
(in music) the final tone
[p= | 572,1] [L=112777]
bringing forward , introducing ( |
cf. arthā*ntara.)
[p= | 572,1] [L=112778]
consigning or intrusting anything to the mind |
[p= | 572,1] [L=112779]
mental appropriation or assignment of various parts of the body to tutelary deities |
RTL. 205 &c
[p= | 572,1] [L=112780]
N. |
of sev. works. , (esp.) of a Comm. on Ka1s3.
(H1) | ny-āsa [p= 573,1] [L=112963]
&c |
» under ny-as.