Candra or Chandra - Glittering, shining, the moon



candrá [p= 386,3] [L=71581]
(ā)n. (fr. ścandrá q.v.) glittering , shining (as gold) , having the brilliancy or hue of light (said of gods , of water [ RV. x , 121 , 9 TS. vi] and of soma) RV. VS. TS. vi TBr. i
candrá [L=71582]
the moon (also personified as a deity Mn. &c ) VS. S3Br. &c (ifc. f(ā). MBh. ix R. &c )
candrá [L=71583]
ifc. " the moon of " i.e. the most excellent among (e.g. pārthiva- [g. vyāghrā*di Ka1s3. ] or nare*ndra- [ Ratna7v. i , 4] , " a most excellent king ")
candrá [L=71584]
the number " one " Su1ryas.
candrá [L=71585]
a lovely or agreeable phenomenon of any kind L.
candrá [L=71586]
a spot similar to the moon BhP. iv , 15 , 17
candrá [L=71587]
the eye in a peacock's tail L.
candrá [L=71588]
the mark of the visarga , Tantr. ??
candrá [L=71589]
a kind of reddish pearl L.
candrá [L=71590]
camphor AgP. xxxv , 15
candrá [L=71591]
water L.
candrá [L=71592]
the kāmpilla plant L.
candrá [L=71593]
a metre of 4 x 19 syllables
candrá [L=71594]
N. of a daitya (= -varman , king of the kāmbojas) MBh. i , 2667
candrá [L=71595]
of a son of kṛṣṇa BhP. x , 61 , 13
candrá [L=71596]
of a son of viśva-gandhi and father of yuvanā*śva , ix , 6 , 20
candrá [L=71597]
of a grammarian (= -gomin) Ra1jat. i , 176
candrá [L=71598]
of a king Pan5cat. v , 9 , 2 and 10 , 0÷1
candrá [L=71599]
of one of the ancestors of the gaua Brahmans
candrá [L=71600]
of several other men Ra1jat. vi f.
candrá [L=71601]
one of the 18 minor dvīpas L.
candrá [L=71602]
= -parvata R. vi , 26 , 6
candrá [L=71603]
( Naigh. i , 2 ; also m. L. ) gold RV. ii , 2 , 4 AV. xii , 2 , 53 VS. iv , xix S3Br. Ta1n2d2yaBr. vi , 6 Ka1tyS3r.
candrá [L=71604]
a kind of sour rice-gruel L.
candrá [L=71605]
N. of a sāman Ka1tyS3r. xxvi La1t2y.
candrá [L=71607]
cardamoms L.
candrá [L=71608]
Cocculus cordifolius (guūcī)
candrá [L=71609]
= °drā*spadā L.
candrá [L=71610]
N. of a river VP. ii , 4 , 28
candra [p= 1327,1] [L=330960]


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svá--ścandra [p= 1277,1] [L=258244]
svá-) mfn. self-glittering , self-brilliant ib.




candrá--kalā [p= 386,3] [L=71613]
a digit or 1÷16 of the moon's disc (each digit is personified as a female divinity , Tantr. ??) , the crescent on the day before or after the new moon Katha1s. i , 39

Pimelodus Vacha L.


of a drama Sa1h. iii , 96÷97
(H3) f.
[L=71614]the mark of a finger-nail resembling the crescent before or after new moon
[L=71615]the fish
[L=71616]a kind of drum
[L=71617](in music) a kind of measure

candrá--kānta [L=71622]
lovely as the moon , S3rut.
candrá--kānta [L=71623]
" moon-loved " , the moon-stone (a gem supposed to be formed from the congelation of the moon's rays and to dissolve under the influence of its light) Sus3r. Megh. Bhartr2. &c
candrá--kānta [L=71624]
n. the white eatable water-lily (blossoming during night) L.
candrá--kānta [L=71625]
sandalwood L.
candrá--kānta [L=71627]
night L.
candrá--kānta [L=71628]
N. of a surā*ganā Sin6ha7s.
candrá--kānta [L=71629]
N. of a town R. vii , 102 , 6 and 9
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) fn.

candrá--kāntā [L=71626]
the wife of the moon W.
(H3B) f.