
pūjā nāma na puṣpādyair yā matiḥ kriyate dṛḍhā |
nirvikalpe mahāvyomni sā pūjā hy
ādarāl layaḥ || 147 ||

transliterated also as aadaraat.

ā- √ d [p= 138,1] [L=24021]
Pa1n2. 7-4 , 28) A1. -driyate , rarely poet. P. ([ā*driyat BhP. iv , 4 , 7]) to regard with attention , attend to , be careful about (acc.) S3Br. AitBr. MBh. S3ak. &c  ; 
to respect , honour , reverence
Pan5cat. BhP. Ragh.
(H1) (

A Sanskrit-English dictionary: etymologically and philologically ... - Page 138
- 2005 - 1333 pages - Preview
&c. ; to respect, honour, reverence, Pancat. ; BhP. ; Ragh. A-dara, as, m. respect, regard, notice ; care, trouble, Pancat.; Hit.; Ragh.; Kir. &c. ; ddaram - */\.kri, to exert or interest one's self for; ddarena and adarat, ...
Sir Monier Monier-Williams

The yoga of vibration and divine pulsation: a translation of the ... - Page 51
, Jaideva Singh, Kallaṭa - 1991 - 209 pages - Google eBook - Preview
... pravrtti-sthiti-saiphrtih//6 Labhate tatprayatnena pariksyarh tattvam adarat / Yatah svatantrata tasya sarvatreyam akrtrima//? TRANSLATION That principle should be examined with great care and reverence by which this group of senses, ...

Spanda-Karikas: The Divine Creative Pulsation - Page 51
- 1994 - 209 pages - Preview
... pravrtti-sthiti-samhrtIh//6 Labhate tatprayatnena pariksyarh tattvam adarat/ Yatah svatantrata tasya sarvatreyam akrtrima//7 TRANSLATION That principle should be examined with great care and reverence by which this group of senses, ...
Jaideva Singh

The Vivekacūḍāmaṇi of Śaṅkarācārya Bhagavatpāda: an introduction ... - Page 99
, Śaṅkarācārya - 2004 - 292 pages - Preview
... daya = compassion; ksama = forgiveness, patience; arjava = straightforwardness, honesty; prasanti = supreme peace, calmness; dantih = self- control; bhaja = revere, adore; nitya = always, constantly, eternal; adarat = cultivate, ...
John A. Grimes

Pañcastavī: the pentad hymns of Kuṇḍalinīyoga
, Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama (Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India) - 1996 - 320 pages - Snippet view
Then the yogi listens to the divine attributes with spontaneous attention ( adarat) and becomes blissfully free. ... O Mother Divine, adored by the chief gods ! what accomplishment is there that cannot be gained by worshipping Thee3! a. ...
Jānakīnātha Kaula

* interesting usage of adarat above as“cultivate” and “spontaneous attention.”

Lakshmanjoo and John Hughes decode this as sadarat.

Sanskrit Words for Reverence

1 agrapūjā (reverence) 2 añc (reverence) 3 añjali (reverence) 4 apaciti (reverence) 5 abhipūj (reverence) 6 abhivad (reverence) 7 abhisatkṛ (reverence) 8 abhisatkṛta (reverence) 9 abhyarc (reverence) 10 abhyarcana (reverence) 11 arcita (reverence) 12 ādṛ (reverence) 13 ijya (reverence) 14 upacāra (reverence) 15 upasadvan (reverence) 16 upasādana (reverence) 17 kṛtāñjali (reverence) 18 kṛtānati (reverence) 19 ṭhakkura (reverence) 20 duvas (reverence) 21 devī (reverence) 22 namasyā (reverence) 23 nicāy (reverence) 24 nuti (reverence) 25 nyas (reverence) 26 parigraha (reverence) 27 paryupāsana (reverence) 28 pūjana (reverence) 29 pūjā (reverence) 30 pūjārha (reverence) 31 praṇati (reverence) 32 praṇamana (reverence) 33 praṇipatita (reverence) 34 praṇipāta (reverence) 35 praṇaya (reverence) 36 pratipūj (reverence) 37 pratimānanā (reverence) 38 prahvaṇa (reverence) 39 bhajana (reverence) 40 manana (reverence) 41 mahadgaurava (reverence) 42 yajus (reverence) 43 va (reverence) 44 vandanī (reverence) 45 vandana (reverence) 46 vṛddhasevā (reverence) 47 śuśrūṣā (reverence) 48 śraddhā (reverence) 49 saṃsevā (reverence) 50 satkāra (reverence) 51 satkṛ (reverence) 52 sabahumānam (reverence) 53 samarhaṇa (reverence) 54 sampūjā (reverence) 55 sampratipūjā (reverence) 56 samman (reverence) 57 sammānita (reverence) 58 sahādaram (reverence) 59 susambhrama (reverence) 60 sevana (reverence) 61 sevā (reverence) 62 svarhaṇa (reverence) 63 svāmisevā (reverence) 64 pañcamaṇḍalanamaskāra (reverence)
ágra--pūjā [p= 6,2] [L=1248]
highest act of reverence R.
(H3) f.
Whitney Roots links: ac
añc 1 [p= 10,3] [L=2250]
ac q.v.) cl.1 P. A1. áñcati , °te , ānañca , °ce , añci-yati , °te , añcitum , to bend , curve , incline , curl  ; 
to reverence (with inclined body) , to honour
to tend , move , go , wander about
to request
L. : cl.10. or Caus. añcayati , to unfold , make clear , produce. Desid. P. A1. añciciati , °te , to be desirous of bending: Pass. añcyate or acyate , to be bent.
añc 2 [L=2251]
ifc. , turned to , going or directed towards

akudhryā*ñc , ávāñc , udañc , devadryáñc , &c
(H1) (connected with √
(H2) only
añjalí [p= 11,1] [L=2298]
s.v. below.
añjalí [L=2321]
( √ añj) , the open hands placed side by side and slightly hollowed (as if by a beggar to receive food ; hence when raised to the forehead , a mark of supplication) , reverence , salutation , benediction

udakā*ñjali) VP. &c

(H3) »
(H1) m.
[L=2322]a libation to the Manes (two hands full of water ,
[L=2323]a measure of corn , sufficient to fill both hands when placed side by side , equal to a
apa-citi 1 [p= 48,3] [L=9112]
honouring , reverence S3is3.
apa-citi 2 [L=9119]
loss L.


of a daughter of marīci VP.

ápa-citi » below.)
ápa-citi 3 [L=9129]
(= πότισις , √3. ci) , compensation , either recompense ([ TS. &c ]) or retaliation , revenge , punishing RV. iv , 28 , 4 , &c
(H2) f.
(H2) f.
[L=9122](for 3.
(H1) f.
abhi- √ pūj [p= 65,2] [L=11787]
to approve of.
(H1) to honour , reverence greatly
abhi- √ vad [p= 68,3] [L=12278]
(rarely A1. e.g. MBh. v , 923) to address or salute with reverence S3Br. &c  ; 
to declare with reference to , express by , name , call
S3Br. &c  ; 
to say , speak
BhP. Up. : Caus. -vādayati , °te , to address or salute reverently  ; 
to present one's self to (
dat.) S3a1n3khGr2. : A1. to salute through another person (acc. or instr.) Pa1n2. 1-4 , 53 Comm. P. to cause to recite BhP.  ; 
" to cause to sound " , play (on an instrument)
MBh. iii , 14386.
(H1) P.
abhi-satk [p= 72,3] [L=12759]
 1 k) , (ind.p. -ktya) to honour , receive (a guest) with reverence MBh. ii , 2549.
(H1) (
abhi-satkta [L=12760]
honoured , received with reverence MBh. &c
(H2) mn.
abhy- √ arc [p= 76,1] [L=13244]
pl. -arcanti and impf. -arcan [ RV. iv , 1 , 14] ; Imper. 2. sg. -arca , 2. pl. -arcata ; A1. 1. sg. -arce and aor. -arcase [ RV. x , 64 , 3]) to praise , celebrate in song (instr.) RV. AV. VS.  ; 
ind.p. -arcya) to worship , reverence MBh. Mn. &c
(H1) (3.
abhy-arcana [L=13245]
worship , reverence Mn. ii , 176 , &c
(H2) n.
arcita [p= 90,1] [L=15725]
honoured , worshipped , respected , saluted MBh. Mn. &c

an- neg.) & 235 Ya1jn5. i , 167
(H2) mfn.
[L=15726]offered with reverence , Mn iv , 213 (
ā- √ d [p= 138,1] [L=24021]
Pa1n2. 7-4 , 28) A1. -driyate , rarely poet. P. ([ā*driyat BhP. iv , 4 , 7]) to regard with attention , attend to , be careful about (acc.) S3Br. AitBr. MBh. S3ak. &c  ; 
to respect , honour , reverence
Pan5cat. BhP. Ragh.
(H1) (
ijya [p= 164,2] [L=28663]
(irr. fut. pass. p. of √ yaj) , to be revered or honoured Ra1matUp. BhP. &c
ijya [L=28664]
a teacher BhP.
ijya [L=28665]
a deity , god BhP.
ijya [L=28666]
N. of bhaspati (the teacher or Guru of the gods)
ijya [L=28667]
of the planet Jupiter
ijya [L=28669]
a gift , donation
ijya [L=28670]
worship , reverence
ijya [L=28671]
meeting , union L.
ijya [L=28672]
a cow L.
ijya [L=28673]
a bawd or procuress L.
(H1) mfn.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
upa-cārá [p= 197,2] [L=34450]
approach , service , attendance Hcat. i , 111 , 2 seqq.

S3Br. MBh. S3ak. &c (64 upacāras are enumerated in the tantra-sāra , quoted by T. )

gen.) , treatment S3Br. MBh. A1p. Mn. &c

Sus3r. Pan5cat. Vikr.

Kum. vii , 86


Kum. Ragh. vii , 4

Sa1h. 300


°rāt ind. metaphorically) , metaphor , figurative application Sa1h. Sarvad. Comm. on S3is3. &c


sadhi (substitution of s and in place of visarga) Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 8-3 , 48

of a pariśiṣṭa of the sāma-veda.
(H2) m.
[L=34451]act of civility , obliging or polite behaviour , reverence
[L=34452]proceeding , practice
[L=34453]behaviour , conduct
[L=34454]mode of proceeding towards (
[L=34455]attendance on a patient , medical practice , physicking
[L=34456]a ceremony
[L=34457]present , offering , bribe
[L=34458]solicitation , request
[L=34459]ornament , decoration
[L=34460]a favourable circumstance
[L=34461]usage , custom or manner of speech
[L=34462]a figurative or metaphorical expression (
[L=34463]pretence , pretext
[L=34464]a kind of
upa-sád--van [p= 209,2] [L=36109]
receiving reverence or worship A1s3vS3r. ii , 5 , 9 (in a mantra).
(H3) mfn.
upa-sādana [L=36127]
the act of placing or putting upon Sa1y. on TBr. ii , 1 , 3 , 6

upa-sādana [p= 210,1] [L=36195]
» upa-sad.
(H2) n.
[L=36128]approaching respectfully , reverence , respect
(H1) &c
k* ñjali [p= 303,1] [L=54433]
one who joins the hollowed palms in reverence or to solicit a favour (holding the hollowed palms together as if to receive alms or an offering) , standing in a reverent or respectful posture Mn. MBh. R.
k* ñjali [L=54434]
a shrub used in medicine and in magical potions L.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
k* nati [L=54440]
one who bends in reverence , bowing , paying homage or respect

Ra1jat. v , 215.
(H3) mfn.
[L=54441]one to whom homage is paid
hakkura [p= 430,1] [L=81316]
a deity , object of reverence , man of rank , chief (the modern " Thakur , Tagore " added to names) , vii f. Dhu1rtas. i , 19÷20
(H1) m.
duvás [p= 488,3] [L=94733]
stirring , restless (soma) RV. i , 168 , 3.
dúvas 2 [L=94735]
(fr. 3. , a collateral form to as to , to , sthū to sthā ; cf. agregū , -pū , sthavira) gift , oblation , worship , honour , reverence RV. i , 14 , 1 &c (165 , 14 duvás , prob. gift , liberality).
(H3) mfn.
(H1) n.
devī́ [p= 492,3] [L=95540.1]
» s.v. ([cf. Lat. di1vus , deus ; Lit. de14vas ; Old Pruss. deiwas.])
devī- [p= 495,2] [L=96278]
devī́ [p= 496,1] [L=96437]
(cf. devá) a female deity , goddess RV. AitBr. MBh. &c (e.g. uas RV. vii , 75 , 5 ; sarasvatī , v , 41 , 17 ; sāvitrī , the wife of brahmā MBh. ; durgā , the wife of śiva MBh. Hariv. Ka1v. &c ; the 4 goddesses of Buddhists are rocanī , māmakī , ṇḍurā and tārā Dharmas. iv)

of nymph beloved by the Sun L.

apsaras MBh. i , 4818

jainas) the mother of 18th arhat of present ava-sarpiī L.

MBh. Ka1v. &c

= śyāmā) L.

partic. supernatural power (= kuṇḍalinī) Cat.


of plants (colocynth , a species of cyperus , Medicago Esculenta &c ) L.
devī [p= 1329,1] [L=333990]
(also) = gāyatrī, Para1s3.

nāgī, Buddh.
(H1B) f.
(H3) »
(H2) f.
[L=96439]of an
[L=96441]queen , princess lady (the consecrated wife or daughter of a king , but also any woman of high rank)
[L=96442]a kind of bird (
[L=96444]worship , reverence
(H2) f.
nama° syā́ [p= 528,2] [L=103867]
reverence , adoration RV. x , 104 , 7.
(H3) f.
ni- √ cāy [p= 546,3] [L=108203]
ind.p. -cā́yyā) to regard with reverence , honour , worship RV.  ; 
observe , perceive
ib. Das3.
(H1) (only
nuti [p= 567,2] [L=111766]
praise , laudation

Bhartr2. Ba1lar. Naish.
(H2) f.
[L=111767]worship , reverence
ny- √ as [p= 572,1] [L=112746]
-asyati , or -asati , to throw or cast or lay or put down (with loc. e.g. bhuvi , on the earth) AV. &c  ; 
to take off
MBh. R.  ; 
to give up , resign (as life)
R.  ; 
to set in the ground , plant (
prarohān , shoots) Ba1lar.  ; 
loc.) to throw or hurl upon , pour or shed on or in , put or place or fix or insert in , turn or direct to , deposit with , intrust or commit to  ; 
to settle arrange
MBh. Ka1v. &c (with citre , " to place in a picture " , paint , depict ; with śirasi , " to place on the head " , receive with reverence ; with manasi , " to call to mind " , reflect , ponder ; with pathi , " to lay on the road " , give up)  ; 
to bring forward , mention
Mall. : Caus. (pf. nyāsayām āsa or °sayā cakre) to cause to put or lay down MBh.
(H1) P.
pari-grahá [p= 593,1] [L=117262]
(ifc. f(ā).) laying hold of on all sides , surrounding , enclosing , fencing round (esp. the vedi or sacrificial altar by means of three lines or furrows) S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. &c

&c ) , assuming (a form &c ) Ka1v.

S3a1n3khBr. Mn.

MBh. Ka1v. &c

ifc. " being possessed of or furnished with ") ib.




Mn. MBh. R. Ka1ran2d2.

Mn. MBh. &c

MBh. Ka1v. &c


Pa1n2. Sch.

Mn. R. Hariv.

MBh. Ka1v. &c

ifc. " dependent on , subject to ") R. Var. Ma1rkP.

opp. to anu-graha) R.

loc.) Mn. MBh. &c

Ved. gram.) the double mention of a word both before and after iti

iti RPra1t.



L. (v.l. prati-gr°)
(H3) m.
[L=117263]wrapping round , putting on (a dress
[L=117264]comprehending , summing up , sum , totality ,
[L=117265]taking , accepting , receiving or anything received , 2 gift or present
[L=117266]getting , attaining , acquisition , possession , property (
[L=117267]household , family , attendants , retinue , the seraglio of a prince
[L=117268]a house , abode
[L=117269]root , origin , foundation
[L=117270]admittance (into one's house) , hospitable reception
[L=117271]taking (a wife) , marrying , marriage
[L=117272]a wife (also collect.)
[L=117273]choice , selection
[L=117274]understanding , conception
[L=117275]undertaking , beginning , commission or performance of , occupation with
[L=117276]homage , reverence , grace , favour , help , assistance
[L=117277]dominion , control (
[L=117278]force , constraint , punishment (
[L=117279]claim on , relation to , concern with (
[L=117281]the form which precedes
[L=117282]a curse , imprecation , oath
[L=117283]an eclipse of the sun
[L=117284]the rear or reserve of an army
pary-° upā* sana [p= 608,3] [L=119895]
sitting round S3ak. i , 25÷26 (in Prakrit)




Ka1ran2d2. (also f(ā). DivyA7v. )

(H3) n.
[L=119896]encamping round
[L=119897]friendliness , courtesy
[L=119898]pardon , excuse
[L=119899]honour , service , worship
[L=119900]joining in or concurrence with any act of reverence
pūjana [p= 641,1] [L=127379]
reverencing , honouring , worship , respect , attention , hospitable reception ib. (-mālikā f. N. of wk.)

Pa1n2. 8-1 , 67

(H3) n.
[L=127380]an object of reverence
[L=127382]a hen-sparrow
pūjā [L=127387]
honour , worship , respect , reverence , veneration , homage to superiors or adoration of the gods Gr2S. Mn. MBh. &c
(H2) f.
pūjā--° rha [p= 641,2] [L=127402]
°*rha) mfn. worthy of reverence or honour , venerable , respectable Katha1s.
(H3) (
pra-° ati [p= 659,3] [L=131093]
bending , bowing , inclination , salutation , reverence , obeisance MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H3) f.
pra-° amana [L=131094]
bowing before , salutation , reverence (gen. or comp.) Bhartr2. Katha1s.
(H3) n.
pra-° ipatita [p= 660,2] [L=131189]
bowed down in reverence , saluting MBh. R.
(H3) mfn.
pra-° ipāta [L=131190]
(ifc. f(ā).) falling at a person's feet , prostration , humble submission to (gen.) , salutation , reverence , obeisance MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H3) m.
pra-aya [p= 659,3] [L=131107]
yana &c » pra-ī.
pra-aya [p= 660,2] [L=131200]
a leader Pa1n2. 3-1 , 142 (jyotiām Nir. ii , 14)




loc.) , love , attachment , friendship , favour (ibc. ; °yāt ind. , °yena ind. and °yo*pe*tam ind. confidentially , affectionately , openly , frankly) MBh. Ka1v. &c

loc. ; anyathā , " for something else ") ib.

R. Vikr.


(H1) °
(H2) m.
[L=131201]guidance , conduct
[L=131202]manifestation , display
[L=131203]setting forth (an argument)
[L=131204]affection , confidence in (
[L=131205]desire , longing for (
[L=131206]an entreaty , request , solicitation
[L=131207]reverence , obeisance
[L=131208]final beatitude
prati- √ pūj [p= 667,3] [L=132629]
-pūjayati , to return a salutation , reverence , salute respectfully , honour , praise , commend , approve Mn. MBh. &c
(H1) P.
prati-° mānanā [p= 669,1] [L=132848]
homage , reverence S3is3.
(H3) f.
pra-° hvaa [p= 701,3] [L=138749]
bowing down in reverence BhP.
(H3) n.
bha° jana [p= 744,2] [L=147911]
N. of a prince VP.
bha° jana [L=147912]
the act of sharing W.
bha° jana [L=147913]
possession ib.
bha° jana [L=147914]
(ifc.) reverence , worship , adoration Prab. Sch. (also -tā f. with loc. Ca1n2. )
(H3) m.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
manána [p= 783,3] [L=156762]
thoughtful , careful RV.
manána [L=156763]
thinking , reflection , meditation , thought , intelligence , understanding (esp. intrinsic knowledge or science , as one of the faculties connected with the senses Nir. viii , 6 = manman) Hariv. S3am2k. Sarvad. (°nā́ ind. thoughtfully , deliberately RV. )
manána [L=156764]
homage , reverence Sa1y. on RV. i , 165 , 4.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
mahad--gaurava [p= 794,3] [L=159255]
high respect or reverence Pan5cad.
(H3) n.
yájus [p= 839,2] [L=169213]
religious reverence , veneration , worship , sacrifice RV.

partic. mantras muttered in a peculiar manner at a sacrifice ; they were properly in prose and distinguished from the c and sāman q.v.) RV. &c

of the yajur-veda q.v. (also pl.)

partic. sacrificial text Nr2isUp.
yájus [L=169217]
N. of a man Katha1s.
(H2) n.
[L=169214]a sacrificial prayer or formula (technical term for
[L=169216]of a
(H2B) m.
va 1 [p= 910,1] [L=184154]
u and ū , and having the sound of the English v , except when forming the last member of a conjunct consonant , in which case it is pronounced like w ; it is often confounded and interchanged with the labial consonant b).
va 2 [L=184157]
(only L. ) air , wind

of varua

va 2 [L=184157.80]
a weaver (?). a sort of incantation or mantra (of which the object is the deity varua)
va 2 [L=184157.85]
= pra-catas
va 2 [L=184157.90]
strong , powerful.
va 3 [L=184158]
= iva , like , as MBh. Ka1v. &c (in some more or less doubtful cases).
(H1) the 3rd semivowel (corresponding to the vowels
(H1) m.
[L=184157.05]the arm
[L=184157.15]the ocean , water
[L=184157.40]a dwelling
[L=184157.45]a tiger
[L=184157.55]the esculent root of the water-lily
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) mfn.
(H1) ind.
vándanī [p= 919,2] [L=186192]
(only L. ) reverence
vándanī [L=186193]
a drug for resuscitating the dead (= jīvātu)
vándanī [L=186194]
begging or thieving (yācana. or mācala-karman)
vándanī [L=186195]
the hip or a species of tree (kaī or vaī)
vándanī [L=186196]
= go-rocana
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
vándana [p= 919,1] [L=186188]
N. of a ṛṣi (who was cast into a well , along with rebha , by the asuras , and rescued by the aśvins) RV.
vándana [p= 919,2] [L=186197]
the act of praising , praise RV.
vándana [L=186198]
reverence (esp. obeisance to a brahman or superior by touching the feet &c ) , worship , adoration Mn. MBh. &c
vándana [L=186199]
a parasitical plant AV. Bhpr.
vándana [L=186200]
a disease attacking the limbs or joints , cutaneous eruption , scrofula (also personified as a demon) RV.
vándana [L=186201]
= vadana L.
(H2) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
vddhá--sevā [p= 1011,1] [L=204703]
reverence for the aged Ka1m.
(H3) f.
śuśrūā [p= 1084,3] [L=219931]
desire or wish to hear Ka1m.

» śuśrūaka) Mn. MBh. &c

(H2) f.
[L=219932]obsequiousness , reverence , obedience , service (said to be of five kinds) (
[L=219933]saying , speaking , telling
śrad-dhā [p= 1095,3] [L=222328]
» below
śrad- √ dhā [L=222332]
-dadhāti , -dhatte (pr. p. śraddadhat , śrad-dádhāna ; Ved. inf. śraddhé cf. śrát above ) , to have faith or faithfulness , have belief or confidence , believe , be true or trustful (with na , " to disbelieve " &c ) RV. &c  ; 
to credit , think anything true (two
acc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to believe or have faith in or be true to (with
dat. , and in later language with gen. of thing or person , or with loc. of thing) RV. &c  ; 
to expect anything (
acc.) from (abl.) MBh.  ; 
to consent , assent to , approve , welcome (with
acc. ; with na , " to disapprove ") Katha1s.  ; 
to be desirous of (
acc.) , wish to (inf.) ib. BhP. : Caus. -dhāpayati , to make faithful , render trustful , inspire confidence RV. x , 151 , 5.
śraddhā́ [L=222333]
faith , trust , confidence , trustfulness , faithfulness , belief in (loc. or comp. ; śraddhayā-gam , " to believe in " , with gen. DivyA7v. ), trust , confidence , loyalty (Faith or Faithfulnesses is often personified and in RV. x , 151 invoked as a deity ; in TBr. she is the daughter of prajā-pati , and in S3Br. of the Sun ; in MBh. she is the daughter of daka and wife of dharma ; in Ma1rkP. she is the mother of kāma , and in BhP. the daughter of kardama and wife of agiras or manu) RV. &c

°śraddhayā ind. " willingly , gladly ") , longing for (loc. acc. with prati inf. , or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c



śraddhām ākhyāhi nas tāvat , " just satisfy our curiosity and tell us ") Katha1s.





ā Ka1t.

kāmāyanī) N. of the authoress of RV. x , 151 (cf. above )

(with prajā-pate) N. of two sāmans A1rshBr.
śraddhā [p= 1096,1] [L=222399]
&c » [p= 1095,3].
(H2B) f.
(H2) P. A1.
(H2) f.
[L=222334]wish , desire (
[L=222335]desire of eating , appetite
[L=222336]the longing of a pregnant woman
[L=222337]curiosity (
[L=222339]respect , reverence
[L=222340]calmness or composure of mind
[L=222342]a term for the fem. nouns in
(H1) śrad-dadhāna
sa-° sevā [p= 1120,2] [L=226998]
visiting , frequenting BhP.



ifc.) inclination to , predilection for Ra1jat.
(H3) f.
[L=226999]use , employment
[L=227000]attendance , reverence , worship
sát--kāra [p= 1134,2] [L=229528]
(sg. or pl.) kind treatment , honour , favour , reverence (with paścima = -karaa Hariv. ; rāja-sat-k° , " the favour of a king " R. ) Mn. MBh. &c




for saskāra Hariv.
(H3) m.
[L=229529]hospitable treatment , hospitality
[L=229530]feasting (or = " a meal ") , festival , religious observance
[L=229531]care , attention , consideration of or regard for a thing
sát-- √ k [L=229550]
-karoti , -kurute &c , to set right , put in order , arrange , prepare , adorn , garnish Mn. MBh. R. &c  ; 
to treat well or with respect , honour , treat or receive hospitably
MBh. R. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to pay the last honours to (
acc.) , cremate R. : Caus. -kārayati , to cause to be treated with respect or reverence , show reverence , pay respect MW.  ; 
to cause to pay the last honours
(H3) P. A1.
sa--bahumānam [p= 1151,1] [L=232830]
with great honour or reverence , very respectfully Ka1lid. Ratna7v. &c
(H3) ind.
sam-arhaa [p= 1157,1] [L=233795]
respect , reverence , a respectful gift (acc. with upa-h , ni-dhā and Caus. of pra-vt , " to show honour " or " offer a gift of honour ") BhP.
(H2) n.
sam-pūjā [p= 1173,2] [L=236185]
honouring , reverence , esteem MBh.
(H2) f.
sam-pratipūjā [p= 1174,2] [L=236361]
great respect or reverence Pat. on Pa1n2. 5-3 , 99.
(H2) f.
sam- √ man [p= 1180,1] [L=237095]
manyate (ep. also P. °ti) , to think together , agree , assent to , approve (» sam-mata below)  ; 
to think , fancy
MBh.  ; 
to regard or consider as (
acc. or two acc.) ib. &c  ; 
to mean , contemplate , intend , resolve
R.  ; 
to think highly of esteem , value , honour
MBh. R. : Caus. -mānayati , to honour , reverence , respect Ya1jn5. MBh. &c  ; 
to regard , consider
Bhat2t2.  ; 
to assure any one (
gen.) of (acc.) Ma1rkP. : Desid. of Caus. » sam-mimānayiu below.
(H1) A1.
sam-° mānita [L=237125]
(fr. id.) honoured , treated with reverence or respect Ka1v. Katha1s.
(H3) mfn.
sahā* daram [p= 1194,3] [L=240350]
with reverence , reverentially Pan5car.
(H3) ind.
su--sambhrama [p= 1238,3] [L=250464]
great agitation or hurry Pan5cat.

(H3) m.
[L=250465]great reverence
sevana [p= 1218,1] [L=245010]
2. sev° s.v.
sevana 1 [p= 1247,1] [L=252271]
(for 2. » col.2) the act of frequenting or visiting or dwelling in or resorting to (comp.) Ka1v. Pan5cat. BhP.

Mn. MBh. &c

f(ā).) Ka1v. VarBr2S. &c

comp.) Mn. xi , 178

gen. or comp.) Mn. R. &c
sevana 2 [p= 1247,2] [L=252354]
(for 1. » col.1) the act of sewing , darning , stitching Sus3r. Vop. A1pS3r. Sch.

(H3) »
(H2) n.
[L=252272]waiting upon , attendance , service
[L=252273]honouring , reverence , worship , adoration (also
[L=252274]sexual enjoyment , intercourse with (
[L=252275]devotion or addiction to , fondness for , indulgence in , practise or employment of (
(H2) n.
[L=252355]a sack
sevā [p= 1247,1] [L=252280]
going or resorting to , visiting , frequenting Ca1n2. Subh.

loc. gen. , or comp. ; sevā-k , with gen. , " to be in the service of ") Mn. MBh. &c

gen. or comp.) ib.

comp.) Hit. Subh.

comp.) Nir. Mn. MBh. &c
(H2) f.
[L=252281]service , attendance on (
[L=252282]worship , homage , reverence , devotion to (
[L=252283]sexual intercourse with (
[L=252284]addiction to , indulgence in , practice or employment or frequent enjoyment of (
sv-arhaa [p= 1282,2] [L=259415]
great reverence BhP.
(H1) n.
svāmi--sevā [p= 1284,1] [L=259698]
the service of a master , respect or reverence for a master or husband ib.
(H3) f.
pañca--maṇḍala-namaskāra [p= 1330,1] [L=335420.4]
prostrate reverence, Sukh. i
(H3) m.