Ityetat kathitam - It is said like this

ity etat kathitaṃ devi paramāmṛtam uttamam |
etac ca naiva kasyāpi prakāśyaṃ tu kadācana || 157 ||

ity-ādi [p= 165,1] [L=28777]
having such (thing or things) at the beginning , thus beginning , and so forth , et caetera Hit. Vet. Veda1ntas. , &c
(H3) mfn.

The Sâmavidhânabrâhmaṇa: being the third Brâhmaṇa of the Sâma Veda - Page 43
, Arthur Coke Burnell - 1873 - 104 pages - Free Google eBook - Read
"ubhayatodantan" — a9vadin vikriya — "kricchram" — pftrvoktam prajapatyam acaran — taddivaseshu "ko adya" — ity etat sama gayet [ atha9vadipratigrahe praya9cittam aha — 3. trpsrfw^fft^r ^ Tj^fi^^ i3 "tan" — a9vadin pratigrihya ...

Vedic Tantrism: A Study of Rgvidhana of Saunaka - Page 176
- 1987 - 444 pages - Preview
... rajanam yamasuktena vai dvija 115cd: Pareyavarhsam ityetat suktam atra prayojayet 116: Parayusah pramiyeta na jatu kathamcana mrtyumeva Rvidh to hutva satrun pramapayet ii.l78abc: Tyanvity aditya daivatyam sadyo mucyeta bandhanat, ...
M. S. Bhat

The Khecarīvidyā of Ādinātha: a critical edition and annotated ... - Page 204
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... I ghamtdlolako yathobhayato lagnah san sabdam karoty evam balenordhvddho damta- pamktau lagnd jihvd ity etat tddanam I The tongue is said to be like the clapper (lolaka) of a bell and vice versa (cf. Chambers 1983:113, 23 1, 1360). ...
James Mallinson

A GOddess is Born: The Emergence of Khir Bhavani in Kashmir - Page 90
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ф Ityetatkathitam devi yatprishtohamiha tvaya Shyamabhudravane gehe satye rajniti vishruta Ity etat kathitam devi ...
Dr. Madhu Bazaz Wangu

itthám [p= 165,2] [L=28790]
(fr. id q.v. Pa1n2. 5-3 , 24), thus , in this manner RV. AV. TS. R. S3ak. &c ; ([cf. Lat. item.])
(H1) ind.

itthā́t [p= 165,2] [L=28798]
(= ittham) , Ved. thus , in this way.
(H1) ind.

itthā́ [p= 165,2] [L=28797]
Ved. thus
165,2] [L=28797.1]
g-veda , and sometimes only to lay stress on a following word ; therefore by native etymologists [ Nir. ] considered as a particle of affirmation.) itthā is often connected with words expressing devotion to the gods &c in the sense of thus , truly , really
165,2] [L=28797.2]
dhī as an adjective. Hence itthā-dhī = such , i.e. true (satyā) or real worship. Similarly , itthā-dhī́ mfn. so devout , so pious i.e. very devout
165,2] [L=28797.3]
Sa1y. ]) RV. AV. Kat2hUp.
itthā́ [p= 1320,3] [L=321290]
accord. to some also "here, hither", "there, thither", = Prakrit ettha).
(H1) ind.
[p= (often used in the
[p= especially with
[p= performing such or true works ([
(H2) (