Ihocyate-Said, “here in this context is said”

śaktyavasthāpraviṣṭasya nirvibhāgena bhāvanā |
tadāsau śivarūpī syāt śaivī mukham
ihocyate || 20 ||

A trident of wisdom - Page 14
- 1989 - 404 pages - Google eBook - Preview
That is why Sakti is said to be the entrance door in Saiva philosophy "Saivi mukham ihocyate". The Final Resting Place of all questions and answers TEXT From etacca pasyanti madhyamdbhuvi on p. 4. 1. 15 upto tacchdsana pavitritdndm ...
Abhinavagupta (Rājānaka.)

The triadic Heart of Śiva: Kaula tantricism of Abhinavagupta in ... - Page 275
- 1989 - 330 pages - Google eBook - Preview
... tatra dhySnamayam tSvad anuttaram ihocyate yah praksiah svatantro 'yam citsvabhavo hrdi sthitah sarvatattvamayah proktametacca triSiromate kadamllsarpputSkaram sambahySbhyantarantaram Iksate hrdayamahstharn tatpuspamiva tattvavit ...
Paul Eduardo Muller-Ortega

A thousand teachings: the Upadeśasāhasrī of Śaṅkara - Page 228
, Sengaku Mayeda - 1992 - 265 pages - Google eBook - Preview
"dcdryah pldvitd tasya jHdnam plava ihocyate." Some manuscripts (A4, A5, Asi, and S4) takes it as a quotation from a Sruti but it is not traced there as far as I have tried. nSee note 1 . l2Anandajnana says that "etc. ...

Indian psychology: Volume 2 - Page 163
- 1986 - 512 pages - Preview
Lokottara-camatkarapranah kaiscit pramatrbhih. Svakaravad-abhinnatvenayam asvadyate rasah. Rajastamobhvani asprstam manah sattvam ihocyate. SDR, p. 71. * Rasah svayam eva svadyate, svabhinna-svada-visayah. SDPV., p. ...
Jadunath Sinha

R̥gveda-saṃhitā: Volume 3
, Ravi Prakash Arya, Horace Hayman Wilson - 1997 - Snippet view
Mana — Mana is said to be a name of Agastya with reference to his being of the measure of a span at his birth: as by the text udiydya tato Agastyah samyamdtro mahitapah, mdnena sammito yasmad mdnya ihocyate, thence arose the great ...

The vision of the Vedic poets
- 1984 - 372 pages - Snippet view
Here dhih practically means "mind, mental state", but the other psychical faculties have so to say been absorbed in dhih ... iti dhir yd munisreffha sa samadhir ihocyate "samadhi is the revelation of higher knowledge (pure intelligence, ...
Jan Gonda