
sarvajñaḥ sarvakartā ca vyāpakaḥ parameśvaraḥ |
sa evāhaṃ śaivadharmā iti dārḍhyāc chivo bhavet || 109 ||


  • pervading, diffusive, comprehensive, widely spreading or extending, spreading everywhere
  • (vyāpakaṃ ny- √as or nyāsaṃ √kṛ , to put or place or fix or make applicable everywhere AgP. )
  • (in logic) invariably pervading or inherent or concomitant (as an attribute which is always found [as smoke] where some other [as fire] is found) Bha1sha1p. IW. 62
  • (in law) comprehending all the points of an argument , pervading the whole plea W.

vy-āpaka [p= 1037,2] [L=209756]
(ikā)n. pervading , diffusive , comprehensive , widely spreading or extending , spreading everywhere (vyāpaka ny-as or nyāsak , to put or place or fix or make applicable everywhere AgP. ) Kat2hUp. MBh. &c

Bha1sha1p. IW. 62

(H2) mf
[L=209757](in logic) invariably pervading or inherent or concomitant (as an attribute which is always found [as smoke] where some other [as fire] is found)
[L=209758](in law) comprehending all the points of an argument , pervading the whole plea


vy- √ āp [p= 1037,2] [L=209755]
-āpnoti (rarely A1. -āpnute) , to reach or spread through , pervade , permeate , cover , fill AV. &c  ; 
to reach as far as , extend to
L. (cf. Pa1n2. 5-2 , 8) : Pass. vy-āpyate (» vyāpyamāna): Caus. vy-āpayati (» vy-āpita): Desid. *psati (» *psa).

(H1) P.
vyāptam — pervaded; BG 11.20 vyāptam — pervaded; SB 6.16.52 vyāptam — filled with; CC Adi 2.1

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fM RT I Yatra yatra mano yati bahye vabhyantare'pi va / Tatra tatra Sivavastha vyapakatvat kva yasyati // 116 TRANSLATION Wherever the mind goes whether towards the exterior or towards the interior, everywhere there is the state of Siva ...

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Om bhur bhuva svah prachodayat Om bhur bhuva svah astrya phat (the space pervaded by the pranic body) Vyapaka Nyasa The ... Vyapaka nyasa is this process . It lets the power of mantra pervade the entire body, thereby creating perfect ...

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The Pervading (Vyapaka) has the Characteristic (vrtti) of 8* Vyapya and Vyapaka are technical terms of Hindu Noetics. In the sentence . ' smoke is pervaded by fire ', it means that the one is invariably found with the other. ...
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