Para-Highest, beyond

parā* rtha [L=116366]
the highest advantage or interest , an important object MBh.

(H3) m.
[L=116367]sexual intercourse

pára 1 [p= 586,1] [L=116005]
(ā)n. ( √1. p ; abl. sg. m. n. párasmāt , °rāt ; loc. párasmin , °re ; nom. pl. m. páre , °rās , °rāsas ; cf. Pa1n2. 1-1 , 34 ; vii , 1 , 16 ; 50) far , distant , remote (in space) , opposite , ulterior , farther than , beyond , on the other or farther side of , extreme

586,2] [p= 586,1] [L=116012]
compar. meanings [where also -tara] , with abl. , rarely gen. or ifc. ; exceptionally para śatam , more than a hundred lit. " an excessive hundred , a hundred with a surplus " R. ; parā koaya Prab. Hcat. ) RV. &c


abl.) Prab.


loc.) R.
pára 1 [L=116017]
another (different from one's self) , a foreigner , enemy , foe , adversary RV. &c
pára 1 [L=116018]
a following letter or sound (only ifc. mfn. e.g. ta-para , having t as the following letter , followed by t) RPra1t. Pa1n2.
pára 1 [L=116019]
(scil. graha) a subsidiary soma-graha TS.
pára 1 [L=116020]
N. of a king of kosala with the patr. āṭṇāra Br.
pára 1 [L=116021]
of another king MBh.
pára 1 [L=116022]
of a son of samara Hariv.
pára 1 [L=116023]
(sc. prāsāda) of the palace of mitravindā ib.
pára 1 [L=116024]
or n. the Supreme or Absolute Being , the Universal Soul Up. R. Pur.
pára 1 [L=116030.1]
remotest distance MBh.
para 2 [p= 588,1] [L=116437]
comp. for °ras.
para [p= 1330,1] [L=335540]
(H1) mf
[L=116006]previous (in time) , former
[L=116007]ancient , past
[L=116008]later , future , next
[L=116009]following , succeeding , subsequent
[L=116010]final , last
[L=116011]exceeding (in number or degree) , more than
[p= better or worse than , superior or inferior to , best or worst , highest , supreme , chief (in the
[L=116013]strange , foreign , alien , adverse , hostile
[L=116014]other than , different from (
[L=116015]left , remaining
[L=116016]concerned or anxious for (
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
(H2) in
(H2) (in
párā 1 [p= 586,2] [L=116025]
a foreign country , abroad (?) Katha1s.
párā 1 [L=116026]
a species of plant L.
párā 1 [L=116027]
N. of a sound in the first of its 4 stages L.
párā 1 [L=116028]
a partic. measure of time Sa1y.
párā 1 [L=116029]
N. of a river MBh. VP. (v.l. pārā , veā , veṇṇā)
párā 1 [L=116030]
of a goddess (cf. s.v.)
párā 1 [L=116031]
highest point or degree ib.
párā 1 [L=116032]
final beatitude L. (also -taram and parāt para-taram)
párā 1 [L=116033]
the number 10 ,000 ,000 ,000 (as the full age of brahmā) VP.
párā 1 [L=116034]
N. of partic. sāmans Ka1t2h.
párā 1 [L=116035]
any chief matter or paramount object (ifc. [f(ā).] having as the chief object , given up to , occupied with , engrossed in , intent upon , resting on , consisting of , serving for , synonymous with &c MBh. Ka1v. &c )
párā 1 [L=116036]
the wider or more extended or remoter meaning of a word Jaim. Kull.
párā 1 [L=116037]
(in logic) genus
párā 1 [L=116038]
existence (regarded as the common property of all things) W.
parā 1 [p= 589,1] [L=116675]
» col.2) f. of para in comp.
párā 2 [p= 589,2] [L=116743]
» col.1) . ind. away , off , aside , along , on , (Lat. per ; it occurs only in -taram and -vat , and as a prefix to nouns and verbs ; it is prob. akin to para , paras , pra.)
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H2) (for 2.
(H1) (for 1.

páram 1 [p= 586,2] [L=116039]
afterwards , later
páram 1 [L=116040]
(with abl.) beyond , after (e.g. para vijñānāt , beyond human knowledge ; astam-ayāt p° , after sunset ; matta p° , after me ; ata p° or param ata , after this , farther on , hereafter , next ; ita p° , henceforward , from now ; tata p° or tataś ca p° , after that , thereupon ; *smāt p° [for *smāt p°] , no more of this , enough) MBh. Ka1v. &c
páram 1 [L=116041]
in a high degree , excessively , greatly , completely ib.
páram 1 [L=116042]
rather , most willingly , by all means ib.
páram 1 [L=116043]
I will , so be it DivyA7v.
páram 1 [L=116044]
at the most , at the utmost , merely , no more than , nothing but ib.
páram 1 [L=116045]
but , however , otherwise (para tu or para ki tu id. ; yadi p° , if at all , perhaps , at any rate ; na-p° , not-but ; na p°ara-api , not only-but also ; para na-api na , not only not-but not even ; na p°ara-yāvat , not only-but even) ib.
(H1C) ind.
(H1C) ind.
(H1C) ind.
(H1C) ind.
(H1C) ind.
(H1C) ind.
(H1C) ind.

para (highest)
57 parā (highest)
58 paratā (highest)
59 paradevatā (highest)
60 paranirvāṇa (highest)
61 parapada (highest)
62 paramada (highest)
63 parāyus (highest)
64 parārtha (highest)
65 parārdha (highest)
66 parārdhya (highest)
67 parāvara (highest)
68 pareśa (highest)
69 pareśeśa (highest)
70 pareṣṭi (highest)
71 pareṣṭukā (highest)
72 parama (highest)
73 paramatattva (highest)
74 paramatas (highest)
75 paramatā (highest)
76 paramapada (highest)
77 paramapadātmavat (highest)
78 paramaparama (highest)
79 paramavyomnika (highest)
80 paramahaṃsa (highest)
81 paramākhya (highest)
82 paramātmaka (highest)
83 paramādvaita (highest)
84 paramārtha (highest)
85 paramārthatā (highest)
86 paramārthabhāj (highest)
87 paramārthavid (highest)
88 paramaka (highest)
89 parameṣṭhin (highest)
90 parovarīyas (highest)
91 pariniṣṭhā (highest)
92 parinaiṣṭhika (highest)
93 pārameṣṭhya (highest)


(H1) pára 1 [p= 586,1] [L=116005] mf(ā)n. ( √1. pṛ ; abl. sg. m. n. párasmāt , °rāt ; loc. párasmin , °re ; nom. pl. m. páre , °rās , °rāsas ; cf. Pa1n2. 1-1 , 34 ; vii , 1 , 16 ; 50) far , distant , remote (in space) , opposite , ulterior , farther than , beyond , on the other or farther side of , extreme
[L=116006] previous (in time) , former
[L=116007] ancient , past
[L=116008] later , future , next
[L=116009] following , succeeding , subsequent
[L=116010] final , last
[L=116011] exceeding (in number or degree) , more than
[p= 586,2] [p= 586,1] [L=116012] better or worse than , superior or inferior to , best or worst , highest , supreme , chief (in the compar. meanings [where also -tara] , with abl. , rarely gen. or ifc. ; exceptionally paraṃ śatam , more than a hundred lit. " an excessive hundred , a hundred with a surplus " R. ; parāḥ koṭayaḥ Prab. Hcat. ) RV. &c
[L=116013] strange , foreign , alien , adverse , hostile ib.
[L=116014] other than , different from (abl.) Prab.
[L=116015] left , remaining Katha1s.
[L=116016] concerned or anxious for (loc.) R.
(H1B) pára 1 [L=116017] m. another (different from one's self) , a foreigner , enemy , foe , adversary RV. &c
(H1B) pára 1 [L=116018] m. a following letter or sound (only ifc. mfn. e.g. ta-para , having t as the following letter , followed by t) RPra1t. Pa1n2.
(H1B) pára 1 [L=116019] m. (scil. graha) a subsidiary soma-graha TS.
(H1B) pára 1 [L=116020] m. N. of a king of kosala with the patr. āṭṇāra Br.
(H1B) pára 1 [L=116021] m. of another king MBh.
(H1B) pára 1 [L=116022] m. of a son of samara Hariv.
(H1B) pára 1 [L=116023] m. (sc. prāsāda) of the palace of mitravindā ib.
(H1B) pára 1 [L=116024] m. or n. the Supreme or Absolute Being , the Universal Soul Up. R. Pur.
(H1B) pára 1 [L=116030.1] n. remotest distance MBh.
(H2) para 2 [p= 588,1] [L=116437] in comp. for °ras.
(H2) para [p= 1330,1] [L=335540] (in comp.)

(H1B) párā 1 [p= 586,2] [L=116025] f. a foreign country , abroad (?) Katha1s.
(H1B) párā 1 [L=116026] f. a species of plant L.
(H1B) párā 1 [L=116027] f. N. of a sound in the first of its 4 stages L.
(H1B) párā 1 [L=116028] f. a partic. measure of time Sa1y.
(H1B) párā 1 [L=116029] f. N. of a river MBh. VP. (v.l. pārā , veṇā , veṇṇā)
(H1B) párā 1 [L=116030] f. of a goddess (cf. s.v.)
(H1B) párā 1 [L=116031] f. highest point or degree ib.
(H1B) párā 1 [L=116032] f. final beatitude L. (also -taram and parāt para-taram)
(H1B) párā 1 [L=116033] f. the number 10 ,000 ,000 ,000 (as the full age of brahmā) VP.
(H1B) párā 1 [L=116034] f. N. of partic. sāmans Ka1t2h.
(H1B) párā 1 [L=116035] f. any chief matter or paramount object (ifc. [f(ā).] having as the chief object , given up to , occupied with , engrossed in , intent upon , resting on , consisting of , serving for , synonymous with &c MBh. Ka1v. &c )
(H1B) párā 1 [L=116036] f. the wider or more extended or remoter meaning of a word Jaim. Kull.
(H1B) párā 1 [L=116037] f. (in logic) genus
(H1B) párā 1 [L=116038] f. existence (regarded as the common property of all things) W.
(H2) parā 1 [p= 589,1] [L=116675] (for 2. » col.2) f. of para in comp.
(H1) párā 2 [p= 589,2] [L=116743] (for 1. » col.1) . ind. away , off , aside , along , on , (Lat. per ; it occurs only in -taram and -vat , and as a prefix to nouns and verbs ; it is prob. akin to para , paras , pra.)

(H3) pára--tā [p= 586,3] [L=116107] f. highest degree , absoluteness , (ifc.) the being quite devoted to or intent upon Bha1sha1p. Ra1jat.

(H3) pára--devatā [L=116121] f. the highest deity A1pS3r. Sch.

(H3) pára--nirvāṇa [L=116142] n. the highest nirvāṇa (with Buddhists) Sarvad.

(H3) pára--pada [L=116149] n. the highest position , final emancipation Maha1n.

(H3) pára--mada [p= 587,1] [L=116216] m. highest degree of intoxication , S3a1rn3gS.

(H3) parā* yus [p= 587,3] [L=116365] m. " one who has reached the highest age or 100 years " , N. of brahmā BhP.

(H3) parā* rtha [L=116366] m. the highest advantage or interest , an important object MBh.
[L=116367] sexual intercourse Pan5c.
[L=116368] another's advantage or interest (ibc. , °rtham ind. or °rthe ind. for another or for others or for something else) Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H3B) parā* rtha [L=116369] mfn. (also -ka) having another object
(H3B) parā* rtha [L=116370] mfn. designed for another
[L=116371] dependent on something else (-tā f. -tva n.) S3rS. Sa1m2khyak. Tarkas.
(H1) parā* rtha [p= 590,3] [L=116912] parā*rdha &c » under para , [p= 587,3].

(H3) parā* rdhá [p= 587,3] [L=116377] m. the more remote or opposite side or half. Br. Kat2hUp. MBh.
(H3B) parā* rdhá [L=116378] mn. the highest number (100 ,000 billions) VS. TS. MBh. &c
(H3B) parā* rdhá [L=116379] mn. the number of mortal days corresponding to 50 years of brahmā's life Pur.
(H3B) parā* rdhá [L=116380] mn. (as mfn. w.r. for °dhya.)

(H3) parā* rdhyá [L=116382] mf(ā)n. being on the more remote or opposite side or half. S3Br.
[L=116383] most distant in number , of the highest possible number ib.
[L=116384] highest in rank or quality , most excellent , best Br. ChUp. MBh. &c
[L=116385] more excellent than (abl.) Ragh. x , 65
(H3B) parā* rdhyá [L=116386] n. a maximum (only ifc. " amounting at the most to ") Gr2S3rS.

(H3) parā* vara [L=116390] mf(ā)n. distant and near , earlier and later , prior and subsequent , highest and lowest , all-including (-tva n.) MBh. Pur. &c
[L=116391] handed down from earlier to later times , traditional Mun2d2Up.
[L=116392] each successive BhP.
(H3B) parā* vara [L=116393] m. pl. ancestors and descendants Mn. i , 105 ; iii , 38
(H3B) parā* vara [L=116394] n. the distant and near &c
(H3B) parā* vara [L=116395] n. cause and effect , motive and consequence , the whole extent of an idea , totality , the universe Mun2d2Up. MBh. Veda7ntas.
(H1) parā* vara [p= 590,3] [L=116923] &c » [p= 587,3].

(H3) pare* śa [p= 588,1] [L=116412] m. " the highest lord " , N. of brahmā or viṣṇu Pur.

(H4) pare* śe* śa [L=116413] m. " lord of the highest lord " , N. of viṣṇu MBh.

(H3) pare* ṣṭi [L=116414] m. " having the highest worship " , N. of brahman W.

(H3) pare* ṣṭukā [L=116415] f. " highest desire (?) " , a cow which has often calved L.
(H1) pareṣṭukā [p= 606,1] [L=119442.1] f. a cow which has often calved L.

(H2) paramá [p= 588,1] [L=116455] mf(ā)n. (superl. of pára) most distant , remotest , extreme , last RV. &c
[L=116456] chief , highest , primary , most prominent or conspicuous
[L=116457] best , most excellent , worst (°meṇa cetasā , with all the heart ; °ma-kaṇṭhena , " with all the throat " , roaring , speaking aloud) ib.
[L=116458] (with abl.) superior or inferior to , better or worse than MBh. R.
(H2B) paramá [L=116459] m. N. of 2 authors Cat.
(H2B) paramá [L=116460] n. highest point , extreme limit (catur-viṃśati-p° , at the utmost 24) MBh. &c
(H2B) paramá [L=116461] n. chief part or matter or object (ifc. f(ā). = consisting chiefly of , completely occupied with or devoted to or intent upon) Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) paramá [L=116463] n. (also parama- in comp. ; » below) very much , excessively , excellently , in the highest degree MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2) parama [p= 1330,1] [L=335550] (in comp.)

(H3) paramá--tattva [p= 588,2] [L=116477] n. the highest truth

(H3) paramá--tas [L=116479] ind. in the highest degree , excessively
[L=116479.1] worst of all MW.

(H3) paramá--tā [L=116480] f. (°má-) highest position or rank
[L=116480.1] highest end or aim S3Br.

(H3) paramá--pada [L=116487] n. the highest state or position , eminence , final beatitude W.

(H4) paramá--pa° dā* tmavat [L=116489] mfn. whose essence is the highest of all states (i.e. brahmā) VP.

(H3) paramá--parama [L=116490] mfn. highest or most excellent of all BhP.

(H3) paramá--vyomnika [L=116512] mfn. dwelling in the highest heaven L.

(H3) paramá--haṃsa [L=116522] m. an ascetic of the highest order , a religious man who has subdued all his senses by abstract meditation MBh. Pur. &c (cf. RTL. 87)

(H3) paramā* khya [L=116527] mfn. called supreme , considered as the highest R.

(H3) paramā* tmaka [L=116540] mf(ikā)n. the highest , greatest MBh.

(H3) paramā* dvaita [p= 588,3] [L=116544] m. " the highest being without a second " , N. of viṣṇu Ga1rud2aP.
(H3B) paramā* dvaita [L=116545] n. pure , non-duality W.

(H3) paramā* rtha [L=116561] m. the highest or whole truth , spiritual knowledge MBh. Ka1v. Veda7ntas. &c (ibc. ; °ena,āt , in reality)
[L=116562] any excellent or important object W.
[L=116563] the best sense ib.
[L=116564] the best kind of wealth ib.

(H4) paramā* rtha---tā [L=116566] f. the highest truth , reality Kap. Sch.

(H4) paramā* rtha---bhāj [L=116570] mfn. partaking of the highest truth Mcar.

(H4) paramā* rtha---vid [L=116572] m. one who knows the highest truth , a philosopher W.

(H2) paramaka [L=116615] mf(ikā)n. the most excellent , highest , best , greatest , extreme MBh. R. &c (w.r. pār° and paramika).

(H3) parame--ṣṭhín [L=116622] mfn. standing at the head , highest , chief , principal AV. &c
(H3B) parame--ṣṭhín [L=116623] m. N. of any supreme being , of agni AV.
(H3B) parame--ṣṭhín [L=116624] m. of prajā-pati ib. &c
(H3B) parame--ṣṭhín [L=116625] m. a son of prajā-pati Br.
(H3B) parame--ṣṭhín [L=116626] m. of brahmā MBh.
(H3B) parame--ṣṭhín [L=116627] m. of śiva ib.
(H3B) parame--ṣṭhín [L=116628] m. of viṣṇu Ragh.
(H3B) parame--ṣṭhín [L=116629] m. of garuḍa MBh.
(H3B) parame--ṣṭhín [L=116630] m. of manu cakṣus Ma1rkP.
(H3B) parame--ṣṭhín [L=116631] m. (with jainas) = -ṣṭhi L.
(H3B) parame--ṣṭhín [L=116632] m. the teacher of the teacher of any one's teacher L.
(H3B) parame--ṣṭhín [L=116633] m. a kind of virāj RPra1t.
(H3B) parame--ṣṭhín [L=116634] m. a kind of ammonite L.
(H3B) parame--ṣṭhín [L=116635] m. N. of a son of aja-mīḍha MBh.
(H3B) parame--ṣṭhín [L=116636] m. of a son of indradyumna (Devadyumna) Pur.
(H3B) parame--ṣṭhín [L=116637] m. du. viṣṇu and śrī BhP.

(H3) paró--varīyas [p= 589,2] [L=116710] mfn. (°ró-) broader on the outside or at the top TS. AitBr. Ka1t2h.
[L=116710.1] better than good , most excellent of all ChUp. (-tva n. Ba1lar. )
(H3B) paró--varīyas [L=116710.2] n. the highest happiness ib.

(H1) pari-ni-ṣṭhā [p= 596,3] [L=117846] ( √sthā) , Caus. -ṣṭhāpayati to teach thoroughly Uttarar.
(H3) pari-niṣṭhā [L=117847] f. extreme limit , highest point MBh. Kap.
[L=117848] complete knowledge , familiarity with (loc. or comp.) S3am2k. Pur.

(H3) pari-naiṣṭhika [L=117854] mf(ī)n. highest , utmost , most perfect MBh.
(H1) pari-naiṣṭhika [L=117861] » under pari-ni-ṣṭhā.

(H4) pārame° ṣṭhya [p= 620,2] [L=122582] mfn. relating or belonging to or coming from the supreme god (brahmā) MBh. Hariv. Pur.
[L=122583] relating to a king , royal (cf. below)
(H4B) pārame° ṣṭhya [L=122584] m. patr. of nārada MBh. (v.l. °ṣṭha)
(H4B) pārame° ṣṭhya [L=122585] n. highest position , supremacy AitBr. MBh. Pur.
(H4B) pārame° ṣṭhya [L=122586] n. pl. the royal insignia BhP.

Transcendent words:

1 pāramita (transcendent) 2 prakṛṣṭatā (transcendent) 3 prakṛṣṭatva (transcendent) 4 prajñāpāramitā (transcendent)
pārá--m-ita [p= 619,3] [L=122429]
gone to the opposite shore

pāram-ita [p= 620,2] [L=122590]
&c » under 1. pāra.
(H3) mfn.
[L=122430]crossed , traversed
[L=122431]transcendent (as spiritual knowledge)
(H1) pāraya
pra-° kṛṣṭa---tā [p= 654,2] [L=130134]
( MW. ) , transcendent excellence , pre-eminence , superiority.
(H4) f.
pra-° kṛṣṭa---tva [L=130134.1]
( Hit. ) transcendent excellence , pre-eminence , superiority.
(H4) n.
pra-jñā́--pāramitā [p= 659,2] [L=131034]
perfection in wisdom Katha1s. Ka1ran2d2.

Buddh. ) one of the 6 or 10 transcendent virtues Dharmas. 17 ; 18 MWB. 128
(H3) f.