Nistaranga- Motionless, Beyond undulation, beyond the waves, waveless

yatra yatra mano yāti tat tat tenaiva tatkṣaṇam |
nistaraṅgas tato bhavet || 129 ||

nís [p= 543,3] [L=107639]
out , forth , away &c (rarely used as an independent word [e.g. AV. vi , 18 , 3 ; vii , 115 , 3 ; xvi , 2 , 1], but mostly as a prefix to verbs and their derivatives [cf. ni-ki &c below] , or to nouns not immediately connected with verbs , in which case it has the sense , " out of " , " away from " [cf. nirvana , ni-kauśāmbi &c ] or that of a privative or negative adverb = a3 , " without " , " destitute of " , " free from " , " un- " [cf. nir-artha , nir-mala &c ] , or that of a strengthening particle " thoroughly " , " entirely " , " very " [cf. nih-śūnya , ni-kevala , nir-muṇḍa] ; it is liable to be changed to ni , nir , niś , ni , and ; cf. above and below).
nis [p= 563,3] [L=111034]
[p= 543,2].
(H2) ind.
(H1) »

tara-ga 1 [p= 438,3] [L=83051]
(fr. taram ind.t) " across-goer " , a wave , billow R. iv , 41 , 29ff. Jain. Sus3r. S3ak. &c (ifc. f(ā). Pan5cat. Katha1s. lxxii)
438,3] [L=83052]
N. a word like " sea " or " river " (e.g. of Katha1s. and Ra1jat. )
438,3] [L=83053]
Hariv. 4298 Gi1t. xii , 2o
438,3] [L=83054]
Un2. Sch.
438,3] [L=83055]
ut- , carma-.
taraga 2 [p= 438,3] [L=83061]
°gati , to move like a billow , wave about , move restlessly to and fro Ka1d. vi , 1644 (Pass. p. °gyamāa) Gi1t. ii , 8  ; 
cf. ut-.
tara-ga [p= 439,2] [L=83207]
» [p= 438,3].
(H2) m.
[p= a section of a literary work that contains in its
[p= a jumping motion , gallop , waving about , moving to and fro
[p= cloth , clothes
[p= cf.
(H2) Nom.
(H1) &c

nís--taraga [p= 543,3] [L=107650]
(ā)n. motionless , still Naish.
(H3) mf

The Yoga of delight, wonder, and astonishment: a translation of ... - Page 155
- 1991 - 173 pages - Google eBook - Preview
Niskala : partless; undivided, Siva above manifestation or creation. Nistaranga : free of undulation or commotion. Pa (t) Pati : Siva; a liberated individual. ...
Jaideva Singh

A Sanskrit-English dictionary: being a practical handbook with ... - Page 145
S4( nish-kanfaka, a. free from thorns or enemies ; -taunpa, a. not trembling, immovable, motionless ; unmoved, .... (чЧ1#1«Я1 nis-tamas-ka, a. free from darkness, light ; -tamlsra, a. id. ; -taranga, a. waveless, calm; -tarana, ...
1893 - 384 pages - Free Google eBook -

A practical Sanskrit dictionary with transliteration, ... - Page 145
- 1924 - 382 pages - Preview
nish-kanfaka.a. free from thorns or enemies ; -kampa, a. not trembling, im- ; movable, motionless ; unmoved, .... light; -tamisra, a. id.; -taranga, a. waveless, calm ; -tara/ia, n. getting out nf danger, escape ; -taratiira, ...
Arthur Anthony Macdonell

Rabindra sangeet miscellany - Page 175
- 2006 - 321 pages - Preview
Adhira Yamuna taranga aakula akula re, timiradukula re! Nivida nirada gagane garagara garaje saghane Chanchalachapala chamake, nahi sashitara. Misramallar [ Dripdrop fall the drops of rain O wayfarer! O Motionless ! O Homeless! ...
Śāntideba Ghosha

The Yoga of delight, wonder, and astonishment: a translation of ... - Page 155
- 1991 - 173 pages - Google eBook - Preview
Niskala : partless; undivided, Siva above manifestation or creation. Nistaranga : free of undulation or commotion. Pa (t) Pati : Siva; a liberated individual. ...
Jaideva Singh

The Stanzas on vibration: the Spandakārikā with four commentaries ... - Page 140
, Mark S. G. Dyczkowski - 1992 - 427 pages - Google eBook - Preview
(This state) simultaneously operates everywhere (although the supreme soul is in himself) motionless (nistaranga). Therefore: Spanda is the conscious nature, the Lord of the power of one's own inner strength. ...

A trident of wisdom - Page 44
- 1989 - 404 pages - Google eBook - Preview
... (nistaranga) , unalterable and eternal (dhruvapaddtmaka) . In the case of both sexes sustained by the buoyancy of their seminal energy, the inwardly felt joy of orgasm (antahsparSa sukham) in the central channel induced by the ...
Abhinavagupta (Rājānaka.)

The Vivekacūḍāmaṇi of Śaṅkarācārya Bhagavatpāda: an introduction ...
, Śaṅkarācārya - 2004 - 292 pages - Snippet view
The six waves are hunger, thirst, grief, delusion, old age, and death. Compare KenaUp 3, 'It is other than all that is known, and It is also beyond the unknown .' See ChanUp 6.8.7, 'tat tvam asi\ See, on tat tvam asi, V. 243, ...
John A. Grimes

tara* patrasta [p= 438,3] [L=83060]
afraid of waves Pa1n2. 2-1 , 38 Ka1s3.
(H3) mfn.

nís [p= 543,3] [L=107639]
out , forth , away &c (rarely used as an independent word [e.g. AV. vi , 18 , 3 ; vii , 115 , 3 ; xvi , 2 , 1], but mostly as a prefix to verbs and their derivatives [cf. ni-ki &c below] , or to nouns not immediately connected with verbs , in which case it has the sense , " out of " , " away from " [cf. nirvana , ni-kauśāmbi &c ] or that of a privative or negative adverb = a3 , " without " , " destitute of " , " free from " , " un- " [cf. nir-artha , nir-mala &c ] , or that of a strengthening particle " thoroughly " , " entirely " , " very " [cf. nih-śūnya , ni-kevala , nir-muṇḍa] ; it is liable to be changed to ni , nir , niś , ni , and ; cf. above and below).
nis [p= 563,3] [L=111034]
[p= 543,2].
(H2) ind.
(H1) »

nis-° tāra [p= 564,2] [L=111093]
crossing , passing over , rescue , deliverance Bhartr2.



(H3) m.
[L=111094]acquittance , requital , payment , discharge of a debt
[L=111095]means , expedient
[L=111096]final liberation
nis-° tāra---bīja [L=111097]
a means of crossing (the ocean of life) , a cause of final liberation BrahmaP.
(H4) n.
nis-° tāraa [L=111099]
(fr. Caus.) crossing , passing over , overcoming BhP.

(H3) n.
[L=111100]rescuing , liberating

ta 1 [p= 431,2] [L=81539]
 2 [L=81546]
base » tád
ta 3 [L=81552]
a tail (esp. of a jackal) , any tail except that of Bos gaurus L.







mleccha L.

buddha L.


ta 3 [L=81563]
crossing L.
ta 3 [L=81564]
virtue L.
(H1) the 1st dental consonant.
(H1) pronom.
(H1) m.
[L=81553], the breast
[L=81554]the womb
[L=81555]the hip
[L=81556]a warrior
[L=81557]a thief.
[L=81558]a wicked man
[L=81561]a jewel
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
tara 1 [p= 438,3] [L=83021]
compar. degree of adjectives and rarely (cf. vtra-tára) of substantives Sus3r. i , 20 , 11

ām) , added (in older language) to adverbs (» ati-tarā́m &c ) and (in later language) to verbs ( Pan5cat. i , 14 , 7 Ratna7v. iii , 9 Katha1s. ) , intensifying their meaning
tara 1 [L=83021.2]
with na , not at all BhP. x , 46 , 43.
tára 2 [L=83023]
( √ t ; g. pacā*di) carrying across or beyond , saving (? , said of śiva) MBh. xii , 10380

passing over or beyond W.

» śoka-tará cf. rathatará

tára 2 [L=83027]
crossing , passage RV. ii , 13 , 12 ; viii , 96 , 1 Mn. viii , 404 and 407 Ya1jn5. (ifc.) MBh. xii
tára 2 [L=83028]
(a-tara mfn. " impassable ") Bhat2t2. vii , 55 (cf. dus-)
tára 2 [L=83029]
" excelling , conquering " » du-ára , su-tára , dus-
tára 2 [L=83030]
= -paya Mn. viii , 406
tára 2 [L=83031]
a raft W.
tára 2 [L=83032]
a road L.
tára 2 [L=83033]
N. of a magical spell (against evil spirits supposed to possess certain weapons) R. i , 30 , 4
tára 2 [L=83034]
fire W.
tára 2 [L=83035]
N. of a man Ra1jat. vii , 809
tára 2 [L=83036]
(ī , īs). (īs L. ) (g. gaurā*di Gan2ar. 48) , a boat , ship (cf. °ri) MBh. i , 4228 f. BhP. iv S3is3. iii , 76 (cf. nis-tarīka)
tára 2 [L=83037]
(ī , īs). a clothes-basket (also °ri) L.
tára 2 [L=83038]
(ī , īs). the hem of a garment (also °ri) L.
tára 2 [L=83039]
(ī , īs). = °rai-peaka L.
tára 2 [L=83040]
(ī , īs). a club L.
tára 2 [L=83041]
(ī , īs). for starī (smoke) W.
(H1) an affix forming the
(H1B) ind.
(H1) mfn.
[L=83025]" surpassing , conquering "
[L=83026]excelling , w.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) f
(H1B) f
(H1B) f
(H1B) f
(H1B) f
(H1B) f
taraa [L=83078]
a raft , boat L.

taraa [L=83080]
crossing over , passing (ifc.) Ka1tyS3r. i , 7 , 13 R. Vikr. Ra1jat. Hit.
taraa [L=83081]
overcoming (as of misfortune gen.) MBh. i , 6054
taraa [L=83082]
carrying over W.
taraa [L=83083]
an oar (?) Kaus3. 5 2
taraa [L=83085]
Hibiscus mutabilis L.
taraa [L=83086]
= ī-vallī L.
taraa [L=83087]
cf. ūrdhva- , dus-
taraa [L=83088]
cf. pra-tár°,su-.
taraa [p= 439,2] [L=83209]
i , &c » [p= 438,3].
(H2) m.
[L=83079]" final landing-place " , heaven
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H1) °