indriyadvārakaṃ sarvaṃ sukhaduḥkhādisaṃgamam |
itīndriyāṇi saṃtyajya svasthaḥ svātmani vartate || 136 ||
dur, dus, bad + kha, hole in the middle of a wheel for the axis, space, ether, air, sky, opening in the body
“A bad space.”duḥkha
(H1) | duḥkhá 1 [p= 483,2] [L=93403]
mfn. |
(according to grammarians properly written duṣ-kha and said to be from dus and kha [cf. su-khá] ; but more probably a Prakritized form for duḥ-stha q.v.) uneasy , uncomfortable , unpleasant , difficult R. Hariv. (compar. -tara MBh. R. )
(H1B) | duḥkhá 1 [L=93404]
n. |
(ifc. f(ā).) uneasiness , pain , sorrow , trouble , difficulty S3Br. xiv , 7 , 2 , 15 Mn. MBh. &c (personified as the son of naraka and vedanā VP. )
(H1B) | duḥkhá 1 [L=93406]
n. |
impers. it is difficult to or to be (inf.with an acc. or nom. R. vii , 6 , 38 Bhag. v , 6)
(H1B) | duḥkhá 1 [L=93407]
n. |
duḥkham - √as , to be sad or uneasy Ratn. iv , 19÷20
(H1B) | duḥkhá 1 [L=93408]
n. |
- √kṛ , to cause or feel pain Ya1jn5. ii , 218 MBh. xii , 5298.
(H2) | duḥkha 2 [p= 483,3] [L=93487]
Nom. |
P. °khati , to pain SaddhP.
(H2) | duḥkha [p= 1329,1] [L=333850]
(in |
(H1) | dúr 1 [p= 484,2] [L=93614]
f. |
(only dúras acc. nom. , and durás. pl.) = dvār , a door (cf. 2. dura).
(H1) | dur 2 [p= 484,2] [L=93630]
in |
comp. for dus (p.488) , denoting " bad " or " difficult " &c
[p= | 484,2] [L=93630.1]
duri |
ṣṭha , (superl.) very bad or difficult or wicked
(H1B) | dur 2 [p= 484,2] [L=93630.2]
n. |
great crime or wickedness L.
(H2) | dur [p= 1329,1] [L=333870]
(in |
comp. for dus)
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 22.46, 26.24, 27.10
Whitney Roots links: du
(H1) | du 1 [p= 482,3] [L=93281]
(or |
dū) cl.1 P. ( Dha1tup. xxii , 46) davati (pf. dudāva ; fut. doṣyati , dotā ; aor. adāvīt or adauṣīt Vop. ) , to go: Caus. dāvayati or davayati (» s.v.) Actually occurring only in Subj. aor. daviṣāṇi RV. x , 34 , 5 , " na d° ebhih " , (?) I will not go i.e. have intercourse with them (the dice). [cf. δύω , δύνω , δεύομαι.]
(H1) | du 2 [p= 483,1] [p= 482,3] [L=93282]
(also written |
dū) , cl.5. P. cl.4. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxvii , 10 ; xxvi , 24 ) dunoti , dūyate (ep. also °ti ; pf. dudāva ; fut. doṣyati ; aor. adauṣīt ; inf. dotum) , to be burnt , to be consumed with internal heat or sorrow (Pres. dunoti MBh. iii , 10069 BhP. iii , 2 , 17 Gi1t. iii , 9 ; but oftener dūyate , which is at once Pass.) MBh. Sus3r. Ka1v. &c ;
(only dunóti) to burn , consume with fire , cause internal heat , pain , or sorrow , afflict , distress AV. ix , 4 , 18 MBh. VarBr2S. Ka1v. : Caus. dāvayati aor. adūduvat: Desid. dudūṣati: Intens. dodūyate , dodoti. ([Cf. δαίω. for δαϝιω ; δύη , pain ; Lit. davyti , to torment ; Sl. daviti , to worry.])
(H1) | dū 2 [L=93282.1]
(also written |
du) , cl.5. P. cl.4. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxvii , 10 ; xxvi , 24 ) dunoti , dūyate (ep. also °ti ; pf. dudāva ; fut. doṣyati ; aor. adauṣīt ; inf. dotum) , to be burnt , to be consumed with internal heat or sorrow (Pres. dunoti MBh. iii , 10069 BhP. iii , 2 , 17 Gi1t. iii , 9 ; but oftener dūyate , which is at once Pass.) MBh. Sus3r. Ka1v. &c ;
(only dunóti) to burn , consume with fire , cause internal heat , pain , or sorrow , afflict , distress AV. ix , 4 , 18 MBh. VarBr2S. Ka1v. : Caus. dāvayati aor. adūduvat: Desid. dudūṣati: Intens. dodūyate , dodoti. ([Cf. . for ; , pain ; Lit. davyti , to torment ; Sl. daviti , to worry.])
(H2) | dū 1 [p= 488,2] [L=94693]
in |
comp. for dus above.
(H1) | dū 2 [p= 489,2] [L=94860]
f. |
(fr. √2. du) pain , distress.
(H1) | dū 3 [L=94865]
= 2. |
dúvas, only nom. acc. pl. dúvas RV. (cf. á-dū).
(H2) | dū [p= 1329,1] [L=333890]
(in |
comp. for dus)
The Bhagavad Gītā - Page 303

| Winthrop Sargeant, Christopher Chapple - 1984 - 739 pages - Preview
It is perhaps amusing to note the etymology of the words " sukha" (pleasure, comfort, bliss) and "duhkha" (misery ... Thus "sukha" (a BV cpd.) meant, originally, "having a good axle hole," while "duhkha" meant "having a poor axle hole," ...
see also
(H3) | duḥkhá--moha [L=93441]
m. |
perplexity from pain or sorrow , despair Das3.
(H3) | duḥkhá--śoka-paritrāṇa [p= 483,3] [L=93454]
n. |
a shelter from pain and sorrow (kṛṣṇa) MBh. xii , 1681 ,
(H3) | duḥkhá--śoka-vat [L=93455]
mfn. |
feeling pain and sorrow R. iv , 19 , 11.
(H3) | duḥkhá--sāgara [L=93463]
m. |
" ocean of pain " , great sorrow
[L=93464] |
the world |
(H3) | duḥkhā* kula [L=93468]
mfn. |
filled with sorrow Katha1s.
(H3) | duḥkhā* tmaka [L=93471]
mfn. |
whose essence is sorrow
(H3) | duḥkhā* bhijña [L=93476]
mfn. |
familiar with pain or sorrow MBh. i , 745.
(H3) | duḥkho* pahata-cetas [L=93485]
mfn. |
having the heart stricken with sorrow MBh. xiii , 1801.