Ksipa, Kshipet - Throwing

yathā tathā yatra tatra dvādaśānte manaḥ kṣipet ||
pratikṣaṇaṃ kṣīṇavṛtter vailakṣaṇyaṃ dinair bhavet || 51 ||

Whitney Roots links: kzip
kip 1 [p= 328,3] [L=59502]
kipáti A1. kipate ( MBh. &c ; cl.4 P. kipyati , only Bhat2t2. ; Subj. kipát ; perf. cikepa MBh. &c ; ep. also cikipe ; fut. 2nd kepsyati MBh. &c ; ep. also °te ; inf. keptum ; cf. Pa1n2. 7-2 , 10 Siddh. ) , to throw , cast , send , despatch AV. ix , 1 , 10 and 20 Mn. MBh. (Pass. pr. p. kipyat , i , 1126) &c  ; 
to move hastily (the arms or legs)
Mr2icch. BhP. x , 36 , 14  ; 
to throw a glance (as the eye)
Bhartr2. i , 94  ; 
to strike or hit (with a weapon)
RV. i , 182 , 1-3  ; 
to put or place anything on or in (
loc.) , pour on , scatter , fix or attach to (loc.) Ya1jn5. i , 230 Bhag. Mr2icch. &c  ; 
to direct (the thoughts) upon (
loc.) Sarvad.  ; 
to throw away , cast away , get rid of
Bhartr2. ii , 69 Katha1s.  ; 
to lay (the blame) on (
loc.) Hit.  ; 
to utter abusive words , insult , revile , abuse
Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
" to disdain "
i.e. to excel , beat , outvie BhP. iv , 8 , 24 and 15 , 17  ; 
to strike down , ruin , destroy
BhP. vi , 1 , 14 BrahmaP.  ; 
A1. " to destroy one another , go to ruin " Pot. 3. pl. kiperan MBh. iii , 1094)  ; 
to pass or while away (the time or night ,
kālam , kapām) Katha1s. lv , 154 ; xcii , 84  ; 
to lose (time ,
kālam ; cf. kālakepa) R. vii , 80 , 14  ; 
to skip or pass over (a day ,
dinam.) Car. vi , 3  ; 
math.) to add Gol. : Caus. P. kepayati , to cause to cast or throw into (antar) Katha1s. xiii , 160  ; 
to throw into
R. ii , 76 , 16  ; 
to cause to descend into (
loc.) Katha1s. lxxv , 121  ; 
to pass or while away (the night ,
kapām) ib. lvi , 75  ; 
aor. Subj. 2. sg. cikipas) to hurt , injure RV. x , 16 , 1 (cf. Subj. kepayat s.v. √2. ki) ; ([cf. Lat. sipo , dissipo , for xipo.])
kíp 2 [p= 329,1] [L=59503]
pl. (only used in nom. ; the instr. is formed fr. kípā RV. ix , 59 , 57) " the movable ones " , the fingers RV. iii , v , ix ( Naigh. ii , 5) .
(H1) cl.6 P.
(H2) f.
kipa [p= 329,1] [L=59504]
" throwing , casting " » giri-k°
kipa [L=59505]
a thrower W.
kipa [L=59507]
(for kapā́) night Comm. on L.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
kipā [L=59506]
throwing , sending , casting g. -bhidā*di
kípā [L=59508]
only instr. pl. °pābhis » 2. kíp.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
kiptá [L=59526]
thrown , cast , sent , despatched , dismissed RV. i , 129 , 8 MBh. &c

instr. or -tas) Pa1n2. 5-4 , 46 Ka1s3.
kiptá [L=59529]
a wound caused by shooting or throwing AV. vi , 109 , 3
kiptá [L=59530]
" scattered " , distraction or absence of mind Sarvad.
(H2) mfn.
[L=59527]reviled , despicable (on account of
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
kipti [L=59538]
sending , throwing W.



dram.) the becoming known or exposure of a secret Sa1h. 373

alg.) = kiptikā.
(H2) f.
[L=59539]solving a riddle
[L=59540]explaining or understanding a hidden meaning
kipnu [L=59544]
( Pa1n2. 3-2 , 140) = nirākariṣṇu (" throwing obstacles in the way " , obstructive W. ; scornful or fond of abusing BRD. ) L.
(H2) mfn.
kipyat [L=59545]
pr. p. Pass. » √1. kip

pr. p. P.) throwing , sending W.
(H2) mfn.
kipyamāa [L=59547]
(pr. p. Pass.) being thrown &c

pr. p. A1.) throwing , tossing W.


(H2) mfn.
[L=59549]casting aside , throwing off
[L=59550]sending , directing
kepa [L=59584]
a throw , cast W.
329,2] [L=59585]


R. iv , 62 , 12

&c ) L. (cf. apaī-k° , dṛṣṭi-k° , bhrūk° , saā-k°)

Megh. 47


&c ) besmearing L.

laghana) L.


» mana-k°

Ya1jn5. ii , 210

Pa1n2. 2-1 , 26 and v , 4 , 46) insult , invective , abuse , reviling MBh. i , 555 ; iii , 631 Ya1jn5. ii , 204 and 211



Ba1dar. iv , 1 , 6 Sch.


arithm.) an additive quantity , addendum

Su1ryas. Gol.
kepa [p= 332,3] [L=60360]
paka,°pana , &c »kip.
(H2) m.
[p= throwing , casting , tossing
[L=59586]stretching (as of the legs)
[L=59587]a clap (of wings)
[L=59588]a stroke (of an oar
[L=59589]moving to and fro
[L=59590]sending , dismissing
[L=59591]laying on (as pain
[L=59592]transgressing (
[L=59593]delay , procrastination , dilatoriness
[L=59594]" loss "
[L=59597]disrespect , contempt
[L=59598]pride , haughtiness
[L=59599]application of a term to something else
[L=59600]a nosegay
[L=59602]the astronomical latitude
(H1) °
kepaa [p= 329,2] [L=59613]
the act of throwing , casting , letting fly or go (a bow-string) Nir. ii , 28 MBh. iv , 352 and 1400

VP. v , 20 , 54


MBh. iii , 13272

v.l. kapaa)

kapaa Mn. iv , 119

BhP. iii , 19 , 18 ; x , 11 , 38
(H2) n.
[L=59614]throwing away (in boxing)
[L=59615]sending , directing
[L=59616]sending away
[L=59617]passing away or spending time (
[L=59618]" omitting " , for 1.

Encyclopaedic dictionary of Vedic terms: Volume 1 - Page 463
- 2000 - 694 pages - Full view
He interprets vatikrta as denoting "that which is produced by the wind" and ksipa as madness. ... The root ksip denotes "to throw". In classical Sanskrit it also frequently signifies "to destroy, to wound". In the passage referred to ...
Parmeshwaranand (Swami.)

Hindi morphology: a word-based description - Page 60
, Rama Kant Agnihotri - 1997 - 205 pages - Preview
... present tense not only for class I verbs in Group I, but. also for, for example, class VI (kSipa 'throw' kSipami 'I throw") and class X (coraya ...
Rajendra Singh

Śrī Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu Part 2 - Page 70
David Bruce Hughes (Gaurahari Dāsānudās Bābājī) - Google eBook - Preview
... gadam grhana vijaya ksobham vrthd ma krthah \ saktim na ksipa bhadravardhana puro govardhanam gahate garjann esa ... Do not throw your strength around. What is approaching Govardhana and making a powerful roaring sound is not the ...


(H2) kṣipa [p= 329,1] [L=59504]
mfn. " throwing , casting " » giri-kṣ°
(H2B) kṣipa [L=59505]
m. a thrower W.
(H2B) kṣipa [L=59507]
m. (for kṣapā́) night Comm. on L.

(H2B) kṣipā [L=59506]
f. throwing , sending , casting g. -bhidā*di
(H2B) kṣípā [L=59508]
f. only instr. pl. °pābhis » 2. kṣíp.

(H2) kṣiptá [L=59526]
mfn. thrown , cast , sent , despatched , dismissed RV. i , 129 , 8 MBh. &c
reviled , despicable (on account of instr. or -tas) Pa1n2. 5-4 , 46 Ka1s3.
(H2B) kṣiptá [L=59529]
n. a wound caused by shooting or throwing AV. vi , 109 , 3
(H2B) kṣiptá [L=59530]
n. " scattered " , distraction or absence of mind Sarvad.

(H2) kṣipti [L=59538]
f. sending , throwing W.
solving a riddle W.
explaining or understanding a hidden meaning W.
(in dram.) the becoming known or exposure of a secret Sa1h. 373
(in alg.) = kṣiptikā.

(H2) kṣipnu [L=59544]
mfn. ( Pa1n2. 3-2 , 140) = nirākariṣṇu (" throwing obstacles in the way " , obstructive W. ; scornful or fond of abusing BRD. ) L.

(H2) kṣipyat [L=59545]
mfn. pr. p. Pass. » √1. kṣip
(pr. p. P.) throwing , sending W.

(H2) kṣipyamāṇa [L=59547]
mfn. (pr. p. Pass.) being thrown &c
(pr. p. A1.) throwing , tossing W.
casting aside , throwing off W.
sending , directing W.

(H2) kṣepa [L=59584]
m. a throw , cast W.
[p= 329,2] [L=59585]
throwing , casting , tossing W.
stretching (as of the legs) Sus3r.
a clap (of wings) R. iv , 62 , 12
a stroke (of an oar &c ) L. (cf. apaṭī-kṣ° , dṛṣṭi-kṣ° , bhrūkṣ° , saṭā-kṣ°)
moving to and fro Megh. 47
sending , dismissing W.
laying on (as pain &c ) besmearing L.
transgressing (laṅghana) L.
delay , procrastination , dilatoriness Sarvad.
" loss " » manaḥ-kṣ°
accusation Ya1jn5. ii , 210
( Pa1n2. 2-1 , 26 and v , 4 , 46) insult , invective , abuse , reviling MBh. i , 555 ; iii , 631 Ya1jn5. ii , 204 and 211
disrespect , contempt L.
pride , haughtiness L.
application of a term to something else Ba1dar. iv , 1 , 6 Sch.
a nosegay L.
(in arithm.) an additive quantity , addendum
the astronomical latitude Su1ryas. Gol.
(H1) kṣepa [p= 332,3] [L=60360]
°paka,°pana , &c » √kṣip.

(H2) kṣepaṇa [p= 329,2] [L=59613]
n. the act of throwing , casting , letting fly or go (a bow-string) Nir. ii , 28 MBh. iv , 352 and 1400
throwing away (in boxing) VP. v , 20 , 54
sending , directing W.
sending away MBh. iii , 13272
passing away or spending time (v.l. kṣapaṇa)
" omitting " , for 1. kṣapaṇa Mn. iv , 119
sling BhP. iii , 19 , 18 ; x , 11 , 38