Visaya-Sense Objects

Also, within the range of the senses,
gitādiviṣayāsvādāsamasaukhyaikatātmanaḥ |
yoginas tanmayatvena manorūḍhes tadātmatā || 73 ||

We could say, “in the realm of the senses,” “in the realm of the Indriyas”

viaya [p= 997,1] [L=202020]
(ifc. f(ā). ; prob. either fr √1. vi , " to act " , or fr. visi , " to extend " cf. Pa1n2. 8-3 , 70 Sch.) sphere (of influence or activity) , dominion , kingdom , territory , region , district , country , abode (pl. = lands , possessions) Mn. MBh. &c

&c ) S3a1n3khS3r. MBh. &c


ifc. = " concerned with , belonging to , intently engaged on " ; viaye , with gen. or ifc. = " in the sphere of , with regard or reference to " ; atra viaye , " with regard to this object ") MBh. Ka1v. &c

gen.) Ka1v. Pan5cat.

indriya , or organs of sense having each their proper viaya or object , viz. 1. śabda , " sound " , for the ear cf. śruti-viaya ; 2. sparśa , " tangibility " , for the skin ; 3. rūpa , " form " or " colour " , for the eye ; 4. rasa , " savour " , for the tongue ; 5. gandha , " odour " for the nose: and these five viayas are sometimes called the guas or " properties " of the five elements , ether , air , fire , water , earth , respectively ; cf. śruti-viaya-gua) Ya1jn5. S3am2k. Sarvad. IW. 83

N. of the number " five " VarBr2S.

pl.) sensual enjoyments , sensuality Kat2hUp. Mn. MBh. &c

MBh. Ka1v. &c
997,2] [L=202029]
opp. to " a subject ") Sarvad.

dat. gen. , or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c

phil.) the subject of an argument , category , general head (one of the 5 members of an adhikaraa [q.v.] , the other 4 being viśaya or saśaya , pūrva-paka , uttara-paka or siddhā*nta , and sagati or niraya) Sarvad.

IW. 73

e.g. chandasi viaye , " only in the veda ") Ka1s3. (ifc. = restricted or exclusively belonging to)

rhet.) the subject of a comparison (e.g. in the comp. " lotus-eye " the second member is the viaya , and the first the viayin) Kuval. Prata1p.





(H1) m.
[L=202021]scope , compass , horizon , range , reach (of eyes , ears , mind
[L=202022]period or duration (of life)
[L=202023]special sphere or department , peculiar province or field of action , peculiar element , concern (
[L=202024]space or room (sometimes = fitness) for (
[L=202025]an object of sense (these are five in number , the five
[L=202026]a symbolical
[L=202027]anything perceptible by the senses , any object of affection or concern or attention , any special worldly object or aim or matter or business , (
[L=202028]any subject or topic , subject-matter
[p= an object (as
[L=202030]a fit or suitable object (" for "
[L=202032]un-organic matter
[L=202033](in gram.) limited or restricted sphere (
[L=202035]a country with more than 100 villages
[L=202036]a refuge , asylum
[L=202037]a religious obligation or observance
[L=202038]a lover , husband
[L=202039]semen virile

विषय viSaya m. matter

विषय viSaya m. subject

विषय viSaya m. theme

विषय viSaya m. case

विषय viSaya m. topic

विषय viSaya m. content

विषय viSaya m. issue

विषय विभाग viSaya vibhaaga m. faculty

विषय viSaya m. period or duration

विषय viSaya m. subject area , field

विषय viSaya m. anything perceptible by the senses

विषय viSaya m. limited or restricted sphere

विषय viSaya m. subject of an argument

विषय viSaya m. object of sense

विषय viSaya m. sensuality

विषय viSaya m. range

विषय viSaya m. district

विषय viSaya m. refuge

विषय viSaya m. detail

विषय viSaya m. asylum

śakti-viaya [p= 1332,2] [L=339820]
the range of possibility (e, "if possible"), lb.
(H2) m.