Notice-Pravilok, Anupad

Monier-Williams reverse search for “notice” - related words

ati-vi- √ lagh [p= 15,2] [L=3190]
-laghayati , to pass by without taking notice of BhP.
(H1) Caus.
adhi- √ gā 1 [p= 21,1] [L=4238]
to obtain  ; 
P. (aor. Subj. 2. pl. -gāta , or -gātana) to remember , notice RV. and AV.  ; 
P. or generally A1. (-jage , -agīṣṭa , -agīyata Pa1n2. ) to go over , learn , read , study  ; 
to attempt , resolve:
Caus. P. -gāpayati , to cause to go over or teach: Desid. Caus. -jigāpayiati , to be desirous of teaching Pa1n2. 2-4 , 51.
(H1) P.
anu- √ pad 1 [p= 34,2] [L=6604]
to enter
to enter upon
to notice , understand
to handle.
anu-pád 2 [L=6605]
coming to pass VS. xv , 8.
(H1) to follow , attend , be fond of
(H2) mfn.
anu- √ paś [p= 35,1] [L=6689]
-paśyati , °te , to look at , perceive , notice , discover RV. &c  ; 
to consider , reflect upon (
acc.) MBh. &c  ; 
to look upon as , take as
ib.  ; 
perf. A1. p. -paspaśāná) to show (as the path) RV. x , 14 , 1 AV. vi , 28 , 3 ; ( Nir. x , 20.)
(H1) P. A1.
anu- √ bhū [p= 36,3] [p= 36,2] [L=6915]
ChUp.  ; 
to be after , attain , equal
RV. &c  ; 
to be useful , to help
S3Br. S3a1n3khS3r.  ; 
to turn or incline to
RV. x , 147 , 1  ; 
to notice , perceive , understand
to experience , to attempt.
anu-bhū [L=6932]
perceiving , understanding (ifc.)
(H1) to enclose , embrace
(H2) mfn.
ápā* s 1 [p= 54,3] [L=10109]
as) , " to be absent from , not to participate in " » apa-pare*.
apā* s 2 [L=10110]
as) , to fling away , throw away or off , discard , to scare , drive away  ; 
to leave behind
to take no notice of , disregard.
(H1) ( √1.
(H1) ( √2.
abhi-ni- √ śam [p= 64,2] [L=11668]
ind.p. -śāmya) to perceive , notice Das3.
(H1) (
abhi- √ paś [p= 65,1] [L=11771]
, to look upon or at , view RV. &c  ; 
to perceive , notice
MBh. i , 5002 , &c  ; 
gen.) BhP.  ; 
to know
(H1) -paśyati
abhi-vi- √ budh [p= 69,3] [L=12365]
, to notice , learn from.
(H1) -budhyate
abhy-upa- √ lak [p= 79,1] [L=13619]
perf. Pass. p. -lakita) to perceive , notice R. v , 28 , 11.
(H1) (
ava-mānita [p= 102,1] [L=17784]
disrespected , despised MBh. &c

(H2) mfn.
[L=17785]neglected , not taken notice of.
ava- √ lok [p= 103,3] [L=18082]
-lokate , to look Sa1h. Hit. : cl.10 P. -lokayati (p. -lokayat ; ind.p. -lokya) to look upon or at , view , behold , see , notice , observe MBh. &c
(H1) cl.1 A1.
á-sat--ktya [p= 118,2] [L=20545]
not taking notice of (acc.) MBh. xiii , 2766. - 2.
á-sat--ktya [L=20546]
one who does evil actions L.
(H3) ind.p.
(H3) mfn.
ā- √ kal [p= 126,3] [p= 126,2] [L=22053]
impf. ā*kalayat) to tie , fasten S3is3. ix , 45  ; 
ind.p. -kalayya) to surrender , transfer BhP.  ; 
to observe , notice , examine , take into consideration , reckon , consider , suppose , take for
BhP. S3is3. iii , 73 Katha1s. &c
(H1) (
ā- √ jñā 1 [p= 133,2] [L=23154]
(Impv. 2. pl. -jānīta ; perf. -jajñau ; p. jānát) to mind , perceive , notice , understand RV. i , 94 , 8 ; 156 , 3 S3Br. Ta1n2d2yaBr.  ; 
cf. án-ājānat): Caus. -jñāpayati , °te (Inf. -jñaptum R. iv , 40 , 8) to order , command , direct MBh. &c  ; 
to assure
R. vi , 103 , 10.
ā-jñā 2 [L=23158]
order , command Mn. x , 56 MBh. &c


of the tenth lunar mansion VarBr2.

neg. anājñayā instr. ind. without permission of (gen.) Mn. ix , 199)
(H1) -jānāti
(H2) f.
[L=23159]authority , unlimited power
[L=23161]permission (
ā- √ dā 1 [p= 136,3] [p= 136,2] [L=23763]
-datte , ( Pa1n2. 1-3 , 20) , ep. also rarely P. (e.g. 1. sg. -dadmi , or -dadāmi) , Ved. generally A1. ([Pot. 1. pl. -dadīmahi ; impf. 3. sg. ā*datta ; perf. 1. and 3. sg. -dade ; perf. p. -dadāná RV. iv , 19 , 9 , or -dádāna RV. x , 18 , 9 AV. ]) , but also P. (impf. sg. ā*dam , ā*das , ā*dat , and 1. pl. ā*dāma aor. 3. du. ā*ttām VS. xxi , 43) " to give to one's self " , take , accept , receive from (loc. instr. or abl.) RV. &c  ; 
to seize , take away , carry off , rob
ib.  ; 
to take back , reclaim
Mn. viii , 222 seq.  ; 
to take off or out from (
abl.) , separate from (abl.) RV. i , 139 , 2 , &c  ; 
to take or carry away with one's self ,
KenaUp. (Pot. P. 1. sg. -dadīyam !) Mn. ix , 92 MBh.  ; 
to seize , grasp , take or catch hold of
RV. &c  ; 
to put on (clothes)
RV. ix , 96 , 1 S3vetUp.  ; 
to take as food or drink (with
gen.) RV. viii , 72 , 17 and (perf. Pass. 3. sg. -dade) 19 , 31  ; 
acc.) Ragh. ii , 6  ; 
to undertake , begin
BhP. &c  ; 
to choose (a path)
R. Ragh. iii , 46  ; 
vacanam &c ) to begin to speak MBh. &c  ; 
to begin to speak or to recite
Ta1n2d2yaBr. La1t2y. (cf. punar-ādāyam)  ; 
to offer (as oblations)
Mun2d2Up. (irreg. pr. p. -dadāyat)  ; 
to perceive , notice , feel
MBh. 4. Ra1jat.  ; 
to keep in mind
N.  ; 
to accept , approve of
MBh. v , 7324 R. Ma1lav. : Caus. (ind.p. -dāpya) to cause one to take S3a1n3khS3r. : Desid. A1. (impf. 3. pl. ā́*ditsanta) to be on the point of taking or carrying away from (gen.) TS. i  ; 
to be on the point of taking (the hand of)
Das3.  ; 
to be about to take to one's self
ā- √ dā 4 [L=23805]
ā́-dyati , to bind on , fasten to AV.
(H1) A1.
(H1) P.
ā-dara [p= 136,2] [L=23757]
raa , &c » ā-d.
ā-dara [p= 138,1] [L=24022]
respect , regard , notice

Pan5cat. Hit. Ragh. Kir. &c

- √1. k , to exert or interest one's self for

a and ādarāt adv. respectfully

(H1) °
(H2) m.
[L=24023]care , trouble
[L=24026]carefully , zealously.
ut- √ kram [p= 176,3] [L=30917]
ud-kram) P. (and rarely A1.) -krāmati , -kramati (Ved. impf. 3. pl. -akraman AV. iv , 3 , 1) , -te (pf. 3. pl. -cakramus S3Br. ) to step up , go up , ascend AV. VS. TS. S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. R. Katha1s. &c  ; 
to step out , go out or away
to pass away , die
S3Br. Mn. Nir. Ka1d. &c  ; 
to go over , pass over , omit
not to notice
to neglect , transgress
MBh. R. &c : Caus. P. -kramayati and -krāmayati , to cause to go up or ascend TS. S3Br. Kaus3. &c : Desid. -cikramiati , or -cikramiyati , to wish to go up or out S3Br. ChUp.
(H1) (
upe* k [p= 215,3] [L=36954]
upa-īk) A1. -īkate (rarely P.) to look at or on S3Br. MBh.  ; 
to perceive , notice
R.  ; 
to wait on patiently , expect
Sus3r.  ; 
to overlook , disregard , neglect , abandon
MBh. R. S3ak. Pan5cat. &c  ; 
to connive at , grant a respite to , allow
MBh. v  ; 
to regard
(H1) (
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 14.26
Whitney Roots links: kal
kal [p= 248,1] [L=42861]
comp. for 2. kad).
kal 1 [p= 260,1] [L=45579]
kalate , to sound Dha1tup. xiv , 26  ; 
to count
ib.; ([cf. Lat. calculo.])
kal 2 [L=45580]
(rarely A1.) kālayati (°te) , to push on , drive forward , drive before one's self or away , carry off MBh. BhP.  ; 
to go after (with hostile intention) , persecute
R. iii , 41 , 26  ; 
to count , tell over
MBh. iii , 14853  ; 
to throw
L.  ; 
to announce the time (?).
kal 3 [L=45581]
(rarely A1.) kalayati (°te) , to impel , incite , urge on MBh. BhP. &c  ; 
to bear , carry
Gi1t. S3a1ntis3. &c  ; 
to betake one's self to
Naish. ii , 104  ; 
to do , make , accomplish
Bhartr2. iii , 20 Sa1h.  ; 
to utter a sound , murmur
Naish. S3is3. &c  ; 
(sometimes in connection with nouns merely expressing the verbal conception
e.g. mūrchākal , to swoon Ba1lar. ; culuka jalasyakal , to take a draught of water ib.)  ; 
to tie on , attach , affix
Gi1t.  ; 
to furnish with
to observe , perceive , take notice of
to consider , count , take for
Gi1t. Ba1lar. Ratna1v.  ; 
» 1. kalaya , col.3.)
(H2) (in
(H1) cl.1 A1.
(H1) cl.10 P.
(H1) P.
ga [p= 343,1] [p= 342,3] [L=62523]
gaayati (ep. also A1. °te: aor. ajīgaat [ Katha1s. lxxviii] or ajag° Pa1n2. 7-4 , 97 ; ind.p. gaayya BhP. [with a- neg. , iv , 7 , 15]) , to count , number , enumerate , sum up , add up , reckon , take into account MBh. R. &c  ; 
to think worth , value (with
instr. e.g. na gaayāmi ta tṛṇena , " I do not value him at a straw " MBh. ii , 1552)  ; 
to consider , regard as (with double
acc.) Ragh. viii ; xi Das3. Pan5cat. Gi1t. Katha1s.  ; 
to enumerate among (
loc.) MBh. i , 2603 Das3.  ; 
to ascribe , attribute to (
loc.) Bhartr2. ii , 44  ; 
to attend to , take notice of (
acc. ; often with na , not to care about , leave unnoticed) MBh. &c  ; 
to imagine , excogitate
Megh. 107  ; 
to count one's number (said of a flock or troop)
Pa1n2. 1-3 , 67 Ka1s3.
(H1) cl.10 P.
gaanā [p= 343,3] [L=62679]
id. MBh. iii Megh. Ragh. &c
gaanā [L=62680]
the being enumerated among (in comp.) Ragh. viii , 94
gaanā [L=62681]
considering , supposing Das3. vii , 185 Hit.
gaanā [L=62682]
regarding , taking notice of (gen.) , consideration Prab. i , 20÷21 Ra1jat. v , 308.
gaanā [L=62683]
of °na q.v.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2) f.
ya [p= 344,1] [L=62744]
( Pa1n2. 4-4 , 84) " consisting of series (of words or feet) " i.e. consisting of metrical lines (as a hymn) RV. iii , 7 , 5 ([" to he worshipped " Sa1y. ])

g. dig-ādi and vargyā*di (ifc.)


» agra-g°

Naish. xi , 20 (a- neg.)
ya [p= 344,2] [L=62866]
ga , last col.
(H2) mfn.
[L=62745]belonging to a multitude or class or troop
[L=62746]to be counted or calculated
[L=62747]" to be considered or regarded "
[L=62748]to be taken notice of
(H1) »
Whitney Roots links: cakz
cak [p= 382,1] [p= 381,3] [L=70640]
kāś = kśā ; in the non-conjugational tenses √ khyā is substituted Pa1n2. 2-4 , 54 f. ; some pf. forms , however , are found) cl.2 A1. ṣṭe (2. du. cakathe RV. ; pf. p. cákāa RV. BhP. i , 18 , 25 [a- neg.] ; rarely P. impf. 2. sg. acakas MBh. viii , 3384 , 1. pl. acakma Naigh. iii , 11 ; Ved. inf. cákase RV. AV. vi , 68 , 2) , to appear , become visible RV. viii , 19 , 16 ; x , 74 , 2 and 92 , 6  ; 
to see , look at , observe , notice
RV. BhP.  ; 
to tell , inform
MBh. viii , 3384  ; 
to take any one (
acc.) for (acc.) BhP. x , 73 , 11.
(H1) (a reduplicated form of √
Whitney Roots links: cAy
cāy [p= 393,2] [L=73035]
cf. √2. and √3. ci) cl.1. cā́yati (impf. acāyat TS. &c ; aor. acāyīt , or acāsīt Vop. viii , 128 ; 1. sg. acāyiam AV. vii , 89 , 1 ; ind.p. cāyitvā́) , to observe , perceive , notice (cf. Nir. xi , 5) MaitrS. i , 9 , 3 f. Ka1t2h. Ta1n2d2yaBr. v , xv  ; 
to fear , be afraid of (
acc.) AV. vii ; ix , 1 , 1 TS. ii , vi : A1. (pr. p. 1. cā́yamāna) to behave respectfully RV. vii , 18 , 8 ; x , 94 , 14 : Intens. cekīyate Pa1n2. 6-1 , 21  ; 
cf. céru , τίω , .])
(H1) (
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 23.24
Whitney Roots links: cit
cít 1 [p= 394,2] [L=73309]
ifc. " piling up " » agni- , ūrdhva- , and pūrva-cít

Pa1n2. 3-2 , 92) forming a layer or stratum , piled up VS. i , xii TS. i (cf. kaka- , karma- , cakuś- , droa- , prā*a- , manaś- , rathacakra- , vāk- , śyena- , and śrotra-cít.)
cit 2 [p= 394,3] [L=73363]
ifc. " knowing " » ta-cít

ṛṇa-] " » ṛṇa-.
cit 3 [L=73368]
ifc. " id. " » 2. cit.
cit [p= 395,2] [L=73473]
cit. » √1. 2. 3. ci.
cit 4 [L=73474]
cétati (impf. acetat RV. vii , 95 , 2 ; p. cétat RV. ) cl.2. (A1. Pass. 3. sg. cité , x , 143 , 4 ; p. f. instr. citantyā , i , 129 , 7 ; A1. citāna , ix , 101 , 11 VS. x , 1) cl.3. irreg. cīhetati ( RV. ; Subj. ciketat RV. ; Impv. 2. sg. cikiddhi RV. ; p. cikitāná RV. ; perf. cikéta RV. &c ; ciceta Vop. viii , 37 ; 3. du. cetatur AV. iii , 22 , 2 ; A1. and Pass. cikité RV. &c ; 3. pl. °tre RV. ; for p. cikitvás » s.v. ; A1. Pass. cicite Bhat2t2. ii , 29 ; aor. acetīt Vop. viii , 35 ; A1. Pass. áceti and céti RV. ; for acait » √2. ci ; fut. 1st céttā , i , 22 , 5) to perceive , fix the mind upon , attend to , be attentive , observe , take notice of (acc. or gen.) RV. SV. AV. Bhat2t2.  ; 
to aim at , intend , design (with
dat.) RV. i , 131 , 6 ; x , 38 , 3  ; 
to be anxious about , care for (
acc. or gen.) , i , ix f.  ; 
to resolve ,
iii , 53 , 24 ; x , 55 , 6  ; 
to understand , comprehend , know (
perf. often in the sense of pr.) RV. AV. vii , 2 , 1 and 5 , 5  ; 
P. A1. to become perceptible , appear , be regarded as , be known RV. VS. x , xv : Caus. cetáyati , °te (2. pl. cetáyadhvam Subj. cetayat Impv. 2. du. cetayethām impf. ácetayat RV. ; 3. pl. citáyante RV. ; p. citáyat RV. (eleven times) ; cetáyat , x , 110 , 8 , &c ; A1. cetayāna » s.v.) to cause to attend , make attentive , remind of. i , 131 , 2 and iv , 51 , 3  ; 
to cause to comprehend , instruct , teach
RV.  ; 
to observe , perceive , be intent upon
RV. MBh. xii , 9890 Katha1s. xiii , 10  ; 
A1. (once P. MBh. xviii , 74) to form an idea in the mind , be conscious of , understand , comprehend , think , reflect upon TS. vi S3Br. ChUp. vii , 5 , 1 MBh. BhP. viii , 1 , 9 Prab.  ; 
P. to have a right notion of. know MBh. iii , 14877  ; 
P. " to recover consciousness " , awake Bhat2t2. viii , 123  ; 
A1. to remember , have consciousness of (acc.) Pa1n2. 3-2 , 112 Ka1s3. Ba1dar. ii , 3 , 18 Sch.  ; 
to appear , be conspicuous , shine
RV. TS. iii : Desid. cíkitsati (fr. √kit Pa1n2. 3-1 , 5 Dha1tup. xxiii , 24 ; exceptionally A1. MBh. xii , 12544 ; Impv. °tsatu Subj. °tsāt aor. 2. sg. ácikitsīs AV. ; Pass. p. cikitsyamāna Sus3r. Pan5cat. ) to have in view , aim at , be desirous AV. v , 11 , 1 ; ix , 2 , 3  ; 
to care for , be anxious about ,
vi , x  ; 
Pa1n2. 3-1 , 5 Siddh. ) to treat medically , cure Ka1tyS3r. xxv MBh. i , xii Sus3r. Pan5cat. Bhartr2.  ; 
to wish to appear
RV. i , 123 , 1: Caus. of Desid. (fut. cikitsayiyati) to cure Ma1lav. iv , 4÷5 , 6 f. : Intens. cekite (fr. √2. ci? , or for °tte RV. i , 53 , 3 and 119 , 3 ; ii , 34 , 10 ; p. cékitat , ix , 111 , 3 ; A1. cékitāna RV. eight times) to appear , be conspicuous , shine RV.
cít 5 [p= 395,3] [L=73517]
ifc. " thinking " » a- , duś- , manaś- , vipaś- , and huraś-cít

also apa-cit
cít 5 [L=73519]
thought , intellect , spirit , soul VS. iv , 19 KapS. Bhartr2. BhP.
cít 5 [L=73520]
cf. sa- and ā cít
cít 5 [L=73521]
pure Thought (brahma cf. RTL. p.34) Veda7ntas. Prab.
cit 6 [p= 398,1] [L=74089]
only in comp.
(H2) mfn.
(H2) mfn.
[L=73364]" giving heed to " or " revenging [guilt ,
(H2) mfn.
(H1) 1. 2. 3
(H1) cl.1.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H1) ind.
Whitney Roots links: dfS
dś 1 [p= 491,2] [p= 491,1] [L=95263]
paś q.v. ; pf. P. dadárśa RV. &c [2. sg. dadarśitha and dadraṣṭha Pa1n2. 7-2 , 65] ; A1. dadśé AV. [dádśe , 3 pl. °dśre RV. ; °śrire TBr. ] ; p. P. dadśvás RV. ; °sivas Up. ; darśivas q.v. ; A1. dádśāna RV. ; fut. P. -drakyáti Br. &c ; A1. °yate and fut. 2. draṣṭā MBh. ; aor. P. adarśam , °śas , °śat , 3 pl. °śur Br. ; 1 pl. adarśma TS. ; adśma JaimBr. ; Subj. darśam , °śat , °śathas RV. AV. ; A1. 3 pl. ádśran VS. AV. Br. ; °śram RV. ; p. dśāná or dṛ́śāna [cf. s.v.] RV. ; P. dśan , 3 pl. ádśan Br. ; Pot. dśéyam RV. ; °śema AV. ; P. adrākit and adrāk Br. ; A1. 3 pl. ádkata ; Subj. 2 sg. dṛ́kase RV. ; inf. dśé and driśáye RV. ; dráṣṭum AV. &c ; ind.p. dṛṣṭvā́ AV. &c [ MBh. also dśya] , °vāya RV. ; -dṛ́śya RV. ; -darśam Das3. ) to see , behold , look at , regard , consider RV. AV. S3Br. MBh. &c  ; 
to see
i.e. wait on , visit MBh. R.  ; 
to see with the mind , learn , understand
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to notice , care for , look into , try , examine
Ya1jn5. Pan5c.  ; 
to see by divine intuition , think or find out , compose , contrive (hymns , rites ,
&c ) Br. Nir. ii , 11 : Pass. dśyáte (ep. also °ti) aor. adárśi RV. &c to be seen , become visible , appear RV. AV. S3Br. MBh. &c  ; 
to be shown or manifested , appear as (
iva) , prove Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c : Caus. P. A1. darśayati , °te AV. &c  ; 
aor. adīdśat Br.  ; 
adadarśat Pa1n2. 7-4 , 7 , to cause to see or be seen , to show a thing (A1. esp. of something belonging to one's self) or person (P. and A1. with or scil. ātmānam , also one's self) , to (acc. AV. iv , 20 , 6 S3Br. &c ; gen. Mn. iv , 59 MBh. &c ; dat. R. ii , 31 , 33 Ragh. &c ; instr. after A1. refl. Pa1n2. 1-4 , 53 Ka1s3. )  ; 
to show = prove , demonstrate
Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to produce (money)
i.e. pay Mn. viii , 155  ; 
(a witness) ,
158 : Desid. A1. didkate (ep. also °ti) to wish to see , long for (acc.) RV. iii , 30 , 13 S3Br. MBh. &c : Desid. of Caus. didarśayiati , to wish to show S3am2k.  ; 
adidarśayiīt Nid. : Intens. darīdśyate , to be always visible Bhojapr.  ; 
darīdarṣṭi or dard° Pa1n2. 7-4 , 90 ; 91. [cf. Gk. δέρκομαι , δέδορκα , δρακον ; Goth. tarhjan.]
dṛ́ś 2 [L=95309]
(nom. k , Ved. Pa1n2. 7-1 , 83) seeing , viewing , looking at
491,3] [L=95310]
Ya1jn5. MBh. &c (ifc. cf. āyurveda-d° , diṣṭa-d° , pthag-d° , mántra-d° , sama-d° , sarva-d° , sūryad°)
dṛ́ś 2 [L=95311]
sight , view (dat. dśé as inf. cf. √1 dś)
dṛ́ś 2 [L=95312]
look , appearance (in ī-d° , kī-d° , tā-d°)
dṛ́ś 2 [L=95313]
the eye R. Var. &c (also n. BhP. iv , 4 , 24)
dṛ́ś 2 [L=95314]
theory , doctrine Vcar.
dṛ́ś 2 [L=95315]
(astrol.) the aspect of a planet or the observed spot. [cf. Gk. δρα for δρακ in πόδρα.]
(H1) (Pres. forms supplied by √
(H2) m.
[p= knowing , discerning
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
ni- √ ci 1 [p= 546,3] [L=108204]
cf. ni-kāya &c above ) .
ni- √ ci 2 [L=108219]
-ciketi , (pf. -cikāya , 3. pl. °kyur) , to perceive , notice , observe , recognise RV. AV. S3Br. : Desid. -cikīate , to observe , watch , guard RV. VS. 2.
(H1) to pile up , heap up , collect , only in deriv. (
(H1) P.
nimi 1 [p= 551,1] [L=108943]
N. of sev. kings of videha Mn. MBh. &c

dattatreya MBh.

ikvāku Pur. (having lost his body through the curse of vasiṣṭha he occupied the eyes of all living beings , hence the opening and shutting of men's eyelids ; cf. ni-mia and » VP. iv , 5)

jaina arhat of present ava-sarpiī (identified with the former nimi) L.

bhajamāna VP.

daṇḍa-pāi BhP.

dānava Hariv. (v.l. imbha)

BhP. ix , 24 , 64.
ni- √ mi 1 2 [L=108953]
-minoti (pf. -mimā́ya Pass. -mīyate) , to fix or dig in , erect , raise RV. AV. Br. &c  ; 
to perceive , notice , understand (?)
AV. iv , 16 , 5. 2.
nimi [p= 1329,3] [L=335000]
N. of a tathāgata, Sukh. i.
(H1) m.
[L=108944]of a son of
[L=108945]of a son of
[L=108946]of 21st
[L=108947]of a son of
[L=108948]of a son of
[L=108949]of a
[L=108950]the closing or winking of the eyes , twinkling
(H1) P.
(H2) m.
ni- √ rūp [p= 554,1] [L=109451]
-rūpayati , to perform , represent on the stage , act , gesticulate , indicate or exhibit by gestures (e.g. ratha-vegam , the swiftness of a carriage ; vka-secanam , the watering of a tree S3ak. )  ; 
to perceive , notice , find out , ascertain
Hariv. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to investigate , examine , search , try , consider , reflect upon
Ka1v. Sus3r. Sarvad. &c  ; 
to state , define
Pan5c. Pur. S3am2k.  ; 
to select , choose , appoint as (double
acc.) , appoint to (loc. , lat. or inf.) Ka1v. Pan5c. &c
(H1) P.
nir- √ bhal [p= 556,1] [L=109723]
pr. p. f. -bhālayantī in Prakrit Ma1lav. i , 3÷4 v.l. -dhyāyantī) , to see , perceive , notice = (and perhaps w.r. for) ni-bh°.
(H1) (only
nai--edhikī [p= 570,1] [L=112395]
the obtruding one's self upon a person's notice (to prevent his surprise) HParis3.
(H3) f.
pari- √ jñā [p= 594,2] [L=117496]
-jānāti , °nīte (inf. -jñātum ind.p. -jñāya) , to notice , observe , perceive , learn , understand , comprehend , ascertain , know or recognise as (2 acc.) RV. &c &c
pari-jñā [L=117498]
knowledge L.
(H1) P. A1.
(H3) f.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 33.45
Whitney Roots links: paS1, paS2
paś 1 [p= 611,2] [L=120516]
Pres. P. A1. páśyati , °te (cf.dś and Pa1n2. 7-3 , 78) , to see (with na " to be blind ") , behold , look at , observe , perceive , notice RV. &c  ; 
to be a spectator , look on (
esp. p. e.g. tasya paśyata , while he looks on , before his eyes Mn. ; paśyantī tiṣṭhati , she stands ind.p. looks on S3ak. )  ; 
to see a person (either " visit " or " receive as a visitor ")
MBh. R. &c  ; 
to live to see , experience , partake of. undergo , incur
Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to learn , find out
ib.  ; 
to regard or consider as , take for (
acc. with acc. or adv. in vat) ib.  ; 
to see with the spiritual eye , compose , invent (hymns , rites
&c ) RV. Br. S3a1n3khS3r.  ; 
(also with
sādhu) to have insight or discernment Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to consider , think over , examine
ib.  ; 
to foresee
ib.  ; 
paśyāmi , " I » or l am convinced " , and paśya , °śyata , " see , behold , look here! " often employed parenthetically or interjectionally MBh. Ka1v. &c ) [Orig. identical with √ spaś , q.v.]
páś 2 [L=120517]
(only instr. pl. pabhís) , sight or eye RV. iv , 2 , 12.
paś 3 [L=120526]
pāśayati , to fasten , bind Dha1tup. xxxiii , 45. [cf. pa and pas ; Zd. pas ; Lat. pac-iscor , pax ; Goth. fahan ; Angl.Sax. fA7n.]
(H1) only
(H2) f.
(H1) cl.10 P.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 22.27
Whitney Roots links: pA1, pA2, pA3
 3 [p= 573,2] [L=113045]
guarding , protecting L.
 5 [L=113050]
= pūta and pūritaka.
 1 [p= 612,3] [L=120795]
( Dha1tup. xxii , 27) píbati (Ved. and ep. also A1. °te ; rarely pipati , °te Ka1t2h. Br. ) cl.2. pāti , pāthás , pānti RV. AV. ; p. A1. papāná RV. , pípāna AV. (pf. P. papaú , 2. sg. papātha RV. ;papitha Pa1n2. 6-4 , 64 Sch. ;papīyāt RV. ; p. papivás AV. ; A1. pape , papire RV. ; p. papāná ib. ; aor. or impf. apāt RV. [cf. Pa1n2. 2-4 , 77] ; 3. pl. apu [?] RV. i , 164 , 7 ;-pāsta AV. xii , 3 , 43 ; Prec. 3. sg. peyās RV. ; fut. pāsyati , °te Br. &c ;pātā Gr. ; ind.p. pītvā́ RV. &c , °tvī RV. ;-pāya AV. &c ;-pīya MBh. ;pāyam Ka1vya7d. ; inf. píbadhyai RV. ;pātum MBh. &c ;pā́tave AV. Br. ;pā́tavaī́ RV. ) , to drink , quaff , suck , sip , swallow (with acc. , rarely gen.) RV. &c  ; 
(met.) to imbibe , draw in , appropriate , enjoy , feast upon (with the eyes , ears
&c ) Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to drink up , exhaust , absorb
BhP. Pan5c.  ; 
to drink intoxicating liquors
Buddh. : Pass. pīyáte AV. &c &c : Caus. pāyayati , °te (pf. pāyayām āsā MBh. ; aor. apīpyat Pa1n2. 7-4 , 4 ; ind.p. pāyayitvā MBh. ; inf. pā́yayitavaí S3Br. ) , to cause to drink , give to drink , water (horses or cattle) RV. &c &c : Desid. pipāsati ( RV. also pipīati) , to wish to drink , thirst ib. : Desid. of Caus. pipāyayiati , to wish or intend to give to drink Ka1t2h. : Intens. pepīyate (p. °yamāna also with pass meaning) , to drink greedily or repeatedly Up. Hariv. [cf. Gk.πέ-πω-κα ; Aeol. πώ-νω = πίνω ; Lat. pa1-tus , po1tum , bibo for pi-bo ; Slav. pi-ja , pi-ti]
 2 [L=120796]
drinking , quaffing &c (cf. agre- , tu- , madhu- , soma- &c )
 3 [p= 613,2] [L=120935]
( Dha1t. xxiv , 48) pā́ti (Impv. pāhí ; pr. p. P. pā́t A1. pāná RV. ; pf. papau Gr. ; aor. apāsīt Ra1jat. Subj. pāsati RV. ; fut. pāsyati , pātā Gr. ; Prec. pāyāt Pa1n2. 6-4 , 68 Sch. ; inf. pātum MBh. ) , to watch , keep , preserve  ; 
to protect from , defend against (
abl.) RV. &c  ; 
to protect (a country)
i.e. rule , govern Ra1jat.  ; 
to observe , notice , attend to , follow
RV. AitBr. : Caus. pālayati »pāl: Desid. pīpāsati Gr.: Intens. pāpāyate , pāpeti , pāpāti ib. , [cf. Zd. pa1 , paiti ; Gk. πά-ομαι , πέ-πα-μαι , π , &c ; Lat. pa-sco , pa-bulum ; Lith. pe0-mu4]
 4 [L=120936]
keeping , protecting , guarding &c (ef. apā*na- , ritā- , go- , tanū- &c )
[p= 1330,2] [L=335870]
 5. , cl.3 A1. pīpīte, to rise against, be hostile (see 2. anū*t- √ 5. , p. 41 ;  2. ut-, p. 181 ; praty-ut - √  5. , p. 677).
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1) cl.1 P.
(H2) mfn.
(H1) cl.2 P.
(H2) mfn.
(H2) add √
í---dhama [p= 615,3] [L=121474]
crowded (as a path , where a person blows into his hands to make a noise and attract notice) Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 3-2 , 37.
(H3) mfn.
pūrvá--citti [p= 643,2] [L=127877]
(pūrvá-) foreboding , presentiment (only dat. " at the first notice , forthwith ") RV.


of an apsaras VS. MBh. Hariv. Pur.

w.r. for -cita VS.
(H3) f.
[L=127877.1](prob.) first notion or conception
prati- √ jñā [p= 665,3] [L=132324]
-jānāti , -jānīte , to admit , own , acknowledge , acquiesce in , consent to , approve RV. AV. MBh.  ; 
to promise (with
gen. dat. or loc. of pers. , and acc. with or without prati , or dat. of thing , also with inf. MBh. Ka1v. &c ; with vākyam and gen. " to promise fulfilment of a person's word " MBh. ; with satyam " to promise verily or truly " ib.)  ; 
A1.) to confirm , assert , answer in the affirmative S3Br. A1s3vGr2. MBh. &c  ; 
to maintain , assert , allege , state
MBh. R. &c (śabda nityatvena , " to assert the eternity of sound " Pa1n2. 1-3 , 22 Sch.)  ; 
A1.) to bring forward or introduce (a topic) Nya1yam. Sch.  ; 
to perceive , notice , learn , become aware of
MBh. Hariv.  ; 
to remember sorrowfully (only in this sense
P. by Pa1n2. 1-3 , 46 ; but really A1. MBh. xii , 8438).
prati-° jñā [L=132326]
» below.
pratijñā [L=132327]
admission , acknowledgment , assent , agreement , promise , vow MBh. Ka1v. &c


avyaya of the five-membered nyāya syllogism IW. 61

(H1) P. A1.
(H3B) f.
(H2) f.
[L=132328]a statement , assertion , declaration , affirmation
[L=132329](in logic) a proposition , the assertion or proposition to be proved , the first member or
[L=132330](in law) a plaint , complaint , indictment , prosecution
prati--dś [p= 662,1] [L=131516]
similar , like TS.
prati- √ dś [p= 666,1] [L=132398]
ind.p. -dśya) , to look at , behold , perceive , notice S3Br.  ; 
A1. and Pass. -dśyate , to become visible , appear , appear as , be RV. &c &c : Caus. -darśayati , to cause to see , show , teach MBh.
prati-° dś [L=132402]
[p= 662,1].
(H3) mfn.
(H1) (
(H3) »
pra-vi- √ lok [p= 692,2] [L=137053]
-lokayati , to look forwards or about R.  ; 
to perceive , notice , consider
Katha1s.  ; 
astron.) to observe Gol.
(H1) P.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 21.11
Whitney Roots links: buD
budh [p= 733,2] [p= 733,1] [L=145569]
( Dha1tup. xxi , 11) bo*dhati , °te  ; 
cl.4 A1. xxvi , 63 búdhyate (ep. also P. °ti ; pf. P. bubodha MBh. ; Subj. búbodhati RV. ; A1. bubudhé , p. bubudhāná ib. ; aor. P. Subj. bodhiat ib. ; Impv. bodhi ib. ; A1. 3 pl. abudhram , °ran ; p. budhāná ib. Subj. budhánta ib. ; °abhutsi ib. ; Prec. A1. bhutsīṣṭa Pa1n2. 1-2 , 11 Sch. ; fut. bhotsyati , °te Br. &c ; boddhā Gr. ; ind.p. buddhvā Ya1jn5. MBh. ; -budhya Br. &c ; inf. búdhe Br. ; budhí RV. ; boddhum MBh. &c ) , to wake , wake up , be awake RV. &c  ; 
to recover consciousness (after a swoon)
Ka1vya7d. Bhat2t2. (aor. Pass. abodhi)  ; 
to observe , heed , attend to (with
acc. or gen.) RV.  ; 
to perceive , notice , learn , understand , become or be aware of or acquainted with
RV. &c  ; 
to think of
i.e. present a person (" with " instr.) RV. iv , 15 , 7 ; vii , 21 , I  ; 
to know to be , recognize as (with two
acc.) MBh. R. &c  ; 
to deem , consider or regard as (with two
acc.) R. Katha1s. : Pass. budhyate (aor. abodhi) , to be awakened or restored to consciousness  ; 
» above: Caus. bodháyati , °te (aor. abūbudhat ; Pass. bodhyate) , to wake up , arouse , restore to life or consciousness RV. &c  ; 
to revive the scent (of a perfume)
VarBr2S.  ; 
to cause (a flower) to expand
Ka1v.  ; 
to cause to observe or attend , admonish , advise
RV. &c  ; 
to make a person acquainted with , remind or inform of. impart or communicate anything to (with two
acc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c : Desid. bubhutsati , °te (Gr. also bubodhiati , °te , and bubudhiati , °te) , to wish to observe , desire to become acquainted with Nya1yas. BhP. : Desid. of Caus. » bibodhayiu and bubodhayiu: Intens. bobudhīti (Gr. also bobudhyate , boboddhi) , to have an insight into , understand thoroughly (with acc.) Subh. [cf. Zd. bud ; Gk. πυθ for (φυθ) in πυνθάνομαι , πυθέσθαι , Slav. bu8de8ti , bu8dru8 ; Lith. bude4ti , budru4s ; Goth. biudan ; Germ. biotan , bieten ; Angl.Sax. be4odan ; Eng. bid.]
budh 2 [p= 734,1] [L=145736]
(nom. bhut) awaking (cf. uarbúdh)

cf. a-budh).
(H1) cl.1 P. A1.
(H2) mfn.
[L=145737]intelligent , wise (
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 32.5, 33.23
Whitney Roots links: lakz
lak [p= 891,3] [L=180331]
lakate , to perceive , observe BhP. Katha1s.  ; 
P. °ti) , to recognise MBh.  ; 
cl.10 P. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxxii , 5 ; xxxiii , 23 ; rather Nom. fr. laka below) lakayati , °te (aor. alalakat , °ta ; inf. lakayitum ; ind.p. lakayitvā , -lakya) , to mark , sign MBh.  ; 
to characterize , define (in
Comms.)  ; 
to indicate , designate indirectly
S3am2k. Kpr. Sa1h. Sarvad.  ; 
to aim , it (as to aim an arrow at any object) , direct towards , have in view , mean
Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3 , 37 &c  ; 
to consider or regard any one (
acc.) as (acc. with or without iva) MBh. Hariv. Pur.  ; 
to suppose of any one (
acc.) that he will &c (oratio recta with iti) MBh. iii , 10375  ; 
to know , understand , recognise by (
instr.) or as (acc.) or that &c (oratio recta with iti) MBh. Ka1v. Pur.  ; 
to notice , perceive , observe , see , view
MaitrUp. Mn. MBh. &c : Pass. lakyate , to be marked &c  ; 
to be meant or intended
Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3 , 14 &c  ; 
to be named or called (with double
nom.) BhP.  ; 
to be perceived or seen , appear , seem , look like (
nom. with or without iva) MBh. Ka1v. &c : Desid. » lilakayiita.
(H1) cl.1 A1.
vi- √ ga [p= 956,3] [L=194431]
-gaayati (ind.p. -gaayya) , to reckon , compute , calculate (Pass. to be reckoned i.e. amount to) Ya1jn5. R.  ; 
to deliberate , consider , ponder
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to regard as , take for (with double
acc.) Ragh. Katha1s.  ; 
to esteem , regard (
a-vigaayya , " not taking notice of ") Ka1d. BhP.  ; 
to disregard , take no notice of
Pan5cat. BhP.
(H1) P.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 24.56, 28.138, 29.13
Whitney Roots links: vid1, vid2
vid 1 [p= 963,2] [L=195626]
( Dha1tup. xxiv , 56) vetti (vidmahe Br. ; vedati,°te Up. MBh. ; vidáti,°te AV. &c ; vindati,°te MBh. &c ; Impv. vidā-karotu Pan5cat. [cf. Pa1n2. 3-1 , 41] ; 1. sg. impf. avedam , 2. sg. avet or aves [ Pa1n2. 8-2 , 75] RV. &c ; 3. pl. avidus Br. [cf. Pa1n2. 3-4 , 109] ; avidan MBh. &c ; pf. véda [often substituted for pr. vetti cf. Pa1n2. 3-4 , 83] , 3. pl. vidús or vidre RV. ; viveda MBh. &c ; vidācakā́ra Br. &c [cf. Pa1n2. 3-1 , 38 ; accord. to Vop. also vidām-babhūva] ; aor. avedīt ib. ; vidām-akran TBr. ; fut. veditā́ S3Br. ; vettā MBh. fut. vediyati,°te Br. Up. ; vetsyati,°te MBh. &c ; inf. véditum , °tos Br. ; vettum MBh. &c ; ind.p. viditvā́ Br. &c ) , to know , understand , perceive , learn , become or be acquainted with , be conscious of , have a correct notion of (with acc. , in older , language also with gen. ; with inf. = to know how to) RV. &c (viddhi yathā , " know that " ; vidyāt , " one should know " , " it should be understood " ; ya evam veda [in Br. ], " who knows thus " , " who has this knowledge ")  ; 
to know or regard or consider as , take for , declare to be , call (
esp. in 3. pl. vidus , with two acc. or with acc. and nom. with iti , e.g. ta sthavira vidu , " they consider or call him aged " ; rājarir iti mā vidu , " they consider me a rājari ") Up. Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to mind , notice , observe , remember (with
gen. or acc.) RV. AV. Br.  ; 
to experience , feel (
acc. or gen.) RV. &c  ; 
to wish to know , inquire about (
acc.) S3Br. MBh. : Caus. vedáyate (rarely °ti ; aor. avīvidat ; Pass. vedyate) , to make known , announce , report , tell S3Br. &c  ; 
to teach , explain
S3a1n3khS3r. Nir.  ; 
to recognize or regard as , take for (two
acc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to feel , experience
S3Br. Mn. &c : Desid. of Caus. in vivedayiu q.v.: Desid. vividiati or vivitsati , to wish to know or learn , inquire about (acc) S3Br. &c &c : Intens. vevidyate , vevetti Gr. ([cf. Gk. εδον for ἐϝιδον , οδα for ϝοιδα = veda ; Lat. videre ; Slav. ve8de8ti ; Goth. witan , wait ; Germ. wizzan , wissen ; Angl.Sax. wa7t ; Eng. wot.])
víd 2 [p= 963,3] [L=195633]
knowing , understanding , a knower (mostly ifc. ; superl. vit-tama) Kat2hUp. Mn. MBh. &c
víd 2 [L=195634]
the planet Mercury VarBr2S. (cf. 2. jña)
víd 2 [L=195635]
knowledge understanding RV. KaushUp.
víd 2 [L=195636]
(pl.) Bha1m.
vid 3 [p= 965,1] [p= 964,3] [L=195939]
vid) cl.6 P. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxviii , 138) vindáti , °te (Ved. also vitté , vidé ; p. vidāná or vidāna [q.v.] ; ep. 3. pl. vindate Pot. vindyāt , often = vidyāt ; pf. vivéda [3. pl. vividus Subj. vividat] , vividvás , 3. pl. vividre , vidré RV. &c ; p. vividvás RV. ; vividivas Pa1n2. 7-2 , 68 ; aor. ávidat , °data ib. [Ved. Subj. vidā́si , °dā́t ; Pot. vidét , deta VS. AV. Br. ; 3. sg. videṣṭa AV. ii , 36 , 3] ; A1. 1. sg. avitsi RV. Br. ; fut. vettā , vediyati Gr. ; vetsyati,°te Br. &c ; inf. vidé RV. ; vettum MBh. &c ; véttave AV. ; °ttavai [?] and °tos Br. ; ind.p. vittvā́ AV. Br. ; -vidya Br. &c ) , to find , discover , meet or fall in with , obtain , get , acquire , partake of , possess RV. &c &c (with diśas , to find out the quarters of she sky MBh. )  ; 
to get or procure for (
dat.) RV. ChUp.  ; 
to seek out , look for , attend to
RV. &c  ; 
to feel , experience
Ca1n2.  ; 
to consider as , take for (two
acc.) Ka1v.  ; 
to come upon , befall , seize , visit
RV. AV. Br.  ; 
to contrive , accomplish , perform , effect , produce
RV. S3Br.  ; 
A1. mc. also P.) to take to wife , marry (with or scil. bhāryām) RV. Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to find (a husband) , marry (said of a woman)
AV. Mn. MBh.  ; 
to obtain (a son , with or
scil. sutam) BhP. : Pass. or A1. vidyáte (ep. also °ti ; p. vidyamāna [q.v.] ; aor. avedi) , to be found , exist , be RV. &c  ; 
esp. in later language) vidyate , " there is , there exists " , often with na , " there is not "  ; 
bhoktum , " there is something to eat "  ; 
followed by a
fut. , " is it possible that? " Pa1n2. 3-3 , 146 Sch.  ; 
yathā-vidé , " as it happens " i.e. " as usual " , " as well as possible " RV. i , 127 , 4 &c : Caus. vedayati , to cause to find &c MBh. : Desid. vividiati or vivitsati,°te Gr. (cf. vivitsita): Intens. vevidyate,vevetti ib. (for p. vévidatand°dāna » vi-andsavid).
vid 4 [L=195992]
ifc.) finding , acquiring , procuring (» anna- , aśva- , ahar-vid &c )
vid 5 [p= 965,2] [L=196016]
( Dha1tup. xxix , 13) vintte , to consider as , take for (two acc.) Bhat2t2.
(H1) cl.2 P.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H1) (originally identical with √1.
(H2) (
(H1) cl.7 A1.
vi- √ lak [p= 984,3] [L=199555]
-lakayati , °te , to distinguish , discern , observe , perceive , mark , notice MBh. BhP.  ; 
to lose sight of ones aim or object , become bewildered or perplexed or embarrassed
MBh. Pan5cat. 2.
(H1) P. A1.
sa- √ cak [p= 1131,3] [L=229065]
-caṣṭe (pf. p. cakāa ; Ved. inf. -cáke and -cáki) , to look attentively at , observe , notice , consider , survey , examine , reflect upon RV. AV. R. BhP.  ; 
to enumerate
S3Br. La1t2y.  ; 
to report or relate fully
MBh.  ; 
to call , name
Car.  ; 
to avoid , shun (
aor. sam acakiṣṭa) Vop. (cf. ava- and pari-sacakya).
(H1) A1.
sa- √ cit 4 [p= 1132,2] [L=229179]
pf. p. P. -cikitvás , and 3. pl. pf. A1. -cikitre and -cikitrire) , to observe together , survey , notice RV.  ; 
to agree together , be unanimous
ib. : Caus. -cetayati (pr. p. -cetayamāna) , to observe , be aware of. perceive MW.
(H1) (only
sam- √ arth [p= 1156,3] [L=233751]
Nom. fr. sam-artha below) A1. -arthayate (rarely P. °ti) , to make fit or ready , prepare RV.  ; 
to finish , close
L.  ; 
to connect with (
instr.) in sense , construe (grammatically) Sa1h. Kull.  ; 
to judge , think , contemplate , consider
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to suppose to be , take for (
acc. with prati) Vikr. iv , 58  ; 
to notice , perceive , find out
Ka1m. Kum. S3am2k.  ; 
to fix upon , determine , approve
R.  ; 
to cheer up , comfort , encourage
Katha1s.  ; 
samarthaya , often w.r. for samarpaya » sam-.
(H1) (in some senses rather
sam-ave* k [p= 1158,1] [L=233910]
-ava-īk) A1. -ave*kaete (ep. also P. , °ti) , to look at , behold , observe , perceive , notice MBh. R.  ; 
to reflect or ponder on , consider , mind , heed
Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to acknowledge , think fit or necessary
R. : Caus. -ave*kayati , to cause to look at or consider Kaus3.
(H1) (
sam-upe* k [p= 1170,2] [L=235743]
-upa-īk) A1. -upe*kate (ep. also °ti) , to look completely over or beyond , take no notice of , disregard , neglect , abandon MBh. Mr2icch. Amar.
(H1) (
sam- √ budh [p= 1178,1] [L=236812]
-budhyate (pr. p. -budhyamāna q.v.) , to wake up MBh. R.  ; 
to perceive or understand thoroughly , notice , observe , know
ib. &c : Caus. -bodhayati , to cause to wake up , rouse R.  ; 
to cause to know , inform , advise , instruct
teach (two
acc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to call to
MBh. Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 1-2 , 33  ; 
to cause to agree
MW. : Desid. of Caus. » sam-bubodhayiu.
(H1) A1.
a-vigaayya [p= 1317,2] [L=315430]
taking no notice of, RPra1t.
(H2) ind.