cf. √1. ruh , of which this seems to be only another form) cl.1 P.ródhati , to sprout , shoot , grow (only ródhatiRV. viii , 43 , 6 ; and viródhat , i , 67 , 9 ; accord. to some also p.rudhat , i , 179 , 4 , innadásya rudhatáḥ kā́maḥ , " the desire of the growing reed " i.e. of the membrum virile ; others , " of the husband who keeps me away " , fr. √2. rudh ; cf. also nada).
( Dha1tup. xxix , 1) ruṇáddhi , runddhé (1. pl.-rudhmasAV. ; rundhati,°teBr. &c ; rodhatiMBh. pf.rurodha,rurudheRV. &c ; rurundhatuḥMBh. ; aor.arautAV. ; arautsītBr. &c ; rotsīsUp. ; arutsi,aruddhaBr. Up. ; arautsiAitBr. ; arodhamRV. ; arudhmaMaitrS. ; p.rudhátcf. √1. rudh ; arudhatRV. &c ; Prec.rudhyātKa1v. ; fut.roddhāGr. ; rotsyati,°teBr. &c inf.roddhum or rodhitumMBh. ; roddhosBr. ; ind.p.ruddhvāMBh. &c ; -rúdhyaRV. &c ; -rundhyaMBh. ; -rúdhamAV. Br. ; -rúndhamBr. ; -ro*dhamib.) , to obstruct , check , arrest , stop , restrain , prevent , keep back , withhold RV. (always with na) , &c ; to avert , keep off , repel Bhat2t2. (cf.rudhat under √1. rudh) ; to shut , lock up , confine in (loc.) Mn. MBh. &c (accord. to Vop. also with double acc.) ; to besiege , blockade , invest Pat. MBh. &c ; to close , block up (a path) R. ; to cover , conceal , veil , obscure MBh. Ka1v. &c ; to stop up , fill ib. ; to lay (dust) Ragh. ; to touch , move (the heart) Ba1lar. ; to torment , harass R. ; to lose , be deprived of (acc.) TS. S3Br. ; to tear , rend asunder (?) AV. xix , 29 , 3 : Caus.rodhayati (ep. also °te and rundhayati ; aor.arūrudhat ; Pass.rodhyate) , to stop , arrest MBh. ; to cause to be confined by (acc.) Pan5car. ; to cause to be besieged by (instr.) Ragh. ; to close (with a cover or lid) Bhpr. ; to fetter , enchain , influence BhP. ; to oppress , torment , harass MBh. R. : Desid.rorutsate ( Br. ) , °ti ( MBh. ) , to wish to obstruct &c : Intens.rorudhyate , roroddhi , to obstruct intensely or repeatedly &c Gr. (only rorudhaḥMBh. )