Ma- Me

ma 1 [p= 771,1] [L=153867]
ma 2 [L=153871]
(in prosody) a molossus. -2.
ma 3 [L=153874]
pers. pron. in acc. sg. mā́m or


máhyam or me

mát or mád

máma or me (for the enclitic forms cf. Pa1n2. 8-1 , 22 &c ) [cf. s. mád ; Zd. ma ; Gk. -μέ , μέ , Lat. me , mihi &c ]
ma 4 [p= 771,2] [L=153876.1]
m. time L.



N. of the 4th note of the scale (abbreviated for madhyama)


of various gods (of brahmā , viṣṇu , śiva , and yama) L.
ma 4 [L=153890]
happiness , welfare L.
ma 4 [L=153891]
water L.
ma [p= 1331,2] [L=337760]
 3. ").
(H1) the labial nasal. -1.
(H1) m.
(H1) base of the 1st
(H1) m.
[L=153878]a magic formula
[L=153879](in music)
[L=153880]the moon
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H2) (add, "connected with √

mayakā [p= 789,2] [L=158005]
sg. of 3. ma = mayā , by me Bhadrab.
(H1) instr.

See also

mad--artham [p= 777,2] [L=155243]
for the sake of me Bhag.
(H4) ind.
mad--bandhana-samudbhava [L=155245]
caused by the binding of me i.e. by my bondage ib.
(H3) mfn.
mad--bhakta [L=155246]
devoted to me ib.
(H3) mfn.
mad--vacanāt [L=155250]
in my name , from me ib.
(H4) ind.
mad--vat 1 [L=155251]
(for 2. » [p= 779,2]) like me Katha1s.
madvat 2 [p= 779,2] [L=155733]
(for 1. » [p= 777,2]) intoxicating , gladdening S3a1n3khBr. (Sch.)

mad Br.
(H3) ind.
(H2) mfn.
[L=155734]containing a form or derivative of √2.
mad--vargīa [p= 777,2] [L=155252]
belonging to my class or party , connected with or related to me Siddh.
(H3) mfn.
mad--vargīya [L=155253]
belonging to my class or party , connected with or related to me Siddh.
(H3) mfn.
mad--vargya [L=155254]
belonging to my class or party , connected with or related to me Siddh.
(H3) mfn.
mad--vidha [L=155255]
like me , equal to me , of my sort or kind MBh. Ka1v. Pur.
(H3) mfn.
mad--viyoga [L=155256]
separation from me Bhag.
(H3) m.
mad--vihīna [L=155257]
separated from me ib.
(H3) mfn.
mac-citta [p= 773,2] [L=154341]
» under 1. mad , [p= 777,2].
mac--citta [p= 777,2] [L=155259]
having the mind (fixed) on me , thinking of me Bhag.
(H1) &c
(H3) mfn.
mat--kta [L=155262]
mát-) mfn. done by me RV. MBh.
(H3) (
mat--para [L=155264]
devoted to me Bhag.
(H3) mfn.
mat--parama [L=155265]
devoted to me Bhag.
(H3) mfn.
mat--parā* yaa [L=155266]
devoted to me Bhag.
(H3) mfn.
mat--putra [L=155267]
the son of me , my son MW.
(H3) m.
mat--pūrva [L=155268]
one who has lived before me Ma1rkP.
mat--pūrva [L=155269]
my elder brother R.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
mat--prasūta [L=155270]
produced from me MW.
(H3) mfn.
mat--sasthā [L=155273]
union with me Bhag.
(H3) f.
mat--sadeśa [L=155274]
news or tidings of me ib.
(H3) m.
mat--sama-tva [L=155276]
likeness or resemblance of me ib.
(H3) n.
mat--sādśya [L=155277]
likeness or resemblance of me ib.
(H3) n.
madīya [L=155279]
my , my own , belonging to me MBh. Ka1v. &c
madīya [p= 779,2] [L=155743]
[p= 777,2].
(H2) mfn.
(H1) »
madrík [p= 777,2] [L=155281]
(fr. next) to me , towards me RV.
madrík [p= 779,2] [L=155762]
[p= 777,2].
(H2) ind.
(H1) »
madryáñc [p= 777,2] [L=155282]
directed towards me RV.
madryáñc [p= 779,2] [L=155765]
[p= 777,2].
(H2) mfn.
(H1) »
madryák [p= 777,2] [L=155283]
towards me ib. (cf. asmadryáñc).
(H2C) ind.
man--manasa [L=155286]
(ā)n. thinking of me Pa1rGr2.
man-manasa [p= 789,1] [L=157952]
» [p= 777,2].
(H3) mf
(H1) &c
man--maya [p= 777,3] [L=155287]
(ī)n. consisting of or proceeding from me , full of me , like me Bhag. Hariv.
(H3) mf
mayakā [p= 789,2] [L=158005]
sg. of 3. ma = mayā , by me Bhadrab.
(H1) instr.
mayi-vásu [L=158020]
(fr. mayi loc. sg. of 3. ma vasu) good in me (used in partic. formulas) AitBr. TS.
(H1) mfn.
mā-dś [p= 808,1] [L=162506]
(ī)n. (fr. 3. ma 2. dś) like me , resembling me MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H1) mf