Jaya - Winning, conquering, victory, a kind of flute, king of measure, the sun

jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77322]
( √ ji) ifc. conquering , winning » ta- , kta- , dhana-jayá , pura- , śalru-
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77323]
( Pa1n2. 3-3 , 56 Ka1s3. ) conquest , victory , triumph , winning , being victorious (in battle or in playing with dice or in a lawsuit) AV. vii , 50 , 8 S3Br. vi Mn. vii (indriyāāj° victory over or restraint of the senses) and x MBh. &c
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77324]
cf. ātma- , prā*a- , rug-
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77325]
(parox.) N. of particular verses causing victory (personified as deities Va1yuP. ii , 6 , 4 ff.) MaitrS. i , 4 , 14 TS. iii Pa1rGr2. i , 5 Nya1yam. iii , 4 , 24
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77326]
sg. Premna spinosa or longifolia L.
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77327]
a yellow variety of Phaseolus Mungo L.
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77328]
N. of the 3rd year of the 6th lustrum of the bhaspati cycle VarBr2S. viii , 38
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77329]
a kind of flute
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77330]
(in music) a kind of measure
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77331]
the sun MBh. iii , 154
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77332]
arjuna (son of ṇḍu) , 266 , 7 and iv , 5 , 35
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77333]
indra L.
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77334]
N. of a ṛṣi (author of RV. x , 180 ; son of agiras [ RAnukr. ] or of indra ; living under the 10th manu BhP. viii , 13 , 22)
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77335]
of a spirit VarBr2S. liii , 48 Hcat. i , 9 , 149 and 172
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77336]
of an attendant of viṣṇu BhP. iii , 16 , 2
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77337]
of a nāga MBh. v , 3632 ; ix , 2554
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77338]
of a dānava Hariv. 13093
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77339]
of a son (of dhta-rāṣṭra MBh. i , vii ; of sñjaya Hariv. 1514 ; of suśruta VP. iv , 5 , 12 ; of sruta BhP. ix , 13 , 25 ; of sajaya , 17 , 16 ; of sakti , 18 ; of mañju , 21 , 1 ; of yuyudhāna , 24 , 13 ; of kaka , 43 ; of kṛṣṇa , x , 61 , 17 ; of vatsara by svar-vīthi , iv , 13 , 12 ; of viśvāmitra Hariv. 1462 BhP. ix , 16 , 36 ; of purūravas by urvaśī , 15 , 1 f.)
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77340]
of an ancient king (11th cakravartin in bhārata L. ) MBh. ii , 326
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77341]
of a ṇḍava hero , vii , 6911
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77342]
of yudhiṣṭhira at virāa's court , iv , 176
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77343]
of aśoka in a former birth DivyA7v. xxvi , 336 f.
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77344]
of a carpenter Ra1jat. iii , 351
jayā [p= 412,3] [L=77345]
Sesbania aegyptiaca L.
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77346]
Premna spinosa or longifolia L.
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77347]
Terminalia Chebula L.
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77348]
nīla-dūrvā L.
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77349]
for japā Katha1s. lxvii , 32
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77350]
N. of a narcotic substance W. @
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77351]
the 3rd or 8th or 13th day of either half-month Su1ryapr. ; cf. Hcat. i , 3 , 360 and Nirn2ayas. i , 391÷392
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77352]
one of the 7 flag-sticks of indra's banner VarBr2S. xliii , 40
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77353]
N. of the saurā dharmā BhavP. i
jayá [p= 412,3] [L=77354]
of durgā MBh. iv , vi Hariv. Katha1s. liii , 170
jayá [p= 413,1] [p= 412,3] [L=77355]
of a daughter of daka (wife of śiva MatsyaP. xiii , 32 ; tutelary deity of the ārtabhāgas BrahmaP. ii , 18 , 19) R. i , 23 , 14
jayá [p= 413,1] [L=77356]
of a yoginī Hcat. ii , 1 , 694 (v.l. layā)
jayá [p= 413,1] [L=77357]
of a śakti , i , 5 , 200
jayá [p= 413,1] [L=77358]
of a handmaid of durgā (wife of pupa-danta Katha1s. i , 52 ; vii , 107 ; of hariś-candra S3ivaP. )
jayá [p= 413,1] [L=77359]
(= tārá) N. of a Buddh. deity L.
jayá [p= 413,1] [L=77360]
of the mother of the 12th arhat of the present avasarpiī L.
jaya [p= 1327,2] [L=331700]
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