Antar -within, between, amongst, in the middle or interior

in the middle, in, between, into.
[p= 43,]
within , between , amongst , in the middle or interior. (As a prep. with loc.) in the middle , in , between , into ; (with acc.) between ; (with gen.) in , in the middle. (ifc.) in , into , in the middle of , between , out of the midst of ([cf. Zend $ ; Lat. inter ; Goth. undar]).

antaris sometimes compounded with a following word like an adjective , meaning interior , internal , intermediate.

see also:
  • 1 añjana (inner)
  • 2 anta (inner)
  • 3 antaḥkoṇa (inner)
  • 4 antaḥpāla (inner)
  • 5 antaḥsāra (inner)
  • 6 antaravayava (inner)
  • 7 antargṛha (inner)
  • 8 antargeha (inner)
  • 9 antarjambha (inner)
  • 10 antarbhūmi (inner)
  • 11 antarloma (inner)
  • 12 antarvāsas (inner)
  • 13 antarveśman (inner)
  • 14 antarapraśna (inner)
  • 15 antarbhūta (inner)
  • 16 apavaraka (inner)
  • 17 abhyantara (inner)
  • 18 ambuprasāda (inner)
  • 19 ambuprasādana (inner)
  • 20 avaruddha (inner)
  • 21 avaruddhikā (inner)
  • 22 avarodha (inner)
  • 23 avarodhikā (inner)
  • 24 avarodhana (inner)
  • 25 asūryampaśyā (inner)
  • 26 āntarāgārika (inner)
  • 27 ābhyantara (inner)
  • 28 āyatana (inner)
  • 29 indriya (inner)
  • 30 utsaṅginī (inner)
  • 31 uparodhaka (inner)
  • 32 upastha (inner)
  • 33 ṛdūdara (inner)
  • 34 kakkola (inner)
  • 35 kakṣa (inner)
  • 36 kakṣāntara (inner)
  • 37 kakṣāvekṣaka (inner)
  • 38 kakṣyā (inner)
  • 39 kināṭa (inner)
  • 40 kīla (inner)
  • 41 kīlaka (inner)
  • 42 kūrpasa (inner)
  • 43 kṛṣṇaviṣāṇa (inner)
  • 44 kośa (inner)
  • 45 koṣṭha (inner)
  • 46 garbha (inner)
  • 47 garbhagṛha (inner)
  • 48 garbhamaṇḍapa (inner)
  • 49 garbhaveśman (inner)
  • 50 garbhāgāra (inner)
  • 51 gosagṛha (inner)
  • 52 jñānacakṣus (inner)
  • 53 dukūla (inner)
  • 54 niśāntanārī (inner)
  • 55 pakṣadvāra (inner)
  • 56 pārṣṇi (inner)
  • 57 puruṣāntara (inner)
  • 58 pratyañc (inner)
  • 59 pratyagakṣa (inner)
  • 60 pratyavavamarśa (inner)
  • 61 prāsādagarbha (inner)
  • 62 brahmakāṇḍa (inner)
  • 63 bhrūjāha (inner)
  • 64 rathanīḍa (inner)
  • 65 liṅgin (inner)
  • 66 vakala (inner)
  • 67 vāsagṛha (inner)
  • 68 vāsageha (inner)
  • 69 vindhyāntavāsin (inner)
  • 70 śrīgarbha (inner)
  • 71 ṣaḍvarga (inner)
  • 72 samavāya (inner)
  • 73 svastika (inner)
  • 74 hastinakha (inner)
  • 75 antaḥpramoda (inner)
  • 76 antaḥśānti (inner)
  • 77 antaḥsattva (inner)
  • 78 antarjalaugha (inner)
  • 79 antardhana (inner)
  • 80 antardhairya (inner)
  • 81 antardhvānta (inner)
  • 82 antarniveśana (inner)
  • 83 antarbheda (inner)
  • 84 antarmandira (inner)
  • 85 antarmoda (inner)
  • 86 antaryajana (inner)
  • 87 antaryāga (inner)
  • 88 antaścakṣus (inner)
  • 89 antaravāsaka (inner)

(H2) antarā́ [L=8220]
ind. in the middle , inside , within , among , between
on the way , by the way
near , nearly , almost
in the meantime , now and then
for some time
(with acc. and loc.) between , during , without.
(H2) antarā [p= 1313,1] [L=308290]
(add, antarā ca - antarā ca, with two accusatives of places = "between -and-", Divya7v. )

(H1) āntara [p= 141,3] [L=24687]
mfn. (fr. antara) , interior , internal , inward Bhat2t2.
native , indigenous MBh.
being inside , within (a palace &c ) MBh.
(H1B) āntara [L=24690]
m. an intimate friend
(H1B) āntara [L=24691]
n. the heart Naish.

(in comp.)
(H3) antar--agni [p= 43,2] [L=8050]
m. the interior fire , digestive force Sus3r.
(H3B) antar--agni [L=8051]
mfn. being in the fire Kaus3.
(H3) antar--mudra [p= 43,3] [L=8134]
m. " sealed inside " , N. of a form of devotion.
(H3) ántara--sthá [p= 44,1] [L=8212]
mfn. interposed , internal , situated inside , inward
mfn. separate , apart.
(H3) ántara--sthāyin [L=8214]
mfn. interposed , internal , situated inside , inward
mfn. separate , apart.
(H3) ántara--sthita [L=8216]
mfn. interposed , internal , situated inside , inward
separate , apart.

(H3) antar--aṅga [L=8052]
mfn. interior , proximate , related , being essential to , or having reference to the essential part of the aṅga or base of a word
(H3B) antar--aṅga [L=8053]
n. any interior part of the body VarBr2S.
(H3) antar--ākāśa [L=8056]
m. intermediate place, KaushBr.
the sacred ether or brahma in the interior part or soul of man.
(H3) antar--āgāra [L=8060]
m. the interior of a house Ya1jn5.
(H3) antar--ā́tmaka [L=8061]
mf(ī)n. interior MaitrUp.
(H3) antar--gṛha [L=8082]
n. interior of the house , inner apartment
(H4) antar--gṛham [L=8083]
ind. in the interior of a house.
(H3) antar--geha [L=8084]
n. interior of the house , inner apartment
(H4) antar--geham [L=8085]
ind. in the interior of a house.
(H3) antar--ja [L=8093]
mfn. bred in the interior (of the body , as a worm).
(H3) antar--bhavana [p= 43,3] [L=8125]
n. the interior of a house.
(H2) antar-bhavana [p= 44,2] [L=8302]
» s.v. antár.
(H3) antar--bhauma [p= 43,3] [L=8130]
mfn. being in the interior of the earth , subterranean R.
(H3) antar--veśman [L=8163]
n. the inner apartments , the interior of a building.
(H1) ántara [L=8174]
mf(ā)n. being in the interior , interior
near , proximate , related , intimate
lying adjacent to
different from
(H1B) ántara [L=8180]
n. the interior
(H1B) ántara [L=8181]
n. a hole , opening
(H1B) ántara [L=8182]
n. the interior part of a thing , the contents
(H1B) ántara [L=8183]
n. soul , heart , supreme soul
(H1B) ántara [L=8184]
n. interval , intermediate space or time
(H1B) ántara [L=8185]
n. period
(H1B) ántara [L=8186]
n. term
(H1B) ántara [L=8187]
n. opportunity , occasion
(H1B) ántara [L=8188]
n. place
(H1B) ántara [L=8189]
n. distance , absence
(H1B) ántara [L=8190]
n. difference , remainder
(H1B) ántara [L=8191]
n. property , peculiarity
(H1B) ántara [L=8192]
n. weakness , weak side
(H1B) ántara [L=8193]
n. representation
(H1B) ántara [L=8194]
n. surety , guaranty
(H1B) ántara [L=8195]
n. respect , regard
(H1B) ántara [L=8196]
n. (ifc.) , different , other , another e.g. deśā*ntaram , another country
(H2) antará [p= 1313,1] [L=308280]
(in comp.)
(H1C) ánta° ram [p= 43,3] [L=8197]
ind. in the interior , within ([cf. Goth. anthar , Theme anthara ; Lith. antra-s , " the second " ; Lat. alter]).


(H2) añjana [p= 11,1] [L=2269] m. a kind of domestic lizard L.
[L=2270] N. of a fabulous , serpent
[L=2271] of a tree Pan5cat.
[L=2272] of a mountain , of a king of mithilā , of the elephant of the west or south-west quarter
(H2B) añjana [L=2275] n. act of applying an ointment or pigment , embellishing , &c , black pigment or collyrium applied to the eyelashes or the inner coat of the eyelids
(H2B) añjana [L=2276] n. a special kind of this pigment , as lamp-black , Antimony , extract of Ammonium , Xanthorrhiza , &c
(H2B) añjana [L=2277] n. paint , especially as a cosmetic
(H2B) añjana [L=2278] n. magic ointment
(H2B) añjana [L=2279] n. ink L.
(H2B) añjana [L=2280] n. night L.
(H2B) añjana [L=2281] n. fire L. (In rhetoric) making clear the meaning of an equivocal expression , double entendre or pun , &c

(H1) ánta [p= 42,3] [L=7901] m. end , limit , boundary , term
[L=7902] end of a texture
[L=7903] end , conclusion
[L=7904] end of life , death , destruction (in these latter senses some times neut.)
[L=7905] a final syllable , termination
[L=7906] last word of a compound
[L=7907] pause , settlement , definite ascertainment , certainty
[L=7908] whole amount
[L=7909] border , outskirt (e.g. grāmā*nte , in the outskirts of the village)
[L=7910] nearness , proximity , presence
[L=7911] inner part , inside
[L=7912] condition , nature
[L=7913] (e) loc. c. in the end , at last
[L=7914] in the inside
(H1B) ánta [L=7915.1] mfn. near , handsome , agreeable L. ([cf. Goth. andeis , Theme andja ; Germ. Ende ; Eng. end: with anta are also compared the Gk. ἄντα , ἀντί ; Lat. ante ; the Goth. anda in anda-vaurd , &c ; and the Germ. ent e.g. in entsagen]).
(H2) anta [p= 1312,3] [L=308230] (add, antena, "finally", Ma1nGr2.
[L=308230.1] antāya- √kṛ, "to fight obstinately", MBh.
[L=308230.2] antād antam parikramya, "walking to and fro", ib.)

(H3) antáḥ--koṇa [p= 43,1] [L=7989] m. the inner corner.

(H3) antáḥ--pāla [L=8007] m. one who watches the inner apartments of a palace R.

(H3) antáḥ--sāra [p= 43,2] [L=8037] mfn. having internal essence
(H3B) antáḥ--sāra [L=8038] m. internal treasure , inner store or contents.

(H3) antar--avayava [L=8055] m. an inner limb or part.

(H3) antar--gṛha [L=8082] n. interior of the house , inner apartment

(H3) antar--geha [L=8084] n. interior of the house , inner apartment

(H3) antar--jambhá [L=8096] m. the inner part of the jaws S3Br.

(H3) antar--bhūmi [p= 43,3] [L=8129] f. the inner part of the earth.
(H2) antar-bhūmi [p= 44,2] [L=8309] » s.v. antár.

(H3) antar--loma [p= 43,3] [L=8143] mfn. (antár-) (said of anything) the hairy side of which is turned inwards MaitrS.
[L=8143.1] covered with hair on the inner side.

(H3) antar--vāsas [L=8157] n. an inner or under garment Katha1s.

(H3) antar--veśman [L=8163] n. the inner apartments , the interior of a building.

(H3) ántara--praśna [p= 44,1] [L=8210] m. an inner question
[L=8211] a question which is contained in and arises from what has been previously stated.

(H2) antar-bhūta [p= 44,2] [L=8306] mfn. being within , internal , inner.
(H3) antar--bhūta [p= 1313,1] [L=308271.9] mfn. (ifc.) being or contained in anything, ib.

(H1) apa-varaka [p= 52,1] [L=9680] &c » apa- √1. vri.
(H2) apa-varaka [p= 52,2] [L=9711] m. an inner apartment , lying in chamber Katha1s.

(H1) abhy-antara [p= 75,3] [L=13209] mf(ā)n. interior , being inside of , included in (loc. ; gen. or in comp. [cf. gaṇā*bhyantara]) MBh. ii , 2282 , &c
[L=13210] initiated in , conversant with (loc.) R. Megh.
[L=13211] next , nearly related , intimate Pan5cat.
(H1B) abhy-antara [L=13212] n. inner part , interior , inside , middle S3a1k. &c
(H1B) abhy-antara [L=13213] n. (generally loc. ; ifc.) interval , space of time Mr2icch. Pan5cat. Hit.
(H2) abhy-antara [p= 1315,2] [L=312660] m. "on intimate terms", a lover, Divya7v.

(H3) ámbu--prasāda [p= 83,3] [L=14524] m. the clearing nut tree , Strychnos Potatorum (the nuts of this plant are generally used in India for purifying water [cf. Mn. vi , 67] ; they are rubbed upon the inner surface of a vessel , and so precipitate the impurities of the fluid it contains).

(H3) ámbu--prasādana [L=14525] n. the clearing nut tree , Strychnos Potatorum (the nuts of this plant are generally used in India for purifying water [cf. Mn. vi , 67] ; they are rubbed upon the inner surface of a vessel , and so precipitate the impurities of the fluid it contains).

(H2) ava-ruddha [p= 102,3] [L=17911] mfn. hindered , checked , stopped , kept back S3ak. Sa1h.
[L=17912] shut in , enclosed Mn. viii , 236 &c
[L=17913] imprisoned secluded (as in the inner apartments) Ya1jn5. ii , 290 , &c
[L=17914] expelled MBh. iv , 2011 , &c
[L=17915] wrapped up , covered VarBr2S.
[L=17916] disguised Das3.
[L=17917] Ved. obtained , gained S3Br. &c

(H2) ava-ruddhikā [L=17920] f. a woman secluded in the inner apartments Ra1jat.

(H2) ava-rodha 1 [L=17924] m. hindrance , obstruction , injury , harm Sus3r. &c
[L=17925] seclusion , imprisonment A1p. Comm. on Ya1jn5.
[L=17926] an enclosure , confinement , besieging Hit.
[L=17927] a covering , lid L.
[L=17928] a fence , pen L.
[L=17929] the inner apartments of a palace , the queen's or women's apartments MBh. i , 1812 R. &c
[L=17930] a palace L.
[L=17931] pl. the women's apartments , the wives of a king S3ak. Ragh. &c
(H2) ava-rodha 2 [p= 103,1] [L=17951] m. ( √1. rudh = √ruh) " moving down " , » 1. rodha
[L=17952] (= ava-roha below) a shoot or root sent down by a branch (of the Indian fig-tree) AitBr.

(H2B) ava-rodhikā [p= 102,3] [L=17936] f. a female of the inner apartments L. (cf. ava-ruddhikā)

(H2) ava-ródhana 1 [L=17938] mf(ī)n. procuring KaushUp.
(H2B) ava-ródhana 1 [L=17939] n. siege , blockade R. i , 3 , 33
(H2B) ava-ródhana 1 [L=17940] n. secluding , imprisonment A1p.
(H2B) ava-ródhana 1 [L=17941] n. a closed or private place , the innermost part of anything RV. ix , 113 , 8
(H2B) ava-ródhana 1 [p= 103,1] [L=17942] n. obtaining KaushUp.
(H2B) ava-ródhana 1 [L=17943] n. the inner or women's apartments (in a royal palace)
(H2B) ava-ródhana 1 [L=17944] n. pl. = ava-rodhās m. pl.
(H2) ava-rodhana 2 [L=17953] n. descending motion (opposed to ud rodhana q.v.) AitBr.

(H3) a-sūryá--m-paśyā [p= 121,3] [L=21153] f. the wife of a king (who being shut up in the inner apartments never sees the sun) Pa1n2. 3-2 , 36.

(H1) āntarāgārika [p= 141,3] [L=24696] mfn. (fr. antarā*gāra) , belonging to the inner or women's apartments
(H1B) āntarāgārika [L=24697] m. the keeper of a king's wives
(H1B) āntarāgārika [L=24698] n. the office of the above.

(H1) ābhyantara [p= 146,1] [L=25379] mfn. (fr. abhy-antara) , being inside , interior , inner MBh. Sus3r.

(H2) ā-yátana [p= 148,1] [L=25729] n. resting-place , support , seat , place , home , house , abode TS. S3Br. ChUp. AitBr. Mn. Ya1jn5. Kum. &c
[L=25730] the place of the sacred fire (= agny-āyatana) Ka1tyS3r. A1s3vS3r. and A1s3vGr2.
[L=25731] an altar
[L=25732] a shed for sacrifices
[L=25733] a sanctuary ChUp. R. Mn. Pan5cat. &c
[L=25734] a plot of ground , the site of a house
[L=25735] a barn Ya1jn5. ii , 154
[L=25736] the cause of a disease Sus3r.
[L=25737] (with Buddhists) the five senses and manas (considered as the inner seats or āyatanas) and the qualities perceived by the above (the outer āyatanas) .

(H2) indriyá [p= 167,2] [L=29215] mfn. fit for or belonging to or agreeable to indra RV. AV. VS.
(H2B) indriyá [L=29216] m. a companion of indra(?) RV. i , 107 , 2 AV. xix , 27 , 1
(H2B) indriyá [L=29217] n. power , force , the quality which belongs especially to the mighty indra RV. AV. VS. TS. AitBr. S3Br.
(H2B) indriyá [L=29218] n. exhibition of power , powerful act RV. VS.
(H2B) indriyá [L=29219] n. bodily power , power of the senses
(H2B) indriyá [L=29220] n. virile power AV. VS. S3Br.
(H2B) indriyá [L=29221] n. semen virile VS. Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c
(H2B) indriyá [L=29222] n. faculty of sense , sense , organ of sense AV. Sus3r. Mn. Ragh. Kir. &c
(H2B) indriyá [L=29223] n. the number five as symbolical of the five senses. (In addition to the five organs of perception , buddhī*ndriyāṇi or jñāne*ndriyāṇi , i.e. eye , ear , nose , tongue , and skin , the Hindus enumerate five organs of action , karme*ndriyāṇi i.e. larynx , hand , foot , anus , and parts of generation ; between these ten organs and the soul or ātman stands manas or mind , considered as an eleventh organ ; in the vedānta , manas , buddhi , ahaṃkāra , and citta form the four inner or internal organs , antar-indriyāṇi , so that according to this reckoning the organs are fourteen in number , each being presided over by its own ruler or niyantṛ ; thus , the eye by the Sun , the ear by the Quarters of the world , the nose by the two aśvins , the tongue by pracetas , the skin by the Wind , the voice by Fire , the hand by indra , the foot by viṣṇu , the anus by mitra , the parts of generation by prajāpati , manas by the Moon , buddhi by brahman , ahaṃkāra by śiva , citta by viṣṇu as acyuta ; in the nyāya philosophy each organ is connected with its own peculiar element , the nose with the Earth , the tongue with Water , the eye with Light or Fire , the skin with Air , the ear with Ether ; the jainas divide the whole creation into five sections , according to the number of organs attributed to each being.)
(H2) indriya [p= 1321,1] [L=321420] (in comp.)

(H2B) utsaṅginī [p= 181,3] [L=31845] f. pimples on the inner edge of the eyelid Sus3r.

(H2) uparodhaka [p= 205,2] [L=35604] n. an inner room , private apartment L.

(H2) upá-stha 1 [p= 211,1] [L=36337] m. " the part which is under " , lap , middle or inner part of anything , a well-surrounded or sheltered place , secure place RV. AV. VS. AitBr. S3Br. &c
[L=36338] (upasthaṃ- √kṛ , to make a lap , sit down with the legs bent AitBr. viii , 9 , 5 A1s3vGr2. S3a1n3khS3r. ; upasthe- √kṛ , to take on one's lap S3Br. iii)
(H2B) upá-stha 1 [L=36339] mn. the generative organs (esp. of a woman) VS. ix , 22 S3Br. MBh. Mn. Ya1jn5. &c
(H2B) upá-stha 1 [L=36340] mn. the haunch or hip
(H2B) upá-stha 1 [L=36341] mn. the anus L.
(H2) upa-sthá 2 [L=36349] mfn. standing upon AV. xii , 1 , 62
[L=36350] standing by the side of , being near at hand , near L.

(H1) ṛdū* dára [p= 226,1] [L=38926] mfn. (fr. ṛdu = mṛdu and udára) , having a soft or pleasant inner nature RV. ii , 33 , 5 ; iii , 54 , 10 ; viii , 48 , 10.

(H1) kakkola [p= 241,3] [L=41505] m. a species of plant (bearing a berry , the inner part of which is waxy and aromatic) Sus3r. R. &c
(H1B) kakkola [L=41507] n. a perfume prepared from the berries of this plant Sus3r.

(H1) kákṣa [L=41515] m. ( √kaṣ Un2. iii , 62 ; cf. √kac) , lurking-place , hiding-place RV. x , 28 , 4 VS. xi , 79
[L=41516] a wood , large wood (?) RV. vi , 45 , 31
[L=41517] a forest of dead trees , a dry wood , underwood (often the lair of wild beasts) VS. TS. Ta1n2d2yaBr. Mn. &c
[L=41518] an inner recess , the interior of a forest
[L=41519] grass , dry grass
[L=41520] a spreading creeper , climbing plant L.
[L=41521] side or flank L.
[L=41522] sin L.
[L=41523] a gate W.
[L=41524] a buffalo L.
[L=41525] Terminalia Bellerica W.
(H1B) kákṣa [L=41526] mf. the armpit (as the most concealed part of the human body) , region of the girth AV. vi , 127 , 2 Sus3r. Mr2icch. &c ; ([cf. Lat. coxa , " hip " ; O. H. G. hahsa ; Zd. kasha ; cf. Sk. kaccha])
(H1B) kákṣa [L=41527] mf. a girdle , zone , belt , girth MBh. BhP. &c
(H1B) kákṣa [L=41528] mf. the end of the lower garment (which , after the cloth is carried round the body , is brought up behind and tucked into the waistband)
(H1B) kákṣa [L=41529] mf. hem , border , lace BhP. ix , 10 , 37
(H1B) kákṣa [L=41530] mf. the scale of a balance Ka1vya7d. Vcar.
(H1B) kákṣa [L=41532] mf. a surrounding wall , a wall , any place surrounded by walls (as a court-yard , a secluded portion of a building , a private chamber or room in general) MBh. BhP. Mn. &c
(H1B) kákṣa [L=41533] mf. the orbit of a planet VarBr2S. Su1ryas. &c
(H1B) kákṣa [L=41534] mf. the periphery , circumference Su1ryas. xii , 65
(H1B) kákṣa [L=41535] mf. balance , equality , similarity , resemblance MBh. xii , 7269 VarBr2S. 26 , 6
(H1B) kákṣa [L=41536] mf. emulation , rivalry , object of emulation Naish.
(H1B) kákṣa [L=41537] mf. the jeweller's weight called Retti L.
(H1B) kákṣa [L=41538] mf. objection or reply in argument L.
(H1B) kákṣa [L=41539] mf. a particular part of a carriage L.
(H1B) kákṣa [L=41540] m. pl. N. of a people MBh. VP.

(H3) kakṣā* ntara [L=41552] n. an inner or private apartment.

(H3) kakṣā* ve* kṣaka [L=41556] m. overseer of the inner apartments L.
[L=41557] keeper of a royal garden , door-keeper L.
[L=41558] a poet L.
[L=41559] a debauchee L.
[p= 242,1] [L=41560] a player , painter L.
[L=41561] warmth of feeling , strength of sentiment W.

(H2B) kakṣyā́ [L=41581] f. girth (of an animal) , girdle , zone RV. AV. viii , 4 , 6 ; xviii , 1 , 15 MBh. &c (cf. baddha-kakṣya)
(H2B) kakṣyā́ [L=41582] f. the enclosure of an edifice (either the wall &c so enclosing it , or the court or chamber constituting the enclosure , the inner apartment of a palace) MBh. R. &c
(H2B) kakṣyā́ [L=41583] f. the orbit of a planet A1ryabh.
(H2B) kakṣyā́ [L=41584] f. the scale of a balance Pat.
(H2B) kakṣyā́ [L=41585] f. an upper garment L.
(H2B) kakṣyā́ [L=41586] f. similarity , equality L.
(H2B) kakṣyā́ [L=41587] f. effort , exertion L.
(H2B) kakṣyā́ [L=41588] f. a shrub yielding the black and red berry (that serves as a jeweller's weight) , the Retti or guñja , Abrus Precatorius L.
(H2B) kákṣyā [L=41589] f. pl. the fingers Nigh.

(H1) kínāṭa [p= 282,2] [L=50284] n. the inner part of a tree S3Br. xiv.

(H2) kīla [p= 285,2] [L=50842] m. (ifc. f(ā).) , a sharp piece of wood , stake , pin , peg , bolt , wedge , &c MBh. &c
[L=50843] a post , post in a cow-house to which cows are fastened , pillar L.
[L=50844] a gnomon L.
[L=50845] handle , brace Sus3r.
[L=50846] the elbow VP.
[L=50847] a kind of tumour (having the form of a stake) Sus3r.
[L=50848] a position of the foetus impeding delivery Sus3r.
[L=50849] N. of the inner syllables of a mantra Ra1matUp.
[L=50850] N. of vīta-rāga mahe*śa (= kīle*śvara)
[L=50851] = bandha Comm. on VS. ii , 34
[L=50852] a weapon L.
[L=50853] flame , lambent flame L.
[L=50854] a minute particle L.
[L=50855] a blow with the elbow (= kilā) L.
(H2B) kīla [L=50862] n. (= kīna) , flesh Gal.

(H2) kīlaka [L=50866] m. a pin , bolt , wedge Pan5cat. Hit.
[L=50867] a splint (for confining a broken bone) Sus3r.
[L=50868] a kind of tumour (having the form of a pin) L.
[L=50869] (= śivaka) a kind of pillar for cows &c to rub themselves against , or one to which they are tied L.
[L=50870] N. of the forty-second year of the sixty years' cycle of Jupiter VarBr2S.
(H2B) kīlaka [L=50871] m. pl. N. of certain ketus ib.
(H2B) kīlaka [L=50873] n. N. of the inner syllables of a mantra.

(H1) kūrpasa [p= 300,2] [L=54052] n. the inner part of a cocoa-nut Gal.

(H3) kṛṣṇá--viṣāṇa [p= 307,3] [L=55419] n. the horns of a black antelope (whose inner sides are covered with dark hair) La1t2y. ix , 1 , 23

(H1) kóśa [p= 314,1] [L=56740] m. (n. L. ; in class. literature kośa , or koṣa ; fr. √kuś or kuṣ? , related to kukṣí and koṣṭha?) , a cask , vessel for holding liquids , (metaphorically) cloud RV. AV. Sus3r.
[L=56741] a pail , bucket RV.
[L=56742] a drinking-vessel , cup L.
[L=56743] a box , cupboard , drawer , trunk RV. vi , 47 , 23 AV. xix , 72 , 1 S3Br.
[L=56744] the interior or inner part of a carriage RV.
[L=56745] (ifc.) MBh. viii , 1733
[L=56746] a sheath , scabbard , &c MBh. R. VarBr2S.
[L=56747] a case , covering , cover AV. ChUp. Mun2d2Up. TUp. Pa1rGr2. BhP.
[L=56748] store-room , store , provisions Mn. MBh. &c
[L=56749] a treasury , apartment where money or plate is kept , treasure , accumulated wealth (gold or silver , wrought or unwrought , as plate , jewellery , &c ) ib.
[L=56750] (in surg.) a kind of bandage Sus3r.
[L=56751] a dictionary , lexicon or vocabulary
[L=56752] a poetical collection , collection of sentences &c Ka1vya7d. i , 13 Sa1h.
[L=56753] a bud , flower-cup , seed-vessel (cf. bīja-) R. Ragh. BhP. Dhu1rtas.
[L=56754] the sheath or integument of a plant , pod , nut-shell Ma1rkP.
[L=56755] a nutmeg L.
[L=56756] the inner part of the fruit of Artocarpus integrifolia and of similar fruits L.
[L=56757] the cocoon of a silk-worm Ya1jn5. iii , 147 Veda7ntas.
[L=56758] the membrane covering an egg (in the womb) Sus3r. VarBr2. Ma1rkP.
[L=56759] the vulva L.
[L=56760] a testicle or the scrotum Sus3r. VarBr2S.
[L=56761] the penis W.
[L=56762] an egg L.
[L=56763] (in vedā*nta phil.) a term for the three sheaths or succession of cases which make up the various frames of the body enveloping the soul (these are , 1. the ānanda-maya k° or " sheath of pleasure " , forming the kāraṇa-śarīra or " causal frame " ; 2. the vijñāna-maya or buddhi-m° or mano-m° or prā*ṇa-m° k° , " the sheath of intellect or will or life " , forming the sūkṣma-śarīra or " subtile frame " ; 3. the anna-m° k° , " the sheath of nourishment " , forming the sthūla-śarīra or " gross frame ") Veda7ntas.
[L=56764] (ifc.) a ball or globe (e.g. sūtra- , a ball of thread L. ; netra- , the eye-ball R. iii , 79 , 28)
[L=56765] the water used at an ordeal or judicial trial (the defendant drinks thrice of it after some idol has been washed in it) Ya1jn5. ii , 95
[L=56766] an oath Ra1jat. v , 325
[L=56767] a cup used in the ratification of a treaty of peace (°śaṃ- √pā , to drink from that cup) Ra1jat. vii , 8 ; 75 ; 460 and 493 ; viii , 283
[L=56768] N. of a conjunction of planets VarBr2S.
[L=56769] of the 2nd astrological mansion , VarYogay.
[L=56770] (with Buddh. ) of a collection of gāthā verses Ka1ran2d2. Hcar.
(H2) kośa [p= 1325,2] [L=328940] (in comp.)

(H1) koṣṭha [p= 314,3] [L=56869] m. ( √kuṣ? ; probably related to kukṣí and kóśa) , any one of the viscera of the body (particularly the stomach , abdomen) MBh. Sus3r. &c
(H1B) koṣṭha [L=56870] mn. (as L. ; am) a granary , store-room MBh. BhP. (ifc. f(ā).)
(H1B) koṣṭha [L=56871] mn. a treasury W.
(H1B) koṣṭha [L=56872] m. an inner apartment L.
(H1B) koṣṭha [L=56873] m. the shell of anything W.
(H1B) koṣṭha [L=56874] m. a kind of pan , pot Kaus3. Pat. Car. Bhpr.
(H1B) koṣṭha [L=56875] m. property (or mfn. " own ") L.
(H1B) koṣṭha [L=56876] m. night L.
(H1B) koṣṭha [L=56877] n. a surrounding wall BhP. iv , 28 , 57
(H1B) koṣṭha [L=56878] n. any enclosed space or area , chess square VarBr2S. liii , 42 Hcat. Tithya1d. Ka1tyS3r. Sch.

(H1) gárbha [p= 349,2] [L=63963] m. ( √grabh = grah , " to conceive " ; √2. gṝ Un2. iii , 152) the womb RV. AV. &c
[p= 349,3] [L=63964] the inside , middle , interior of anything , calyx (as of a lotus) MBh. VarBr2S. &c (ifc. f(ā). , " having in the interior , containing , filled with " S3a1n3khS3r. RPra1t. MBh. &c )
[L=63965] an inner apartment , sleeping-room L.
[L=63966] any interior chamber , adytum or sanctuary of a temple &c VarBr2S. RTL. p.445
[L=63967] a foetus or embryo , child , brood or offspring (of birds) RV. AV. &c
[L=63968] a woman's courses Vishn2.
[L=63969] " offspring of the sky " i.e. the fogs and vapour drawn upwards by the rays of the sun during eight months and sent down again in the rainy season (cf. Mn. ix , 305) R. iv , 27 , 3 VarBr2S. Ba1lar. viii , 50
[L=63970] the bed of a river (esp. of the Ganges) when fullest i.e. on the fourteenth day of the dark half of the month bhādra or in the height of the rains (the garbha extends to this point , after which the tīra or proper bank begins , and extends for 150 cubits , this space being holy ground)
[L=63971] the situation in a drama when the complication of the plot has reached its height Das3ar. i , 36 Sa1h. vi , 68 and 79
[L=63972] the rough coat of the jaka fruit L.
[L=63973] fire L.
[L=63974] joining , union L.
[L=63975] N. of a ṛṣi (called prājāpatya) Ka1t2h.
[L=63976] ([cf. amṛta- , ardha- , kṛṣṇa- , mūḍha- , viśva- , hiraṇya- ; cf. also δελφός ; Hib. cilfin , " the belly " ; Angl.Sax. hrif ; Germ. kalb: Engl. calf.])
(H2) garbha [p= 1326,1] [L=330110] (in comp.)

(H3) gárbha--gṛha [p= 349,3] [L=63990] n. an inner apartment , sleeping-room MBh. v , 3998 Sus3r. Das3. &c
[L=63991] the sanctuary or adytum of a temple (where the image of a deity is placed) Ka1d. Katha1s. (once -geha , lv , 173) RTL. p.440
(H3B) gárbha--gṛha [L=63992] mfn. ifc. a house containing anything (e.g. śara-g° , a house containing arrows MBh. vii , 3738) .

(H3) gárbha--maṇḍapa [p= 350,1] [L=64050] m. an inner apartment , sleeping-room , 77.

(H3) gárbha--veśman [L=64079] n. an inner apartment Ragh. xix , 42
[L=64080] a lying-in chamber , iii , 12 (C)
[L=64081] = -vasati ib.

(H3) garbhā* gāra [L=64107] n. = °rbha-vasati L.
[L=64108] an inner apartment , bed-room L.
[L=64109] a lying-in room L.
[L=64110] = °rbha-gṛha , the sanctuary of a temple Katha1s. vii , 71

(H3) gosa--gṛha [p= 369,1] [L=68056] n. an inner apartment W.

(H3) jñāna--cakṣus [p= 426,1] [L=80398] n. the eye of intelligence , inner eye , intellectual vision Mn. ii , 8 ; iv , 24 MBh. xiii , 2284 (cf. dīrgha)
(H3B) jñāna--cakṣus [L=80399] mfn. seeing with the inner eye Cu1lUp. 16.

(H1) dukūla [p= 483,3] [L=93499] m. a kind of plant Hariv. 12680
(H1B) dukūla [L=93500] n. very fine cloth or raiment made of the inner bark of this plant MBh. Hariv. Sus3r. Ka1v. &c (different from kṣauma MBh. xiii , 7175 , opp. to valkala Bhartr2. iii , 54).

(H4) ni-° śānta---nārī [p= 560,3] [L=110547] f. a woman living in the inner apartments W.

(H3) pakṣá--dvāra [p= 573,3] [L=113126] n. a side or inner or back door , private entrance Mr2icch.

(H1) pā́rṣṇi [p= 622,3] [L=123107] f. ( L. also m. ; rarely f(pārṣṇī). ; fr. √ pṛṣ ? cf. Un2. iv , 52 Sch.) the heel RV. &c
[L=123108] the extremity of the fore-axle to which the outside horses of a four-horse chariot are attached (the two inner horses being harnessed to the dhur , or chariot-pole) MBh.
[L=123109] the rear of an army (°ṇim √ grah with gen. , to attack in the rear) MBh. Hariv. Ka1v.
[L=123110] the back W.
[L=123111] a kick ib.
[L=123112] enquiry , asking ib.
[L=123113] a foolish or licentious woman L.
[L=123114] N. of a plant (= kuntī or kumbhī) L.

(H3) puruṣā* ntara [p= 637,3] [L=126578] n. another man or person , a mediator , interposer R. (am ind. by a mediator , indirectly Vikr. ii , 16)
[L=126579] another or a succeeding generation Ma1rkP.
[L=126580] (-vedin mfn. knowing the heart of mankind MW. )
[L=126580.1] (°rā*tman m. " man's inner self. " the soul L. )
(H3B) puruṣā* ntara [L=126581] m. (sc. saṃdhi) an alliance negotiated by warriors chosen by both parties Ka1m. Hit.

(H3) praty--áñc [p= 664,1] [L=131983] » p.674.
(H1) praty-áñc [p= 675,1] [p= 674,3] [L=133872] mfn. (nom. pratyáṅ. pratī́cī , pratīcī́ [and pratyañcī Vop. ] ; pratyák) turned towards , facing (acc.) RV. AV. VS.
[L=133873] coming (opp. to arvāñc , " going ") RV.
[L=133874] being or coming from behind , turning the back , averted , moving in an opposite direction ib. Br. Ka1tyS3r.
[L=133875] westward , western , occidental , to the west of (abl.) VS. AV. Br. Mn. &c
[L=133876] turned back or inward , inner , interior Prab. BhP. Veda7ntas.
[L=133877] equal to , a match for (acc.) AV.
[L=133878] past , gone L.
(H1B) praty-áñc [L=133879] m. the individual soul Prab. vi , 4÷5
(H1B) praty-áñc [L=133881] m. N. of a river BhP.
(H1B) praty-áñc [L=133883] m. behind (abl.) Ka1tyS3r.
(H1B) praty-áñc [L=133884] m. down (opp. to ūrdhvam) Kat2hUp.
(H1B) praty-áñc [L=133885] m. westward , to the west of (abl.) S3rS. MBh. BhP.
(H1B) praty-áñc [L=133886] m. inwardly , within BhP. Veda7ntas.
(H1B) praty-áñc [L=133887] m. in former times L.

(H3) pratyag--akṣa [L=133953] n. an inner organ BhP.
(H3B) pratyag--akṣa [L=133954] mfn. having inner organs ib.

(H3) praty-av° avamarśa [p= 676,1] [L=134078] m. (wrongly spelt °ṣa) inner contemplation , profound meditation BhP.
[L=134079] counter conclusion Kull.
[L=134080] recollection Hariv.
[L=134081] consciousness Ja1takam.

(H3) prāsāda--garbha [p= 709,3] [L=140391] m. an inner apartment or sleeping chamber in a palace Hit.

(H3) brahma--kāṇḍa [p= 738,1] [L=146588] n. the inner portion of the veda which relates to sacred knowledge or the knowledge of brahma (= jñāna-k° , and opp. to karma-k° q.v.) , Sa1n2d2. ??
[L=146589] N. of wk. (or ch. of a wk.) of bhartṛ-hari Sarvad.

(H3) bhrū--jāha [p= 770,3] [L=153786] n. the root of the eyebrows (perhaps the inner side) L.

(H3) rátha--nīḍa [p= 865,3] [L=174565] m. n. the seat or the inner part of a chariots Ka1tyS3r. MBh. BhP.

(H2) liṅgin [p= 902,2] [L=182593] mfn. having a mark or sign , wearing a distinguishing mark
[L=182594] (ifc.) having the marks or appearance of , characterized by Mn. MBh. &c
[L=182595] bearing false marks or signs , a hypocrite , (ifc.) only having the appearance or acting the part of ib. (cf. dvija-l°)
[L=182596] having a right to wear signs or badges , one whose external appearance corresponds , with his inner character ib.
[L=182597] having a subtle body BhP.
(H2B) liṅgin [L=182598] m. a Brahman of a partic. order , religious student , ascetic MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) liṅgin [L=182599] m. pl. " possessing or furnished with a liṅga " , N. of a śaiva sect (» liṅga-vat) Col.
(H2B) liṅgin [L=182600] m. " sustaining the liṅga or pradhāna " , N. of parameśvara Lin3gaP.
(H2B) liṅgin [L=182601] m. (in logic) = -vyāpaka , that which possesses an invariable characteristic mark (as in the proposition " there is fire because there is smoke " , fire is the liṅgin ; cf. IW. 62)
(H2B) liṅgin [L=182602] m. original source or germ Kap. Sch.
(H2B) liṅgin [L=182603] m. an elephant L.
(H2B) liṅgin [L=182605] m. a species of plant L.

(H1) vákala [p= 911,2] [L=184503] m. inner rind or bark , bast TBr. S3a1n3khBr.

(H3) vāsá--gṛha [p= 947,3] [L=192345] n. " dwelling-house " , the inner part of a house , sleeping-room , bed-chamber MBh. Ka1v. &c

(H3) vāsá--geha [L=192346] n. " dwelling-house " , the inner part of a house , sleeping-room , bed-chamber MBh. Ka1v. &c

(H3) vindhyā* nta-vāsin [p= 972,3] [L=197384] m. pl. the inhabitants of the inner vindhya VarBr2S.

(H3) śrī--garbha [p= 1099,1] [L=222962] mfn. having welfare for its inner nature (applied to the sword and punishment) MBh.
(H3B) śrī--garbha [L=222963] m. N. of viṣṇu Hariv.
(H3B) śrī--garbha [L=222964] m. of a bodhi-sattva Buddh.
(H3B) śrī--garbha [L=222965] m. of a merchant Katha1s.
(H3B) śrī--garbha [L=222966] m. of a contemporary of maṅkha Cat.
(H3B) śrī--garbha [L=222967] m. (with kavī*ndra) of a poet ib.

(H3) ṣaḍ--varga [p= 1109,2] [L=225234] m. a class or aggregate of six Cat.
[L=225235] six cows , with calves Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
[L=225236] the five senses and manas BhP.
[L=225237] the six inner foes or faults of men (viz. kāma , krodha , lobha , harṣa , māna , and , mada ; also with ari or ripu or śatru , prefixed e.g. ari-ṣaḍ-v°) MBh. Bhat2t2. Ka1m. &c

(H2) sam-avā* ya [p= 1157,3] [L=233884] m. coming or meeting together , contact , concourse , congress , assemblage , collection , crowd , aggregate (ena or āt , " in combination " ; °yaṃ- √kṛ , " to meet , combine , flock together ") Gr2S. Gaut. Mn. &c
[L=233885] conjunction (of heavenly bodies) MBh. VarBr2S.
[L=233886] collision S3rS. Gaut. Sarvad.
[p= 1158,1] [L=233887] (in phil.) perpetual co-inherence , inner or intimate relation , constant and intimate union , inseparable concomitance (= nitya-sambandha , the sixth padā*rtha or category of the vaiśeṣikas , expressing relation which exists between a substance and its qualities , between a whole and its parts [e.g. between cloth and the yarn composing it] , between a genus and its individuals &c ) Kap. Jaim. IW. 66 ; 69
[L=233888] course , duration (e , with gen. , " during ") MBh. i , 556

(H2) svastika [p= 1283,1] [L=259530] m. a kind of bard (who utters words of welcome or eulogy) R.
[L=259531] any lucky or auspicious object , (esp.) a kind of mystical cross or mark made on persons and things to denote good luck (it is shaped like a Greek cross with the extremities of the four arms bent round in the same direction ; the majority of scholars regard it as a solar symbol ; that is , as representing a curtailed form of the wheel of the Solar viṣṇu , consisting of four spokes crossing each other at right angles with short fragments of the periphery of the circle at the end of each spoke turning round in one direction to denote the course of the Sun ; accord. to the late Sir A. Cunningham it has no connexion with sun-worship , but its shape represents a monogram or interlacing of the letters of the auspicious words su astí [svasti] in the aśoka characters ; amongst jainas it is one of the 24 auspicious marks and is the emblem of the seventh arhat of the present avasarpiṇī) Hariv. Ka1v. Pur.
[L=259532] the crossing of the arms or hands on the breast MBh. Ma1lati1m. Katha1s.
[L=259533] a bandage in the form of a cross Sus3r.
[L=259534] a dish of a partic. form MBh. R. Pan5car.
[L=259535] a kind of cake ib.
[L=259536] a triangular crest-jewel L.
[L=259537] the meeting of four roads W.
[L=259538] a partic. symbol made of ground rice and formed like a triangle (it is used in fumigating the image of durgā , and is said to symbolize the liṅga) MW.
[L=259539] a species of garlic L.
[L=259540] a cock L.
[L=259541] a libertine L.
[L=259542] N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
[L=259543] of one of skanda's attendants ib.
[p= 1283,2] [L=259544] of a dānava Hariv.
[L=259545] of a poet Cat.
[L=259546] of another man Buddh.
(H2B) svastika [L=259547] mn. a mansion or temple of a partic. form VarBr2S.
(H2B) svastika [L=259548] mn. Marsilea Quadrifolia L.
(H2B) svastika [L=259549] mn. a partic. mode of sitting practised by yogins (in which the toes are placed in the inner hollow of the knees) Ma1rkP. Pan5car.

(H3) hasti--nakha [p= 1295,2] [L=262346] m. " elephant's nail " , a sort of turret or raised mound of earth or masonry protecting the access to the gate of a city or fort (described as furnished with an inner staircase and with loopholes for discharging arrows &c ) S3is3.

(H3) antaḥ--pramoda [p= 1312,3] [L=308241.7] m. inner joy, Ma1lati1m.

(H3) antaḥ--śānti [L=308242.1] f. inner calm, Bha1m.

(H3) antaḥ--sattva [L=308242.5] n. inner nature, S3a1rn3gP.

(H3) antar--jalau* gha [p= 1313,1] [L=308270.7] m. an inner mass of water, Megh.

(H3) antar--dhana [L=308270.9] n. a hidden or inner treasure, Ka1v.

(H3) antar--dhairya [L=308271.1] n. inner firmness or constancy, Mcar.

(H3) antar--dhvānta [L=308271.2] n. inner darkness, Bha1m.

(H3) antar--niveśana [L=308271.4] n. an inner apartment, Mn. vii, 62

(H3) antar--bheda [L=308272] m. inner division, Mcar.

(H3) antar--mandira [L=308272.2] n. inner apartments (reserved for women), Das3.

(H3) antar--moda [L=308272.7] m. inner joy, Ma1lati1m.

(H3) antar--yajana [L=308272.9] n. inner sacrifice, Cat.

(H3) antar--yāga [L=308272.91] m. inner sacrifice, Cat.

(H3) an--° taś-cakṣus [L=308273.5] n. the inner eye, Ragh.

(H3) antará--vāsaka [L=308281.1] n. the inner garment (of a Buddhist monk), MWB. 83