Sanatana - Eternal, everlasting, primeval, ancient


sanātána [p= 1141,1] [L=231087]
(ī , m.c. also ā)n. eternal , perpetual , permanent , everlasting , primeval , ancient S3Br. &c
sanātána [L=231088]
N. of brahmā L.
sanātána [L=231089]
of viṣṇu Bhat2t2.
sanātána [L=231090]
of śiva L.
sanātána [L=231091]
a guest of deceased ancestors , one who must always be fed whenever he attends śrāddhas L.
sanātána [L=231092]
N. of a ṛṣi (in MBh. and later " a mind-born son of brahmā ") TS. &c
sanātána [L=231093]
of a king Buddh.
sanātána [L=231094]
(with śarman and go-svāmin) of two authors Cat.
sanātána [L=231095]
N. of partic. worlds Hariv.


(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m. pl.


sanātána--tama [p= 1141,2] [L=231098]
" most eternal or ancient " , N. of viṣṇu MBh.

