

óm [p= 235,3] [L=40704]
( √av Un2. i , 141 ; originally o = ā , which may be derived from ā BRD. ), a word of solemn affirmation and respectful assent , sometimes translated by " yes , verily , so be it " (and in this sense compared with Amen ; it is placed at the commencement of most Hindu works , and as a sacred exclamation may be uttered [but not so as to be heard by ears profane] at the beginning and end of a reading of the vedas or previously to any prayer ; it is also regarded as a particle of auspicious salutation [Hail!] ; om appears first in the upaniads as a mystic monosyllable , and is there set forth as the object of profound religious meditation , the highest spiritual efficacy being attributed not only to the whole word but also to the three sounds a , u , m , of which it consists ; in later times om is the mystic name for the Hindu triad , and represents the union of the three gods , viz. a (viṣṇu) , u (śiva) , m (brahmā) ; it may also be typical of the three vedas ; om is usually called praava , more rarely akara , or ekākara , and only in later times okāra) VS. S3Br. ChUp. &c

om at the beginning of their vidyā aakarī or mystical formulary in six syllables [viz. om mai padme hū] ; according to T. om may be used in the following senses: praave , ārambhe , svīkāre , anumatau , apā*ktau , asvīkāre , magale , śubhe , jñeye , brahmai ; with preceding a or ā , the o of om does not form vddhi (au) , but gua (o) Pa1n2. 6-1 , 95.)


[L=40704.1](Buddhists place


evám [p= 232,3] [p= 232,2] [L=40194]
(fr. pronom. base e BRD. ; probably connected with 1. evá) , thus , in this way , in such a manner , such , (it is not found in the oldest hymns of the veda , where its place is taken by 1. evá , but occurs in later hymns ind. in the brāhmaas , especially in connection with √ vid , " to know " , and its derivatives [e.g. ya eva veda , he who knows so ; cf. eva-víd , col.3] ; in classical Sanskrit evam occurs very frequently , especially in connection with the roots vac , " to speak " , and śru , " to hear " , and refers to what precedes as well as to what follows [e.g. evam uktvā , having so said ; evam evai*tat , this is so ; evam astuorevam bhavatu , be it so , I assent ; asty evam , it is so ; yady evam , if this be so ; kim evam , how so? what is the meaning of it? what does this refer to? mai*vam , not so! evam - yathā or yathā - evam , so - as]) Mn. S3ak. &c

e.g. eva te vacane rata , rejoicing in such words of thine ; where evam = eva-vidhe]) MBh. S3ak. &c

evam is merely an expletive

evam may imply likeness (so)

&c )

evam [p= 1323,2] [L=325560]


[L=40194.1](it is also often used like an adjective [
[L=40194.3]according to lexicographers
[L=40194.4]sameness of manner (thus)
[L=40194.5]assent (yes , verily)
[L=40194.6]affirmation (certainly , indeed , assuredly)
[L=40194.7]command (thus ,
[L=40194.8]and be used as an expletive.
(H2) (in


óm [p= 235,3] [L=40704]
( √av Un2. i , 141 ; originally o = ā , which may be derived from ā BRD. ), a word of solemn affirmation and respectful assent , sometimes translated by " yes , verily , so be it " (and in this sense compared with Amen ; it is placed at the commencement of most Hindu works , and as a sacred exclamation may be uttered [but not so as to be heard by ears profane] at the beginning and end of a reading of the vedas or previously to any prayer ; it is also regarded as a particle of auspicious salutation [Hail!] ; om appears first in the upaniads as a mystic monosyllable , and is there set forth as the object of profound religious meditation , the highest spiritual efficacy being attributed not only to the whole word but also to the three sounds a , u , m , of which it consists ; in later times om is the mystic name for the Hindu triad , and represents the union of the three gods , viz. a (viṣṇu) , u (śiva) , m (brahmā) ; it may also be typical of the three vedas ; om is usually called praava , more rarely akara , or ekākara , and only in later times okāra) VS. S3Br. ChUp. &c

om at the beginning of their vidyā aakarī or mystical formulary in six syllables [viz. om mai padme hū] ; according to T. om may be used in the following senses: praave , ārambhe , svīkāre , anumatau , apā*ktau , asvīkāre , magale , śubhe , jñeye , brahmai ; with preceding a or ā , the o of om does not form vddhi (au) , but gua (o) Pa1n2. 6-1 , 95.)


[L=40704.1](Buddhists place


kila 1 [p= 284,1] [L=50586]
play , trifling L.
kíla 2 [L=50588]
(a particle of asseveration or emphasis) indeed , verily , assuredly RV. AV. &c

S3Br. &c

VarBr2S. Ka1d.

kila is preceded by the word on which it lays stress , and occurs very rarely at the beginning of a sentence or verse [ R. iv , 14 , 14 Pan5cat. lxxxix , 4] ; according to native lexicographers kila may be used in communicating intelligence , and may imply " probably " , " possibly " , " agreement " , " dislike " , " falsehood " , " inaccuracy " , and " reason. ")
kila 3 [L=50589]
N. of a man Pravar.


(H1) ind.
[L=50588.1](or of explanation) namely
[L=50588.2]" so said " " so reported " , pretendedly
(H1) m.


khálu [p= 338,2] [L=61654]
(as a particle of asseveration) indeed , verily , certainly , truly R. S3ak. &c

RV. x , 34 , 14 TS. &c ; (as a particle in syllogistic speech) but now , = Lat. atqui TBr. S3Br. &c

khalu is only exceptionally found at the beginning of a phrase ; it is frequently combined with other particles , thus átha kh° , u kh° , vaí kh° , kh° vaí , = now then , now further TS. TBr. S3Br. &c ; in later Sanskrit khalu frequently does little more than lay stress on the word by which it is preceded , and is sometimes merely expletive ; it is also a particle of prohibition (in which case it may be joined with the ind.p. [khalu ktvā , " desist from doing that "] Nir. i , 5 [also °tam] Pa1n2. 3-4 , 18 S3is3. ii , 70) ; or of endearment , conciliation , and inquiry L. ; na khalu , by no means , not at all , indeed not R. &c ])


[L=61654.1](as a continuative particle) now , now then , now further


gha 1 [p= 375,1] [L=69207]
gha 2 [L=69209]
(used to lay stress on a word) at least , surely , verily , indeed , especially (= Gk. γε) , RV. AV. v , 13 , 10 & 11 ; vi , 1 , 3. In the sahitā the final vowel is generally lengthened (ghā cf. Pa1n2. 6-3 , 133)

utá , utó , utá vā , cid , , ) or by a pronoun or a preposition

iva and íd

iva and íd aha , or between and íd

e.g. ā́ ghā gamad yádi śrávat , " he will surely come when he hears " RV. i , 30 , 8), i , 161 , 8 ; viii , 46 , 4.
gha 3 [L=69210]
( √han) ifc. " striking , killing " cf. jīva- , a- , i- , rāja- , &c (cf. also parigha)
gha 4 [L=69212]
a rattling or gurgling or tinkling sound L.



the 4th consonant of the Sanskrit alphabet (aspirate of the preceding).
(H1) ind.
[L=69209.1]as a rule it is preceded by other particles (
[L=69209.2]it is also found between
[L=69209.3]or between
[L=69209.4]sometimes it occurs in the clause which depends on a conditional or relative sentence (
(H1) mfn.
(H1) m.
[L=69213]a bell


prati- √ jñā [p= 665,3] [L=132324]
-jānāti , -jānīte , to admit , own , acknowledge , acquiesce in , consent to , approve RV. AV. MBh.  ; 
to promise (with
gen. dat. or loc. of pers. , and acc. with or without prati , or dat. of thing , also with inf. MBh. Ka1v. &c ; with vākyam and gen. " to promise fulfilment of a person's word " MBh. ; with satyam " to promise verily or truly " ib.)  ; 
A1.) to confirm , assert , answer in the affirmative S3Br. A1s3vGr2. MBh. &c  ; 
to maintain , assert , allege , state
MBh. R. &c (śabda nityatvena , " to assert the eternity of sound " Pa1n2. 1-3 , 22 Sch.)  ; 
A1.) to bring forward or introduce (a topic) Nya1yam. Sch.  ; 
to perceive , notice , learn , become aware of
MBh. Hariv.  ; 
to remember sorrowfully (only in this sense
P. by Pa1n2. 1-3 , 46 ; but really A1. MBh. xii , 8438).
prati-° jñā [L=132326]
» below.
pratijñā [L=132327]
admission , acknowledgment , assent , agreement , promise , vow MBh. Ka1v. &c


avyaya of the five-membered nyāya syllogism IW. 61



P. A1.
(H3B) f.
(H2) f.
[L=132328]a statement , assertion , declaration , affirmation
[L=132329](in logic) a proposition , the assertion or proposition to be proved , the first member or
[L=132330](in law) a plaint , complaint , indictment , prosecution


vastu--tas [p= 932,3] [L=189141]
owing to the nature of things BhP.

ib. Ra1jat. Sarvad.


[L=189141.1]in fact , in reality , actually , verily , essentially

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 22.24

vai 1 [p= 1019,3] [L=206544]
orig. identical with √2. ) cl.1 P. ( Dha1tup. xxii , 24) vā́yati , to become languid or weary or exhausted RV. (śoae Dha1tup. )  ; 
to be deprived of (
gen.) RV. viii.47 , 6  ; 
P. and (ep. also A1.) , to blow A1past. MBh.
vaí 2 [p= 1020,1] [p= 1019,3] [L=206547]
a particle of emphasis and affirmation , generally placed after a word and laying stress on it (it is usually translatable by " indeed " , " truly " , " certainly " , " verily " , " just " &c ; it is very rare in the RV. ; more frequent in the AV. , and very common in the brāhmaas and in works that imitate their style ; in the sūtras it is less frequent and almost restricted to the combination yady u vai ; in manu MBh. and the kāvyas it mostly appears at the end of a line , and as a mere expletive. In RV. it is frequently followed by u in the combination vā́ u [both particles are separated v , 18 , 3] ; it is also preceded by u and various other particles e.g. by íd , áha , utá ; in the brāhmaas it often follows ha , ha sma , eva ; in later language api and tu. Accord. to some it is also a vocative particle).


(H1) ind.


satyám [p= 1135,3] [L=229842]
(g. *di and svar-ādi) truly , indeed , certainly , verily , necessarily , yes , very well (satyam-tu , ki tu , tathā*pi , " it is true - but , yet , however " ; yat sasyam , " indeed , certainly ") RV. &c &c [cf. accord. to some , Gk. τεός. ]




sma [p= 1271,2] [L=257061]
smā , (or ma,) a particle perhaps originally equivalent to " ever " , " always "

esp. ha , na] , or relative , or prep. or verb , while in later language it frequently follows iti , na and nā́ [cf. 1. mā́] ; it is also joined with a pres. tense or pres. participle to give them a past sense [e.g. praviśanti sma , " they entered "] ; this use of sma is also found in the brāhmaas and is extended to veda and āha cf. Va1m. v , 2 , 46) RV. &c &c


[L=257061.1]and later to " indeed " , " certainly " , " verily " , " surely " (it is often used pleonastically , and in earlier language generally follows a similar particle [


ha 1 [p= 1286,1] [L=260028]
nāgarī alphabet (in ini's system belonging to the guttural class , and usually pronounced like the English h in hard ; it is not an original letter , but is mostly derived from an older gh , rarely from dh or bh).
ha 2 [L=260031]
(only L. ) a form of śiva or bhairava (cf. nakulī*śa)

i.e. the arithmetical figure which symbolizes o)




ha 2 [L=260031.40]
ha 2 [L=260031.44]
the Supreme Spirit
ha 2 [L=260031.46]
pleasure , delight
ha 2 [L=260031.48]
a weapon
ha 2 [L=260031.50]
the sparkling of a gem
ha 2 [L=260031.52]
calling , calling to the sound of a lute
ha 2 [L=260031.54]
= aham (?). IndSt.
ha 2 [L=260031.56]
mad , drunk.
ha 3 [L=260032]
(prob. orig. identical with 2. gha , and used as a particle for emphasizing a preceding word , esp. if it begins a sentence closely connected with another ; very frequent in the brāhmaas and sūtras , and often translatable by) indeed , assuredly , verily , of course , then &c (often with other particles e.g. with tv eva , u , sma , vai &c ; na ha , " not indeed " ; also with interrogatives and relatives e.g. yad dha , " when indeed " ; kad dha , " what then? " sometimes with impf. or pf. [cf. Pa1n2. 3-2 , 116] ; in later language very commonly used as a mere expletive , esp. at the end of a verse) RV. &c &c
ha 4 [L=260033]
(ā)n. (fr. √ han) killing , destroying , removing (only ifc. ; » arāti- , vtra- , śatruha &c )
ha 5 [L=260034]
(ā)n. (fr. √3. ) abandoning , deserting , avoiding (ifc. ; » an-oka- and vāpī-ha)
ha [p= 1287,2] [L=260298]
4. ha , [p= 1286,1].
ha [p= 1296,2] [L=262509]
5. ha , [p= 1286,1].


the thirty-third and last consonant of the
(H1) m.
[L=260031.04]a cipher (
[L=260031.06]meditation , auspiciousness
[L=260031.08]sky , heaven , paradise
[L=260031.18]the moon
[L=260031.22]war , battle
[L=260031.26]a horse
[L=260031.30]a physician
[L=260031.32]cause , motive
(H1B) mf.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) ind.
(H1B) mfn.
(H1) ind.
(H1) mf
(H1) mf
(H2) »
(H2) »