Visarga - sending forth, letting go, liberation, emission, excreting, discharge, driving cows

And also - final emancipation, destruction of the world, casting glances, creation, penis, splendor

ūrdhve prāṇo hy adho jīvo visargātmā paroccaret |
utpattidvitayasthāne bharaṇād bharitā sthitiḥ || 24 ||

 » p.1001.

  • m. sending forth , letting go , liberation , emission , discharge Gr2S3rS.MBh. &c
  • voiding , evacuation (of excrement) S3Br. MBh. Sus3r.
  • opening (of the closed hand) Ka1tyS3r.
  • getting rid of , sending away , dismissal , rejection Mn. MBh. &c
  • letting loose i.e. driving out (cows ; » go-vis°)
  • final emancipation , exemption from worldly existence BhP.
  • cessation , end RV. Gr2S.
  • end of the annual course of the sun Car.
  • destruction of the world BhP.
  • giving , granting , bestowal Mn. MBh. &c
  • scattering , hurling , throwing , shooting , casting (also of glances) MBh.Ragh. BhP.
  • producing , creating (esp. secondary creation or creation in detail by puruṣa ; » under sarga) Bhag. BhP.
  • creation (in the concrete sense) , product , offspring Hariv. BhP.
  • " producer " , cause BhP.
  • membrum virile ib.
  • the sun's southern course L.
  • separation , parting W. (cf. -cumbana)
  • light , splendour ib.
  • N. of a symbol in grammar (= vi-sarjanīya , which is the older term »below) Pa1n2. Sch. S3rutab. MBh. BhP.
  • N. of śiva MBh. xiii , 1241

vi-sarga [p= 1000,3] [L=202714]
» p.1001.
vi-sargá [p= 1001,1] [L=202770]
sending forth , letting go , liberation , emission , discharge Gr2S3rS. MBh. &c

S3Br. MBh. Sus3r.


Mn. MBh. &c

i.e. driving out (cows ; » go-vis°)


RV. Gr2S.



Mn. MBh. &c

MBh. Ragh. BhP.

esp. secondary creation or creation in detail by purua ; » under sarga) Bhag. BhP.

Hariv. BhP.




W. (cf. -cumbana)


of a symbol in grammar (= vi-sarjanīya , which is the older term » below) Pa1n2. Sch. S3rutab. MBh. BhP.

of śiva MBh. xiii , 1241
(H1) vi-sarjana
(H2) m.
[L=202771]voiding , evacuation (of excrement)
[L=202772]opening (of the closed hand)
[L=202773]getting rid of , sending away , dismissal , rejection
[L=202774]letting loose
[L=202775]final emancipation , exemption from worldly existence
[L=202776]cessation , end
[L=202777]end of the annual course of the sun
[L=202778]destruction of the world
[L=202779]giving , granting , bestowal
[L=202780]scattering , hurling , throwing , shooting , casting (also of glances)
[L=202781]producing , creating (
[L=202782]creation (in the concrete sense) , product , offspring
[L=202783]" producer " , cause
[L=202784]membrum virile
[L=202785]the sun's southern course
[L=202786]separation , parting
[L=202787]light , splendour

The Yoga of delight, wonder, and astonishment: a translation of ... - Page 20
- 1991 - 173 pages - Google eBook - Preview
Visargatma — who is of the nature of visarga. The word visarga means letting go, projection or creation, ie who is creative ... Para or para devi or Para takti is designated as Visargatma, because it is by this rhythm of centrifugal and ...
Jaideva Singh

Vijnanabhairava, or Divine consciousness: a treasury of 112 types ... - Page 20
- 1979 - 173 pages - Preview
Visargatma — who is of the nature of visarga. The word visarga means letting go, projection or creation, ie who is creative ... Para or para devi or Para lakti is designated as Visargatma, because it is by this rhythm of centrifugal and ...
Jaideva Singh

The Sutras on the 5-Fold Act of Divine Consciousness - Page 140
- 2003 - 294 pages - Preview
The inward and outward breath, along with the space between the breaths is the active reflection of Visargatma in a living ... Dharana: Urdhve prano hy adho jivo visargatma paroccaret / Utpattidvitayasthane bharanad bharita sthitih ...
Acharya Kedar

Where are you going?: a guide to the spiritual journey
- 1981 - 160 pages - Snippet view
24: Ordvhe prano hy adho jivo visargatma paroccharet utpattidvitayasthane bharanad bharitd sthitihi. Also see Vijnana Bhairava, 25: Maruto'ntar bahir vapi viyad yugmdnivartanat / Bhairavya bhaira vasyet- tham bhairavi vyajyate vapuh. ...
Swami Muktananda

sárga [p= 1183,3] [L=237844]
(ifc. f(ā). ; fr. √ sj) letting go , discharging , voiding (as excrement) MBh. R.


ib. Ra1jat.

1184,1] [L=237848]
acc. with √ k , " to cast or strike down " RV. )


opp. to pratisarga " secondary creation ") , creation of the world (as opp. to its pralaya " dissolution " , and sthiti , " maintenance in existence " ; 9 different creations are enumerated in BhP. iii , 10 , 13 ; ā sargāt , " from the creation or beginning of the world " ; sarge " in the created world ") Up. Mn. MBh. &c

daiva " a divine creation " , " a god ") Ragh.




Bhag. v , 19

Ragh. S3is3.

esp. in an epic poem)


= moha) L.

MBh. xi , 2165 ( Ni1lak. )

visarga , the aspiration at the end of a word Cat.

of śiva MBh.

rudra Pur.
sarga [p= 1245,2] [L=251925]
» [p= 1182,3].
(H1) m.
[L=237845]starting (a race-horse) , racing
[L=237846]a herd let loose from a stable , any troop or host or swarm or multitude
[L=237847]a draught of air , gust of wind
[p= a stream , gush , rush , downpour (of any fluid ;
[L=237849]a dart , shot
[L=237850]emission or creation of matter , primary creation (as
[L=237851]a created being , creature (with
[L=237852]begetting , procreation
[L=237854]offspring , a child
[L=237855]nature , natural property , disposition , tendency
[L=237856]effort , exertion , resolution , resolve , will
[L=237857]a section , chapter , book , canto (
[L=237858]assent , agreement
[L=237859]fainting (
[L=237860]implement of war
[L=237863]of a son of
(H2) &c