Sanskrit Word of the Day: Tula - Balance

Pronounced tulaa. tulā
a balance , weight, “ to hold in or put on a balance , weigh , compare " ; " to be in a balance " , be equal with [instr.] ; the balance as an ordeal.

equal measure , equality , resemblance, " to become equal to "

a kind of beam in the roof of a house.
You can read the Monier-Williams dictionary entry for tula here.

tulā́ [p= 451,2] [L=86113]
a balance , weight VS. xxx S3Br. xi Mn. &c (°layā dh or ° with Caus. of adhiruh , " to hold in or put on a balance , weigh , compare " ; ° with Caus. of adhi-ruh , " to risk " Pan5cat. i , 16 , 9 ; °lām adhi- or ā- or sam-ā-ruh , " to be in a balance " , be equal with [instr.] ; the balance as an ordeal Ya1jn5. ii Mr2icch. ix , 43)

Ragh. &c (°lām i or gam or ā-yā or ā-lamb or dhā , " to resemble any one or anything " [instr. or in comp.] ; ° na bh , " to have no equal " Prasannar. i , 37 ; ° with Pass. of , " to become equal to " [gen.])

°la Pan5cat. i , 14 , 14 VarBr2. &c

of a measure (= 100 palas) MBh. iii , xiv VarBr2S. Sus3r. Asht2a7n3g. S3a1rn3gS. i , 31

VarBr2S. liii , 30.
tulā [p= 1328,2] [L=332960]
(H2) f.
[L=86114]equal measure , equality , resemblance
[L=86117]a kind of beam in the roof of a house
(H2) (in
tulā́--koa [p= 451,2] [L=86122]
weighing on a balance VarBr2S. xxvi , 10.
(H3) m.
tulā́--dhaa [L=86125]
a balance cup W.

(H3) m.
[L=86126]an oar
tulā́--° dhāná [L=86128]
°*dh°) n. " putting on a balance " , weighing S3Br. xi.
(H3) (
tulā́--dhāra [L=86129]
bearing a balance Ya1jn5. ii , 102÷103
tulā́--dhāra [L=86130]
= -pragraha L.
tulā́--dhāra [L=86131]
the beam W.
tulā́--dhāra [L=86132]
a merchant L.
tulā́--dhāra [L=86133]
the bearer of an ordeal balance Vishn2. x , 8 f.
tulā́--dhāra [L=86134]
= °la L.
tulā́--dhāra [L=86135]
N. of a merchant MBh. xii , 9277 ff.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
tulā́--parī* kā [L=86140]
a balance ordeal W.
(H3) f.
tulā́--pragraha [L=86143]
the string of a balance Pa1n2. 3-3 , 52 Ka1s3.
(H3) m.
tulā́--pra° grāha [L=86144]
the string of a balance Pa1n2. 3-3 , 52 Ka1s3.
(H3) m.
tulā́--bht [L=86148]
= -dhara

(H3) m.
[L=86149]a balance bearer
tulā́--vat [L=86151]
furnished with a balance VarBr2.
(H3) mfn.