pināṃ ca durbalāṃ śaktiṃ dhyātvā dvādaśagocare |
praviśya hṛdaye dhyāyan muktaḥ svātantryam āpnuyāt || 55 ||durbalita
(H4) | dur--balita [p= 486,1] [L=94101]
mfn. |
weakened , rendered ineffective Katha1s. cv , 91
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland - Page 497

Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland | - 1899 - Free Google eBook - Read
15 durabhibhavacarirata, 'bodily invincibleness' 211. 5 durupasarpa, ' difficult of access ' 84. 3 durnivarata, ' resistlessness ' 40. 1, 187. 4 durbandhu, 'bad relative' 248. 16 durbalaka = durbala, 'feeble' 286. ...
Tattvālokah: Volume 28

Sri Abhinava Vidyatheertha Educational Trust | - 2005 - Snippet view
Fate can be broadly classified into two categories: durbala vidhi-weak karma phalam and prabala vidbi— strong karma ... is raised, we must first clarify what type of fate is meant— durbala or prabala. Durbala vidhi can be weakened or ...