Bhāvanā - demonstration, argument, ascertainment, feeling of devotion, reflection, contemplation, moral of a fable
Lakshmanjoo usage: “One-pointed awareness” -
note distinctions bhāvanā and bhāvana and bhavana
Bhavana - forming in the mind, conception, apprehension, imagination, fancy, meditation ... to occupy one's imagination with, direct one's thoughts to
for bhavayet see below
śaktyavasthāpraviṣṭasya nirvibhāgena bhāvanā |
tadāsau śivarūpī syāt śaivī mukham ihocyate || 20 ||
sarvaṃ dehagataṃ dravyaṃ viyadvyāptaṃ mṛgekṣaṇe |
vibhāvayet tatas tasya bhāvanā sā sthirā bhavet || 47 ||
bhāve tyakte niruddhā cin naiva bhāvāntaraṃ vrajet |
tadā tanmadhyabhāvena vikasatyati bhāvanā || 62 ||
bhūyo bhūyaḥ pare bhāve bhāvanā bhāvyate hi yā |
japaḥ so 'tra svayaṃ nādo mantrātmā japya īdṛśaḥ || 145 ||
rudraśaktisamāveśas tat kṣetram bhāvanā parā |
anyathā tasya tattvasya kā pūjā kāś ca tṛpyati || 151 ||
bhāvanāf. demonstration , argument , ascertainment Ya1jn5.
f. feeling of devotion , faith in
f. reflection , contemplation
f. saturating any powder with fluid , steeping , infusion
f. (in arithm.) finding by combination or composition
f. (with jainas) right conception or notion
f. the moral of a fable HParis3.
for more on bhavayet see belowVāc: the concept of the word in selected Hindu Tantras - Page 21
| André Padoux - 1990 - 460 pages - Google eBook - Preview
... the help of the vowel; (next) let him contemplate the voiceless supreme; through silent contemplation one attains being and not non-being": svarena satfidhayed yogam asvaram bhavayet param asvarena hi bhavena bhavo nabhava isyaie. ...
(H2B) | bhāvanā 2 [p= 755,1] [L=150361]
f. |
demonstration , argument , ascertainment Ya1jn5.
(H2B) | bhāvanā 2 [L=150362]
f. |
feeling of devotion , faith in (loc.) Pan5cat.
(H2B) | bhāvanā 2 [L=150363]
f. |
reflection , contemplation (5 kinds with Buddhists MWB. 128)
(H2B) | bhāvanā 2 [L=150364]
f. |
saturating any powder with fluid , steeping , infusion S3a1rn3gS.
(H2B) | bhāvanā 2 [L=150365]
f. |
(in arithm.) finding by combination or composition
(H2B) | bhāvanā 2 [L=150366]
f. |
(with jainas) right conception or notion
(H2B) | bhāvanā 2 [L=150367]
f. |
the moral of a fable HParis3.
(H2B) | bhāvanā 2 [L=150368]
f. |
N. of an upaniṣad
(H2B) | bhāvanā 2 [L=150369]
f. |
a crow L.
(H2B) | bhāvanā 2 [L=150370]
f. |
water L.
(H2) | bhāvanā [L=150374]
f. |
of prec. , in comp.
Note related words: bhavana and bhāvana
(H2) | bhavana [p= 749,2] [L=149132]
n. |
(m. g. ardharcā*di) a place of abode , mansion , home , house , palace , dwelling (ifc. f(ā).) Mn. Mbh. &c
[p= | 749,2] [L=149133]
horoscope , natal star ( |
» bhavane*śa)
(H2B) | bhavana [p= 749,2] [L=149134]
m. |
N. of a ṛṣi in the 2nd manvantara VP.
(H2B) | bhavana [p= 749,2] [L=149135]
m. |
a dog L.
(H2B) | bhavana [p= 749,2] [L=149136]
n. |
coming into existence , birth , production Kap. Sch. Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 1-4 , 31
(H2B) | bhavana [p= 749,2] [L=149137]
n. |
a site , receptacle (ifc.) Pan5cat.
(H2B) | bhavana [p= 749,2] [L=149138]
n. |
the place where anything grows (ifc.= field cf. śāli-bh°)
(H2B) | bhavana [p= 749,2] [L=149139]
n. |
= bhuvana , water L.
(H3) | bhā́--vana 1 [p= 750,3] [L=149435]
n. |
(for 2. bhāvana » [p= 755,1]) a forest of rays Ghat2.
(H2) | bhāvana 2 [p= 755,1] [L=150349]
mf |
(ī)n. (fr. Caus. ; for 1. » 2. bhā́ p.750) causing to be , effecting , producing , displaying , manifesting MBh. Ka1v. BhP.
[L=150350] |
promoting or effecting any one's ( |
gen. or comp.) welfare MBh. R. &c
[L=150351] |
imagining , fancying |
[L=150352] |
teaching |
(H2B) | bhāvana 2 [L=150353]
m. |
a creator , producer , efficient MBh. Ka1v.
(H2B) | bhāvana 2 [L=150354]
m. |
N. of śiva (= dhyātṛ) MBh.
(H2B) | bhāvana 2 [L=150355]
m. |
of viṣṇu A.
(H2B) | bhāvana 2 [L=150356]
m. |
of the 22nd kalpa (q.v.)
(H2B) | bhāvana 2 [L=150357]
f |
(ā). and n. the act of producing or effecting Nir. Sa1h. BhP.
(H2B) | bhāvana 2 [L=150358]
f |
(ā)n. forming in the mind , conception , apprehension , imagination , supposition , fancy , thought , meditation (°nayā ind. in thought , in imagination ; °nām- √bandh , with loc. , to occupy one's imagination with , direct one's thoughts to) MBh. Ka1v. S3am2k. Veda7ntas. &c
(H2B) | bhāvana 2 [L=150359]
f |
(ā)n. (in logic) that cause of memory which arises from direct perception Tarkas.
(H2B) | bhāvana 2 [L=150360]
f |
(ā)n. application of perfumes &c (= adhivāsana) L.
(H2B) | bhāvana 2 [L=150371]
n. |
furthering , promoting MBh.
(H2B) | bhāvana 2 [L=150372]
n. |
the fruit of Dillenia Speciosa L.
(H2B) | bhāvana 2 [L=150373]
n. |
(ifc.) nature , essence Ra1matUp.
What the Buddha taught - Page 68

Walpola Rāhula | - 1974 - 151 pages - Google eBook - Preview
The word meditation is a very poor substitute for the original term bhāvanā, which means 'culture' or 'development', ie, mental culture or ... The Buddhist bhāvanā, properly speaking, is mental culture in the full sense of the term. ...
Singing Krishna: sound becomes sight in Paramānand's poetry - Page 35

A. Whitney Sanford | - 2008 - 207 pages - Google eBook - Preview
The overwhelming bhāva, Vallabh states, that arises from bhāvanā (constantly recollecting) about Krishna forces the ... Bhāvanā, on the other hand, indicates the emulation of the ways of Braj by the Braj devotee and suggests a deeper ...
Sinister yogis - Page 307

David Gordon White - 2009 - 352 pages - Google eBook - Preview
Tāntrikābhidhānakośa I: A Dictionary of Technical Terms from Hindu Tantric Literature. ... “Bhāvanā et Créativité de la Conscience.” Numen 34, no.1 (June): 45–96. ———. 1993. “Les Sauras de l'Inde: le brilliant échec d'une identité ...
H. L. Seneviratne - 2011 - 493 pages - Preview
For both the grammarians and the Mīmāṃsākas, bhāvanā lies at the very heart of linguistic expressivity per se.38 Sentences ... These linguistic usages of bhāvanā require a separate study; they clearly inform Bhaṭṭa Nāyaka's use of the ...
Intercultural aesthetics: a worldview perspective - Page 110

A. A. van den Braembussche, Heinz Kimmerle, Nicole Note - 2009 - 217 pages - Google eBook - | Preview
For this author: 'Rasa is revealed11 (bhāvyamāna) by a special power assumed by words in poetry and drama, the power of revelation (bhāvanā) – to be distinguished from the power of denotation (abidhā) – consisting of the action of ...
Bhavayet in usage
The Yoga of delight, wonder, and astonishment: a translation of ... - Page 109

Jaideva Singh | - 1991 - 173 pages - Google eBook - Preview
(4) The aspirant should perpetually contemplate on this mati (nityam bhavayet tarn). She will completely transform his life, and then his mind will be dissolved in Siva (tatah Sivah). It should be borne in mind that bhakti or devotion ...
The Dhvanyāloka of Ānandavardhana with the Locana of Abhinavagupta: Volume 49 - Page 232

The Stanzas on vibration: the Spandakārikā with four commentaries ... - Page 384

Vasugupta | , Mark S. G. Dyczkowski - 1992 - 427 pages - Google eBook - Preview
221. mamatvam tyajya sarvatra nahamasmiti bhavayet ndhamasmi na vany'osti advaitakriyaratah yavanna vindate hyeva tavat tasya na kin- cana Ibid., fl. 16b. In the course of his exposition on the rite of sexual union, Abhinavagupta refers ...
Ritual and speculation in early tantrism: studies in honour of ... - Page 300

André Padoux | , Teun Goudriaan - 1992 - 359 pages - Google eBook - Preview
... 'The excellent officiant should always contemplate himself as though he were Siva'); SardhTris- KalVr, pp. ... identification before commencing the initiation: sivo 'ham iti bhavayet (verse 23d) . . . sivad abhinnam atmanam kartaram ...
Vāc: the concept of the word in selected Hindu Tantras - Page 21

André Padoux | - 1990 - 460 pages - Google eBook - Preview
... the help of the vowel; (next) let him contemplate the voiceless supreme; through silent contemplation one attains being and not non-being": svarena satfidhayed yogam asvaram bhavayet param asvarena hi bhavena bhavo nabhava isyaie. ...
Yoga of the Guhyasamājatantra: the arcane lore of forty verses : a ...

Alex Wayman | - 1977 - 388 pages - Snippet view
58 (completely given in 'Documents') : "He should contemplate the samadhi-praxis of service (seva) as the supreme revelation (uttama-bodhi)" (sevasamadhisamyogam bhavayet bodhim uttamam). " the deliberation on the 'base of vajra' ...
The Brahma Sūtra, the philosophy of spiritual life

Bādarāyaṇa | , Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan - 1960 - 606 pages - Snippet view
Give up the thought of difference, "Siva is other than myself", contemplate them always as not-dual, ... mohat na iivatvam avapnuyat iivo'nyas to aham ev&nyah prthag-bhavam vivarjayet. yai iivas so'ham eveti hy advayam bhavayet suda. ...
(not used in the VBT):
(H3) | bhā́--vana 1 [p= 750,3] [L=149435]
n. |
(for 2. bhāvana » [p= 755,1]) a forest of rays Ghat2.
(H2) | bhāvana 2 [p= 755,1] [L=150349]
mf |
(ī)n. (fr. Caus. ; for 1. » 2. bhā́ p.750) causing to be , effecting , producing , displaying , manifesting MBh. Ka1v. BhP.
[L=150350] |
promoting or effecting any one's ( |
gen. or comp.) welfare MBh. R. &c
[L=150351] |
imagining , fancying |
[L=150352] |
teaching |
(H2B) | bhāvana 2 [L=150353]
m. |
a creator , producer , efficient MBh. Ka1v.
(H2B) | bhāvana 2 [L=150354]
m. |
N. of śiva (= dhyātṛ) MBh.
(H2B) | bhāvana 2 [L=150355]
m. |
of viṣṇu A.
(H2B) | bhāvana 2 [L=150356]
m. |
of the 22nd kalpa (q.v.)
(H2B) | bhāvana 2 [L=150357]
f |
(ā). and n. the act of producing or effecting Nir. Sa1h. BhP.
(H2B) | bhāvana 2 [L=150358]
f |
(ā)n. forming in the mind , conception , apprehension , imagination , supposition , fancy , thought , meditation (°nayā ind. in thought , in imagination ; °nām- √bandh , with loc. , to occupy one's imagination with , direct one's thoughts to) MBh. Ka1v. S3am2k. Veda7ntas. &c
(H2B) | bhāvana 2 [L=150359]
f |
(ā)n. (in logic) that cause of memory which arises from direct perception Tarkas.
(H2B) | bhāvana 2 [L=150360]
f |
(ā)n. application of perfumes &c (= adhivāsana) L.
(H2B) | bhāvana 2 [L=150371]
n. |
furthering , promoting MBh.
(H2B) | bhāvana 2 [L=150372]
n. |
the fruit of Dillenia Speciosa L.
(H2B) | bhāvana 2 n. (ifc.) nature , essence Ra1matUp.
In Pali Bhāvanā is described as:Bhāvanā (f.) [fr. bhāveti, or fr. bhāva in meaning of bhāva 2, cp. Class. Sk. bhāvanā] producing, dwelling on something, putting one's thoughts to, application, developing by means of thought or meditation, cultivation by mind, culture. -- See on term Dhs trsl 261 (=2 240); Expos. i.217 (=DhsA 163); Cpd. 207 n. 2. <-> Cp. pari˚, vi˚, sam˚. -- Vin i.294 (indriya˚); D iii.219 (three: kāya˚, citta˚, paññā˚), 221, 225, 285, 291; S i.48; Dh 73, 301; J i.196 (mettā˚); iii.45 (id.); Nd1 143 (saññā˚); Nett 91 (samatha -- vipassanaŋ); Vbh 12, 16 sq., 199, 325; Vism 130 (karaṇa, bhāvanā, rakkhaṇa; here bh.=bringing out, keeping in existence), 314 (karuṇā˚), 317 (upekkhā˚); Miln 25 (˚ŋ anuyuñjati); Sdhp 15, 216, 233, 451.
-- ânuyoga application to meditation Vbh 244, 249. -- ārāma joy of or pleasure in self culture A ii.28. -- bala power to increase the effect of meditation, power of self -- culture A i.52; D iii.213. -- maya accomplished by culture practice; brought into existence by practice (of cultured thought), cp. Cpd. 207. D iii.218, 219; Nett 8; with dānamaya & sīlamaya at It 19, 51; Vbh 135, 325. -- vidhāna arrangement of process of culture DhsA 168=Vism 122.
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