187 Words for Practice

1 atapas (practice) 2 atapaska (practice) 3 atapasya (practice) 4 aticaraṇa (practice) 5 adṛṣṭakarman (practice) 6 anabhyāsa (practice) 7 anāśakanivṛtta (practice) 8 anuśīlana (practice) 9 anuśuṣ (practice) 10 anuṣṭhāna (practice) 11 anusomam (practice) 12 abhiyoga (practice) 13 abhyasana (practice) 14 abhyasta (practice) 15 abhyāsa (practice) 16 abhyāsatā (practice) 17 abhyāsayoga (practice) 18 abhyākarṣa (practice) 19 asadācāra (practice) 20 asaddharma (practice) 21 asicaryā (practice) 22 ācāra (practice) 23 ācārin (practice) 24 āpatkalpa (practice) 25 āpaddharma (practice) 26 ābhyāsika (practice) 27 ārhantya (practice) 28 āsevana (practice) 29 uttarapāda (practice) 30 upakrama (practice) 31 upacaritavyā (practice) 32 upacāra (practice) 33 upacāryā (practice) 34 upajīv (practice) 35 karmaduṣṭa (practice) 36 kalāpaka (practice) 37 kalāvidhi (practice) 38 kalpa (practice) 39 kalpanā (practice) 40 kudharma (practice) 41 kuladharma (practice) 42 kulaka (practice) 43 kṛ (practice) 44 kṛtānusāra (practice) 45 kausīdya (practice) 46 kramayoga (practice) 47 kriyā (practice) 48 ghaṭṭanā (practice) 49 carita (practice) 50 caritra (practice) 51 cikitsā (practice) 52 citravṛtti (practice) 53 cauryavṛtti (practice) 54 janavyavahāra (practice) 55 tathāvidhāna (practice) 56 tapaḥsamādhi (practice) 57 tapaścaraṇa (practice) 58 daṇḍanavidhi (practice) 59 duḥsaṃskāra (practice) 60 dṛṣṭakarman (practice) 61 dharma (practice) 62 dharmapravṛtti (practice) 63 dharmānusāra (practice) 64 dharman (practice) 65 dhūtaguṇa (practice) 66 dheya (practice) 67 nirantarābhyāsa (practice) 68 niyamana (practice) 69 nivṛttavṛtti (practice) 70 niśrama (practice) 71 niṣevā (practice) 72 niṣevaṇa (practice) 73 parikriyā (practice) 74 paricaya (practice) 75 pāyya (practice) 76 piśācacaryā (practice) 77 pūrvasevā (practice) 78 praṇayana (practice) 79 prayoga (practice) 80 prayogagrahaṇa (practice) 81 prayogajña (practice) 82 prayogapradhāna (practice) 83 prayogavīrya (practice) 84 pravṛtti (practice) 85 brāhmī (practice) 86 bhūti (practice) 87 mahāmudrā (practice) 88 mahāvedha (practice) 89 yathākṛtam (practice) 90 yathāprayogam (practice) 91 yama (practice) 92 yātrā (practice) 93 yāpana (practice) 94 yukti (practice) 95 yoga (practice) 96 yogabhraṣṭa (practice) 97 yogasevā (practice) 98 yogya (practice) 99 rīti (practice) 100 loka (practice) 101 lokavrata (practice) 102 lokācāra (practice) 103 vañcanayoga (practice) 104 vākyopacāra (practice) 105 vāgvyāpāra (practice) 106 vāyudīpta (practice) 107 vārasevā (practice) 108 vārttākarman (practice) 109 viśikhānupraveśana (practice) 110 vidyābhyāsa (practice) 111 viśvavṛtti (practice) 112 vṛthākulasamācāra (practice) 113 vṛtta (practice) 114 vṛttatas (practice) 115 vṛttānusāra (practice) 116 vṛttānusārin (practice) 117 vṛtti (practice) 118 vṛttimat (practice) 119 vyavahāra (practice) 120 vyavahārajña (practice) 121 vyavahāratas (practice) 122 vyavahāratva (practice) 123 vyavahārikā (practice) 124 vyavahṛt (practice) 125 vyavavahṛti (practice) 126 vyasanin (practice) 127 vyāvahārika (practice) 128 vrata (practice) 129 vratacaryā (practice) 130 vratacārin (practice) 131 vrātyacaraṇa (practice) 132 vrātyacaryā (practice) 133 śarabhyāsa (practice) 134 śastravyavahāra (practice) 135 śastraśikhin (practice) 136 śastrābhyāsa (practice) 137 śastrodyoga (practice) 138 śiṣṭaprayoga (practice) 139 śiṣṭācāra (practice) 140 śiṣṭācāraviruddha (practice) 141 śiṣṭācārāviruddha (practice) 142 śīla (practice) 143 śīlatva (practice) 144 śīlavat (practice) 145 śīlavṛtti (practice) 146 śīlana (practice) 147 śīlita (practice) 148 śuddhakarman (practice) 149 śailī (practice) 150 śobhanācarita (practice) 151 ṣaṭkarman (practice) 152 ṣāḍguṇyaprayoga (practice) 153 saṃśīlana (practice) 154 saṃsādh (practice) 155 saṃhāra (practice) 156 satyānṛta (practice) 157 sadācāra (practice) 158 saṃtatābhyāsa (practice) 159 samācāra (practice) 160 samabhyāsa (practice) 161 samaya (practice) 162 samayācāra (practice) 163 samudācāra (practice) 164 samyakprayoga (practice) 165 sahaprayoga (practice) 166 sādh (practice) 167 sādhuvṛtti (practice) 168 sāmācārī (practice) 169 sāmayācārika (practice) 170 siddhasādhita (practice) 171 sukṛti (practice) 172 sevā (practice) 173 sevāvyavahāra (practice) 174 sthā (practice) 175 sthiti (practice) 176 sphoṭajīvikā (practice) 177 hayakarman (practice) 178 hastayoga (practice) 179 adharmacaraṇa (practice) 180 adharmacaryā (practice) 181 anugrahaṇa (practice) 182 avyavahāra (practice) 183 kamaṇḍalu (practice) 184 caryācaraṇa (practice) 185 tapoyoga (practice) 186 dharmasaṃśraya (practice) 187 vastī (practice)

a-tapas [p= 12,1] [L=2519]
one who neglects tapas or the practice of ascetic austerities

an irreligious character.
(H2) mfn.

a-tapaska [L=2521]
one who neglects tapas or the practice of ascetic austerities

an irreligious character.
(H2) mfn.

a-tapasya [L=2523]
one who neglects tapas or the practice of ascetic austerities

(H3) mfn.
[L=2524]an irreligious character.

áti--caraa [p= 12,2] [L=2609]
excessive practice.
ati-caraa [p= 13,3] [L=2967]
[p= 12,2].
(H3) n.
(H2) »

a-dṛ́ṣṭa--karman [p= 18,3] [L=3749]
one who has not seen practice.
(H3) mfn.

an-abhyāsa [p= 26,1] [L=5184]
want of practice or skill.
(H1) m.

án-āśaka--nivtta [p= 29,1] [L=5681]
one who has abandoned the practice of fasting.
(H3) m.

anu-śīlana [p= 39,3] [L=7431]
constant practice or study (of a science , &c ) , repeated and devoted service.
(H2) n.

anu- √ śu [L=7440]
S3Br. &c  ; 
to become emaciated by gradual practice of religious austerity
Kaus3.  ; 
to languish after another.

(H1) to dry up gradually

anu-ṣṭhāna [p= 40,1] [L=7487]
carrying out , undertaking

(H2) n.
[L=7488]doing , performance
[L=7489]religious practice
[L=7490]acting in conformity to

anu-somam [p= 41,1] [L=7634]
according to the (practice with the) soma , as with the soma Ka1tyS3r.
(H1) ind.

abhi-yoga [p= 68,1] [L=12147]

loc. or inf.)

Kum. vii , 50 , &c

Ya1jn5. &c
(H2) m.
[L=12148]energetic effort , exertion , perseverance in , constant practice (with
[L=12149]attack , assault
[L=12150](in law) a plaint , a charge , accusation

abhy-asana [p= 76,3] [L=13329]
practice , exercise R. &c
(H2) n.

abhy-asta [L=13335]
accumulated by repeated practice (as food) Sus3r.

Mr2icch. &c

Ragh. i , 8 , &c

Nir. Su1ryas.

Gr.) reduplicated (as roots) Nir.
abhy-asta [L=13340]
the reduplicated base of a root Pa1n2.
(H2) mfn.
[L=13336]practised , exercised
[L=13337]learnt by heart , repeated , studied
(H2B) n.

abhy-āsa 2 [L=13341]
the act of adding anything , S3ulb.

Gr.) " what is prefixed " , the first syllable of a reduplicated radical Pa1n2.


Mn. xii , 74 , &c

Nir. ]) or of the last word of a chapter [Comm. on AitBr. ]

arithm.) multiplication
76,3] [p= 77,1] [L=13347]

77,1] [L=13348]


vedānta phil.) inculcation of a truth conveyed in sacred writings by means of repeating the same word or the same passage

yoga phil.) the effort of the mind to remain in its unmodified condition of purity (sattva).
abhy-āsa [p= 77,3] [L=13473]
(abhy- √1. and) 2. abhy- √2. as.
(H2) m.
[L=13345](in poetry) repetition of the last verse of a stanza ([
[p= repeated or permanent exercise , discipline , use , habit , custom
[p= repeated reading , study
[L=13349]military practice
[L=13350](in later
(H1) »

abhy-āsa--tā [p= 77,1] [L=13352]
constant practice , use , habit.
(H3) f.

abhy-āsa--yoga [L=13355]
the practice of frequent and repeated meditation on any deity or on abstract spirit , repeated recollection.
(H3) m.

abhy-ākara [L=13368]
( √ kṛṣ) , a striking of the flat of the hand upon the breast in defiance (a practice common to wrestlers and pugilists) MBh. i , 7109.
(H1) m.

asad--ācāra [p= 118,3] [L=20578]
following evil practices , wicked
asad--ācāra [L=20579]
evil practice.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.

asad--dharma [L=20587]
evil practice or custom MBh. xiii , 2215.
(H3) m.

así--caryā [p= 120,2] [L=20926]
exercise or practice of arms MBh. i , 5239.
(H3) f.

ā-cāra [p= 131,3] [L=22908]
(ifc. f(ā). Ya1jn5. i , 87 , &c ) conduct , manner of action , behaviour , good behaviour , good conduct Mn. MBh. &c


MBh. iii , 166

ā-cāra [p= 132,1] [L=22959]
» ā-car.
(H2) m.
[L=22909]custom , practice , usage , traditional or immemorial usage (as the foundation of law)
[L=22910]an established rule of conduct , ordinance , institute , precept
[L=22911]a rule or line
[L=22913](with Buddhists) agreeing with what is taught by the teacher
(H1) &c

ācārin [p= 131,3] [L=22934]
following established practice L.
(H2) mfn.

āpat--kalpa [p= 142,3] [L=24870]
rule of practice in misfortune (cf. āpad-dharma) Gaut. Mn.
(H3) m.

āpad--dharma [p= 143,1] [L=24882]
a practice only allowable in time of distress Mn.

MBh. ([ NBD. ])
(H3) m.

ābhyāsika [p= 146,1] [L=25387]
(fr. abhy-āsa) , resulting from practice , practising , repeating L.
(H1) mfn.

ārhantya [p= 153,1] [L=26662]
(g. brāhmaā*di Pa1n2. 5-1 , 124), the state or practice of an arhat or jaina saint.
(H2) n.

ā-sevana [p= 161,1] [L=28087]
abiding in Ra1jat.

(H2) n.
[L=28088]assiduous practice or performance of anything

úttara--pāda [p= 178,2] [L=31242]
a division of legal practice (that part which relates to the reply or defence , four divisions being admitted in every suit).
(H3) m.

upa-krama [p= 196,1] [L=34221]
the act of going or coming near , approach MBh. R.

La1t2y. Ka1tyS3r. BhP. Sa1h. Sarvad. &c

Ragh. Ra1jat. Pan5cat. &c

MBh. Ya1jn5. Ma1lav. &c


Sus3r. &c


vedas W.

&c of a counsellor or friend ib.

upa-krama [p= 1322,1] [L=323520]
(H2) m.
[L=34222]setting about , undertaking , commencement , beginning
[L=34223]enterprise , planning , original conception , plan
[L=34224]anything leading to a result
[L=34225]a means , expedient , stratagem , exploit
[L=34226]remedy , medicine
[L=34227]attendance (on a patient) , treatment , practice or application of medicine , physicking
[L=34228]the rim of a wheel
[L=34229]a particular ceremony preparatory to reading the
[L=34230]trying the fidelity
[L=34231]heroism , courage
(H2) (also) effort, endeavour,

upa-caritavyā [p= 197,2] [L=34445]
service , attendance
upa-caritavyā [L=34446]
attendance on a patient
upa-caritavyā [L=34447]
practice of medicine.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.

upa-cārá [L=34450]
approach , service , attendance Hcat. i , 111 , 2 seqq.

S3Br. MBh. S3ak. &c (64 upacāras are enumerated in the tantra-sāra , quoted by T. )

gen.) , treatment S3Br. MBh. A1p. Mn. &c

Sus3r. Pan5cat. Vikr.

Kum. vii , 86


Kum. Ragh. vii , 4

Sa1h. 300


°rāt ind. metaphorically) , metaphor , figurative application Sa1h. Sarvad. Comm. on S3is3. &c


sadhi (substitution of s and in place of visarga) Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 8-3 , 48

of a pariśiṣṭa of the sāma-veda.
(H2) m.
[L=34451]act of civility , obliging or polite behaviour , reverence
[L=34452]proceeding , practice
[L=34453]behaviour , conduct
[L=34454]mode of proceeding towards (
[L=34455]attendance on a patient , medical practice , physicking
[L=34456]a ceremony
[L=34457]present , offering , bribe
[L=34458]solicitation , request
[L=34459]ornament , decoration
[L=34460]a favourable circumstance
[L=34461]usage , custom or manner of speech
[L=34462]a figurative or metaphorical expression (
[L=34463]pretence , pretext
[L=34464]a kind of

upa-cāryā [L=34483]
practice of medicine L.
(H2B) f.

upa- √ jīv [p= 198,2] [p= 198,1] [L=34577]
-jīvati (3. pl. -jī́vanti) to live or exist upon (food) , subsist , support one's self on , be supported by RV. i , 190 , 5 AV. TS. S3Br. TBr. MBh. Pan5cat. &c  ; 
to derive profit from , make use of (with
acc.) Ya1jn5. BhP. Ma1rkP. &c  ; 
to live under , be dependent on , serve
MBh. BhP. S3is3. &c  ; 
to live for a profession , practice
Mn. MBh. BhP. &c : Caus. -jīvayati , to use , make the most of Katha1s. lxi , 268.
(H1) P.

karma--duṣṭa [p= 258,3] [L=45338]
corrupt in action , wicked in practice , immoral , disreputable.
(H3) mfn.

kalā--° paka [p= 261,2] [L=45862]
(kalāpaka) a band , bundle S3is3.




kalā--° paka [L=45862.5]
a series of four stanzas in grammatical connection (i.e. in which the government of noun and verb is carried throughout , contrary to the practice of closing the sense with each stanza e.g. Kir. xvi , 21-24) Sa1h. 558
kalā--° paka [L=45862.6]
= candraka L.
kalā--° paka [L=45862.7]
a debt to be paid when the peacocks spread their tails (kalāpini [see kalāpin below] kāle deyam ṛṇam Ka1s3. ) Pa1n2. 4-3 , 48.
(H3) m.
[L=45862.1]a kind of ornament
[L=45862.2]a string of pearls
[L=45862.3]the rope round an elephant's neck
[L=45862.4]a sectarian mark on the forehead
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.

kalā́--vidhi [p= 261,3] [L=45888]
the practice of the sixty-four arts
(H3) m.

kálpa 1 [p= 262,2] [L=46069]
(ā)n. ( √kp) , practicable , feasible , possible S3Br. ii , 4 , 3 , 3

gen. loc. , inf. , or ifc. ; e.g. dharmasya kalpa , competent for duty ; svakarmai na kalpa , not competent for his own work ; yadā na śāsitu kalpa , if he is not able to rule) BhP.
kálpa 1 [L=46071]
a sacred precept , law , rule , ordinance (= vidhi , nyāya) , manner of acting , proceeding , practice (esp. that prescribed by the vedas) RV. ix , 9 , 7 AV. viii , 9 , 10 ; xx , 128 , 6-11 MBh.
kálpa 1 [L=46072]
(prathama kalpa , a rule to be observed before any other rule , first duty Mn. iii , 147 MBh. &c ; etena kalpena , in this way ; cf. paśu-k° , &c )
kálpa 1 [L=46073]
the most complete of the six vedāgas (that which prescribes the ritual and gives rules for ceremonial or sacrificial acts) Mun2d2Up. Pa1n2. &c
kálpa 1 [L=46074]
one of two cases , one side of an argument , an alternative (= paka ; cf. vikalpa) Sarvad.
kálpa 1 [L=46075]
investigation , research Comm. on Sa1m2khyak.
kálpa 1 [L=46076]
resolve , determination MW.
kálpa 1 [L=46077]
(in medic.) treatment of the sick , manner of curing Sus3r. ii
kálpa 1 [L=46078]
the art of preparing medicine , pharmacy Car.
kálpa 1 [L=46079]
the doctrine of poisons and antidotes Sus3r. i
kálpa 1 [p= 262,3] [L=46080]
(ifc.) having the manner or form of anything , similar to , resembling , like but with a degree of inferiority , almost (e.g. abhedya-kalpa , almost impenetrable ; cf. prabhāta-k° , mta-k° , &c ; according to native grammarians , kalpa so used is an accentless affix [ Pa1n2. 5-3 , 67] , before which a final s is left unchanged , and final ī and ū shortened Pa1n2. Vop. ; kalpam ind. , may be also connected with a verb e.g. pacati-kalpam , he cooks pretty well Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 8-1 , 57)
kálpa 1 [L=46081]
a fabulous period of time (a day of brahmā or one thousand yugas , a period of four thousand , three hundred and twenty millions of years of mortals , measuring the duration of the world ; a month of brahmā is supposed to contain thirty such kalpas. ; according to the MBh. , twelve months of brahmā constitute his year , and one hundred such years his lifetime ; fifty years of brahmā's are supposed to have elapsed , and we are now in the śvetavārāha-kalpa of the fifty-first ; at the end of a kalpa the world is annihilated ; hence kalpa is said to be equal to kalpā*nta below L. ; with Buddhists the kalpas.are not of equal duration) VP. BhP. Ra1jat. &c
kálpa 1 [L=46082]
N. of mantras which contain a form of √kp TS. v S3Br. ix
kálpa 1 [L=46083]
a kind of dance
kálpa 1 [L=46084]
N. of the first astrological mansion VarBr2S.
kálpa 1 [L=46085]
N. of a son of dhruva and bhrami BhP. iv , 10 , 1
kálpa 1 [L=46086]
of śiva MBh. xii , 10368
kálpa 1 [L=46087]
the tree of paradise
kálpa 1 [L=46088]
= -taru below L.
kálpa 1 [L=46089]
(with jainas) a particular abode of deities (cf. -bhava and kalpā*tīta below)
kálpa 1 [L=46090]
a kind of intoxicating liquor (incorrect for kalya) L.
kalpa 2 [p= 263,1] [L=46169]
A1. °pāyate , to become a kalpa , to appear as long as a kalpa Hcar.
kalpa [p= 1324,2] [L=327150]
(H1) mf
[L=46070]proper , fit , able , competent , equal to (with
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
(H2) Nom.
(H2) (in

kalpanā [p= 263,1] [L=46181]
making , manufacturing , preparing Sus3r. BhP.
kalpanā [L=46182]
practice Car.
kalpanā [L=46183]
fixing , settling , arranging Mn. ix , 116 Ya1jn5.
kalpanā [L=46184]
creating in the mind , feigning , assuming anything to be real , fiction KapS. &c
kalpanā [L=46185]
hypothesis Nya1yam.
kalpanā [L=46186]
caparisoning an elephant Das3.
kalpanā [L=46187]
form , shape , image
kalpanā [L=46188]
a deed , work , act Mr2icch.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.

ku--dharma [p= 286,1] [L=51015]
a bad practice.
ku-dharma [p= 291,1] [L=52074]
» 1. ku.
(H3) m.
(H1) &c

kúla--dharma [p= 294,3] [L=52879]
practice or observance peculiar to a tribe or family , peculiar duty of caste or race A1s3vGr2. A1p. Mn. &c

(H3) m.
[L=52880]peculiar practice or duty of the

kulaka [p= 295,2] [L=53042]
ifc. a multitude BhP. v , 7 , 11


Trichosanthes dioeca) L.

Ra1jat. ]) or five ([ Sa1h. ]) stanzas in which the government of verb and noun is carried throughout (contrary to the practice of closing the sense with each verse)

kulaka [L=53047]
the chief of a guild L.
kulaka [L=53048]
any artisan of eminent birth L.
kulaka [L=53049]
an ant-hill , mole-hill L.
kulaka [L=53050]
a sort of mouse
kulaka [L=53051]
a green snake L.
kulaka [L=53052]
a kind of ebony (Diospyros tomentosa) L.
kulaka [L=53053]
another species of ebony (commonly ku-pīlu) Bhpr.
kulaka [L=53054]
another plant (commonly maruvaka , śukla-pupa , tilaka) L.
kulaka [L=53055]
N. of the śūdras in kuśa-dvīpa BhP. v , 20 , 16.
(H2) n.
[L=53043]the stone of a fruit
[L=53044]a sort of gourd (
[L=53045]a collection of three or four ([
[L=53046]a kind of prose composition with few compound words
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m. pl.
Whitney Roots links: kf1, kf3

k 1 [p= 301,1] [p= Page301,2] [p= Page301,3] [p= 300,3] [L=54148]
cl.2 P. 2. sg. kári du. kthás pl. kthá ; A1. 2. sg. kṛṣé ; impf. 2. and 3. sg. ákar , 3. sg. rarely ákat ( S3Br. iii , xi) ; 3. du. ákartām ; pl. ákarma , ákarta (also BhP. ix) , ákran (aor. , according to Pa1n2. 4-2 , 80 Ka1s3. ) ; A1. ákri ( RV. x , 159 , 4 and 174 , 4) , ákthās ( RV. v , 30 , 8) , ákta ( RV. ) ; akrātām ( S3a1n3khS3r. ) , ákrata ( RV. AV. ) : Impv. kdhí (also MBh. i , 5141 and BhP. viii) , ktám,k ; A1. kṛṣ , kdhvám ; Subj. 2. and 3. sg. kar pl. kárma , kárta and kartana , kran ; A1. 3. sg. kta ( RV. ix , 69 , 5) , 3. pl. kránta ( RV. i , 141 , 3) : Pot. kriyāma ( RV. x , 32 , 9) ; pr. p. P. (nom. pl.) krántas A1. krāá. (II) cl.1 P. kárasi , kárati , kárathas , káratas , káranti ; A1. kárase , kárate , kárāmahe: impf. ákaram , ákaras , ákarat (aor. , according to Pa1n2. 3-1 , 59) : Impv. kára , káratam , káratām: Subj. káram , kárāi , káras , kárat , kárāma , káran ; A1. karāmahai ; pr. p. f. kárantī ( Naigh. ) (III) cl.5 P. kṛṇómi , °ói , °óti , kṛṇuthás , kṛṇmás and kṛṇmasi , kṛṇuthá , kṛṇvánti ; A1. kṛṇ , kṛṇué , kṛṇuté , 3. du. kṛṇvaíte ( RV. vi , 25 , 4) ; pl. kṛṇmáhe , kṛṇváte: impf. ákṛṇos , ákṛṇot , ákṛṇutam , ákṛṇuta and °otana ( RV. i , 110 , 8) , ákṛṇvan ; A1. 3. sg. ákṛṇuta pl. ákṛṇudhvam , ákṛṇvata: Impv. kṛṇú or kṛṇuhí or kṛṇutā́t , kṛṇótu , kṛṇutám , kṛṇutā́m , 2. pl. kṛṇutá or kṛṇóta or kṛṇótana , 3. pl. kṛṇvántu ; A1. kṛṇu , kṛṇutā́m , kṛṇvā́thām , kṛṇudhvám: Subj. kṛṇávas , °ávat or °ávāt , kṛṇávāva , °ávāma , °ávātha , °ávatha , °ávan ; A1. kṛṇávai (once °avā RV. x , 95 , 2) , kṛṇavase (also S3vetUp. ii , 7 v.l. °vase) , kṛṇavate , kṛṇávāvahai , kṛṇávāmahai , 3. pl. kṛṇávanta ( RV. ) or kṛṇavante or kṛṇvata ( RV. ) : Pot. A1. kṛṇvītá ; pr. p. P. kṛṇvát (f. °vatī́) A1. kṛṇá. (IV) cl.8. (this is the usual formation in the brāhmaas ; sūtras , and in classical Sanskrit) P. karómi (ep. kurmi MBh. iii , 10943 R. ii , 12 , 33) ; kurvás,kuruthás,kurutás,kurmás ([kulmas in an interpolation after RV. x , 128]) , kuruthá,kurvánti ; A1. kurvé , &c , 3. pl. kurváte ( Pa1n2. 6-4 , 108-110) : impf. akaravam , akaros , akarot , akurva , &c ; A1. 3. sg. akuruta pl. akurvata: Impv. kuru , karotu (in the earlier language 2. and 3. sg. kurutāt , 3. sg. also BhP. vi , 4 , 34) , kuruta or kurutana ( Nir. iv , 7) ; A1. kuruva , kurudhvam , kurvátām: Subj. karavāi , karavas , °vāt , °vāva or °vāvas ( Pa1n2. 3-4 , 98 Ka1s3. ) , °vāma or °vāmas (ib.) , °vātha , °van ; A1. karavai , kuruthās , karavāvahai ( TUp. ; °he MBh. iii , 10762) , karavaithe,°vaite ( Pa1n2. 3-4 , 95 , Ka1s3. ) , °vāmahai(°he MBh. R. i , 18 , 12) : Pot. P. kuryām A1. kurvīya ( Pa1n2. 6-4 , 109 and 110) ; pr. p. P. kurvát (f. °vatī́) ; A1. kurvāá: perf. P. cakā́ra , cakártha , cak , cak , cakrá ( Pa1n2. 7-2 , 13) ; A1. cakré , cakriré ; p. cakvas (acc. cakrúam RV. x , 137 , 1) ; A1. cakrāa ( Vop. ) : 2nd fut. kariyáti ; Subj. 2. sg. kariyā́s ( RV. iv , 30 , 23) ; 1st fut. kártā: Prec. kriyāsam: aor. P. Ved. cakaram ( RV. iv , 42 , 6) , acakrat ( RV. iv , 18 , 12) , ácakriran ( RV. viii , 6 , 20) ; A1. 1. sg. kske ( RV. x , 49 , 7) ; Class. akārīt ( Pa1n2. 7-2 , 1 Ka1s3. ; once akāraīt BhP. i , 10 , 1) ; Pass. aor. reflex. akāri and akta ( Pa1n2. 3-1 , 62 Ka1s3. ) : Inf. kártum , Ved. kártave , kártavaí , kártos (» ss.vv.) ; ind.p. ktvā́ , Ved. ktvī́ ([ RV. ]) and ktvā́ya ([ TS. iv , v])  ; 
to do , make , perform , accomplish , cause , effect , prepare , undertake
RV. &c  ; 
to do anything for the advantage or injury of another (
gen. or loc.) MBh. R. &c  ; 
to execute , carry out (as an order or command)
ib.  ; 
to manufacture , prepare , work at , elaborate , build
ib.  ; 
to form or construct one thing out of another (
abl. or instr.) R. i , 2 , 44 Hit. &c  ; 
to employ , use , make use of (
instr.) S3vetUp. Mn. x , 91 MBh. &c  ; 
to compose , describe
R. i  ; 
to cultivate
Ya1jn5. ii , 158 (cf. Mn. x , 114)  ; 
to accomplish any period , bring to completion , spend (
e.g. varāi daśa cakru , " they spent ten years " MBh. xv , 6 ; kaa kuru , " wait a moment " MBh. ; cf. kritakaa)  ; 
to place , put , lay , bring , lead , take hold of (
acc. or loc. or instr. e.g. ardhá-k , to take to one's own side or party , cause to share in (gen. ; » 2. ardhá) ; haste or au-k , to take by the hand , marry Pa1n2. 1-4 , 77 ; hdayena-k , to place in one's heart , love Mr2icch. ; hdi-k , to take to heart , mind , think over , consider Ra1jat. v , 313 ; manasi-k id. R. ii , 64 , 8 Hcar. ; to determine , purpose [ind.p. °si-ktvā or °si-ktya] Pa1n2. 1-4 , 75 ; vaśe-k , to place in subjection , become master of Mn. ii , 100)  ; 
to direct the thoughts , mind ,
&c (mánas [ RV. Mn. MBh. &c ] or buddhim [ Nal. xxvi , 10] or matim [ MBh. R. ] or bhāvam [ib.] , &c ) towards any object , turn the attention to , resolve upon , determine on (loc. dat. inf. , or a sentence with iti e.g. mā śoke mana kthā , do not turn your mind to grief Nal. xiv , 22 ; gamanāya mati cakre , he resolved upon going R. i , 9 , 55 ; alābu samutsraṣṭu manaś cakre , he resolved to create a gourd MBh. iii , 8844 ; draṣṭā tavā*smī*ti mati cakāra , he determined to see him MBh. iii , 12335)  ; 
to think of (
acc.) R. i , 21 , 14  ; 
to make , render (with two
acc. e.g. ādityaṣṭhām akurvata , they made the sun their goal AitBr. iv , 7) RV. S3Br. &c  ; 
to procure for another , bestow , grant (with
gen. or loc.) RV. VS. S3Br. &c  ; 
A1. to procure for one's self , appropriate , assume S3Br. Br2A1rUp. Mn. vii , 10 &c  ; 
to give aid , help any one to get anything (
dat.) RV. VS.  ; 
to make liable to (
dat.) RV. iii , 41 , 6 S3Br. iv  ; 
to injure , violate (
e.g. kanyā-k , to violate a maiden) Mn. viii , 367 and 369  ; 
to appoint , institute
ChUp. Mn.  ; 
to give an order , commission
Mn. R. ii , 2 , 8  ; 
to cause to get rid of , free from (
abl. or -tas) Pa1n2. 5-4 , 49 Ka1s3.  ; 
to begin (
e.g. cakre śobhayitum purīm , they began to adorn the city) R. ii , 6 , 10  ; 
to proceed , act , put in practice
VS. S3Br. AitBr. &c  ; 
to worship , sacrifice
RV. S3Br. Mn. iii , 210  ; 
to make a sound (
svaram or śabdam) MBh. iii , 11718 Pa1n2. (iv , 4 , 34 Hit. ) , utter , pronounce (often ifc. with the sounds pha , phut , bhā , a , svadhā́ , svā́hā , hi) , pronounce any formula ( Mn. ii , 74 and xi , 33)  ; 
(with numeral adverbs ending in
dhā) to divide , separate or break up into parts (e.g. dvidhā-k , to divide into two parts , ind.p. dvidhā ktvā or dvidhā-ktya or -kāram Pa1n2. 3-4 , 62 ; sahasradhā-k , to break into a thousand pieces)  ; 
(with adverbs ending in
vat) to make like or similar , consider equivalent (e.g. rājya tṛṇa-vat ktvā , valuing the kingdom like a straw Vet. )  ; 
(with adverbs ending in
sāt) to reduce anything to , cause to become , make subject (» ātma-sāt , bhasma-sāt) Pa1n2. 5-4 , 52 ff. The above senses of √k may be variously modified or almost infinitely extended according to the noun with which this root is connected , as in the following examples: sakhya-k , to contract friendship with  ; 
pūjā-k , to honour  ; 
rājya-k , to reign  ; 
sneha-k , to show affection  ; 
ājñā or nideśa or śāsana or kāma or yācanā or vaca or vacana or vākya-k , to perform any one's command or wish or request &c  ; 
dharma-k , to do one's duty Mn. vii , 136  ; 
nakhāni-k , " to clean one's nails " » kta-nakha  ; 
udaka ([ Mn. Ya1jn5. R. Das3. ]) or salila ([ R. i , 44 , 49]) √k , to offer a libation of Water to the dead  ; 
to perform ablutions
astrāi-k , to practise the use of weapons MBh. iii , 11824  ; 
dardura-k , to breathe the flute Pa1n2. 4-4 , 34  ; 
daṇḍa-k , to inflict punishment &c Vet.  ; 
kāla-k , to bring one's time to an end i.e. to die  ; 
cira-k , to be long in doing anything , delay  ; 
manasā (for °si » above ) √k , to place in one's mind , think of , meditate MBh.  ; 
śirasā-k , to place on one's the head  ; 
mūrdhnā-k , to place on one's head , obey , honour. Very rarely in veda ( AV. xviii , 2 , 27) , but commonly in the brāhmaas , sūtras , and especially in classical Sanskrit the perf. forms cakāraandcakre auxiliarily used to form the periphrastical perfect of verbs , especially of causatives e.g. āsā cakre , " he sat down "  ; 
gamayā́ cakāra , " he caused to go " [see Pa1n2. 3-1 , 40 ; in veda some other forms of √ k are used in a similar way , viz. pr. karoti S3a1n3khS3r. ; impf. akar MaitrS. and Ka1t2h. ; 3. pl. akran MaitrS. and TBr. ; Prec. kriyāt MaitrS. (» Pa1n2. 3-1 , 42) ; according to Pa1n2. 3-1 , 41 , also karotu with √vid]. Caus. kārayati , °te , to cause to act or do , cause another to perform , have anything made or done by another (double acc. instr. and acc. [see Pa1n2. 1-4 , 53] e.g. sabhā kāritavān , he caused an assembly to be made Hit. ; rāja-darśana kāraya , cause me to have an audience of the king ; ijya kārayed vaiśyam , he ought to cause the vaiśya to engage in trade Mn. viii , 410 ; na śakyāmi kicit kārayitu tvayā , I shall not be able to have anything done by thee MBh. ii , 6)  ; 
to cause to manufacture or form or cultivate
La1t2y. Ya1jn5. ii , 158 MBh. &c  ; 
to cause to place or put , have anything placed , put upon ,
&c (e.g. ta citrapaa vāsa-ghe bhittāv akārayat , he had the picture placed on the wall in his house Katha1s. v , 30) Mn. viii , 251. Sometimes the Caus. of √k is used for the simple verb or without a causal signification (e.g. pada kārayati , he pronounces a word Pa1n2. 1-3 , 71 Ka1s3. ; mithyā k° , he pronounces wrongly ib. ; kaikeyīm anu rājāna kāraya , treat or deal with kaikeyī as the king does R. ii , 58 , 16) : Desid. cíkīrati (aor. 2. sg. acikīrīs S3Br. iii) , ep. also °te , to wish to make or do , intend to do , design , intend , begin , strive after AV. xii , 4 , 19 S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. Mn. &c  ; 
to wish to sacrifice or worship
AV. v , 8 , 3 : Intens. 3. pl. karikrati (pr. p. kárikrat » Naigh. ii , 1 and Pa1n2. 7-4 , 65) , to do repeatedly RV. AV. TS.  ; 
carkarti or carikarti or carīkarti ([ Pa1n2. 7-4 , 92 Ka1s3. ]) , also carkarīti or carikarīti or carīkarīti or cekrīyate ([ib. Sch. Vop. ]) ; ([cf. Hib. caraim , " I perform , execute " ; ceard , " an art , trade , business , function " ; sucridh , " easy " ; Old Germ. karawan , " to prepare " ; Mod. Germ. gar , " prepared (as food) " ; Lat. creo , ceremonia ; κραίνω , κρόνος.])
k 2 [p= 304,1] [L=54683]
p. cakrát (Pot. 2. sg. cakriyās ; aor. 1. sg. akāram [ AV. vii , 7 , 1] or akāriam [ RV. iv , 39 , 6]) , to make mention of , praise , speak highly of (gen.) RV. AV. : Intens. (1. sg. carkarmi , 1. pl. carkirāma , 3. pl. carkiran ; Impv. 2. sg. carktā́t and carkdhi ; aor. 3. sg. A1. cárkṛṣe) id. RV. AV. (cf. kārú , kīrí , kīrtí.)
k 3 [L=54684]
&c » √2. k.
(H1) Ved. (I)
(H1) cl.3 P.
(H1) to injure ,

k* nusāra [p= 303,1] [L=54447]
established practice , custom.
(H3) m.

kausīdya [p= 318,2] [L=57567]
sloth , indolence Lalit. (printed ed. kau°)

(H2) n.
[L=57568]the practice of usury

kráma--yoga [p= 320,1] [L=57796]
succession , regular order , successive or methodical practice Mn. i , 42 R. vi , 16 , 60
(H3) m.

kriyā [p= 320,3] [L=57982]
( Pa1n2. 3-3 , 100) , doing , performing , performance , occupation with (in comp.) , business , act , action , undertaking , activity , work , labour. Ka1tyS3r. Mn. Ya1jn5. &c


Gr.) action (as the general idea expressed by any verb) , verb Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 1-3 , 1 &c (according to later grammarians a verb is of two kinds , sakarma-kriyā , " active " , and akarma-k° , " intransitive ")



» sama-kriya-tva and viama-k°) Sus3r.

Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c

caramā , " the last ceremony " , rites performed immediately after death , obsequies , purificatory rites (as ablution &c ) MBh. iv , 834 R. vi , 96 , 10

BhP. vii , 14 , 39 Ra1matUp.

daka and wife of dharma MBh. i , 2578 Hariv. 12452 BhP. ; or as a daughter of kardama and wife of kratu BhP. )

&c , or by superhuman means , as by various ordeals) Comm. on Ya1jn5.




(H2) f.
[L=57983]bodily action , exercise of the limbs
[L=57985]a noun of action
[L=57986]a literary work
[L=57987]medical treatment or practice , applying a remedy , cure (
[L=57988]a religious rite or ceremony , sacrificial act , sacrifice
[L=57990]religious action , worship
[L=57991]Religious Action (personified as a daughter of
[L=57992]judicial investigation (by human means , as by witnesses , documents ,
[L=57996]means , expedient

ghaṭṭanā [p= 375,3] [L=69356]
(? for ghaanā) going , moving , practice , business , means of living Pa1n2. 3-3 , 107 Va1rtt. 1.
(H2B) f.

carita [p= 389,3] [L=72301]
gone , gone to , attained W.


cara) R. vi , 6 , 16 and 7 , 21
caritá [L=72304]
going , moving , course AV. iii , 15 , 4 ; ix , 1 , 3 Gobh. iii Sus3r.
carita [L=72305]
motion (of asterisms) Su1ryas.

RV. i , 90 , 2 MBh. R. VarBr2S. &c (ifc. f(ā). Gi1t. ix , 1)
carita [L=72307]
fixed institute , proper or peculiar observance W. (cf. uttara-rāma- , dúś- , sac- , saha- , su-).
carita [p= 390,1] [L=72386]
» ib.
(H2) mfn.
[L=72302]" practised " , in
[L=72303]espied , ascertained (by a spy ,
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
[L=72306]acting , doing , practice , behaviour , acts , deeds , adventures
(H2B) n.
(H3) &c

carítra [L=72319]
( Pa1n2. 3-2 , 184 ; rarely m. VS. vi , 14 MaitrS. i , 2 , 16) a foot , leg RV. AV. x , 2 , 12 Kaus3. 44
carítra [L=72320]
going VS. xiii , 19
carítra [L=72321]
acting , behaving , behaviour , habit , practice , acts , adventures , deeds , exploits Mn. ii , 20 ; ix , 7 R. &c (ifc. f(ā). Pan5cat. iv , 7 , 5)
carítra [L=72322]
nature , disposition W.
carítra [L=72323]
custom , law as based on custom Na1r. i , 10 f. ; xx , 24
ca° rítra [L=72387]
» ib.
(H2) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H3) &c

cikitsā [p= 395,2] [L=73496]
medical attendance , practice or science of medicine (esp. therapeutics , one of the six sections of med.) , i , 67 ; ii , 224 R. vi , 71 , 26 Mr2icch. Sus3r. BhP.
(H2) f.

citrá--vtti [p= 397,1] [L=73884]
any astonishing act or practice W.
(H3) f.

caurya--vtti [p= 403,2] [L=75234]
living on thievery Das3. ix , 1 1 (v.l. °ra-v°)
caurya--vtti [L=75235]
practice of theft or robbery W.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) f.

jána--vyavahāra [p= 410,3] [L=76809]
popular practice or usage W.
(H3) m.

táthā--vidhāna [p= 433,3] [L=82032]
following this practice Hit. iii , 9 , 6÷1.
(H3) mfn.

tapa--samādhi [p= 437,1] [L=82635]
the practice of penance W.
(H3) m.

tapaś--caraa [L=82695]
the practice of austerities MBh. R. i Sarvad.

°pasaś c° Mn. vi , 75) .
(H3) n.

ṇḍana--vidhi [p= 467,2] [L=89750]
the practice of inflicting punishment Ba1lar. v , 63.
(H3) m.

du--saskāra [p= 483,1] [L=93338]
a bad custom or practice ib.
(H3) m.

dṛṣṭá--karman [p= 491,3] [L=95367]
whose actions are seen or proved , tried by practice MBh. Ra1jat.

Sus3r. Bhpr.
(H3) mfn.
[L=95368]who has seen the practice of others

dhárma 1 [p= 510,3] [L=99903]
(rarely n. g. ardharcā*di ; the older form of the RV. is dhárman q.v.) that which is established or firm , steadfast decree , statute , ordinance , law

dhármea ind. or °māt ind. according to right or rule , rightly , justly , according to the nature of anything ; cf. below ; °mesthita mfn. holding to the law , doing one's duty) AV. &c

indra S3Br. &c ; as yama MBh. ; as born from the right breast of yama and father of śama , kāma and hara ib. ; as viṣṇu Hariv. ; as prajā-pati and son-in-law of daka Hariv. Mn. &c ; as one of the attendants of the Sun L. ; as a Bull Mn. viii , 16 ; as a Dove Katha1s. vii , 89 , &c )

sagha or monastic order MWB. 70)

dharma called sūsra , as distinguished from the abhi-dharma or , " further dharma " and from the vinaya or " discipline " , these three constituting the canon of Southern Buddhism MWB. 61)

prajñā-pāramitā , gaṇḍa-vyūha , daśa-bhūmīśvara , samādhirāja , lakāvatāra , saddharma-puṇḍarīka , tathā-gata-guhyaka , lalita-vistara , suvara-prabhāsa ,ib. 69)

= sva-bhāva L. ; cf. daśa-dh°arma-gata S3Br. &c ; upamāno*pameyayor dh° , the tertium comparationis Pa1n2. 2-1 , 55 Sch.)

partic. ceremony MBh. xiv , 2623



upaniad L.




soma-drinker L.

of the 15th arhat of the present ava-sarpiī L.

anu and father of ghta Hariv.

gāndhāra and father of dhta Pur.

haihaya and father of netra BhP.

pthu-śravas and of uśanas ib.

su-vrata VP. (cf. dharma-sūtra)

dīrgha-tapas , Va1yuP.

kaśmīra , Ra1j. iv , 678

ib. vii , 85

&c (also -paṇḍita , -bhaṭṭa and -śāstrin) Cat. [cf. Lat. firmus , Lith. derme4.]
dharma 2 [p= 512,3] [L=100471]
P. °mati , to become , law Vop.
dhárma 3 [L=100472]
comp. for °man q.v. 2.
dharma [p= 513,1] [L=100518]
[p= 510,3].
dharma [p= 1329,2] [L=334320]
Sukh. i
(H2) m.
[L=99904]usage , practice , customary observance or prescribed conduct , duty
[L=99905]right , justice (often as a synonym of punishment)
[L=99906]virtue , morality , religion , religious merit , good works (
[L=99907]Law or Justice personified (as
[L=99908]the law or doctrine of Buddhism (as distinguished from the
[L=99909]the ethical precepts of Buddhism (or the principal
[L=99910]the law of Northern Buddhism (in 9 canonical scriptures , viz.
[L=99911]nature , character , peculiar condition or essential quality , property , mark , peculiarity (
[L=99914]the ninth mansion
[L=99916]associating with the virtuous
[L=99917]religious abstraction , devotion
[L=99919]a bow
[L=99922]of a son of
[L=99923]of a son of
[L=99924]of a son of
[L=99925]of a son of
[L=99926]of a son of
[L=99927]of a son of
[L=99928]of a king of
[L=99929]of another man
[L=99930]of a lexicographer
(H2) Nom.
(H2) in
(H1) »
(H2) (also) a thing,

dhárma--pravtti [p= 511,2] [L=100153]
practice of virtue , pious act Ra1jat.

of wk.
(H3) f.

dharmā* nusāra [p= 512,2] [L=100403]
conformity to law or virtue , course or practice of duty W.
(H3) m.

dharmán [p= 512,3] [L=100476]
bearer , supporter , arranger RV.

of a son of bhad-rāja and father of kta-jaya VP.
dhárman [L=100478]
(older than dhárma q.v. , in later language mostly ifc. ; cf. below) support , prop , hold RV. VS.
dhárman [L=100479]
established order of things , steadfast decree (of a god , esp. of mitra-varua) , any arrangement or disposition
dhárman [L=100480]
will , pleasure
dhárman [L=100481]
law , rule , duty
dhárman [L=100482]
practice , custom , mode , manner (dhármaā , °mabhis ; °maas pári in regular order , naturally ; svāya dhar mae at one's own pleasure ; dharmai with the permission of , ádhi dh° against the will of [gen.]) RV. AV. VS.
dhárman [L=100483]
(esp. ifc.) nature , quality , characteristic mark or attribute S3Br. (cf. an-ucchitti-) MBh. (cf. uñcha- [add.] , katra- , phala- , phena.) Var. (cf. dasyu- [add.]) Kap. (cf. cid-dh° [add.]) Ka1v. (cf. vināśa-.).
(H2) m.
(H2) n.
(H2) n.
(H2) n.
(H2) n.
(H2) n.
(H2) n.

dhūtá--gua [p= 517,3] [L=101495]
ascetic practice or precept DivyA7v. (there are 12 according to Dharmas. lxiii) .
(H3) m.

dheya [p= 520,2] [L=102062]
( √1. dkā) to be held or taken &c

MBh. xii , 13108

S3is3. v , 60
dheya [L=102065]
giving , imparting (ifc. cf. nāma- , bhāga- , mitra- &c Pa1n2. 5-4 , 36 Va1rtt. 2 , 3) .
(H1) mfn.
[L=102063]to be created or what is created
[L=102064]to be applied or pat in practice
(H1B) n.

nir--anta° * bhyāsa [p= 539,2] [L=106560]
constant repetition or study , diligent exercise or practice Prab.
(H4) m.

ni-° yamana [p= 552,2] [L=109160]
subduing , taming , overpowering Hariv.
ni-° yamana [L=109161]
the act of subduing &c MBh. Ka1v. &c
ni-° yamana [L=109162]
restriction , limitation , definition Ra1jat. Kpr. Sa1h.
ni-° yamana [L=109163]
precept , fixed practice or rule W.
ni-° yamana [L=109164]
coercion , humiliation MW.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.

ni-° vtta---vtti [p= 560,2] [L=110412]
ceasing from any practice or occupation W.
(H4) mfn.

ni-śrama [p= 561,2] [L=110636]
( √ śram) labour bestowed upon anything , continued practice MBh.
(H1) m.

ni-° evā [p= 562,2] [L=110773]
exercising , practice , service BhP.
ni-° evā [L=110774]
use , employment ib.
ni-° evā [L=110775]
worship , adoration ib.
(H3B) f.
(H3B) f.
(H3B) f.

ni-° evaa [L=110777]
visiting , frequenting , living in , practice , performance , use , employment , adherence or devotion to , honour , worship (gen. or comp.) MBh. Ya1jn5. Sus3r. &c
(H3) n.

pari-kriyā [p= 591,3] [L=117070]
surrounding , inclosing , intrenching L.

comp. ; cf. agni-parikriyā)

cf. rājya-parik°)

dram.) illusion to future action (= parikara) Das3ar.
pari-kriyā [p= 592,1] [L=117119]
(H3) f.
[L=117071]attending to , care of (
[L=117072]exercise , practice , enjoyment (
(H1) »

pari-caya [p= 593,3] [L=117354]
» under pari- √1. 2. ci.
pari-caya [L=117393]
heaping up , accumulation Kaus3.
pari-caya [L=117404]
acquaintance , intimacy , familiarity with , knowledge of (gen. loc. instr. with or sc. samam , or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c

Ka1v. (cf. rati-p°)

(H1) &c
(H3) m.
(H3) m.
[L=117405]trial , practice , frequent repetition
[L=117406]meeting with a friend

pā́yya 1 [p= 619,2] [L=122368]
to be (or being) drunk L.

acc.) Sus3r.
pā́yya 1 [L=122370]
drinking (» pūrva-p°)
pā́yya 1 [L=122371]
water L.
pāyya 2 [L=122384]
» n- , bahu.).
pāyya 3 [L=122385]
a measure Pa1n2. 3-1 , 129 (cf. vi , 2 , 122)

pāyya 4 [L=122387]
low , vile , contemptible L.
(H2) mfn.
[L=122369]to be caused to drink (with
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2) (prob.) protection (
(H1) n.
[L=122386]practice , profession
(H1) mfn.

piśācá--caryā [p= 628,2] [L=124452]
the practice of piśācas BhP.
(H3) f.

pū́rva--sevā [p= 644,2] [L=128143]
first use or practice of (gen.) Baudh.
(H3) f.

pra-° ayana [p= 660,2] [L=131234]
bringing forwards , conducting , conveying , fetching S3rS. MBh. &c

cf. agni-)

cf. śraddhā-)

daṇḍasya or daṇḍa.) , applying (the rod) , infliction of (punishment) Mn. Ya1jn5.


MBh. Ka1v.



(H3) n.
[L=131235]means or vessel for bringing or fetching (
[L=131236]showing , betraying (
[L=131238]establishing , founding (of a school)
[L=131239]execution , performance , practice
[L=131240]bringing forward , adducing
[L=131241]composing , writing
[L=131242]satisfying , satiating

prayo-gá 1 [p= 688,1] [L=136219]
( Padap. pra-yóga) (for 2. » under. pra-yuj) coming to a meal RV. x , 7 , 5 ( Sa1y. = pra-yoktavya)
prayo-gá 1 [L=136219.1]
N. of a ṛṣi TS.
prayo-gá 1 [L=136219.2]
(with bhārgava) author of RV. viii , 91 Anukr.
prayoga 2 [p= 688,2] [L=136310]
(for 1. » under 2. práyas , col.1) joining together , connection Var.

Vpra1t. Pa1n2. (loc. often = in the case of Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 1-4 , 25 ; 26 &c )

MBh. R. &c


S3Br. S3rS.

Ma1lav. Ra1jat.

esp. of drugs or magic ; cf. IW. 402 , 1) , use Gr2S3rS. MBh. &c (ena , āt and °ga-tas ifc. = by means of)

opp. to , " theory ") Ma1lav.

ais , by use of means) MBh. Sus3r.

Siddh. Vop.

Mr2icch. Ka1lid. (°ga-to-dś , to see actually represented » on the stage Ratna7v. )

Ka1lid. Prab.

S3rS. RPra1t. Pa1n2. Sch.
688,3] [L=136323]

Mn. MBh.






cf. pra-yāga) L.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2) m.
[L=136311]position , addition (of a word)
[L=136312]hurling , casting (of missiles)
[L=136313]offering , presenting
[L=136314]undertaking , beginning , commencement
[L=136315]a design , contrivance , device , plan
[L=136316]application , employment (
[L=136317]practice , experiment (
[L=136318]a means (only
[L=136319](in gram.) an applicable or usual form
[L=136320]exhibition (of a dance) , representation (of a drama)
[L=136321]a piece to be represented
[L=136322]utterance , pronunciation , recitation , delivery
[p= a formula to be recited , sacred text
[L=136324]lending at interest or on usury , investment
[L=136325]principal , loan bearing interest
[L=136326]an example
[L=136327]cause , motive , affair , object
[L=136328]consequence , result
[L=136329]ceremonial form , course of proceeding
[L=136330]a horse (

prayoga--grahaa [L=136333]
acquirement of practice Das3.
(H3) n.

prayoga--jña [L=136337]
skilful in practice Sus3r.
(H3) mfn.

prayoga--pradhāna [L=136349]
consisting chiefly in practice (not in theory) Ma1lav.
(H3) mfn.

prayoga--vīrya [L=136366]
(with Buddhists) energy in practice (one of the 3 energies) Dharmas. 108.
(H3) n.

pra-° vtti [p= 694,1] [L=137295]
moving onwards , advance , progress Gr2S3rS. MBh. Sus3r.

S3vetUp. Ka1lid. Ra1jat.


Kap. Sa1m2khyak. MBh. &c (in the nyāya one of the 82 prameyas IW. 63)

opp. to ni-vtti [q.v.] and to contemplative devotion , and defined as consisting of the wish to act , knowledge of the means , and accomplishment of the object) W.

loc. or comp.) Ra1jat. Hit. Sa1h.

Mn. MBh. Ma1rkP.

Mn. MBh. &c

Ka1tyS3r. Pa1n2. Sch.



gen. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c

viaya-vatī , " a sensuous cognition ") Yogas.

L. (cf. Vikr. iv , 47)

of avanti or Oujein or any holy place L.

arithm.) the multiplier W. (w.r. for pra-kti?)
(H3) f.
[L=137296]coming forth , appearance , manifestation
[L=137297]rise , source , origin.
[L=137298]activity , exertion , efficacy , function
[L=137299]active life (as
[L=137300]giving or devoting one's self to , prosecution of. course or tendency towards , inclination or predilection for (
[L=137301]application , use , employment
[L=137302]conduct , behaviour , practice
[L=137303]the applicability or validity of a rule
[L=137304]currency , continuance , prevalence
[L=137305]fate , lot , destiny
[L=137306]news , tidings , intelligence of (
[L=137307]cognition (with
[L=137308]the exudation from the temples of a rutting elephant

brāhmī́ [p= 741,1] [L=147289]
» brāhmī
brāhmī [p= 742,1] [L=147461]
(of brāhmá q.v.) the śakti or personified energy of brahmā (regarded as one of the 8 māts or divine mothers of created beings ; in MBh. ix , 2655 they are said to attend skanda) L.

sarasvatī) MBh. i , 19

of durgā Devi1P. ??


N. of a mūrchanā Sam2gi1t.

°myā ind. according to pious usage) R.

brāhma rite Gaut. Vishn2. (cf. -putra) , the constellation rohii L.



of various plants (Clerodendrum Siphonantus , Ruta Graveolens , Enhydra Hingcha &c ) L.


of a river S3atr.

sahitā) N. of wk.
(H2B) f.
(H2) f.
[L=147462]speech or the goddess of speech (=
[L=147464]the wife of a Brahman
[L=147465](in music)
[L=147466]a religious practice , pious usage (
[L=147467]a woman married according to the
[L=147468]a female fish or frog
[L=147469]a species of ant
[L=147471]a kind of brass

bhū́ti [p= 762,3] [L=152037]
RV. )
bhūtí [L=152038]
existence , being L.

RV. &c

= lak) BhP.


Megh. 19

Ka1v. Katha1s.

L. (?)

marutām) N. of a sāman A1rshBr.

Andropogon Schoenanthus or = rohia &c ) L.

°) , of the wife of ruci or kavi and the mother of manu bhautya Hariv. VP.
bhūtí [L=152049]
a class of deceased ancestors Ma1rkP.
bhūtí [L=152050]
N. of viṣṇu MBh.
bhūtí [L=152051]
of śiva L.
bhūtí [L=152052]
of the father of manu bhautya Ma1rkP.
bhūtí [L=152053]
of a Brahman L.
(H2) or (
(H3) f.
[L=152039]wellbeing , thriving , prosperity , might , power , wealth , fortune
[L=152040]Welfare personified (
[L=152041]superhuman power (as attainable by the practice of austerity and magical rites)
[L=152042]ornament , decoration
[L=152044]fried meat
[L=152047]of various plants (
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.

mahā́--mudrā [p= 799,1] [L=160418]
a partic. posture or position of the hands or feet (in the practice of yoga q.v.) Cat.

partic. high number Buddh.
(H3) f.

mahā́--vedha [p= 800,3] [L=160834]
a partic. position of the hands or feet (in the practice of yoga) Cat.
(H3) m.

yáthā--ktám [p= 841,3] [L=169676]
according to usual practice RV.
yáthā--ktám [L=169677]
as happened Katha1s.
yáthā--ktám [L=169678]
in the way agreed upon Mn. viii , 183
yáthā--ktám [L=169679]
according as anything has been done Ka1tyS3r.
(H3C) ind.
(H3C) ind.
(H3C) ind.
(H3C) ind.

yáthā--prayogam [p= 842,2] [L=169824]
according to usage or practice TPra1t. A1pS3r. Comm.
(H3) ind.

yáma [p= 846,1] [L=170382]
a rein , curb , bridle RV. v , 61 , 2

ib. viii , 103 , 10

vācām , restraint of words , silence) BhP.

opp. to niyama , a minor observance ; in Ya1jn5. iii , 313 ten yamas are mentioned , sometimes only five) Mn. MBh. &c

yoga) self-restraint (as the first of the eight agas or means of attaining mental concentration) IW. 93

yamá [L=170388]
(ā́ or ī́)n. twin-born , twin , forming a pair RV. &c
yáma [L=170389]
a twin , one of a pair or couple , a fellow (du. " the twins " N. of the aśvins and of their twin children by mādrī , called nakula and saha-deva ; yamau mithunau , twins of different sex) ib.
yáma [L=170390]
a symbolical N. for the number " two " Hcat.
yáma [p= 846,2] [p= 846,1] [L=170391]
N. of the god who presides over the pits (q.v.) and rules the spirits of the dead RV. &c IW. 18 ; 197 , 198 &c RTL. 10 ; 16 ; 289 &c (he is regarded as the first of men and born from vivasvat , " the Sun " , and his wife sara ; while his brother , the seventh manu , another form of the first man , is the son of vivasvat and sajñā , the image of sara ; his twin-sister is yamī , with whom he resists sexual alliance , but by whom he is mourned after his death , so that the gods , to make her forget her sorrow , create night ; in the veda he is called a king or sagamano janānām , " the gatherer of men " , and rules over the departed fathers in heaven , the road to which is guarded by two broad-nosed , four-eyed , spotted dogs , the children of śaramā q.v. ; in Post-vedic mythology he is the appointed Judge and " Restrainer " or " Punisher " of the dead , in which capacity he is also called dharmarāja or dharma and corresponds to the Greek Pluto and to Minos ; his abode is in some region of the lower world called yama-pura ; thither a soul when it leaves the body , is said to repair , and there , after the recorder , citra-gupta , has read an account of its actions kept in a book called agra-sadhānā , it receives a just sentence ; in MBh. yama is described as dressed in blood-red garments , with a glittering form , a crown on his head , glowing eyes and like varua , holding a noose , with which he binds the spirit after drawing it from the body , in size about the measure of a man's thumb ; he is otherwise represented as grim in aspect , green in colour , clothed in red , riding on a buffalo , and holding a club in one hind and noose in the other ; in the later mythology he is always represented as a terrible deity inflicting tortures , called yātanā , on departed spirits ; he is also one of the 8 guardians of the world as regent of the South quarter ; he is the regent of the nakatra apa-bharaī or bharaī , the supposed author of RV. x , 10 ; 14 , of a hymn to viṣṇu and of a law-book ; yamasyā*rka N. of a sāman A1rshBr. )
yáma [p= 846,2] [L=170392]
N. of the planet Saturn (regarded as the son of vivasvat and chāyā) Hariv. BhP.
yáma [L=170393]
of one of skanda's attendants (mentioned together with ati-yama) MBh.
yáma [L=170394]
a crow L. (cf. -dūtaka)
yáma [L=170395]
a bad horse (whose limbs are either too small or too large) L.
yáma [L=170397]
a pair , brace , couple L.
yáma [L=170398]
(in gram.) a twin-letter (the consonant interposed and generally understood , but not written in practice , between a nasal immediately preceded by one of the four other consonants in each class) Pra1t. Pat. on Pa1n2. 1-1 , 8
yáma [L=170399]
pitch of the voice , tone of utterance , key Pra1t.
(H2) m.
[L=170383]a driver , charioteer
[L=170384]the act of checking or curbing , suppression , restraint (with
[L=170385]self-control forbearance , any great moral rule or duty (as
[L=170387]any rule or observance
(H2B) mf
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.

yātrā [p= 849,3] [L=171069]
going , setting off , journey , march , expedition MBh. Ka1v. &c (with prāāntikī or aurdhvadehikī = death ; yātrā- or , to undertake an expedition , take the field ; yātrām-pch , to wish luck DivyA7v. )

cf. gagā- and tīrtha-y°)

Katha1s. Ra1jat. Hit. (cf. deva-y°)

= utsava) Ba1lar.

Mn. MBh. &c

laukikī , worldly intercourse = jagad-y°) Mn. xi , 184




of a partic. kind of astronomical wk. (cf. yoga-y°)

yātrā [p= 851,1] [L=171369]
&c » [p= 849,3].
(H2) f.
[L=171070]going on a pilgrimage (
[L=171071]a festive train , procession
[L=171072]a feast , festival (
[L=171073]support of life , livelihood , maintenance
[L=171074]intercourse (with
[L=171075]way , means , expedient
[L=171076]passing away time
[L=171077]practice , usage , custom
[L=171079]of a sort of dramatic entertainment (popular in Bengal)
(H1) yātrika

° pana [p= 849,3] [L=171128]
causing to go or pass away , bringing to an end BhP.


° pana [L=171131]
(with sagha) N. of a partic. jaina sect Bhadrab.
° pana [L=171132]
and f(ā). causing to go , driving away L.
° pana [L=171133]
causing time to pass away , delay , procrastination Ka1m. Ka1v.
° pana [L=171134]
cure , alleviation (of a malady) Car.
° pana [L=171135]
maintenance , support MBh.
° pana [L=171136]
exercise , practice MBh.
(H3) mfn.
[L=171129]mitigating , alleviating , curing (as an injection)
[L=171130]prolonging or supporting life
(H3B) m.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.

yukti [p= 853,3] [L=171795]
union , junction , connection , combination AitBr. Ta1n2d2Br.

loc. or comp.) R.

Katha1s. Sus3r.

Ka1v. Katha1s. Pan5car. (yukti-k , to find out or employ an expedient ; yukti ibc. ; °tyā ind.,°tibhis ind. ,and °ti-tas ind. by device or stratagem , artfully , skilfully , under pretext or pretence ; yuktyā &c ifc. = by means of)

Kap. Ka1v. Var. &c (-tas , by means of an argument)

BhP. Ma1rkP.

MBh. Ka1v. &c (yuktyā and °ti-tas , properly , suitably , fitly , justly , duly)

S3am2k. (cf. IW. 111 , 3)

&c Ya1jn5. ii , 92 ; 212

rhet.) emblematic or mystical expression of purpose W.

dram.) connection of the events in a plot , concatenation of incidents , intelligent weighing of the circumstances Das3ar. Sa1h. Prata1p.

astron.) conjunction Jyot.

854,1] [L=171808]



(H2) f.
[L=171796]preparation , going to , making ready for (
[L=171797]application , practice , usage
[L=171798]trick , contrivance , means , expedient , artifice , cunning device , magic
[L=171799]reasoning , argument , proof , influence , induction , deduction from circumstances
[L=171800]reason , ground , motive
[L=171801]suitableness , adaptedness , fitness , propriety , correctness
[L=171802]meditation on the supreme being , contemplation , union with the universal spirit
[L=171803](in law) enumeration of circumstances , specification of place and time
[L=171807](in gram.) connection of words , a sentence
[p= connection of letters
[L=171809]supplying an ellipsis
[L=171810]mixture or alloying of metals
[L=171811]sum , total

yoga [p= 854,3] [L=172001]
» pp. 856 , 858.
yóga [p= 856,2] [L=172324]
( √1. yuj ; ifc. f(ā).) the act of yoking , joining , attaching , harnessing , putting to (of horses) RV. MBh.

S3Br. Kaus3. MBh.

RV. &c





MBh. Ka1v. &c


Mn. Katha1s. (cf. yoga-nanda)


ib. Kaus3. MBh.

Ka1m. Ma1rkP.

instr. with or without saha , or comp.). MBh. Ka1v. &c (yogami , to agree , consent , acquiesce in anything R. )

MBh. R. VarBr2S.

instr. or comp.) Mn. R. Hariv.

yogāt , yogena and yoga-tas ifc. in consequence of , on account of , by reason of , according to , through) Ka1tyS3r. S3vetUp. Mn. &c
856,3] [p= 856,2] [L=172341]
Ka1t2h. S3rS.
856,3] [L=172342]
°gena ind. and -tas ind. suitably , fitly , duly , in the right manner) MBh. Ka1v. &c

°yoga-tas ind. strenuously , assiduously ; pūrena yogena , with all one's powers , with overflowing zeal) Mn. MBh. &c

esp.) self-concentration , abstract meditation and mental abstraction practised as a system (as taught by patañjali and called the yoga philosophy ; it is the second of the two khya systems , its chief aim being to teach the means by which the human spirit may attain complete union with īśvara or the Supreme Spirit ; in the practice of self-concentration it is closely connected with Buddhism) Up. MBh. Ka1v. &c ( IW. 92)

yoga or abstract meditation Sarvad.

dharma and kriyā) BhP.

yoga system MBh. S3am2k.

khya) the union of soul with matter (one of the 10 mūlika-arthās or radical facts) Tattvas.

pāśupatas) the union of the individual soul with the universal soul Kula7rn2.

pāñcarātras) devotion , pious seeking after God Sarvad.
yóga [L=172351]
(with jainas) contact or mixing with the outer world ib.
yóga [L=172352]
(in astron.) conjunction , lucky conjuncture La1t2y. VarBr2S. MBh. &c

cāndra-yogā and are 13 in number ; without the moon they are called kha-yogā , or nābhasa-yogā) VarBr2S.


of a variable division of time (during which the joint motion in longitude of the sun and moon amounts to 13 degrees 20 minutes ; there are 27 such yogas beginning with vikambha and ending with vaidhti) ib.

arithm.) addition , sum , total Su1ryas. MBh.

Nir. Sus3r. (ifc. = dependent on , ruled by Pa1n2. 2-2 , 8 Va1rtt. 1)

Pa1n2. Sch. Siddh. (cf. yoga-vibhāga)

opp. to hi q.v.) Nir. Prata1p. Ka1tyS3r. Sch.


of a Sch. on the paramārthasāra
(H2) &c
(H1) m.
[L=172325]a yoke , team , vehicle , conveyance
[L=172326]employment , use , application , performance
[L=172327]equipping or arraying (of an army)
[L=172328]fixing (of an arrow on the bow-string)
[L=172329]putting on (of armour)
[L=172330]a remedy , cure
[L=172331]a means , expedient , device , way , manner , method
[L=172332]a supernatural means , charm , incantation , magical art
[L=172333]a trick , stratagem , fraud , deceit
[L=172334]undertaking , business , work
[L=172335]acquisition , gain , profit , wealth , property
[L=172336]occasion , opportunity
[L=172337]any junction , union , combination , contact with (
[L=172338]mixing of various materials , mixture
[L=172339]partaking of , possessing (
[L=172340]connection , relation (
[p= putting together , arrangement , disposition , regular succession
[p= fitting together , fitness , propriety , suitability (
[L=172343]exertion , endeavour , zeal , diligence , industry , care , attention (
[L=172344]application or concentration of the thoughts , abstract contemplation , meditation , (
[L=172345]any simple act or rite conducive to
[L=172346]Yoga personified (as the son of
[L=172347]a follower of the
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
[L=172353]a constellation , asterism (these , with the moon , are called
[L=172354]the leading or principal star of a lunar asterism
[L=172357](in gram.) the connection of words together , syntactical dependence of a word , construction
[L=172358]a combined or concentrated grammatical rule or aphorism
[L=172359]the connection of a word with its root , original or etymological meaning (as
[L=172360]a violator of confidence , spy

yóga--bhraṣṭa [p= 857,1] [L=172455]
one who has fallen from the practice of yoga or self-concentration A1pS3r. Comm.
(H3) mfn.

yóga--sevā [p= 857,2] [L=172571]
the practice or cultivation of religious abstraction Bhag. YogatUp.
(H3) f.

yogya [p= 854,3] [L=172002]
» pp. 856 , 858.
yógya [p= 858,1] [L=172715]
(fr. yoga and √1. yuj) fit for the yoke Pa1n2. 5-1 , 102

partic. remedy S3a1rn3gS.

gen. loc. dat. inf. with act. or pass. sense , or comp.) Ka1tyS3r. MBh. Ka1v. &c


yoga , proper for religious meditation L.
yógya [L=172720]
a draught animal AV. S3Br.
yógya [L=172721]
a calculator of expedients W.
yógya [L=172722]
the constellation puya L.
yógya [L=172724]
exercise , practice , (esp.) bodily exercise , gymnastics , drill MBh. Ka1v. Sus3r.
yógya [L=172725]
(pl.) the straps with which horses are attached to the yoke of a carriage , traces (?) RV. iii , 3 , 6
yógya [L=172726]
the earth L.
yógya [L=172727]
N. of bharaī L.
yógya [L=172728]
of the wife of sūrya L.
yógya [L=172729]
(only L. ) a vehicle or any machine
yógya [L=172730]
a cake
yógya [L=172731]
yógya [L=172732]
a kind of drug.
(H3) &c
(H2) mfn.
[L=172716]belonging to a
[L=172717]useful , serviceable , proper , fit or qualified for , able or equal to , capable of (
[L=172719]fit for
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.

rītí [p= 881,2] [L=178181]
going , motion , course RV.


Pa1rGr2. Hariv. Naish.

= sīman) L.

Ka1v. Katha1s. Sarvad.


vaidarbhī , gauī , pañcālī , to which a fourth is sometimes added , viz. ikā , and even a fifth and sixth , viz. āvantikā or yāvantikā and māgadhī) Va1m. Ka1vya7d. Sa1h. &c

Ra1jat. Katha1s.


(H2) f.
[L=178182]a stream , current
[L=178183]a streak , line , row
[L=178184]limit , boundary (
[L=178185]general course or way , usage , custom , practice , method , manner
[L=178186]natural propensity or disposition
[L=178187]style of speaking or writing , diction (three are usually enumerated , viz.
[L=178188]yellow or pale brass , bell-metal
[L=178189]rust of iron
[L=178190]scoria or oxide formed on metals by exposure to heat and air

loká [p= 906,1] [L=183230]
(connected with roka ; in the oldest texts loka is generally preceded by u , which accord. to the Padap. = the particle 3. u ; but u may be a prefixed vowel and uloká , a collateral dialectic form of loka ; accord. to others u-loka is abridged from uru- or ava-loka) , free or open space , room , place , scope , free motion RV. AV. Br. A1S3vS3r. (acc. with √ k or √ or anu- , " to make room grant freedom " ; loke with gen. " instead of ")


906,2] [p= 906,1] [L=183233]
esp. " the sky or heaven " ; 3 lokas are commonly enumerated , viz. heaven , earth , and the atmosphere or lower regions ; sometimes only the first two ; but a fuller classification gives 7 worlds , viz. bhū-loka , the earth ; bhuvar-loka , the space between the earth and sun inhabited by munis , siddhas &c ; svarloka , indra's heaven above the sun or between it and the polar star ; maharloka , a region above the polar star and inhabited by bhgu and other saints who survive the destruction of the 3 lower worlds ; janarloka , inhabited by brahmā's son sanat-kumāra &c ; tapar-loka , inhabited by deified vairāgins ; satya-loka or brahma-loka , abode of brahmā , translation to which exempts from rebirth ; elsewhere these 7 worlds are described as earth , sky , heaven , middle region , place of re-births , mansion of the blest , and abode of truth ; sometimes 14 worlds are mentioned , viz. the 7 above , and 7 lower regions called in the order of their descent below the earth --- a-tala , vi-tala , su-tala , rasā-tala , talā-tala , mahā-tala , and pātāla ; cf. RTL. 102 n. 1 IW. 420 , 1 ; 435 , 1) AV. &c
906,2] [L=183234]
of the number " seven " (cf. above ) VarBr2S. Sch.

&c Mn. MBh. &c (ayá loká , " this world " ; asaú or páro loká , " that or the other world " ; loke or iha loke , " here on earth " , opp. to para-tra , para-loke &c ; ktsne loke , " on the whole earth ")

pl.) the inhabitants of the world , mankind , folk , people (sometimes opp. to " king ") Mn. MBh. &c

pl.) men (as opp. to " women ") Vet. Hit.

ifc. to form collectives) Ka1v. Vas. Katha1s. &c

Gr2S. Nir. Mn. &c (loke either " in ordinary life " , " in worldly matters " ; or , " in common language , in popular speech " , as opp. to vede , chandasi)

cákur-l° q.v.)

sāmanī du. and lokānā vratāni pl. N. of sāmans A1rshBr. [cf. Lat. lu1sus , originally , " a clearing of a forest " ; Lith. lau4kas , a field.]
loka [p= 1332,1] [L=338940]
(H2) m.
[L=183231]intermediate space
[L=183232]a tract , region , district , country , province
[p= the wide space or world (either " the universe " or , " any division of it " ,
[p= N.
[L=183235]the earth or world of human beings
[L=183238]a company , community (of ten
[L=183239]ordinary life , worldly affairs , common practice or usage
[L=183240]the faculty of seeing , sight (only in
(H2) (in

loká--vrata [p= 907,1] [L=183422]
general practice or way of proceeding , general mode of life BhP.

of several sāmans A1rshBr.
(H3) n.

lokā* cāra [p= 907,2] [L=183471]
usage or practice of the world , common practice , general or popular custom Pan5cat.
(H3) m.

vañcana--yoga [p= 914,2] [L=185145]
practice of fraud or deception MBh.
(H3) m.

vākyo* pacāra [p= 936,3] [L=189972]
practice or employment of words , speaking R.
(H3) m.

vāg--vyāpāra [p= 937,1] [L=190102]
the practice of speaking , talking , talk Sa1h. Hit.


(H3) m.
[L=190103]manner of speaking , style or habit of speech
[L=190104]customary phraseology

vāyú--dīpta [p= 942,3] [L=191277]
(said of animals in the practice of augury) VarBr2S.
(H3) mfn.

vāra--sevā [p= 944,1] [L=191620]
practice of harlotry or a set of harlots W.
(H3) f.

vārttā--karman [p= 945,1] [L=191896]
the practice of agriculture and keeping cattle and trade (cf. above ) Mn. x , 80.
(H3) n.

ví--śi° khā* nupraveśana [p= 952,3] [L=193598.40]
entrance into a sick-room (= entrance into medical practice ; °śanīya mfn. treating of it) Sus3r.
(H4) n.

vidyā́--° bhyāsa [p= 964,2] [L=195803]
°*bh°) m. practice or pursuit of learning , application to books , study S3am2k.
(H3) (

víśva--vtti [p= 993,3] [L=201335]
universal practice L.
(H3) f.

vṛ́thā--kula-samācāra [p= 1007,3] [L=204055]
one whose family and practices (or " family-practice ") are idle or low MBh.
(H3) mfn.

vttá [p= 1009,2] [L=204347]
turned , set in motion (as a wheel) RV.

S3Br. &c

cf. ki-v°) A1past. R. &c

ifc.) continued , lasted for a certain time MBh. vii , 6147


KaushUp. Mn. MBh. &c

TBr. (= śrānta Sch.)

Mn. R.

Pa1n2. 7-2 , 26

» vttaū*jas)

e.g. with mukta , become free) Katha1s. xviii , 306

loc.) MBh. R.


= vta) L.
vttá [L=204361]
a tortoise L.
vttá [L=204362]
a kind of grass L.
vttá [L=204363]
a round temple VarBr2S.
vttá [L=204364]
N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
vttá [L=204366]
a kind of drug (= reukā) L.
vttá [L=204367]
a kind of metre Col.
vttá [L=204368]
(ifc. f(ā).) a circle Gan2it.
vttá [L=204369]
the epicycle Su1ryas.
vttá [L=204370]
occurrence , use Nir.
vttá [L=204371]
(ifc.) transformation , change into RPra1t.
vttá [L=204372]
appearance Vcar.
vttá [L=204373]
(ifc.) formed of or derived from (» ki-v°)
vttá [L=204374]
an event , adventure R. Katha1s.
vttá [L=204375]
a matter , affair , business ib.
vttá [L=204376]
(also pl.) procedure , practice , action , mode of life , conduct , behaviour (esp. virtuous conduct , good behaviour) S3Br. &c
vttá [L=204377]
means of life , subsistence Hariv. 335 (more correct vtti)
vttá [L=204378]
" turn of a line " , the rhythm at the end of a verse , final rhythm RPra1t.
vttá [L=204379]
a metre containing a fixed number of syllables , any metre Ka1vya7d. VarBr2S. &c
vttá [p= 1009,3] [L=204380]
a metre consisting of 10 trochees Col.
(H2) mfn.
[L=204348]round , rounded , circular
[L=204349]occurred , happened (
[L=204351]completed , finished , absolved
[L=204352]past , elapsed , gone
[L=204353]quite exhausted
[L=204354]deceased , dead
[L=204355]studied , mastered
[L=204356]existing , effective , unimpaired (
[L=204357]become (
[L=204358]acted or behaved towards (
[L=204359]fixed , firm
[L=204360]chosen (
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.

vttá--tas [L=204399]
according to the practice or observance of caste , according to usage or customary procedure (vttata pāpam , a sin according to usage) W.
(H3) ind.

vttā* nusāra [L=204477]
conforming to prescribed practice W.

(H3) m.
[L=204478]conformity to metre

vttā* nusārin [L=204480]
conforming to established rule or practice , doing what is enjoined or proper W.
(H3) mfn.

vtti [p= 1010,1] [L=204501]
rolling , rolling down (of tears) S3ak. iv , 5 ; 14

esp.) moral conduct , kind or respectful behaviour or treatment (also v.l. for vtta) Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c


ib. Ka1v.


loc. or comp.) La1t2y. Hariv. Ka1v. &c

ifc. " employed about " , " engaged in " , " practising ") MBh. Ka1v. &c

ifc. ; cf. uñcha-v° ; vtti-k or √ kp [Caus.] with instr. , " to live on or by " ; with gen. , " to get or procure a maintenance for " ; only certain means of subsistence are allowed to a Brahman » Mn. iv , 4-6) S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c

Pan5cav. ??

MaitrUp. Kap. Veda7ntas. &c


partic. sense (loc.) , its function or force Pa1n2. Sa1h. Sch. on Ka1tyS3r. &c

vilambitā , madhyamā , and drutā q.v.) Pra1t.

e.g. any word formed with kt or taddhita affixes , any compound and even duals and plurals which are regarded as dvadva compounds , of which only one member is left , and all derivative verbs such as desideratives &c )

esp. dram. style , said to be of four kinds , viz. 1. kaiśikī , 2. bhāratī 3. sātvatī , 4. ārabhaī , qq.vv. ; the first three are described as suited to the śṛṅgāra , vīra , and raudra rasas respectively , the last as common to all) Bhar. Das3ar. &c

rhet.) alliteration , frequent repetition of the same consonant (five kinds enumerated , scil. madhurā , prau* , puruā , lalitā , and bhadrā) Das3ar. , Introd.

v.l. for vtta q.v.)

esp. on a sūtra)

of the wife of a rudra BhP.
(H2) f.
[L=204502]mode of life or conduct , course of action , behaviour , (
[L=204503]general usage , common practice , rule
[L=204504]mode of being , nature , kind , character , disposition
[L=204505]state , condition
[L=204506]being , existing , occurring or appearing in (
[L=204507]practice , business , devotion or addiction to , occupation with (often
[L=204508]profession , maintenance , subsistence , livelihood (often
[L=204509]wages , hire ,
[L=204510]working , activity , function
[L=204511]mood (of the mind)
[L=204512]the use or occurrence of a word in a
[L=204513]mode or measure of pronunciation and recitation (said to be threefold , viz.
[L=204514](in gram.) a complex formation which requires explanation or separation into its parts (as distinguished from a simple or uncompounded form
[L=204515]style of composition (
[L=204517]final rhythm of a verse (= or
[L=204518]a commentary , comment , gloss , explanation (

vtti--mat [L=204540]
following the practice of (ifc.) BhP.

partic. matter or has a partic. way of thinking S3am2kar.

ifc. = " living on or by ") Mn. MBh. BhP.
1010,2] [p= 1010,1] [L=204543]
partic. function , active (ifc. having anything as its function) Sarvad. Kap. Sch.
(H3) mfn.
[L=204541]one who is engaged in a
[L=204542]having a means of subsistence (
[p= exercising a

vy-avahāra [p= 1034,1] [L=209125]
doing , performing , action , practice , conduct , behaviour MBh. Ka1v. &c (vyavahāra kārya , with instr. , " it should be acted according to ")

saha or comp.) Nir. Ka1m. &c


Pat. BhP. Hit.

loc. or comp.) Inscr. Ka1v. Katha1s.
1034,2] [L=209130]
comp.) Mn. MBh. &c

Mn. viii , 163

saha) , litigation , lawsuit , legal process (» -mat below) Mn. Ya1jn5. &c

IW. 209



fig.) punishment L.



tair eva vyavahāra , " just about these is the question " , " it is to these that the discussion has reference ") Kap. Sa1h. Sarvad.

Jaim. Sch.




of a ch. of the agni-purāa.
(H2) m.
[L=209126]commerce or intercourse with (
[L=209127]affair , matter
[L=209128]usage , custom , wont , ordinary life , common practice
[L=209129]activity , action or practice of occupation or business with (
[p= mercantile transaction , traffic , trade with , dealing in (
[L=209131]a contract
[L=209132]legal procedure , contest at law with (
[L=209133]practices of law and kingly government
[L=209134]mathematical process
[L=209135]administration of justice
[L=209137]competency to manage one's own affairs , majority (in law)
[L=209138]propriety , adherence to law or custom
[L=209139]the use of an expression , with regard to , speaking about (
[L=209141]compulsory work
[L=209142]a sword
[L=209143]a sort of tree

vy-avahāra--jña [L=209152]
knowing the ways of the world , acquainted with practice or legal procedure , one competent to manage his own affairs (i.e. one who has passed his 16th year and legally arrived at his majority) Na1r.
(H3) mfn.

vy-avahāra--tas [L=209154]
according to established practice , practically , conventionally MW.
(H3) ind.

vy-avahāra--tva [L=209156]
the state of being common practice or usage or of being the occasion of litigation or of a lawsuit MBh.
(H3) n.

vy-avahārikā [p= 1034,3] [L=209209]
a female slave R. (B. vyāv°)
vy-avahārikā [L=209210]
common practice , the ways of the world L.
vy-avahārikā [L=209211]
a broom L.
vy-avahārikā [L=209212]
Terminalia Catappa L.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.

vy-avaht [L=209229]
dealing in (ifc.) Katha1s.

subst.) usage , practice Harav.
(H2) mfn.

vy-av° avahti [L=209233]
practice , conduct , action Ra1jat. Sa1h.




» dur-vy°)
(H3) f.
[L=209235]business , trade , commerce
[L=209236]litigation , lawsuit
[L=209237]speech , talk , rumour (

vyasanin [p= 1035,1] [L=209307]
working hard , taking great pains MBh.

ifc.) passionately addicted to , fond of. Ka1v. Katha1s.

&c ) , vicious , dissolute Ya1jn5. Hariv. Ka1v.


comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2) mfn.
[L=209309]addicted to any kind of vice or evil practice (as gaming , drinking
[L=209310]having a favourite pursuit or occupation
[L=209311]calamitous , unfortunate , unlucky with , suffering through or from (

vyāvahārika [p= 1039,1] [L=210005]
(ī)n. (fr. vyava-hāra) relating to common life or practice or action , practical , usual , current , actual , real (as opp. to , " ideal ") Mn. MBh. &c

phil.) practical existence (opp. to pāramārthika , " real " , and prātibhāsika , " illusory ") IW. 108


Mn. viii , 78
vyāvahārika [L=210009]
a counsellor , minister , official R.
vyāvahārika [L=210010]
N. of a Buddhist school
vyāvahārika [L=210011]
business , commerce , trade BhP.
(H1) mf
[L=210007]sociable , affable
[L=210008]belonging to judicial procedure , judicial , legal
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.

vratá [p= 1042,2] [L=210562]
(ifc. f(ā). ; fr. √2. v) will , command , law , ordinance , rule RV.

ib. AV. A1s3vGr2.


e.g. śuci-vr° , " pure manner of life " S3ak. ), conduct , manner , usage , custom RV. &c

&c ; vratá-car , " to observe a vow " , esp. " to practise chastity ") ib.

dat. loc. , or comp. ; vratātorvrata-vaśāt , " in consequence of a vow " ; cf. asi-dhārā-vrata and āsidhāra vratam) MBh. Ka1v. &c

cf. madhu-vr°) L.

VS. Br. Ka1tyS3r.

a-yācita-vr° q.v.)

gen. or ifc.) N. of sāmans A1rshBr. ( L. also " month " ; season ; year ; fire ; " = viṣṇu " ; " N. of one of the seven islands of antara-dvīpa ")
vráta [L=210573]
(of unknown meaning) AV. v , 1 , 7 A1pS3r. xiii , 16 , 8
vráta [L=210574]
N. of a son of manu and navalā BhP.
vráta [L=210575]
(pl.) N. of a country belonging to prācya L.
vratá [L=210576]
= veda-vrata , one who has taken the vow of learning the veda Gr2ihya1s. ii , 3 (Sch.)
vrata [p= 1332,2] [L=339780]
(H1) n.
[L=210563]obedience , service
[L=210564]dominion , realm
[L=210565]sphere of action , function , mode or , manner of life (
[L=210566]a religious vow or practice , any pious observance , meritorious act of devotion or austerity , solemn vow , rule , holy practice (as fasting , continence
[L=210567]any vow or firm purpose , resolve to (
[L=210568]the practice of always eating the same food (
[L=210569]the feeding only on milk (as a fast or observance according to rule ; also the milk itself)
[L=210570]any food (in
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) mfn.
(H2) (in

vratá--caryā́ [p= 1042,2] [L=210586]
the practice of any religious observance or vow S3Br. Mn. MBh. &c
(H3) f.

vratá--cārín [L=210588]
vow-performing , engaged in any religious observance or practice (" in honour of " , with gen. ; °ri-tā f.) RV. A1s3vGr2. MBh. &c
(H3) mfn.

vrā́tya--caraa [p= 1043,2] [L=210750]
(ib.) the life and practice of a vagrant.
(H3) n.

vrā́tya--caryā [L=210751]
( La1t2y. , ) the life and practice of a vagrant.
(H3) f.

śarábhyāsa [p= 1056,3] [L=213558]
practice with bow and arrow L.
(H3) m.

śástra--vyavahāra [p= 1061,1] [L=214607]
practice of weapons Ragh.
(H3) m.

śástra--śikhin [L=214611]
proud of (the practice of) weapons MW.
(H3) mfn.

śastrā* bhyāsa [L=214624]
the practice of arms , military exercise L.
(H3) m.

śastro* dyoga [L=214634]
the practice of arms VarBr2S.
(H3) m.

śiṣṭá--prayoga [p= 1076,3] [L=218124]
the practice of the learned Va1m.
(H3) m.

śiṣṭā* cāra [L=218131]
practice or conduct of the learned or virtuous , good manners , proper behaviour Vas.
śiṣṭā* cāra [p= 1077,1] [L=218132]
acting like a learned man , well-behaved MBh.
(H3) m.
(H3B) mfn.

śiṣṭā* cāra---viruddha [L=218133]
opposed to the practice of the virtuous MW.
(H4) mfn.

śiṣṭā* ° * viruddha [L=218134]
not opposed to the practice of the virtuous ib.
(H4) mfn.

śī́la [p= 1079,1] [L=218656]
(and m. g. ardharcā*di ; ifc. f(ā).) habit , custom , usage , natural or acquired way of living or acting , practice , conduct , disposition , tendency , character , nature (often ifc. = " habituated " or " accustomed " or " disposed " or " addicted to " , " practising " ; cf. gua- , dāna- , puya-ś° &c ) VS. &c &c good disposition or character , moral conduct , integrity , morality , piety , virtue Mn. MBh. &c

IW. 208

śīla , " moral conduct " , is one of the 6 or 10 perfections or pāramitās [q.v.] and is threefold , viz. sambhāra , kuśala-sagrāha , sattvā*rtha-kriyā Dharmas. 106)

Buddh. there are 5 fundamental precepts or rules of moral conduct cf. pañca-śīla) MWB. 126

śī́la [L=218661]
a large snake (in this sense prob. fr. √1. śī) L.
śī́la [L=218662]
N. of a man Buddh.
śī́la [L=218663]
of a king Ra1jat.
(H2) n.
[L=218658](with Buddhists
[L=218659]a moral precept (with
[L=218660]form , shape , beauty
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.

śī́la--tva [L=218673]
disposition , inclination , customary practice

Ka1v. Sus3r.
(H3) n.
[L=218674]morality , virtuousness

śī́la--vat [p= 1079,2] [L=218690]
possessed of a good disposition or character , well-conducted , moral Mn. MBh. &c

ifc.) having the custom or practice of VarBr2S.
(H3) mfn.

śī́la--vtti [L=218701]
practice of virtue , good conduct or behaviour MW.
(H3) f.

śīlana [L=218721]
repeated practice , constant study (of the śāstras &c ) MBh.



(H2) n.
[L=218722]frequent mentioning
[L=218723]wearing , putting on , possessing
[L=218724]serving , honouring

śīlita [L=218730]
practised , exercised &c


ifc.) prepared or made of ib.
śīlita [L=218733]
practice , conduct MW.
(H2) mfn.
[L=218731]inhabited , frequented
(H2B) n.

śuddhá--karman [p= 1082,1] [L=219391]
pure in practice , honest Kum.
(H3) mfn.

śailī [p= 1089,3] [L=221053]
» below
śailī 1 [p= 1090,1] [L=221181]
(for 2. » col.2) hardness , stoniness W. (cf. śailya).
śailī 2 [p= 1090,2] [L=221210]
(fr. śīla ; for 1. » col.1) habit , custom , manner of acting or living , practice , usage Ka1v. Katha1s.

esp. a concise explanation of a grammatical aphorism) L.
(H1B) f.
(H2) f.
(H1) f.
[L=221211]a special or particular interpretation (

śobhanā* carita [p= 1092,1] [L=221632]
virtuous practice ib.
(H3) n.

a--karman [p= 1108,1] [L=224949]
the six duties of Brahmans (viz. adhyayana , " studying or repeating the veda " , adhyāpana , " teaching the veda " , yajana " offering sacrifices " , yājana , " conducting them for others " , dāna , " giving " , and pratigraha , " accepting gifts ") , S3a1n3khGr2. Mn. &c (the six daily duties accord. to the later law-books , are , snāna , " religious bathing " , sadhyājapa , " repetition of prayers at the three sadhyās " , brahma-yajña , " worship of the Supreme Being by repeating the first words of sacred books " , tarpaa , " daily oblations of water to the gods , sages , and pits " , homa , " oblations of fuel , rice &c to fire " , deva-pūjā , " worship of the secondary gods either in the domestic sanctuary or in temples ") Para1s3. RTL. 394

ta , " gleaning " , amta , " unsolicited alms " , mta , " solicited alms " , karaa , " agriculture " , satyā*nta , " commerce or trade " , śva-vtti , " servitude " , the last being condemned) Mn. iv , 4 , 5 , 6 , 9
1108,2] [L=224951]
yoga (viz. dhautī , vastī , netī , trāaka , naulika , kapāla-bhātī , these consist of suppressions of the breath and self-mortifications of various kinds) Cat.

śānti , vaśya , stambhana , vidvea , uccāana , māraa , qq. vv. ; these acts consist in repeating certain magical spells and texts taught in the tantras) ib.
a--karman [L=224953]
a performer of the above six acts , a Brahman who is an adept in the tantra magical formularies Mn. MBh.
(H3) n.
[L=224950]six acts any one of which is allowable to a Brahman householder as a means of subsistence (viz.
[p= six acts belonging to the practice of
[L=224952]six acts for inflicting various kinds of injury on enemies (viz.
(H3B) m.

āguya--prayoga [p= 1110,3] [L=225526]
the application or practice of the six measures MW.
(H3) m.

sa-śīlana [p= 1117,3] [L=226603]
regular practice , habitual performance Sarvad.

gen.) Ka1v.
(H1) n.
[L=226604]frequent intercourse with (

sa- √ sādh [p= 1119,1] [L=226802]
-sādhayati , to cause to be completely finished , accomplish , perform (with marum [q.v.] " to practice abstinence from drinking ") Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to overpower , subdue
MBh. Hariv. R.  ; 
to prepare food
MBh. i , 2841  ; 
to procure , provide
Katha1s.  ; 
to get , attain
ib. BhP.  ; 
to be successful
MBh. iii , 1478  ; 
to enforce (payment or the fulfilment of a promise) , recover (a debt)
Mn. viii , 50  ; 
to dismiss (a guest)
A1past.  ; 
to promote to (
dat.) MBh. vii , 8389  ; 
to destroy , kill , extinguish
MW. : Pass. of Caus. -sādhyate , to be completely accomplished ib.  ; 
to be thoroughly provided or furnished with
(H1) Caus.

sa-hāra [p= 1122,3] [L=227443]
&c » sa-h.
sa-hāra [p= 1123,2] [L=227516]
bringing together , collection , accumulation MBh.

opp. to vi-hāra q.v.) RPra1t.


cf. veī-s°) MBh.

MBh. R. Pur. (cf. IW. 402 n. 1)


esp. the periodical destruction of the universe at end of a kalpa) Mn. MBh. &c

= sahart) MBh. xiv , 1577

Bhar. Sa1h. &c


of an asura (v.l. sa-hrāda) Hariv.

(H1) -raka
(H2) m.
[L=227517]contraction (of the organs of speech ,
[L=227518]drawing in (of an elephant's trunk)
[L=227519]binding together (of hair ;
[L=227520]fetching back (an arrow after its discharge by magical means)
[L=227521]abridgment , comprehensive description , a compendium , manual
[L=227522]destruction (
[L=227523]a destroyer (
[L=227524]end , conclusion (of a drama or of an act of a drama)
[L=227525]a division of the infernal regions
[L=227527]practice , skill

satyā* n [p= 1136,3] [L=230131]
true and false , containing truth and falsehood Hit.

satyā* n [L=230133]
truth and falsehood RV. VS. Br. A1past.
satyā* n [p= 1137,1] [L=230134]
sg. or du. practice of truth and falsehood , commerce , trade Mn. iv , 6 BhP.
(H3) mfn.
[L=230132]apparently true (but really false)
(H3B) n. du.
(H3B) n.

sad--ācāra [p= 1137,2] [L=230235]
practice of good men , virtuous conduct , good manners , approved usage Mn. Ya1jn5. Ka1v. &c

of wk.
sad--ācāra [L=230237]
(ā)n. well-conducted , virtuous Katha1s. Ra1jat. &c
(H3) m.
(H3B) mf

-ta° * bhyāsa [p= 1141,3] [L=231195]
habitual practice , regular study or repetition (of the vedas &c ) W.
(H3) m.

samā* cāra [p= 1153,1] [L=233240]
(for samācāra » sam-ā-car) equal manners or customs MBh.

samā* cāra [L=233242]
equal or similar in practice or in virtuous conduct ib.
sam-ācāra [p= 1159,1] [L=234093]
(for samā*c° » [p= 1153,1]) procedure , practice , conduct , behaviour in (comp.) MBh. R. &c

Pan5cat. Ka1tyS3r. Sch.

ifc.) the customary presentation of. Katha1s.

(H3) m.
[L=233241]equal or virtuous conduct
(H3B) mfn.
(H2) m.
[L=234094]custom , usage , usual way or method
[L=234096]" doings " , news , report , information , tradition

sam-abhyāsa [p= 1156,2] [L=233717]
practice , exercise , study Ka1s3i1Kh.
(H2) m.

samaya 1 [p= 1153,2] [L=233271]
°yati (for 2. » sam-i) , to level , regulate L.
sam-aya [p= 1156,3] [L=233741]
» [p= 1164,1].
sam-ayá [p= 1164,1] [L=234792]
(ifc. f(ā).) coming together , meeting or a place of meeting AV. S3Br.

instr.) Mn. x , 53

ena or āt or -tas , " according to agreement , conditionally " ; tena samayena , " in consequence of this agreement " ; samaya acc. with √ k , " to make an agreement or engagement " , " agree with any one [instr. with or without saha] " , " settle " , " stipulate " ; with samvad id. ; with √ , "to propose an agreement , offer terms " ; with √ brū or √ vac or abhi-dhā , " to state the terms of an agreement " , " make a promise " ; with √ grah or prati-pad , " to enter into an agreement " , " make or accept conditions of an agreement " ; with √ pāl , or √ rak or pari-rak &c , " to keep an agreement " , " keep one's word " ; with √ tyaj or √ bhid or vy-abhi-car &c , " to break an agreement " ; abl. with √ bhraś id. ; loc. with √ sthā , " to keep an engagement " , " keep one's word " ; acc. with Caus. of √ sthā or of ni-viś " to fix or settle terms " , " impose conditions ") TS. &c

MBh. R. BhP.

Nir. MBh. S3am2k. Sarvad.

rhet.) the conventional meaning or scope of a word Kusum.

gen. or Pot. Pa1n2. 3-3 , 68), opportunity , occasion , time , season (ifc. oribc.or °ye ind. , " at the appointed time or at the right moment or in good time for " , or " at the time of " , " when there is " ; tena samayena , " at that time ") MBh. Ka1v. &c

iha samaye , " under these circumstances " , " in this case ") Pan5cat. Hit.







dram.) end of trouble or distress Bhar. Das3ar. Sa1h.
sam-ayá [L=234807]
N. of a son of dharma VP.
sam-ayá [L=234808]
(with śāktas) N. of the author of a mantra Cat.
(H2) P.
(H1) &c
(H2) m.
[L=234793]intercourse with (
[L=234794]coming to a mutual understanding , agreement , compact , covenant , treaty , contract , arrangement , engagement , stipulation , conditions of agreement , terms (
[L=234795]convention , conventional rule or usage , established custom , law , rule , practice , observance
[L=234796]order , direction , precept , doctrine
[L=234798]appointed or proper time , right moment for doing anything (
[L=234799]juncture , circumstances , case (
[L=234800]an ordeal
[L=234801]sign , hint , indication
[L=234802]demonstrated conclusion
[L=234803]limit , boundary
[L=234804]solemn address , harangue , speech , declaration
[L=234805](in gram.) a Vedic passage which is the repetition of another one
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.

samayā* cāra [L=234843]
conventional or established practice R.

tāntrikas) N. of partic. orthodox works.
(H3) m.

sam-udācāra [p= 1167,2] [L=235364]
preset station , offering , entertainment (of a guest &c ) MBh. Hariv.

MBh. R. &c

instr.) MBh.

Hariv. Ka1v. &c


sam-udācāra [L=235370]
= next BhP.
(H2) m.
[L=235365]proper or right practice or usage or conduct or behaviour
[L=235366]intercourse with (
[L=235369]intention , purpose , design , motive
(H2B) mfn.

samyak--prayoga [p= 1181,2] [L=237337]
right use or employment , due practice (ea , " by the use of proper means ") MBh. Kum. Car.
(H3) m.

sahá--prayoga [p= 1194,2] [L=240249]
simultaneous practice or application Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
(H3) m.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 26.71, 27.16
Whitney Roots links: sAD

sādh 1 [p= 1201,1] [p= 1200,3] [L=241500]
sidh) cl.1 P. A1. sā́dati , °te  ; 
accord. to Dha1tup. xxvi , 71 and xxvii , 16 , cl.4. sādhyati , cl.5. sādhnoti (in JaimBr. also sadhnoti ; pf. sasādha ; aor. asātsīt ; fut. sāddhā , sātsyati ; inf. sāddhum , in later language sādhitum ; Ved. inf. sádhase q.v.) , to go straight to any goal or aim , attain an object , to be successful , succeed , prosper RV.  ; 
to bring straight to an object or end , further , promote , advance , accomplish , complete , finish
ib.  ; 
to submit or agree to , obey
ib.  ; 
sādhyati) to be completed or accomplished Dha1tup. : Caus. sādhayati (mc. also °te ; aor. asīadhat ; Ved. also adhati , °dha , °dhema , °dhātu ; Pass. sādhyate MBh. &c ) , to straighten , make straight (a path) RV.  ; 
to guide straight or well , direct or bring to a goal
ib.  ; 
to master , subdue , overpower , conquer , win , win over
RV. &c  ; 
to summon , conjure up (a god or spirit)
Katha1s.  ; 
(in law) to enforce payment , recover (a debt) , collect (taxes)
Mn. Ya1jn5. &c  ; 
to subdue a disease , set right , heal , cure
Sus3r.  ; 
to bring to an end or conclusion , complete , make perfect , bring about , accomplish , effect , fulfil , execute , practice (with
vākyam , " to execute any one's [gen.] order " ; with naikarmyam , " to practise inactivity " ; with marum , " to practise abstinence " ; with mantram , " to practise the recitation of spells ") Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to attain one's object , be successful
MBh. iii , 1441  ; 
to produce , make , render (two
acc.) S3ak. BhP.  ; 
to establish a truth , substantiate , prove , demonstrate
Tattvas. Sarvad.  ; 
to make ready , prepare
MBh.  ; 
to gain , obtain , acquire , procure
S3Br. &c  ; 
to find out (by calculation) ,
Gan2it.  ; 
to grant , bestow , yield
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to put or place in (
loc.) BhP.  ; 
to set out , proceed , go (in
dram. accord. to Sa1h. = √ gam) MBh. Ka1v. &c : Desid. of Caus. siādhayisati or sisādhayirhati , to desire to establish or prove Sa1h. Sarvad. : Desid. siātsati Gr.: Intens. , sāsādhyate , sāsdidhi ib.
sādh 2 [p= 1201,1] [L=241501]
ifc.) accomplishing , performing (» yajña-sā́dh).
(H1) (connected with √2.
(H2) (

sādhú--vtti [p= 1201,3] [L=241719]
good means of living MW.


sādhú--vtti [L=241722]
well rounded Bhartr2. (v.l.)
sādhú--vtti [L=241723]
well-conducted ib. (v.l.)
(H3) f.
[L=241720]good exposition , excellent commentary
[L=241721]good or moral practice or observance
(H3B) mfn.
(H3B) mfn.

sāmācārī [p= 1204,3] [L=242195]
(fr. id.) customary practice or usage , right conduct or behaviour HParis3.
(H3) f.

sāmayācārika [p= 1205,3] [L=242367]
(fr. samayā*cāra) relating to conventional practice or usage Gaut. A1past.
(H1) mfn.

siddha--sādhita [p= 1215,3] [L=244464]
one who his learned (the art of medicine) by practice (not by study) Car.
(H3) mfn.

sú--kti [p= 1220,2] [L=245518]
well-doing , good or correct conduct Pan5cat.



sú--kti [L=245522]
righteous , virtuous Cat.
sú--kti [L=245523]
N. of a son of manu svārocia Hariv.
sú--kti [L=245524]
of one of the 7 ṛṣis in the 10th manv-antara ib. BhP.
sú--kti [L=245525]
of a son of pthu VP.
(H3) f.
[L=245519]acting in a friendly manner , kindness
[L=245521]the practice of religious austerities
(H3B) mfn.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.

sevā [p= 1247,1] [L=252280]
going or resorting to , visiting , frequenting Ca1n2. Subh.

loc. gen. , or comp. ; sevā-k , with gen. , " to be in the service of ") Mn. MBh. &c

gen. or comp.) ib.

comp.) Hit. Subh.

comp.) Nir. Mn. MBh. &c
(H2) f.
[L=252281]service , attendance on (
[L=252282]worship , homage , reverence , devotion to (
[L=252283]sexual intercourse with (
[L=252284]addiction to , indulgence in , practice or employment or frequent enjoyment of (

sevā--vyavahāra [p= 1247,2] [L=252302]
the practice of service MW.
(H3) m.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 22.30
Whitney Roots links: sTA

sthā 1 [p= 1262,3] [p= 1262,2] [L=255316]
( Dha1tup. xxii , 30) ṣṭhati , °te (pf. tasthaú , tasthe RV. &c ; aor. ásthāt , ásthita ib. ; 3. pl. asthiran RV. AV. Br. ; āsthat [?] AV. ; asthii,°ata Br. &c ; Subj. sthāti , sthā́tha RV. ; Prec. stheyāt ib. ; stheam,°u [?] AV. ; sthāsīṣṭa Gr. ; fut. sthātā MBh. &c ; sthāsyati,°te Br. &c ; inf. sthā́tum ib. ; °tos Br. Gr2S3rS. ; -sthitum R. ; ind.p. sthitvā MBh. &c ; -sthā́ya RV. &c ; -sthāyam Bhat2t2. ) , to stand , stand firmly , station one's self , stand upon , get upon , take up a position on (with pādābhyām , " to stand on the feet " ; with jānubhyām , " to kneel " ; with agre or agratas and gen. , " to stand or present one's self before " ; with puras and with or without gen. , " to stand up against an enemy &c ") RV. &c  ; 
to stay , remain , continue in any condition or action (
e.g. with kanyā , " to remain a girl or unmarried " ; with ṣṇīm or with maunena instr. " to remain silent " ; with sukham , " to continue or feel well ") AV. &c  ; 
to remain occupied or engaged in , be intent upon , make a practice of , keep on , persevere in any act (with
loc. ; e.g. with rājye , " to continue governing " ; with śāsane , " to practise obedience " ; with bale , " to exercise power " ; with sva-dharme , " to do one's duty " ; with sva-karmai , " to keep to one's own business " ; with saśaye , " to persist in doubting " ; also with ind.p. e.g. dharmam āśritya , " to practise virtue ") AV. Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to continue to be or exist (as
opp. to " perish ") , endure , last TS. Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to be , exist , be present , be obtainable or at hand
AV. &c  ; 
to be with or at the disposal of , belong to (
dat. gen. , or loc.) Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
A1. mc. also P. cf. Pa1n2. 1-3 , 23 ; iv , 34) to stand by , abide by , be near to , be on the side of , adhere or submit to , acquiesce in , serve , obey (loc. or dat.) RV. &c  ; 
to stand still , stay quiet , remain stationary , stop , halt , wait , tarry , linger , hesitate (
» under sthitvā below) RV. &c  ; 
to behave or conduct one's self (with
samam , " to behave equally towards any one " loc.)  ; 
to be directed to or fixed on (
loc.) Hariv. Katha1s.  ; 
to be founded or rest or depend on , be contained in (
loc.) RV. AV. MBh.  ; 
to rely on , confide in (
loc. e.g. mayi sthitvā , " confiding in me ") Bhat2t2.  ; 
to stay at , resort to (
acc.) R.  ; 
to arise from (
abl. or gen.) RV. ChUp.  ; 
to desist or cease from (
abl.) Katha1s.  ; 
to remain unnoticed (as of no importance) , be left alone (only
Impv. and Pot.) Ka1v. Pan5cat. : Pass. sthīyate (aor. asthāyi) , to be stood &c (frequently used impers. e.g. mayā sthīyatām , " let it be abided by me " i.e. " I must abide ") Br. &c &c : Caus. sthāpayati , °te (aor. átiṣṭhipat ; ind.p. sthāpayitvā [q.v.] and -sthā́pam: Pass. sthāpyate) , to cause to stand , place , locate , set , lay , fix , station , establish , found , institute AV. &c  ; 
to set up , erect , raise , build
MBh. R.  ; 
to cause to continue , make durable , strengthen , confirm
MBh. R. Sus3r. &c  ; 
to prop up , support , maintain
MBh. Hcat.  ; 
to affirm , assent
Sa1h. Nya1yas. Sch.  ; 
to appoint (to any office
loc.) Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to cause to be , constitute , make , appoint or employ as (two
acc. ; with dhātrīm , " to employ any one as a nurse " ; with rakā*rtham , " to appoint any one as guardian " ; with sajjam , " to make anything ready " ; with su-rakitam , " to keep anything well guarded " ; with svīktya , " to make anything one's own " ; with pariśeam , " to leave anything over or remaining ") S3vetUp. MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to fix , settle , determine , resolve
Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to fix in or on , lead or bring into , direct or turn towards (
loc. , rarely acc. ; with hdi , " to impress on the heart " ; with manas , " to fix the mind on ") AV. &c  ; 
to introduce or initiate into , instruct in (
loc. e.g. with naye , " to instruct in a plan or system ") MBh. Katha1s.  ; 
to make over or deliver up to (
loc. or haste with gen. , " into the hands of ") Ya1jn5. Ratna7v. Katha1s.  ; 
to give in marriage
MBh.  ; 
to cause to stand still , stop , arrest , check , hold , keep in , restrain (with
baddhvā , " to keep bound or imprisoned ") S3Br. &c  ; 
to place aside , keep , save , preserve
MBh. Hariv. : Desid. of Caus. -sthāpayiati (» sa-sthā): Desid. ṣṭhāsati , to wish to stand &c S3Br. : Intens. teṣṭhīyate  ; 
tāstheti,tāsthāti Gr. ([cf. Gk. -στάναι ; Lat. stare ; Lith. sto4ti ; Slav. stati ; Germ. sta7n , stehen ; Eng. stand.])
sthā́ [p= 1262,3] [L=255336]
ṣṭhā́) mfn. (nom. m. n. sthā́s) standing , stationary (often ifc. = " standing , being , existing in or on or among " cf. agni-ṣṭ , tasthā &c ) RV. Pan5cavBr. S3a1n3khS3r.
(H1) cl.1 P. A1.
(H2) (or

sthíti [p= 1264,2] [L=255660]
standing upright or firmly , not falling Ka1vya7d.

loc. or comp. ; sthiti-k or vi- √ 1. dhā or √ grah or √ bhaj , " to make a stay " , " take up one's abode ") Ka1v. Katha1s. &c

» rājya-sth°)

utpatti , " coming into existence " , and the 3rd laya , " dissolution ") , permanence , duration S3vetUp. R. Ka1lid. BhP. Sarvad.


astron.) duration of an eclipse Su1ryas.

MBh. Sa1h.


Ka1v. Pan5cat. Katha1s.

Mn. Ya1jn5. Bhag. &c


S3Br. &c

&c ) Ragh.

MBh. R. Ragh.

Bhag. Sarvad.

loc.) MBh. R.

Ya1jn5. Ka1m.

Katha1s. Ra1jat.

esp. of morality e.g. sthitim-bhid , " to transgress the bounds of morality ") , term , limit R. Ka1lid. Bhat2t2.

sthitim ā-car , " to remain standing ") Ragh. Ra1jat. Sus3r.

S3Br. Mn. Ra1jat.


Ragh. BhP.

Ra1jat. Katha1s.


Mn. S3is3. Hit.


loc.) Pan5cat. v.l.

i.e. without the particle iti ; » sthita).
(H2) f.
[L=255661]standing , staying , remaining , abiding , stay , residence , sojourn in or on or at (
[L=255662]staying or remaining or being in any state or condition (
[L=255663]continuance in being , maintenance of life , continued existence (the 2nd of the three states of all created things , the 1st being
[L=255664]duration of life
[L=255666]continued existence in any place
[L=255667]that which continually exists , the world , earth
[L=255668]any situation or state or position or abode
[L=255669]station , high position , rank
[L=255670]maintenance , sustenance
[L=255671]settled rule , fixed decision , ordinance , decree , axiom , maxim
[L=255672]maintenance of discipline , establishment of good order (in a state
[L=255673]continuance or steadfastness in the path of duty , virtuous conduct , steadiness , rectitude , propriety
[L=255674]constancy , perseverance
[L=255675]devotion or addiction to , intentness on (
[L=255676]firm persuasion or opinion , conviction
[L=255677]settled practice , institution , custom , usage
[L=255678]settled boundary or bounds (
[L=255679]standing still , stopping , halting (
[L=255680]standing-place , halting-place , stand or place or fixed abode
[L=255681]resistance to motion , inertia (in
[L=255682]fixedness , immobility , stability
[L=255683]depositing , laying down
[L=255684]form , shape
[L=255685]manner of acting , procedure , behaviour , conduct
[L=255687]regard or consideration for (
[L=255688](in Vedic gram.) the standing of a word by itself (

sphoa--jīvikā [p= 1270,3] [L=256934]
a kind of trade (perhaps one which involves the practice of splitting by explosive or other methods) HYog.
(H3) f.

háya--karman [p= 1288,3] [L=260577]
practice or knowledge of horses MBh.
(H3) n.

hásta--yoga [p= 1295,1] [L=262215]
employment or practice of the hand MBh.
(H3) m.

adharma--caraa [p= 1310,2] [L=303250.1]
( Gaut. ), practice of wickedness, injustice
(H3) n.

adharma--caryā [L=303250.11]
( A1past. ) practice of wickedness, injustice
(H3) f.

anu-grahaa [p= 32,1] [L=6240]
anu-grahaa [p= 1311,3] [L=306360]
(H2) n.
(H2) (also) practising, practice,

a-vyavahāra [p= 1317,3] [L=316090]
improper conduct or practice, Ha1sy.
(H2) m.

kamaṇḍalu [p= 252,2] [L=43901]
(in the veda f(ūs). according to Pa1n2. 4-1 , 71) a gourd or vessel made of wood or earth used for water (by ascetics and religious students) , a water-jar MBh. BhP. Ya1jn5. &c

kamaṇḍalu [L=43903]
Ficus Infectoria L.
kamaṇḍalu [L=43904]
(ūs) a kind of animal Pa1n2. 4-1 , 72.
kamaṇḍalu [p= 1324,1] [L=326670]
comp.) -caryā, f. the practice of carrying a water-jar Baudh.
(H1) mn.
[L=43902]a kind of animal
(H1B) m.
(H1B) f.
(H2) (in

caryā* caraa [p= 1327,1] [L=331030]
the practice of discipline, Sukh. i.
(H2) n.

tapo--yoga [p= 1328,1] [L=332540.4]
the practice of p°enance, ib, i, 41
(H3) m.

dharma--saśraya [p= 1329,2] [L=334321]
the practice of religion, Bcar.
(H3) m.

vastī [p= 1332,1] [L=339200]
an act in the practice, of yoga (see a-karman, p. 1108).
(H2) f.