Sanskrit Words for Householder

Take your pick . . . kuṭumbinī or gṛhastha

1 āplavavratin (householder) 2 āpluta (householder) 3 āvasathika (householder) 4 āśrama (householder) 5 āhavanīya (householder) 6 kuṭumbaka (householder) 7 kuṭumbin (householder) 8 kuṭumbinī (householder) 9 kuṭumbitva (householder) 10 kusūladhānyaka (householder) 11 keśigṛhapati (householder) 12 gārhakamedhika (householder) 13 gārhapata (householder) 14 gārhapatya (householder) 15 gārhasthya (householder) 16 gṛha (householder) 17 gṛhapati (householder) 18 gṛhapatnī (householder) 19 gṛhamedha (householder) 20 gṛhamedhin (householder) 21 gṛhamedhinī (householder) 22 gṛhamedhitā (householder) 23 gṛhamedhivrata (householder) 24 gṛhavat (householder) 25 gṛhavāsa (householder) 26 gṛhastha (householder) 27 gṛhasthatā (householder) 28 gṛhasthadharma (householder) 29 gṛhasthāśrama (householder) 30 gṛhasthopaniṣad (householder) 31 gṛhasthiti (householder) 32 gṛhācāra (householder) 33 gṛhādhipa (householder) 34 gṛhāyaṇika (householder) 35 gṛhāśrama (householder) 36 gṛhāśramavat (householder) 37 gṛhayāyya (householder) 38 gṛhin (householder) 39 gehapati (householder) 40 grāmecara (householder) 41 jyeṣṭhāśrama (householder) 42 naṣṭāgni (householder) 43 nirviś (householder) 44 paktra (householder) 45 pavana (householder) 46 pūrvāgni (householder) 47 pratyaya (householder) 48 mahāśāla (householder) 49 vānaprastha (householder) 50 vārttāvṛtti (householder) 51 śālīna (householder) 52 śreṣṭhāśrama (householder) 53 ṣaṭkarman (householder) 54 sagṛhapatika (householder) 55 sugārhapatya (householder) 56 sugṛhapati (householder) 57 sudatta (householder) 58 snāta (householder) 59 snāna (householder) 60 agastyagṛhaspatika (householder) 61 āgārika (householder)

ā-plava--vratin [p= 144,3] [L=25140]
one whose duty is to perform the samāvartana ablution (on returning home after completing his studies) , an initiated householder L.
(H3) m.

ā-pluta [L=25150]
one who has bathed (himself) , bathed MBh. BhP.

MBh. Hariv. Ragh. &c

(used fig.) overrun


Hariv. MBh.
ā-pluta [L=25155]
(= ā-plava-vratin) , an initiated householder L.
ā-pluta [L=25156]
bathing MBh.
ā-pluta [L=25157]
jumping , springing towards MBh. Hariv.
(H2) mfn.
[L=25151]wetted , sprinkled , overflowed
[L=25153]afflicted , distressed (
[L=25154]one who has sprung or jumped near
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.

āvasathika [p= 155,1] [L=27035]
(ī)n. dwelling in a house

Pa1n2. 4-4 , 74
āvasathika [L=27037]
a householder (who keeps a domestic fire) T.
(H2) mf
[L=27036]household , domestic
(H2B) m.

ā-śrama [p= 158,2] [L=27617]
( √śram) , a hermitage , the abode of ascetics , the cell of a hermit or of retired saints or sages Mn. R. Das3. Ragh. Megh. &c

brahmacārin , " student of the veda " ; 2nd , gha-stha , " householder " ; 3rd , vānaprastha , " anchorite " ; and 4th , sanyāsin , " abandoner of all worldly concerns " , or sometimes bhiku , " religious beggar " ; in some places the law-givers mention only three such periods of religious life , the first being then omitted) Mn. R. Sus3r. Ragh. &c


ā-śrama [L=27622]
N. of a pupil of pthvī-dhara.
āśrama [p= 1320,2] [L=320570]
(H1) mn.
[L=27618]a stage in the life of a Brahman (of which there are four corresponding to four different periods or conditions , viz. 1st ,
[L=27619]a hut built on festal occasions
[L=27620]a college , school
[L=27621]a wood or thicket
(H1B) m.
(H2) (in

ā-havanīya [p= 162,3] [L=28344]
to be offered as an oblation
āhavanī́ya [L=28345]
(scil. agni) consecrated fire taken from the householder's perpetual fire and prepared for receiving oblations
āhavanī́ya [L=28346]
especially the eastern of the three fires burning at a sacrifice AV. S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. A1s3vS3r. ChUp. &c
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.

kuumbaka [p= 288,3] [L=51658]
a household , family Das3. Hit. &c

kuumbaka [L=51660]
N. of a grass (= bhū-tṛṇa) L.
(H2) n.
[L=51659]the duties and cares of a householder
(H2B) m.

kuumbin [L=51664]
a householder A1p. Mn. iii , 80 Ya1jn5. &c

(metaphorically) one who takes care of anything R. vi , 89 , 19

Pan5cat. Katha1s. S3a1ntis3.

kuumbin [L=51672]
(inau) the householder and his wife A1p.
(H2) m.
[L=51666]a member of a family , any one (also a servant) belonging to a family
[L=51667]a peasant
(H2B) m. pl.

kuumbinī [L=51668]
the wife of a householder , mother of a family MBh. Ragh. &c
kuumbinī [L=51669]
a female servant of a house Comm. on Ya1jn5.
kuumbinī [L=51670]
a large household g. khalā*di
kuumbinī [L=51671]
a small shrub used in med. (kīriī , a kind of moon-plant) L.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.

kuumbi-tva [L=51674]
the state of being a householder or a member of a family

(H3) n.
[L=51675]family connection or union , living as one family.

kusū́la--dhānyaka [p= 298,3] [L=53686]
a householder &c who has three years' grain in store Mn. iv , 7.
(H3) m.

keśi--ghapati [p= 310,3] [L=56062]
°śí.) m. " whose householder is keśin (dārbhya) " , belonging to keśin's family S3Br. xi , 8 , 4 , 1.
(H3) (

gārhakamedhika [p= 354,2] [L=64970]
(scil. dharmās) the duties of a householder (griha[ka]-medhin) , x , 59 , 43.
(H2) m. pl.

gārhapatá [L=64971]
(fr. ghá-pati g. aśvapaty-ādi) the position and dignity of a householder S3Br. v Ta1n2d2yaBr. x Ka1tyS3r. La1t2y. (cf. kuru-g°.)
(H2) n.

gā́rhapatya [L=64972]
with agnī , or m. ( Pa1n2. 4-4 , 90) the householder's fire (received from his father and transmitted to his descendants , one of the three sacred fires , being that from which sacrificial fires are lighted RTL. 364) AV. VS. S3Br. &c
gā́rhapatya [L=64973]
= -sthāna S3Br. vii , 1 , 2 , 12 Ka1tyS3r. xvii , 1 , 3
gā́rhapatya [L=64974]
N. of a class of manes MBh. ii , 462
gā́rhapatya [L=64975]
the government of a family , position of a householder , household RV. i , 15 , 12 ; vi , 15 , 19 ; x , 85 , 27 and 36.
(H2) mfn.
(H2) mn.
(H2B) m. pl.
(H2B) n.

gārhasthya [p= 354,3] [L=64980]
(sometimes wrongly spelt °stha) (fr. gha-stha) , fit for or incumbent on a householder MBh. ix , xiii
gārhasthya [L=64980.1]
the order or estate of a householder , of the father or mother of a family Gaut. iii , 36 MBh. i , iii R. ii , &c
gārhasthya [L=64980.2]
household , domestic affairs MBh. xiv , 162 BhP. iii ; ix , 6 , 47.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.

g [p= 361,3] [L=66500]
an assistant , servant RV. x , 119 , 13

m. sg. and pl. , in later language m. pl. and n. sg.) a house , habitation , home RV. (mn-máya g° , " house of earth " , grave , vii , 89 , 1) AV. (adharā́d g° , " the lower world " , ii , 14 , 3) &c

ifc. f(ā). R. i , 5 , 9 ; f(ī). Pan5cat. i , 17 , 5)

with names of gods " a temple " (cf. caṇḍikā- , devatā-) , of plants " a bower "
g [L=66504]
a house as containing several rooms RV. AV. &c
g [L=66505]
the inhabitants of a house , family S3Br. i BhP. iii , 2 , 7 Katha1s. xx , 21
g [L=66506]
a wife Pa1n2. 3-1 , 144 Ka1s3.
g [L=66507]
a householder BhP. xi , 8 , 9
g [L=66508]
a wife Pan5cat. iii , 7 , 13
g [L=66509]
a sign of the zodiac VarBr2S. vci , civ
g [L=66510]
an astrological mansion VarBr2. i , iv f.
g [L=66511]
N. of the 4th astrological mansion , i , 16
g [L=66512]
a square (in chess or in any similar game) Ka1d. i , 48 Pa1n2. 5-2 , 9 , Kaiy.
g [L=66513]
a name , appellation L. (cf. anti- , bhumi- , śayyā- , su) (cf. Zd. geredha ; Got. gards ; Lat. hortus.)
gha [p= 1326,2] [L=330510]
(H2) m.
(H2B) m. pl.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2) (also) domestic or family life,

ghá--pati [p= 362,1] [L=66576]
(°há-) ( Pa1n2. 6-2 , 18) the master of a house , householder RV. vi , 53 , 2 AV. S3Br. iv , viii Kaus3. &c

of agni RV. VS. AV. S3Br. i , v MBh. iii , 14211 ; xii , 8883 (gen. pl. °tinām metrically for °tīnām)

graha-p° (q.v.)

esp. one who has the precedence at a grand sacrifice (sattrá) AitBr. v , viii S3Br. viii , xi f. Ta1n2d2yaBr. &c

Das3. viii , 207 Mr2icch. ii , 14÷15 , 8 Sch.


(H3) m.
[L=66576.3]a householder of peculiar merit (giving alms and performing all the prescribed ceremonies) ,
[L=66576.4]the head or judge of a village
[L=66576.5]a Brahman of the 2nd order who after having finished his studies marries

ghá--patnī [L=66578]
°há-) f. the mistress of a house , a householder's wife RV. x , 85 , 26 AV. Kaus3. 23 f.
(H3) (

ghá--medhá [p= 362,2] [L=66613]
a domestic sacrifice MaitrS. i , 10 , 15 S3Br. x Pa1n2. 4-2 , 32
ghá--medhá [L=66614]
one who performs the domestic sacrifices or is the object of them (as the maruts) RV. vii , 59 , 10 MaitrS. i , 10 , 1 and 15 S3a1n3khS3r. iii
ghá--medhá [L=66615]
connected with domestic rites or a householder's duties BhP. ii f.
ghá--medhá [L=66616]
a householder's duties A1p.
ghá--medhá [L=66617]
N. of particular winds causing rain TA1r. i , 9 , 5 RV. ii , 12 , 12 Sa1y.
(H3) m.
(H3B) mfn.
(H3B) mfn.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m. pl.

ghá--° medhín [L=66618]
one who performs the domestic sacrifices , religious man AV. TS. iii S3Br. xiii &c

maruts) VS. xvii , xxiv TS. i TBr. i S3Br. ii Ka1tyS3r.
ghá--° medhín [L=66620]
the householder who performs the domestic rites , a married Brahman who has a household , a Brahman in the 2nd period of his life Mn. iii f. , vi MBh. &c
(H3) mfn.
[L=66619]being the object of domestic rites (as the
(H3B) m.

ghá--° medhinī [L=66621]
the wife of a householder BhP. iv , 26 , 13 (" natural intelligence " Sch.)
(H3B) f.

ghá--° me° dhi-tā [L=66622]
the state of a householder Ba1lar. vi , 30
(H4) f.

ghá--° me° dhivrata [L=66623]
a rite observed by a householder along with his wife Gobh. i , 4 , 18.
(H4) n.

ghá--vat [L=66632]
the possessor of a house , householder Pan5cat. ii BhP. x , 60 , 59.
(H3) m.

ghá--vāsa [L=66636]
living in one's own house , office of a householder MBh. xiii.
(H3) m.

ghá--stha [L=66653]
ifc. living or staying in any one's house MBh.
ghá--stha [L=66654]
a householder , Brahman in the 2nd period of his religious life (performing the duties of the master of a house and father of a family after having finished his studies and after investiture with the sacred thread ; cf. RTL. pp. 138 ; 150 ; 362 & 386) Gaut. A1p. Mn. BhP. vii , &c
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.

ghá--stha---tā [L=66656]
the office of a householder Mcar. iv , 33
(H4) f.

ghá--stha---dharma [L=66657]
a householder's duty Hit.
(H4) m.

ghá--sthā* śrama [L=66658]
the order of a householder Mn. iii , 2
(H4) m.

ghá--stho* paniad [L=66659]
religious knowledge of a householder MBh. i , 3629.
(H4) f.

ghá--sthiti [L=66661]
the state of a householder Katha1s. lxxiii.
(H3) f.

g* cāra [L=66668]
" house-custom " , the duties of a householder or housewife towards a guest Katha1s. lvii.
(H3) m.

g* dhipa [L=66670]
" house-lord " , a householder L.
(H3) m.

g* yaika [L=66677]
a householder W.
(H3) m.

g* śrama [p= 362,3] [L=66692]
the order of a householder or gha-stha (q.v.) Mn. vi , 1 MBh. i , xii BhP. v
(H3) m.

g* śrama---vat [L=66693]
the Brahman as a householder.
(H4) m.

ghayāyya [L=66707]
a householder Un2. iii , 96.
(H2) m.

ghín [L=66713]
possessing a house TS. v , 5 , 2 , 2
ghín [L=66714]
the master of a house , householder , gha-stha Mn. Ya1jn5. VarBr2S. BhP. (gen. pl. °ām for °hiām , x , 8 , 4) &c
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.

gehá--pati [p= 363,2] [L=66829]
the master of a house , householder , husband BhP. vii , 9 , 40.
(H3) m.

grāme--cara [p= 373,3] [L=69006]
a villager , householder BhP. xi , 12 , 23.
(H3) m.

jyeṣṭ* śrama [p= 427,1] [L=80621]
being in the most excellent order of life (viz. in that of a householder) Mn. iii , 78.
(H3) mfn.

naṣṭā* gni [p= 532,1] [L=104809]
(a householder) whose fire has been extinguished L.
(H3) m.

nir- √ viś [p= 558,1] [L=110035]
-viśati (inf. -veṣṭum) , to enter into (acc. or loc.)  ; 
esp.) to settle in a home , become a householder (also with gheu)  ; 
to marry
Ka1v. Pur.  ; 
to pay , render , offer (
bhartpiṇḍam) MBh.  ; 
to enjoy , delight in (
acc.) Hariv. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to go out or forth
W.  ; 
to embellish
MW.  ; 
to reward
(H1) P.

pak° tra [p= 575,1] [L=113425]
the state of a householder who possesses a sacred fire or that fire perpetually maintained by him Un2. iv , 166.
(H3) n.

pávana [p= 610,3] [L=120356]
" purifier " , wind or the god of wind , breeze , air (ifc. f(ā).) MBh. Ka1v. &c

Sus3r. Sarvad.

nakatra svāti and the north-west region Var.

of the number 5 (from the 5 vital airs) ib.



of a son of manu uttama BhP.


bharata-ketra W.
pávana [L=120368]
or m. purification , winnowing of corn L.
pávana [L=120369]
a potter's kiln , S3r2in3ga1r.
pávana [L=120370]
an instrument for purifying grain &c , sieve , strainer AV. A1s3vGr2.
pávana [L=120371]
blowing Kan2.
pávana [L=120372]
water L.
pávana [L=120373]
clean , pure L.
(H2) m.
[L=120357]vital air , breath
[L=120358]the regent of the
[L=120360]a householder's sacred fire
[L=120361]a species of grass
[L=120363]of a mountain
[L=120364]of a country in
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) mfn.

pūrvā* gni [p= 644,2] [L=128149]
" original or primaeval fire " , the householder's sacred formerly (= āvasa-thya) AV. S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.
(H3) m.

pratyaya [p= 673,3] [L=133619]
belief firm conviction , trust , faith , assurance or certainty of (gen. loc. or comp.)

Mn. MBh. &c (pratyaya-gam , to acquire confidence , repose confidence in MBh. ; asty atra pratyayo mama , that is my conviction Katha1s. ; kah pratyayo 'tra , what assurance is there of that? ib.)

Ka1tyS3r. Nir. S3am2k. &c

jainas) fundamental notion or idea (-tva n.) Sarvad.

khya = buddhi)


MBh. Ka1v. &c (in med.) = nimitta , hetu &c Cat.



Pa1n2. 8-2 , 58


Pra1t. Pa1n2.





pratyaya [p= 675,3] [L=134051]
» [p= 673,3].
(H2) m.
[L=133620]proof , ascertainment
[L=133621]conception , assumption , notion , idea
[L=133622](with Buddhists and
[L=133623]consciousness , understanding , intelligence , intellect (in
[L=133624]analysis , solution , explanation , definition
[L=133625]ground , basis , motive or cause of anything
[L=133626](with Buddhists) a co-operating cause
[L=133627]the concurrent occasion of an event as distinguished from its approximate cause
[L=133628]an ordeal
[L=133629]want , need
[L=133630]fame , notoriety
[L=133631]a subsequent sound or letter
[L=133632]an affix or suffix to roots (forming verbs , substantives , adjectives and all derivatives)
[L=133633]an oath
[L=133634]usage , custom
[L=133635]religious meditation
[L=133636]a dependant or subject
[L=133637]a householder who keeps a sacred fire
(H1) &c

mahā́--śāla [p= 801,1] [L=160933]
a great Vatica Robusta R. (su-m°)

mahā́-) , the possessor of a large house , a great householder S3Br. Up. &c

of a son of janam-ejaya Hariv. (cf. -śīla).
(H3) m.

vānaprastha [p= 940,3] [L=190836]
(fr. vana-prastha) a Brahman in the third stage of life (who has passed through the stages of student and householder and has abandoned his house and family for an ascetic life in the woods ; » āśrama) , hermit , anchorite (mentioned by Megasthenes under the name λόβιοι) A1past. Mn. MBh. &c RTL. 362


or Butea Frondosa L.
vānaprastha [L=190839]
relating to a vānaprastha
vānaprastha [L=190840]
(scil. āśrama) the third stage of a Brahman's life , forest-life MBh. R. Hariv.
(H2) m.
[L=190837]a class of supernatural beings
[L=190838]Bassia Latifolia
(H2B) mfn.
(H2B) m.

vārttā--vtti [p= 945,2] [L=191909]
" living by any business or profession " , a householder , (esp.) a vaiśya (cf. -karman) BhP.
(H3) m.

śālīna [p= 1067,3] [L=216045]
(ā)n. having a fixed house or abode , settled , established , domestic A1past. Baudh.

partic. manner) Na1r.

Ka1v. Pur. (am ind. Naish. )

śālīna [L=216049]
an opulent householder , one who devotes himself to household or worldly affairs ib.
śālīna [L=216051]
bashfulness , modesty , humility , (esp.) taking alms without begging BhP.
śālīna [p= 1068,1] [L=216173]
» [p= 1067,3].
(H2) mf
[L=216046]impotent (in a
[L=216047]shy , bashful , modest
[L=216048]like , resembling
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H1) &c

śreṣṭ* śrama [p= 1102,3] [L=223790]
the best period or stage of a Brahman's life , one who is in the best period , a householder L.
(H3) m.

a--karman [p= 1108,1] [L=224949]
the six duties of Brahmans (viz. adhyayana , " studying or repeating the veda " , adhyāpana , " teaching the veda " , yajana " offering sacrifices " , yājana , " conducting them for others " , dāna , " giving " , and pratigraha , " accepting gifts ") , S3a1n3khGr2. Mn. &c (the six daily duties accord. to the later law-books , are , snāna , " religious bathing " , sadhyājapa , " repetition of prayers at the three sadhyās " , brahma-yajña , " worship of the Supreme Being by repeating the first words of sacred books " , tarpaa , " daily oblations of water to the gods , sages , and pits " , homa , " oblations of fuel , rice &c to fire " , deva-pūjā , " worship of the secondary gods either in the domestic sanctuary or in temples ") Para1s3. RTL. 394

ta , " gleaning " , amta , " unsolicited alms " , mta , " solicited alms " , karaa , " agriculture " , satyā*nta , " commerce or trade " , śva-vtti , " servitude " , the last being condemned) Mn. iv , 4 , 5 , 6 , 9
1108,2] [L=224951]
yoga (viz. dhautī , vastī , netī , trāaka , naulika , kapāla-bhātī , these consist of suppressions of the breath and self-mortifications of various kinds) Cat.

śānti , vaśya , stambhana , vidvea , uccāana , māraa , qq. vv. ; these acts consist in repeating certain magical spells and texts taught in the tantras) ib.
a--karman [L=224953]
a performer of the above six acts , a Brahman who is an adept in the tantra magical formularies Mn. MBh.
(H3) n.
[L=224950]six acts any one of which is allowable to a Brahman householder as a means of subsistence (viz.
[p= six acts belonging to the practice of
[L=224952]six acts for inflicting various kinds of injury on enemies (viz.
(H3B) m.

sa--gha-patika [p= 1125,1] [L=227891]
with the householder S3a1n3khS3r.
(H3) mfn.

su--gārhapatyá [p= 1222,3] [L=246093]
a good householder AV. TBr.
(H3) m.

su--ghapatí [L=246112]
a good householder (said of agni) VS.
(H3) m.

su--datta [p= 1224,2] [L=246502]
well or properly given (cf. sūtta) , Ka1r. on Pa1n2. 7-4 , 47
su--datta [L=246503]
N. of a son of śata-dhanvan (v.l. su-dānta) Hariv.
su--datta [L=246504]
of the rich householder anātha-piṇḍa-da Lalit. MWB. 407
su--datta [L=246505]
of a village (also -grāma) Uttamac.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.

snātá [p= 1266,3] [L=256208]
bathed , washed , cleansed or purified from (abl. or comp.) AV. &c &c (n. also impers.)

loc. or comp.) Gaut. R. BhP.
snātá [L=256210]
one who has finished his religion , an initiated householder Gr2S3rS.
(H2) mfn.
[L=256209]immersed or versed in (
(H2B) m.

snāna [L=256225]
(ifc. f(ā).) bathing , washing , ablution , religious or ceremonial lustration (as of an idol &c ) , bathing in sacred waters (considered as one of the six daily duties [cf. a-karman] or as an essential part of some ceremonial , esp. the ablutions performed by a brahma-cārin on becoming a householder cf. snātaka) Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c ( IW. 242 RTL. 394 n. 1 &c )


e.g. water , perfumed powder &c ) Ka1v. VarBr2S. Vet. BhP.
(H2) n.
[L=256226]washing off , removal by washing , cleansing
[L=256227]anything used in ablution (

agastya--ghaspatika [p= 1308,3] [L=300860.1]
having agastya for a householder, A1pS3r.
(H3) mfn.

āgā--° rika [p= 1319,1] [L=317970.1]
a householder, layman, Buddh.
(H3) m.