Dharma-Duty | Pranava Meditation Resource Site

Dharma - usage , practice , customary observance or prescribed conduct , duty

dhárma 1 [p= 510,3] [L=99903]
(rarely n. g. ardharcā*di ; the older form of the RV. is dhárman q.v.) that which is established or firm , steadfast decree , statute , ordinance , law

dhármea ind. or °māt ind. according to right or rule , rightly , justly , according to the nature of anything ; cf. below ; °mesthita mfn. holding to the law , doing one's duty) AV. &c

indra S3Br. &c ; as yama MBh. ; as born from the right breast of yama and father of śama , kāma and hara ib. ; as viṣṇu Hariv. ; as prajā-pati and son-in-law of daka Hariv. Mn. &c ; as one of the attendants of the Sun L. ; as a Bull Mn. viii , 16 ; as a Dove Katha1s. vii , 89 , &c )

sagha or monastic order MWB. 70)

dharma called sūsra , as distinguished from the abhi-dharma or , " further dharma " and from the vinaya or " discipline " , these three constituting the canon of Southern Buddhism MWB. 61)

prajñā-pāramitā , gaṇḍa-vyūha , daśa-bhūmīśvara , samādhirāja , lakāvatāra , saddharma-puṇḍarīka , tathā-gata-guhyaka , lalita-vistara , suvara-prabhāsa ,ib. 69)

= sva-bhāva L. ; cf. daśa-dh°arma-gata S3Br. &c ; upamāno*pameyayor dh° , the tertium comparationis Pa1n2. 2-1 , 55 Sch.)

partic. ceremony MBh. xiv , 2623



upaniad L.



upamā L. (cf. above )


soma-drinker L.

of the 15th arhat of the present ava-sarpiī L.

anu and father of ghta Hariv.

gāndhāra and father of dhta Pur.

haihaya and father of netra BhP.

pthu-śravas and of uśanas ib.

su-vrata VP. (cf. dharma-sūtra)

dīrgha-tapas , Va1yuP.

kaśmīra , Ra1j. iv , 678

ib. vii , 85

&c (also -paṇḍita , -bhaṭṭa and -śāstrin) Cat. [cf. Lat. firmus , Lith. derme4.]
dharma 2 [p= 512,3] [L=100471]
P. °mati , to become , law Vop.
dhárma 3 [L=100472]
comp. for °man q.v. 2.
dharma [p= 513,1] [L=100518]
[p= 510,3].
dharma [p= 1329,2] [L=334320]
Sukh. i

(H2) m.
[L=99904]usage , practice , customary observance or prescribed conduct , duty
[L=99905]right , justice (often as a synonym of punishment)
[L=99906]virtue , morality , religion , religious merit , good works (
[L=99907]Law or Justice personified (as
[L=99908]the law or doctrine of Buddhism (as distinguished from the
[L=99909]the ethical precepts of Buddhism (or the principal
[L=99910]the law of Northern Buddhism (in 9 canonical scriptures , viz.
[L=99911]nature , character , peculiar condition or essential quality , property , mark , peculiarity (
[L=99914]the ninth mansion
[L=99916]associating with the virtuous
[L=99917]religious abstraction , devotion
[L=99919]a bow
[L=99922]of a son of
[L=99923]of a son of
[L=99924]of a son of
[L=99925]of a son of
[L=99926]of a son of
[L=99927]of a son of
[L=99928]of a king of
[L=99929]of another man
[L=99930]of a lexicographer
(H2) Nom.
(H2) in
(H1) »
(H2) (also) a thing,
dhárma--karman [p= 510,3] [L=99936]
work of duty , pious action BrahmaP. Subh.
(H3) n.
dhárma--kārya [L=99951]
any act of duty or religion , good work , virtuous conduct Mn. Ya1jn5. S3ak.
(H3) n.
dhárma--kcchra [L=99960]
a difficult point of duty or right MBh. 1.
(H3) n.
dhárma--kt [L=99961]
(2. » under 3. dharma) doing one's duty , virtuous MBh.
dhárma--kt [p= 512,3] [L=100473]
maintainer of order (indra) RV. viii.87 , 1.2.
(H3) mfn.
(H3) m.
dhárma--kritya [p= 510,3] [L=99962]
fulfilment of duty , virtue , any moral or religious observance A1past. Hariv.
(H3) n.
dhárma--caraa [p= 511,1] [L=99998]
( MBh. ) observance of the law , performance of duty.
(H3) n.
dhárma--caryā [L=99999]
( A1past. ) observance of the law , performance of duty.
(H3) f.
dhárma--cintana [L=100007]
( L. ) consideration of the law or duty , virtuous reflection.
(H3) n.
dhárma--cintā [L=100008]
( Lalit. ) consideration of the law or duty , virtuous reflection.
(H3) f.
dhárma--cchala [L=100010]
fraudulent transgression of law or duty MBh.
(H3) m.
dhárma--ja [L=100011]
produced by a sense of duty Mn. ix , 107
dhárma--ja [L=100012]
= the next.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
dhárma--jñāna [L=100019]
knowledge of law or duty , Hit
(H3) n.
dhárma--darśana [L=100041]
knowledge of duty or law MW.
(H3) n.
dhárma--dāna [L=100043]
a gift made from duty L.
(H3) n.
dhárma--dāsa [L=100046]
" duty-slave " , N. of a man Buddh.

sev. authors (a poet , a grammarian and a Sch. on karpūra-mañjarī) Cat.
(H3) m.
dhárma--nitya [p= 511,2] [L=100096]
constant in duty MBh.
(H3) mfn.
dhárma--nipatti [L=100101]
fulfilment of duty , moral or religious observance W.
(H3) f.
dhárma--paṭṭa [L=100109]
the band of law or duty L.
(H3) m.
dhárma--pathin [L=100118]
(nom. -panthās) the way of duty or virtue , R
(H3) m.
dhárma--pāśa [L=100129]
" band of law or duty " , N. of a partic. mythical weapon R.
(H3) m.
dhárma--pīā [L=100132]
transgression of law or duty Das3.
(H3) f.
dhárma--putra [L=100133]
a son begot from a sense of duty L.

of yudhi-ṣṭhira (cf. -janman) Mr2icch. i , 39

manu VP.

of the ṛṣis nara and nārāyaa Pur.
(H3) m.
[L=100135]of the 11th
dhárma--puraskāra [L=100140]
placing duty above all A1past.
(H3) mfn.
dhárma--bhagna [p= 511,3] [L=100170]
one who has neglected his duty Hariv.
(H3) mfn.
dhárma--bhīru [L=100175]
forgetful (lit. afraid) of duty Kautukar.
(H3) mfn.
dhárma--bhī° ruka [L=100176]
tremblingly alive to duty MW.
(H4) mfn.
dhárma--mārga [L=100185]
the path of virtue or duty Pan5c.
(H3) m.
dhárma--lopa [L=100232]
violation of law , neglect of duty , irreligion MBh.

Sa1h. 1.
(H3) m.
[L=100233]absence of an attribute
dhárma--vatsala [L=100237]
tenderly alive to duty , loving piety MW.
(H3) mfn.
dhárma--vartin [L=100238]
" abiding in duty " , righteous ib.
(H3) mfn.
dhárma--vāda [L=100249]
discussion or argument about law or duty R.
(H3) m.
dhárma--vā° din [L=100250]
discussing law or duty MBh. Pan5c.
(H4) mfn.
dhárma--vicāra [p= 512,1] [L=100257]
" discussion of law or duty "
(H3) m.
dhárma--vid [L=100261]
knowing the law or duty , virtuous , pious Gaut. MBh.
(H3) mfn.
dhárma--viplava [L=100265]
violation of law or duty , wickedness Kir.
(H3) m.
dhárma--sajña [L=100312]
having the sense of duty
(H3) mfn.
dhárma--sajña---tva [L=100313]
( Ja1takam. ) the sense of duty.
(H4) n.
dhárma--sajña---tā [L=100313.1]
( MBh. ) the sense of duty.
(H4) f.
dhárma--hāni [p= 512,2] [L=100358]
neglect of duty A1past.
(H3) f.
dharmā* nuṣṭhāna [L=100402]
fulfilment of duty , virtuous or moral conduct A1past.
(H3) n.
dharmā* nusāra [L=100403]
conformity to law or virtue , course or practice of duty W.
(H3) m.
dharmā* bhieka-kriyā [L=100414]
any ablution prescribed as a religious duty S3ak.
(H3) f.
dharmā* rtham [p= 512,3] [L=100428]
for religious purposes , according to right or rule or duty MW.
(H4) ind.
dharmā* rtha---darśin [L=100430]
having an eye to duty and interest or to religion and wealth MW.
(H4) mfn.
dharmā* rtha---pratibaddhatā [L=100431]
attachment to duty and interest or to religion and wealth ib.
(H4) f.
dharmā* rtha---yukta [L=100432]
conformable to duty and interest , Apast.
(H4) mfn.
dharmā rthīya [L=100434]
relating to law or duty MBh.
(H4) mfn.
dharmā* viruddhám [L=100439]
according (lit. not opposed) to law or duty MBh. i , 3501.
(H3) ind.
dharmo* padeśa [L=100462]
instruction in law or duty , religious or moral instruction Mn. A1past.

Mn. xii , 106

Jaim. (cf. °ma-mātra)

of a jaina wk.
(H3) m.
[L=100463]the laws collectively
[L=100464]the statement of modality
dharmán [L=100476]
bearer , supporter , arranger RV.

of a son of bhad-rāja and father of kta-jaya VP.
dhárman [L=100478]
(older than dhárma q.v. , in later language mostly ifc. ; cf. below) support , prop , hold RV. VS.
dhárman [L=100479]
established order of things , steadfast decree (of a god , esp. of mitra-varua) , any arrangement or disposition
dhárman [L=100480]
will , pleasure
dhárman [L=100481]
law , rule , duty
dhárman [L=100482]
practice , custom , mode , manner (dhármaā , °mabhis ; °maas pári in regular order , naturally ; svāya dhar mae at one's own pleasure ; dharmai with the permission of , ádhi dh° against the will of [gen.]) RV. AV. VS.
dhárman [L=100483]
(esp. ifc.) nature , quality , characteristic mark or attribute S3Br. (cf. an-ucchitti-) MBh. (cf. uñcha- [add.] , katra- , phala- , phena.) Var. (cf. dasyu- [add.]) Kap. (cf. cid-dh° [add.]) Ka1v. (cf. vināśa-.).
(H2) m.
(H2) n.
(H2) n.
(H2) n.
(H2) n.
(H2) n.
(H2) n.
dharmin [L=100487]
knowing or obeying the law , faithful to duty , virtuous , pious , just Gaut. MBh. R.

Hariv. Ka1vya7d. (cf. below) Sa1h.

ifc.) following the laws or duties of , having the rights or attributes or peculiarities of. having anything as a characteristic mark , subject to any state or condition Mn. MBh. Ka1v. Pur. &c
dharmin [L=100490]
the bearer of any characteristic mark or attribute , object , thing Kap.
dharmin [L=100491]
N. of the 14th vyāsa , Devi1bhP.
dharmin [L=100492]
of a king VP.
(H2) mfn.
[L=100488]endowed with any characteristic mark or peculiar property
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
dhar° mi-tva [p= 513,1] [L=100497]
virtuousness , justice , faithfulness to duty Ka1m.

ifc.) the being obliged to Gaut.

Sus3r. Ka1v. Pur.
(H3) n.
[L=100499]the being endowed with or obnoxious to
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 22.3
Whitney Roots links: Df
dh [p= 519,2] [p= 519,1] [L=101815]
dharati , °te ( Dha1tup. xxii , 3 ; A1. Pot. dhareran A1pS3r. ), but more commonly in the same sense the Caus. form dhārayati , °te (perf. P. dādhā́ra , °dhártha [Impv. dadhartu AV.Paipp. ] ; A1. dadhré , 3. pl. °dhriré RV. &c ; aor. adhāram R. ; adhta,dhthās AV. ; ádīdharat RV. &c [dīdhar,didhtam,°ta RV. ; 3. pl. °rata S3Br. ] ; adārīt Gr. ; fut. dhariyati MBh. ; ° AV. ; dhartā BhP. ; inf. dhartum Ka1v. , °tavai Br. [dhartári » under °ri] ; ind.p. dhtvā , -dhtya Br. ) to hold , bear (also bring forth) , carry , maintain , preserve , keep , possess , have , use , employ , practise , undergo RV. &c  ; 
(with or scil
ātmānam , jīvitam , prāān , deham , śarīram &c ) to preserve soul or body , continue living , survive MBh. Ka1v. &c (esp. fut. dhariyati ; cf. Pass. below)  ; 
to hold back , keep down , stop , restrain , suppress , resist
Br. MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to place or fix in , bestow or confer on (
loc.) RV. AV. Br. &c  ; 
to destine for (
dat. ; A1. also to be destined for or belong to) RV.  ; 
to present to (
gen.) Ka1ran2d2.  ; 
to direct or turn (attention , mind ,
&c ) towards , fix or resolve upon (loc. or dat.) Up. Ya1jn5. MBh.  ; 
A1. to be ready or prepared for S3Br.  ; 
P. A1. to owe anything (acc.) to (dat. or gen.) MBh. (cf. Pa1n2. 1-4 , 35)  ; 
to prolong (in pronunciation)
AitBr. RPra1t.  ; 
to quote , cite
L.  ; 
garbham) to conceive , be pregnant (older °bham-bh) MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
daṇḍam) to inflict punishment on (loc.) MBh. R. BhP. (also damam)  ; 
keśān , or śmaśru) to let the hair or beard grow MBh.  ; 
raśmīn [ib.] or praharān [ S3ak. ]) to draw the reins tight  ; 
dharamam) to fulfil a duty R.  ; 
vratám) to observe or keep a vow RV. &c  ; 
dhāraām) to practise self-control Ya1jn5.  ; 
ipas) to perform penance BhP.  ; 
mūrdhnā or °dhni , śirasā or °si) to bear on the head , honour highly Ka1v.  ; 
(with or
scil. tulayā) to hold in a balance , weigh , measure MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
(with or
scil. manasā) to bear in mind , recollect , remember ib.  ; 
samaye) to hold to an agreement , cause to make a compact Pan5c. i , 125÷126 (B. dṛṣṭ for dhtvā): Pass. dhriyáte (ep. also °yati ; pf. dadhré &c = A1. ; aor. adhāri) to be borne &c  ; 
so be firm , keep steady
RV. &c  ; 
continue living , exist , remain
Br. MBh. Ka1v. &c (also dhāryate R. )  ; 
to begin , resolve upon , undertake (
dat. ; acc. or inf.) AV. S3Br. ChUp. : Caus. dhāráyati , °te » above: Desid. didhīrati (» °ā) , didhariate Pa1n2. 7-2 , 75  ; 
didhārayiati , to wish to keep up or preserve (ātmānam) Gobh. iii , 5 , 30 : Intens. dárdharti ( RV. ) anddādharti (3. pl. °dhrati TS. ; cf. Pa1n2. 7-4 , 65) to hold fast , bear firmly , fasten. [cf. Zd. dar ; Gk. θρόνος , θρ-νος , ; Lat. fre1-tus , fre1-num.]
(H1) cl.1 P. A1.