Pravrittyartham - used in verse 13
(H1) | pra- √ vṛt [p= 693,3] [p= 693,2] [L=137215]
A1. |
-vartate , (ep. also P. °ti) , to roll or go onwards (as a carriage) , be set in motion or going ChUp. MBh. &c ;
to set out , depart , betake one's self MBh. R. &c ;
to proceed (vartmanā , or °ni , on a path ; apathena , on a wrong path) Ka1v. Katha1s. ;
to come forth , issue , originate , arise , be produced , result , occur , happen , take place VS. Br. MBh. &c ;
to commence , begin to (inf.) , set about , engage in , be intent upon or occupied with (dat. loc. , or artham ifc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to proceed against , do injury to (loc.) MBh. R. Ragh. ;
to debauch (anyo 'nyam , " one another ") MBh. ;
to act or proceed according to or with (instr. or abl.) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to behave or conduct one's self towards , deal with (loc.) ib. ;
to hold good , prevail ib. ;
to continue , keep on (pr.p.) Hariv. Sarvad. ;
to be , exist Ma1rkP. ;
to serve for , conduce to (dat. , or artham ifc.) Sarvad. ;
to mean , be used in the sense of (loc.) ib. ;
to let any one (gen.) have anything (acc.) MBh. : Caus. -vartayati , to cause to turn or roll , set in motion RV. &c ;
to throw , hurl , Pour forth RV. MaitrS. ;
to send Prab. ;
to set on foot , circulate , diffuse , divulge MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to introduce , appoint , instal ib. ;
to produce , create , accomplish , devise , invent , perform , do , make ib. (with setum to erect a dam ; with vyayakarma , to effect expenditure ; with loka-yātrām , to transact the business of life ; with kathām , to relate a story) ;
to exhibit , show , display R. BhP. ;
to undertake , begin Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c ;
to use , employ Bhat2t2. ;
to induce any one to do anything , betray into (loc.) Katha1s. ;
to proceed against (loc.) MBh.
(H2) | pra-vṛ́t [L=137266]
f. |
(?) VS. xv , 9.
Induce reverse search
1 anunī (induce)
2 abhipracud (induce)
3 ācyu (induce)
4 upamantr (induce)
5 jābāli (induce)
6 prakṛ (induce)
7 pratyanunī (induce)
8 pravṛt (induce)
9 yā (induce)
10 vinī (induce)
11 samprayuj (induce)11 samprayuj (induce)
(H1) anu- √ nī [p= 34,1] [L=6549]
(Subj. 2. sg. -nayas ; aor. Subj. 2. sg. -neṣi , 2 pl. -neṣathā) to bring near , lead to RV. ;
to induce , win over , conciliate , pacify , supplicate.
(H1) abhi-pra- √ cud [p= 65,2] [L=11809] Caus. -codayati , to impel , induce , persuade MBh. R.
(H1) ā- √ cyu [p= 132,2] [L=23024] Caus. P. (1. pl. -cyāvayāmas , or °masi ; 2. sg. -cyāvayasi and Impv. °ya) to cause or induce to come near RV. AV. iii , 3 , 2 TS. ii S3Br. : Intens. P. (impf. -acucyavīt , 3. pl. °vuḥ) to cause to flow over , pour out RV. TS. iii : P. and A1. (impf. 3. pl. -acucyavuḥ: A1. 1. pl. -cucyuvīmáhi , 3. pl. -cucyavīrata) to cause or induce to come near RV.
(H1) upa- √ mantr [p= 203,2] [L=35286]
P. A1. -mantrayati , -te to call near or towards one's self , call hither , induce to come near TS. S3Br. ;
to summon , invite , persuade MBh. Ka1m. BhP. ;
to address.
(H2) jābāli [p= 419,1] [L=78880] m. patr. fr. jabāla ( Pa1n2. 2-4 , 58 Va1rtt. 1 Pat. ) , N. of an ancient sage (author of a law-book PadmaP. Mn. iv , 82÷83) MBh. iii , 8265 ; xiii , 254 VarBr2S. vlii Ka1d.
[L=78881] N. of an infidel Brahman (priest of daśa-ratha , who ineffectually tried after his death to shake rāma's resolution and induce him to take the throne) R. i , 11 , 6 and 69 , 4 ; ii , 67 , 2.
(H1) pra- √ kṛ 1 [p= 653,3] [L=129956]
P. A1. -karoti , -kurute , -kṛṇoti , °ṇute &c , to make , produce , accomplish , perform , achieve , effect RV. &c ;
to make into , render (with double acc.) Mn. MBh. &c ;
(with dārān) to take to wife , marry MBh. ;
to appoint , charge with (loc.) Pa1rGr2. Mn. Ya1jn5. ;
to enable to , make fit for (inf.) RV. ;
to remove , destroy , kill AV. Hariv. ;
(only A1. by Pa1n2. 1-3 , 32) to violate , pollute (a girl) Mn. viii , 370 ;
(A1.) to induce , move , incline RV. ;
to make a person perform anything Pa1rGr2. ;
(with manas , or buddhim) to set the heart upon , make up the mind to (dat. or loc.) , resolve , determine Mn. MBh. R. ;
to gain , win , conquer RV. ;
to lay out , expend Pa1n2. 1-3 , 32 ;
to put forward , mention first , make the subject of discussion ib. ;
to serve , honour , worship Bhat2t2. : Caus. -kārayati , to cause to be made or prepared Gaut.
(H1) praty-anu- √ nī [p= 675,2] [L=133988]
P. A1. -nayati , °te , to speak friendly words , induce to yield , persuade MBh. ;
(A1.) to beg a person's (acc.) pardon for (acc.) ib.
(H1) pra- √ vṛt [p= 693,3] [p= 693,2] [L=137215]
A1. -vartate , (ep. also P. °ti) , to roll or go onwards (as a carriage) , be set in motion or going ChUp. MBh. &c ;
to set out , depart , betake one's self MBh. R. &c ;
to proceed (vartmanā , or °ni , on a path ; apathena , on a wrong path) Ka1v. Katha1s. ;
to come forth , issue , originate , arise , be produced , result , occur , happen , take place VS. Br. MBh. &c ;
to commence , begin to (inf.) , set about , engage in , be intent upon or occupied with (dat. loc. , or artham ifc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to proceed against , do injury to (loc.) MBh. R. Ragh. ;
to debauch (anyo 'nyam , " one another ") MBh. ;
to act or proceed according to or with (instr. or abl.) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to behave or conduct one's self towards , deal with (loc.) ib. ;
to hold good , prevail ib. ;
to continue , keep on (pr.p.) Hariv. Sarvad. ;
to be , exist Ma1rkP. ;
to serve for , conduce to (dat. , or artham ifc.) Sarvad. ;
to mean , be used in the sense of (loc.) ib. ;
to let any one (gen.) have anything (acc.) MBh. : Caus. -vartayati , to cause to turn or roll , set in motion RV. &c ;
to throw , hurl , Pour forth RV. MaitrS. ;
to send Prab. ;
to set on foot , circulate , diffuse , divulge MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to introduce , appoint , instal ib. ;
to produce , create , accomplish , devise , invent , perform , do , make ib. (with setum to erect a dam ; with vyayakarma , to effect expenditure ; with loka-yātrām , to transact the business of life ; with kathām , to relate a story) ;
to exhibit , show , display R. BhP. ;
to undertake , begin Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c ;
to use , employ Bhat2t2. ;
to induce any one to do anything , betray into (loc.) Katha1s. ;
to proceed against (loc.) MBh.
(H2) pra-vṛ́t [L=137266] f. (?) VS. xv , 9.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 24.41
Whitney Roots links: yA
(H1B) yā 4 [p= 838,2] [L=168992] f. going , a car
(H1B) yā 4 [L=168993] f. restraining , religious meditation
(H1B) yā 4 [L=168994] f. attaining
(H1B) yā 4 [L=168995] f. pudendum muliebre
(H1B) yā 4 [L=168996] f. N. of lakṣmī.
(H1) yā 1 [p= 849,2] [p= 849,1] [L=171018]
(collateral form of √5. i) cl.2 P. ( Dha1tup. xxiv , 41) yā́ti (1. pl. yāmahe MBh. ; impf. 3. pl. ayuḥ Br. ; ayān Pa1n2. 3-4 , 111 Sch. ; pf. yayaú , yayā́tha , yayá , yayúḥ RV. &c ; yaye Ka1v. ; aor. ayāsam or ayāsiṣam ; Subj. yā́sat , yeṣam , yāsiṣat RV. Br. ; Prec. yāsiṣīṣṭhās Br. ; fut. yātā MBh. &c ; yāsyati AV. ; °te MBh. ; inf. yātum MBh. &c ; Ved. inf. yaí , yā́tave or °vaí ; ind.p. yātvā́ Br. &c ; -yā́ya,-yāyam ib.) , to go , proceed , move , walk , set out , march , advance , travel , journey (often with instr. or acc. of the way , esp. with gatim,mārgam,adhvānam,panthānam,padavīm,yātrām) RV. &c ;
to go away , withdraw , retire MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
(also with palā*yya) to flee , escape R. Katha1s. (with kṣemeṇa or svasti , to escape unscathed Pan5cat. BhP. ) ;
to go towards or against , go or come to , enter , approach , arrive at , reach RV. &c &c (with acc. often followed by prati e.g. with gṛham , to enter a house ; with ripum prati , to march against the enemy ; with mṛgayām , to go out hunting ; with śirasāmahīm , to bow down to the ground with the head ; with prakṛtim , to return to one's natural state ; with karṇau , to come to the ears , be heard ; with utsavād utsavam , to go from one festival to another ; with hastam ifc. , to fall into the hands of ; with patham or gocaram ifc. , to come within range of ; esp. with the acc. of an abstract noun = to go to any state or condition , become , be e.g. vināśaṃ yāti , he goes to destruction i.e. he is destroyed ; kāṭhinyaṃ yāti , it becomes hard ; dveṣyatāṃ yāti , he becomes hated ; similarly nidhanaṃ- √yā , to die ; nidrāṃ- √yā , to fall asleep ; udayaṃ- √yā , to rise , said of stars &c ; sometimes also with loc. e.g. yāhi rājñah sakāśe , go into the presence of the king R. ; or even with dat. e.g. yayatuḥ sva-niveśāya , both went home Katha1s. ; na cā*tmane kṛpaṇasya dhanaṃ yāti , nor does the wealth of the miser go to [i.e. benefit] himself. Hit. ; phalebhyo yāti , he goes to [fetch] fruits Pa1n2. 2-3 , 14 Sch.) ;
to go to for any request , implore , solicit (with two acc.) RV. ;
(with striyam) to go to a woman for sexual intercourse MBh. ;
to go to for any purpose (inf.) Bhat2t2. Vop. ;
often with adverbs e.g. with bahir , to go out Katha1s. ;
with adho , to go down , sink BhP. ;
with khaṇḍaśo or dalaśo , to fall to pieces Katha1s. ;
with śata-dhā , to fall into a hundred pieces ib. ;
to extend to (acc.) VarBr2S. ;
to last for (acc.) Hit. ;
to pass away , elapse (said of time) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to vanish , disappear (as wealth) Mr2icch. ;
to come to pass , prosper , succeed BhP. ;
to proceed , behave , act MBh. ;
to find out , discover MBh. ;
to receive or learn (a science) from (abl.) BhP. ;
to undertake , undergo (acc.) RV. ;
Impv. yātu , be it as it may Hit. : Pass. yāyate , to be gone or moved MBh. : Caus. yāpáyati (aor. ayīyapat) , to cause to depart , cause to go or march , dismiss Ka1v. BhP. ;
to cause to go towards (acc.) Pa1n2. 1-4 , 32 Sch. (cf. yāpita) ;
to direct (the gaze) towards (loc.) Bhartr2. (v.l. pātayati) ;
to drive away remove , cure (a disease) Sus3r. ;
to cause to pass or elapse , pass or spend (time) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to live (pāli yāpeti) DivyA7v. ;
to cause to subsist , support , maintain DivyA7v. ;
to induce MW. : Desid. yiyāsati , to intend or be about to go , desire to proceed MBh. Ka1v. &c : Intens. īyāyate (?) , to move Pras3nUp. ;
yāyayate,yāyeti,yāyāti Gr.
(H2) yā 2 [L=171019] (ifc.) going , moving (» ṛṇa- eva- , tura- , deva-yā).
(H1) yā 3 [p= 850,2] [L=171221] f. of 3. ya q.v.
(H1) vi- √ nī [p= 971,3] [L=197184]
P. A1. -nayati , °te , to lead or take away , remove , avert RV. AV. ;
to throw off , drive away , dispel , expel (a disease) Car. ;
(A1.) to elicit , draw from (abl.) RV. ;
to stir up (the soma) RV. ;
to part (the hair) Gr2S3rS. ;
to stretch , extend S3a1n3khBr. R. ;
to train , tame , guide (horses) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to educate , instruct , direct MBh. R. &c ;
to chastise , punish Ya1jn5. Kum. ;
to induce , lead or cause to (inf.) RV. i , 1 , 64 , 6 ;
to spend , pass (time) Gi1t. ;
to perform , accomplish MBh. ;
(A1.) to pay off , restore (a debt) Pa1n2. 1-3 , 36 ;
to expand (esp. for religious purposes) ib. Sch. ;
to get rid of. give up , cease from (anger) Pa1n2. 1-3 , 37 : Desid. A. -ninīṣate , to wish to get rid of or give up (egoism) S3a1n3khSr. ??
(H1) sam-pra- √ yuj [p= 1176,1] [p= 1175,3] [L=236516]
P. A1. -yunakti , -ynṅkte , to yoke or join together , yoke , harness MBh. R. ;
to employ , make use of BhP. ;
to perform , execute (a song) L. ;
to instigate , incite , induce to (instr.) R. : Pass. -yujyate , to be joined or connected with (instr.) , be added or attached Nir. Hariv. &c ;
to be united sexually Ra1jat. ;
to be implicated in (instr.) Ya1jn5. : Caus. -yojayati , to join together , connect with (instr.) MBh. Sa1h. ;
to equip , prepare Hariv.
(H2) sam-prayuj [L=236527]