Driste-Seen, beheld

Also spelled drishte in transliteration. (I apologize for the discrepancies).
ānande mahati prāpte dṛṣṭe vā bāndhave cirāt |
ānandam udgataṃ dhyātvā tallayas tanmanā bhavet || 71 ||

dṛṣṭa -
mfn. seen , looked at , beheld , perceived , noticed
settled , decided , fixed , acknowledged , valid
n. perception , observation

dṛṣṭá [p= 491,3] [L=95357]
seen , looked at , beheld , perceived , noticed Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c


S3ak. iii , 7 Pan5c. i , 401÷402

Ka1v. Pan5c. Hit.

MBh. Ka1v. &c

MBh. R.


Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c
dṛṣṭá [L=95365]
perception , observation Sa1m2khyak. Tattvas.
dṛṣṭá [L=95366]
(scil. bhaya) a real or obvious danger.
dṛṣṭa [p= 492,2] [L=95493]
(H2) mfn.
[L=95358]visible , apparent
[L=95359]considered , regarded , treated , used
[L=95360]appeared , manifested , occurring , existing , found , real
[L=95361]experienced , learnt , known , understood
[L=95362]seen in the mind , devised , imagined
[L=95363]allotted , destined
[L=95364]settled , decided , fixed , acknowledged , valid
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H1) »

Whitney Roots links: dfS
dś 1 [p= 491,2] [p= 491,1] [L=95263]
paś q.v. ; pf. P. dadárśa RV. &c [2. sg. dadarśitha and dadraṣṭha Pa1n2. 7-2 , 65] ; A1. dadśé AV. [dádśe , 3 pl. °dśre RV. ; °śrire TBr. ] ; p. P. dadśvás RV. ; °sivas Up. ; darśivas q.v. ; A1. dádśāna RV. ; fut. P. -drakyáti Br. &c ; A1. °yate and fut. 2. draṣṭā MBh. ; aor. P. adarśam , °śas , °śat , 3 pl. °śur Br. ; 1 pl. adarśma TS. ; adśma JaimBr. ; Subj. darśam , °śat , °śathas RV. AV. ; A1. 3 pl. ádśran VS. AV. Br. ; °śram RV. ; p. dśāná or dṛ́śāna [cf. s.v.] RV. ; P. dśan , 3 pl. ádśan Br. ; Pot. dśéyam RV. ; °śema AV. ; P. adrākit and adrāk Br. ; A1. 3 pl. ádkata ; Subj. 2 sg. dṛ́kase RV. ; inf. dśé and driśáye RV. ; dráṣṭum AV. &c ; ind.p. dṛṣṭvā́ AV. &c [ MBh. also dśya] , °vāya RV. ; -dṛ́śya RV. ; -darśam Das3. ) to see , behold , look at , regard , consider RV. AV. S3Br. MBh. &c  ; 
to see
i.e. wait on , visit MBh. R.  ; 
to see with the mind , learn , understand
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to notice , care for , look into , try , examine
Ya1jn5. Pan5c.  ; 
to see by divine intuition , think or find out , compose , contrive (hymns , rites ,
&c ) Br. Nir. ii , 11 : Pass. dśyáte (ep. also °ti) aor. adárśi RV. &c to be seen , become visible , appear RV. AV. S3Br. MBh. &c  ; 
to be shown or manifested , appear as (
iva) , prove Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c : Caus. P. A1. darśayati , °te AV. &c  ; 
aor. adīdśat Br.  ; 
adadarśat Pa1n2. 7-4 , 7 , to cause to see or be seen , to show a thing (A1. esp. of something belonging to one's self) or person (P. and A1. with or scil. ātmānam , also one's self) , to (acc. AV. iv , 20 , 6 S3Br. &c ; gen. Mn. iv , 59 MBh. &c ; dat. R. ii , 31 , 33 Ragh. &c ; instr. after A1. refl. Pa1n2. 1-4 , 53 Ka1s3. )  ; 
to show = prove , demonstrate
Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to produce (money)
i.e. pay Mn. viii , 155  ; 
(a witness) ,
158 : Desid. A1. didkate (ep. also °ti) to wish to see , long for (acc.) RV. iii , 30 , 13 S3Br. MBh. &c : Desid. of Caus. didarśayiati , to wish to show S3am2k.  ; 
adidarśayiīt Nid. : Intens. darīdśyate , to be always visible Bhojapr.  ; 
darīdarṣṭi or dard° Pa1n2. 7-4 , 90 ; 91. [cf. Gk. δέρκομαι , δέδορκα , δρακον ; Goth. tarhjan.]
dṛ́ś 2 [L=95309]
(nom. k , Ved. Pa1n2. 7-1 , 83) seeing , viewing , looking at
491,3] [L=95310]
Ya1jn5. MBh. &c (ifc. cf. āyurveda-d° , diṣṭa-d° , pthag-d° , mántra-d° , sama-d° , sarva-d° , sūryad°)
dṛ́ś 2 [L=95311]
sight , view (dat. dśé as inf. cf. √1 dś)
dṛ́ś 2 [L=95312]
look , appearance (in ī-d° , kī-d° , tā-d°)
dṛ́ś 2 [L=95313]
the eye R. Var. &c (also n. BhP. iv , 4 , 24)
dṛ́ś 2 [L=95314]
theory , doctrine Vcar.
dṛ́ś 2 [L=95315]
(astrol.) the aspect of a planet or the observed spot. [cf. Gk. δρα for δρακ in πόδρα.]
(H1) (Pres. forms supplied by √
(H2) m.
[p= knowing , discerning
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.

Sanskrit words for SEEN

1 akṣigata (seen) 2 agocara (seen) 3 aṇureṇu (seen) 4 adṛśya (seen) 5 adṛṣṭakarman (seen) 6 adṛṣṭakāma (seen) 7 adṛṣṭanara (seen) 8 adṛṣṭapuruṣa (seen) 9 adṛṣṭapurva (seen) 10 adṛṣṭāsrutapūrvatva (seen) 11 apūrvakarman (seen) 12 apratikhyāta (seen) 13 abuddha (seen) 14 abhivīkṣita (seen) 15 abhivīkṣya (seen) 16 avakalita (seen) 17 avacakṣ (seen) 18 avaṭakacchapa (seen) 19 avalokita (seen) 20 avikṣita (seen) 21 aṣaḍakṣīṇa (seen) 22 asahya (seen) 23 ādṛś (seen) 24 āndhīgava (seen) 25 ālokita (seen) 26 ālokya (seen) 27 īkṣa (seen) 28 īkṣaṇīya (seen) 29 īkṣita (seen) 30 īkṣeṇya (seen) 31 udayarāśi (seen) 32 upakhyā (seen) 33 upākacakṣas (seen) 34 kad (seen) 35 kudṛṣṭa (seen) 36 kūpakacchapa (seen) 37 keśoṇḍuka (seen) 38 kṣaṇadṛṣṭa (seen) 39 kṣaṇadṛṣṭanaṣṭa (seen) 40 cara (seen) 41 tadguṇasaṃvijñāna (seen) 42 darśanīya (seen) 43 darśivas (seen) 44 darśya (seen) 45 durīkiṣa (seen) 46 durdarśa (seen) 47 durdṛṣṭa (seen) 48 durnirīkṣa (seen) 49 durnirīkṣaṇa (seen) 50 durnirīkṣya (seen) 51 dṛś (seen) 52 dṛśīka (seen) 53 dṛśyaśravya (seen) 54 dṛśya (seen) 55 dṛśvan (seen) 56 dṛṣṭa (seen) 57 dṛṣṭakarman (seen) 58 dṛṣṭacara (seen) 59 dṛṣṭatas (seen) 60 dṛṣṭatva (seen) 61 dṛṣṭadraṣṭavya (seen) 62 dṛṣṭadharma (seen) 63 dṛṣṭanaṣṭa (seen) 64 dṛṣṭapūrva (seen) 65 dṛṣṭamātra (seen) 66 dṛṣṭavat (seen) 67 dṛṣṭaśruta (seen) 68 dṛṣṭānta (seen) 69 deśadṛṣṭa (seen) 70 draṣṭavya (seen) 71 draṣṭuśakya (seen) 72 nirūpita (seen) 73 nirūpya (seen) 74 paridṛṣṭa (seen) 75 pāradṛśvan (seen) 76 purāṇadṛṣṭa (seen) 77 pūrva (seen) 78 pūrvadṛṣṭa (seen) 79 prakhyā (seen) 80 pratyakṣadarśin (seen) 81 pratyakṣadarśivas (seen) 82 pratyakṣadṛśya (seen) 83 pratyakṣadṛṣṭa (seen) 84 pratyakṣīkṛta (seen) 85 pradṛś (seen) 86 prekṣaṇīya (seen) 87 prekṣitavya (seen) 88 prekṣya (seen) 89 bahudṛśvan (seen) 90 bahudeśadarśin (seen) 91 mahāmahas (seen) 92 mithūdṛś (seen) 93 merudṛśvan (seen) 94 yathādṛṣṭam (seen) 95 yathādṛṣṭi (seen) 96 rāmadarśanāditas (seen) 97 lakṣ (seen) 98 lakṣita (seen) 99 lokanīya (seen) 100 lokita (seen) 101 vidhūma (seen) 102 vicetas (seen) 103 vilok (seen) 104 vilokita (seen) 105 viśvadṛṣṭa (seen) 106 vīkṣita (seen) 107 vyapadṛś (seen) 108 vyādṛś (seen) 109 śakuntalā (seen) 110 śabdavedhya (seen) 111 śākhācandranyāya (seen) 112 śāstradṛṣṭa (seen) 113 saṃkhyāna (seen) 114 saṃdṛś (seen) 115 saṃdarśana (seen) 116 saṃdṛṣṭa (seen) 117 saṃdraṣṭavya (seen) 118 samāpattidṛṣṭa (seen) 119 samīkṣ (seen) 120 samupadṛś (seen) 121 sampratilakṣ (seen) 122 sampradṛś (seen) 123 samprekṣita (seen) 124 sahasādṛṣṭa (seen) 125 sākṣāddṛṣṭa (seen) 126 sukhalakṣya (seen) 127 sukhāloka (seen) 128 sudarśa (seen) 129 sudarśana (seen) 130 sudarśanīya (seen) 131 sudurdarśa (seen) 132 sudṛśya (seen) 133 sudṛṣṭa (seen) 134 sphuṭatāra (seen) 135 svadṛṣṭa (seen) 136 haridṛśvan (seen) 137 apūrvadarśana (seen) 138 īkṣ (seen) 139 dṛṣtādṛṣṭa (seen)
áki--gata [p= 3,3] [L=639]
presented to the eye , visible , seen

MBh. &c
(H3) mfn.
a-gocara [p= 5,1] [L=874]
not within range , unattainable , inaccessible (cf. driṣṭy-agocara) , imperceptible by the senses
a-gocara [L=875]
anything that is beyond the cognizance of the senses
a-gocara [L=876]
a-gocara [L=877]
the not being seen , absence
a-gocara [p= 1309,1] [L=300950]
m. after "Brahma"
(H1) mfn.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H2) insett
au--reu [p= 11,3] [L=2429]
atomic dust (as seen in sun-beams).
(H3) mf.
a-dśya [p= 18,3] [L=3742]
invisible , latent

cf. a-dreśya.)
(H2) mfn.
[L=3743]not fit to be seen (
a-dṛ́ṣṭa--karman [L=3749]
one who has not seen practice.
(H3) mfn.
a-dṛ́ṣṭa--kāma [L=3750]
passionate attachment to an object that has never been seen.
(H3) m.
a-dṛ́ṣṭa--nara [L=3752]
a treaty concluded by the parties personally (in which no third mediator is seen).
(H3) m.
a-dṛ́ṣṭa--purua [L=3753]
a treaty concluded by the parties personally (in which no third mediator is seen).
(H3) m.
a-dṛ́ṣṭa--purva [L=3755]
never seen before.
(H3) mfn.
adṛṣṭā* srutapūrvatva [L=3763]
the state of never having been seen or heard before.
(H3) n.
a-pūrvá--karman [p= 56,2] [L=10338]
a religious rite or sacrifice (the power of which on the future is not before seen).
(H3) n.
á-pratikhyāta [p= 57,3] [L=10552]
not seen TBr.
(H1) mfn.
a-buddha [p= 60,1] [L=10991]
unwise , foolish

KaushBr. R.
(H1) mfn.
[L=10992]not seen or noticed ,
abhi-vī* kita [p= 69,3] [L=12392]
seen , perceived.
(H2) mfn.
abhi-vī* kya [L=12393]
having seen or observed.
(H2) ind.p.
ava-kalita [p= 96,2] [L=16967]
( √2. kal) , seen , observed L.
(H1) mfn.
ava- √ cak [p= 98,1] [L=17201]
-cáṣṭe (impf. -cakata ; aor. 1. sg. -acacakam , 2. sg. -caki ; Ved.Inf. -cáke) to look down upon RV.  ; 
to perceive
RV. iv,58 , 5 (Inf. in Pass. sense: " to be seen by ") and v , 30 , 2.
(H1) A1.
avaá--kacchapa [p= 98,3] [L=17282]
a tortoise in a hole (said of an inexperienced man who has seen nothing of the world) , (g. pātresmitā*di q.v.)
(H3) m.
ava-lokita [p= 103,3] [L=18093]
seen viewed , observed , viewed by , i.e. being in sight of a planet VarBr2S. Ma1rkP.
ava-lokita [L=18094]
= avalokiteśvara below
ava-lokita [L=18096]
looking at , beholding L.
ava--° lokita [p= 1317,1] [L=314930.1]
(also) N. of a poet, Subh.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H3) m.
á-vikita [p= 107,3] [L=18679]
undiminished RV. vii , 1 , 24 and viii , 32 , 8. S3Br.
a-vikita [p= 110,3] [L=19130]
not seen before Naish.
(H2) mfn.
(H2) mfn.
a-aakīa [p= 116,1] [L=20164]
(fr. a , aki) , not seen by six eyes i.e. known by two persons only , secret Pa1n2. 5-4 , 7.
(H1) mfn.
a-sahyá [p= 120,1] [L=20846]
(ā)n. unbearable , insufferable , insuperable SV. MBh.

MBh. iii , 12255 seq.

draṣṭum , " impossible to be seen " i.e. invisible Up.
a-sahya [p= 1318,2] [L=316960]
(H2) mf
[L=20847]impracticable , impossible
(H2) (also) lost beyond aid (as a sinking ship),
ā- √ dś [p= 138,1] [L=24037]
(3. sg. perf. Pass. -dádśe RV. x , 111 , 7) to appear , be seen: Caus. -darśayati , to show , exhibit.
(H1) A1.
āndhīgava [p= 142,1] [L=24726]
(fr. andhī-gu) , " seen i.e. composed by the ṛṣi andhīgu " , N. of several sāmans La1t2y. iv , 5 , 27 Ta1n2d2yaBr. Nya1yam.
(H1) n.
ā-lokita [p= 154,2] [L=26925]
seen , beheld.
(H2) mfn.
ā-lokya [L=26928]
having seen or looked at , beholding.
(H2) ind.p.
ī́ka [p= 170,1] [L=29696]
(ī)n. ifc. seeing , looking , visiting (» tiryag-īka , vadhv-īka)
ī́ka [L=29699]
anything seen S3Br. vii , 1 , 2 , 23 (merely for the etym. of antarika).
(H2) mf
(H2B) n.
īkaīya [L=29706]
to be seen or perceived.
(H2) mfn.
īkita [L=29708]
seen , beheld , regarded
īkita [L=29709]
a look S3ak. 45 a Prab.
īkita [p= 1321,1] [L=321600]
(also) approved, ib.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) n.
(H2) mfn.
īkéya [p= 170,1] [L=29711]
deserving to be seen , curious RV. ix , 77 , 3.
(H2) mfn.
ud-ayá--rāśi [p= 186,1] [L=32620]
the constellation in which a planet is seen when on the horizon VarBr2. iv , 6.
(H3) m.
upa- √ khyā [p= 196,2] [L=34296]
-khyāyate , to be seen or perceived S3Br. iv , 1 , 2 , 13.
(H1) Pass.
úpāka--cakas [p= 213,1] [L=36628]
upāká°) mfn. standing present before the eyes , to be seen from near at hand RV. viii , 6 , 25.
(H3) (
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 19.10
Whitney Roots links: kad
kad 1 [p= 247,3] [L=42779]
kadate , cakāda ( R. ed. Gorresio vi , 65 , 23 ; but R. ed. Bomb. vi , 86 , 24 reads cakāra) , to be confused , suffer mentally  ; 
to grieve
to confound
to kill or hurt
to call
to cry or shed tears
Dha1tup. xix , 10.
kád 2 [L=42810]
(originally the neuter form of the interrogative pronoun ka) , a particle of interrogation (= Lat. nonne , num) RV.

BhP. vii , 5 , 28 (cf. below)

sukha Nigh.

is used , like kim , with the particles cana and cid , " sometimes , now and then "

with the negation na , " in no way or manner " RV.

is also used , like the simple kad , as a particle of interrogation (e.g. kaccid dṛṣṭā tvayā rājan damayantī , was damayantī seen by thee , O king?) MBh. , or kaccid may be translated by " I hope that "

kad [p= 1323,3] [L=326450]
(H1) cl.1 A1.
(H1) ind.
[L=42810.1]anything wrong or bad
[L=42810.6]at the beginning of a compound it may mark the uselessness , badness or defectiveness of anything , as in the following examples.
(H2) (in
ku--dṛṣṭa [p= 286,1] [L=51005]
seen wrongly or indistinctly Pan5cat.
(H3) mfn.
kū́pa--kacchapa [p= 300,1] [L=53948]
" a tortoise in a well " , a man without experience (who has seen nothing of the world) g. pātresamitā*di and yuktā*rohy-ādi.
(H3) m.
keśo* ṇḍuka [p= 310,2] [L=56024]
a sling or knot of hair Sus3r.

AitA1r. (ed. °ṇḍraka).
(H3) m.
[L=56025]net-like apparitions seen while the eyes are shut
kaa--dṛṣṭa [p= 325,1] [L=58770]
seen for an instant , momentarily visible
(H3) mfn.
kaa--dṛṣṭa---naṣṭa [L=58771]
seen for an instant and immediately lost out of sight Pan5cat. Mcar. v , 1 Hcar.
(H4) mfn.
cara [p= 389,2] [L=72174]
(g. pacā*di) moving , locomotive (as animals opposed to plants , or as the karaas in astrol.) VPra1t. S3vetUp. iii , 18 Mn. vii , 15 MBh. &c

= sacārin) forming the retinue of any one BhP. iv , 29 , 23


going , walking , wandering , being , living , practising (e.g. adhaś- , anta- , antarika- , ap- , ādāya- , udake- , &c ; cf. Pa1n2. 3-2 , 16)
cara [L=72178]
(ī)n. ifc. ( Pa1n2. 5-3 , 53 f. ; vi , 3 , 35 f.) having been formerly (e.g. āhya- , devadatta- , qq. vv. ; a-dṛṣṭa- or nadṛṣṭa- , " not seen before " Katha1s. [once f. irr. ā , lx , 58] Sarvad. iii , 16 ; vii , 19 ; an-ālokita- id. Ba1lar. iv , 54÷55)
cara [L=72179]
a spy , secret emissary or agent Mn. vii , 122 Hariv. 10316 R. &c
cara [L=72180]
= caraa L.
cara [L=72181]
the small shell Cypraea moneta L.
cara [L=72182]
the wind , air BhP. x , 14 , 11
cara [L=72183]
the planet Mars L.
cara [L=72184]
a game played with dice (similar to backgammon) L.
cara [L=72185]
a cowrie W.
cara [L=72186]
" passage " » a- , duś-
cara [L=72187]
(in astron.) ascensional difference Gol. vii
cara [L=72189]
(in music) N. of a mūrchanā
cara [L=72191]
= digambaraprasiddhā g. gaurā*di
cara [L=72192]
also ifc. » anu- and sahacarī.
cara [p= 1327,1] [L=330990]
astron., read, "the difference of time between the rising of a heavenly body at la or Ceylon, over which the first meridian passes, and that of its rising at any partic. place").
(H2) mfn.
[L=72176]movable , shaking , unsteady
(H2B) mf
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2) (in
tád--gua---savijñāna [p= 434,2] [L=82106]
(a bahuvrīhi compound) in which the qualities implied are perceived along with the thing itself (e.g. dīrghakara , " long-ear " ; opposed to a- e.g. dṛṣṭasāgara , " one who has seen the ocean ") Ba1dar. i , 1 , 2 Sch. Sarvad.
(H4) n.
darśanī́ya [p= 471,1] [L=90667]
visible R. i , v

TS. ii , 7 , 9 S3Br. xiii Sha4vBr. ?? ChUp. S3a1n3khGr2. MBh. &c (superl. -tama , ii R. iii BhP. iv)

Katha1s. lxxi , 20

Mn. viii , 158 Kull.
darśanī́ya [L=90671]
Asclepias gigantea Npr.
darśanī́ya [L=90672]
cf. a-.
(H2) mfn.
[L=90668]worthy of being seen , good-looking , beautiful
[L=90669]to be shown
[L=90670]to be made to appear (before the judge)
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
darśivas [L=90698]
ifc. nom. m(°vān). at the end of ślokas) , one who has seen (irreg. pf.p.) MBh. viii , 1756-1771 (arjuna-)

knowing , tattva- , i , 5637 , tattvā*rtha- , iv , 902 , dharma- , i , 6157

sarva- Su1ryas. xii

dīrgha- MBh. v , 4380

cf. pratyaka-.
(H2) (only
dárśya [L=90699]
worthy of being seen RV. v , 52 , 11
(H2) mfn.
dur--īkia [p= 485,1] [L=93832]
difficult to be seen
(H3) mfn.
dur--darśa [p= 485,3] [L=93979]
difficult to be seen or met with Kat2hUp. A1past. MBh. R. &c

MBh. Hariv. &c
(H3) mfn.
[L=93980]disagreeable or painful to the sight
dur--dṛṣṭa [L=94003]
ill-seen (lit. and fig.) , ill-examined or unjustly decided (lawsuit) Ya1jn5. ii , 305

(H3) mfn.
[L=94004]looked at with an evil eye
dur--nirīka [p= 486,1] [L=94062]
difficult to be looked at or seen MBh. R. &c
(H3) mfn.
dur--nirī° kaa [L=94063]
difficult to be looked at or seen MBh. R. &c
(H3) mfn.
dur--nirī° kya [L=94064]
difficult to be looked at or seen MBh. R. &c
(H3) mfn.
Whitney Roots links: dfS
dś 1 [p= 491,2] [p= 491,1] [L=95263]
paś q.v. ; pf. P. dadárśa RV. &c [2. sg. dadarśitha and dadraṣṭha Pa1n2. 7-2 , 65] ; A1. dadśé AV. [dádśe , 3 pl. °dśre RV. ; °śrire TBr. ] ; p. P. dadśvás RV. ; °sivas Up. ; darśivas q.v. ; A1. dádśāna RV. ; fut. P. -drakyáti Br. &c ; A1. °yate and fut. 2. draṣṭā MBh. ; aor. P. adarśam , °śas , °śat , 3 pl. °śur Br. ; 1 pl. adarśma TS. ; adśma JaimBr. ; Subj. darśam , °śat , °śathas RV. AV. ; A1. 3 pl. ádśran VS. AV. Br. ; °śram RV. ; p. dśāná or dṛ́śāna [cf. s.v.] RV. ; P. dśan , 3 pl. ádśan Br. ; Pot. dśéyam RV. ; °śema AV. ; P. adrākit and adrāk Br. ; A1. 3 pl. ádkata ; Subj. 2 sg. dṛ́kase RV. ; inf. dśé and driśáye RV. ; dráṣṭum AV. &c ; ind.p. dṛṣṭvā́ AV. &c [ MBh. also dśya] , °vāya RV. ; -dṛ́śya RV. ; -darśam Das3. ) to see , behold , look at , regard , consider RV. AV. S3Br. MBh. &c  ; 
to see
i.e. wait on , visit MBh. R.  ; 
to see with the mind , learn , understand
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to notice , care for , look into , try , examine
Ya1jn5. Pan5c.  ; 
to see by divine intuition , think or find out , compose , contrive (hymns , rites ,
&c ) Br. Nir. ii , 11 : Pass. dśyáte (ep. also °ti) aor. adárśi RV. &c to be seen , become visible , appear RV. AV. S3Br. MBh. &c  ; 
to be shown or manifested , appear as (
iva) , prove Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c : Caus. P. A1. darśayati , °te AV. &c  ; 
aor. adīdśat Br.  ; 
adadarśat Pa1n2. 7-4 , 7 , to cause to see or be seen , to show a thing (A1. esp. of something belonging to one's self) or person (P. and A1. with or scil. ātmānam , also one's self) , to (acc. AV. iv , 20 , 6 S3Br. &c ; gen. Mn. iv , 59 MBh. &c ; dat. R. ii , 31 , 33 Ragh. &c ; instr. after A1. refl. Pa1n2. 1-4 , 53 Ka1s3. )  ; 
to show = prove , demonstrate
Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to produce (money)
i.e. pay Mn. viii , 155  ; 
(a witness) ,
158 : Desid. A1. didkate (ep. also °ti) to wish to see , long for (acc.) RV. iii , 30 , 13 S3Br. MBh. &c : Desid. of Caus. didarśayiati , to wish to show S3am2k.  ; 
adidarśayiīt Nid. : Intens. darīdśyate , to be always visible Bhojapr.  ; 
darīdarṣṭi or dard° Pa1n2. 7-4 , 90 ; 91. [cf. Gk. δέρκομαι , δέδορκα , δρακον ; Goth. tarhjan.]
dṛ́ś 2 [L=95309]
(nom. k , Ved. Pa1n2. 7-1 , 83) seeing , viewing , looking at
491,3] [L=95310]
Ya1jn5. MBh. &c (ifc. cf. āyurveda-d° , diṣṭa-d° , pthag-d° , mántra-d° , sama-d° , sarva-d° , sūryad°)
dṛ́ś 2 [L=95311]
sight , view (dat. dśé as inf. cf. √1 dś)
dṛ́ś 2 [L=95312]
look , appearance (in ī-d° , kī-d° , tā-d°)
dṛ́ś 2 [L=95313]
the eye R. Var. &c (also n. BhP. iv , 4 , 24)
dṛ́ś 2 [L=95314]
theory , doctrine Vcar.
dṛ́ś 2 [L=95315]
(astrol.) the aspect of a planet or the observed spot. [cf. Gk. δρα for δρακ in πόδρα.]
(H1) (Pres. forms supplied by √
(H2) m.
[p= knowing , discerning
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
dṛ́śīka [L=95332]
worthy to be seen , splendid RV.
(H2) mfn.
dṛ́śya--śravya [L=95347]
being seen or heard
(H3) mfn.
dṛ́śya 1 [L=95337]
visible , conspicuous RV. MBh. Ka1v. &c

Hariv. Ka1v. Pur.
dṛ́śya 1 [L=95339]
(arithm.) a given quantity or number
dṛ́śya 1 [L=95340]
any visible object Ma1lav. i , 9
dṛ́śya 1 [L=95341]
the visible world RTL. 119
dṛ́śya 1 [L=95342]
N. of a town = -pura , Brahmap. ??
dśya 2 [L=95354]
(for dṛṣṭ) having seen MBh.
(H2) mfn.
[L=95338]to be looked at , worth seeing , beautiful , pleasing
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2) n.
(H2) ind.
dśvan [L=95355]
(°varī)n. seeing or having seen , familiar with (ifc.) Ka1m. Ragh.
(H2) mf
dṛṣṭá [L=95357]
seen , looked at , beheld , perceived , noticed Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c


S3ak. iii , 7 Pan5c. i , 401÷402

Ka1v. Pan5c. Hit.

MBh. Ka1v. &c

MBh. R.


Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c
dṛṣṭá [L=95365]
perception , observation Sa1m2khyak. Tattvas.
dṛṣṭá [L=95366]
(scil. bhaya) a real or obvious danger.
dṛṣṭa [p= 492,2] [L=95493]
(H2) mfn.
[L=95358]visible , apparent
[L=95359]considered , regarded , treated , used
[L=95360]appeared , manifested , occurring , existing , found , real
[L=95361]experienced , learnt , known , understood
[L=95362]seen in the mind , devised , imagined
[L=95363]allotted , destined
[L=95364]settled , decided , fixed , acknowledged , valid
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H1) »
dṛṣṭá--karman [p= 491,3] [L=95367]
whose actions are seen or proved , tried by practice MBh. Ra1jat.

Sus3r. Bhpr.
(H3) mfn.
[L=95368]who has seen the practice of others
dṛṣṭá--cara [L=95371]
(ī)n. seen before , not quite unknown Ja1takam.
(H3) mf
dṛṣṭá--tas [L=95372]
as something seen Gobh. iii , 5 , 27.
(H3) ind.
dṛṣṭá--tva [L=95373]
the being seen or learnt or examined Var. Kap.
(H3) n.
dṛṣṭá--draṣṭavya [L=95376]
who has seen what was to be seen Dhanam2j. 73÷74.
(H3) mfn.
dṛṣṭá--dharma [L=95377]
who has seen dharma
dṛṣṭá--dharma [L=95378]
this world , mundane existence , the present DivyA7v.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
dṛṣṭá--naṣṭa [L=95381]
seen and (at once) disappeared Katha1s. &c
(H3) mfn.
dṛṣṭá--pūrva [L=95384]
seen before MBh.
(H3) mfn.
dṛṣṭá--mātra [L=95388]
just or merely seen Ratn. ii , 0÷1.
(H3) mfn.
dṛṣṭá--vat [L=95393]
having seen or beheld MBh.
(H3) mfn.
dṛṣṭá--śruta [L=95397]
seen and heard Mn. viii , 75.
(H3) mfn.
dṛṣṭā* nta [p= 492,1] [L=95402]
(n. only R. ii , 109 , 37) " the end or aim of what is seen " , example , paragon , standard , allegory , type MBh. R. &c


śāstra L.

partic. high number L.

L. (cf. diṣṭ°)
(H3) m.
[L=95403]instance , exemplification (
deśá--dṛṣṭa [p= 496,2] [L=96537]
seen (i.e. usual or customary) in a country Mn. viii , 3

(H3) mfn.
[L=96538]locally considered , judged as to place
draṣṭavyá [p= 501,2] [L=97739]
(fr. √ dś.) to be seen , visible , apparent S3Br. MBh. Ka1v. &c


nom.) MBh. R.
(H1) mfn.
[L=97740]to be examined or investigated
[L=97741]to be regarded or considered as (
draṣṭu--śakya [L=97745]
able to be seen MW.
(H3) mfn.
ni-rū° pita [p= 554,1] [L=109461]
seen , observed , considered , weighed , discovered , ascertained , determined , defined Ka1v. Pur. &c

BhP. Pan5c.

ni-rū° pita [L=109464]
the state of having been discussed or ascertained Hcat.
(H3) mfn.
[L=109462]appointed , elected , chosen
[L=109463]pointed against , shot off
(H3B) n.
ni-° rūpya [p= 554,2] [L=109466]
performing , acting , gesticulating S3ak.

&c 2.
ni-° rūpya [L=109467]
to be seen or defined or ascertained MBh.

(H3) ind.
[L=109466.1]having seen , considered
(H3) mfn.
[L=109468]not yet certain , questionable
pari-dṛṣṭa [p= 596,1] [L=117748]
seen , beheld , perceived , learnt , known MBh.
(H3) mfn.
pārá--dśvan [p= 619,3] [L=122424]
(arī)n. one who has seen the oppositive shore , far-seeing , wise , completely familiar with or versed in (gen. or comp.) Ka1m. Ragh. &c (cf. Pa1n2. 3-2 , 94) .
(H3) mf
purāá--dṛṣṭa [p= 635,1] [L=125997]
seen or approved by ancient sages Vas.
(H3) mfn.
pū́rva [p= 643,1] [L=127816]
(ā)n. (connected with purā , puras , pra , and declined like a pron. when implying relative position whether in place or time , but not necessarily in abl. loc. sg. m. n. and nom. pl. m. ; » Pa1n2. 1-1 , 27 ; 34 ; vii , 1 , 16) being before or in front fore , first RV. &c

abl.) ib.

abl. or comp.) ib. (gaja-pūrva , preceding the number " eight " i.e. seven , the seventh S3rutab. ; māsena p°ormāsa-p° , earlier by a month Pa1n2. 2-1 , 31 ; ifc. often = formerly or before e.g. strī-p° , formerly a wife ; āhya-p° , formerly wealthy ; esp. after a pp. e.g. kta-p° , done before , dṛṣṭa-p° , seen before ; ifc. also preceded or accompanied by , attended with e.g. smita-pūrvā-vāk , speech accompanied by smiles ; sometimes not translatable e.g. mdu-pūrvā vāk , kind speech)

RV. &c

opp. to uttara ; with dama or sāhasa " the lowest fine ") Mn. viii , 120 &c

vayas) " first age " , youth MBh.

abl.) Mn. MBh. Pa1n2.
pū́rva [L=127823]
an ancestor , forefather (pl. the ancients , ancestors) RV. &c
pū́rva [L=127824]
an elder brother R.
pū́rva [L=127825]
N. of a prince BhP.
pū́rva [L=127829]
the fore part S3ak. ii , 4 (cf. Pa1n2. 2-2 , 1)
pū́rva [L=127830]
a partic. high number (applied to a period of years) Buddh.
pū́rva [L=127831]
N. of the most ancient of jaina writings (of which 14 are enumerated) L.
pū́rva [L=127832]
N. of a tantra Cat.
pū́rva [L=127833]
an ancient tradition W.
pūrva [p= 1330,2] [L=336240]
(H1) mf
[L=127817]eastern , to the east of (
[L=127818]former , prior , preceding , previous to , earlier than (
[L=127819]ancient , old , customary , traditional
[L=127820]first (in a series) , initial , lowest (
[L=127822]foregoing , aforesaid , mentioned before (
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H2) (in
pū́rva--dṛṣṭa [p= 643,2] [L=127938]
seen before Katha1s.


Mn. ix , 87.
(H3) mfn.
[L=127939]appeared in former times , primaeval
[L=127940]declared by the ancients
pra- √ khyā [p= 655,3] [L=130344]
-khyāti , to see RV. (Subj. -khyat ; inf. -khyaí) S3Br. (ind.p. -khyāya)  ; 
to announce , proclaim , extol
BhP. (Impv. -khyāhi): Pass. -khyāyate , to be seen or known  ; 
to be visible or public or acknowledged or celebrated
Mn. MBh. &c : Caus. -khyāpayati , to make generally known , proclaim , announce , publish Ma1lati1m. Ra1jat.
pra-° khyā [L=130346]
look , appearance (only ifc. = resembling , like) MBh. R. &c
pra-° khyā [L=130347]
brightness , splendour (only ifc.) R.
pra-° khyā [L=130348]
perceptibility , visibility , Jaim.
pra-° khyā [L=130349]
making manifest , disclosure Das3ar.
(H1) P.
(H3B) f.
(H3B) f.
(H3B) f.
(H3B) f.
praty-aka--darśin [p= 674,3] [L=133822]
seeing anything (gen.) with one's own eyes , one who has seen with his own eyes MBh.
(H3) mfn.
praty-aka--darśivas [L=133823]
one who has seen anything with his own eyes

acc.) clearly as if before the eyes MBh. Hariv. Su1ryas.
(H3) mfn.
[L=133824]seeing anything (
praty-aka--dśya [L=133827]
to be seen with the eyes , visible , perceptible Nir. Katha1s.
(H3) mfn.
praty-aka--dṛṣṭa [L=133828]
seen with the eyes , Ratna7v. Katha1s.
(H3) mfn.
pratyakī--kta [L=133869]
seen with the eyes S3ak. Hit.

(H3) mfn.
[L=133870]made present or visible , manifested , displayed
pra- √ dś [p= 680,2] [L=134775]
-dśyate (cf. prapaś) , to become visible , be seen , appear RV. &c &c : Caus. -darśayati , to make visible , show , indicate , explain , teach , describe Mn. MBh. &c : Desid. -didkate , to wish to see Bhat2t2.
(H1) Pass.
pre* kaīya [p= 712,2] [L=140998]
to be seen , visible S3ak.

ifc.) looking like , resembling Megh.

MBh. Ka1lid.
pre* kaīya [L=141001]
a show , spectacle Vet.
(H3) mfn.
[L=141000]worth seeing , sightly , beautiful to the view
(H3B) n.
pre* kitavya [L=141022]
to be seen or beheld Ratna7v.
(H3) mfn.
pre* kya [L=141026]
to be seen , visible MBh.


Ka1lid. Ra1jat.
(H2) mfn.
[L=141027]to be looked at or regarded
[L=141028]worth seeing , sightly
bahú--dśvan [p= 725,1] [L=143626]
one who has seen much , a great observer , very experienced L.
(H3) m.
bahú--deśa-darśin [L=143631]
one who has seen many countries , a great traveller W.
(H3) mfn.
mahā́--mahas [p= 798,3] [L=160358]
a great light (seen in the sky) S3a1rn3gP.
(H3) n.
míthūdṛ́ś [p= 817,1] [L=164349]
seen or appearing alternately , i , 29 , 3 ; ii , 31 , 5.
(H3) mfn.
meru--dśvan [p= 833,2] [L=168007]
one who has seen or visited meru Pa1n2. 3-2 , 94 Sch.
(H3) mfn.
yáthā--dṛṣṭam [p= 842,1] [L=169753]
Mn. Katha1s. ) ( Cat. ) ind. as seen or observed.
(H3) (
yáthā--dṛṣ° i [L=169754]
Cat. ) ind. as seen or observed.
(H3) (
rāma--darśanā* di-tas [p= 877,2] [L=177400]
after having seen rāma R.
(H3) ind.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 32.5, 33.23
Whitney Roots links: lakz
lak [p= 891,3] [L=180331]
lakate , to perceive , observe BhP. Katha1s.  ; 
P. °ti) , to recognise MBh.  ; 
cl.10 P. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxxii , 5 ; xxxiii , 23 ; rather Nom. fr. laka below) lakayati , °te (aor. alalakat , °ta ; inf. lakayitum ; ind.p. lakayitvā , -lakya) , to mark , sign MBh.  ; 
to characterize , define (in
Comms.)  ; 
to indicate , designate indirectly
S3am2k. Kpr. Sa1h. Sarvad.  ; 
to aim , it (as to aim an arrow at any object) , direct towards , have in view , mean
Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3 , 37 &c  ; 
to consider or regard any one (
acc.) as (acc. with or without iva) MBh. Hariv. Pur.  ; 
to suppose of any one (
acc.) that he will &c (oratio recta with iti) MBh. iii , 10375  ; 
to know , understand , recognise by (
instr.) or as (acc.) or that &c (oratio recta with iti) MBh. Ka1v. Pur.  ; 
to notice , perceive , observe , see , view
MaitrUp. Mn. MBh. &c : Pass. lakyate , to be marked &c  ; 
to be meant or intended
Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3 , 14 &c  ; 
to be named or called (with double
nom.) BhP.  ; 
to be perceived or seen , appear , seem , look like (
nom. with or without iva) MBh. Ka1v. &c : Desid. » lilakayiita.
(H1) cl.1 A1.
lakita [p= 892,2] [L=180450]
marked , indicated , distinguished or characterized by (instr. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c

e.g. janma-bhūmi , " place of birth " and " the female organ ") Va1m. ii , 1 , 18

ifc.) aimed at (as a target or object aimed at by an arrow) R.


nom.) BhP.

Mn. Sa1h.


MBh. Ka1v. &c



(H2) mfn.
[L=180451]vaguely indicated or expressed , equivocal , ambiguous (as a word which is indecent only in its figurative sense
[L=180453]called , named
[L=180454]considered or regarded as , taken for (
[L=180455]enquired into , examined
[L=180457]perceived , observed , beheld , seen , evident
[L=180458]known , understood
lokanīya [p= 907,3] [L=183547]
to be seen or perceived , visible , worthy of being looked at W.
(H2) mfn.
lokita [L=183548]
seen , beheld , viewed ib.
(H2) mfn.
ví--dhūma [p= 951,1] [L=193166]
(ā)n. smokeless , not smoking (said of fire) MBh. R. &c (°me ind. when no smoke is seen Mn. vi , 56)
ví--dhūma [L=193167]
N. of a vasu Katha1s.
(H3) mf
(H3B) m.
ví--cetas [p= 950,2] [L=193000]
(ví-) (for 2. » vi-cit) absent-minded , confounded , perplexed Hariv. R. BhP.

ví-° cetas [p= 959,1] [L=194816]
(ví-) visible , clearly seen RV.

(H3) mfn.
[L=193000.1]ignorant , stupid
(H3) mfn.
[L=194816.1]discerning , wise
vi- √ lok [p= 986,2] [L=199854]
inf. -lokitum and ind.p. -lokya) , to look at or upon , regard , examine , test , study MBh. Ka1v. &c : Caus. -lokayati , to look at , consider , observe , regard , examine , try , inspect Gobh. MBh. &c  ; 
to be able to see , possess the faculty of seeing
Bhartr2. (v.l.)  ; 
to have regard to (
acc.) Prab.  ; 
to look over or beyond (
acc.) Mn. viii , 239 : Pass. -lokyate (aor. vy-aloki) , to be seen , be visible Katha1s. BhP.
(H1) (only
vi-° lokita [L=199863]
looked at , seen , beheld &c
vi-° lokita [L=199864]
(in music) a kind of measure Sam2gi1t.
vi-° lokita [L=199865]
a look , glance S3ak.
vi-° lokita [L=199866]
observation , examination Lalit.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
víśva--dṛṣṭa [p= 993,1] [L=201107]
viśvá-) mfn. seen by all RV.
(H3) (
vī́* kita [p= 1004,3] [L=203426]
looked at , seen , beheld , regarded VS. &c
vī́* kita [L=203427]
a look , glance Ka1lid. Bhartr2.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) n.
vy-apa- √ dś [p= 1031,3] [L=208752]
-dśyate , to be clearly seen , be distinctly visible MBh.
(H1) Pass.
vy-ā- √ dś [p= 1037,1] [L=209703]
-dśyate , to be clearly seen or visible BhP.
(H1) Pass.
śakuntalā [p= 1046,3] [L=211383]
(said to be fr. śakunta) N. of a daughter of the apsaras menakā by viśvāmitra (she was supposed to have been born and left in a forest , where she was protected by birds till found by the sage kava , who took her to his hermitage and reared her as his daughter ; she was there seen by king duyanta , when on a hunting expedition , and married by him , and became the mother of bharata , sovereign of all India ; the story of duyanta's accidental meeting with śakuntalā , their marriage , separation , his repudiation of her through temporary loss of memory caused by a curse , his subsequent recognition of her by means of a ring which was lost but afterwards recovered , forms the subject of kālidāsa's celebrated drama called abhijñāna-śakuntalā q.v.).
(H2) f.
śábda--vedhya [p= 1053,1] [L=212802]
to be shot at without being seen (cf. prec.) R.
śábda--vedhya [L=212803]
= -vedha m. ib.
(H3) mfn.
(H3) n.
śā́khā--candra-nyāya [p= 1062,3] [L=214966]
rule of the moon on a bough (a phrase denoting that an object seen or matter discussed has its position or relation assigned to it merely from the appearance of contiguity) ib.
(H3) m.
śāstrá--dṛṣṭa [p= 1069,2] [L=216390]
" seen in the śāstra " , mentioned or prescribed in the śāstra , according to precept or rule , scientific Mn. Ka1v. &c
(H3) mfn.
-° khyāna [p= 1128,2] [L=228452]
becoming seen , appearance BhP.

Ka1t2h. S3rS. MBh. &c


Hariv. Ma1rkP.
(H3) n.
[L=228453]reckoning up , enumeration , calculation
[L=228454]a number , multitude
sa- √ dś [p= 1144,1] [L=231546]
(only in non-conj. tenses e.g. pf. -dadarśa , -dadśe fut. -drakyati , °te ; ind.p. -dśya ; inf. -draṣṭum , Ved. -dśe ; cf. sam-paś) , to see together or at the same time » well or completely , behold , view , perceive , observe , consider MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
A1. and Pass. -dśyate) , to be seen at the same time , appear together with (instr.) RV. S3Br.  ; 
to look like , resemble , be similar or equal
RV.  ; 
to be observed , become visible , appear
MBh. Ka1v. &c : Caus. -darśayati , to cause to be seen , display , show , feign (ātmānam mta-vat sa-d° , " to feign one's self dead ") ib.  ; 
to represent
Gi1t. Ra1jat.  ; 
to expose , explain
DivyA7v.  ; 
to show one's self to (
acc.) MBh. R. : Desid. of Caus. » sa-didarśayiu: Desid. » sa-didku.
sa-dṛ́ś [L=231562]
(e dat. as inf. ; cf. above ) sight , appearance RV. (samyak paśyati ya , " one who sees well or thoroughly " Sa1y. ) AV. VS. Kat2hUp.

RV. ii , 13 , 10.
(H1) P. A1.
(H2) f.
[L=231563]view , direction
sa-darśana [L=231548]
the act of looking steadfastly gazing , viewing , beholding , seeing , sight , vision (svapne sadarśa°na-gam , " to be seen by or appear to [gen.] in a dream " ; °nampra-yam , " to show one's self to [gen.] " ; °ne , " in view or in the presence of [gen. or comp.] ") Nir. Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c

R. Sa1h.

MBh. Vikr. Hit.

Ka1v. Sa1h.


instr. with or without saha) Katha1s. Pan5cat. (fr. Caus.) the act of causing to see , showing , displaying , exhibition of or to (comp.) MBh. R. Pur.
(H2) n.
[L=231549]a gaze , look
[L=231550]surveying , inspection , consideration
[L=231551]appearance , manifestation
[L=231552]the rising of a with the sun
[L=231553]meeting or falling in with (
sa-dṛṣṭa [L=231566]
completely seen or beheld (pāpa-s° , " having an evil aspect ") VarBr2S.

(H2) mfn.
[L=231567]foreseen , ordained , prescribed (in sacred books)
sa-draṣṭavya [L=231570]
to be seen or sought for MBh.
(H2) mfn.
sam-āpatti---dṛṣṭa [p= 1161,2] [L=234431]
seen by chance Das3.
(H3) mfn.
sam- √ īk [p= 1164,3] [L=234953]
-īkate , to look at or inspect thoroughly , investigate closely , view , perceive , see VS. &c  ; 
to become aware of. ascertain
R.  ; 
to find out , contrive , invent
MBh.  ; 
to think of , aim at , have in view , bear in mind
MBh.  ; 
to consider well , inquire into , investigate , examine , contemplate
Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to look closely at in order to choose or destine for (two
acc.) R. : Caus. -īkayati , °te , to cause to look at or view or perceive AV. Ka1tyS3r.  ; 
to let one's self be seen , show one's self , appear
(H1) A1.
sam-upa- √ dś [p= 1169,1] [L=235623]
-darśayati , to cause to see or be seen , show , exhibit Ka1ran2d2.
(H1) Caus.
sam-prati- √ lak [p= 1174,3] [L=236370]
-lakyate , to be seen or perceived clearly MBh.
(H1) Pass.
sam-pra- √ dś [p= 1175,1] [L=236451]
cf. sam-prapaś) Pass. -dśyate (°ti) , to be clearly seen or observed , appear MBh. R. Hariv. : Caus. -darśayati , to cause to see , show , indicate , declare (ātmānam mta-vat , " to feign one's self dead ") ib. &c
(H1) (
sam-° pre* kita [p= 1177,2] [L=236705]
well looked at or seen , beheld ib.

(H3) mfn.
[L=236706]considered , investigated
sahasā--dṛṣṭa [p= 1193,1] [L=240019]
" seen fortuitously " , an adopted son L.
(H3) m.
* kād--dṛṣṭa [p= 1198,1] [L=241034]
seen with (one's own) eyes Kum.
(H3) mfn.
sukhá--lakya [p= 1221,2] [L=245753]
easy to be seen or known , easily recognized Hariv.
(H3) mfn.
sukhā* loka [p= 1221,3] [L=245863]
(ā)n. pleasant-looking , beautiful (others " easy to be seen ") Vikr. iv , 46.
(H3) mf
su--dárśa [p= 1224,2] [L=246522]
easily seen , conspicuous (compar. tara) RV. MBh.

MBh. (= prasanna-vaktra Ni1lak. )
(H3) mfn.
[L=246523]beautiful to see , lovely
su--darśaná [L=246526]
(ā)n. easily seen by (instr.) Vop.

MBh. R. &c
su--darśaná [L=246528]
" keen-sighted " , a vulture L.
su--darśaná [L=246529]
a fish Bhpr.
su--darśaná [L=246530]
(in music) a kind of composition Sam2gi1t.
su--darśaná [L=246531]
N. of śiva MBh.
su--darśaná [L=246532]
of a son of agni and sudarśanā ib.
su--darśaná [L=246533]
of a vidyā-dhara BhP.
su--darśaná [L=246534]
of a muni ib.
su--darśaná [L=246535]
of a buddha Lalit.
su--darśaná [L=246536]
of a patriarch Buddh.
su--darśaná [L=246537]
of a serpent-demon ib.
su--darśaná [L=246538]
of a cakravartin ib.
su--darśaná [L=246539]
of one of the 9 jaina śukla-balas or bala-devas L.
su--darśaná [L=246540]
of the father of the 18th arhat of the present avasarpiī L.
su--darśaná [L=246541]
of a king of mālava MBh.
su--darśaná [L=246542]
of a king of ujjayinī Cat.
su--darśaná [L=246543]
of a king of ali-putra Hit.
su--darśaná [L=246544]
of a son of śakhaa R.
su--darśaná [L=246545]
of a son of artha-siddhi Hariv.
su--darśaná [L=246546]
of a son of dhruva-sadhi Ragh.
su--darśaná [L=246547]
of a son of dadhīci Cat.
su--darśaná [L=246548]
of a son of aja-mīha Hariv.
su--darśaná [L=246549]
of a son of bharata BhP.
su--darśaná [L=246550]
of a son-in-law of pratika ib.
su--darśaná [L=246551]
of a gambler Katha1s.
su--darśaná [L=246552]
of various authors &c (also with ācārya , kavi , bhaṭṭa , sūri &c ) Cat.
su--darśaná [L=246553]
of a jambū tree MBh. @
su--darśaná [L=246554]
of a mountain TA1r. MBh. Ka1ran2d2.
su--darśaná [L=246555]
of a dvīpa MBh.
su--darśaná [L=246556]
n. N. of the cakra or circular weapon of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa (or " the disc of the sun ") MBh. Ka1v. &c
su--darśaná [L=246557]
of a mystical staff (carried by sanyāsins as a defence against evil spirits , and consisting of a bamboo with six knots) RTL. xxi
su--darśaná [L=246559]
a night in the light half of a month TBr.
su--darśaná [L=246560]
an order , command L.
su--darśaná [L=246561]
Coculus Tomentosus L.
su--darśaná [L=246562]
a sort of spirituous liquor L.
su--darśaná [L=246563]
N. of a daughter of duryodhana and narmadā MBh.
su--darśaná [L=246564]
of a princess Pan5cat.
su--darśaná [L=246565]
of a gandharva maiden Ka1ran2d2.
su--darśaná [L=246566]
of a lotus pond R.
su--darśaná [L=246567]
of a jambū tree MBh.
su--darśaná [L=246568]
of indra's city amarāvatī Cat.
su--darśaná [L=246569]
of a Comm. on the tantra-rāja
su--darśaná [L=246571]
(cf. m.) a partic. powder composed of various substances Bhpr.
su--darśaná [L=246572]
N. of indra's city
su--darśaná [L=246573]
of a tīrtha BhP.
(H3) mf
[L=246527]good-looking , beautiful , handsome , lovely
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
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(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
su--darśanīya [p= 1224,3] [L=246584]
easy to be seen MBh.
(H3) mfn.
su--durdarśa [p= 1225,1] [L=246691]
very difficult to be discerned or seen or observed , unpleasant or intolerable to the eye R. Sch.
(H3) mfn.
su--dśya [L=246739]
easily seen , clearly visible MBh.

(H3) mfn.
[L=246740]looking beautiful , handsome
su--dṛṣṭa [L=246741]
(ā)n. well seen (acc. with √ k , " to look at well or earnestly ") MBh. R.

compar. -tara) Ja1takam.
su--dṛṣṭa [L=246743]
N. of a people (v.l. sudeṣṭa) MBh.
(H3) mf
[L=246742]easy to be seen (
(H3B) m. pl.
sphua--tāra [p= 1270,2] [L=256880]
having stars clearly seen , bright with stars MW.
(H3) mfn.
svá--dṛṣṭa [p= 1275,3] [L=257941]
self-seen (?) Hariv. (v.l. sahṛṣṭa).
(H3) mfn.
hári--dśvan [p= 1290,1] [L=261005]
(arī)n. (prob.) one who has seen viṣṇu Vop.
(H3) mf
a-pūrva--darśana [p= 1314,3] [L=310930.3]
never seen before, Ka1d.
(H3) mfn.
Whitney Roots links: Ikz
īk [p= 170,1] [L=29695]
ī́kate , īkā-cakre ( Pa1n2. 1-3 , 63) , īkiyate , aikiṣṭa , īkitum , to see , look , view , behold , look at , gaze at  ; 
to watch over (with
acc. or rarely loc.) AV. AitBr. S3Br. Mn. Katha1s. &c  ; 
to see in one's mind , think , have a thought
S3Br. ChUp. MBh. Bhag. &c  ; 
to regard , consider
Kum.  ; 
to observe (the stars
&c ) VarBr2S.  ; 
to foretell for (
dat. ; lit. to observe the stars for any one) Pa1n2. 1-4 , 39 : Caus. īkayati , to make one look at (with acc.) A1s3vGr2. (This root is perhaps connected with aki q.v.)
īk [p= 1321,1] [L=321590]
(H1) cl.1 A1.
(H2) √ (also) to be seen,
dṛṣ* dṛṣṭa [p= 1329,1] [L=333950]
(H2) (also) dimly seen,