Nataraja, Shiva as Lord of the Dance, and other Dance-related words

Bronze Chola Statue depicting Shiva dancing as Nataraja. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City.

  • A cobra uncoils from his lower right forearm, and the crescent moon and a skull are on his crest. He dances within an arch of flames. This dance is called the Dance of Bliss, ananda tandava.
  • The upper right hand holds a small drum shaped like an hourglass that is called a ḍamaru in Sanskrit.[4][5][6]. A specific hand gesture (mudra) called ḍamaru-hasta (Sanskrit for "ḍamaru-hand") is used to hold the drum.[7] It symbolizes sound originating creation.
  • The upper left hand contains Agni or fire, which signifies destruction. The opposing concepts in the upper hands show the counterpoise of creation and destruction.
  • The second right hand shows the Abhaya mudra (meaning fearlessness in Sanskrit), bestowing protection from both evil and ignorance to those who follow the righteousness of dharma.
  • The second left hand points towards the raised foot which signifies upliftment and liberation.
  • The dwarf on which Nataraja dances is the demon Apasmara, which symbolises Shiva's victory over ignorance(ego).
  • As the Lord of Dance, Nataraja, Shiva performs the tandava, the dance in which the universe is created, maintained, and dissolved. Shiva's long, matted tresses, usually piled up in a knot, loosen during the dance and crash into the heavenly bodies, knocking them off course or destroying them utterly.
  • The surrounding flames represent the manifest Universe.Also, the circle of fire/flames symbolizes the cycle of transmigration/suffering the ego goes through(endless births and rebirths, before attaining salvation).
  • The snake swirling around his waist is kundalini, the Shakti or divine force thought to reside within everything.
  • The stoic face of Shiva represents his neutrality, thus being in balance.

- from Wikipedia

1 aṅgavikṣepa (dance) 2 adhikrīḍ (dance) 3 adhinṛt (dance) 4 anunṛt (dance) 5 abhinṛt (dance) 6 abhyāgāram (dance) 7 abhyānṛt (dance) 8 āghāṭa (dance) 9 ānṛt (dance) 10 āplu (dance) 11 upakrīḍ (dance) 12 upanṛt (dance) 13 uparatarāsa (dance) 14 upahāra (dance) 15 ullas (dance) 16 ekatāla (dance) 17 kaṭṭarinṛtya (dance) 18 karaṇaneri (dance) 19 karaṇanerika (dance) 20 kartarī (dance) 21 kalāpakhañja (dance) 22 kalpa (dance) 23 kalpanṛtya (dance) 24 kautuka (dance) 25 khaṇḍadhārā (dance) 26 khaṇḍaka (dance) 27 khuraka (dance) 28 galitaka (dance) 29 gītanṛtya (dance) 30 camatkāranṛtya (dance) 31 chalita (dance) 32 jakkarī (dance) 33 jāramāṇa (dance) 34 jhampānritya (dance) 35 ḍheṅkī (dance) 36 tāṇḍava (dance) 37 tāṇḍavapriya (dance) 38 tāṇḍavayitṛ (dance) 39 tāṇḍavita (dance) 40 tāla (dance) 41 tulya (dance) 42 tauryatrika (dance) 43 trigūḍha (dance) 44 trigūḍhaka (dance) 45 dattanṛtyopahāra (dance) 46 dṛḍu (dance) 47 deśī (dance) 48 deśīkaṭṭari (dance) 49 deśīnṛtya (dance) 50 daiśika (dance) 51 dhāḍunṛtya (dance) 52 dhāv (dance) 53 dhrupadākhyanṛtya (dance) 54 dhruvagītanṛtya (dance) 55 dhruvanṛtya (dance) 56 dhruvāḍaka (dance) 57 dhraupada (dance) 58 nakṣatramālā (dance) 59 naṭ (dance) 60 naṭana (dance) 61 naḍaneri (dance) 62 natra (dance) 63 narta (dance) 64 nartaka (dance) 65 nartayitṛ (dance) 66 nartita (dance) 67 nartitavya (dance) 68 nāṭa (dance) 69 niḥśaṅka (dance) 70 niḥśaṅkalīla (dance) 71 niḥsṛta (dance) 72 ninṛt (dance) 73 nṛt (dance) 74 nṛttajña (dance) 75 nṛttamaya (dance) 76 nṛtyekṣaṇa (dance) 77 neri (dance) 78 pakṣiśārdūla (dance) 79 parinṛt (dance) 80 pādanyāsa (dance) 81 peraṇi (dance) 82 peraṇī (dance) 83 pratinṛt (dance) 84 pranṛt (dance) 85 pranartita (dance) 86 pranṛtta (dance) 87 pranṛttavat (dance) 88 pramodanṛtya (dance) 89 prayoga (dance) 90 prasara (dance) 91 bandhanṛtya (dance) 92 barbara (dance) 93 bhāvaneri (dance) 94 bhitra (dance) 95 mañcanṛtya (dance) 96 maṭṭa (dance) 97 maṇḍalanṛtya (dance) 98 mukhacāli (dance) 99 mudrā (dance) 100 muru (dance) 101 yatinṛtya (dance) 102 yuddhagāndharva (dance) 103 rāyaraṅgāla (dance) 104 rāsa (dance) 105 rāsagoṣṭhī (dance) 106 rāsapraṇetṛ (dance) 107 rāsaka (dance) 108 rudrākrīḍa (dance) 109 rūpakanṛtya (dance) 110 las (dance) 111 lāsya (dance) 112 lāsyaka (dance) 113 lāganṛtta (dance) 114 laya (dance) 115 līlānaṭana (dance) 116 valg (dance) 117 vikaṭatva (dance) 118 vinṛt (dance) 119 vilas (dance) 120 vivarta (dance) 121 vivartana (dance) 122 vīrajayantikā (dance) 123 vīsa (dance) 124 vaipotākhya (dance) 125 vaimūḍhaka (dance) 126 śabdacālinṛtya (dance) 127 śabdanṛtya (dance) 128 śalyā (dance) 129 śaś (dance) 130 śivatāṇḍava (dance) 131 śuddhaneri (dance) 132 śuddhasūḍanṛtya (dance) 133 saṃkīrṇaneri (dance) 134 saṃnṛt (dance) 135 sampranṛtta (dance) 136 sūḍanṛtya (dance) 137 suḍaśabdanṛtya (dance) 138 sunāṭya (dance) 139 supranṛtta (dance) 140 svaramañcanṛtya (dance) 141 hanumatsaṃhitā (dance) 142 hallīśa (dance) 143 hallīśaka (dance) 144 hallīsakāya (dance) 145 hulla (dance) 146 anukāra (dance) 147 asaṃgītakam (dance)

ága--vikepa [p= 7,3] [L=1581]

(H3) m.
[L=1582]movement of the limbs and arms a kind of dance.

adhi- √ krī [p= 20,3] [L=4212]
acc.) MaitrS. TBr.
(H1) to play or dance over (

adhi- √ nt [p= 21,2] [L=4283]
-ntyatu) to dance upon (acc.) AV.
(H1) (Imper.

anu- √ nt [p= 34,1] [L=6570]
acc.) R. Katha1s.  ; 
to dance before (
acc.) MBh.
(H1) to dance after (

abhi- √ nt [p= 64,3] [L=11713]

tyati , to dance towards (acc.) or in imitation of (acc.) BhP.
(H1) -n

abhy-ā-gāram [p= 77,1] [L=13390]
( √1. g) , so as to call or shout to each other (at the different steps of a dance) i.e. repeating separately , KaushBr. (» also abhi-ni-nartam)

(H1) ind.

abhy-ā- √ nt [p= 77,2] [L=13428]
pr. p. -nṛ́tyat) to dance towards , hasten near TBr.
(H1) (

ā-ghāá [p= 130,3] [L=22767]
a musical instrument (used for accompanying a dance) , cymbal or rattle AV. iv , 37 , 4


Achyranthes Aspera L.
ā-ghāá [L=22770]
ifc. for ā-ghāta (» cārv-āghāa and dārvāgh°) Pa1n2. 3-2 , 49 Comm.
ā-ghāá [L=22775]
°í » ā-ghaṭṭ.
(H2) m.
[L=22769]the plant
(H2B) mfn.
(H1) and

ā- √ nt [p= 141,2] [L=24651]
(aor. 3. pl. ā́-ntus RV. v , 52 , 12 ; p. -nṛ́tyat AV. iv , 37 , 7) to dance towards , hasten near , jump near: Caus. (impf. 3. pl. -nartayan) to agitate gently R2itus. Ragh.
(H1) P.

ā- √ plu [p= 144,3] [p= 144,2] [L=25137]
-plavate (Pot. -pluvīta S3a1n3khGr2. iv , 12 , 31 [v.l.] , and -plavet) to spring or jump towards or over , dance towards or over AV. xx , 129 , 1 AitBr. MBh. Hariv. &c  ; 
to bathe , wash
A1s3vGr2. S3a1n3khGr2. & S3a1n3khS3r. S3Br. Mn. BhP. MBh. &c  ; 
to immerse one's self
MBh. &c  ; 
to bathe , wash another
MBh. Ragh. &c  ; 
to water , bedew , inundate
to overrun
MBh. Hariv. Pan5cat. &c : Caus. P. -plāvayati , to wash or bathe any person or thing , cause to be bathed or washed A1s3vGr2. Pa1rGr2. MBh. &c  ; 
to bathe (one's self)
MBh.  ; 
to inundate , overwhelm , set in commotion
MBh. Hariv. Mn. &c  ; 
to dip , steep
Sus3r. VarBr2S. : A1. -plāvayate id.
(H1) A1.

upa- √ krī [p= 196,1] [L=34250]
-krīati , to play or dance around MBh. xiii , 3832.
(H1) P.

upa- √ nt [p= 201,2] [L=35025]
-ntyati , -te , to dance before , dance round (acc.) MBh. Hariv. R.
(H1) P. A1.

upa-rata--rāsa [p= 204,3] [L=35495]
ceasing to play or dance.
(H3) mfn.

upa-hāra [p= 212,1] [L=36501]
offering , oblation (to a deity)

MBh. Megh. Katha1s. &c

upahāra vi-dhā , to offer an oblation to a god [acc.] , sacrifice to any one Katha1s. )

Ka1m. Hit. &c
212,2] [L=36505]
&c )

pāśupatas) a kind of religious service (consisting of laughter , song , dance , muttering huuk , adoration and pious ejaculation) Sarvad. 77 , 22.
(H2) m.
[L=36502]complimentary gift , present (to a king or superior)
[L=36504]a particular kind of alliance (purchased through a gift)
[p= food (distributed to guests
[L=36506](with the

ul- √ las [p= 219,2] [L=37579]
ud-las) P. A1. -lasati , -te , to shine forth , beam , radiate , be brilliant BhP. Pan5car. S3is3. &c  ; 
to come forth , become visible or perceptible , appear
BhP. Katha1s. &c  ; 
to resound
Katha1s. Ra1jat.  ; 
to sport , play , dance , be wanton or joyful
Amar. Chandom.  ; 
to jump , shake , tremble , be agitated
BhP. Pan5car. &c : Caus. -lāsayati , to cause to shine or radiate , make brilliant Pan5car. Prab.  ; 
to cause to come forth or appear , cause to resound
Sa1h.  ; 
to divert , delight
S3atr. Hit.  ; 
to cause to dance or jump , agitate , cause to move
Katha1s. Ra1jat. Hit. &c
(H1) (

éka--tāla [p= 228,1] [L=39281]
harmony , unison (of song , dance , and instrumental music)

éka--tāla [L=39286]
having a single palm tree (as a mountain) Ragh. xv , 23.
(H3) m.
[L=39282]accurate adjustment
(H3B) mfn.

kaṭṭari-ntya [p= 244,2] [L=42171]
a kind of dance.
(H1) n.

káraa--neri [p= 254,1] [L=44248]
a kind of dance.
(H3) m.

káraa--nerika [L=44249]
a kind of dance.
(H3) m.

kartarī [p= 257,3] [L=45084]
id. Hcat.


(H2) f.
[L=45085]the part of an arrow to which the feathers are attached
[L=45086]a kind of dance.

kalā* --° pa---khañja [p= 261,2] [L=45861.56]
a particular disease (said to be St. Vitus's dance ; v.l. kalāyakhañja) Bhpr.
(H4) m.

kálpa 1 [p= 262,2] [L=46069]
(ā)n. ( √kp) , practicable , feasible , possible S3Br. ii , 4 , 3 , 3

gen. loc. , inf. , or ifc. ; e.g. dharmasya kalpa , competent for duty ; svakarmai na kalpa , not competent for his own work ; yadā na śāsitu kalpa , if he is not able to rule) BhP.
kálpa 1 [L=46071]
a sacred precept , law , rule , ordinance (= vidhi , nyāya) , manner of acting , proceeding , practice (esp. that prescribed by the vedas) RV. ix , 9 , 7 AV. viii , 9 , 10 ; xx , 128 , 6-11 MBh.
kálpa 1 [L=46072]
(prathama kalpa , a rule to be observed before any other rule , first duty Mn. iii , 147 MBh. &c ; etena kalpena , in this way ; cf. paśu-k° , &c )
kálpa 1 [L=46073]
the most complete of the six vedāgas (that which prescribes the ritual and gives rules for ceremonial or sacrificial acts) Mun2d2Up. Pa1n2. &c
kálpa 1 [L=46074]
one of two cases , one side of an argument , an alternative (= paka ; cf. vikalpa) Sarvad.
kálpa 1 [L=46075]
investigation , research Comm. on Sa1m2khyak.
kálpa 1 [L=46076]
resolve , determination MW.
kálpa 1 [L=46077]
(in medic.) treatment of the sick , manner of curing Sus3r. ii
kálpa 1 [L=46078]
the art of preparing medicine , pharmacy Car.
kálpa 1 [L=46079]
the doctrine of poisons and antidotes Sus3r. i
kálpa 1 [p= 262,3] [L=46080]
(ifc.) having the manner or form of anything , similar to , resembling , like but with a degree of inferiority , almost (e.g. abhedya-kalpa , almost impenetrable ; cf. prabhāta-k° , mta-k° , &c ; according to native grammarians , kalpa so used is an accentless affix [ Pa1n2. 5-3 , 67] , before which a final s is left unchanged , and final ī and ū shortened Pa1n2. Vop. ; kalpam ind. , may be also connected with a verb e.g. pacati-kalpam , he cooks pretty well Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 8-1 , 57)
kálpa 1 [L=46081]
a fabulous period of time (a day of brahmā or one thousand yugas , a period of four thousand , three hundred and twenty millions of years of mortals , measuring the duration of the world ; a month of brahmā is supposed to contain thirty such kalpas. ; according to the MBh. , twelve months of brahmā constitute his year , and one hundred such years his lifetime ; fifty years of brahmā's are supposed to have elapsed , and we are now in the śvetavārāha-kalpa of the fifty-first ; at the end of a kalpa the world is annihilated ; hence kalpa is said to be equal to kalpā*nta below L. ; with Buddhists the kalpas.are not of equal duration) VP. BhP. Ra1jat. &c
kálpa 1 [L=46082]
N. of mantras which contain a form of √kp TS. v S3Br. ix
kálpa 1 [L=46083]
a kind of dance
kálpa 1 [L=46084]
N. of the first astrological mansion VarBr2S.
kálpa 1 [L=46085]
N. of a son of dhruva and bhrami BhP. iv , 10 , 1
kálpa 1 [L=46086]
of śiva MBh. xii , 10368
kálpa 1 [L=46087]
the tree of paradise
kálpa 1 [L=46088]
= -taru below L.
kálpa 1 [L=46089]
(with jainas) a particular abode of deities (cf. -bhava and kalpā*tīta below)
kálpa 1 [L=46090]
a kind of intoxicating liquor (incorrect for kalya) L.
kalpa 2 [p= 263,1] [L=46169]
A1. °pāyate , to become a kalpa , to appear as long as a kalpa Hcar.
kalpa [p= 1324,2] [L=327150]
(H1) mf
[L=46070]proper , fit , able , competent , equal to (with
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
(H2) Nom.
(H2) (in

kálpa--ntya [p= 262,3] [L=46117]
a particular kind of dance.
(H3) n.

kautuka [p= 316,1] [L=57096]
(fr. kut° ; g. yuvā*di) , curiosity , interest in anything , vehement desire for (loc. or in comp.) , eagerness , vehemence impatience Pan5cat. Katha1s. (ifc. f(ā).) &c

Pan5cat. Katha1s. Vet.

esp. the ceremony with the marriage-thread or necklace preceding a marriage) Kum. Das3. Bhartr2. BhP. &c

Katha1s. li , 223

BhP. i , 17 , 26

of nine particular substances Hcat. i , 110 , 19 ; ii , 49 , 10






kautuka [p= 1325,2] [L=328970]
partic. nuptial cereniony, Ma1nGr2.
(H1) n.
[L=57097]anything causing curiosity or admiration or interest , any singular or surprising object , wonder
[L=57098]festivity , gaiety , festival , show , solemn ceremony (
[L=57099]the marriage-thread or necklace
[L=57100]pleasure , happiness , prosperity
[L=57102]sport , pastime
[L=57103]public diversion
[L=57104]song , dance , show , spectacle
[L=57105]season of enjoyment
[L=57106]kind or friendly greeting , civility
[L=57108]for amusement , as a relaxation
(H2) (also) the place for a

khaṇḍa--dhārā [p= 336,1] [L=61109]
shears , scissors L.

(H3) f.
[L=61110]a kind of dance or air in music (?)

khaṇḍaka [p= 336,2] [L=61158]
ifc. breaking to pieces , destroying , removing , rendering ineffectual W.
khaṇḍaka [L=61159]
(g. śyā*di) a fragment , part , piece Su1ryas. Katha1s. xxiv , 121
khaṇḍaka [L=61160]
treacle or molasses , candied sugar Hariv. 8445 (v.l.)
khaṇḍaka [L=61161]
one who has no nails (" pared or clipped finger nails " W. ) L.
khaṇḍaka [L=61162]
a kind of dance or tune (?) Vikr.
khaṇḍaka [L=61163]
for skandhaka (N. of a metre) q.v.
khaṇḍaka [L=61165]
a piece DivyA7v. ii
khaṇḍaka [L=61166]
a section of a work
khaṇḍaka [L=61167]
a kind of air or tune W.
khaṇḍaka [L=61168]
(= khaṇḍa) a term in an equation Gan2it.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.

khuraka [p= 340,2] [L=61998]
? (said of a kind of tin) Bhpr. v , 7 , 30 f. and 26 , 71
khuraka [L=61999]
a kind of dance Vikr. iv , 22÷23 f.
khuraka [L=62000]
Sesamum indicum L.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.

galitaka [p= 350,3] [L=64230]
a kind of dance , gesticulation Vikr. iv , 56÷57

of a metre Sa1h. vi , 326.

(H2) m.

gītá--ntya [p= 356,1] [L=65303]
sg. song and dance R. i , 24 , 5

(H3) n.
[L=65304]a particular dance.

camat--kāra---ntya [p= 388,2] [L=72071]
a kind of dance.
(H4) n.

chalita [p= 405,3] [L=75726]
deceived R. ii , 34 , 36 Hcar. Amar. 41
chalita [L=75727]
a kind of dance performed by men Ka1vya7d. i , 39.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) n.

jakkarī [p= 407,3] [L=76185]
a kind of dance.
(H1) f.

jāramāa [p= 419,3] [L=79030]
a kind of dance.
(H3) n.

jhampā--nritya [p= 428,3] [L=81004]
a kind of dance.
(H3) n.

he [p= 431,1] [L=81514]
a kind of dance.
(H1B) f.

ṇḍava [p= 441,3] [L=83747]
(g. ardharcā*di ; fr. taṇḍu?) dancing (esp. with violent gesticulation) , frantic dance (of śiva and his votaries) Ma1lati1m. Katha1s. BhP. x MatsyaP. Ra1jat. &c (cf. RTL. p.84)

(H2) mn.
[L=83747.1](in prosody) a tribrach
[L=83747.2]Saccharum procerum

ṇḍava--priya [L=83749]
" fond of the ṇḍava dance " , śiva L.
(H3) m.

ṇḍavayit [L=83750]
(trī)n. ifc. one who causes to dance with violent movements Viddh. ii , 3÷4.
(H2) mf

ṇḍavita [L=83752]
" moving round in a wild dance " , fluttering Prab. ii , 5÷6 ; v , 5÷6 Prasannar. i , 3÷4.
(H2) mfn.

tāla [p= 444,3] [L=84499]
( Siddhnapun6s. ?? 25 Sch.) the palmyra tree or fan-palm (Borassus flabelliformis , producing a sort of spirituous liquor ; considered as a measure of height R. iv ; vi , 2 , 6 Lalit. iii , xxii ; forming a banner MBh. iv , vi , xvi Hariv. ; to pierce seven fan-palms with one shot is held to be a great feat R. i , 1 , 64 AgP. viii , 2) Mn. viii , 246 MBh. &c

a) slapping the hands together or against one's arm , xiii , 1397 R. &c

Ragh. ix , 71 Katha1s. xii ; xxi , 1 Prab. i , v

MBh. &c (cf. -jña & -śīla)

Sa1h. vi , 277

Pan5cat. BhP. viii , 15 , 21

445,1] [L=84506]
Hcat. i , 3 , 855 and 6 , 171

= tala) the palm (of the hand) L.


= tala) the hilt of a sword L.


MBh. xiii , 1243

N. of a people (cf. -vana and apara-) VarBr2S. xiv , 22
tāla [L=84513]
orpiment L.
tāla [L=84514]
N. of a hell VP. ii , 6 , 2 and 10 S3ivaP.
tāla [L=84515]
the nut of the fan-palm MBh. iii , 8718 Hariv. 3711 (cf. kākatālīya)
tāla [L=84516]
the throne of durgā (cf. manas-) L. (v.l.)
tāla [L=84517]
(ī Pa1n2. 4-3 , 152)n. made of palmyra wood Mn. xi , 96÷97
(H1) m.
[L=84501]the flapping of an elephant's ears
[L=84502]musical time or measure
[L=84503]a dance
[L=84504]a cymbal
[L=84505](in prosody) a trochee
[p= a span measured by the thumb and middle finger
[L=84508]a lock , bolt
[L=84510]a goldsmith
(H1B) mn.
(H1B) mn.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) mf

tulya [p= 451,3] [L=86158]
(ā)n. (in comp. accent Pa1n2. 6-2 , 2) equal to , of the same kind or class or number or value , similar , comparable , like (with instr. or gen. [cf. ii. , 3 , 72] or ifc. ; e.g. tena [ Mn. iv , 86] or etasya [ Kat2hUp. i , 22] or etat- [24] , " equal to him ") Ka1tyS3r. La1t2y. Pa1n2. &c

instr.) Su1ryas. xiv , 6

VarBr2. iv , 21
tulya [L=86161]
N. of a dance
tulya [L=86163]
contemporaneously Dharmas3arm. xvii , 14.
tulya [p= 1328,2] [L=332970]
(H2) mf
[L=86159]fit for (
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2) (in

taurya--trika [p= 456,2] [L=87312]
" triple symphony " , song , dance , and instrumental music Mn. vii , 47.
(H3) n.

trí--gūha [p= 458,2] [L=87680]
a dance of men in female attire Sa1h. vi , 213 and 219.
(H3) n.

trí--gū° haka [L=87681]
a dance of men in female attire Sa1h. vi , 213 and 219.
(H3) n.

dattá--ntyo* pahāra [p= 467,3] [L=89812]
presented with the compliment of a dance Megh. 32.
(H3) mfn.

dṛḍu [p= 491,1] [L=95225]
or f. (mus.) a kind of dance.
(H1) m.

deśī [p= 496,2] [L=96523]
» deśī.
deśī [p= 496,3] [L=96593]
(sc. bhāā) the vulgar dialect of a country (opp. to saskta) , provincialism

n. Ka1vya7d. ; Des3i1n. ; L.


opp. to mārga , pantomime) Das3ar.

(in music) N. of a rāgiī.
(H1B) f.
(H2) f.
[L=96596]a vulgar mode of singing
[L=96597]dance (

deśī--kaṭṭari [L=96599]
(in music) a kind of dance (mus.)
(H3) f.

deśī--ntya [L=96603]
(in music) country dance.
(H3) n.

daiśika [p= 498,1] [L=96938]
(ī)n. (fr. deśa) relating to space (opp. to kālika Bha1sha1p. ) or to any place or country

MBh. R.



MBh. Hariv. (cf. deśika and deśya)
daiśika [L=96943]
a kind of dance Mall. on Megh. 35.
(H1) mf
[L=96939]local , provincial , national
[L=96940]a native
[L=96941]knowing a place , a guide
[L=96942]showing , directing , spiritual guide or teacher
(H1B) n.

dhāu-ntya [p= 514,3] [L=100887]
a kind of dance (mus.)
(H1) n.
Whitney Roots links: DAv1, DAv2

dhāv 1 [p= 516,1] [L=101159]
dhā́vati , °te (pf. dadhāva , °ve Gr. ; aor. adadhāvat RV. ; adhāvīt Br. ; Prec. dhāvyāsam Gr. ; fut. dhāviyati Ka1v. , °te and dhāvitā Gr. ; ind.p. dhāvitvā and °vya Ka1v. ; dhautvA Gr.)  ; 
to run , flow , stream , move , glide , swim
RV. &c  ; 
to run after (with or
scil. paścāt) Mn. MBh. &c = seek for (acc.) Kir. ii , 29  ; 
run towards (
-abhimukham) Hit. run a race (ājim) Br. run as fast as possible (sarva javam) ib.  ; 
run to and fro (
itaś ce*taś ca) MBh. Hit.  ; 
run away , flee
RV. AV.  ; 
to advance or rush against (
acc.) MBh. R.  ; 
prati) Katha1s. : Caus. dhāváyati (aor. adīdhavat Gr.) to make run , impel Pan5c.  ; 
to drive in a chariot , (with
instr. of the vehicle and acc. of the way) Br.  ; 
to jump , dance
RV. x , 146 , 2. (cf. √2. dhan , dhanv , dhav ; 1. dhū.)
dhāv 2 [L=101170]
dhāvati , °te (pf. dadhāva Bhat2t2. ; aor. -adhāviṣṭa RV. ix , 70 , 8 ; ind.p. dhautvā Prab. iv , 23 [v.l. dhūtvā] and -dhāvya , Kaus3. ) to rinse , cleanse , wash , purify , polish , make bright (A1. also to rub one's self with , rub into one's own person) RV. &c &c : Pass. dhāvyate (pf. 3. pl. -dadhāvire) S3is3. : Caus. dhavayati , °te , to cleanse , wash Br. Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
cause to be washed
L. : Desid. didhāviati , °te  ; 
Intens. dādhāvyate Gr.
(H1) cl.1 P. A1.
(H1) cl.1 P. A1.

dhrupadā* khya-ntya [p= 521,2] [L=102284]
(in music) a kind of dance (for drup°?).
(H1) n.

dhruvá--gīta-ntya [p= 521,3] [L=102331]
(in music) a partic. dance.
(H3) n.

dhruvá--ntya [L=102342]
(in music) a partic. dance (cf. -gīta-n°).
(H3) n.

dhruvāaka [L=102383]
a kind of dance (°*aka?).
dhruvāaka [p= 522,1] [L=102393]
(H2) n.
(H1) »

dhraupada [L=102396]
(in music) a kind of dance (cf. dhrupadā*khya-ntya).
(H1) n.

nákatra--mālā [p= 524,2] [L=102883]
star-circle , star-group R.

nakatras collectively Var.


partic. ornament for an elephant's head Ka1d. (°lāya Nom. A1. °yate ib. )


of sev. works.
(H3) f.
[L=102885]a necklace of 27 pearls
[L=102887]a kind of dance
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 19.19, 32.12, 9.23
Whitney Roots links: naw

na [p= 525,2] [L=103176]
prāk. for nt q.v.) cl.1. P. naati ( Dha1tup. xix , 19 ; ix , 23) to dance Ka1v.  ; 
to hurt or injure
Vop. (cf. un-na): Caus. ayati ( Dha1tup. xxxii , 12) to represent anything (acc.) dramatically , act , perform , imitate Mr2icch. S3ak. &c  ; 
to fall (  ; 
to shine
(H1) (

naana [p= 525,3] [L=103211]
dancing , dance , pantomime Kautukas.
(H2) n.

naá--neri [L=103245]
(in music) a kind of dance.
(H3) f.

natra [p= 526,1] [L=103307]
(in music) a kind of dance.
(H1) n.

narta [p= 529,3] [L=104274]
( √ nt) dancing (cf. nitya-)
narta [L=104275]
dance g. chedā*di.
narta [p= 568,3] [L=112032]
» s.v.
(H1) mfn.
(H1B) m.
(H2) &c

nartaka [p= 529,3] [L=104276]
causing to dance (fr. Caus.) , sāh
nartaka [L=104277]
dancer , singer , actor (often with naa) MBh. Var. Ka1v. Pur. &c
nartaka [L=104278]
a dancing-master (fr. Caus.) MBh.
nartaka [L=104279]
a bard , herald W.
nartaka [L=104280]
an elephant L.
nartaka [L=104281]
a peacock W.
nartaka [L=104282]
a kind of reed L.
nartaka [L=104284]
a female elephant L.
nartaka [L=104285]
a peahen W.
nartaka [L=104286]
a kind of perfume L.
nartaka [L=104287]
a partic. myth. weapon MBh.
nar° taka [p= 568,3] [L=112033]
» s.v.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H3) &c

nartayit [p= 529,3] [L=104298]
causing to dance (with acc.) Vcar.
nartayit [L=104299]
dancing-master Ma1lav. ii , 24 ; 29÷30 (cf. °taka).
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.

nartita [L=104300]
made to dance , dandled Ka1v.
nartita [L=104301]
dance MBh.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) n.

nartitavya [p= 530,1] [L=104304]
the being obliged to dance , necessity of dancing Ratn. i , 5÷6.
(H3) n.

a [p= 534,1] [L=105293]
( √ na ; g. ardharcā*di) dancing , acting , a dance L.
a [L=105294]
(in music) N. of a rāga
a [L=105295]
of a serpent-demon Buddh. (cf. naa)
a [L=105296]
pl. of a people Ra1jat. (= karāaka L. )
(H1) mn.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.

ni--śaka [p= 538,3] [L=106321]
(ā)n. free from fear or risk , not afraid of (comp.)

Hariv. Ka1v. &c (also °nikita Pan5c. )
ni--śaka [L=106324]
(in music) a kind of measure or dance
(H3) mf
[L=106322]careless , secure
(H3B) m.

ni--śaka---līla [L=106327]
(in music) a kind of dance
(H4) m.

ni-° sta [p= 544,1] [L=107794]
gone out or forth (with abl. or comp.) , departed Up. MBh. Hit.



for ni-stta q.v.
ni-° sta [p= 544,2] [L=107798]
a kind of sword-dance (in which a sword is drawn out of a person's hands) Hariv.
(H3) mfn.
[L=107795]prominent (eyes)
[L=107796]prolapsus (yoni)
(H3B) n.

ni- √ nt [p= 549,1] [L=108655]
-ntyati , to repeat (lit. dance again) a portion of a verse or syllable S3a1n3khBr.
(H1) P.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 26.9
Whitney Roots links: nft

nt 1 [p= 568,3] [p= 568,2] [L=112031]
( Dha1tup. xxvi , 9) nṛ́tyati (ep. also °te ; pf. nanarta , nantur MBh. ; aor. anartiur RV. ; -ntur [cf. ā-nt] ; p. ntámāna [?] ib. v , 33 , 6 ; fut. nartiyati MBh. &c ; nartsyati and nartitā Gr. ; inf. nartitum and narttum MBh. &c ; ind.p. nartitvā ib. , -nartam Br. ) , to dance RV. &c &c  ; 
to act on the stage , represent (
acc.) Hariv. &c  ; 
to dance about (
acc.) R. : Caus. nartáyati , °te , to cause to dance RV. &c &c : Desid. nintsati and ninartiati Pa1n2. 7-2 , 57 : Intens. narīnartti Var. Ka1v.  ; 
narīntyate,°ti Ka1v.  ; 
narnartti,narntīti,narīntīti Gr. , to dance about or cause to dance about (cf. na).
nṛ́t 2 [p= 568,3] [L=112034]
dancing , gesticulation AV.
(H1) cl.4 P.
(H2) f.

nttá--jña [L=112043]
knowing to dance Var.
(H3) mfn.

nttá--maya [L=112045]
(ī)n. consisting in dance Katha1s.
(H3) mf

ntye* kaa [L=112059]
looking at a dance or pantomime L.
(H3) n.

neri [p= 569,3] [L=112279]
or f. a kind of dance (mus.)
(H1) m.

paki--śārdūla [p= 574,1] [L=113237]
(in music) a kind of dance.
(H3) m.

pari- √ nt [p= 596,3] [L=117860]
-nṛ́tyati , to dance about or round (acc.) TS. AV. MBh.
(H1) P.

pāda--nyāsa [p= 617,2] [L=121930]
putting down or placing the feet R.


MW. - 1. 2.
(H3) m.
[L=121931]casting rays (said of the moon)
[L=121932]a dance or measured step

perai [p= 648,3] [L=128970]
(in music) a kind of dance.
(H1) f.

peraī [L=128970.1]
(in music) a kind of dance.
(H1) f.

prati- √ nt [p= 666,3] [p= 667,1] [L=132498]
-ntyati , to dance before (in token of contempt) , mock in turn by dancing before (acc.) MBh. : Intens. -narntīti , to dance before (in token of love) , delight or gladden by dancing before (acc.) Pat.
(H1) P.

pra- √ nt [p= 681,3] [L=135029]
-ntyati , °te , to dance forwards , begin to dance , dance AV. MBh. R. &c  ; 
to gesticulate as in dancing (in token of derision) before any one (
acc.) MBh. : Caus. -nartayati , to cause to dance Katha1s.  ; 
id. met. Ka1d.
(H1) P. A1.

pra-° nartita [L=135030]
caused to dance forwards , set in motion , shaken , agitated

(H3) mfn.

pra-° ntta [L=135032]
one who has begun to dance , dancing MBh. R. Katha1s.
pra-° ntta [L=135033]
a dance Ma1rkP.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) n.

pra-° ntta---vat [L=135034]
having begun to dance MBh. Katha1s.
(H4) mfn.

pra-modá---ntya [p= 686,3] [L=136028]
joyous dancing , a joyful dance MW.
(H3) n.

prayo-gá 1 [p= 688,1] [L=136219]
( Padap. pra-yóga) (for 2. » under. pra-yuj) coming to a meal RV. x , 7 , 5 ( Sa1y. = pra-yoktavya)
prayo-gá 1 [L=136219.1]
N. of a ṛṣi TS.
prayo-gá 1 [L=136219.2]
(with bhārgava) author of RV. viii , 91 Anukr.
prayoga 2 [p= 688,2] [L=136310]
(for 1. » under 2. práyas , col.1) joining together , connection Var.

Vpra1t. Pa1n2. (loc. often = in the case of Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 1-4 , 25 ; 26 &c )

MBh. R. &c


S3Br. S3rS.

Ma1lav. Ra1jat.

esp. of drugs or magic ; cf. IW. 402 , 1) , use Gr2S3rS. MBh. &c (ena , āt and °ga-tas ifc. = by means of)

opp. to , " theory ") Ma1lav.

ais , by use of means) MBh. Sus3r.

Siddh. Vop.

Mr2icch. Ka1lid. (°ga-to-dś , to see actually represented » on the stage Ratna7v. )

Ka1lid. Prab.

S3rS. RPra1t. Pa1n2. Sch.
688,3] [L=136323]

Mn. MBh.






cf. pra-yāga) L.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2) m.
[L=136311]position , addition (of a word)
[L=136312]hurling , casting (of missiles)
[L=136313]offering , presenting
[L=136314]undertaking , beginning , commencement
[L=136315]a design , contrivance , device , plan
[L=136316]application , employment (
[L=136317]practice , experiment (
[L=136318]a means (only
[L=136319](in gram.) an applicable or usual form
[L=136320]exhibition (of a dance) , representation (of a drama)
[L=136321]a piece to be represented
[L=136322]utterance , pronunciation , recitation , delivery
[p= a formula to be recited , sacred text
[L=136324]lending at interest or on usury , investment
[L=136325]principal , loan bearing interest
[L=136326]an example
[L=136327]cause , motive , affair , object
[L=136328]consequence , result
[L=136329]ceremonial form , course of proceeding
[L=136330]a horse (

pra-sara [p= 697,2] [L=137922]
a » pra-s.
pra-sara [p= 698,2] [L=138097]
(ifc. f(ā).) going forwards , advance , progress , free course , coming forth , rising , appearing , spreading , extension , diffusion Ka1lid. Ka1d. S3am2k. &c




Gi1t. BhP.






pra-sara [L=138109]
(in music) a kind of dance Sam2gi1t.
(H1) pra-sara
(H2) m.
[L=138098]range (of the eye)
[L=138099]prevalence , influence
[L=138100]boldness , courage
[L=138101]a stream , torrent , flood
[L=138102](in med.) morbid displacement of the humours of the body
[L=138103]multitude , great quantity
[L=138104]a fight , war
[L=138105]an iron arrow
[L=138107]affectionate solicitation
(H2B) n.

bandhá--ntya [p= 721,1] [L=142664]
(in music) a kind of dance Sam2gi1t.
(H3) n.

barbara [p= 722,1] [L=142920]
(also written varvara) stammering (» -tā)

barbara [L=142922]
(pl.) the non-Aryans , barbarians MBh. R. &c
barbara [L=142923]
the country of the barbarians W.
barbara [L=142924]
a low fellow , blockhead , fool , loon (used mostly in the voc.) Hit.
barbara [L=142925]
(only L. ) curly hair
barbara [L=142926]
Clerodendrum Siphonantus
barbara [L=142927]
Cleome Pentaphylla
barbara [L=142928]
a partic. fragrant plant
barbara [L=142929]
Unguis Odoratus
barbara [L=142930]
a kind of worm
barbara [L=142931]
two kinds of fish
barbara [L=142932]
the noise of weapons
barbara [L=142933]
a kind of dance
(H1) mfn.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.

bhāvá--neri [p= 754,2] [L=150243]
a kind of dance Sam2gi1t.
(H3) m.

bhitra [p= 757,1] [L=150747]
(for bhit-tra?) a kind of dance Sam2gi1t.
(H2) n.

mañca--ntya [p= 773,3] [L=154401]
a kind of dance Sam2gi1t.
(H3) n.

maṭṭa [p= 774,2] [L=154553]
a kind of drum Sam2gi1t. (cf. maḍḍu)

ib. (also -ntya n.)
(H1) m.
[L=154554]a kind of dance

ṇḍala--ntya [p= 776,1] [L=154939]
a circular dance (like that said to have been danced by the gopīs round kṛṣṇa and rādhā) L. (v.l. °lī-n°).
(H3) n.

mukha--cāli [p= 819,3] [L=164871]
an introductory dance Sam2gi1t.
(H3) f.

mudrā́ [p= 822,3] [L=165530]
» mudrā below.
mudrā [L=165535]
(fr. mudra » above ) a seal or any instrument used for sealing or stamping , a seal-ring , signet-ring (cf. aguli-m°) , any ring MBh. Ka1v. &c



MBh. Ka1v. &c


esp. a token or mark of divine attributes impressed upon the body) Ka1v. Pur. Ra1jat.


gen. or comp.) Ka1v.

Amar. Bhpr.


of partic. positions or intertwinings of the fingers (24 in number , commonly practised in religious worship , and supposed to possess an occult meaning and magical efficacy Das3. Sarvad. Ka1ran2d2. RTL. 204 ; 406)

partic. branch of education (" reckoning by the fingers ") DivyA7v.

śākta or Tantrik ceremonial) RTL. 192

rhet.) the natural expression of things by words , calling things by their right names Kuval.

(H2B) f.
(H1) f.
[L=165536]type for printing or instrument for lithographing
[L=165537]the stamp or impression made by a seal
[L=165538]any stamp or print or mark or impression
[L=165539]a stamped coin , piece of money , rupee , cash , medal
[L=165540]an image , sign , badge , token (
[L=165541]authorization , a pass , passport (as given by a seal)
[L=165542]shutting , closing (as of the eyes or lips
[L=165543]a lock , stopper , bung
[L=165544]a mystery
[L=165547]parched or fried grain (as used in the
[L=165549](in music) a dance accordant with tradition

muru [p= 823,3] [L=165750]
N. of a country MBh.

daitya (= mura) MBh. (C. maru) Hariv. VP.

maurvī) Pa1rGr2. Sch.

muru [L=165754]
(in music) a kind of dance Sam2gi1t.
(H1) m.
[L=165751]of a
[L=165752]a species of plant (in explanation of
[L=165753]a kind of iron
(H1B) f.

yáti--ntya [p= 845,3] [L=170285]
a kind of dance Sam2gi1t.
(H3) n.

yuddha--gāndharva [p= 855,1] [L=172031]
battle-music MBh.

gandharvas MW.
(H3) n.
[L=172032]a battle like the dance of the

rāya--ragāla [p= 878,3] [L=177706]
(in music) a kind of dance Sam2gi1t.
(H3) n.

rāsa [p= 879,2] [L=177845]
uproar , noise , din L.
879,3] [L=177846]
of a partic. rustic dance practised by cowherds , (esp.) the dance practised by kṛṣṇa and the gopīs Hariv. Pur. Gi1t. &c (cf. rāsaka)


narmadā-sundarī-r° (q.v.)

(H2) m.
[p= N.
[L=177847]any sport or play
[L=177848]a legend (?) , in

rāsa--goṣṭ [L=177854]
the sportive dance of kṛṣṇa and the cowherdesses BhP.
(H3) f.

rāsa--praet [L=177856]
leader of the dance called rāsa Hariv.
(H3) m.

rāsaka [L=177866]
a kind of dance Hcar.


rāsaka [L=177869]
a kind of dramatic entertainment Sa1h.
(H2) m.
[L=177867]a kind of song
[L=177868](in music) a kind of measure
(H2B) mn.

rudrā* krīa [p= 883,3] [L=178689]
" rudra's pleasure-ground " , a cemetery or burning-ground for corpses (rudra being supposed to dance in such places at evening twilight) Bhat2t2.
(H3) m.

rūpaka--ntya [p= 886,3] [L=179227]
(in music) a kind of dance Sam2gi1t.
(H3) n.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 17.64, 33.55
Whitney Roots links: las

las 1 [p= 899,1] [L=181992]
, ( Dha1tup. xvii , 64) lasati (only p. lasat , lasamāna , and pf. lalāsa ; Gr. also aor. alasīt ; fut. , lasitā , lasiyati) , to shine , flash , glitter MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to appear , come to light , arise
Katha1s.  ; 
to sound , resound
ib. (cf.ras)  ; 
to play , sport , frolic
Chandom.  ; 
to embrace
Dha1tup. : Caus. , or cl.10. ( Dha1tup. xxxiii 55) , lāsayati (aor. alīlasat ; Pass. lāsyate) , to dance R.  ; 
to cause to teach to dance
Vikr.  ; 
to exercise an art (
cf.laś) Dha1tup. [cf. Lat. lascivus , lascivire.]
las 2 [L=181993]
shining , glittering (» a-las).
(H1) cl.1 P.
(H2) mfn.

lāsya [p= 899,2] [L=182034]
dancing , a dance (esp. accompanied with instrumental music and singing) , a dance representing the emotions of love dramatically (this was at one time a principal part of the drama , and as such accord. to bharata and the daśa-rūpa consisted of 10 divisions or agas , viz. geya-pada , sthita-pāhya , āsīna , pupa-gaṇḍikā , pracchedaka , tri-gūha or tri-mūhaka , saindhava , dvigūhaka or vimūhaka , uttamóttamaka , and ukta-pratyukta ; including also a style of dramatic composition in which there is abrupt transition from Sanskrit to Prakrit and from Prakrit to Sanskrit ; the term lāsya is also applied to the Nach [Nautch] dance of the Indian dancing girls , consisting chiefly of gesticulation with a shuffling movement of the feet forwards and backwards , as invented by pārvati and opposed to the boisterous masculine dance called ṇḍava practised by śiva and his followers ; cf. IW. 467) MBh. Ka1v. &c
lāsya [L=182035]
a dancer Ma1rkP.
lāsya [L=182036]
N. of a king VP.
(H2) n.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.

lāsyaka [L=182039]
= lāsya , a dance L.
(H2) n.

lāga-ntta [p= 899,3] [L=182096]
(in music) a kind of dance Sam2gi1t.
(H1) n.

laya [p= 897,3] [L=181584]
&c » [p= 903,2].
laya [p= 903,2] [L=182754]
the act of sticking or clinging to (loc.) , S3is. ?? (laya with loc. , " to become attached to any one " Kuval. )


loc. or comp.) Up. Kap. &c (layagam or " to disappear , be dissolved or absorbed " ; laya sa-gam , " to hide or conceal one's self ")

MBh. Ka1v. &c (laya , " to be destroyed , perish ")

S3is3. BhP. (cf. a-laya)


Kap. Veda7ntas.




druta , " quick " , madhya , " mean or moderate " , and vilambita , " slow ") , Ka1lid. Das3ar. Pan5cat. &c




partic. agricultural implement (perhaps a sort of harrow or hoe) VS.


laya [L=182772]
the root of Andropogon Muricatus Bhpr.
laya [L=182773]
making the mind inactive or indifferent BhP.
(H1) layana
(H2) m.
[L=182755]lying down , cowering
[L=182756]melting , dissolution , disappearance or absorption in (
[L=182757]extinction , destruction , death
[L=182758]rest , repose
[L=182759]place of rest , residence , house , dwelling
[L=182760]mental inactivity , spiritual indifference
[L=182761]sport , diversion , merriness
[L=182762]delight in anything
[L=182763]an embrace
[L=182764](in music) time (regarded as of 3 kinds , viz.
[L=182765]a kind of measure
[L=182766]the union of song , dance and instrumental music
[L=182767]a pause
[L=182769]a swoon
[L=182770]the quick (downward) movement of an arrow
(H2B) n.
(H2B) mfn.

līlā--naana [p= 903,3] [L=182832]
a sportive dance MW.

(H3) n.
[L=182833]a sham or pretended dance
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 5.35
Whitney Roots links: valg

valg [p= 928,2] [L=188205]
( Dha1tup. v , 35) válgati (m.c. also °te pf. vavaíga MBh. ; aor. avalgīt Gr. ; fut. valgitā , °giyati ib.) , to spring , bound , leap , dance (also of inanimate objects) VS. &c  ; 
to sound
Pan5cat. i , 71 (v.l.)  ; 
A1.) to take food , eat , S3is3. xiv , 29 (vavāgire v.l. vavalihire).
(H1) cl.1 P.

ví-kaa---tva 2 [p= 953,3] [L=193816]
(in rhet.) a sound of words reminding of a dance Sa1h.
(H3) n.

vi- √ nt [p= 972,2] [L=197324]
-ntyati , to begin to dance TBr.
(H1) P.

vi- √ las [p= 985,1] [L=199640]
-lasati , to gleam , flash , glitter (only pr. p. -lasat q.v. , and pf. -lalāsa Bhat2t2. )  ; 
to shine forth , appear , arise , become visible
S3is3.  ; 
to sound forth , echo (
» vi-lasan)  ; 
to play , sport , dally , be amused or delighted
Ka1v. Katha1s.  ; 
to vibrate , coruscate (
» vi-lasat): Caus. -lācayati , to cause to dance Va1s.
(H1) P.

vi-varta [p= 987,1] [L=199995]
&c » under vi-vt , p.988.
vi-vartá [p= 988,3] [L=200282]
" the revolving one " , N. of the sky VS. TS.





Ka1v. Katha1s.

vedā*nta) error , illusion , an apparent or illusory form , unreality (caused by a-vidyā , " ignorance " , and removed by vidyā , " true knowledge " ) Veda7ntas.


atre) N. of two sāmans A1rshBr.
(H1) vi-vartana
(H2) m.
[L=200283]a whirlpool
[L=200284]turning round , rolling onwards , moving about
[L=200285]turning away
[L=200287]changing from one state to another , modification , alteration , transformation , altered form or condition
[L=200289]collection , multitude

vi-° vártana [L=200293]
turning round , revolving MBh.

vi-° vártana [L=200295]
(ifc. f(ā).) rolling (of a horse) RV. i , 162 , 14
vi-° vártana [L=200296]
rolling or tossing about , struggling Ka1v. Katha1s. (also f(ā). Harav. )
vi-° vártana [L=200297]
moving or wandering to and fro Mn. xii , 75
vi-° vártana [L=200298]
turning round Sus3r.
vi-° vártana [L=200299]
turning , turn , change TBr. Ma1lati1m.
vi-° vártana [L=200300]
turning away or back MBh. Ka1lid.
vi-° vártana [L=200301]
returning , return Kir.
vi-° vártana [L=200302]
a kind of dance (also -ntya n.) Sam2gi1t.
vi-° vártana [L=200303]
transformation RPra1t.
vi-° vártana [L=200304]
existing , being , abiding W.
vi-° vártana [L=200305]
going round , circumambulating (an altar &c ) ib.
vi-° vártana [L=200306]
reverential salutation MW.
vi-° vártana [L=200307]
causing to turn or to change , overturning ib.
(H3) mfn.
[L=200294]changing , transforming
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.

vīrá--jayantikā [p= 1005,3] [L=203629]
a kind of dance performed by soldiers after a victory or on going to battle , war-dance , war , battle L.
(H3) f.

vīsa [p= 1007,1] [L=203964]
a kind of dance Sam2gi1t.
(H1) n.

vaipotā* khya [p= 1023,3] [L=207311]
a kind of dance Sam2gi1t.
(H1) n.

vaimūhaka [p= 1024,2] [L=207401]
(fr. vi-mūha) a dance performed by men in women's dress Ma1lati1m.
(H1) n.

śábda--cāli---ntya [p= 1052,3] [L=212693]
a kind of dance ib.
(H4) n.

śábda--ntya [L=212715]
a kind of dance , Sam2gi1t.
(H3) n.

śalyā [p= 1059,1] [L=214134]
a kind of dance (mentioned together with lāsya and calita) Ka1vya7d. i , 39 (v.l. sāmya)
(H2B) f.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 17.77
Whitney Roots links: SaS

śaś [p= 1060,1] [L=214294]
śaśa below) cl.1 P. ( Dha1tup. xvii , 77) śaśati (only pr. p. śaśat Kir. xv , 5) , to leap , bound , dance.
(H1) (prob. invented as a root for

śivá--tāṇḍava [p= 1074,3] [L=217616]
or n. " śiva's dance " , N. of a tantra wk. ( RTL. 85)
(H3) m.

śuddhá--neri [p= 1082,1] [L=219408]
a kind of dance ib.
(H3) m.

śuddhá--sūa-ntya [p= 1082,2] [L=219453]
(in music) a kind of dance Sam2gi1t.
(H3) n.

sa-kīra---neri [p= 1126,2] [L=228141]
a kind of dance , Sam2gi1t.
(H3) m.

sa- √ nt [p= 1148,1] [L=232177]
-ntyati , to dance together AV.
(H1) P.

sam-pra-ntta [p= 1175,2] [L=236462]
( √ nt) beginning to dance or move about MBh.
(H1) mfn.

a-ntya [p= 1210,3] [L=243325]
a kind of dance ib.
(H3) n.

sua-śabda-ntya [p= 1223,3] [L=246352]
(in music) a kind of dance Sam2gi1t.
(H1) n.

su--nāya [p= 1226,2] [L=247066]
a graceful dance Hariv.
(H3) n.

su--prantta [p= 1228,3] [L=247709]
a beautiful dance R.
(H3) n.

svára--mañca-ntya [p= 1285,2] [L=259921]
(in music) a kind of dance Sam2gi1t.
(H3) n.

hanu-mat--sahitā [p= 1288,2] [L=260504]
N. of a poem describing the festivities on the occasion of the presence of rāma and sītā at a pastoral dance (rāso*tsava) on the banks of the sarayū.
(H3) f.

hallīśa [p= 1293,2] [L=261882]
one of the eighteen upa-rūpakas or minor dramatic entertainments (described as a piece in one act , consisting chiefly of singing and dancing by one male and 7 , 8 , or 10 female performers ; perhaps a kind of ballet) Sa1h.
hallīśa [L=261883]
a circular dance (performed by women under the direction of a man) Ka1vya7d.
(H1) m.
(H1B) n.

hallīśaka [L=261884]
n. a kind of dance ( = prec.) Ka1vya7d.
(H2) m.

hallīsakāya [L=261890]
°yita n. also impers.) to perform the above dance , Kas3i1kh. ??
(H2) (only

hulla [p= 1301,3] [L=263589]
(in music) a kind of dance Sam2gi1t.
(H1) n.

anu-kāra [p= 31,2] [L=6119]
imitation , resemblance.
anu-kāra [p= 1311,3] [L=306220]
(H2) m.
(H2) (also) dancing, a dance,

a-sagītakam [p= 1318,2] [L=316680]
without music (with √nt, to dance without m°, i.e. "to do anything without cause or reason"), MBh.
(H2) ind.