Sanskrit words for Body - Vapu

vapu [p= 919,3] [L=186329]
= vapus , a body , MW.
vapu [L=186330]
N. of an apsaras MBh. Ma1rkP.
(H2) m.
(H2B) f.
tanū 1 [L=82362]
comp. for °.
tanū́ 2 [L=82369]
(of ° q.v. ; acc. °nvám RV. &c BhP. iii ; °nuvam [ Pa1n2. 6-4 , 77 Va1rtt.] BhP. vii , 9 , 37 ; instr , °nuvā , iii f. ; gen. abl. °nvás RV. &c ; loc. °nví & °nvī́ RV. ; °nvā́m AV. &c ; du. °nū́ [ RV. x , 183 , 2 AV. iv , 25 , 5] , °nvā́ [ RV. ] , °núvau [ TBr. i , 1 , 7 , 3] , °nvau [see gharma-] ; pl. nom. & acc. °nvás RV. &c BhP. i ; nom. °núvas TBr. i , 1 , 7 , 3) the body , person , self (often used like a reflexive noon. ; cf. ātmán) RV. &c

RV. &c (tanū́ manyos , " a sign of wrath " Pa1rGr2. iii , 13 , 5) .
(H2) in
(H2) f.
[L=82370]form or manifestation

vapu--srava [p= 920,1] [L=186334]
humour of the body , chyle L.
(H3) m.
vapur--mala-samācita [L=186340]
having the body covered with dirt ib. &c
(H3) mfn.
vapu--mat [L=186346]
having a body , embodied , corporeal Kir.

Mn. MBh. &c

vapus AitBr.
vapu--mat [L=186349]
N. of a deity enumerated among the viśve devā Hariv.
vapu--mat [L=186350]
of a son of priya-vrata Pur.
vapu--mat [L=186351]
of a ṛṣi in the 11th manv-antara VP.
vapu--mat [L=186352]
of a king of kuṇḍina ib.
(H3) mfn.
[L=186347]having a beautiful form , handsome
[L=186348]containing the word
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3) m.
vápus [L=186362]
having form or a beautiful form , embodied , handsome , wonderful RV.
vápus [L=186363]
form , figure , (esp.) a beautiful form or figure , wonderful appearance , beauty (°pue ind. for beauty ; vápur dśáye , a wonder to see) RV. &c
vápus [L=186364]
nature , essence Mn. v , 96 ; x , 9 &c
vápus [L=186365]
(ifc. f(uī). ) the body Mn. MBh. &c
vápus [L=186366]
Beauty personified as a daughter of daka and dharma VP. Ma1rkP.
vápus [L=186367]
N. of an apsaras VP.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
vápus--sāt [L=186368]
into the state of a body , APra1t. Sch.
(H3) ind.

Sanskrit Words for Body

200 of the more than a thousand words related to body in Sanskrit:

1 rora (body) 2 lakṣaṇajña (body) 3 lagnabhuja (body) 4 laghusamudīraṇatva (body) 5 latā (body) 6 lasīkā (body) 7 liṅgadeha (body) 8 liṅgaśarīra (body) 9 liṅgin (body) 10 liptāṅga (body) 11 luñcitakeśa (body) 12 luñcitamūrdhaja (body) 13 lokatas (body) 14 loman (body) 15 lomasaṃharṣaṇa (body) 16 lomaharṣa (body) 17 lomaśavakṣaṇa (body) 18 lohitākṣa (body) 19 vaṃśaśalākā (body) 20 vakrāṅga (body) 21 vaṅkhara (body) 22 vajradeha (body) 23 vajrāsana (body) 24 vana (body) 25 vanaṃkaraṇa (body) 26 vanaspatikāya (body) 27 vandanā (body) 28 vapu (body) 29 vapuḥsrava (body) 30 vapurmalasamācita (body) 31 vapuṣmat (body) 32 vapus (body) 33 vapussāt (body) 34 varatanu (body) 35 varāṅga (body) 36 varāhavapuṣa (body) 37 varṇaka (body) 38 varmitaṅga (body) 39 varṣma (body) 40 varṣmavat (body) 41 varṣmavīrya (body) 42 varṣmābha (body) 43 varṣman (body) 44 valmīka (body) 45 vallabhācārya (body) 46 vavri (body) 47 vavrivāsas (body) 48 vahnida (body) 49 vahnināśana (body) 50 vāta (body) 51 vātakara (body) 52 vātakalākalā (body) 53 vātakopana (body) 54 vātakṣobha (body) 55 vātarakta (body) 56 vātaroga (body) 57 vātika (body) 58 vāṅmūrti (body) 59 vācaspati (body) 60 vāyu (body) 61 vāyugranthi (body) 62 vāyuvāhinī (body) 63 vālakhilya (body) 64 vāhinī (body) 65 viguṇa (body) 66 vimajjāntra (body) 67 vilohitaka (body) 68 vikṛti (body) 69 vikṣiptaka (body) 70 vikhāditaka (body) 71 vigraha (body) 72 vigrahāvara (body) 73 vicitradeha (body) 74 vicitrāṅga (body) 75 viceṣṭita (body) 76 vicchitti (body) 77 viju (body) 78 vitatavapus (body) 79 vitap (body) 80 vidatha (body) 81 videhamukti (body) 82 vidhura (body) 83 vidhṛta (body) 84 vinatakāya (body) 85 vināma (body) 86 vināśasambhava (body) 87 vinirmuc (body) 88 vipannadeha (body) 89 vipadumaka (body) 90 vibhinna (body) 91 vibhinnāṅga (body) 92 vibhāva (body) 93 vibhūti (body) 94 vibhūṣitāṅga (body) 95 vimāna (body) 96 viracitavapus (body) 97 virāj (body) 98 virāḍdeha (body) 99 vilagna (body) 100 vivara (body) 101 viśalya (body) 102 viśalyaghna (body) 103 viśalyaprāṇahara (body) 104 viśuddha (body) 105 viśuddhicakra (body) 106 viśīrṇamūrti (body) 107 viśrāntavigrahakatha (body) 108 viśva (body) 109 viśvakāya (body) 110 viśvatanu (body) 111 viśvamūrti (body) 112 viṣṇugranthi (body) 113 visāritāṅga (body) 114 visarpakhinnavigraha (body) 115 visrastāṅga (body) 116 vihā (body) 117 vihvalatanu (body) 118 vihvalasālasāṅga (body) 119 vihvalitasarvāṅga (body) 120 vīḍvāṅga (body) 121 vṛttakāya (body) 122 vṛddhi (body) 123 vetāla (body) 124 vedavedāṅgavigrahin (body) 125 vedāṅga (body) 126 vera (body) 127 vaigrahika (body) 128 vaideha (body) 129 vaihaga (body) 130 vyadh (body) 131 vyan (body) 132 vyāna (body) 133 vyabhicārinbhāva (body) 134 vyavahārāṅga (body) 135 vyādhisthāna (body) 136 vyāvṛttadeha (body) 137 vyūha (body) 138 vyoman (body) 139 vyomacārin (body) 140 vyomapañcaka (body) 141 śatapuṭa (body) 142 śaṃtanu (body) 143 śarīra (body) 144 śarīrakartṛ (body) 145 śarīrakarṣaṇa (body) 146 śarīracintā (body) 147 śarīraja (body) 148 śarīratā (body) 149 śarīratulya (body) 150 śarīratyāga (body) 151 śarīradeśa (body) 152 śarīradhātu (body) 153 śarīradhṛk (body) 154 śarīranicaya (body) 155 śarīranipāta (body) 156 śarīranyāsa (body) 157 śarīrapakti (body) 158 śarīrapāka (body) 159 śarīrapāta (body) 160 śarīrapuruṣa (body) 161 śarīrapradhānatā (body) 162 śarīrabaddha (body) 163 śarīrabandha (body) 164 śarīrabhāj (body) 165 śarīrabhūta (body) 166 śarīrabhṛt (body) 167 śarīrabheda (body) 168 śarīramātra (body) 169 śarīrayaṣṭi (body) 170 śarīrarakṣaka (body) 171 śarīrarakṣā (body) 172 śarīraratna (body) 173 śarīrareṣaṇa (body) 174 śarīravat (body) 175 śarīravattva (body) 176 śarīravimokṣaṇa (body) 177 śarīravṛtti (body) 178 śarīravaikalya (body) 179 śarīraśuśrūṣā (body) 180 śarīraśoṣaṇa (body) 181 śarīrasaṃskāra (body) 182 śarīrasaṃdhi (body) 183 śarīrasampatti (body) 184 śarīrasāda (body) 185 śarīrastha (body) 186 śarīrasthāna (body) 187 śarīranta (body) 188 śarīrantakara (body) 189 śarīrāntara (body) 190 śarīrāntaracārin (body) 191 śarīrārdha (body) 192 śarīrāvayava (body) 193 śarīrāvaraṇa (body) 194 śarīrāsthi (body) 195 śarīraka (body) 196 śarīrin (body) 197 śalya (body) 198 śalyakriyā (body) 199 śalyavāraṅga (body) 200 śallakāṅgaja (body)
róra 1 [p= 890,1] [L=179998]
a partic. part of the body MaitrS. (du.) VS. (= asa-granthi , Mahidh.)
rora 2 [L=179999]
raura m. a worker , labourer (?) HParis3.
(H1) m.
(H1) or
lakaa--jña [p= 892,1] [L=180403]
sign-knowing , understanding marks (esp. those on the body) , able to interpret or explain them R. VarBr2S.

ifc.) understanding a person's lucky marks or signs BhP.
(H3) mfn.
lagna--bhuja [p= 893,3] [L=180741]
(in astron.) ascensional difference i.e. the difference between the time of rising of a heavenly body at la and at any other place W.
(H3) m.
laghú--samudīraa---tva [p= 894,2] [L=181000]
mobility (of the body) Buddh.
(H4) n.
latā [p= 895,3] [L=181250]
a creeper , any creeping or winding plant or twining tendril Mn. MBh. &c (the brows , arms , curls , a slender body , a sword-blade , lightning &c are often compared to the form of a creeper , to express their graceful curves and slimness of outline ; cf. bhrū-l° , bāhu-l° , tail-l° &c )

mādhavī -creeper , Gaertnera Racemosa Bhpr.

Corniculata ib.

Italicum L.

Halicacabum L.

Dactylon L.

kaivartikā L.

sārivā L.


Naish. Tantras.

Pan5cat. Sus3r.


vārā latā , thin jets of water) Ba1lar.


of an apsaras MBh.

meru and wife of ilā*vta BhP.
(H1) f.
[L=181257]= the plant
[L=181259]a slender woman , any woman
[L=181260]the thong or lash of a whip , whip
[L=181261]a string of pearls
[L=181262]a streak , line (
[L=181263]a kind of metre
[L=181265]of a daughter of
lasīkā [p= 899,2] [L=182007]
watery humour in the body , lymph , serum &c Car. Bhpr.


(H2) f.
[L=182008]the juice of the sugar-cane
[L=182009]a tendon , muscle
liga--deha [p= 902,1] [L=182512]
n. the subtle body (» liga above and liga-śarīra below) Ba1lar.
(H3) m.
liga--śarīra [L=182564]
the subtle body which accompanies the individual spirit or soul in all its transmigrations and is not destroyed by death (it is also called sūkma-ś° q.v. , and since it is the sign and accompaniment of individuality it can never perish till the individualized soul is finally merged in the Universal) Kap. Veda7ntas. ( IW. 53 n. 2) .
(H3) n.
ligin [p= 902,2] [L=182593]
having a mark or sign , wearing a distinguishing mark

ifc.) having the marks or appearance of , characterized by Mn. MBh. &c

ifc.) only having the appearance or acting the part of ib. (cf. dvija-l°)


ligin [L=182598]
a Brahman of a partic. order , religious student , ascetic MBh. Ka1v. &c
ligin [L=182599]
" possessing or furnished with a liga " , N. of a śaiva sect (» liga-vat) Col.
ligin [L=182600]
" sustaining the liga or pradhāna " , N. of parameśvara Lin3gaP.
ligin [L=182601]
(in logic) = -vyāpaka , that which possesses an invariable characteristic mark (as in the proposition " there is fire because there is smoke " , fire is the ligin ; cf. IW. 62)
ligin [L=182602]
original source or germ Kap. Sch.
ligin [L=182603]
an elephant L.
ligin [L=182605]
a species of plant L.
(H2) mfn.
[L=182595]bearing false marks or signs , a hypocrite , (
[L=182596]having a right to wear signs or badges , one whose external appearance corresponds , with his inner character
[L=182597]having a subtle body
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m. pl.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
liptā* ga [p= 902,3] [L=182650]
having the body anointed with unguents &c MW.
(H3) mfn.
luñcita--keśa [p= 904,1] [L=182898]
" having the hair torn out " , N. of a jaina ascetic (so called as pulling out the hair of the head and body by way of self-mortification) Sarvad.
(H3) m.
luñcita--mūrdhaja [L=182899]
" having the hair torn out " , N. of a jaina ascetic (so called as pulling out the hair of the head and body by way of self-mortification) Sarvad.
(H3) m.
loká--tas [p= 906,2] [L=183278]
by men , from people , from people's talk R. Katha1s.

ifc.) on the part of the people of (jñāti-l° , on the part of the collective body of relations) VarBr2S.

(H3) ind.
[L=183278.2]as usual or customary in the world
loman [p= 908,1] [L=183640]
(later form of roman q.v.) the hair on the body of men and animals (esp. short hair , wool &c ; not so properly applicable to the long hair of the head or beard , nor to the mane and tail of animals) RV. &c


(with bharad-vājasya) , N. of sāman A1rshBr.
(H1) n.
[L=183641]a tail
loma--saharaa [L=183670]
causing the hair of the body to bristle or stand erect MBh.
(H3) mfn.
loma--hara [L=183673]
the bristling or erection of the hair of the body , thrill or shudder (caused by excessive joy , fear &c ) MBh. (cf. romah°)

of a rākasa R.
(H3) m.
lomaśá--vakaa [p= 908,2] [L=183721]
(ā)n. covered with hair on the body , shaggy AV.
(H3) mf
lohitā* ka [p= 909,2] [L=183982]
a red die (used in gaming) MBh. 2.
lohitā* ká [L=183983]
(ī)n. red-eyed S3Br. S3vetUp. &c
lohitā* ká [L=183984]
a kind of snake Sus3r.
lohitā* ká [L=183985]
the Indian cuckoo L.
lohitā* ká [L=183986]
N. of viṣṇu L.
lohitā* ká [L=183987]
of another deity , Ma1nGr2.
lohitā* ká [L=183988]
of one of skanda's attendants MBh.
lohitā* ká [L=183989]
of a man (pl. , his descendants) A1s3vS3r.
lohitā* ká [L=183991]
a part of the arm and of the thigh , the place where these are joined to the body , joint of the arm , thigh-joint Sus3r. Bhpr.
(H3) m.
(H3) mf
(H3) m.
(H3) m.
(H3) m.
(H3) m.
(H3) m.
(H3) m.
(H3) n.
vaśá--śalākā [p= 910,3] [L=184281]
a bamboo peg or screw at the lower end of a vinā or lute , (accord. to some) the bamboo pipe that forms the body of the lute L.

&c ) W.
(H3) f.
[L=184282]any small bamboo pin or stake (as the bar of a cage
vakrā* ga [p= 911,1] [L=184445]
(ifc. f(ī).) a crooked limb Hariv.

for vakrā*ghri (q.v.) Ra1jat.
vakrā* ga [L=184447]
" having a curved body " , a goose
vakrā* ga [L=184448]
the ruddy goose L.
vakrā* ga [L=184449]
a snake L.
(H3) n.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
vakhara [p= 911,3] [L=184577]
= cāru (applied to a body) Pan5car.
vakhara [p= 912,1] [L=184578]
N. of a man (» next) .
(H1) mfn.
(H1B) m.
vájra--deha [p= 913,2] [L=184905]
having an adamantine frame or a very hardy body MW.
(H3) mfn.
vajrā* sana [p= 914,1] [L=185092]
a diamond seat Buddh.

partic. posture in sitting (the hands being placed in the hollow between the body and the crossed feet) HYog.
vajrā* sana [L=185094]
N. of buddha Inscr.
(H3) n.
(H3B) m.
vána 1 [p= 917,2] [L=185717]
(once m. R. v , 50 , 2 ; for 2. » [p= 919,1]) a forest , wood , grove , thicket , quantity of lotuses or other plants growing in a thick cluster (but in older language also applied to a single tree) RV. &c

R. Katha1s.

RV. vii , 1 , 19 (cf. araya)


soma juice) RV. (?)


RV. viii , 34 , 18

Naigh. i , 12



Rotundus VarBr2S.

raśrmi , a ray of light Naigh. i , 4

vána 1 [L=185730]
N. of a son of uśīnara BhP.
vána 1 [L=185731]
of one of the 10 orders of mendicants founded by śakarācārya (the members of which affix vana to their names cf. rārme*ndra-v°) W.
vana 2 [p= 919,1] [L=186167]
g. *di.
vana [p= 1332,1] [L=339060]
(H2) n.
[L=185718]plenty , abundance
[L=185719]a foreign or distant land
[L=185720]wood , timber
[L=185721]a wooden vessel or barrel (for the
[L=185722]a cloud (as the vessel in the sky)
[L=185723](prob.) the body of a carriage
[L=185725]a fountain , spring
[L=185729](prob.) longing , earnest desire
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H1) ind.
(H2) (in
vána---káraa [p= 917,3] [L=185773]
a partic. part of the body (with mehana) RV. x , 163 , 5.
(H3) n.
vanas-páti---kāya [p= 918,2] [L=185990.65]
the whole body or world of plants L.
(H4) m.
vándanā [p= 919,1] [L=186189]
praise , worship , adoration L.
vándanā [L=186190]
(with Buddhists) one of the 7 kinds of anuttara-pūjā or highest worship (the other 6 being pūjanā , pāpa-deśanā , anumodanā , adhyeaā , badhi-cittā*tpā*da and pariamanā) Dharmas. 1 4
vándanā [p= 919,2] [L=186191]
a mark or symbol impressed on the body (with ashes &c ) Vas.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
vapu [p= 919,3] [L=186329]
= vapus , a body , MW.
vapu [L=186330]
N. of an apsaras MBh. Ma1rkP.
(H2) m.
(H2B) f.
vapu--srava [p= 920,1] [L=186334]
humour of the body , chyle L.
(H3) m.
vapur--mala-samācita [L=186340]
having the body covered with dirt ib. &c
(H3) mfn.
vapu--mat [L=186346]
having a body , embodied , corporeal Kir.

Mn. MBh. &c

vapus AitBr.
vapu--mat [L=186349]
N. of a deity enumerated among the viśve devā Hariv.
vapu--mat [L=186350]
of a son of priya-vrata Pur.
vapu--mat [L=186351]
of a ṛṣi in the 11th manv-antara VP.
vapu--mat [L=186352]
of a king of kuṇḍina ib.
(H3) mfn.
[L=186347]having a beautiful form , handsome
[L=186348]containing the word
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3) m.
vápus [L=186362]
having form or a beautiful form , embodied , handsome , wonderful RV.
vápus [L=186363]
form , figure , (esp.) a beautiful form or figure , wonderful appearance , beauty (°pue ind. for beauty ; vápur dśáye , a wonder to see) RV. &c
vápus [L=186364]
nature , essence Mn. v , 96 ; x , 9 &c
vápus [L=186365]
(ifc. f(uī). ) the body Mn. MBh. &c
vápus [L=186366]
Beauty personified as a daughter of daka and dharma VP. Ma1rkP.
vápus [L=186367]
N. of an apsaras VP.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
vápus--sāt [L=186368]
into the state of a body , APra1t. Sch.
(H3) ind.
vará--tanu [p= 922,1] [L=186795]
(ū)n. having a beautiful body Ka1lac.
(H3) mf
varā* ga [p= 922,3] [L=186947]
" best member of the body " , the head R. VarBr2.



varā* ga [L=186951]
having an excellent form , excellent or beautiful in all parts L.
varā* ga [L=186952]
an elephant DivyA7v.
varā* ga [L=186953]
(in astron.) a nakatra year consisting of 324 days
varā* ga [L=186954]
N. of viṣṇu L.
varā* ga [L=186955]
of a king VP.
varā* ga [L=186958]
Cassia bark , green cinnamon Bhpr.
varā* ga [L=186959]
sorrel L.
(H3) n.
[L=186948]the female pudenda
[L=186949]the principal piece or part
[L=186950]an elegant form or body
(H3B) mfn.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
varāha--vapua [p= 923,2] [L=187135]
the body of a boar ib.
(H3) n.
varaka [p= 925,1] [L=187452]
(ikā)n. painting , picturing , representing Ra1jat.
varaka [L=187453]
a strolling player or singer L.
varaka [L=187454]
a species of plant Sus3r.
varaka [L=187455]
fragrant ointment L.
varaka [L=187456]
N. of a man (pl. his descendants) g. upakā*di
varaka [L=187457]
or n. a model or specimen Katha1s.
varaka [L=187458]
(ikā)n. colour for painting , paint , pigment , unguent , anything for smearing on the body AitA1r. S3a1n3khGr2. &c (ifc. f(akā). )
varaka [L=187459]
sandal L.
varaka [L=187462]
a pencil or brush for painting or writing L.
varaka [L=187463]
kind , description HParis3.
varaka [L=187464]
a woman's fragrant ointment L.
varaka [L=187465]
(akā or ikā). fine gold , purity of gold L.
varaka [L=187466]
a chapter , section of a book Nya1yam. Sch.
varaka [L=187467]
a circle , orb HParis3.
varaka [L=187468]
orpiment L.
varaka [L=187469]
the red colouring or paint with which bride and bridegroom are marked at weddings , the painting of the bride by the bridegroom and of the bridegroom by the bride L.
varaka [L=187470]
(ifc.) a letter or syllable S3rutab.
(H2) mf
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) mf
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) f
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
varmitága [p= 926,3] [L=187822]
having the body clad in armour R.
(H3) mfn.
varma 1 [p= 927,3] [L=188058]
Pa1rGr2. i , 3 , 8 (varmo'smi prob. w.r. for var*smi)
varma 1 [L=188059]
body , form = várman MW.
varma 2 [L=188060]
comp. for varman.
(H2) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2) in
varma--vat [L=188061]
having a body MBh.
(H3) mfn.
varma--vīrya [L=188062]
vigour of body MW.
(H3) n.
var* bha [L=188063]
resembling the body or form (of anything) MW.
(H3) mfn.
varmán [L=188064]
height , top RV. AV.

varmán [L=188066]
(várihman) height , top , surface , uttermost part RV. VS. TS. &c
varmán [L=188067]
height , greatness , extent MBh. Hariv. &c
varmán [L=188068]
measure W.
varmán [L=188069]
body MBh. Hariv. Ya1jn5. &c
varmán [L=188070]
a handsome form or auspicious appearance L.
varmán [L=188071]
holding rain W.
(H2) m.
[L=188065]the vertex
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) mfn.
valmīka [p= 928,2] [L=188253]
(g. ardharcā*di) an ant-hill , mole-hill , a hillock or ground thrown up by white ants or by moles (cf. vamrī-kūa) &c VS. &c

valmīka [L=188255]
= *tapo megha or = sūrya Megh. Sch.
valmīka [L=188256]
N. of the father of vālmīki BhP.
valmīka [L=188257]
the poet vālmīki L.
valmīka [L=188258]
N. of a place Katha1s.
(H2) mn.
[L=188254]swelling of the neck or of the chest and other parts of the body , elephantiasis
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
vallabhā* cārya [p= 928,3] [L=188317]
N. of a celebrated vaiṣṇava teacher (successor of a less celebrated teacher viṣṇusvāmin ; he was born , it is said , in the forest of campāraya in 1479 ; at an early age he travelling to propagate his doctrines , and at the court of kṛṣṇadeva , king of vijaya-nagara , succeeded so well in his controversies with the śaivas that the vaiṣṇavas chose him as their chief ; he then went to other parts of India , and finally settled down at Benares , where he composed seventeen works , the most important of which were a commentary on the vedā*nta and mīmā sūtras and another on the bhāgavata-purāa , on which last the sect rest their doctrines ; he left behind eighty-four disciples , of each of whom some story is told , and these stories are often repeated on festive occasions. He taught a non-ascetical view of religion and deprecated all self-mortification as dishonouring the body which contained a portion of the supreme Spirit. His followers in Bombay and Gujarat , and their leaders , are called mahā-rājas ; they are called the epicureans of India) RTL. 134-137
(H3) m.
vavrí [p= 929,1] [L=188388]
a lurking-place RV.



of the supposed author of RV. v , 9 Anukr.
(H2) m.
[L=188389]a cover , vesture
[L=188390]the body
vavrí--vāsas [L=188392]
vavrí-) mfn. (prob.) dwelling in the body AV.
(H3) (
váhni--da [p= 934,1] [L=189349]
giving heat (to the body) Sus3r.
(H3) mfn.
váhni--nāśana [L=189359]
extinguishing the heat (of the body). Sus3r.
(H3) mfn.
vāta 1 [p= 934,2] [L=189437]
(for 2. » [p= 939,3]) blown &c
vā́ta 1 [L=189438]
wind or the wind-god (pl. also " the maruts " , cf. vāyu) RV. &c
vā́ta 1 [L=189439]
wind , air Hit.
vā́ta 1 [L=189440]
wind emitted from the body MBh. iv , 117
vā́ta 1 [L=189441]
wind or air as one of the humours of the body (also called vāyu , māruta , pavana , anila , samīraa) Katha1s. Sus3r. &c
vā́ta 1 [L=189442]
morbid affection of the windy humour , flatulence , gout , rheumatism &c VarBr2S. S3r2in3ga1r.
vā́ta 1 [L=189443]
N. of a people (» vāta-pati and vātā*dhipa)
vā́ta 1 [L=189444]
of a rākasa VP.
vā́ta 1 [L=189445]
of a son of śūra ib.
vāta 1 [p= 939,3] [L=190608]
» [p= 934,2] &c
vāta 2 [L=190609]
(fr. √ van) = vanita , solicited , wished for , desired (cf. vivasvad-v°)

cf. 3. a-v° and nivāta).
vāta 3 [p= 1019,3] [L=206545]
(for 1. and 2. » pp. 934 , 939) dried up (» 1. a-vātá).
vāta [p= 1332,1] [L=339260]
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H1) &c
(H1) mfn.
[L=190610]attacked , assailed , injured , hurt (
(H2) mfn.
(H2) (in
vāta--kara [p= 934,2] [L=189447]
producing wind (in the body) , causing flatulence Bhpr.
(H3) mfn.
vāta--kalākalā [L=189449]
the particles of wind or air distributed in the body (°līya mfn. relating to them) Car.
(H3) f.
vāta--kopana [L=189458]
exciting wind (in the body) Sus3r.
(H3) mfn.
vāta--kobha [L=189459]
disturbance or movement of wind (in the body) Katha1s.
(H3) m.
vāta--rakta [p= 934,3] [L=189538]
wind (in the body) and blood Sus3r.

ib. (cf. -śoita)
(H3) m.
[L=189539]acute gout or rheumatism (ascribed to a vitiated state of wind and blood)
vāta--roga [L=189554]
" wind-disease " , any disease supposed to arise from a diseased state of the wind in the body (e.g. gout , rheumatism , paralysis &c ) Sus3r. S3a1rn3gS.
(H3) m.
vātika [p= 935,2] [L=189696]
(ī)n. windy , stormy L.




vātika [L=189701]
a man of mere words , noisy talker , flatterer MBh.
vātika [L=189702]
a juggler or conjurer MBh. Hcar.
vātika [L=189703]
a person who cures poison , dealer in antidotes L.
vātika [L=189704]
the bird cātaka Sa1h. (cf. vātīka)
vātika [L=189705]
N. of an attendant of skanda MBh.
(H2) mf
[L=189697]affected by wind-disease , rheumatic
[L=189698]exciting or allaying wind (in the body)
[L=189699]produced by or proceeding from disorder of the wind
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
--mūrti [p= 937,2] [L=190143]
having speech for a body
--mūrti [L=190144]
(with devatā) sarasvatī , Pracan2d2.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) f.
vācás--páti [L=190184]
(vācás-) " lord of voice or speech " , N. of a divine being (presiding over human life which lasts as long as there is voice in the body ; applied to soma , viśva-karman , prajā-pati , brahmā &c , but esp. to bhas-pati , who is lord of eloquence , preceptor of the gods , and regent of the planet Jupiter) RV. AV. &c


of a ṛṣi , a lexicographer , a philosopher &c Sarvad. Un2. Sch. &c
(H3) m.
[L=190184.1]a master of speech , orator
vāyú 1 [p= 942,2] [L=191228]
(fr. √2. ) wind , air (as one of the 5 elements ; in MBh. 7 winds are reckoned) RV. &c

indra in the g-veda , as vāta [q.v.] with parjanya , but although of equal rank with indra , not occupying so prominent a position ; in the puruasūkta he is said to have sprung form the breath of purua , and elsewhere is described as the son-in-law of tvaṣṭṛ ; be is said to move in a shining car drawn by a pair of red or purple horses or by several teams consisting of ninety-nine or a hundred or even a thousand horses [cf. ni-yút] ; he is often made to occupy the same chariot with indra , and in conjunction with him honoured with the first draught of the soma libation ; he is rarely connected with the maruts , although in i , 134 , 4 , he is said to have begotten them from the rivers of heaven ; he is regent of the nakatra svāti and north-west quarter » loka-pāla) ib.

VPra1t I1s3Up.

prā*a , apā*na , samāna , udāna , and vyāna ; or nāga , kūrma , kkara , devadatta , and dhana-jaya) Hariv. Sa1m2khyak. Veda7ntas.


Ka1d. Vcar. (cf. -grasta)

astron.) N. of the fourth muhūrta

N. of the letter ya Up.

of a vasu Hariv.

daitya ib.

gandharvas VP.

marut R.

the maruts Katha1s. Ma1rkP.
vāyú 2 [p= 943,1] [L=191393]
(fr. √ vai) tired , languid RV. vii , 91 , 1.
vāyú 3 [L=191394]
(fr. √ ) desirous , covetous , greedy (for food , applied to calves) TS.

(H1) m.
[L=191229]the god of the wind (often associated with
[L=191230]breathing , breath
[L=191231]the wind of the body , a vital air (of which 5 are reckoned , viz.
[L=191232](in medicine) the windy humour or any morbid affection of it
[L=191233]the wind as a kind of demon producing madness
[L=191235]a mystical
[L=191237]of a
[L=191238]of a king of the
[L=191239]of a
(H1) mfn.
(H1) mfn.
[L=191395]desirable , desired by the appetite
vāyú--granthi [p= 942,2] [L=191255]
a lump or swelling caused by disturbance of the air in the body Ma1rkP.
(H3) m.
vāyú--vāhinī [p= 942,3] [L=191345]
the air-conveying (vessel of the body) L.
(H3) f.
vālakhilya [p= 946,2] [L=192149]
(also written bāl° , of doubtful derivation) N. of a collection of 11 (accord. to some only 6 or 8) hymns of the g-veda (commonly inserted after viii , 48 , but numbered separately as a supplement by some editors ; they are also called vālakhilyā , with or scil. mantrā , or ca , and daśatī vālakhilyakā) Br. S3rS. &c

°lyá) pl. N. of a class of ṛṣis of the size of a thumb (sixty thousand were produced from brahmā's body and surround the chariot of the sun) TA1r. MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H1) n.
vāhinī [p= 949,2] [L=192786]
» next.
vāhínī [L=192787]
an army , host , body of forces AV. MBh. &c

partic. division of an army (consisting of 3 gaas i.e. 81 elephants , 81 cars , 243 horse , 405 foot ; cf. akauhiī) MBh.

ib. R. &c

Ka1tyS3r. Sch.

of the wife of kuru MBh.
(H2B) f.
(H2) f.
[L=192789]a river
[L=192790]a channel
ví--gua [p= 950,2] [L=192959]
without a string (» below)

comp.) Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c


Pan5cat. (v.l.)


MBh. R. &c

vi-gua [p= 957,2] [L=194516]
» [p= 950,2].
(H3) mfn.
[L=192960]deficient , imperfect , destitute of (
[L=192961]unsuccessful , ineffective
[L=192962]adverse (as fortune)
[L=192963]void of qualities
[L=192964]destitute of merits , wicked , bad
[L=192965]disordered , corrupted (as the humours of the body)
(H1) &c
ví--majjā* ntra [p= 951,3] [L=193335]
deprived of marrow and intestines (said of the body) MBh.
(H3) mfn.
ví--lohitaka [p= 952,2] [L=193500]
a dead body that has become red L.
(H3) n.
ví-kti [p= 954,3] [L=194023]
change , alteration , modification , variation , changed condition (of body or mind ; acc. with √ gam , , vraj , or pra-pad , to undergo a change , be changed) MBh. Ka1v. &c


MBh. Katha1s. &c

Ka1m. Pan5cat.

partic. manner S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.


ifc. anything made of) MBh. Sus3r.

khya) = 2. vi-kāra



Sus3r. (v.l. vaikta)

imba L.

pralāpa Harav. Sch.

of a class of metres Pin3g.
ví-kti [L=194037]
N. of a son of jīmūta VP.
(H2) f.
[L=194024]sickness , disease
[L=194025]perturbation , agitation , emotion
[L=194026]alienation , hostility , defection
[L=194027]a verse changed in a
[L=194028]an apparition , phantom , spectre
[L=194029]any production (
[L=194031](in gram.) a derivative
[L=194032]formation , growth , development
(H2B) m.
vi-° kiptaka [p= 956,2] [L=194365]
a dead body which has been torn asunder or lacerated Buddh.
(H3) n.
vi-° khāditaka [p= 956,3] [L=194418]
a dead body which has been devoured by animals Buddh.
(H3) n.
ví--graha 1 [p= 950,2] [L=192968]
(for 2. » vi-grah) freed from " the Seizer " i.e. rāhu (said of the moon) R.
vi-graha 2 [p= 957,2] [L=194540]
(for 1. » p.950.col.2) keeping apart or asunder , isolation Nir. BhP.


esp. of fluids cf. vi-grah) Ka1tyS3r.

opp. to composition) APra1t.

kdantas , taddhitas , all samāsas or compound words , ekaśeas , and all derivative verbs like desideratives &c ; the only words incapable of resolution being the simple verb , the singular of the noun , and a few indeclinables not derived from roots ; all compounds being called nitya or " fixed " , when their meaning cannot be ascertained through an analysis of their component parts ; cf. jamad-agni) Pa1n2. Sch. S3am2k. &c

instr. with or without saha , *rdham or sākam loc. gen. with upari , or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c

guas or measures of policy Mn. vii , 160 [cf. under gua] , also applied to the conflict of hostile planets , in this sense also n. Su1ryas. R. ; acc. with √ k , to make or wage war)

i.e. individual form or shape , form , figure , the body Up. MBh. &c (also applied to the shape of a rainbow ; acc. with √ grah , pari-grah , √ k , upā*- , to assume a form)

MBh. R.

khya) an element
957,3] [L=194550]
of śiva MBh.

skanda's attendants ib.
(H3) mfn.
(H2) m.
[L=194541]division ,
[L=194542]distribution (
[L=194543](in gram.) independence (of a word , as
[L=194544]separation , resolution , analysis , resolution of a compound word into its constituent parts , the separation or analysis of any word capable of separation (such words are
[L=194545]discord , quarrel , contest , strife , war with (
[L=194546](one of the 6
[L=194548]an ornament , decoration
[p= N.
[L=194551]of one of
vi-gra° * vara 2 [L=194562]
" hinder part of the body " , the back L.
(H3) n.
vi-citra---deha [p= 959,1] [L=194840]
having a painted body W.

vi-citra---deha [L=194842]
a cloud L.
(H3) mfn.
[L=194841]elegantly formed
(H3B) m.
vi-ci° trā* ga [L=194854]
" having variegated limbs or a spotted body " , a peacock L.

(H3) m.
[L=194855]a tiger
vi-° ceṣṭita [p= 959,2] [L=194897]
struggled , striven , exerted &c



vi-° ceṣṭita [L=194901]
motion (of the body) , gesture Ka1v. Sus3r.
vi-° ceṣṭita [L=194902]
action , exertion , conduct , behaviour Ya1jn5. MBh. &c
vi-° ceṣṭita [L=194903]
evil or malicious act , machination W.
(H3) mfn.
[L=194898]effected , produced
[L=194899]investigated , inquired into
[L=194900]unconsidered , ill-judged
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
ví-° cchitti [L=194918]
(ví-) cutting asunder or off , breaking off , prevention , interruption , cessation TBr. &c

instr.) S3is3.

rhet.) a pointed or cutting or sharp style Sa1h. Kuval.

Va1s. Das3ar.

S3ak. S3is3.

(H3) f.
[L=194918.1]wanting , lack of (
[L=194918.3]irregularity or carelessness in dress and decoration
[L=194918.4]colouring or marking the body with unguents , painting
[L=194918.5]caesura , pause in a verse
viju [p= 960,3] [L=195195]
that part of a bird's body on which the wings grow AitA1r.
(H1) m.
ví-tata---vapus [p= 962,2] [L=195485]
having an elongated body MW.
(H3) mfn.
vi- √ tap [p= 962,3] [L=195522]
-tapati , °te , (P.) to give out heat TBr.  ; 
to force asunder , tear , penetrate
RV. AV.  ; 
A1. ; cf. Pa1n2. 1-3 , 27 Sch.) to burn (intr.) Bhat2t2.  ; 
to warm one's self or any member of the body
Pa1n2. 1-3 , 27 Va1rtt. 1 Pat. : Caus. -tāpayati , to heat , warm VarBr2S.
(H1) P. A1.
vidátha [p= 963,3] [L=195644]
knowledge , wisdom

esp.) " knowledge given to others " i.e. instruction , direction , order , arrangement , disposition , rule , command (also pl.) RV. AV. VS. (vidatham ā-vad , to impart knowledge , give instruction , rule , govern)

i.e.) council , community , association , congregation ib. (also applied to partic. associations or communities of gods , which in RV. viii , 39 , 1 &c are opposed to those of men ; in RV. ii , 27 , 8 ; vi , 51 , 2 &c three associations of gods are mentioned)

esp. applied to the maruts) RV.



= yogin) L.

ktin L.

of a man Sa1y. on RV. v , 33 , 9.
vidátha [p= 1332,2] [L=339320]
accord. to some for vidhā*tha fr.vidh, and orig. = "homage, worship, sacrifice" ; accord. to others also = "house, household, &c ").
(H2) n.
[L=195646]a meeting , assembly (either for deliberating or for the observance of festive or religious rites
[L=195647]a host , army , body of warriors (
[L=195648]war , fight
[L=195649]a sage , scholar
[L=195650]a saint , devotee , ascetic (
(H2) (
vi-deha---mukti [p= 966,2] [L=196252]
deliverance through release from the body Ra1matUp. (°ti-kathana n. and °ty-ādi-kathana n. N. of two treatises)
(H3) f.
ví--dhura 1 [p= 951,1] [L=193164]
(ā)n. destitute of a shaft (as a carriage) MBh. vi , 1890 (perhaps " damaged " = vidhura2 » s.v.)
vidhura [p= 967,2] [L=196469]
[p= 968,2].
vidhura 2 [p= 968,3] [L=196698]
(ā)n. (for 1. » [p= 951,1]) bereft , bereaved (esp. of any loved person) , alone , solitary Ka1v. Ra1jat.

ifc.) separated from , destitute of , wanting BhP. Sarvad.

MBh. Ka1v. &c

am ind.) Ka1v. Katha1s. Ra1jat.

vidhura 2 [L=196703]
a rākasa L.
vidhura 2 [L=196704]
a widower MW.
vidhura 2 [L=196706]
adversity , calamity , distress Katha1s. ( L. also = viślea , praviślea or pariślea)
vidhura 2 [L=196707]
N. of two partic. joints of the body Bhpr.
(H3) mf
(H3) »
(H2) mf
[L=196700]suffering from want , miserable , helpless , distressed
[L=196701]perplexed , troubled , depressed , dejected (
[L=196702]adverse , unfavourable , hostile
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n. du.
ví-dhta [p= 969,1] [L=196766]
kept asunder , divided , separated TS. &c


MBh. Ka1v. &c

śirasā , mūrdhnā or °dhni , borne on the head i.e. highly esteemed ; with svo*darea , borne in one's own body) ib.



antare) pledged Pan5cat.
ví-dhta [L=196773]
w.r. for vi-dhūta (q.v.) Sa1h.
(H2) mfn.
[L=196767]kept off , avoided
[L=196768]stopped , checked , suppressed , restrained
[L=196769]held , borne (with
[L=196770]held , possessed
[L=196771]saved , preserved
(H2B) n.
vi-nata---kāya [p= 969,2] [L=196829]
one who has the body bent , stooping SaddhP.
(H3) mfn.
vi-nāma [L=196849]
crookedness (of the body , caused by pain) Bhpr. Car. (also °maka m. °mikā f.)

for s and for n Pra1t.
(H2) m.
[L=196850]conversion into a cerebral letter , the substitution of
vi-nāśa---sambhava [p= 969,3] [L=196874]
a source of destruction , cause of the subsequent non-existence of a composite body (avayavin) MW.
(H3) m.
vi-nir- √ muc [p= 971,1] [L=197078]
-muñcati (only ind.p. -mucya) , to abandon , relinquish (the body i.e. to die) Hariv. : Pass. -mucyate , to be liberated or set free , be delivered from , be rid of (instr.) Pras3nUp.
(H1) P.
vi-panna---deha [p= 973,3] [L=197617]
" having a decomposed body " , dead , defunct Mr2icch. i , 30
(H3) mfn.
vipadumaka [L=197626]
n. a dead body gnawed by worms Buddh.
(H1) (?)
vi-bhinna [p= 978,1] [L=198329]
split or broken in two &c





Ka1v. Katha1s.





» āśā-v°)


Katha1s. Ma1rkP.

instr.) Kir.
vi-bhinna [L=198343]
N. of śiva MBh.
(H2) mfn.
[L=198330]passed across or through (as by a heavenly body)
[L=198331]opened blown
[L=198332]cleft (said of the temples of an elephant which exude during rut)
[L=198333]broken , destroyed
[L=198334]altered , changed (also in one's feelings)
[L=198335]alienated , estranged , become faithless
[L=198336]separated , divided
[L=198337]disunited , living at variance
[L=198338](a place) filled with dissensions
[L=198339]disappointed (
[L=198341]various , manifold
[L=198342]mingled with (
(H2B) m.
vi-bhi° nnā* ga [L=198349]
one who has his body pierced or transfixed R.
(H3) mfn.
vi-° bhāva [p= 977,3] [L=198289]
» [p= 978,3]) mf(arī » next)n. (voc. vi-bhāvas) , id. ib.
vi-bhāva [L=198307]
vi-bhāva. » above and [p= 978,3].
vi-bhāva 2 [p= 978,3] [L=198416]
(for 1. » under vi-bhā) any condition which excites or develops a partic. state of mind or body , any cause of emotion (e.g. the persons and circumstances represented in a drama , as opp. to the anu-bhāva or external signs or effects of emotion) Bhar. Das3ar. Sa1h. (-tva n.)


of śiva Pan5car.
(H3) (for 2.
(H1) 1. and 2.
(H2) m.
[L=198417]a friend , acquaintance
ví-bhūti [L=198482]
penetrating , pervading Nir.



gen.) ib. viii , 50 , 6
ví-bhūti [L=198486]
N. of a sādhya Hariv.
ví-bhūti [L=198487]
of a son of viśvāmitra MBh.
ví-bhūti [L=198488]
of a king VP.
ví-bhūti [L=198489]
development , multiplication , expansion , plenty , abundance Ka1v. Katha1s. &c
ví-bhūti [p= 979,1] [p= 978,3] [L=198490]
manifestation of might , great power , superhuman power (consisting of eight faculties , especially attributed to śiva , but supposed also to be attainable by human beings through worship of that deity , viz. aiman , the power of becoming as minute as an atom ; laghiman , extreme lightness ; prā*pti , attaining or reaching anything [e.g. the moon with the tip of the finger] ; prākāmya , irresistible will ; mahiman , illimitable bulk ; īśitā , supreme dominion ; vaśitā , subjugating by magic ; and kāmā*vasāyitā , the suppressing all desires) ib.
ví-bhūti [p= 979,1] [L=198491]
a partic. śakti Hcat.
ví-bhūti [L=198492]
the might of a king or great lord , sovereign power , greatness Ka1lid. Pan5cat. Katha1s. &c
ví-bhūti [L=198493]
successful issue (of a sacrifice) MBh. R.
ví-bhūti [L=198494]
splendour , glory , magnificence Hariv. Ragh. VarBr2S.
ví-bhūti [L=198495]
fortune , welfare , prosperity Pras3nUp. MBh. &c
ví-bhūti [L=198496]
(also pl.) riches , wealth , opulence Ka1m. Ka1v. Katha1s.
ví-bhūti [L=198497]
N. of lakmi (the goddess of fortune and welfare) BhP.
ví-bhūti [L=198498]
the ashes of cow-dung &c (with which śiva is said to smear his body , and hence used in imitation of him by devotees) Pan5car. Sa1h.
ví-bhūti [L=198499]
(in music) a partic. śruti Sam2gi1t.
(H2) mfn.
[L=198483]abundant , plentiful
[L=198484]mighty , powerful
[L=198485]presiding over (
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
vi-° bhūi° * ga [L=198535]
decorated about the body MW.
(H4) mfn.
ví--māna [p= 951,3] [L=193377]
(for 2. » vi-man) devoid of honour , disgraced BhP.
vi-māna 2 [p= 979,3] [L=198637]
(for 1. » [p= 951,3] ; for 3. under vi-) disrespect , dishonour (» a-vi mana).
ví-māna 3 [p= 980,1] [L=198730]
(ī)n. (for 1. » [p= 951,3] ; for 2 , under vi-man) measuring out , traversing RV. AV. MBh.
ví-māna 3 [L=198731]
n. a car or chariot of the gods , any mythical self-moving aerial car (sometimes serving as a seat or throne , sometimes self-moving and carrying its occupant through the air ; other descriptions make the vimāna more like a house or palace , and one kind is said to be 7 stories high ; that of rāvaa was called pupaka q.v. ; the nau-v° [ Ragh. xvi , 68] is thought to resemble a ship) MBh. Ka1v. &c
ví-māna 3 [L=198732]
any car or vehicle (esp. a bier) Ra1jat. vii , 446
ví-māna 3 [L=198733]
the palace of an emperor or supreme monarch (esp. one with 7 stories) MBh. Ka1v. &c
ví-māna 3 [L=198734]
a temple or shrine of a partic. form VarBr2S.
ví-māna 3 [L=198735]
a kind of tower (?) R. v , 52 , 8
ví-māna 3 [L=198736]
a grove Ja1takam.
ví-māna 3 [L=198737]
a ship , boat L.
ví-māna 3 [L=198738]
a horse L.
ví-māna 3 [L=198739]
measure RV.
ví-māna 3 [L=198740]
extension ib.
ví-māna 3 [L=198741]
(in med.) the science of (right) measure or proportion (e.g. of the right relation between the humours of the body , of medicines and remedies &c ) Car.
(H3) mfn.
(H2) m.
(H2) mf
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
vi-° racita---vapus [p= 982,1] [L=199064]
one who has his body formed or arranged MW.
(H4) mfn.
ví--rāj 1 [p= 949,3] [L=192829]
(for 2. » s.v.) king of birds BhP.
vi- √ rāj [p= 982,3] [L=199210]
-rājati , °te , to reign , rule , govern , master (gen. or acc.) , excel (abl.) RV. AV. Br.  ; 
to be illustrious or eminent , shine forth , shine out (
abl.) , glitter ChUp. Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to appear as (
nom.) MBh. : Caus. -rājayati , (rarely °te) cause to shine forth , give radiance or lustre , brighten , illuminate MBh. R. &c
vi-rā́j 2 [L=199211]
(for 1. » [p= 949,3]) ruling far and wide , sovereign , excellent , splendid RV.
vi-rā́j 2 [L=199212]
a ruler , chief. king or queen (applied to agni , sarasvatī , the Sun &c ) ib. AV. VS. Br. MBh.
vi-rā́j 2 [L=199213]
excellence , pre-eminence , high rank , dignity , majesty TS. Br. S3rS.
vi-rā́j 2 [L=199214]
the first progeny of brahmā (according to Mn. i , 32 &c , brahmā having divided his own substance into male and female , produced from the female the male power virāj , who then produced the first manu or manu svāyambhuva , who then created the ten prajā-patis ; the BhP. states that the male half of brahmā was manu , and the other half śata-rūpā , and does not allude to the intervention of virāj ; other purāas describe the union of śata-rūpā with virāj or purua in the first instance , and with manu in the second ; virāj as a sort of secondary creator , is sometimes identified with prajā-pati , brahmā , agni , purua , and later with viṣṇu or kṛṣṇa , while in RV. x , 90 , he is represented as born from purua , and purua from him ; in the AV. viii , 10 , 24 ; xi , 8 , 30 , virāj is spoken of as a female , and regarded as a cow ; being elsewhere , however , identified with prā*a) IW. 22 &c
vi-rā́j 2 [L=199215]
(in vedānta) N. of the Supreme Intellect located in a supposed aggregate of gross bodies (= vaiśvānara , q. v.) , vedāntas.
vi-rā́j 2 [L=199216]
a warrior (= katriya) MBh. BhP.
vi-rā́j 2 [L=199217]
the body MW.
vi-rā́j 2 [L=199218]
a partic. ekā*ha Pan5cavBr. Vait.
vi-rā́j 2 [L=199219]
N. of a son of priya-vrata and kāmyā Hariv.
vi-rā́j 2 [L=199220]
of a son of nara VP.
vi-rā́j 2 [p= 983,1] [L=199221]
of buddha L.
vi-rā́j 2 [L=199222]
of a son of rādhā MW.
vi-rā́j 2 [L=199223]
of a district ib.
vi-rā́j 2 [L=199224]
a particular Vedic metre consisting of four pādas of ten syllables each (and therefore also a symbolical N. of the number " ten " ; in RV. x , 130 , 5 this metre is represented as attaching itself to mitra and varua , and in AitBr. i , 4 virāj is mystically regarded as " food " , and invocations are directed to be made in this metre when food is the especial object of prayer ; in prosody virāj is applied to any metre defective by two syllables RPra1t. )
vi-rā́j 2 [L=199225]
N. of partic. bricks (40 in number) VS. S3Br.
(H3) m.
(H1) P. A1.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) mfn.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) mf.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f. pl.
virā--deha [L=199259]
" having the body of virāj " , N. of the Universe MW.
(H3) m.
vi-° lagna [p= 984,3] [L=199563]
clung or fastened or attached to , resting or hanging on , connected with (loc. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c (tīravilagna come ashore , landed Katha1s. ) pendulous , flaccid (as breasts) R.



MBh. Kum.
vi-° lagna [L=199567]
or n. the waist , middle (as connecting the upper and lower parts of the body) L.
vi-° lagna [L=199568]
the rising of constellations , a horoscope &c (= lagna) Var.
(H3) mfn.
[L=199564]hanging in a cage , caged (as a bird)
[L=199565]gone by , passed away
[L=199566]thin , slender
(H3B) m.
(H3B) n.
vi-vara [p= 987,1] [L=199988]
a &c » under vi- √1. v , p.988.
vi-vará [p= 988,2] [L=200219]
n. a fissure , hole , chasm , slit , cleft , hollow , vacuity (also applied to the apertures of the body and to gaping wounds) RV. &c

MBh. Ka1v. &c

VarBr2S. Gan2it.

MBh. Ka1v.



of the number " nine " (cf. above and under randhra) MW.

partic. high number Buddh.
(H1) vi-vara
(H2) m.
[L=200220]intermediate space , interstice
[L=200222]a breach , fault , flaw , vulnerable or weak point
[L=200223]harm , injury
[L=200224]expansion , opening , widening
ví--śalya [p= 952,3] [L=193574]
ví-śalya [p= 989,3] [L=200451]
pointless (as an arrow) VS.

MBh. R.


ā viśaīya-bhāvāt , " until freed from the embryo ") Sus3r.


(H3) »
(H1) mfn.
[L=200452]freed from an arrow-head , healed of an arrow-wound
[L=200453]free from thorns or darts
[L=200454]freed from an extraneous substance in the body (
[L=200455]freed from pain
[L=200456]without trouble or care or pain
ví-śalya---ghna [p= 990,1] [L=200473]
(prob. said of those spots of the body , such as the temples and space between the eye-brows a blow on which is fatal even without any point entering the surface , but commonly applied to those spots a wound on which becomes fatal as soon as a pointed weapon is extracted) Sus3r.
(H3) mfn.
ví-śalya---prā* a-hara [L=200473.1]
(prob. said of those spots of the body , such as the temples and space between the eye-brows a blow on which is fatal even without any point entering the surface , but commonly applied to those spots a wound on which becomes fatal as soon as a pointed weapon is extracted) Sus3r.
(H3) mfn.
vi-śuddha [p= 991,2] [L=200737]
completely cleansed or purified (also in a ritual sense) , clean , clear , pure (lit.and fig.) Mn. MBh. &c

MBh. Ka1v. &c



ifc.) one who has gone through or thoroughly completed (upadeśa-v°) Ma1lav.


alg.) subtracted Gol.
vi-śuddha [L=200744]
a kind of mystical circle in the body (cf. cakra and vi-śuddhi-c°)
(H2) mfn.
[L=200738]free from vice , virtuous , honest
[L=200739]brilliantly white (as teeth)
[L=200740]thoroughly settled or established or fixed or determined or ascertained
[L=200742]cleared i .e. exhausted , empty (as a treasury)
(H2B) n.
vi-śuddhi---cakra [L=200773]
a kind of mystical circle or mark in the body (said to be in the region of the throat) Cat.
(H3) n.
vi-śīra---mūrti [p= 991,3] [L=200834]
having the body destroyed (said of kāma-deva) Kum.
(H3) mfn.
vi-śrānta---vigraha-katha [p= 992,1] [L=200869]
one in whom , " war " or " a body " (cf. vi-graha) is out of the question i.e. " unwarlike " and " bodiless " (applied to king udayana and to the god of love) Ratna7v. i , 8
(H3) mfn.
víśva [p= 992,2] [L=200987]
(ā)n. (prob. fr. √1. viś , to pervade cf. Un2. i , 151 ; declined as a pron. like sarva , by which it is superseded in the brāhmaas and later language) all , every , every one

RV. &c

viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa , the soul , intellect &c ) Up. MBh. &c
víśva [L=200990]
(in phil.) the intellectual faculty or (accord. to some) the faculty which perceives individuality or the individual underlying the gross body (sthūla-śarīra-vyaṣṭy-upahita) Veda7ntas.
víśva [L=200991]
N. of a class of gods cf. below
víśva [L=200992]
N. of the number " thirteen " Gol.
víśva [L=200993]
of a class of deceased ancestors Ma1rkP.
víśva [L=200994]
of a king MBh.
víśva [L=200995]
of a well-known dictionary = viśva-prakāśa
víśva [p= 992,2] [p= 992,3] [L=200996]
pl. (víśve , with or scil. devā́s cf. viśve-deva , p.995) " all the gods collectively " or the " All-gods " (a partic. class of gods , forming one of the 9 gaas enumerated under gaadevatā q.v. ; accord. to the viṣṇu and other purāas they were sons of viśvā , daughter of daka , and their names are as follow , 1. vasu , 2. satya , 3. kratu , 4. daka , 5. kāla , 6. kāma , 7. dhti , 8. kuru , 9. purū-ravas , 10. mādravas [?] ; two others are added by some , viz. 11. rocaka or locana , 12. dhvani [or dhūri ; or this may make 13]: they are particularly worshipped at śrāddhas and at the vaiśvadeva ceremony [ RTL. 416] ; moreover accord. to manu [iii , 90 , 121] , offerings should be made to them daily - these privileges having been bestowed on them by brahmā and the pits , as a reward for severe austerities they had performed on the himā*laya: sometimes it is difficult to decide whether the expression viśve devā refers to all the gods or to the particular troop of deities described above ) RV. &c
víśva [p= 992,3] [L=200997]
víśva [L=201007]
the whole world , universe AV. &c &c
víśva [L=201008]
dry ginger Sus3r.
víśva [L=201009]
myrrh L.
víśva [L=201010]
a mystical N. of the sound o Up.
viśva [p= 1332,2] [L=339470]
(H1) mf
[L=200988]whole , entire , universal
[L=200989]all-pervading or all-containing , omnipresent (applied to
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H2) (in
víśva--kāya [p= 992,3] [L=201020]
whose body is the universe BhP.
(H3) mfn.
víśva--tanu [p= 993,1] [L=201088]
whose body is the universe BhP.
(H3) mfn.
víśva--mūrti [p= 993,2] [L=201238]
having all forms (or one " whose body is the universe ") MBh. Hariv. &c (applied to the Supreme Spirit)
víśva--mūrti [L=201239]
a kind of mixture Rase7ndrac.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
ṣṇu--granthi [p= 999,3] [L=202446]
a partic. joint of the body Cat.
(H3) m.
vi-° sāri° * ga [p= 1001,1] [L=202748]
one who has an expanded or extended body MW.
(H4) mfn.
vi-sarpa---khinnavigraha [p= 1001,2] [L=202842]
one whose body is moist with the exudation caused by the visarpa disease Ra1jat.
(H3) mfn.
ví-sras° * ga [p= 1002,3] [L=203073]
having a languid body or relaxed limbs MBh.
(H3) mfn.
vi- √ hā 1 [p= 1003,1] [L=203131]
-jihīte , to go apart , become expanded , start asunder , open , fly open , gape , yawn RV. AV. TS. S3Br. : Caus: -hāpayati , to cause to gape , open AV. AitBr. S3Br.
vihā [L=203166]
= svarga , heaven Un2. iv , 36 Sch.
vi- √ hā 3 [L=203172]
-jahāti , (ind.p. -hāya » below) , to leave behind , relinquish , quit , abandon RV. &c &c (with śarīram , prā*an &c , " to abandon the body or life " , to die)  ; 
to give up , cast off , renounce , resign
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to be deprived of , lose
Ragh. Sarvad.  ; 
to get rid of or free from (
acc.) MBh. R. BhP.  ; 
to desist from (
abl.) Subh.  ; 
to stop , pause
VarBr2S. : Pass. -hīyate (aor. -hāyi) , to be left behind S3Br.  ; 
to be inferior to (
abl.) MBh.  ; 
to be lost
AV. : Caus. -hāpayati » next: Desid. -jihāsati , to wish to leave or abandon HParis3.
(H1) A1.
(H2) ind.
(H1) P.
vi-hvala---tanu [p= 1003,3] [L=203301]
one whose body is exhausted by (comp.) Pan5cat.
(H3) mfn.
vi-hvala---sā* lasā* ga [p= 1004,1] [L=203304]
(ī)n. one whose body is exhausted and languid Caurap.
(H3) mf
vi-° hvalita---sarvā* ga [L=203310]
trembling with the whole body MBh.
(H4) mfn.
v-ā* ga [p= 1005,1] [L=203483]
strong-limbed , firm in body ib.
(H3) mfn.
vttá--kāya [p= 1009,3] [L=204384]
(ā)n. having a round body Sus3r.
(H3) mf
vddhi 1 [p= 1010,2] [L=204569]
cutting off , abscission W.

vddhi 2 [p= 1011,1] [L=204729]
(for 1. » p.1010) growth , increase , augmentation , rise , advancement , extension , welfare , prosperity , success , fortune , happiness RV. &c






R. Subh.
1011,2] [p= 1011,1] [L=204736]
&c , usury , interest Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. (the various kinds of interest recognized by Hindu lawyers are , 1. kāyikā vddhi , " body-interest " i.e. either the advantage arising from the body of an animal pledged as security for a loan , or interest paid repeatedly without reducing the body or principal ; 2. kālikā v° , " time-interest " i.e. payable weekly , monthly , annually , &c , but most usually computed by the month ; 3. cakrav° , " wheel-interest " i.e. interest upon interest , compound interest ; 4. kāritā v° , " stipulated interest " , at a rate higher than the usual legal rate ; 5. śikhā-v° , " interest growing like a lock of hair " i.e. at a usurious rate payable daily ; 6. bhoga-lābha , " advantage [accruing to a creditor] from the use " of objects handed over to him as security e.g. of lands , gardens , animals , &c : " lawful interest " is called dharma-v° , " usurious interest " a-nyāya-v° , " interest at the highest legal rate " parama-v°) IW. 264
1011,2] [L=204737]
e.g. ā is the vddhi of the vowel a ; ai of i , ī , and e ; au of u , ū , and o ; cf. 2. vddha and kta-vddhi) VPra1t. Pa1n2. Ra1jat. Sarvad.

&c ; and a remedy for phlegm. leprosy , and worms) Sus3r. Bhpr.

of the 11th of the astrological yogas (or the yoga star of the 11th lunar mansion) L.

vddhi-śrāddha Gr2S.
vddhi 2 [L=204741]
(with bhaṭṭa) N. of a poet Cat.
(H2) f.
[L=204570](in law) forfeiture , deduction
(H2) f.
[L=204730]elevation (of ground)
[L=204731]prolongation (of life)
[L=204732]swelling (of the body)
[L=204733]enlargement of the scrotum (either from swelled testicle or hydrocele)
[L=204734]swelling or rising (of the sea or of the waters) , waxing (of the moon)
[L=204735]gain , profit
[p= profit from lending money
[p= the second modification or increase of vowels (to which they are subject under certain conditions
[L=204738]one of the 8 principal drugs (described as mild , cooling
(H2B) m.
vetāla [p= 1014,3] [L=205573]
(of doubtful derivation) a kind of demon , ghost , spirit , goblin , vampire (esp. one occupying a dead body) Hariv. Ka1v. Katha1s. &c

of one of śiva's attendants , Ka1lika1P. ??



(H1) m.
[L=205575]of a teacher
[L=205576]of a poet
[L=205577]a door-keeper (?)
veda--vedā* ga---vigrahin [p= 1016,1] [L=205803.3]
one whose body consists of the veda and vedā*ga (said of viṣṇu) Vishn2.
(H4) mfn.
vedā* ga [p= 1016,2] [L=205859]
vedā* ga [p= 1016,3] [L=205937]
" a limb (for preserving the body) of the veda " , N. of certain works or classes of works regarded as auxiliary to and even in some sense as part of the veda , (six are usually enumerated [and mostly written in the sūtra or aphoristic style] ; 1. śikā , " the science of proper articulation and pronunciation " , comprising the knowledge of letters , accents , quantity , the use of the organs of pronunciation , and phonetics generally , but especially the laws of euphony peculiar to the veda [many short treatises and a chapter of the taittirīya-ārayaka are regarded as the representatives of this subject ; but other works on Vedic phonetics may be included under it » prātiśākhya]: 2. chandas , " metre " [represented by a treatise ascribed to pigala-nāga , which , however , treats of Prakrit as well as Sanskrit metres , and includes only a few of the leading Vedic metres]: 3. vyākaraa , " linguistic analysis or grammar " [represented by ini's celebrated sūtras]: 4. nirukta , " explanation of difficult Vedic words " [cf. yāska]: 5. jyotia , " astronomy " , or rather the Vedic calendar [represented by a small tract , the object of which is to fix the most auspicious days for sacrifices]: 6. kalpa , " ceremonial " , represented by a large number of sūtra works [cf. sūtra]: the first and second of these vedā*gas are said to be intended to secure the correct reading or recitation of the veda , the third and fourth the understanding of it , and the fifth and sixth its proper employment at sacrifices: the vedā*gas are alluded to by manu , who calls them , in iii , 184 , pravacanas , " expositions " , a term which is said to be also applied to the brāhmaas) IW. 145 &c
(H3) »
(H2) n.
vera [p= 1018,2] [L=206254]
n. (only L. ) the body
vera [L=206255]
the egg-plant
vera [L=206256]
vera [L=206257]
the mouth.
(H1) m.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
vaigrahika [p= 1020,3] [L=206717]
(ī)n. belonging to the body , corporeal , bodily MW.
(H2) mf
vaidehá [p= 1022,2] [L=207032]
(ī)n. (fr. vi-deha) belonging to the country of the videhas TS. MaitrS.

accord. to Comm. on TS. ) having a handsome frame or body , well-formed
vaídehá [L=207034]
a king of the veda (also °ho rājan) Br. S3a1n3khS3r. MBh. &c
vaídehá [L=207035]
a dweller in videha MW.
vaídehá [L=207036]
a partic. mixed caste , the son of a śūdra by a vaiśyā ( Gaut. ),or of a vaiśya by a Brahman woman ( Mn. )
vaídehá [L=207037]
a trader L.
vaídehá [L=207038]
an attendant on the woman's apartments L.
vaídehá [L=207039]
pl. = videha (N. of a people) MBh. VarBr2S. &c
vaídehá [L=207040]
people of mixed castes MW.
(H1) mf
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
vaihaga [p= 1028,1] [L=208108]
(ī)n. (fr. viha-ga) relating or belonging to a bird (with tanu f. " the body or form of a bird ") Katha1s.
(H1) mf
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 26.72
Whitney Roots links: vyaD
vyadh [p= 1031,2] [p= 1031,1] [L=208671]
( Dha1tup. xxvi , 72) vídhyati (ep. also °te ; pf. p. vivyādha Br. &c ; 3. pl. vivyadhu MBh. , vividhu Up. ; A1. vivyadhe MBh. ; p. vividhvás RV. ; aor. vyātsī Br. ; Prec. vidhyāt Gr. ; fut. veddhā , vetsyati , °te MBh. ; vyaddhā,vyatsyati Gr. ; inf. veddhum MBh. ; -vidhe RV. ; ind.p. viḍḍhvā , -vidhya MBh. ) , to pierce , transfix , hit , strike , wound RV. &c  ; 
sirām) to open a vein , bleed Sus3r.  ; 
to pelt with (
instr.) RV. AV. MBh.  ; 
to inflict , attach to , affect with (
acc. of pers. and instr. of thing) RV. AV. Br. Up.  ; 
to shake , wave
MBh.  ; 
astron.) to fix the position of a heavenly body Gol.  ; 
to cling to (
acc.) S3Br. : Caus. vyādhayati , (ep. also vedhayati ; aor. avīvidhat or avivyadhat) , to pierce , open (a vein) MBh. Sus3r.  ; 
to cause to pierce or perforate
AitA1r. : Desid. vivyatsati , to wish to affect or taint with (instr.) S3Br. : Intens. vevidhyate or vāvyaddhi (?) Gr.
(H1) cl.4 P.
vy- √ an [p= 1031,2] [L=208700]
-aniti , to respire , breathe , inhale and exhale RV.  ; 
to draw in the breath through the whole body
(H1) P.
vy-āna [L=208701]
one of the five vital airs (that which circulates or is diffused through the body ; personified as a son of udāna and father of apā*na ; cf. prā*a) AV. &c
vy-āna [p= 1037,2] [L=209744]
» vy-an , p.1031.
(H2) m.
(H1) &c
vy-abhi° cārin---bhāva [p= 1032,2] [L=208856.3]
a transitory state (of mind or body , opp. to sthāyi-bh° [q.v.] , and said to be thirty-four in number , viz. nirveda , glāni , śa , asūyā , mada , śrama , ālasya , dainya , cintā , moha , smti , dhti , vrīā , capalatā , hara , āvega , jaatā , garva , viāda , autsukya , nidrā , apasmāra , supta , vibodha , amara , avahitthā , ugratā , mati , upā*lambha , vyādhi , unmāda , maraa trāsa , vitrarka qq. vv.) Das3ar. Kpr. &c
(H3) m.
vyavahārā* ga [p= 1034,3] [L=209197]
the body of civil and criminal law ib.
(H3) n.
vy-ādhi--sthāna [p= 1037,2] [L=209731]
" station of diseases " , the body L.
(H3) n.
vy-ā́vtta---deha [p= 1039,2] [L=210069]
having the body split or burst asunder (said of a mountain) Hariv.
(H3) mfn.
vy-ūhá 1 [p= 1041,1] [L=210306]
placing apart , distribution , arrangement R. VarBr2S. &c

cf. caraa-vy°) , disposition Nya1yas.

daṇḍa- , " staff-like array " ; śakaa- , " cart array " ; varāha- , " boar array " ; maṇḍala- , " circular array " ; ā-sahata- , " loose array " ; ākhea-vyūha , " hunting array " &c ) Mn. vii , 187 MBh. &c

S3Br. S3rS.

&c ) RPra1t.



esp. the quadruple manifestation of puruo*ttama as vāsudeva , sakaraa , pradyumna , and aniruddha) , appearance (often ifc. after numerals cf. catur- , trir-vy°) MBh. BhP. Sarvad.


Va1s. S3atr.


vy-ūha 2 [L=210331]
reasoning , logic (= tarka) L.
(H2) m.
[L=210307]orderly arrangement of the parts of a whole (
[L=210308]military array , an army , host , squadron (various arrays are
[L=210309]shifting , transposition , displacement
[L=210310]separation , resolution (of vowels , syllables
[L=210311]detailed explanation or description
[L=210312]a section , division , chapter
[L=210313]form , manifestation (
[L=210314]formation , structure , manufacture
[L=210315]an aggregate , flock , multitude
[L=210316]the body
(H2) m.
vy--oman [p= 1029,1] [L=208306]
(for 2. » s.v.) one who cannot be saved (?) Ka1t2h.
vyo* man 2 [p= 1041,2] [L=210350]
(for 1. » [p= 1029,1] ; accord. to Un2. iv , 150 fr. √ vye accord. to others fr. vi-av or √ ve) heaven , sky , atmosphere , air (vyomnā , vyoma-mārgea or -vartmanā , " through the air ") RV. &c


Ka1v. Pur. Sus3r.





partic. high number L.

astrol. mansion VarBr2S.

TS. (= rakaa Sch.)
vyo* man 2 [L=210360]
a partic. ekā*ha S3rS.
vyo* man 2 [L=210361]
N. of prajā-pati or the Year (personified) TS. VS. ( Mahi1dh. )
vyo* man 2 [L=210362]
of viṣṇu Vishn2.
vyo* man 2 [L=210363]
of a son of daśārha Hariv. Pur. (v.l. vyoma).
(H3) mfn.
(H1) m.
[L=210352]ether (as an element)
[L=210353]wind or air (of the body)
[L=210355]talc , mica
[L=210356]a temple sacred to the sun
[L=210358]the 10th
[L=210359]preservation , welfare
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
vyoma--cārin [L=210375]
= -ga VarBr2S. Katha1s.



cira-jīvin and dvi-jāta (prob. " a bird ") L.



(H3) mfn.
[L=210376]a bird
[L=210377]a divine being , god
[L=210379]a saint
[L=210380]a Brahman
[L=210381]a heavenly body
vyoma--pañcaka [L=210389]
(prob.) the five apertures in the body Cat.
(H3) n.
śatá--pua [p= 1049,3] [L=212030]
a partic. part of the body (= adhyūdhnī) Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
(H3) m.
śá--tanu [p= 1054,3] [L=213088]
(śá-) wholesome for the body or the person (-tvá n.) TS.
śá--tanu [L=213088.1]
(also written śātanu) N. of an ancient king with the patr. kauravya (he was fourteenth descendant of kuru , son of pratīpa and younger brother of devāpi , and usurped the sovereignty whilst the latter became a hermit ; he married ga and satya-vatī ; by the former he had a son named bhīma , and by the latter citrā*gada and vicitravīrya cf. IW. 375) RV. MBh. Hariv. &c
śá--tanu [L=213088.2]
(with cakra-vartin) N. of an author (son of uddharaa , of the tomara race) Cat.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
śárīra [p= 1057,3] [L=213830]
(once in R. m. ; ifc. f(ā). ; either fr. √ śri and orig. = " support or supporter " cf. 2. śaraa and Mn. i , 7 ; or accord. to others , fr. √ ś , and orig. = " that which is easily destroyed or dissolved ") the body , bodily frame , solid parts of the body (pl. the bones) RV. &c

opp. to udaka &c ) MBh. VarBr2S. Pan5cat.

i.e. one's own person Mn. xi , 229


(H1) n.
[L=213831]any solid body (
[L=213832]one's body
[L=213833]bodily strength
[L=213834]a dead body
śárīra--kart [L=213835]
" body-maker " , a father MBh.
(H3) m.
śárīra--karaa [L=213836]
emaciation of the body Mn. vii , 112.
(H3) n.
śárīra--cintā [L=213839]
care of the body (washing one's self &c ) Pan5cad.
(H3) f.
śárīra--ja [L=213840]
(ā)n. produced from or belonging to or performed with the body , bodily Mn. S3is3. VP.
śárīra--ja [L=213841]
(ifc. f(ā).) offspring
śárīra--ja [L=213842]
a son MBh.
śárīra--ja [L=213843]
the god of love , love MBh.
śárīra--ja [L=213844]
sickness L.
śárīra--ja [L=213845]
lust , passion MW.
(H3) mf
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
śárīra--tā [L=213847]
the state or condition of a body Sarvad.
(H3) f.
śárīra--tulya [L=213848]
(ā)n. equal to the body , dear as one's own person MBh.
(H3) mf
śárīra--tyāga [L=213849]
abandonment of the body , renunciation of life Va1s.
(H3) m.
śárīra--deśá [L=213852]
a part of the body S3Br.
(H3) m.
śárīra--dhātu [L=213853]
a chief constituent of the body (flesh , blood &c ) MBh.

buddha's body (such as a bone , tooth , a hair , or nail) MWB. 495.
(H3) m.
[L=213854]a relic of
śárīra--dhk [L=213855]
" bearing a body " , a corporeal being Baudh.
(H3) m.
śárīra--nicaya [p= 1058,1] [p= 1057,3] [L=213856]
(accord. to Ni1lak. = śarīrasya sacaya , śar° avasthiti ; prob. w.r. for -niścaya) certainty about the body MBh.
(H3) m.
śárīra--nipāta [p= 1058,1] [L=213857]
collapse of the body , falling down dead Gaut.
(H3) m.
śárīra--nyāsa [L=213858]
casting off the body , death A1past.
(H3) m.
śárīra--pakti [L=213859]
purification of the body MBh.
(H3) f.
śárīra--pāka [L=213861]
" ripening of the body " , decline of bodily strength , decay MW.
(H3) m.
śárīra--pāta [L=213862]
collapse of the body , death VarBr2. Kum. &c
(H3) m.
śárīra--purua [L=213864]
a soul possessed with a body AitA1r.
(H3) m.
śárīra--pradhānatā [L=213865]
the character or nature of the body (°tayā ind. in virtue of the body) Veda7ntas.
(H3) f.
śárīra--baddha [L=213868]
(ā)n. endowed or invested with a body Kum.
(H3) mf
śárīra--bandha [L=213869]
the fetters of the body , being fettered by the body BhP.

(H3) m.
[L=213870]assumption of a (new) body , rebirth
śárīra--bhāj [L=213873]
having a body , embodied L.
śárīra--bhāj [L=213874]
an embodied being BhP.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
śárīra--bhūta [L=213875]
(ā)n. become or being a body MW.
(H3) mf
śárīra--bht [L=213876]
" containing the (future) body " and " endowed with a body " (said of seed and the soul) MBh.
(H3) mfn.
śárīra--bheda [L=213877]
dissolution of the body , death AitUp. Gaut. &c
(H3) m.
śárīra--mātra [L=213878]
the mere body or person , the body only MW.
(H3) n.
śárīra--yaṣṭi [L=213879]
" stick-like body " , a slender body , slim figure Ragh.
(H3) f.
śárīra--rakaka [L=213883]
a body-guard L.
(H3) m.
śárīra--rakā [L=213884]
defence of the body , protection of the person Ragh.
(H3) f.
śárīra--ratna [L=213885]
a jewel of a body i.e. an excellent body , Ma1lati1m.
(H3) n.
śárīra--reaa [L=213886]
hurting or injuring the body , sickness and death A1pGr2.
(H3) n.
śárīra--vat [L=213888]
provided with a body Sarvad.

śárīra--vat [L=213890]
an embodied being MBh.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
śárīra--vattva [L=213891]
the being provided with a body Sarvad.
(H4) n.
śárīra--vimokaa [L=213894]
liberation from body , death Baudh. Mn.
(H3) n.
śárīra--vtti [L=213896]
maintenance of the body , support of life Ragh.
(H3) f.
śárīra--vaikalya [L=213897]
imperfection or indisposition of the body Hit.
(H3) n.
śárīra--śuśrūā [L=213898]
attendance on the body personal attendance Mn. Pan5cat.
(H3) f.
śárīra--śoaa [L=213899]
drying up i.e. mortification of the body Sarvad. Pan5cat.
(H3) n.
śárīra--saskāra [L=213900]
Purification of the body (by the ceremonies at conception , birth , initiation &c ; » sask°) Mn. ii , 26
śárīra--saskāra [L=213901]
decoration or adorning of the person W.
(H3) m.
(H3B) n.
śárīra--sadhi [L=213902]
a joint of the body BhP.
(H3) m.
śárīra--sampatti [L=213903]
health or prosperity of body MW.
(H3) f.
śárīra--sāda [L=213905]
exhaustion of body Ragh.
(H3) m.
śárīra--stha [L=213906]
existing in the body Bhartr2.
(H3) mfn.
śárīra--sthāna [L=213907]
the doctrine about the human body Cat.
(H3) n.
śarīránta [L=213914]
(ifc. f(ā).) the hairs on the body Pan5cat.
(H3) m.
śarīránta---kara [L=213915]
making an end of or destroying the body MBh. Bh. R.
(H4) mfn.
śarīrā* ntara [L=213916]
another body
(H3) n.
śarīrā* ntara---cārin [L=213917]
acting in another body MBh.
(H4) mfn.
śarīrā* rdha [L=213919]
the half of the body Kum.
(H3) m.
śarīrā* vayava [L=213920]
a part of the body , member , limb Pa1n2. 5-1 , 6.
(H3) m.
śarīrā* varaa [L=213921]
" body-covering " , a shield MBh.

(H3) n.
[L=213922]the skin (?)
śarīrā* sthi [L=213923]
bones of the body , a skeleton L.
(H3) n.
śarīraka [L=213924]
a small or tiny body S3is3.

Pan5cat. Ka1d. Katha1s. &c

mc. for śarīra)
śarīraka [L=213926.1]
(ikā)n. ifc.the body Ya1jn5. Hcat.
śarīraka [L=213927]
the soul A.
(H2) n.
[L=213925]a wretched b
(H2B) mf
(H2B) m.
śarīrin [L=213928]
having a body , embodied , corporeal Mn. Ka1v. &c

ifc.) having anything as a body Mn. iv , 243 (cf. kha-s°)


ifc.) exercising one's own bodies BhP.

śarīrin [L=213933]
an embodied being , creature , (esp.) a man Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c
śarīrin [L=213934]
the soul Bhag. Ragh. &c (n. W. )
śarīrin [L=213935]
an embodied spirit MW.
(H2) mfn.
[L=213930]covered with bodies
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
śalya [p= 1059,1] [L=214123]
(ifc. f(ā).) a dart , javelin , lance , spear , iron-headed weapon (cf. upa-ś°) , pike , arrow , shaft (also the point of an arrow or spear and its socket) RV. &c

&c ) , or (in med.) any extraneous substance lodged in the body and causing pain (e.g. a splinter , pin , stone in the bladder &c ; also applied to the fetus , and , as a branch of medicine , to " the extraction of splinters or extraneous substances ") MBh. R. &c Sus3r.

Hariv. (cf. karma-ś°)
śalya [L=214126]
a porcupine BhP.
śalya [L=214127]
a kind of fish L.
śalya [L=214128]
a fence , boundary L.
śalya [L=214129]
Vanguieria Spinosa L.
śalya [L=214130]
Aegle Marmelos L.
śalya [L=214131]
N. of an asura Hariv. VP.
śalya [L=214132]
of a king of madra (maternal uncle of the sons of ṇḍu and esp. of nakula and saha-deva , madrī the wife of ṇḍu being sister to śalya) MBh. Hariv. &c
śalya [L=214133]
of another king Ra1jat.
śalya [L=214135]
an iron crow L.
śalya [L=214136]
poison L.
śalya [L=214137]
abuse , defamation L. ,
śalya [p= 1059,3] [L=214239]
» col.1.
(H2) mn.
[L=214124]anything tormenting or causing pain (as a thorn , sting
[L=214125]a fault , defect
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H1) &c
śalya--kriyā [p= 1059,1] [L=214146]
the extraction of thorns or other extraneous substances lodged in the body W.
(H3) f.
śalya--vāraga [p= 1059,2] [L=214160]
" arrow-handle " , the part by which an arrow or other foreign substance lodged in the body is laid hold of during the operation of extraction ib.
(H3) n.
śallakā* ga-ja [L=214189]
grown on the body of a porcupine Sus3r.
(H3) mfn.