177 Sanskrit Words Pertaining to Song
From the magnificent Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary hosted at the
University of Cologne (Universitat Zu Koln)
Of particular interest:
(H3) | plā° vita [p= 715,2] [L=141538]
mfn. |
made to swim or overflow , deluged , soaked , moistened or covered with (comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=141539] |
washed away , removed , destroyed |
[L=141540] |
lengthened , prolated (as a vowel |
» pluta) S3rS. BhP.
(H3B) | plā° vita [L=141541]
n. |
inundation , food , deluge Ka1d.
(H3B) | plā° vita [L=141542]
n. |
a song in which the vowels are prolated BhP.
(H3) | svára--saṃyoga [L=259945]
m. |
= -yoga Mr2icch.
[L=259946] |
a song |
[L=259947] |
the junction of vowels |
(H3) | su--tantri [p= 1223,3] [L=246371]
mfn. |
well accompanied on the lute (as a song) , melodious R2itus.
(H1) | vāda [p= 939,3] [L=190664]
mfn. |
(fr. √ vad) speaking of or about (» brahma-v°)
[L=190665] |
causing to sound , playing ( |
» vīṇā-v°)
(H1B) | vāda [L=190666]
m. |
speech , discourse , talk , utterance , statement Mn. MBh. &c
(H1B) | vāda [L=190667]
m. |
(ifc.) speaking about , mentioning MBh. Hariv. BhP.
(H1B) | vāda [L=190668]
m. |
advice , counsel MBh.
(H1B) | vāda [L=190669]
m. |
a thesis , proposition , argument , doctrine Sarvad. Sus3r.
(H1B) | vāda [L=190670]
m. |
discussion , controversy , dispute , contest , quarrel Mn. MBh. &c
(H1B) | vāda [L=190671]
m. |
agreement Das3.
(H1B) | vāda [p= 940,1] [L=190672]
m. |
cry , song , note (of a bird) AitBr.
(H1B) | vāda [L=190673]
m. |
sound , sounding (of a musical instrument) Pan5cat.
(H1B) | vāda [L=190674]
m. |
demonstrated conclusion , result W.
(H1B) | vāda [L=190675]
m. |
a plaint , accusation ib.
(H1B) | vāda [L=190676]
m. |
a reply ib.
(H1B) | vāda [L=190677]
m. |
explanation , exposition (of holy texts &c ) MW.
(H1B) | vāda [L=190678]
m. |
report , rumour ib.
(H1) | laya [p= 897,3] [L=181584]
layana |
&c » [p= 903,2].
(H2) | laya [p= 903,2] [L=182754]
m. |
the act of sticking or clinging to (loc.) , S3is. ?? (layaṃ √ gā with loc. , " to become attached to any one " Kuval. )
[L=182755] |
lying down , cowering |
[L=182756] |
melting , dissolution , disappearance or absorption in ( |
loc. or comp.) Up. Kap. &c (layaṃ √ gam or yā " to disappear , be dissolved or absorbed " ; layaṃ saṃ- √gam , " to hide or conceal one's self ")
[L=182757] |
extinction , destruction , death |
MBh. Ka1v. &c (layaṃ √ yā , " to be destroyed , perish ")
[L=182758] |
rest , repose |
S3is3. BhP. (cf. a-laya)
[L=182759] |
place of rest , residence , house , dwelling |
[L=182760] |
mental inactivity , spiritual indifference |
Kap. Veda7ntas.
[L=182761] |
sport , diversion , merriness |
[L=182762] |
delight in anything |
[L=182763] |
an embrace |
[L=182764] |
(in music) time (regarded as of 3 kinds , viz. |
druta , " quick " , madhya , " mean or moderate " , and vilambita , " slow ") , Ka1lid. Das3ar. Pan5cat. &c
[L=182765] |
a kind of measure |
[L=182766] |
the union of song , dance and instrumental music |
[L=182767] |
a pause |
[L=182768] |
a |
partic. agricultural implement (perhaps a sort of harrow or hoe) VS.
[L=182769] |
a swoon |
[L=182770] |
the quick (downward) movement of an arrow |
(H2B) | laya [L=182772]
n. |
the root of Andropogon Muricatus Bhpr.
(H2B) | laya [L=182773]
mfn. |
making the mind inactive or indifferent BhP.
(H3) | loká--gāthā [p= 906,2] [L=183259]
f. |
a verse or song (handed down orally) among men Sarvad.
1 anavagīta (song)
2 anugai (song)
3 anugītā (song)
4 anupada (song)
5 aparāntaka (song)
6 abhigūrti (song)
7 abhigai (song)
8 abhigīta (song)
9 abhiprārc (song)
10 abhyarc (song)
11 arka (song)
12 arthika (song)
13 alati (song)
14 alivirāva (song)
15 aliviruta (song)
16 avagīta (song)
17 asāman (song)
18 ākṣiptikā (song)
19 āgāna (song)
20 ānupadika (song)
21 āśīrgeya (song)
22 uktapratyukta (song)
23 uttara (song)
24 udgai (song)
25 udgīta (song)
26 upagai (song)
27 upagā (song)
28 upagātṛ (song)
29 upagāna (song)
30 upageya (song)
31 upariṣṭādudarka (song)
32 upastu (song)
33 upahāra (song)
34 upāṅgagīta (song)
35 upāsṛj (song)
36 ullopya (song)
37 ṛggāthā (song)
38 ṛṣi (song)
39 ekatāna (song)
40 ekatāla (song)
41 auveṇaka (song)
42 kāra (song)
43 kāraṇa (song)
44 kuharita (song)
45 komalagīta (song)
46 kautuka (song)
47 khaṇḍamātrā (song)
48 kheli (song)
49 gā (song)
50 gaṇeśagītā (song)
51 gātu (song)
52 gātha (song)
53 gāthikā (song)
54 gāthānī (song)
55 gāna (song)
56 gānīya (song)
57 gāya (song)
58 gāyatra (song)
59 gāyana (song)
60 gāndharva (song)
61 gāndharvakalā (song)
62 gir (song)
63 girvāhas (song)
64 gīta (song)
65 gītā (song)
66 gītakrama (song)
67 gītagovinda (song)
68 gītanṛtya (song)
69 gītaśāstra (song)
70 gītaka (song)
71 gītikā (song)
72 gīti (song)
73 gītiviśeṣa (song)
74 gīthā (song)
75 guñjita (song)
76 gai (song)
77 geya (song)
78 geyajña (song)
79 geyapada (song)
80 carcarī (song)
81 chalika (song)
82 jan (song)
83 jambhalikā (song)
84 jalp (song)
85 jānakīgītā (song)
86 tena (song)
87 tauryatrika (song)
88 dakṣavihitā (song)
89 dvigūḍha (song)
90 dvipadī (song)
91 dvipādikā (song)
92 dhāman (song)
93 dhuvakā (song)
94 dhruva (song)
95 nandī (song)
96 naviṣṭi (song)
97 nāṭyocita (song)
98 nigai (song)
99 nibandha (song)
100 nīthā (song)
(H1) an-avagīta [p= 26,3] [L=5285] mfn. not made an object of contemptuous song , uncensured.
(H2) an-avagīta [p= 1311,1] [L=305080] (also) not become tedious, Ja1takam.
(H1) anu- √ gai [p= 32,1] [L=6226]
to sing after or to (a person or tune) ;
to celebrate in song: Caus. -gāpayati , to make one sing after or to.
(H2) anu-gītā [L=6227] f. " an after-song " , N. of part of the fourteenth book of the mahābhārata (chaps. 16-92).
(H2) anu-pada [p= 34,2] [L=6606] mfn. following closely L.
(H2B) anu-pada [L=6607] m. N. of a man or tribe , (g. upakā*di q.v.)
(H2B) anu-pada [L=6608] n. a chorus , refrain , burden of a song or words sung again after regular intervals
(H2) anu-pada [L=6609] n. N. of an upāṅga belonging to the sāma-veda
(H2B) anu-pada [L=6610] n. word for word
(H2) anu-pada [L=6611] n. on the heels of , close behind or after.
(H3) aparā* ntaka [p= 50,3] [L=9467] mf(ikā)n. living at the western border VarBr2S. &c
(H3B) aparā* ntaka [L=9469] n. N. of a song Ya1jn5.
(H2) abhí-gūrti [p= 61,3] [L=11291] f. song of praise RV. i , 162 , 6 and 12.
(H1) abhi- √ gai [L=11297]
(Imper. 2. sg. -gā́ya , or -gāya , 2. pl. -gāyata) to call or sing to (acc.) RV. ;
to enchant AitBr. ;
to sing (a hymn , &c ) S3Br. &c ;
to fill with song R. ;
to celebrate in song R.
(H2) abhí-gīta [L=11298] mfn. addressed or praised in song RV. ix , 96 , 23.
(H2) abhi-gīta [p= 1315,1] [L=311670] n. a song, Divya7v.
(H1) abhi-prā* rc [p= 66,2] [L=11906] ( √arc) to celebrate in song RV. viii , 49 , 1 and 69 , 4.
(H1) abhy- √ arc [p= 76,1] [L=13244]
(3. pl. -arcanti and impf. -arcan [ RV. iv , 1 , 14] ; Imper. 2. sg. -arca , 2. pl. -arcata ; A1. 1. sg. -arce and aor. -arcase [ RV. x , 64 , 3]) to praise , celebrate in song (instr.) RV. AV. VS. ;
(ind.p. -arcya) to worship , reverence MBh. Mn. &c
(H1) arká [p= 89,1] [L=15572] m. ( √ arc) , Ved. a ray , flash of lightning RV. &c
[L=15573] the sun RV. &c
[L=15574] (hence) the number , " twelve " , Su1ryas.
[L=15575] Sunday
[L=15576] fire RV. ix , 50 , 4 S3Br. Br2A1rUp.
[L=15577] crystal R. ii , 94 , 6
[L=15578] membrum virile AV. vi , 72 , 1
[L=15579] copper L.
[L=15580] the plant Calotropis Gigantea (the larger leaves are used for sacrificial ceremonies ; cf. arka-kośī , -parṇá , palaśá , &c below) S3Br. &c , a religious ceremony S3Br. Br2A1rUp. (cf. arkā*śvamedha below)
[L=15581] praise hymn , song (also said of the roaring of the maruts and of indra's thunder) RV. and AV.
[L=15582] one who praises , a singer RV.
[L=15583] N. of indra L.
[p= 89,2] [L=15584] a learned man (cf. RV. viii , 63 , 6) L.
[L=15585] an elder brother L.
[L=15586] N. of a physician BrahmaP. (cf. arka-cikitsā below)
(H1B) arká [L=15587] mn. (with agneḥ , indrasya , gautamasaḥ , &c ) N. of different sāmans
(H1B) arká [L=15588] mn. food Naigh. and Nir. (cf. RV. vii , 9 , 2) .
(H2) arka [p= 1316,1] [L=313840] 1 (in comp.)
(H2) arka [p= 1316,2] [L=313850] 2 Nom. P. °kati, to become a sun, Subh.
(H2) arthika [p= 91,2] [L=16063] mfn. wanting anything MBh. i , 5619 (cf. kanyā*thika)
[L=16064] (as)
[L=16065] a prince's watchman (announcing by song or music the hours of the day especially those of rising and going to rest) L.
(H1) alati [p= 94,2] [L=16583] m. a kind of song L.
(H3) ali--virāva [p= 95,1] [L=16727] m. song or hum of the bee L.
(H3) ali--viruta [L=16728] n. song or hum of the bee L.
(H1) ava-gīta [p= 97,2] [L=17121] mfn. ( √ gas) , sung depreciatingly
[L=17122] sung of frequently , well known , trite Ra1jat.
[L=17123] censured , blamable , despicable , vile Hariv. Kir. ii , 7
(H1B) ava-gīta [L=17124] n. satire in song , blame , censure L.
(H1) a-sāman 1 [p= 120,2] [L=20890] n. (fr. 1. sā́man) , want , deficiency ChUp.
(H1) a-sāmán 2 [L=20891] mfn. (fr. 2. sā́man) , without a song or sāman S3Br. i
[L=20892] not acquainted with the sāma-veda MBh. xii , 2312.
(H1) a-sāman 3 [L=20893] n. only °mnā instr.
(H2) ā-kṣiptikā [p= 128,3] [L=22399] f. a particular air or song sung by an actor on approaching the stage Vikr.
(H2) ā-gāna [p= 130,1] [L=22661] n. obtaining by song ChUp.
(H1) ānupadika [p= 141,1] [L=24579] mfn. (fr. anu-pada) , following , pursuing , tracking
[L=24580] knowing or studying the anupada (q.v.) song ib.
(H3) āśīr--geya [p= 157,2] [L=27467] n. song together with benediction R.
(H3) ukta--pratyuktá [p= 171,3] [L=30017] n. speech and reply , discourse , conversation S3Br. xi , 5 , 1 , 10
[L=30018] a kind of anthem or alternate song Sa1h.
(H2) úttara 1 [p= 178,1] [L=31140] mfn. (compar. fr. 1. ud ; opposed to adhara ; declined Gram. ?? 238 a) , upper , higher , superior (e.g. uttare dantās , the upper teeth) RV. AV. TS. ChUp. Ragh. &c
[L=31141] northern (because the northern part of India is high) AV. Mn. Sus3r. Pan5cat. &c
[L=31142] left (opposed to dakṣiṇa or right , because in praying the face being turned to the east the north would be on the left hand) AV. Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c
[L=31143] later , following , subsequent , latter , concluding , posterior , future RV. AV. Ka1tyS3r. MBh. Ragh. Hit. &c (opposed to pūrva , &c e.g. uttaraḥ kālaḥ , future time ; uttaraṃ vākyam , a following speech , answer , reply ; phalam uttaram , subsequent result , future consequence ; varṣo*ttareṣu , in future years)
[L=31144] followed by (e.g. smo*ttara mfn. followed by " sma " Pa1n2. 3-3 , 176)
[L=31145] superior , chief , excellent , dominant , predominant , more powerful RV. AV.
[L=31146] gaining a cause (in law)
[L=31147] better , more excellent RV.
(H2B) úttara 1 [L=31148] m. N. of a son of virāṭa MBh.
(H2B) úttara 1 [L=31149] m. of a king of the nāgas L.
(H2B) úttara 1 [L=31150] m. N. of a mountain Katha1s.
(H2B) úttara 1 [L=31151] m. of several men
(H2B) úttara 1 [L=31152] m. pl. N. of a school
(H2B) úttara 1 [L=31159] n. upper surface or cover MBh. Ragh. Das3. &c
(H2B) úttara 1 [L=31160] n. the north R. Dhu1rtas.
(H2B) úttara 1 [L=31161] n. the following member , the last part of a compound
(H2B) úttara 1 [L=31162] n. answer , reply Ragh. R. Prab. &c
(H2B) úttara 1 [L=31163] n. (in law) a defence , rejoinder , a defensive measure
(H2B) úttara 1 [L=31164] n. contradiction Car.
(H2B) úttara 1 [L=31165] n. (in the mīmāṃsā philosophy) the answer (the fourth member of an adhikaraṇa or case)
(H2B) úttara 1 [L=31166] n. superiority , excellence , competency R. Pan5cat. Katha1s. &c
(H2B) úttara 1 [L=31167] n. result , the chief or prevalent result or characteristic , what remains or is left , conclusion , remainder , excess , over and above , (often ifc. e.g. bhayo*ttara , attended with danger , having danger as the result ; dharmo*ttara , chiefly characterized by virtue ; ṣaṣṭy-uttaraṃ sahasram , one thousand with an excess of sixty , i.e. 1060 ; sapto*ttaraṃ śatam , 107)
(H2B) úttara 1 [L=31168] n. remainder , difference (in arithmetic)
(H2B) úttara 1 [L=31169] n. N. of a song Ya1jn5.
(H2B) úttara 1 [L=31170] n. N. of each of the nakṣatras that contain the word " uttara "
(H2B) úttara 1 [L=31171] n. a particular figure in rhetoric
(H2B) úttara 1 [L=31172] n. N. of the last book of the rāmāyaṇa
(H1) úttara 1 [p= 179,1] [L=31380] &c » [p= 178,1]
[L=31380.1] for 2. » ut-tṝ , col.2.
(H2) út-tara 2 [p= 179,2] [L=31432] mfn. (for 1. » [p= 178,1]) , crossing over
[L=31433] to be crossed (cf. dur-uttara).
(H2) uttara [p= 1321,2] [L=322390] (in comp.)
(H1) ud- √ gai [p= 187,2] [p= 187,1] [L=32791]
P. -gāyati (-gāti S3a1n3khBr. xvii , 7) to begin to sing ;
to sing or chant (applied especially to the singing or chanting of the sāmaveda cf. ud-gātṛ́) RV. x , 67 , 3 AV. ix , 6 , 45-48. AitBr. S3Br. TS. La1t2y. &c ;
to sing out loud S3is3. vi , 20 ;
to announce or celebrate in song , sing before any one (with acc.) ;
to fill with song S3vetUp. MBh. Ragh. &c
(H2) ud-gīta [L=32797] mfn. sung
[L=32798] announced , celebrated
(H2B) ud-gīta [L=32799] n. singing , a song MBh.
(H1) upa- √ gai [p= 196,3] [L=34372]
P. -gāyati (Impv. 2. pl. -gāyatā RV. ) to sing to any one (dat. or acc.) ;
to join in singing , accompany a song ;
to sing before , sing , praise in song , celebrate , " fill with song " RV. viii , 32 , 17 ; ix , 11 , 1 AV. iv , 15 , 4 TS. S3Br. &c MBh. BhP. &c ;
to sing near: Pass. -gīyate (p. -gīyámāna RV. MBh. ; and -gīyat [irr.] MBh. xv , 883) to be sung or praised in song ;
to be sung before RV. viii , 70 , 5 MBh.
(H1) upa- √ gā 1 1 [L=34341]
(for 2. » upa- √gai) P. -gāti (Subj. -gāt ; 3. pl. -gus ; aor. 1. sg. -geṣam VS. v , 5) to go near to , arrive at ;
to come into , undergo RV. i , 164 , 4 ; vii , 93 , 3 AV. ;
to go , walk (pathā́ , a way) RV. i , 38 , 5 VS. S3Br.
(H2) upa-gā 2 [p= 197,1] [L=34373] f. accompaniment of a song Ka1tyS3r. La1t2y. Jaim.
(H1) upa-gātṛ́ [p= 196,3] [L=34343] &c » [p= 197,1].
(H2) upa-gātṛ́ [p= 197,1] [L=34374] m. one who accompanies the song of the ud-gātṛ , a chorister TS. S3Br. AitBr.
(H2) upa-gāna [L=34375] n. an accompanying song Ma1lav.
(H2) upa-geya 1 [p= 196,3] [L=34342] mfn. (for 2. » [p= 197,1]) to be approached
[L=34342.1] to be observed or kept Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 3-1 , 86.
(H2) upa-geya [p= 197,1] [L=34381] mfn. to be sung or celebrated
(H2B) upa-geya [L=34382] n. song BhP. v , 26 , 38.
(H2) upa-geya [p= 1322,1] [L=323540] (put 2. before upa-geya on p. 197, col. 1 ; for 1. upa-geya see p. 196, col. 3).
(H3) upáriṣṭād--udarka [p= 205,2] [L=35584] mfn. ending in a burden (as a song) Sa1y. on AitBr. v , 2 , 17.
(H1) upa- √ stu [p= 210,3] [L=36312]
P. -stauti , to invoke , celebrate in song , praise RV. : AV. iii , 15 , 7 TBr. iii ;
(esp. said of the hotṛ) S3Br. : Pass. -stūyate , to be praised or celebrated in song BhP. iii , 13 , 45 Sa1y.
(H2) upa-hāra [p= 212,1] [L=36501] m. offering , oblation (to a deity)
[L=36502] complimentary gift , present (to a king or superior) MBh. Megh. Katha1s. &c
[L=36503] (upahāraṃ vi- √dhā , to offer an oblation to a god [acc.] , sacrifice to any one Katha1s. )
[L=36504] a particular kind of alliance (purchased through a gift) Ka1m. Hit. &c
[p= 212,2] [L=36505] food (distributed to guests &c )
[L=36506] (with the pāśupatas) a kind of religious service (consisting of laughter , song , dance , muttering huḍuk , adoration and pious ejaculation) Sarvad. 77 , 22.
(H3) upā* ṅga--gīta [p= 213,1] [L=36612] n. a kind of song Ra1jat.
(H1) upā* - √ sṛj [p= 215,1] [L=36890] A1. (aor. 1. sg. -ásṛkṣi) to make , perform , compose (e.g. a song) RV. viii , 27 , 11.
(H2) ul-lopya [p= 219,3] [L=37651] n. a kind of song Ya1jn5.
(H3) ṛg--gāthā [p= 225,1] [L=38725] f. a song consisting of ṛc-like stanzas Ya1jn5. iii , 114.
(H1) ṛ́ṣi [p= 226,3] [L=39047] m. ( √2. ṛṣ Comm. on Un2. iv , 119 ; ṛṣati jñānena saṃsāra-pāram T. ; perhaps fr. an obsolete √ṛṣ for √dṛś , " to » ? " cf. ṛṣi-kṛt) , a singer of sacred hymns , an inspired poet or sage , any person who alone or with others invokes the deities in rhythmical speech or song of a sacred character (e.g. the ancient hymn-singers kutsa , atri , rebha , agastya , kuśika , vasiṣṭha , vy-aśva) RV. AV. VS. &c
[L=39048] the ṛṣis were regarded by later generations as patriarchal sages or saints , occupying the same position in India history as the heroes and patriarchs of other countries , and constitute a peculiar class of beings in the early mythical system , as distinct from gods , men , asuras , &c AV. x , 10 , 26 S3Br. AitBr. Ka1tyS3r. Mn. &c
[p= 227,1] [L=39049] they are the authors or rather seers of the Vedic hymns i.e. according to orthodox Hindu ideas they are the inspired personages to whom these hymns were revealed , and such an expression as " the ṛṣi says " is equivalent to " so it stands in the sacred text "
[L=39050] seven ṛṣis , sapta ṛṣayaḥ , or saptaṛṣayaḥ or saptarṣayaḥ , are often mentioned in the brāhmaṇas and later works as typical representatives of the character and spirit of the pre-historic or mythical period
[L=39051] in S3Br. xiv , 5 , 2 , 6 their names are given as follows , gotama , bharadvāja , viśvā-mitra , jamadagni , vasiṣṭha , kaśyapa , and atri
[L=39052] in MBh. xii , marīci , atri , aṅgiras , pulaha , kratu , pulastya , vasiṣṭha are given as the names of the ṛṣis of the first manvantara , and they are also called prajāpatis or patriarchs
[L=39053] the names of the ṛṣis of the subsequent manv-antaras are enumerated in Hariv. 417 ff.
[L=39054] afterwards three other names are added , viz. pracetas or dakṣa , bhṛgu , and nārada , these ten being created by manu svāyambhuva for the production of all other beings including gods and men A1s3vS3r. MBh. VP. &c
[L=39055] in astron. the seven ṛṣis form the constellation of " the Great Bear " RV. x , 82 , 2 AV. vi , 40 , 1 S3Br. A1s3vGr2. MBh. &c
[L=39056] (metaphorically the seven ṛṣis may stand for the seven senses or the seven vital airs of the body VS. xxxiv S3Br. xiv Ka1tyS3r. )
[L=39057] a saint or sanctified sage in general , an ascetic , anchorite (this is a later sense ; sometimes three orders of these are enumerated , viz. devarṣis , brahmarṣis , and rājarṣis ; sometimes seven , four others being added , viz. maharṣis , paramarṣis , śrutarṣis , and kāṇḍarṣis) Mn. iv , 94
[L=39058] xi , 236 S3ak. Ragh. &c
[L=39059] the seventh of the eight degrees of Brahmans Hcat.
[L=39060] a hymn or mantra composed by a ṛṣi
[L=39061] the veda Comm. on MBh. and Pat.
[L=39062] a symbolical expression for the number seven
[L=39063] the moon
[L=39064] an imaginary circle
[L=39065] a ray of light L.
[L=39066] the fish Cyprinus ṛṣi L. ; ([cf. Hib. arsan , " a sage , a man old in wisdom " ; arrach , " old , ancient , aged. "]) ,
(H2) ṛṣi [p= 1323,1] [L=325190] (in comp.)
(H3) éka--tāna [p= 228,1] [L=39277] mfn. directed to one object only , having the mind fixed on one object only , closely attentive Katha1s. Das3.
[L=39278] of the same or equal extent L.
(H3B) éka--tāna [L=39279] m. attention fixed on one object only BhP.
(H3B) éka--tāna [L=39280] m. harmonious tone or song (cf. tāna) L.
(H3) éka--tāla [L=39281] m. harmony , unison (of song , dance , and instrumental music)
[L=39282] accurate adjustment
(H3B) éka--tāla [L=39286] mfn. having a single palm tree (as a mountain) Ragh. xv , 23.
(H1) auveṇaka [p= 240,1] [L=41261] n. a kind of song (gītaka) Ya1jn5. iii , 113.
(H1) kāra 1 [p= 274,2] [L=48503] mf(ī)n. ( √1. kṛ Pa1n2. 3-2 , 23), making , doing , working , a maker , doer (ifc. » kumbha-k° , yajña k° , suvarṇa-k°)
[L=48504] an author (e.g. vārttika-k°)
(H1B) kāra 1 [L=48505] m. (ifc.) an act , action (» kāma-k° , puruṣa-k°)
(H1B) kāra 1 [L=48506] m. the term used in designating a letter or sound or indeclinable word (e.g. a-k° , ka-k° , qq. vv. ; eva-k° , the word eva ; phūt-k° q.v.) Pra1t. Mn. &c
(H1B) kāra 1 [L=48507] m. effort , exertion L.
(H1B) kāra 1 [L=48508] m. determination L.
(H1B) kāra 1 [L=48509] m. religious austerity L.
(H1B) kāra 1 [L=48510] m. a husband , master , lord L.
(H1B) kāra 1 [L=48511] (as or ā) m. or f. act of worship , song of praise Divya1v.
(H1) kāra 2 [p= 274,3] [L=48593] m. (= 2. kara) tax , toll , royal revenue Pa1n2. 6-3 , 10
[L=48594] a heap of snow or a mountain covered with it L.
(H1B) kāra 2 [L=48595] mfn. produced by hail Sus3r.
(H1) kārá 3 [L=48600] m. ( √2. kṛ) , a song or hymn of praise RV.
[L=48601] a battle song RV.
(H1) kāra 4 [L=48604] m. ( √2. kṝ) , killing , slaughter L.
(H2) kāra [p= 1324,2] [L=327590] (accord. to some in RV. also, "gain, prize, booty" ; "contest, war")
(H2) kāraṇa 1 [p= 274,2] [L=48528] n. cause , reason , the cause of anything (gen. , also often loc.) Ka1tyS3r. MBh. Mn. &c
[L=48529] instrument , means
[L=48530] motive origin , principle
[L=48531] a cause (in phil. i.e. that which is invariably antecedent to some product cf. samavā*yi-k° , asamavā*yi-k° , nimitta-k°)
[L=48532] an element , elementary matter Ya1jn5. iii , 148 Bhag. xviii , 13
[L=48533] the origin or plot of a play or poem Sa1h.
[L=48534] that on which an opinion or judgement is founded (a sign , mark ; a proof ; a legal instrument , document) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=48535] an organ of sense Ragh. xvi , 22 &c
[L=48536] an action MBh. xii , 12070
[L=48537] agency , instrumentality , condition Katha1s. cxii , 178
[L=48538] " the cause of being " , a father W.
[L=48539] " cause of creation " , a deity W.
[L=48540] the body L.
[L=48541] a kind of musical instrument L.
[L=48542] a sort of song L.
[L=48543] a number of scribes or kāyasthas W.
(H2) kāraṇa 2 [p= 274,3] [L=48605] n. killing , injury L.
(H2) kuharita [p= 299,1] [L=53749] n. noise , sound L.
[L=53750] the song or cry of the Kokila or Indian cuckoo L.
[L=53751] a sound uttered in copulation L.
(H3) komala--gīta [p= 313,2] [L=56631] n. a sweet song.
(H1) kautuka [p= 316,1] [L=57096] n. (fr. kut° ; g. yuvā*di) , curiosity , interest in anything , vehement desire for (loc. or in comp.) , eagerness , vehemence impatience Pan5cat. Katha1s. (ifc. f(ā).) &c
[L=57097] anything causing curiosity or admiration or interest , any singular or surprising object , wonder Pan5cat. Katha1s. Vet.
[L=57098] festivity , gaiety , festival , show , solemn ceremony (esp. the ceremony with the marriage-thread or necklace preceding a marriage) Kum. Das3. Bhartr2. BhP. &c
[L=57099] the marriage-thread or necklace Katha1s. li , 223
[L=57100] pleasure , happiness , prosperity BhP. i , 17 , 26
[L=57101] N. of nine particular substances Hcat. i , 110 , 19 ; ii , 49 , 10
[L=57102] sport , pastime L.
[L=57103] public diversion L.
[L=57104] song , dance , show , spectacle L.
[L=57105] season of enjoyment L.
[L=57106] kind or friendly greeting , civility L.
[L=57108] for amusement , as a relaxation W.
(H2) kautuka [p= 1325,2] [L=328970] (also) the place for a partic. nuptial cereniony, Ma1nGr2.
(H3) khaṇḍa--mātrā [p= 336,1] [L=61131] f. a kind of song Sa1h.
(H2) kheli [p= 340,3] [L=62068] f. (= keli) play , sport Gi1t. xi , 30
(H2B) kheli [L=62069] m. an animal L.
(H2B) kheli [L=62070] m. a bird L.
(H2B) kheli [L=62071] m. the sun L.
(H2B) kheli [L=62072] m. an arrow L.
(H2B) kheli [L=62073] m. a song L.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 25.25
Whitney Roots links: gA1
(H1B) gā 3 [p= 341,2] [L=62155] f. a song L.
(H1) gā 1 [p= 352,1] [L=64493]
cl.3 P. jígāti ( RV. ; jagāti , Naigh. ii , 14 (v.l.) ; Subj. jígāt ; Impv. jígātu ; aor. agāt ; 3. pl. agan BhP. i , 9 , 40 ; Subj. [1. sg. geṣam » anu- and upa-] , 2. sg. gā́s , 3. sg. gāt , 2. pl. gātá , 3. pl. gur ; [perf. jigāya » ud-] , perf. Pot. jagāyāt [ Naigh. ii , 14] RV. x , 28 , 1 ; inf. gā́tave RV. ii , 3 , 1 ; in Class. Sanskrit only the aor. P. agāt occurs , for A1. » adhi- ; aor. Pass. agāyi , agāsātām Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-4 , 45 and 77 ; cl.2 P. gā́ti Naigh. ii , 14 ; A1. gāte Dha1tup. xx , 53) to go , go towards , come , approach (with acc. or loc.) RV. AV. &c ;
to go after , pursue RV. iv , 3 , 13 ; x , 18 , 4 ;
to fall to one's (dat.) share , be one's (acc.) due , viii , 45 , 32 Ragh. xi , 73 ;
to come into any state or condition (acc.) , undergo , obtain MBh. iii , 10697 R. &c ;
to go away (from abl. ; to any place loc.) RV. x , 108 , 9 ;
to come to an end Naish. viii , 109 ;
to walk (on a path acc. or instr.) RV. viii , 2 , 39 and 5 , 39 ;
(jigāti) to be born Vop. on Dha1tup. xxv , 25 : Desid. jigīṣati , to desire to go BhP. ii , 10 , 25 ; ([cf. βίβημι , ἔβην ; Old Germ. ga1m , ga1s , &c ; Goth. ga-tvo ; Eng. go.])
(H2) gā 2 [L=64494] mfn. Ved. ifc. " going " (cf. a-gā ; agre-,tamo-,puro-,samana-andsvasti-gā́) Pa1n2. 3-2 , 67.
(H1) gā 3 [p= 352,2] [L=64545] mfn. ( √ gai) ifc. " singing " » sāma-gā
(H1B) gā 3 [L=64546] f. » s.v. 3. ga.
(H4) gaṇe* śa---gītā [p= 343,3] [L=62642] f. N. of a song in praise of gaṇe*śa
(H2) gātú 1 [p= 352,1] [L=64495] m. going , motion , unimpeded motion RV. AV. x , 2 , 12
[L=64496] way , course , egress , access RV. (rarely f. i , 136 , 2 and v , 32 , 10) AV. xiii VS. ii , 21
[L=64497] progress , increase , welfare RV. AV. ii S3Br. i
[L=64498] free space for moving , place of abode (" earth " Naigh. ) RV. AV. x , xiii
[L=64499] (for gā́tave » s.v. √1. gā ; cf. áriṣṭa-g° , turá-g° , su-g°.)
(H2) gātú 2 [p= 352,2] [L=64548] m. a song RV.
[L=64549] a singer (i , 100 , 4. ?) Un2. i , 73
[L=64550] a gandharva or celestial chorister ib.
[L=64551] the male Koil or Indian cuckoo ib.
[L=64552] a bee ib.
[L=64553] N. of a descendant of atri (author of RV. v , 32) RAnukr.
(H2B) gātú 2 [L=64554] mfn. angry , wrathful L.
(H1) gātú [p= 353,2] [L=64747] &c » √1. gā & 3. gā.
(H2) gā* thá [p= 352,2] [L=64561] m. a song RV. i , 167 , 6 and ix , 11 , 4 SV.
(H2) gāthá [p= 353,2] [L=64751] » 3. gā.
(H2B) gāthikā [p= 352,2] [L=64570] f. an epic song Ya1jn5. i , 45 MBh. iii , 85 , 30 Ratna7v. ii , 5÷6.
(H2) gāthikā [L=64580] f. of °thaka q.v.
(H3) gāthā--nī́ [L=64576] mfn. leading a song or a choir RV. i , 190 , 1 and viii , 92 , 2.
(H2) gāna [p= 352,3] [L=64598] n. singing , song Ka1tyS3r. La1t2y. i , vii Hariv. 11793 S3is3. ix , 54
[L=64599] a sound L. (cf. araṇya- , ūha- , ūhya-.)
(H2) gāna [p= 353,2] [L=64772] 1.
(H2) gānīya [p= 352,3] [L=64604] mfn. musical W.
(H2B) gānīya [L=64605] n. a song R. i , 3 , 70.
(H3) gā° nīya [p= 353,2] [L=64774] 1.
(H2) gāya 1 [p= 352,2] [L=64544] » uru-g°.
(H2) gāya 2 [p= 352,3] [L=64608] n. " a song " » uttama- , sāma-.
(H1) gāya [p= 354,1] [L=64860] 1. and 2. gāya. » √1. gā and 3. gā.
(H1) gāya [L=64861] 3. gāya , mfn. relating to gaya AitBr. v , 2 , 12.
(H2) gāyatrá [p= 352,3] [L=64614] m. n. a song , hymn RV. VS. xi , 8 ChUp. ii , 11 , 1
(H2B) gāyatrá [L=64615] n. a hymn composed in the gāyatrī metre RV.
(H2B) gāyatrá [L=64616] n. the gāyatrī metre VP. i , 5 , 52
(H2B) gāyatrá [L=64617] n. N. of a sāman S3Br. ix Ka1tyS3r.
(H2B) gāyatrá [L=64618] mf(ī)n. consisting in or connected with the gāyatrī (e.g. in accordance with the number of syllables of a gāyatrī verse) VS. TS. &c
(H2B) gāyatrá [L=64619] mf(ī)n. with vrata = brahma-carya BhP. x , 45 , 29
(H2B) gāyatrá [L=64621] mf(ī)n. the gāyatrī (i.e. RV. iii , 62 , 10 ; tát savitúr váreṇyam bhárgo devásya dhīmahi dhíyo yó naḥ pracodáyā*t S3Br. xiv S3a1n3khGr2. MBh. &c ; this is a very sacred verse repeated by every Brahman at his morning and evening devotions ; from being addressed to savitṛ or the Sun as generator , it is also called sāvitrī ; cf. RTL. pp. 19 ; 342 ; 361 ; 403 ; the gāyatrī verse is personified as a goddess , the wife of brahmā and mother of the four vedas Hariv. 11666 ff. ; it is often mentioned in connection with the amṛta , both together constituting as it were the essence and type of sacred hymns in general AV. ; the gāyatrī personified is also considered as the mother of the first three classes in their capacity of twice-born W. ; cf. RTL. pp. 200 f. ; some other verse [perhaps RV. x , 9 , 1] is denoted by gāyatrī Sus3r. vi , 28 , 7 ; with tāntrikas a number of mystical verses are called gāyatrīs , and each deity has one in particular)
(H2B) gāyatrá [L=64622] mf(ī)n. N. of durgā MatsyaP. Katha1s. liii , 172
(H2B) gāyatrá [L=64623] mf(ī)n. Acacia Catechu L.
(H2) gāyatrá [p= 354,1] [L=64863] &c » ib.
(H2) gāyana [p= 352,3] [L=64648] m. ( Pa1n2. 3-1 , 147) a singer , praiser MBh. i , iii , v , xiii R. i Ra1jat.
[L=64649] a talker L.
[L=64650] N. of an attendant in skanda's retinue MBh. ix , 2569
(H2B) gāyana [p= 353,1] [L=64652] n. singing , song Ca1n2. BhP. iii , vii PSarv.
(H2B) gāyana [L=64653] n. professing or practising singing as a livelihood W.
(H1) gāndharvá [p= 353,3] [p= 353,2] [L=64788] mf(gā́ndharvī-)n. belonging or relating to the gandharvas (especially vivāha , or vidhi , the form of marriage called after the gandharvas which requires only mutual agreement A1s3vGr2. i , 6 , 5 Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. i , &c ; cf. gandharva-vivāha) RV. x , 80 , 6 S3Br. xiv &c
[L=64789] relating to the gandharvas as heavenly choristers (cf. -kalā , -veda , &c ) MBh. Hariv. &c
(H1B) gāndharvá [L=64790] m. (= gandh° g. prajñā*di Gan2ar. 175) a singer R. vii , 94 , 6 VarBr2S. xv , xxxii
(H1B) gāndharvá [L=64791] m. N. of a musical note Hariv. 16291 Va1yuP. i , 21 , 30
(H1B) gāndharvá [L=64792] m. of one of the 9 divisions of bhārata-varṣa VP. ii , 3 , 7
(H1B) gāndharvá [L=64793] n. the art of the gandharvas , song , music , concert MBh. Hariv. &c
(H1B) gāndharvá [L=64794] n. N. of a tantra
(H1B) gāndharvá [L=64796] n. N. of durgā Hariv. 10243 (v.l. gandharvā)
(H1B) gāndharvá [L=64797] n. N. of an apsaras VP.
(H3) gāndharvá--kalā [L=64798] f. pl. the art of the gandharvas , song , music Gi1t. xii , 28.
(H1) gír 1 [p= 355,1] [L=65063] mfn. ( √1. gṝ) addressing , invoking , praising RV.
(H1B) gír 1 [L=65064] f. (ī́r) invocation , addressing with praise , praise , verse , song RV. (the maruts are called " sons of praise " , sūnávo gíraḥ , i , 37 , 10) AV.
(H1B) gír 1 [L=65065] f. speech , speaking , language , voice , words (e.g. mānuṣīṃ giraṃ √1. kṛ , to assume a human voice Nal. i , 25 ; girāṃ prabhaviṣṇuḥ [ VarBr2S. ] or pati [ VarYogay. ] = gir-īśa q.v. ; tad-girā , on his advice Katha1s. lxxv) , ChUp. Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c
(H1B) gír 1 [L=65066] f. = gīr-devī , fame , celebrity W.
(H1B) gír 1 [L=65067] f. a kind of mystical syllable Ra1matUp. ; ([cf. Hib. gair , " an outcry , shout " ; Gk. γῆρυς.]) - 1.
(H1) gir 2 [L=65097] mfn. ( √2. gṝ) ifc. " swallowing " » gara- and muhur-gír.
(H1) gír 3 [p= 355,2] [L=65102] m. = girí , a mountain RV. v , 41 , 14 and vii , 39 , 5 S3is3. iv , 59.
(H3) gír--vāhas [p= 355,1] [L=65072] (gír-) mfn. one to whom invocations are addressed , praised in song (indra) RV.
(H1) gītá [p= 356,1] [L=65290] mfn. ( √ gai) sung , chanted , praised in songs Mn. ix , 42 MBh. &c
(H1B) gītá [L=65291] n. singing , song VS. xxx TBr. iii S3Br. iii , vi A1p. &c
(H1B) gītá [L=65292] n. N. of four hymns addressed to kṛṣṇa
(H1B) gītá [L=65294] n. N. of a metre.
(H1B) gītā [L=65293] f. a song , sacred song or poem , religious doctrines declared in metrical form by an inspired sage (cf. agastya-gītá , bhagavad-gītá [often called gītā Prab. vi , 9÷10 &c ], rāma-gītá , śiva-gītá)
(H3) gītá--krama [L=65296] m. the arrangement of a song W.
[L=65297] = varṇa L.
(H3) gītá--govinda [L=65301] n. " govinda (i.e. kṛṣṇa) celebrated in song " , N. of a lyrical drama by jayadeva (probably written in the beginning of the twelfth century ; it is a mystical erotic poem describing the loves of kṛṣṇa and the gopīs , especially of kṛṣṇa and rādhā , who is supposed to typify the human soul).
(H3) gītá--nṛtya [L=65303] n. sg. song and dance R. i , 24 , 5
[L=65304] a particular dance.
(H3) gītá--śāstra [L=65312] n. the science of song W.
(H2) gītaka [L=65316] n. a song , hymn Ya1jn5. iii , 113 BhP. viii VP. ( Sa1h. i , 2÷3 , 14) Katha1s.
[L=65317] a kind of metre (narkuṭaka) VarBr2S. civ , 52
[L=65318] melody (seven in number) Ma1rkP. xxiii , 51 and 59
[L=65319] a metre of 4 x 20 syllables
[L=65320] a stanza composed in the gīti metre Katha1s. cxvii , 109 (with reference to 65 f.) (cf. daśa-gītikā.)
(H2B) gītikā [L=65318.1] f. a short song or hymn MBh. iii , 8173 (gāthikā ed. Bomb.)
(H2) gīti [L=65321] f. song , singing Nir. x La1t2y. Jaim. S3ak.
[L=65322] a metre consisting of 4 lines of 12 and 18 syllabic instants alternately.
(H3) gīti--viśeṣa [L=65323] m. a kind of song W.
(H2) gī́thā [L=65327] f. (only for the etym. of ud-gīthá) a song S3Br. xiv , 4 , 1 , 25.
(H2) guñjita [p= 356,2] [L=65407] mfn. uttered in a low tone , murmured W.
[L=65408] humming Ka1d. Bhat2t2. ii , 19 Katha1s. xviii , 353
[L=65409] song (of the Koil) S3a1rn3gP.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 25.25
Whitney Roots links: gA2
(H1) gai [p= 363,2] [L=66852]
cl.1 P. gā́yati , rarely A1. °te (1. sg. gā́ye [ RV. viii , 46 , 17] & gāyiṣe [ RV. vii , 96 , 1] La1t2y. MBh. &c ) , exceptionally cl.2. gāti ( MBh. iii , 15850 ; xii , 10299 : cl.3 P. jigāti Dha1tup. xxv , 25 ; perf. jagau AitBr. &c ; aor. agāsīt ; Prec. geyāt Pa1n2. 6-4 , 67 ; pr. p. P. gā́yat RV. &c ; ind.p. gītvā [with prep. -gāya ( Pa1n2. 6-4 , 69) AitBr. , or -gī́ya S3Br. &c ] ; inf. gātum) , to sing , speak or recite in a singing manner , sing to (dat. RV. ) , praise in song (with acc.) , relate in metrical language RV. AV. &c ;
to sing before (acc.) Katha1s. i , 53 : Pass. gīyáte (p. °yámāna) , to be sung or praised in song RV. &c ;
to be called MBh. i , 4329 Kum. ii , 5 Katha1s. xci (perf. jage) , &c : Caus. gāpayati (Pot. 3. pl. gāyayeyur JaimUp. ) , to cause to sing or praise in song La1t2y. S3a1n3khGr2. Ragh. BhP. &c : Intens. jegīyate ( Pa1n2. 6-4 , 66) , to sing MBh. xii , 12200 ;
to be sung or praised in song VarBr2S. xix , 18 Das3. i , 6 ;
to be asserted obstinately Sarvad. iii , 224 ; xii , 1 ;
([cf. 3. gā ; cf. also Lith. zaidziu.])
(H1) geya [L=66818] &c » √gai.
(H2) geya [L=66853] mfn. ( Pa1n2. 3-1 , 97 Ka1s3. ) to be sung , being sung or praised in song La1t2y. Hariv. Pa1n2. 3-4 , 68 BhP. x
[L=66854] singing , singer of (gen.) Pa1n2. 3-4 , 68
(H2B) geya [L=66855] n. a song , singing MBh. R. Megh. &c (said of the flies' humming Pan5cat. i , 15 , 8÷9)
(H2B) geya [L=66856] n. cf. āśīr- , prātar-.
(H3) geya--jña [L=66857] mfn. skilful in song VarBr2S.
(H3) geya--pada [L=66858] n. a song sung before any one with the lute Sa1h. vi , 212.
(H2B) cárcarī [p= 390,1] [L=72334] f. a kind of song Vikr. iv Ratna7v. i , 7÷8
(H2B) cárcarī [L=72335] f. musical symphony Katha1s. liv
(H2B) cárcarī [L=72336] f. the recitation of scholars W.
(H2B) cárcarī [L=72337] f. festive cries or merriment , festive sport W.
(H2B) cárcarī [L=72338] f. flattery W.
(H2B) cárcarī [L=72339] f. a metre of 4 x 18 syllables
(H2B) cárcarī [L=72340] f. (for barbarī) curled or woolly hair L.
(H2) chalika [p= 405,3] [L=75725] n. a song consisting of 4 parts (recited with gesticulation ; subdivision of nātya Bhar. ) Ma1lav. i , 3÷4 (in Prakrit) and 18÷19 (v.l. °litaka).
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 25.24
Whitney Roots links: jan
(H1) jan [p= 410,1] [L=76735]
cl.1. ([ RV. AV. ]) and cl.10. jánati , °te (Subj. janat RV. ;°nāt AV. vi , 81 , 3 ; A1. °nata RV. x , 123 , 7 ; impf. ájanat RV. ; p. jánat) , janáyati , °te (in later language only P. Pa1n2. 1-3 , 86 ; Subj. °náyat ; impf. ájanayat ; aor. ájījanat ; p. janáyat ; inf. jánayitavai S3Br. xiv) , twice cl.3. (Subj. jajánat MaitrS. i , 3 , 20 and 9 , 1 [ Ka1t2h. ix , 8] ; cf. Pa1n2. 6-1 , 192 and vii , 4 , 78 Ka1s3. ; pr. jajanti Dha1tup. xxv , 24 ; aor. A1. jániṣṭa ; A1. ájani RV. ii , 34 , 2 ; perf. jajā́na ; 3. pl. jajñúr RV. &c ; once jajanúr , viii , 97 , 10 ; p. °jñivas ; Ved. inf. jánitos , iv , 6 , 7 AitBr. S3Br. iii ; [ Pa1n2. 3-4 , 6] ; Ved. ind.p. °nitvī́ RV. x , 65 , 7) to generate , beget , produce , create , cause RV. AV. &c ;
to produce (a song of praise , &c ) RV. ;
(cl.10. or Caus.) to cause to be born AV. vii , 19 , 1 ; xiii , 1 , 19 VarBr2. xiv , 1 ; xix ;
to assign , procure RV. VS. xix , 94 ;
cl.4. jā́yate (ep. also °ti ; impf. ájāyata ; pr. p. jayamāna ; fut. janiṣyate ; aor. ájaniṣṭa ; 1. [ RV. viii , 6 , 10] and 3. sg. ájani ; 3. sg. jáni , i , 141 , 1 ; jā́ni , 7 , 36 ; perf. jajñé , 2. sg. °jñiṣé 3. pl. °jñiré , p. °jñāná) and ([ RV. ]) cl.2. (?) A1. (2. sg. jañiṣé , 2. pl. °jiñre , °niṣvā [vi , 15 , 18] , °nidhvam cf. Pa1n2. 7-2 , 78 ; impf. 3. p. ajñata [aor. Pa1n2. 2-4 , 80] AitBr. ) , twice cl.1 A1. (impf. 3. pl. ajanatā RV. iv , 5 , 5 ; p. jánamāna , viii , 99 , 3) to be born or produced , come into existence RV. AV. &c ;
to grow (as plants , teeth) AV. iv f. AitBr. vii , 1 5 S3Br. xiv Ka1tyS3r. Mn. ix , 38 VarBr2S. ;
to be born as , be by birth or nature (with double nom.) MBh. i , 11 , 15 Pan5cat. iv , 1 , 5 ;
to be born or destined for (acc.) RV. iv , 5 , 5 Mun2d2Up. iii , 1 , 10 (v.l. jayate for jāy°) ;
to be born again Mn. iv , ix , xi f. MBh. i , iii , xiii Hit. Introd. 14 ;
to become , be RV. AV. &c ;
to be changed into (dat.) Pa1n2. 2-3 , 13 Ka1s3. ;
to take place , happen Vet. i , 11 ; iv , 25 ;
to be possible or applicable or suitable Sus3r. ;
to generate , produce R. iii , 20 , 17 Caran2. : Pass. janyate , to be born or produced Pa1n2. 6-4 , 43 : Desid. jijaniṣati , 42 Ka1s3. : Intens. jañjanyate and jājāy° , 43 (cf. Vop. xx , 1 7) ;
([cf. γίγνομαι Lat. gigno , (g)nascor ; Hib. genim , " I beget , generate. "])
(H2) jambhalikā [p= 412,2] [L=77241] f. a kind of song Vikr. iv , 2÷3.
Whitney Roots links: jalp
(H1) jalp [p= 416,2] [p= 416,1] [L=78292]
( √lap redupl.?) cl.1. jálpati (ep. also A1. pf. jajalpa R. ) to speak inarticulately , murmur S3Br. xi , 5 , 1 , 4 ;
to chatter , prattle W. ;
to say , speak , converse with (instr. or sā*rdham) MBh. R. &c ;
to speak about (acc.) MBh. iv , 864 ; v , 4515 ;
= √arc , to praise Naigh. iii , 14 ;
(said of the Koil) to sound (its song) Bhartr2. : Caus. jalpayati to cause to speak Pa1n2. 1-4 , 52 Va1rtt. 3.
(H3) jānakī--gītā [p= 418,3] [L=78793] f. " sītā-song " , N. of wk.
(H2) jānakī-gītā [p= 1327,3] [L=331880] f. N. of a wk. on bhakti by śrī-harṣa.
(H1) tena 1 [p= 454,3] [L=86947] m. a note or cadence introductory to a song.
(H1) téna 2 [L=86948] ind. (instr. of 2. tá) in that direction , there (correl. to yena , " in which direction , where ") SaddhP. iv Pa1n2. 2-1 , 14 Ka1s3.
[p= 455,1] [p= 454,3] [L=86948.1] in that manner , thus (correl. to yena , " in what manner ") , Pa1rGr2. ii , 2 Mn. iv , 178 Vop. v , 7
[L=86948.2] on that account , for that reason , therefore (correl. to yena [ Mn. MBh. ] , yád [ S3Br. iv , 1 , 5 , 7 Mn. i , iii R. ii] , yasmāt [ MBh. R. ] , yatas [ Sa1h. i , 2 Hit. ])
[L=86948.3] tena hi , therefore , now then S3ak. Vikr. i , 3÷4.
(H3) taurya--trika [p= 456,2] [L=87312] n. " triple symphony " , song , dance , and instrumental music Mn. vii , 47.
(H3) dákṣa--vihitā [p= 465,2] [L=89365] f. durgā W.
(H3) dákṣa--vihitā [L=89366] f. (scil. gāthā) a song composed by dadhīca Ya1jn5. iii , 114.
(H3) dvi--gūḍha [p= 504,3] [L=98427] n. a kind of song Sa1h.
(H3B) dvi--padī [p= 505,2] [L=98537.2] f. (padī) a kind of Prakrit metre Col.
(H3B) dvi--padī [L=98537.3] f. a song composed in this metre Ka1d. (°dī-khaṇḍa Ratn. i , 12÷13 ; 16÷17)
(H3B) dvi--padī [L=98537.4] f. taking 2 steps A1s3vGr2. i , 7 , 19.
(H3) dvi--pādikā [L=98557] f. a kind of song (cf. -padikā) R. vii , 6 , 58.
(H2) dhā́man [p= 514,3] [L=100869] n. dwelling-place , house , abode , domain RV. &c &c (esp. seat of the gods cf. madhyamaṃ dhāma viṣṇoḥ S3ak. [ Pi. ?? iv , 5] ; site of the sacred fire and the soma RV. &c ; with priyam , favourite residence VS. Br. )
[L=100870] favourite thing or person , delight , pleasure VS. AV. Br.
[L=100871] the inmates of a house or members of a family , class , troop , band , host (also pl.) RV. &c
[L=100872] law , rule , established order (esp. of mitra-varuṇa) RV. AV.
[L=100873] state , condition Prab. i , 30
[L=100874] manner , mode , tone , form , appearance (esp. in sacrifice , song &c ) RV. VS.
[L=100875] effect , power , strength , majesty , glory , splendour , light RV. &c MBh. Ka1v. Pur.
(H2B) dhā́man [L=100876] m. N. of one of the 7 ṛṣis of the 4th manv-antara (v.l. dhātṛ) Hariv. [cf. Gk. θημον in εὐ-θήμων ; θαμά , θωμός &c ; Lat. fam-ulus ; Angl.Sax. do7m ; Goth. domas ; Germ. tuom and suff. -tum.]
(H2) dhā́man [p= 1329,2] [L=334340] (accord. to some in RV. also = muhūrta, "an hour").
(H2B) dhuvakā [p= 517,2] [L=101382] f. the introductory stanza of a song (forming afterwards the burthen of each verse) W. (cf. g. pre*kṣā*di).
(H1) dhruvá [p= 521,3] [p= 521,2] [L=102286] mf(ā́)n. (prob. fr. √ dhṛ , but cf. √dhru and dhruv) fixed , firm , immovable , unchangeable , constant , lasting , permanent , eternal RV. &c (e.g. the earth , a mountain , a pillar , a vow &c ; with svā*ṅga n. an inseparable member of the body Pa1n2. 6-2 , 177 ; with dhenu f. a cow which stands quiet when milked AV. xii , 1 , 45 ; with diś f. the point of the heavens directly under the feet [reckoned among the quarters of the sky cf. 2. diś] AV. Br. ; with smṛti f. a strong or retentive memory ChUp. vii , 26 , 2 ; cf. also under karaṇa and nakṣatra)
[L=102287] staying with (loc.) RV. ix , 101 , 12
[L=102288] settled , certain , sure Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=102289] mfn. ifc. = pāpa L.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102290] m. the polar star (personified as son of uttāna-pāda and grandson of manu) Gr2S. MBh. &c
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102291] m. celestial pole Su1ryas.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102292] m. the unchangeable longitude of fixed stars , a constant arc ib.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102293] m. a knot VS. v , 21 ; 30
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102294] m. a post , stake L.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102295] m. the Indian fig-tree L.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102296] m. tip of the nose (?) L.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102297] m. a partic. water-bird ib.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102298] m. the remaining (i.e. preserved) graha which having been drawn in the morning is not offered till evening S3Br. Vait.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102299] m. (in music) the introductory verse of a song (recurring as a kind of burthen) or a partic. time or measure (tāla-viśeṣa)
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102300] m. any epoch to which a computation of dates is referred W.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102301] m. N. of an astrol. yoga
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102302] m. of the syllable Om Ra1matUp.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102303] m. of brahmā L.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102304] m. of viṣṇu MBh.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102305] m. of śiva S3ivag.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102306] m. of a serpent supporting the earth Gr2S. TA1r.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102307] m. of a vasu MBh. Hariv. Pur.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102308] m. of a son of vasu-deva and rohiṇī BhP.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102309] m. of an āṅgirasa (supposed author of RV. x , 173) Anukr.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102310] m. of a son of nahuṣa MBh.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102311] m. of a follower of the pāṇḍus ib.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102312] m. of a son of ranti-nāra (or ranti-bhāra) Pur.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102314] m. (scil. vṛtti) a partic. mode of life Baudh.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102315] m. (scil. strī) a virtuous woman L. @
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102316] m. Desmodium Gangeticum L.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102317] m. Sanseviera Zeylanica L.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102318] m. (in music) the introductory verse (cf. above )
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102319] n. the fixed point (from which a departure takes place) Pa1n2. 1-4 , 24
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102320] n. the enduring sound (supposed to be heard after the abhinidhāna) RPra1t.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102321] n. air , atmosphere L.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102322] n. a kind of house Gal.
(H2B) nándī [p= 526,3] [L=103455] f. Cedrela Toona Sus3r.
(H2B) nándī [L=103456] f. a kind of song or musical instrument Ma1nGr2.
(H2B) nándī [L=103457] f. N. of the 6th day in a month's light half ib.
(H2B) nándī [L=103458] f. of durgā Devi1P. ??
(H2B) nándī [L=103459] f. of indra's city W.
(H2) nandī [p= 527,2] [L=103675] f. of nanda q.v.
(H2) náviṣṭi [p= 531,1] [L=104616] f. song of praise , hymn RV. viii , 2 , 17.
(H3) nāṭyo* cita [p= 534,2] [L=105357] mfn. (song) fit for a dramatic representation Dhu1rtas.
(H1) ni- √ gai [p= 546,1] [L=108107] P. -gāyati , to accompany with song , sing , chant S3Br.
(H3) ni-° bandha [p= 550,1] [L=108805] m. binding on , tying , fastening R.
[L=108806] chain , fetter , bondage MBh. BhP.
[L=108807] attachment to , intentness on L.
[L=108808] basis , root , origin MBh. ii. 2532
[L=108809] a grant of property , an assignment of cattle or money Ya1jn5. i. 317
[L=108810] fixed property ib. ii. 121
[L=108811] restraint , obstruction L.
[L=108812] constipation or suppression of urine Sus3r. (v.l. for vi-b°)
[L=108813] any literary composition or work Cat.
[L=108814] N. of a partic. wk. ib.
[L=108815] Azadirachta Indica L.
(H3B) ni-° bandha [L=108816] n. song , singing L.
(H2B) nī́thā [p= 565,2] [L=111257] f. way , trick , art , stratagem RV.
(H2B) nīthā [L=111258] f. also = (nīthá) n. a mode in music , musical mode or air , song , hymn ib.
(H2B) nīthā [L=111259] f. water L.
1 nīthāvid (song)
2 pāṇikā (song)
3 pārāvatī (song)
4 puruṇītha (song)
5 prakarī (song)
6 pragāṇa (song)
7 pragīta (song)
8 pracchādaka (song)
9 pracchedaka (song)
10 pratiṣṭuti (song)
11 pramāṇa (song)
12 praśastigāthā (song)
13 prastava (song)
14 plāvita (song)
15 bahirgīta (song)
16 brahmagītikā (song)
17 bhagavadgītā (song)
18 bhara (song)
19 maṅkigīta (song)
20 maṅgalagāthikā (song)
21 madraka (song)
22 madrakagīti (song)
23 mantra (song)
24 mūrchita (song)
25 yathājyagāna (song)
26 racana (song)
27 rava (song)
28 rāga (song)
29 rāsaka (song)
30 ruta (song)
31 rudragīta (song)
32 leśa (song)
33 laya (song)
34 lokagāthā (song)
35 vacas (song)
36 varṇa (song)
37 varṇaparicaya (song)
38 vācāṭa (song)
39 vācāla (song)
40 vāda (song)
41 viracitapada (song)
42 viṣṇugāthā (song)
43 veyagāna (song)
44 vyāhāra (song)
45 vyāhṛta (song)
46 śakuna (song)
47 śakunivāda (song)
48 śabdagati (song)
49 śūṣa (song)
50 śekhara (song)
51 śyāmāruta (song)
52 śravaṇas (song)
53 saṃgīta (song)
54 samudgīta (song)
55 samprayuj (song)
56 sarobindu (song)
57 sāman (song)
58 sutantri (song)
59 suṣāman (song)
60 sūkta (song)
61 sūnṛtā (song)
62 saindhava (song)
63 sopāya (song)
64 stu (song)
65 stava (song)
66 stutigītaka (song)
67 stutimantra (song)
68 smarodgītha (song)
69 svana (song)
70 svarabaddha (song)
71 svarasaṃyoga (song)
72 anugāna (song)
73 anugīta (song)
74 anutoda (song)
75 abhigīta (song)
76 uttamottamaka (song)
77 uttamottamika (song)
(H3) nīthā-víd [p= 565,2] [L=111260] mfn. knowing musical modes , skilled in sacred song RV. ( Pra1t. °tha-v°).
(H2B) pāṇikā [p= 615,3] [L=121511.2] f. a kind of song or singing Ya1jn5.
(H2B) pāṇikā [L=121511.3] f. a kind of spoon L.
(H1B) pā́rāvatī [p= 620,3] [L=122644] f. the fruit of the Averrhoa Acida L.
(H1B) pā́rāvatī [L=122645] f. a form of song peculiar to cowherds L.
(H1B) pā́rāvatī [L=122646] f. N. of a river L.
(H3) purú--ṇīthá [p= 636,2] [L=126329] n. a song for many voices , choral song ib.
(H2B) pra-karī 1 [p= 653,3] [L=129962] f. a kind of song Ya1jn5.
(H2B) prakarī 2 [p= 654,2] [L=130141] f. a place where four roads meet L.
(H3) pra-° gāṇa [p= 656,1] [L=130419] n. (for 2. » under pra- √gai) access , approach » pṛthu-prag°.
(H3) pra-° gāṇa [p= 656,2] [L=130454] n. (for 1. » pra-gā) singing , song L.
(H1) pra-gīta [p= 656,1] [L=130435] °ti » pra- √gai.
(H3) pra-° gīta [p= 656,2] [L=130461] mfn. recited in a singing tone , sung Sarvad.
[L=130462] resonant with singing , vocal MBh. R.
[L=130463] singing , one who has begun to sing Katha1s.
(H3B) pra-° gīta [L=130464] n. song R2itus. Caurap.
(H3B) pra-° gīta [L=130465] n. a sing-song or drawling recitation (regarded as a fault) S3iksh.
(H3) pra-° cchādaka [p= 657,3] [L=130778] mf(ikā)n. concealing , covering (ifc.) Ma1rkP. Sus3r.
(H3B) pra-° cchādaka [L=130779] m. the song of a wife deserted by her husband (sung with the accompaniment of a lute and containing a covert description of her sorrows) L.
(H3) pra-° cchedaka [p= 658,1] [L=130795] m. a song sung by a wife who thinks her husband false to her Sa1h. (cf. pra-cchādaka).
(H1) práti-ṣṭuti [p= 671,2] [L=133252] f. ( √ stu) praise or a song of praise RV. Ta1n2d2Br.
(H2) pramāṇa [p= 685,3] [L=135796] n. (ifc. f(ā).) measure , scale , standard
[L=135797] measure of any kind (as size , extent , circumference , length , distance , weight , multitude , quantity , duration) Ka1tyS3r. Kat2hUp. Mn. &c (instr. " on an average " Jyot. )
[L=135798] prosodical length (of a vowel) Pa1n2. 1-1 , 50 Sch.
[L=135799] measure in music MBh. ( Ni1lak. )
[L=135800] accordance of the movements in dancing with music and song Sam2gi1t.
[L=135801] measure of physical strength S3ak. (cf. comp. below)
[L=135802] the first term in a rule of three sum Col.
[L=135803] the measure of a square i.e. a side of it S3ulbas.
[L=135804] principal , capital (opp. to interest) Col.
[L=135805] right measure , standard , authority Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c (pramāṇam bhavatī , " your ladyship is the authority or must judge " Nal. ; in this sense also m. and f. sg. and pl. e.g. vedāḥ pramāṇāḥ , " the vedas are authorities " MBh. ; strī pramāṇī yeṣām , " they whose authority is a woman " Pa1n2. Sch.)
[L=135806] a means of acquiring pramā or certain knowledge (6 in the vedā*nta , viz. pratyakṣa , perception by the senses ; anumāna , inference ; upamāna , analogy or comparison ; śabda or āpta-vacana , verbal authority , revelation ; an-upalabdhi or abhāva-pratyakṣa , non-perception or negative proof ; arthā*patti , inference from circumstances ; the nyāya admits only 4 , excluding the last two ; the sāṃkhya only 3 , viz. pratyakṣa , anumāna and śabda ; other schools increase the number to 9 by adding sambhava , equivalence ; aitihya , tradition or fallible testimony ; and ceṣṭā , gesture IW. 60 &c &c )
[L=135807] any proof or testimony or evidence Ya1jn5. MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=135808] a correct notion , right perception (= pramā) Tarkas.
[L=135809] oneness , unity L.
[L=135810] = nitya L.
(H2B) pramāṇa [L=135811] m. (cf. n.) N. of a large fig-tree on the bank of the Ganges MBh.
(H4) prá° śasti---gāthā [p= 695,1] [L=137478.50] f. a song of praise Can2d2.
(H1) pra-stava [p= 699,1] [L=138238] &c » pra- √stu.
(H2) pra-stava [L=138243] m. a hymn of praise , chant , song Ma1rkP.
[L=138244] a favourable moment (cf. a-pr°) R.
(H3) plā° vita [p= 715,2] [L=141538] mfn. made to swim or overflow , deluged , soaked , moistened or covered with (comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=141539] washed away , removed , destroyed BhP.
[L=141540] lengthened , prolated (as a vowel » pluta) S3rS. BhP.
(H3B) plā° vita [L=141541] n. inundation , food , deluge Ka1d.
(H3B) plā° vita [L=141542] n. a song in which the vowels are prolated BhP.
(H3) bahir--gīta [p= 726,3] [L=144121] n. a song accompanied by a stringed instrument L.
(H3) brahma--gītikā [p= 738,2] [L=146630] f. " the song of brahmā " , N. of partic. verses Ya1jn5.
(H3) bhagavad--gītā [p= 744,1] [L=147853] f. pl. (sometimes with upaniṣad ; once n(°ta). BhP. ) " kṛṣṇa's song " , N. of a celebrated mystical poem (interpolated in the MBh. where it forms an episode of 18 chapters from vi , 830-1532 , containing a dialogue between kṛṣṇa and arjuna , in which the Pantheism of the vedā*nta is combined with a tinge of the sāṃkhya and the later principle of bhakti or devotion to kṛṣṇa as the Supreme Being ; cf. IW. 122 &c )
(H1) bhára [p= 747,2] [L=148665] mf(ā)n. ( √ bhṛ) bearing , carrying , bringing
[L=148666] bestowing , granting
[L=148667] maintaining , supporting (mostly ifc. ; cf. ṛtam- , kulam- , deham- , vājam-bh° and c.)
(H1B) bhára [L=148668] m. (ifc. f(ā).) the act of bearing or carrying &c
(H1B) bhára [L=148669] m. carrying away or what is carried away , gain , prize , booty RV. AV.
(H1B) bhára [L=148670] m. war , battle , contest ib.
(H1B) bhára [L=148671] m. a burden , load , weight (also a partic. measure of weight = bhāra q.v. L. ) Hariv. Ka1v. &c (acc. with √ kṛ , to place one's weight , support one's self Hit. )
(H1B) bhára [L=148672] m. a large quantity , great number , mass , bulk , multitude , abundance , excess Ka1v. Katha1s. &c (°reṇa ind. and °rāt ind. in full measure , with all one's might Ka1d. )
(H1B) bhára [L=148673] m. raising the voice , shout or song of praise RV.
(H1B) bhára [L=148674] n. du. (with indrasya , or vasiṣṭhasya) N. of 2 sāmans A1rshBr.
(H3) maṅki--gīta [p= 772,2] [L=154123] n. " song of maṅki " , N. of the 15th ch. of the pārtha itihāsa-samuccaya (containing episodes from the MBh. )
(H3) maṅgala--gāthikā [p= 772,3] [L=154177] f. a solemn song Dhanam2j.
(H2) madraka [p= 779,1] [L=155714] mfn. = mādro mādrau vā bhaktir asya Pa1n2. 4-3 , 100 , Va1rtt. 2 Pat.
[L=155715] belonging to or produced in madra W.
(H2B) madraka [L=155716] m. (pl.) N. of a degraded people (= madra) MBh. Hariv. Pur.
(H2B) madraka [L=155717] m. (sg.) a prince or an inhabitant of madra MBh.
(H2B) madraka [L=155718] m. N. of śibi (» under madra) Hariv.
(H2B) madraka [L=155719] m. of a poet Cat.
(H2B) madraka [L=155721] n. N. of a kind of song Ya1jn5.
(H2B) madraka [L=155722] n. a kind of metre Col.
(H3) madraka--gīti [L=155724] f. the song called madraka L.
(H2) mántra [p= 785,3] [L=157237] m. (rarely n. ; ifc. f(ā).) , " instrument of thought " , speech , sacred text or speech , a prayer or song of praise RV. AV. TS.
[p= 786,1] [L=157238] a Vedic hymn or sacrificial formula , that portion of the veda which contains the texts called ṛc or yajus or sāman (q.v.) as opp. to the brāhmaṇa and upaniṣad portion (» IW. 5 &c ) Br. Gr2S3rS. &c
[L=157239] a sacred formula addressed to any individual deity (e.g. om śivāya namaḥ) RTL. 61
[L=157240] a mystical verse or magical formula (sometimes personified) , incantation , charm , spell (esp. in modern times employed by the śāktas to acquire superhuman powers ; the primary mantras being held to be 70 millions in number and the secondary innumerable RTL. 197-202) RV. (i , 147 , 4) A1s3vS3r. Mn. Katha1s. Sus3r.
[L=157241] consultation , resolution , counsel , advice , plan , design , secret RV. &c
[L=157242] N. of viṣṇu Vishn2.
[L=157243] of śiva MBh.
[L=157244] (in astrol.) the fifth mansion VarYogay.
(H2) mantra [p= 787,1] [L=157540] » [p= 785,3].
(H2) mantra [p= 1331,2] [L=337930] (in comp.)
(H2) mūrchita [p= 824,1] [L=165802] mfn. fainted , stupefied , insensible (n. impers.) MBh. Ka1v. &c calcined , solidified (said of quicksilver) Sarvad.
[L=165803] intensified , augmented increased , grown , swollen (ifc. = filled or pervaded or mixed with) MBh. Ka1v. Sus3r.
[L=165804] tall , lofty W.
[L=165805] reflected (as rays) Var.
[L=165806] agitated , excited MBh.
(H2B) mūrchita [L=165807] n. a kind of song or air BhP.
(H3) yáthā--° jya-gāna [p= 842,1] [L=169731] (°thā*j°) n. a song corresponding to the ājya La1t2y.
(H2) racana [p= 860,3] [L=173267] n. the act of making , forming , arranging , preparing , composing Ka1v.
[p= 861,1] [L=173268] mostly f(ā). arrangement , disposition , management , accomplishment , performance , preparation , production , fabrication MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=173269] a literary production , work , composition VarBr2S. Sa1h.
[L=173270] style Sa1h.
[L=173271] putting on , wearing (of a garment) Mr2icch.
[L=173272] arrangement (of troops) , array Pan5cat.
[L=173273] contrivance , invention Katha1s. BhP.
[L=173274] a creation of the mind , artificial image Jaim.
[L=173275] fixing the feathers on an arrow L.
[L=173276] dressing the hair (cf. keśa-r°) L.
[L=173277] stringing flowers or garlands W. (often ifc. with concrete meaning e.g. nivāsa-recanā , a building Mr2icch. ; gīti-racanā , a song Ra1jat. ; kūṭa-racanā , an artifice , trick Katha1s. ; accord. to L. also = pari-spanda or pari-syanda , prati-yatna , granthana , gumpha , vyūha , niveśa , sthiti ; also = pāśa , bhāra &c , abundance , quantity ifc. after a word meaning " hair " ; cf. Pa1n2. 2-3 , 44 Sch.)
(H1) ráva [p= 868,3] [L=175305] m. ( √1. ru) a roar , yell , cry , howl (of animals , wild beasts &c ) RV. &c
[L=175306] song , singing (of birds) MBh. R. &c
[L=175307] hum , humming (of bees) Ragh. Katha1s.
[L=175308] clamour , outcry Katha1s.
[L=175309] thunder RV. MBh.
[L=175310] talk MW.
[L=175311] any noise or sound (e.g. the whizz of a bow , the ringing of a bell &c ) MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H1) rāga [p= 872,1] [L=176089] m. (fr. √ rañj ; ifc. ā , or ī) the act of colouring or dyeing (cf. mūrdhaja-r°)
[L=176090] colour , hue , tint , dye , (esp.) red colour , redness MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=176091] inflammation Car.
[L=176092] any feeling or passion , (esp.) love , affection or sympathy for , vehement desire of , interest or joy or delight in (loc. or comp.) Up. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=176093] loveliness , beauty (esp. of voice or song) S3ak. Pan5cat.
[L=176094] a musical note , harmony , melody (in the later system a partic. musical mode or order of sound or formula ; bharata enumerates 6 , viz. bhairava , kauśika , hindola , dīpaka , śrī-rāga , and megha , each mode exciting some affection ; other writers give other names ; sometimes 7 or 26 rāgas are mentioned ; they are personified , and each of the 6 chief rāgas is wedded to 5 or 6 consorts called rāgiṇīs ; their union gives rise to many other musical modes) Bhar. Sam2gi1t. Ra1jat. Pan5cat. &c
[L=176095] nasalization , Rpra1t.
[L=176096] a partic. process in the preparation of quicksilver Sarvad.
[L=176097] seasoning , condiment Car.
[L=176098] a prince , king L.
[L=176099] the sun L.
[L=176100] the moon L.
(H2) rāsaka [p= 879,3] [L=177866] m. a kind of dance Hcar.
[L=177867] a kind of song ib.
[L=177868] (in music) a kind of measure Sam2gi1t.
(H2B) rāsaka [L=177869] mn. a kind of dramatic entertainment Sa1h.
(H2) rutá 1 [p= 881,3] [L=178217] mfn. sounded , made to resound , filled with cries (of animals) AV. &c
(H2B) rutá 1 [L=178218] n. (often pl.) any cry or noise , roar , yell , neigh (of horses) , song , note (of birds) , hum (of bees) Ka1tyS3r. MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2) rutá 2 [L=178233] mfn. broken to pieces , shattered , divided RV. AV. VS.
(H1) ruta [p= 883,1] [L=178504] 1. 2. ruta &c » [p= 881,3].
(H3) rudrá--gīta [p= 883,2] [L=178553] n. ( BhP. ) or f(ā). sg. or pl. ( Ra1matUp. Cat. ) the song of rudra (in which agastya repeats a dialogue between himself and rudra).
(H2) leśa [p= 903,1] [L=182708] m. a small part or portion , particle , atom , little bit or slight trace of (gen. or comp. ; -tas and ena , Ind. = very slightly or briefly ; les3a-s3as , in small pieces R. ) Pra1t. ChUp. MBh. &c
[L=182709] smallness , littleness W.
[L=182710] a partic. division or short space of time (= 2 or 12 kalās) L.
[L=182711] a kind of song L.
[L=182712] (in rhet.) a figure of speech in which a statement is made indirectly (e.g. Ven2is. ii , 4) Sa1h.
[L=182713] a figure of speech (in which what is usually considered as an advantage is represented as a disadvantage and vice versa) Kuval.
[L=182714] N. of a prince (a son of su-hotra) VP.
(H1) leśa [p= 906,1] [L=183208] leśya,leṣṭavya &c » [p= 903,1].
(H1) laya [p= 897,3] [L=181584] layana &c » [p= 903,2].
(H2) laya [p= 903,2] [L=182754] m. the act of sticking or clinging to (loc.) , S3is. ?? (layaṃ √ gā with loc. , " to become attached to any one " Kuval. )
[L=182755] lying down , cowering MBh.
[L=182756] melting , dissolution , disappearance or absorption in (loc. or comp.) Up. Kap. &c (layaṃ √ gam or yā " to disappear , be dissolved or absorbed " ; layaṃ saṃ- √gam , " to hide or conceal one's self ")
[L=182757] extinction , destruction , death MBh. Ka1v. &c (layaṃ √ yā , " to be destroyed , perish ")
[L=182758] rest , repose S3is3. BhP. (cf. a-laya)
[L=182759] place of rest , residence , house , dwelling W.
[L=182760] mental inactivity , spiritual indifference Kap. Veda7ntas.
[L=182761] sport , diversion , merriness Va1s.
[L=182762] delight in anything Harav.
[L=182763] an embrace L.
[L=182764] (in music) time (regarded as of 3 kinds , viz. druta , " quick " , madhya , " mean or moderate " , and vilambita , " slow ") , Ka1lid. Das3ar. Pan5cat. &c
[L=182765] a kind of measure Sam2gi1t.
[L=182766] the union of song , dance and instrumental music L.
[L=182767] a pause MW.
[L=182768] a partic. agricultural implement (perhaps a sort of harrow or hoe) VS.
[L=182769] a swoon L.
[L=182770] the quick (downward) movement of an arrow L.
(H2B) laya [L=182772] n. the root of Andropogon Muricatus Bhpr.
(H2B) laya [L=182773] mfn. making the mind inactive or indifferent BhP.
(H3) loká--gāthā [p= 906,2] [L=183259] f. a verse or song (handed down orally) among men Sarvad.
(H2) vácas 1 [p= 912,3] [L=184767] n. (for 2. » [p= 914,2]) speech , voice , word RV. &c (°casāmpatiḥ N. of bṛhaspati Laghuj. )
[L=184768] singing , song (of birds) R2itus.
[L=184769] advice , direction , command , order MBh. Ka1v. &c (vacah- √kṛ , with gen. , " to follow the advice of " ; vacasā mama , " on my advice ")
[L=184770] an oracular utterance (declarative of some future fate or destiny) VarBr2S.
[L=184771] a sentence L.
[L=184772] (in gram.) number (» dvi-v°).
(H2) vacas 2 [p= 914,2] [L=185128] mfn. (for 1. » [p= 912,3]) in adhóvacas , q.v.
(H2) várṇa [p= 924,2] [L=187290] m. (or n. g. ardharcā*di , prob. fr. √1. vṛ ; ifc. f(ā).) a covering , cloak , mantle L.
[L=187291] a cover , lid Ya1jn5. iii , 99
[L=187292] outward appearance , exterior , form , figure , shape , colour RV. &c
[L=187293] colour of the face , (esp.) good colour or complexion , lustre , beauty Mn. MBh. &c
[L=187294] colour , tint , dye , pigment (for painting or writing) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=187295] colour = race , species , kind , sort , character , nature , quality , property (applied to persons and things) RV. &c
[L=187296] class of men , tribe , order , caste (prob. from contrast of colour between the dark aboriginal tribes and their fair conquerors ; in RV. esp. applied to the āryas and the dāsas ; but more properly applicable to the four principal classes described in manu's code , viz. Brahmans , kṣatriyas , vaiśyas , and śūdras ; the more modern word for " caste " being jāti ; cf. IW. 210 n. 1) ib.
[L=187297] a letter , sound , vowel , syllable , word Br. Pra1t. &c
[L=187298] a musical sound or note (also applied to the voice of animals) MBh. R. Pan5cat.
[L=187299] the order or arrangement of a song or poem W.
[L=187300] praise , commendation , renown , glory Mr2icch. Kum. Ra1jat.
[L=187301] (in alg.) an unknown magnitude or quantity
[L=187302] (in arithm.) the figure , " one "
[L=187303] (accord. to some) a co-efficient
[L=187304] a kind of measure L. (cf. -tāla)
[L=187305] gold L.
[L=187306] a religious observance L.
[L=187307] one who wards off , expeller Sa1y. on RV. i , 104 , 2
(H2B) várṇa [L=187308.1] n. saffron L. [cf. accord. to some , Slav. vranu8 , " black " , " a crow " ; Lith. vA7rnas , " a crow. "]
(H2) varṇa [p= 1332,1] [L=339160] (in comp.)
(H3) várṇa--paricaya [p= 924,3] [L=187357] m. skill in song or music S3ak.
(H2) vācāṭa [p= 937,3] [L=190206] mf(ā)n. talkative (said also of birds) Ka1v. Katha1s. &c
[L=190207] boastful , grandiloquent (-tā f.) Ba1lar. Prasannar.
[L=190208] (ifc.) filled with the song of , resounding with Va1s.
(H2) vācāla [L=190210] mf(ā)n. talkative , chattering (said also of birds) Ka1v. Katha1s.
[L=190211] boasting VarBr2. Sch. Ra1jat.
[L=190212] full of noise and bustle , (ifc.) filled with the song or noise of R. Va1s. &c
(H1) vāda [p= 939,3] [L=190664] mfn. (fr. √ vad) speaking of or about (» brahma-v°)
[L=190665] causing to sound , playing (» vīṇā-v°)
(H1B) vāda [L=190666] m. speech , discourse , talk , utterance , statement Mn. MBh. &c
(H1B) vāda [L=190667] m. (ifc.) speaking about , mentioning MBh. Hariv. BhP.
(H1B) vāda [L=190668] m. advice , counsel MBh.
(H1B) vāda [L=190669] m. a thesis , proposition , argument , doctrine Sarvad. Sus3r.
(H1B) vāda [L=190670] m. discussion , controversy , dispute , contest , quarrel Mn. MBh. &c
(H1B) vāda [L=190671] m. agreement Das3.
(H1B) vāda [p= 940,1] [L=190672] m. cry , song , note (of a bird) AitBr.
(H1B) vāda [L=190673] m. sound , sounding (of a musical instrument) Pan5cat.
(H1B) vāda [L=190674] m. demonstrated conclusion , result W.
(H1B) vāda [L=190675] m. a plaint , accusation ib.
(H1B) vāda [L=190676] m. a reply ib.
(H1B) vāda [L=190677] m. explanation , exposition (of holy texts &c ) MW.
(H1B) vāda [L=190678] m. report , rumour ib.
(H4) vi-° racita---pada [p= 982,1] [L=199063] mfn. (a speech or song &c ) the words of which are artificially composed or arranged , rhythmic , poetic Ka1lid.
(H3) víṣṇu--gāthā [p= 999,2] [L=202429] f. pl. a song in honour of viṣṇu BhP.
(H3) veya--gāna [p= 1013,3] [L=205289] n. a partic. song-book or manual of singing (giving , with the āraṇya-gāna , the various modifications of intonation for the ārcika division of the sāma-veda).
(H2) vy-āhāra [p= 1039,3] [L=210133] m. utterance , language , speech , discourse , conversation , talk about (comp.) Ka1v. Pan5cat. Sa1h.
[L=210134] song (of birds) Hariv. Ma1lav.
[L=210135] (in dram.) a jest , joke , humorous speech Bhar. Das3ar. &c
(H2) vy-ā́hṛta [L=210140] mfn. spoken , uttered , said , told , declared , stated VS. &c , &c
[L=210141] one who has uttered a sound R.
[L=210142] eaten , devoured Ja1takam.
(H2B) vy-ā́hṛta [L=210143] n. speaking , talking , conversation Ka1v. BhP.
(H2B) vy-ā́hṛta [L=210144] n. information , instruction , direction Pa1n2. 5-4 , 35
(H2B) vy-ā́hṛta [L=210145] n. inarticulate speech or song (of animals and birds) MBh. Hariv.
(H1) śakuná [p= 1046,2] [L=211315] m. (said to be fr. √ śak Un2. iii , 49) a bird (esp. a large bird or one of good or bad omen) RV. &c
[L=211316] a partic. kind of bird (either = gridhra , a vulture , or = cilla , a common kite or Pondicherry eagle) L.
[L=211317] a kind of Brahman (vipra-bheda) MW.
[L=211318] a sort of hymn or song (sung at festivals to secure good fortune) W.
[L=211319] (with vasiṣṭhasya) N. of a sāman A1rshBr.
[L=211320] N. of an asura BhP.
[L=211321] pl. N. of a people MBh. Buddh.
(H1B) śakuná [L=211323] n. any auspicious object or lucky omen , an omen or prognostic (in general ; rarely " an inauspicious omen ") Ka1v. Katha1s. Pan5cat.
(H1B) śakuná [L=211324] mfn. indicating good luck , auspicious MW.
(H3) śakúni--vāda [L=211367] m. the first song of birds (or of a partic. bird) at dawn (accord. to some " the crowing of a cock ") AitBr.
(H3) śábda--gati [p= 1052,3] [L=212680] f. " method of sounds " , music , song VarBr2S.
(H3B) śábda--gati [L=212681] mfn. uttering sounds Hariv.
(H1) śūṣá [p= 1087,1] [L=220492] mfn. (prob. either fr. √1. śū = śvi , or fr. √ śuṣ = śvas) resounding , shrill , loud , hissing RV.
[L=220493] high-spirited , courageous , bold , fierce , impetuous ib.
(H1B) śūṣá [L=220494] m. a loud or resounding note , song of praise or triumph ib. VS. Ka1t2h.
(H1B) śūṣá [L=220495] m. (also śū́ṣa) spirit , vital energy , strength , power RV. VS. TBr. S3Br.
(H1B) śūṣá [L=220496] m. N. of a man TBr.
(H1B) śūṣá [L=220497] n. = bada Naigh. ii , 9
(H1B) śūṣá [L=220498] n. = śukha ib.
(H1) śekhara [p= 1088,2] [L=220788] m. (fr. or connected with śikhara) the top or crown of the head Katha1s.
[L=220789] a chaplet or wreath of flowers worn on the top of the head , crown , diadem , crest Hariv. Ka1m. Pur. &c
[L=220790] a peak , summit , crest (of a mountain) ib. Ra1jat.
[L=220791] (mostly ifc.) the highest part , chief or head or best or most beautiful of (-tā f.) , R2it. Caurap. Dhu1rtas.
[L=220792] (in music) a partic. dhruva or introductory verse of a song (recurring as a kind of refrain)
[L=220793] N. of an author (with bhaṭṭa) Cat.
[L=220794] of a grammatical work ib.
(H1B) śekhara [L=220796] n. cloves L.
(H1B) śekhara [L=220797] n. the root of Moringa Pterygosperma L.
(H3) śyāmā--ruta [p= 1095,1] [L=222175] n. the song of the bird śyāmā Cat.
(H2) śravaṇas [p= 1096,3] [L=222546] (?) mfn. accompanying a song Sam2gi1t.
(H1) saṃ-gīta [p= 1128,3] [L=228540] &c » saṃ- √gai.
(H2) saṃ-gīta [p= 1129,1] [L=228581] mfn. sung together , sung in chorus or harmony
(H2B) saṃ-gīta [L=228582] n. a song sung by many voices or singing accompanied by instrumental music , chorus , a concert , any song or music Ka1v. Katha1s. Pur.
(H2B) saṃ-gīta [L=228583] n. the art or science of singing with music and dancing (= -śāstra) Cat.
(H1) sam-ud-gīta [p= 1167,3] [L=235441] mfn. ( √ gai) sung out loud , chanted loudly MW.
(H1B) sam-ud-gīta [L=235442] n. a loud song , chant ib.
(H1) sam-pra- √ yuj [p= 1176,1] [p= 1175,3] [L=236516]
P. A1. -yunakti , -ynṅkte , to yoke or join together , yoke , harness MBh. R. ;
to employ , make use of BhP. ;
to perform , execute (a song) L. ;
to instigate , incite , induce to (instr.) R. : Pass. -yujyate , to be joined or connected with (instr.) , be added or attached Nir. Hariv. &c ;
to be united sexually Ra1jat. ;
to be implicated in (instr.) Ya1jn5. : Caus. -yojayati , to join together , connect with (instr.) MBh. Sa1h. ;
to equip , prepare Hariv.
(H2) sam-prayuj [L=236527] mfn. surrounded or encompassed by (comp.) S3is3.
(H3) saro--bindu [p= 1183,1] [L=237685] m. a kind of song (gītaka) Ya1jn5.
(H1) sā́man 1 [p= 1205,1] [L=242214] n. (fr. √1. sā = san1) acquisition , possession , property , wealth , abundance RV. VS.
(H1) sā́man 2 [L=242216] n. (m. only in TBr. ; prob. connected with √ sāntv ; accord. to some fr. √1. sā ; cf. 3. sāman) calming , tranquillizing , (esp.) kind or gentle words for winning an adversary , conciliation , negotiation (one of the 4 upā*yas or means of success against an enemy , the other 3 being dāna , bheda , and daṇḍa , qq.vv. ; ibc. or instr. sg. and pl. , " by friendly means or in a friendly way , willingly , voluntarily ") TBr. &c &c
(H1) sā́man 3 [L=242234] n. (of doubtful derivation ; accord. to Un2. iv , 152 fr. √ so = sā2 , as " destroying sin " ; in Nir. vii , 12 apparently connected with sammita ; by others derived fr. √1. san , sā , sāntv , and perhaps not to be separated fr. 1. and 2. sāman) a metrical hymn or song of praise , (esp.) a partic. kind of sacred text or verse called a sāman (intended to be chanted , and forming , with ṛc , yajus , chandas , one of the 4 kinds of Vedic composition mentioned first in RV. x , 90 , 9) RV. &c
[L=242235] any song or tune (sacred or profane , also the hum of bees) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=242236] the faculty of uttering sounds (?) TBr. (Sch.)
(H3) su--tantri [p= 1223,3] [L=246371] mfn. well accompanied on the lute (as a song) , melodious R2itus.
(H3) su--ṣāmán [p= 1237,3] [L=250223] n. a beautiful song RV.
(H3B) su--ṣā́man [L=250224] m. (also written su-s°) , N. of a man ib. MBh. (cf. Pa1n2. 6-4 , 170 Sch.)
(H3B) su--ṣāmán [L=250225] mf(°mṇī)n. peaceful Bhat2t2.
(H1) sū* ktá [p= 1240,2] [L=250864] mfn. (5. su ukta) well or properly said or recited RV. &c
[L=250865] speaking well , eloquent MatsyaP.
(H1B) sū* ktá [L=250867] n. good recitation or speech , wise saying , song of praise RV. &c
(H1B) sū* ktá [L=250868] n. a Vedic hymn (as distinguished from a ṛc or single verse of a hymn) Br. S3rS Mn. BhP.
(H2) sū-nṛ́tā [p= 1242,2] [L=251345] f. gladness , joy , exultation , song of joy , glee (instr. pl. " joyfully ") RV. TS. Pa1rGr2.
[p= 1242,3] [L=251346] kindness , friendliness , kind and true speech Kat2hUp. MBh. &c
[L=251347] truth (opp. to an-ṛta) personified as a goddess RV. AV. &c
[L=251348] the wife of dharma BhP.
[L=251349] a daughter of dharma and wife of uttāna-pāda Hariv. VP.
[L=251350] of an apsaras L.
(H1) saindhavá [p= 1248,1] [L=252458] mf(ī)n. (fr. sindhu) relating to the sea , oceanic , marine , aquatic Buddh.
[L=252459] belonging to or produced in or coming from the indus or Sindh TS. &c
(H1B) saindhavá [L=252460] m. a king of Sindh MBh. Mudr. BhP.
(H1B) saindhavá [L=252461] m. a horse (partic. one bred in Sindh) L.
(H1B) saindhavá [L=252462] m. N. of a teacher Cat.
(H1B) saindhavá [L=252463] m. (pl.) the inhabitants of Sindh AV. Paris3. ?? MBh. &c
(H1B) saindhavá [L=252464] m. N. of a partic. school founded by saindhavāyana VP.
(H1B) saindhavá [L=252465] m. n. a kind of rock-salt (found in Sindh) , any salt S3Br. VarBr2S. Sus3r.
(H1B) saindhavá [L=252467] n. (in dram.) a song in Prakrit (accompanied with music expressive of a lover's disgust on being deserted by a loved woman) Sa1h.
(H1) so* pā* ya [p= 1249,2] [L=252700] mfn. accompanied (as a song) La1t2y.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 24.34
Whitney Roots links: stu1
(H1) stu 1 [p= 1259,1] [L=254632]
cl.2 P. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxiv , 34 ; cf. Pa1n2. 7-3 , 95) staúti or stavīti , stute or stuvīte (in RV. also stávate , 3. sg. stave [with pass. sense] , 1. 3. sg. stuṣé Impv. stoṣi , p. [mostly with pass. sense] stuvāná , stávāna or stavāná , stávamāna ; in BhP. stunvanti , in Up. p. stunvāna ; pf. tuṣṭāva , tuṣṭuvús , tuṣṭuvé RV. &c ; aor. astāvīt or astauṣīt Br. &c ; stoṣat,stoṣāṇi RV. ; ástoṣṭa ib. &c ; Prec. stūyāt Gr. ; fut. stavitā or stotā Vop. ; fut. staviṣyáti , °te RV. ; stoṣyati,°te Br. &c ; Cond. astoṣyat Bhat2t2. ; inf. stotum ib. &c ; stavitum Vop. ; stótave,stavádhyai RV. ; ind.p. stutvā́ AV. &c ; -stútya Br. &c ; -stūya MBh. &c ) , to praise , laud , eulogize , extol , celebrate in song or hymns (in ritual , " to chant " , with loc. of the text from which the sāman comes) RV. &c &c : Pass. stūyáte (aor. astāvi) , to be praised or celebrated ;
stāyamāna mfn. being praised ib. : Caus. stāvayati (aor. atuṣṭavat RV. ; °ṭuvat JaimBr. ) , to praise , celebrate ;
(stāvayate) , to cause to praise or celebrate BhP. : Desid. tuṣṭūṣati , °te (p.p. tuṣṭūṣita) , to wish to celebrate S3am2k. : Intens. toṣṭūyate , toṣṭoti Gr.
(H2) stu 2 [L=254663] » su-ṣṭú [p= 1238,1].
(H1) stu 3 [p= 1259,3] [L=254767]
(prob. invented to serve as a root for the words below) , to be clotted or conglomerated ;
to trickle.
(H2) stu 4 [L=254768] (= stúkā) in pṛthu-ṣṭu q.v.
(H1) stava 1 [p= 1258,3] [L=254578] m. or n. a partic. substance DivyA7v.
(H1) stava 2 [L=254581] stavaka &c » [p= 1259,1].
(H2) stáva 2 [p= 1259,1] [L=254633] m. (for 1. » [p= 1258,3]) praise , eulogy , song of praise , hymn , panegyric RV. &c &c
(H3) stutí--gītaka [p= 1259,2] [L=254680] n. a song of praise , panegyric Katha1s.
(H3) stutí--mantra [L=254690] m. a song or hymn of praise VarYogay.
(H3) smaro* dgītha [p= 1272,1] [L=257194] m. " love-song " , N. of a son of devakī BhP.
(H2) svaná [p= 1280,2] [L=258911] m. (ifc. f(ū). ) sound , noise (in the older language applied to the roar of wind , thunder , water &c ; in later language to the song of birds , speech , and sound of any kind cf. Naigh. i , 11) RV. &c
[L=258912] a partic. agni MBh.
[L=258913] (svána) , roaring water VS. TBr.
(H2B) svaná [L=258914] mfn. ill-sounding L.
(H3) svára--baddha [p= 1285,2] [L=259908] mfn. composed in musical measure (said of a song &c ) MW.
(H3) svára--saṃyoga [L=259945] m. = -yoga Mr2icch.
[L=259946] a song S3ak.
[L=259947] the junction of vowels MW.
(H2) anu-gāna [p= 1311,3] [L=306310] n. "after-song", (-śas), Sa1mavBr.
(H2) anu-gīta [L=306330] mfn. (also) sung after, JaimUp.
(H2B) anu-gīta [L=306330.1] n. an imitative song, Ratna7v.
(H2) anu-toda [L=306470] m. repetition (of a song), Ta1n2d2Br.
(H2B) anu-toda [L=306470.1] n. (with gautamasya) N. of a sāman, A1rshBr.
(H2) abhí-gīta [p= 61,3] [L=11298] mfn. addressed or praised in song RV. ix , 96 , 23.
(H2) abhi-gīta [p= 1315,1] [L=311670] n. a song, Divya7v.
(H3) utta--° mo* ttamaka [p= 1321,2] [L=322380.4] n. a kind of song or conversation in a play, Bhar.
(H3) utta--° mo* ttamika [L=322380.5] n. a kind of song or conversation in a play, Bhar.