
tanūdeśe śūnyataiva kṣaṇamātraṃ vibhāvayet |
nirvikalpaṃ nirvikalpo nirvikalpasvarūpabhāk || 46 ||


kaa 1 [p= 324,3] [L=58739]
any instantaneous point of time , instant , twinkling of an eye , moment Nal. S3ak. Ragh. &c

kalās or four minutes L. ; or (in astron.) to 48 minutes VarBr2S. &c ; or 4÷5 or 24÷35 seconds BhP. iii , 11 , 7 and 8)

e.g. kaa-k , to have leisure for , wait patiently for MBh. ; cf. kta-kaa)

kaa-k , to give an opportunity. MBh. iv , 666 ; cf. datta-kaa and labdha-k°)

Megh. Das3. BhP. iii , 3 , 21

&c ) Sarvad.


kaa 1 [L=58747]
an instant , moment Bhartr2. (= Subh. )
kaa 1 [p= 325,1] [L=58749]
in a moment Ragh. xii , 36 S3a1ntis3. (cf. tat-kaam)
kaa 1 [L=58752]
tata kaāt (= tat-kaāt q.v.) , immediately upon that Katha1s.
kaa 1 [L=58753]
kaāt-kaāt , in this moment - in that moment Ra1jat. viii , 898
kaa 1 [L=58755]
kae kae , every instant , every moment Ra1jat. v , 165 and 337.
(H1) m.
[L=58740]a moment regarded as a measure of time (equal to thirty
[L=58741]a leisure moment , vacant time , leisure (
[L=58742]a fit or suitable moment , opportunity (
[L=58743]a festival
[L=58744]a certain day of the fortnight (as the full moon , change of the moon ,
[L=58746]the centre , middle
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1) kṣaṇa 2 [L=58810]
°ṇatu,°ṇana , &c » √kṣan.
(H2) kṣaṇa 2 [p= 325,3] [L=58917 m. killing (= māraṇa) Gal.

Kshanamatram Usage

Gaṇeśapurāṇa: Krīḍākhaṇḍa - Page 424
2008 - 693 pages - Preview
whose behaviour is much more auspicious? 36: >He must not be left even for a moment.< ksanamatram na hatavyo: I take this as also having a devotional sense, stressing that the devotee should ...

Madhyānta-vibhaṅga; discourse on discrimination between middle and ...
Maitreyanātha, Vasubandhu, Sthiramati - 1971 - 223 pages - Snippet view
Thus the point-instant (ksana) is the "dependent". 15. Lit. 27.11. "The process of the consecution of moments is that owing to which there is the ... adhipatyena points to adhipati-pra- tyaya-matram (28.21), general condition. Lit . ...

Drama in Sanskrit literature
Śrīraṅga - 1967 - 229 pages - Snippet view
... ctena apatyasamsmaranena uschvasitapra- snutastam idaium vatsayoh pituh sannidhanena ksana- matram samsarini ... milk oozing and with my husband and children near about, even for a moment, I feel like a samsarini ie a house-wife. ...
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ka° am 1 [p= 325,1] [L=58748]
acc. for an instant R. vi , 92 , 35 BrahmaP. Vet. &c
(H1C) ind.

kaāt 1 [L=58751]
abl. after an instant , immediately , at once Mn. R. S3ak. &c
(H1C) ind.

kaa--dṛṣṭa [L=58770]
seen for an instant , momentarily visible
(H3) mfn.

kaa--dṛṣṭa---naṣṭa [L=58771]
seen for an instant and immediately lost out of sight Pan5cat. Mcar. v , 1 Hcar.
(H4) mfn.

kaa--prabha [L=58777]
gleaming or flashing for an instant W.
(H3) mfn.

kaa--bhaga [L=58779]
(with Buddh. ) continual , decay of things (denial of the continued identity of any part of nature , maintainment that the universe perishes and undergoes a new creation every instant) Sarvad.
(H3) m.

kaa--bhagin [L=58782]
perishing in an instant , transient , perishable Katha1s. xxv , 163 Ra1jat. iv , 388.
(H3) mfn.