Sanskrit words pertaining to “implied”

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anukṛṣṭa (implied) 2 antarbhū (implied) 3 anyatkāraka (implied) 4 aprastutapraśaṃsā (implied) 5 aprastutastuti (implied) 6 ānuṣaṅgika (implied) 7 itara (implied) 8 upalakṣ (implied) 9 upalakṣaṇatā (implied) 10 upalakṣaṇatva (implied) 11 upalakṣita (implied) 12 upalakṣya (implied) 13 upādānalakṣaṇā (implied) 14 kaṇa (implied) 15 karman (implied) 16 tadguṇasaṃvijñāna (implied) 17 dhvan (implied) 18 dhvani (implied) 19 dhvanita (implied) 20 dhvanyartha (implied) 21 pratibaddha (implied) 22 bhāvakartṛka (implied) 23 bhāvagarhā (implied) 24 mānasa (implied) 25 mīlita (implied) 26 lopa (implied) 27 viśeṣokti (implied) 28 vyaṅgya (implied) 29 vyañjakārtha (implied) 30 vyañjanā (implied) 31 śrauta (implied) 32 śliṣ (implied) 33 śleṣārtha (implied) 34 sādhyavasānā (implied) 35 sādhyavasānikā (implied) 36 snu (implied)

anu-kṛṣṭa [p= 31,2] [L=6138]
drawn after , attracted

(H2) mfn.
[L=6139]included or implied in a subsequent rule.
antár- √ bhū [p= 44,2] [L=8300]
RV. vii , 86 , 2 , &c
(H1) to be (contained or inherent or implied) in
anyat-kāraka [p= 45,3] [L=8650]
making mistakes Pa1n2. 6-3 , 99 (the neut. form appears to be used in comp. when error of any kind is implied ; other examples besides the following are given) .
(H2) mfn.
á-prastuta--praśa [p= 59,1] [L=10785]
" conveying the subject-matter by that which is not the subject-matter " , (in rhetoric) implied or indirect expression.
(H3) f.
á-prastuta--stuti [L=10786]
" conveying the subject-matter by that which is not the subject-matter " , (in rhetoric) implied or indirect expression.
(H3) f.
ānuagika [p= 141,2] [L=24621]
(ī)n. (fr. anu-aga) , closely adherent , following , concomitant , inherent , implied BhP. Pan5cat.



Gr.) elliptical , including or agreeing with words not comprised in the sentence.
(H2) mf
[L=24623]lasting , enduring
[L=24624]necessarily following , necessary as a result or consequence , inevitable
[L=24625]occasional , unimportant , secondary
í-tara [p= 164,3] [L=28714]
(ā)n. (the neuter is ad in classical Sanskrit , but am [ad S3Br. ] in Ved. Pa1n2. 7-1 , 25, 26 ; comparative form of pronom. base 3. i ; cf. Lat. iterum ; Hib. iter) , the other (of two) , another

the rest

abl.) different from RV. AV. S3Br. MBh. R. Mn. Ragh. Hit. &c


í-tara [L=28721]
,itara , the one - the other , this - that. (itara connected antithetically with a preceding word often signifies the contrary idea e.g. vijayāya itarāya vā [ MBh. ] , to victory or defeat ; so in dvadva compounds , sukhe*tareu [ S3vetUp. ], in happiness and distress ; it sometimes , however , forms a tat-purua compound with another word to express the one idea implied in the contrary of that word , e.g. dakie*tara , the left hand.)
(H1) mf
[L=28717]low , vile
[L=28718]expelled , rejected
(H1B) itara
upa- √ lak [p= 205,3] [L=35626]
-lakayati , -te , to look at , observe , behold , perceive A1s3vS3r. S3a1n3khS3r. MBh. Sus3r. &c  ; 
to pay attention to , regard
MBh. Ka1m.  ; 
to regard or value as
MBh. R.  ; 
to distinguish , mark
to distinguish by a secondary or unessential mark
to imply in addition , designate implicitly
Sa1y. : Pass. -lakyate , to be observed &c  ; 
to be implied
BhP. Comm. on Mn. Sarvad. &c
(H1) P. A1.
upa-lakaa--tā [L=35637]
the being implied or expressed elliptically Veda1ntas. Sarvad. &c
(H3) f.
upa-lakaa--tva [L=35638]
the being implied or expressed elliptically Veda1ntas. Sarvad. &c
(H3) n.
upa-lakita [L=35640]
beheld , perceived , looked at R. BhP. Das3. &c


Ma1rkP. Ya1jn5. Mn. Katha1s. &c

(H2) mfn.
[L=35642]valued or regarded for
[L=35643]characterized , marked , distinguished
[L=35644]included , implied , expressed by implication or elliptically , understood.
upa-lakya [L=35645]
to be implied or understood by implication , inferable BhP.
(H2) mfn.
upā* -dāna--lakaā [p= 213,2] [L=36656]
implied signification (beyond the literal meaning e.g. kuntā praviśanti , " spears pierce " , where kuntā implies kuntina , " spearmen ") Sa1h. 14 Sarvad.
(H3) f.
a [p= 245,1] [L=42289]
( Nir. vi , 30 ; related to kanā , kaniṣṭha , kanīyas , kanyā , in all of which smallness is implied BRD. ) , a grain , grain of corn , single seed AV. x , 9 , 26

Ka1tyS3r. Mn. &c

Ragh. i , 85 Vikr.


S3ak. 60 a Megh. BhP. &c


Prab. S3a1ntis3.
a [L=42302]
a grain , single seed Katha1s. (cf. kaniṣṭha.)
(H2) m.
[L=42290]xi , 3 , 5
[L=42291]a grain or particle (of dust)
[L=42292]flake (of snow)
[L=42293]a drop (of water)
[L=42294]a spark (of fire)
[L=42295]the spark or facet of a gem
[L=42296]any minute particle , atom
(H2B) n.
kárman [p= 258,2] [L=45268]
(ā m. L. ) , ( √k Un2. iv , 144), act , action , performance , business RV. AV. S3Br. MBh. &c

ifc. , the first member of the compound being either the person who performs the action [e.g. vaik-k°] or the person or thing for or towards whom the action is performed [e.g. rāja-k° , paśu-k°] or a specification of the action [e.g. śaurya-k° , prīti-k°]) S3Br. Mn. Bhartr2. &c

&c , esp. as originating in the hope of future recompense and as opposed to speculative religion or knowledge of spirit) RV. AV. VS. Ragh. &c

praśānti) Hit. RPra1t. &c


nyāya philosophy ; of these motions there are five , viz. ut-kepaa , ava-kepaa , ā-kuñcana , prasāraa , and gamana , qq. vv.) Bha1sha1p. Tarkas.


Mn. xii , 98 Sus3r.

S3Br. xiv (or of action » karme*ndriya)
258,3] [p= 258,2] [L=45277]
Gr.) the object (it stands either in the acc. [in active construction] , or in the nom. [in passive construction] , or in the gen. [in connection with a noun of action] ; opposed to kart the subject) Pa1n2. 1-4 , 49 ff. (it is of four kinds , viz. a. nirvartya , when anything new is produced e.g. kaa karoti , " he makes a mat " ; putra prasūte , " she bears a son " ; b. vikārya , when change is implied either of the substance and form e.g. ṣṭha bhasma karoti , " he reduces fuel to ashes " ; or of the form only e.g. suvara kuṇḍala karoti , " he fashions gold into an ear-ring " ; c. prāpya , when any desired object is attained e.g. grāma gacchati , " he goes to the village " ; candra paśyati , " he sees the moon " ; d. anīpsita , when an undesired object is abandoned e.g. pāpa tyajati , " he leaves the wicked ")
258,3] [L=45278]
Pan5cat. Hit. Buddh. , (cf. karma-pāka and -vipāka)

VarBr2S. &c
(H1) n.
[L=45269]office , special duty , occupation , obligation (frequently
[L=45270]any religious act or rite (as sacrifice , oblation
[L=45271]work , labour , activity (as opposed to rest ,
[L=45272]physicking , medical attendance
[L=45273]action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories of the
[L=45275]product , result , effect
[L=45276]organ of sense
[p= (in
[p= former act as leading to inevitable results , fate (as the certain consequence of acts in a previous life)
[L=45279]the tenth lunar mansion
tád--gua---savijñāna [p= 434,2] [L=82106]
(a bahuvrīhi compound) in which the qualities implied are perceived along with the thing itself (e.g. dīrghakara , " long-ear " ; opposed to a- e.g. dṛṣṭasāgara , " one who has seen the ocean ") Ba1dar. i , 1 , 2 Sch. Sarvad.
(H4) n.
Whitney Roots links: Dvan
dhvan 1 [p= 522,2] [L=102496]
aor. ádhvanīt) , to be come covered or extinguished (as anger) RV. : Caus. ádhvānayat aor. dhvanayīt , to envelop , wrap up , darken ib. [cf. 2. dhvāntá ; Lith. dumju , dumti , to cover , wrap up ; Angl.Sax. dvinan , dvan , to be extinguished , vanish ; dun , dark-brown , dark.]
dhvan 2 [L=102497]
dhvanati (perf. dadhvāna , dadhvanur Bhat2t2. ; fut. dhvaniyati , °nitā Gr.) to sound , roar , make a noise , echo , reverberate Ka1v. &c  ; 
to mean , imply , (
esp. Pass. dhvanyate , it is meant , it is implied): Caus. dhvānayati Dha1tup. (aor. adidhvanat or adadh° Gr.) , to cause to sound , make resound (cf. °nayat below)  ; 
dhvanayati , to allude to , hint at Mr2icch. Comm. Intens. in dandhvana q.v. ([cf. 1. dhvāntá: Lith. dunde4ti , to sound , call ; Angl.Sax. dynian , to thunder.])
(H1) (only
(H1) cl.1 P.
dhvaní [L=102505]
sound , echo , noise , voice , tone , tune , thunder AV. &c





of wk.

of one of the viśve devās VP.

vasu āpa ib.
(H2) m.
[L=102506]the sound of a drum
[L=102507]empty sound without reality
[L=102508]a word
[L=102509]allusion , hint , implied meaning , poetical style
[L=102512]of a son of the
dhvanita [p= 522,3] [L=102529]
caused to sound S3atr.

dhvanita [L=102531]
sg. or pl. sound , thunder Ka1d.
(H2) mfn.
[L=102530]alluded to , implied
(H2B) n.
dhvany--artha [L=102533]
implied meaning or truth MW.
(H3) m.
prati-° baddha [p= 668,1] [L=132702]
tied or bound to , fastened , fixed Ka1m. Ragh. Sus3r.

Ma1lati1m. ii , 0÷1

comp.) Ka1d. S3am2k.

instr.) Kap. MBh. Hit.

loc.) Kum.

upari , or comp.) S3am2k. Pan5cat.





phil.) that which is always connected or implied (as fire in smoke) MW.
(H3) mfn.
[L=132703]twisted , wreathed (as a garland) ,
[L=132704]dependent on , subject to (
[L=132705]attached to , joined or connected or provided with (
[L=132706]harmonizing with , (
[L=132707]fixed , directed (
[L=132708]hindered , excluded , cut off ,
[L=132709]kept at a distance
[L=132710]entangled , complicated
[L=132711]disappointed , thwarted , crossed , vexed
bhāvá--kartka [p= 754,2] [L=150208]
(a verb) having for its agent the state implied by it , an impersonal verb Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3 , 54.
(H3) mfn.
bhāvá--garhā [L=150216]
censure implied in the notion of a verb Pa1n2. 3-1 , 24.
(H3) f.

mānasá [p= 810,1] [L=162924]
(ī , once ā)n. (fr. mánas) belonging to the mind or spirit , mental , spiritual (opp. to śārirā , corporeal) VS. &c

i.e. silent , tacit (as a hymn or prayer) S3rS. Mn. MBh.


mānasa (» n. below) BhP.
mānasá [L=162928]
a form of viṣṇu VP.
mānasá [L=162929]
N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
mānasá [L=162930]
of a son of vapu-mat Ma1rkP.
mānasá [L=162931]
a partic. class of deceased ancestors (regarded as sons of vasiṣṭha) Cat.
mānasá [L=162932]
a class of ascetics Ra1matUp.
mānasá [L=162933]
N. of the vaiśyas in śākadvīpa MBh.
mānasá [L=162934]
of the worlds of the soma-pa Hariv.
mānasá [L=162938]
(ifc. f(ā).) the mental powers , mind , spirit , heart , soul (= manas g. prajñā*di) Kat2hUp. MBh. Ka1v. &c
mānasá [L=162939]
(in law) tacit or implied consent W.
mānasá [L=162940]
a kind of salt Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
mānasá [L=162941]
the 25th mansion from that under which one is born VarYogay.
mānasá [L=162942]
(with or scil. saras , or tīrtha) N. of a sacred lake and place of pilgrimage on mount kailāsa (the native place of the wild geese , which migrate to it every year at the breeding season) MBh. Ka1v. Pur.
mānasá [L=162943]
N. of wk. on śilpa or art.
(H1) mf
[L=162925]expressed only in the mind , performed in thought
[L=162926]conceived or present in the mind , conceivable , imaginable
[L=162927]relating to or dwelling on the lake
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m. pl.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
mīlita [p= 819,1] [L=164718]
one who has closed his eyes , sleepy (only compar. °tá-tara) S3Br.

opp. to mukta) Pan5cavBr.

&c ) Ka1v. Pur.



rhet.) an implied simile (in which the similarity between two objects is only implied , as in the example: " women clothed in white are invisible in the moonlight , therefore they are as bright as moonlight ") Kpr. Kuval.
(H2) mfn.
[L=164719]closed , obstructed (
[L=164720]closed , unblown , partly opened (as eyes , blossoms
[L=164721]disappeared , ceased to be
[L=164722]met , assembled , gathered together
lopa [p= 904,3] [L=182979]
breaking , hurting , injury , destruction , interruption MBh. Ka1v. &c

Mn. Ya1jn5. &c


S3rS. Ragh.

lup , ślu , luk , which are only applicable to affixes ; when lopa of an affix takes place , a blank is substituted , which exerts the same influence on the base as the affix itself , but when either luk or lup or ślu of an affix is enjoined , then the affix is not only dropped but it is also inoperative on the base ; thus in the Ist pl. of kati , where jas is said to be elided by luk , the change of the final of the base to gua does not take place i.e. both the affix and its effect on the base are abolished ; moreover , lopa refers only to the last letter of an affix , whereas by luk &c the dropping of the whole affix is implied) Nir. Pra1t. Pa1n2. &c
lopa [p= 908,1] [L=183638]
&c » [p= 904,3].
(H2) m.
[L=182980]neglect , violation , transgression (of a vow or duty)
[L=182981]robbing , plundering
[L=182982]want , deficiency , absence , disappearance
[L=182983](in gram.) dropping , elision (generally as distinguished from the terms
(H1) lopaka
vi-śe° o* kti [p= 990,3] [p= 991,1] [L=200681]
" mention of difference " , N. of a figure of speech (in which the excellence of a thing is implied by comparing it to some highly prized object , yet mentioning the difference e.g. dyūtanāma puruasyā*si*sana rājyam , " truly gambling is a man's throneless kingdom " Mr2icch. ii , 6÷7) Va1m. iv , 3 , 23 (cf. Ka1vya7d. ii , 323 &c )
991,1] [L=200682]
(H3) f.
[p= enumeration of merits , panegyric
vy-agya [p= 1029,1] [L=208353]
» col.3.
vy-agya [p= 1029,3] [L=208436]
(ā)n. that which is manifested or indicated or made perceptible S3am2k. Sa1h.

rhet.) indicated by allusion or insinuation , implied , suggestive Kpr.
(H1) &c
(H2) mf
vy-añja° * rtha [L=208445]
(in rhet.) suggested or implied sense.
(H3) m.
vy-áñjanā [L=208450]
(in rhet.) implied indication , allusion , suggestion Sa1h. Prata1p.
(H2B) f.
śrauta [p= 1103,2] [L=223898]
(ī or ā)n. relating to the ear or hearing W.

opp. to ārtha , " implied ") Kpr.

veda (with janman n. " the second birth of a Brahman produced by knowledge of the veda ") Ya1jn5. Ka1v. Katha1s. &c

śrauta [L=223902]
relationship resulting from (common study of) the veda Hariv.
śrauta [L=223903]
a fault (incurred in repeating the veda) Hcat.
śrauta [L=223904]
any observance ordained by the veda (e.g. preservation of the sacred fire) W.
śrauta [L=223905]
the three sacred fires collectively ib.
śrauta [L=223906]
N. of various sāmans A1rshBr.
(H2) mf
[L=223899]to be heard , audible , expressed in words or in plain language (as a simile ,
[L=223900]relating to sacred tradition , prescribed by or founded on or conformable to the
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 17.52, 26.77, 32.38
Whitney Roots links: Sliz
śli 1 [p= 1104,1] [L=224041]
cf. √1. śri) cl.1 P. śleati , to burn Dha1tup. xvii , 52.
śli 2 [L=224043]
cf. √2. śri) cl.4 P. ( Dha1tup. xxvi , 77) ślíyati (rarely °te ; pf. śiślea Br. &c ; aor. aśliat MBh. &c ; aślikat [only in the sense of " to embrace " Pa1n2. 3-1 , 46] or aślaikīt [?] Gr. ; fut. śleṣṭā , ślekyati ib. ; inf. śleṣṭum Ka1v. ; ind.p. śliṣṭ ib. ; -śliya MBh. &c ) , to adhere , attach , cling to (loc. , rarely acc.) , Sus3r. ChUp. MBh.  ; 
to clasp , embrace
Gaut. Gi1t. BhP.  ; 
to unite , join (trans. or intrans.)
Ka1v. Katha1s.  ; 
A1.) to result , be the consequence of anything S3am2k. : Pass. śliyate (aor. aślei) , to be joined or connected MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to be implied or intimated
MW. : Caus. ( Dha1tup. xxxii , 38) śleayati , °te (aor. aśiśliat) , to (cause to) connect or embrace (cf. śleita) Desid. śiślikate (Gr. also °ti) , to wish to clasp , cling to AV. (not in MS.) : Intens. śeśliyate , śeśleṣṭi Gr.
(H1) (
(H1) (
śleā* rtha [L=224071]
implied or hidden or second meaning MW.
śleā* rtha [L=224072]
having an implied meaning (as a word)
(H3) m.
(H3B) mfn.
* dhyavasānā [p= 1202,3] [L=241872]
(in rhet.) an elliptical figure of speech (in which the meaning is left to be implied) Sa1h. Sarvad.
(H1) f.
* dhyavasānikā [L=241872.1]
(in rhet.) an elliptical figure of speech (in which the meaning is left to be implied) Sa1h. Sarvad.
(H1) f.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 24.29
Whitney Roots links: snu
snu 1 [p= 1267,3] [L=256456]
cf. √1. snā) cl.2 P. ( Dha1tup. xxiv , 29) snauti (accord. to Vop. also snute ; only in pres. base ; Gr. also pf. suṣṇāva , suṣṇuve ; fut. snotā or snavitā &c ) , to drip , distil , trickle , emit fluid , yield milk BhP. (cf. pra-snu): Caus. snāvayati (aor. asuṣṇavat) Gr.: Desid. of Caus. sisnāvayiati or susnāvayiati ib. : Desid. susnūati ib. : Intens. soṣṇūyate , siṣṇavīti , soṣṇoti ib. [cf. Gk. νέω , νεύσομαι] .
snu 2 [L=256460]
ifc.) dripping , trickling , sprinkling (» ghta-snu).
snú 3 [p= 1268,1] [p= 1267,3] [L=256463]
(accord. to L. also m. abridged fr. sānu and occurring only in instr. abl. sg. , snúnā , snós ; and in instr. loc. pl. snúbhis , snúu) the level summit or edge of a mountain , table-land , surface , height RV. VS.
snu 4 [p= 1268,1] [L=256464]
= snāyu , a sinew , tendon , muscle (only occurring in snu-tas , " from the sinews or muscles ") BhP.
snu 5 [L=256465]
kd-anta affix to roots forming adjectives expressive of an aptitude to do what is implied by the root Vop.
(H1) (
(H2) (
(H1) n.
(H1) f.
(H1) a