saṃdhāna - healing, uniting, joining, growing together, repair, re-uniting peace, making peace with

sa-dhā́na [p= 1144,2] [L=231607]
joining , uniting , healing Sus3r.
sa-dhā́na [L=231608]
a partic. spell recited over weapons R.
sa-dhā́na [L=231609]
N. of a minister Katha1s.
sa-dhā́na [L=231611]
a foundery or place where metals are wrought or stored L.
sa-dhā́na [L=231612]
the small egg-plant L.
sa-dhā́na [L=231613]
the act of placing or joining together or uniting , junction , union Vait. MBh. &c
sa-dhā́na [p= 1144,3] [L=231614]
assembling or meeting of men (°nam ā- , " to receive admission ") Hariv. Ka1m. &c
sa-dhā́na [L=231615]
a joint , point of contact , boundary TS. La1t2y. Sus3r.
sa-dhā́na [L=231616]
a means of union TUp.
sa-dhā́na [L=231617]
growing together , re-uniting , healing (as a wound) Sus3r.
sa-dhā́na [L=231618]
fixing on (as an arrow on a bow-string) , aiming at MBh. R. BhP.
sa-dhā́na [L=231619]
perceiving , perception Nalac.
sa-dhā́na [L=231620]
combination of words (also , " euphonic combination " = sa-dhi q.v.) Pra1t. S3a1n3khS3r.
sa-dhā́na [L=231621]
bringing together , alliance , league , association , friendship , making peace with (instr. with or without saha) MBh. Ka1v. &c
sa-dhā́na [L=231622]
compounding , mixing , preparation (of a beverage &c ; cf. nīla-sadhāna-bhāṇḍa) S3a1rn3gS. Bhpr.
sa-dhā́na [L=231623]
sour rice-gruel L.
sa-dhā́na [L=231624]
a kind of relish eaten to excite thirst L.
sa-dhā́na [L=231625]
spirituous liquor L.
sa-dhā́na [L=231626]
mixed or bell-metal (= saurāṣṭra) MW.

(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
sa- √ dhā [p= 1144,2] [L=231587]
-dadhāti , -dhatte (ep. 1. pl. pr. -dadhāmahe = -dadhmahe ; pr.p. -dhāna = -dadhāna ; inf. -dhitum = -dhātum) , to place or hold or put or draw or join or fasten or fix or sew together , unite (with akīi , " to close the eyes " ; with vraam , " to heal a wound " ; with manas , " to compose the mind " ; with mitrá-dhitāni , " to conclude an alliance " ; with vācam , " to hold or interchange conversation ") , to combine , connect with (instr.) RV. &c  ; 
A1.) to bring together , reconcile Mn. MBh.  ; 
to be reconciled , agree with (
instr. , rarely acc.) , Pan5cavBr. &c  ; 
to mend , restore , redress
AitBr. ChUp. &c  ; 
to lay down on or in (
loc.) , fix on (esp. an arrow on a bow , with instr. or with loc. e.g. dhanu śarea , or śara dhanui , " to take aim " ; generally A1.) MBh. R. Hariv.  ; 
A1.) to direct towards (tata) Ragh.  ; 
to aim at (?)
RV. v , 54 , 2  ; 
to involve in (
loc.) RV. i , 165 , 6  ; 
to confer on (
loc.) , grant , yield , bestow (with nāma and gen. , " to give a name to " ; A1. with śraddhām and loc. , " to place credence in " ; with sāhāyyam , " to afford assistance ") MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to cause , inflict
MBh. Kir.  ; 
A1.) to be a match for , hold out against (acc.) Pan5cat.  ; 
to comprehend
MBh.  ; 
A1.) to use , employ (instr.) MBh. iv , 964 : Pass. -dhīyate , to be put together or joined or connected &c  ; 
to be placed or held in (
loc.) RV. i , 168 , 3  ; 
to become possessed of (
instr.) AitBr. : Desid. -dhitsati , to wish to place or join together , desire to repair S3Br.
sa-dhā [L=231592]
» below.
sa-dhā́ [L=231595]
intimate union , compact , agreement AV. TS. Gobh.



&c L.


= sthiti) L.

w.r. for sadhyā (q.v.)
(H1) P. A1.
(H2B) f.
(H2) f.
[L=231596]a promise , vow
[L=231597]intention , design
[L=231598]mixture , preparation of a beverage
[L=231599]a boundary , limit
[L=231600]fixed state , condition (