Prakriya-Procedure, production, manner, ceremony

asya sarvasya viśvasya paryanteṣu samantataḥ |
prakriyayā tattvaṃ śaivaṃ dhyatvā mahodayaḥ || 57 ||

f. producing , production Sarvad.
[p= 653,3] [L=130014] procedure , way , manner MBh.
[p= 653,3] [L=130015] a ceremony , observance , formality Hariv. Katha1s. Ra1jat.
[p= 653,3] [L=130016] precedence , high position , elevation , privilege MBh. Ra1jat. Katha1s.
[p= 653,3] [L=130017] the insignia of high rank Ra1jat.
[p= 653,3] [L=130018] characterisation Nya1yas.
[p= 653,3] [L=130019] a chapter (esp. the introductory chapter of a work) S3am2k. Cat.
[p= 653,3] [L=130020] (in med.) a prescription Bhpr.
[p= 653,3] [L=130021] (in gram.) etymological formation
[p= 653,3] [L=130022] rules for the formation and inflection of words MW.
(H2) pra-kriyā [p= 1330,2] [L=336390] f. production, creation, origin, Sarvad.
[p= 1330,2] [L=336390.1] form, procedure, method, mode, manner, MBh.
[p= 1330,2] [L=336390.2] a ceremony, Hariv. ; Katha1s.
[p= 1330,2] [L=336390.4] formality, Ra1jat.
[p= 1330,2] [L=336390.5] prerogative, privilege, high rank or position, excellence, superiority, MBh. ; Katha1s. &c
[p= 1330,2] [L=336390.7] the insignia of high rank or dignity, Ra1jat. ; Gi1t.
[p= 1330,2] [L=336390.9] characterization, Nya1yas.
[p= 1330,2] [L=336391] a chapter, section (often at the end of titles of books)
[p= 1330,2] [L=336391.1] medical prescription, Bhpr.

pra-° kriyā [p= 653,3] [L=130013]
producing , production Sarvad.
653,3] [L=130014]
653,3] [L=130015]
Hariv. Katha1s. Ra1jat.
653,3] [L=130016]
MBh. Ra1jat. Katha1s.
653,3] [L=130017]
653,3] [L=130018]
653,3] [L=130019]
esp. the introductory chapter of a work) S3am2k. Cat.
653,3] [L=130020]
653,3] [L=130021]
653,3] [L=130022]
pra-kriyā [p= 1330,2] [L=336390]
production, creation, origin, Sarvad.
1330,2] [L=336390.1]
1330,2] [L=336390.2]
Hariv. ; Katha1s.
1330,2] [L=336390.4]
1330,2] [L=336390.5]
MBh. ; Katha1s. &c
1330,2] [L=336390.7]
Ra1jat. ; Gi1t.
1330,2] [L=336390.9]
1330,2] [L=336391]
1330,2] [L=336391.1]
(H3) f.
[p= procedure , way , manner
[p= a ceremony , observance , formality
[p= precedence , high position , elevation , privilege
[p= the insignia of high rank
[p= characterisation
[p= a chapter (
[p= (in med.) a prescription
[p= (in gram.) etymological formation
[p= rules for the formation and inflection of words
(H2) f.
[p= form, procedure, method, mode, manner,
[p= a ceremony,
[p= formality,
[p= prerogative, privilege, high rank or position, excellence, superiority,
[p= the insignia of high rank or dignity,
[p= characterization,
[p= a chapter, section (often at the end of titles of books)
[p= medical prescription,

Prakriya Usage

Interesting usage here cited by Flood

The ascetic self: subjectivity, memory and tradition - Page 105
Gavin D. Flood - 2004 - 288 pages - Preview
... householder (tantra-prakriya) and the esoteric ritual (kula-prakriyd).41 The former involves the construction of a ... Sex becomes an ascetical act, and a journey from the limited indexical T to the unlimited T, freed of particular ...

Theatre and the world: performance and the politics of culture - Page 251
Rustom Bharucha - 1993 - 253 pages - Google eBook - Preview
Before Woyzeck I had embarked on a different project called Prakriya (Process) which I now view as something of a detour in my ... But what actually emerged in Prakriya after a very tortured rehearsal process was a rather self-conscious ...

The Power of Tantra
Gyanananda (Yogi.), Nārāyaṇadatta Śrīmālī - 1988 - 147 pages - Snippet view
I saw Akasha-gamana-prakriya too for the first time at this convention. Through this prakriya (process) one can become lighter than the air and walk in the sky. This is a Mantrik practice, but it has a leftist Tantrik method to it too ..

Krama Tantricism of Kashmir: Volume 1 - Page 55
Navjivan Rastogi - 1996 - 297 pages - Preview
... because there came a stage when the Kula was thought to be superior to the Krama system One has already seen that Abhinava himself elevates the Kula- prakriya as compared with the Tantra-Prakriya.5- The process was logically extended ...