Loka - World, region, country, space, “here on earth,” the inhabitants of the world, the faculty of seeing

loká--tantra [p= 906,2] [L=183277]
the system or course of the world MBh. Hariv. S3ak. Pur.
(H3) n.

loká [p= 906,1] [L=183230]
(connected with roka ; in the oldest texts loka is generally preceded by u , which accord. to the Padap. = the particle 3. u ; but u may be a prefixed vowel and uloká , a collateral dialectic form of loka ; accord. to others u-loka is abridged from uru- or ava-loka) , free or open space , room , place , scope , free motion RV. AV. Br. A1S3vS3r. (acc. with √ k or √ or anu- , " to make room grant freedom " ; loke with gen. " instead of ")


906,2] [p= 906,1] [L=183233]
esp. " the sky or heaven " ; 3 lokas are commonly enumerated , viz. heaven , earth , and the atmosphere or lower regions ; sometimes only the first two ; but a fuller classification gives 7 worlds , viz. bhū-loka , the earth ; bhuvar-loka , the space between the earth and sun inhabited by munis , siddhas &c ; svarloka , indra's heaven above the sun or between it and the polar star ; maharloka , a region above the polar star and inhabited by bhgu and other saints who survive the destruction of the 3 lower worlds ; janarloka , inhabited by brahmā's son sanat-kumāra &c ; tapar-loka , inhabited by deified vairāgins ; satya-loka or brahma-loka , abode of brahmā , translation to which exempts from rebirth ; elsewhere these 7 worlds are described as earth , sky , heaven , middle region , place of re-births , mansion of the blest , and abode of truth ; sometimes 14 worlds are mentioned , viz. the 7 above , and 7 lower regions called in the order of their descent below the earth --- a-tala , vi-tala , su-tala , rasā-tala , talā-tala , mahā-tala , and pātāla ; cf. RTL. 102 n. 1 IW. 420 , 1 ; 435 , 1) AV. &c

of the number " seven " (cf. above ) VarBr2S. Sch.

&c Mn. MBh. &c (ayá loká , " this world " ; asaú or páro loká , " that or the other world " ; loke or iha loke , " here on earth " , opp. to para-tra , para-loke &c ; ktsne loke , " on the whole earth ")

pl.) the inhabitants of the world , mankind , folk , people (sometimes opp. to " king ") Mn. MBh. &c

pl.) men (as opp. to " women ") Vet. Hit.

ifc. to form collectives) Ka1v. Vas. Katha1s. &c

Gr2S. Nir. Mn. &c (loke either " in ordinary life " , " in worldly matters " ; or , " in common language , in popular speech " , as opp. to vede , chandasi)

cákur-l° q.v.)

sāmanī du. and lokānā vratāni pl. N. of sāmans A1rshBr. [cf. Lat. lu1sus , originally , " a clearing of a forest " ; Lith. lau4kas , a field.]
loka [p= 1332,1] [L=338940]
(H2) m.
[L=183231]intermediate space
[L=183232]a tract , region , district , country , province
[p= the wide space or world (either " the universe " or , " any division of it " ,
[L=183235]the earth or world of human beings
[L=183238]a company , community (of ten
[L=183239]ordinary life , worldly affairs , common practice or usage
[L=183240]the faculty of seeing , sight (only in
(H2) (in

(note: āloka, m. looking, seeing, beholding, is used in verse 86)

See also:
lokyá [L=183551]
(ā)n. granting a free sphere of action , bestowing freedom A1s3vGr2.

MBh. (C. loukya)


S3Br. MBh.

lokyá [L=183556]
free space or sphere S3Br.
(H2) mf
[L=183552]diffused over the world , world-wide
[L=183553]conducive to the attainment of a better world , heavenly
[L=183554]customary , ordinary. correct , right , real , actual
[L=183555]usual , every-day
(H2B) n.
lokyá--ta [L=183557]
lokya) f. the attainment of a better world S3Br.
(H3) (

loke* śa [L=183519]
lord of the world KaushUp. Mn. R. &c

of brahmā L.

buddha Buddh. W.

(H3) m.
[L=183521]of a
loke* śvará [L=183525]
the lord of the world S3Br. MBh. R.

of a buddha (also °ra-rāja) W. Buddh.
907,3] [L=183527]
avalokite*śvara Inscr.
(H3) m.
[p= of
loko* ttara [L=183537]
(ā)n. excelling or surpassing the world , beyond what is common or general , unusual , extraordinary Katha1s. Ra1jat. &c

ibc.) ind. HParis3.
loko* ttara [L=183539]
an uncommon person Uttarar.
loko* ttara [L=183540]
or n. (?) N. of wk.
(H3) mf
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.

loká--tantra [p= 906,2] [L=183277]
the system or course of the world MBh. Hariv. S3ak. Pur.
(H3) n.

loká--kart [p= 906,2] [L=183245]
" world-creator " (N. applied to viṣṇu and śiva as well as to brahmā) MBh. R.
(H3) m.
loká--kalpa [L=183246]
resembling or appearing like the world , becoming manifested in the form of the world BhP.

nom.) ib.
loká--kalpa [L=183248]
a period or age of the world ib.
(H3) mfn.
[L=183247]regarded by the world , considered by men as (
(H3B) m.
loká--kānta [L=183249]
world-loved , liked by every one , pleasing to all MBh. R.
(H3) mfn.
loká--kāma [L=183251]
longing for a partic. world MBh.
(H3) mfn.
loká--kāra [L=183253]
creator of the world (N. of śiva) S3ivag.
(H3) m.
loká--kāraakaraa [L=183254]
cause of the causes of the world (N. of śiva) MW.
(H3) n.
loká--kt [L=183255]
(also uloka-k°) making or creating free space , setting free RV. AV. TS. &c
loká--kt [L=183255.1]
the creator of the world MBh. R. Ma1rkP.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
loká--gati [L=183258]
" way of the world " , actions of men Hariv. R.
(H3) f.
loká--guru [L=183260]
a teacher of the world , instructor of the people R. BhP.
(H3) m.
loká--cā* kus [L=183261]
" eye of the world " , the sun L. (accord. to some m.)

the eyes of men , sah.
(H3) n.
loká--cara [L=183263]
wandering through the world MBh.
(H3) mfn.
loká--cāritra [L=183264]
the way or proceedings of the world R.
(H3) n.
loká--jananī [L=183266]
" mother of the world " , N. of lak Cat.
(H3) f.
loká--jít [L=183267]
winning or conquering any region S3Br.

lokajitá svargám = svarga-loka-jitam) AV. Mn.
loká--jít [L=183269]
conqueror of the world W.
loká--jít [L=183270]
a sage ib.
loká--jít [L=183271]
N. of a buddha L.
(H3) mfn.
[L=183268]winning Heaven (
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
loká--jña [L=183272]
knowing the world , understanding men
(H3) mfn.
loká--jña---tā [L=183273]
knowledge of the world , knowledge of mankind Prasan3g.
(H4) f.
loká--tattva [L=183276]
" world-truth " , knowledge of the world , knowledge of mankind R.
(H3) n.
loká--tantra [L=183277]
the system or course of the world MBh. Hariv. S3ak. Pur.
(H3) n.
loká--tas [L=183278]
by men , from people , from people's talk R. Katha1s.

ifc.) on the part of the people of (jñāti-l° , on the part of the collective body of relations) VarBr2S.

(H3) ind.
[L=183278.2]as usual or customary in the world
loká--tā [L=183279]
(in tal-lokatā) the being possessed of one's world BhP. ( MBh. vii , 6519 , read gantā sa-lokatām).
(H3) f.
loká--traya [L=183281]
( MBh. Ragh. ) or f(ī). ( Kuval. ) " world-triad " , the three world (heaven , earth and atmosphere , or heaven , earth and lower regions).
(H3) n.
loká--dambhaka [L=183282]
deceiving the world , cheating mankind Mn. iv , 195.
(H3) mfn.
loká--dvaya [L=183284]
both world (heaven and earth) Ka1m. Ra1jat.
(H3) n.
loká--dhātu [L=183289]
a region or part of the world Buddh.

of a partic. division of the world ib.
(H3) mf.
loká--dhāt [L=183292]
creator of the world (N. of śiva) MBh.
loká--dhāt [L=183293]
(trī) N. of the earth (?) Can2d2. (perhaps for -dhartrī ; cf. next) .
(H3) m.
(H3B) f.
loká--nindita [p= 906,3] [L=183312]
blamed by the world , generally censured Sarvad.
(H3) mfn.
loká--net [L=183313]
guide of the world (N. of śiva) S3ivag.
(H3) m.
loká--pa [L=183315]
a world-guardian , world-protector (8 in number ; » l°-pāla) MBh. BhP.
(H3) m.
loká--paktí [L=183316]
the mental evolution of the world S3Br.

(H3) f.
[L=183317]worldly reward or esteem
loká--pati [L=183319]
" lord of the world " , N. of brahmā VarBr2S.

viṣṇu BhP.

R. BhP.
(H3) m.
[L=183321]a lord or ruler of people , king , sovereign
loká--patha [L=183322]
way of the world , general or usual way or manner MBh.
(H3) m.
loká--paro'ka [L=183324]
hidden from the world MBh.
(H3) mfn.
loká--pālá [L=183326]
a world-protector , guardian of the world , regent of a quarter of the world (the loka-pālas are sometimes regarded as the guardian deities of different orders of beings , but more commonly of the four cardinal and four intermediate points of the world , viz. accord. to Mn. v , 96 , 1. indra , of the East ; 2. agni , of South-east ; 3. yama , of South ; 4. sūrya , of South-west ; 5. varua , of West ; 6. pavana or vāyu , of North-west ; 7. kubera , of North ; 8. soma or candra of North-east ; others substitute nir-ti for 4 and īśānī or pthivī for 8 ; according to Dharmas. the Buddhists enumerate 4 or 8 or 10 or 14 loka-pālas) S3Br. &c

Ragh. Ra1jat.

of various kings Bhadrab. Col.

avalokiteśvara MWB. 198

(H3) m.
[L=183327]a protector or ruler of the people , king , prince
[L=183330]protection of the people (?)
loká--pālá---tā [L=183331]
( Ma1rkP. ) the being a guardian of the world
(H4) f.
loká--pālá---tva [L=183331.1]
( Hariv. R. ) the being a guardian of the world
(H4) n.
loká--pālaka [L=183333]
a world-protector BhP.

(H3) m.
[L=183334]a king , sovereign
loká--pālinī [L=183335]
" world-protectress " , N. of durgā Kautukar.
(H3) f.
loká--pitāmaha [L=183336]
" progenitor of the world , great forefather of mankind " , N. of brahmā R. BhP.
(H3) m.
loká--purua [L=183338]
" world-man " , the World personified L.
(H3) m.
loká--pūjita [L=183339]
honoured by the world , universally worshipped L.
loká--pūjita [L=183340]
N. of a man Lalit.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
loká--prakāśana [L=183343]
" world-illuminator " , the sun L.
(H3) m.
loká--pratyaya [L=183344]
world-currency , universal prevalence (of a custom &c ) , Ka1tys3r. ??
(H3) m.
loká--pradīpa [L=183345]
" light of the world " , N. of a buddha Buddh.
(H3) m.
loká--pravāhin [L=183348]
flowing through the world MBh.
(H3) mfn.
loká--prasiddha [L=183349]
celebrated in the world , generally established , universally known Ka1m.
(H3) mfn.
loká--bāhya [L=183354]
excluded from the world , excluded from society , excommunicated L.

loká--bāhya [L=183356]
an outcast ib.
(H3) mfn.
[L=183355]differing from the world , singular , eccentric
(H3B) m.
loká--bhāvana [L=183360]
( MBh. Hariv. BhP. ) promoting the welfare of the world or of men

(H3) mfn.
loká--bhā° vin [L=183361]
( R. ) promoting the welfare of the world or of men

(H3) mfn.
loká--māt [L=183369]
the mother of the world Sa1h. BhP.

of lakmi BhP.

gaurī Ka1v.
(H3) f.
loká--māt [L=183372]
(pl.) the mother of the world Hcat.
(H3) f.
loká--m-pṛṇa [L=183374]
filling the world , penetrating everywhere Bha1m.
loká--m-pṛṇa [p= 907,1] [L=183376]
(scil. c) , N. of the formula lokám pṛṇa &c S3Br. TS. Ka1tyS3r.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) f.
loká--yātrika [L=183380]
relating to the business or traffic of the world MW. (said to be also employed to explain the word devayu L. )
(H3) mfn.
loká--rañjana [L=183382]
pleasing the world , satisfying men , gaining public confidence Ya1jn5. Comm.
(H3) n.
loká--rava [L=183383]
the talk of the world , popular report MBh.
(H3) m.
loká--locana [L=183385]
(accord. to some m.) , " eye of the world " , the sun Va1s. BhP.

the eyes of men Katha1s.
(H3) n.
loká--vartana [L=183391]
the means by which the world subsists Katha1s.
(H3) n.
loká--vāda [L=183392]
the talk of the world , public rumour MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H3) m.
loká--vārttā [L=183394]
the world's news , popular report or rumour Cat.
(H3) f.
loká--vikruṣṭa [L=183395]
abused by the world , universally blamed or contemned Mn.
(H3) mfn.
loká--vid [L=183397]
possessing or affording space or freedom MaitrS.


N. of a buddha) Buddh.
(H3) mfn.
[L=183398]knowing the world
[L=183399]knowledge or understanding the world (
loká--vidhi [L=183401]
the creator of the world , disposer of the universe MBh.

(H3) m.
[L=183402]order or mode of proceeding prevalent in the world
loká--visarga [L=183410]
the end of the world MBh.

(H3) m.
[L=183411]the creation of the world
loká--visargika [L=183412]
(ī)n. bringing about or leading to the creation of the world MBh.
(H3) mf
loká--visargin [L=183413]
creating the world ib.
(H3) mfn.
loká--vīra [L=183415]
the world's heroes BhP.
(H3) m. pl.
loká--vttā* nta [L=183419]
the events or occurrences of the world , course or proceedings of the world R. S3ak.
(H3) m.
loká--śabda [L=183424]
the noise of the world , bustle of the day Dhu1rtan.
(H3) m.
loká--śruti [L=183425]
world-wide fame , universal notoriety R.

(H3) f.
[L=183426]a popular report
loká--śreṣṭha [L=183427]
best in the world Ma1lati1m.
(H3) mfn.
loká--savtti [L=183428]
right conduct (in the world) DivyA7v.
(H3) f.
loká--savyavahāra [L=183429]
commerce or intercourse with the world , worldly business Mn. Ma1rkP.
(H3) m.
loká--sasti [L=183431]
passage through worlds , course through the world , events of the world or life BhP.
(H3) f.
loká--sakaya [L=183434]
the destruction of the world MBh.
(H3) m.
loká--sagraha [L=183435]
experience gained from intercourse with men Cat.

Bhag. R. (v.l.) BhP.



of wk.
(H3) m.
[L=183436]the propitiation or conciliation of men
[L=183437]the whole of the universe , aggregate of worlds
[L=183438]the welfare of the world
loká--sampanna [L=183442]
experienced in the world , possessed of worldly wisdom MBh.
(H3) mfn.
loká--sākika [L=183443]
having the world as a witness , attested by the world or by others MBh.
(H3) mfn.
loká--sākin [L=183445]
witness of the world , universal witness (said of brahman , of Fire &c ) R. Cat.
loká--sākin [L=183446]
= -sākika above Hariv.
(H3) m.
(H3B) mfn.
loká--siddha [p= 907,2] [L=183453]
world-established , current among the people , usual , common Sarvad.

(H3) mfn.
[L=183454]universally admitted , generally received
loká--sthiti [L=183459]
duration or existence of the world Ka1v.

S3am2k. on Br2A1rUp.
(H3) f.
[L=183460]a universal law , generally established rule
loká--hāsya [L=183463]
world-derided , universally ridiculous , any object of general ridicule
(H3) mfn.
loká--hita [L=183465]
beneficial to the world or to mankind , A.
loká--hita [L=183466]
the welfare of the world S3ak. BhP.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) n.
lokā* ki [L=183469]
VP. ) ( Cat. ) m. " eye of the world " , N. of a preceptor.
(H3) (
lokā kin [L=183470]
Cat. ) m. " eye of the world " , N. of a preceptor.
(H3) (
lokā* cāra [L=183471]
usage or practice of the world , common practice , general or popular custom Pan5cat.
(H3) m.
lokā* di [L=183478]
the beginning. of the world i.e. the creator of the world MBh.
(H3) m.
lokā* dhipa [L=183481]
a ruler of the world , a god. Buddh.

(H3) m.
[L=183482]a king
lokā* dhipati [L=183483]
the ruler or lord of the world Up.
(H3) m.
lokā* nukampaka [L=183486]
pitying the world Lalit.
(H3) mfn.
lokā* nugraha [L=183487]
the welfare of the world , prosperity of mankind Ka1v.
(H3) m.
lokā* ntara [L=183492]
another world , the next world , a future life (°ragam or √ , to go into the next world , die) Ka1v. BhP. , &c
(H3) n.
lokā* ntara---gata [L=183493]
gone to another world , deceased , dead. ( Ra1jat. )
(H4) mfn.
lokā* ntara---prā* pta [L=183493.1]
gone to another world , deceased , dead. ( W. )
(H4) mfn.
lokā* ntara---stha [L=183493.2]
gone to another world , deceased , dead. ( Mr2icch. )
(H4) mfn.
lokā* ntā* dri [L=183496]
the range of mountains forming a border round the world (= lokā*loka below cf. cakra-vāla) L.
(H3) m.
lokā* pavāda [L=183497]
the reproach or censure of the world , general evil report , public scandal MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H3) m.
lokā* bhibhāvin [L=183499]
overcoming the world MW.

(H3) mfn.
[L=183500]overspreading or pervading the world (said of light)
lokā* bhilaita [L=183501]
world-desired , universally coveted , generally liked
lokā* bhilaita [L=183502]
N. of buddha Lalit. (w.r. °ita).
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
lokā* bhyudaya [L=183505]
the prosperity of the world , general welfare Ragh.
(H3) m.
lokā* yata [L=183506]
" world-extended (?) " , materialistic
lokā* yata [L=183507]
a materialist Buddh. Ni1lak. A1ryav. (°tī-k P. -karoti , to consider as materialistic)
lokā* yata [L=183508]
(scil. śāstra or mata or tantra) , materialism , the system of atheistical philosophy (taught by cārvāka) Prab. Sarvad. &c
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) n.
lokā* yatika [L=183510]
id. S3am2k. on Br2A1rUp. and Pras3nUp. &c

MBh. Hariv.
(H3) m.
[L=183511](perhaps) a man experienced in the ways of the world
lokā* yana [L=183513]
" refuge of the world " , N. of nārāyaa Hariv.
(H3) m.
lokā* loka [L=183515]
sg. or m. du. (also m. sg. ?) the world and that which is not the world i.e. world and world MBh. Pur.
lokā* loka [L=183516]
N. of a mythical belt or circle of mountains surrounding the outermost of the seven seas and dividing the visible world from the region of darkness (as the sun is within this wall of mountains they are light on one side and dark on the other ; » IW. 420 ; cf. cakra-vāla) Su1ryas. Ragh. Pur. &c
(H3) n.
(H3B) m.
lokave* kaa [L=183518]
consideration for the world , anxiety or care for the welfare of the public Ra1jat.
(H3) n.
loke* śa [L=183519]
lord of the world KaushUp. Mn. R. &c

of brahmā L.

buddha Buddh. W.

(H3) m.
[L=183521]of a
loke* śa---prabhavā* pyaya [L=183524]
having both origin and end subject to the lords of the world MW.
(H4) mfn.
loke* śvará [L=183525]
the lord of the world S3Br. MBh. R.

of a buddha (also °ra-rāja) W. Buddh.
907,3] [L=183527]
avalokite*śvara Inscr.
(H3) m.
[p= of
lokai* ka-bandhu [L=183532]
" the only friend of the world " , N. of gotama and of śākya-muni W.
(H3) m.
loko* ttara [L=183537]
(ā)n. excelling or surpassing the world , beyond what is common or general , unusual , extraordinary Katha1s. Ra1jat. &c

ibc.) ind. HParis3.
loko* ttara [L=183539]
an uncommon person Uttarar.
loko* ttara [L=183540]
or n. (?) N. of wk.
(H3) mf
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
loko* ttara---vādin [L=183542]
N. of a Buddhist school (prob. so called from their pretending to be superior to or above the rest of the world) Buddh.
(H4) m. pl.
lokín [L=183549]
possessing a world , possessing the best world S3Br. ChUp.
lokín [L=183550]
the inhabitants of the universe Mun2d2Up.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m. pl.
lokyá [L=183551]
(ā)n. granting a free sphere of action , bestowing freedom A1s3vGr2.

MBh. (C. loukya)


S3Br. MBh.

lokyá [L=183556]
free space or sphere S3Br.
(H2) mf
[L=183552]diffused over the world , world-wide
[L=183553]conducive to the attainment of a better world , heavenly
[L=183554]customary , ordinary. correct , right , real , actual
[L=183555]usual , every-day
(H2B) n.
lokyá--ta [L=183557]
lokya) f. the attainment of a better world S3Br.
(H3) (