Sanskrit Words for Attend

1 anucar (attend) 2 anupad (attend) 3 anuprabhūṣ (attend) 4 anuvṛt (attend) 5 anuṣṭhā (attend) 6 araṃgam (attend) 7 avakarṇaya (attend) 8 ācit (attend) 9 ādṛ (attend) 10 ābudh (attend) 11 āsev (attend) 12 āstubh (attend) 13 upakram (attend) 14 upacar (attend) 15 upanam (attend) 16 upapad (attend) 17 upaprabhūṣ (attend) 18 upasaṃviś (attend) 19 upasaṃśri (attend) 20 upasev (attend) 21 upasthā (attend) 22 upasthānīya (attend) 23 upācar (attend) 24 ūh (attend) 25 karṇāvadhāna (attend) 26 kalyāṇa (attend) 27 kiṃkarapāṇi (attend) 28 kev (attend) 29 gaṇ (attend) 30 cit (attend) 31 ninv (attend) 32 nibudh (attend) 33 niṣev (attend) 34 paricar (attend) 35 paricāraya (attend) 36 paribhū (attend) 37 paribhūṣ (attend) 38 parivas (attend) 39 paryāloc (attend) 40 paryupasthā (attend) 41 paryupās (attend) 42 (attend) 43 puraskṛ (attend) 44 praṇidhyai (attend) 45 pratikṛ (attend) 46 pratīṣ (attend) 47 budh (attend) 48 brāhmī (attend) 49 mṛgatīrtha (attend) 50 rakṣ (attend) 51 vid (attend) 52 viś (attend) 53 vṛt (attend) 54 śatāvadhāna (attend) 55 śru (attend) 56 saṃvidhā (attend) 57 saṃśru (attend) 58 saṃsev (attend) 59 sakhīya (attend) 60 samabhī (attend) 61 samādhāna (attend) 62 samādhi (attend) 63 samās (attend) 64 samupācar (attend) 65 samparicar (attend) 66 sampaś (attend) 67 sabārthībhū (attend) 68 sev (attend)


anu- √ car [p= 32,2] [L=6257]
to follow , pursue , seek after
to follow out , adhere to , attend
to behave: Caus.
-cārayati , to let or cause to traverse: Intens. p. -carcūryámāa , continuing following RV. x , 124 , 9.


to walk or move after or along


anu- √ pad 1 [p= 34,2] [L=6604]
to enter
to enter upon
to notice , understand
to handle.
anu-pád 2 [L=6605]
coming to pass VS. xv , 8.


to follow , attend , be fond of
(H2) mfn.


anu-pra- √ bhū [p= 35,3] [L=6806]
-bhū́at) to serve , attend , offer RV. ix , 29 , 1.




anu- √ vt [p= 39,1] [L=7318]
to go after  ; 
to follow , pursue
to follow from a previous rule , be supplied from a previous sentence
to attend
to obey , respect , imitate
to resemble
to assent
to expect
Caus. P. -vartayati , to roll after or forward  ; 
to follow up , carry out
to supply.
anu-vṛ́t [L=7332]
walking after , following MaitrS. PBr. ??


(H2) mfn.


anu-ṣṭ [p= 40,1] [L=7482]
sthā) to stand near or by  ; 
to follow out
to carry out , attend to
to perform , do , practise
to govern , rule , superintend
to appoint:
Pass. -ṣṭhīyate , to be done  ; 
to be followed out:
Desid. -tiṣṭhāsati , to be desirous of doing , &c
anu-ṣṭhā́ [L=7484]
standing after i.e. in succession RV. i , 54 , 10.


( √
(H2) mfn.


ara- √ gam [p= 86,2] [L=15032]
» áram.
ára-- √ gam [p= 87,1] [L=15182]
du. gantam ; Opt. 2. sg. -gamyas , 1. pl. -gaméina) to come near (in order to help) , assist , attend (with dat.) RV. and SV.


(H3) (Imper. 2.


ava-karaya [p= 96,2] [L=16965]
P. °yati , not to listen or attend to Ka1d.




ā- √ cit 1 [p= 132,1] [L=22975]
Impv. 2. sg. -cikiddhi ; perf. 3. sg. -ciketa) to attend to , keep in mind RV.  ; 
Subj. 1. sg. -ciketam ; perf. 3. sg. -ciketa , p. m. nom. -cikitvā́n) to comprehend , understand , know RV. AV. v , 1 , 2  ; 
to invent
RV. viii , 9 , 7  ; 
Subj. -cetat or -cíketat ; perf. A1. 3. pl. -cikitre or -cikitrire) to appear , become visible , distinguish one's self RV. : Desid. (1. pl. -cikitsāmas) to wait for , watch clandestinely , lurk RV. viii , 91 , 3.
ā-cít 2 [L=22976]
attention to (gen.) RV. vii , 65 , 1.


(H2) f.


ā- √ d [p= 138,1] [L=24021]
Pa1n2. 7-4 , 28) A1. -driyate , rarely poet. P. ([ā*driyat BhP. iv , 4 , 7]) to regard with attention , attend to , be careful about (acc.) S3Br. AitBr. MBh. S3ak. &c  ; 
to respect , honour , reverence
Pan5cat. BhP. Ragh.




ā- √ budh [p= 145,1] [L=25208]
(Impv. 2. sg. -bódhā) to attend to , mind RV. vii , 22 , 3.




ā- √ sev [p= 161,1] [L=28086]
P.) A1. -sevati , -te , to frequent  ; 
to abide in , inhabit , dwell on
R. BhP. Ka1vya7d.  ; 
to attend to , serve
to honour
to take the part of , side with
BhP. &c  ; 
to enjoy (sexual intercourse)
to indulge in , like
to perform assiduously , practise
MBh. Sus3r. Megh. Kum. &c




ā- √ stubh [p= 161,2] [L=28129]
-stobhati , to receive or attend with shouts of joy  ; 
to huzza to




upa- √ kram [p= 196,1] [L=34219]
-krāmati (rarely -kramati) A1. -kramate , to go near , approach , come to RV. viii , 1 , 4 ; 21 , 2 ; 81 , 7 MBh. R. Megh.  ; 
to rush upon , attack (only
P. by Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 1-3 , 39 and 42) MBh. xiii  ; 
to approach with any object , have recourse to , set about , undertake , begin (with
acc. dat. or inf. only A1. by Pa1n2. 1-3 , 39 & 42) La1t2y. MBh. Ragh. &c  ; 
to treat , attend on (as a physician)
MBh. Sus3r. &c




upa- √ car [p= 197,2] [L=34431]
-carati , to go towards , come near , approach RV. vii , 46 , 2 TS. v , 7 , 6 , 1 S3Br. R.  ; 
to come near , wait upon , serve , attend , assist , bear a hand
S3Br. MBh. Mr2icch. Das3. &c  ; 
to approach , set about , undertake , perform
TS. iii , 1 , 6 , 1 S3Br.  ; 
to attend on (a patient) , physic (a person) , treat , tend , nurse
Sus3r. Pan5cat.  ; 
to use figuratively or metaphorically , apply figuratively (generally
Pass. -caryate) VarBr2S. Sa1h. Sarvad. &c




upa- √ nam [p= 200,2] [L=34875]
-namati , to bend towards or inwards  ; 
to tend towards , approach , come to , arrive at
to fall to one's share or lot , become one's property , share in (with
acc. dat. , or gen.) VS. S3Br. TBr. ChUp. Ra1jat. &c  ; 
to come to one's mind , occur
TS. TBr. i , 1 , 2 , 8  ; 
to attend upon any one (
acc.) with (instr.)  ; 
to gain the favour of any one (
acc.) BhP. vi , 19 , 16 : Caus. -nāmayati , to put or place before (gen.) Gobh. ii , 1 , 7  ; 
to lead towards or into the presence of , present any one (
gen.) Lalit.  ; 
to reach , hand to
ib.  ; 
to offer , present
ib. Ka1ran2d2.




upa- √ pad 1 [p= 201,3] [L=35057]
-padyate , (rarely P.) -ti , to go towards or against , attack AV. iv , 18 , 2  ; 
to approach , come to , arrive at , enter
MBh. Pan5cat. VarBr2S. Ka1ran2d2.  ; 
to approach or come to a teacher (as a pupil)
MBh.  ; 
to approach for succour or protection
to approach or join with in speech
AitBr. vii , 17 , 5  ; 
to reach , obtain , partake of
to enter into any state
MBh. R. Hariv.  ; 
to take place , come forth , be produced , appear , occur , happen
to be present , exist
La1t2y.  ; 
to be possible , be fit for or adequate to (with
loc.) A1s3vGr2. Kaus3. Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to be regular or according to rules
to become , be suitable
MBh. R. Sus3r. S3ak. &c : Caus. P. -pādayati , to bring to any state (with two acc.)  ; 
to cause anything (
acc.) to arrive at (loc. or dat.) , cause to come into the possession of , offer , present MBh. Ma1rkP. Mn. Ya1jn5. Ragh. &c  ; 
to cause to come forth or exist
to accomplish , effect , cause , produce
La1t2y. MBh. Megh. &c  ; 
to get ready , prepare , make fit or adequate for , make conformable to
MBh. R.  ; 
to furnish or provide or endow with
MBh. Ka1m. &c  ; 
to make anything out of
Prab.  ; 
to examine
to find out , ascertain
R. Mn. &c  ; 
to prove , justify
Sarvad. Comm. on Prab. , on Kap. &c  ; 
to attend on a patient , physic
Sus3r. i , 56 , 20 Car.
upa-pad 2 [L=35069]
the act of happening , occurring , taking place.


(H2) f.


upa-pra- √ bhū [p= 202,2] [L=35160]
(Subj. 3. pl. -bhū́an) to attend to , observe RV. iii , 55 , 1.




upa-sa- √ viś [p= 208,3] [L=36010]
-viśati , to gather round , environ (in order to attend) TBr.  ; 
to lie down by the side of
Ka1tyS3r. : Caus. -veśayati , to cause to lie or sit down by the side of , Kaus3. MBh.




upa-sa- √ śri [L=36017]
-śrayati , -te , to join , attach one's self to TBr. i S3Br. ii  ; 
to devote one's self to , serve , attend
MBh. xiii.


P. A1.


upa- √ sev [p= 210,3] [L=36285]
-sevate , to frequent , visit , abide or stay at (a place) MBh. xiii R. Ka1m.  ; 
to stay with a person , attend on , serve , do homage , honour , worship
MBh. Mn. Katha1s. &c  ; 
to have sexual intercourse with (
acc.) Sus3r.  ; 
to practise , pursue , cultivate , study , make use of , be addicted to
ChUp. MBh. Ma1rkP. &c




upa- √ sthā [p= 211,1] [L=36335]
-tiṣṭhati , -te (irr. aor. Pot. 3. pl. -stheus AV. xvi , 4 , 7) to stand or place one's self near , be present (A1. if no object follows Pa1n2. 1-3 , 26)  ; 
to stand by the side of , place one's self near , expose one's self to (with
loc. or acc.) RV. AV. Ka1tyS3r. Gobh. MBh. Mn. &c  ; 
to place one's self before (in order to ask) , approach , apply to
RV. AV. S3Br. A1s3vGr2. Ragh. &c  ; 
to come together or meet with , become friendly with , conciliate (only
A1. Va1rtt. on Pa1n2. 1-3 , 25)  ; 
to lead towards (as a way , only
A1. ib.)  ; 
to go or betake one's self to
Pan5cat. R.  ; 
to stand near in order to serve , attend , serve
MBh. Katha1s. &c  ; 
to attend on , worship (only
A1. Ka1ty. on Pa1n2. 1-3 , 25 , e.g. arkam upatiṣṭhate , he worships the sun ; but arkam upatiṣṭhati , he exposes himself to the sun Pat. ) MBh. BhP. Ragh. &c  ; 
to serve with , be of service or serviceable by , attend on with prayers (
e.g. aindryā gārhapatyam upatiṣṭhate , he attends on the gārhapatya with a c addressed to indra ; but bhartāra upatiṣṭhati yauvanena , (she) attends on her husband with youthfulness Ka1s3. ) MBh. Ragh. Das3. &c  ; 
to stand under (in order to support) , approach for assistance , be near at hand or at the disposal of
RV. AV. TS. MBh. S3ak. &c  ; 
to fall to one's share , come to the possession of
MBh. R. &c  ; 
to rise against
RV. vii , 83  ; 
to start , set out
Hariv. Das3. : Caus. -sthāpayati , to cause to stand by the side of , place before , cause to lie down by the side of (e.g. a woman) AitBr. A1s3vS3r. Ka1tyS3r. &c  ; 
to cause to come near , bring near , procure , fetch
MBh. R. S3ak. &c  ; 
Gr.) to add iti after a word (in the pada-pāha) RPra1t. 842 (cf. upasthita).


P. A1.


upa-sthānīya [p= 211,2] [L=36366]
to be attended on or served Pa1n2. 3-4 , 68

upasthānīya) , one who is to attend on (gen.) ib.




upā* - √ car [p= 213,1] [L=36614]
-carati , to come near to , approach RV. i , 46 , 14 ; 187 , 3 S3Br. ii , iv  ; 
to attend upon , wait on , serve , be obedient
RV. MBh. ii , 408  ; 
to physic



Whitney Roots links: Uh1, Uh2

ūh 1 [p= 223,1] [L=38375]
ūhati , -te , ūhācakāra and -cakre , ūhitā , auhīt , auhiṣṭa (connected with √vah , q.v. , and in some forms not to be distinguished from it) , to push , thrust , move , remove (only when compounded with prepositions)  ; 
to change , alter , modify
S3a1n3khS3r. Comm. on Nya1yam.
ūh 2 [p= 223,2] [L=38392]
ūhati , -te (Ved. ohate) , ūhā-cakāra , &c (by native authorities not distinguished from 1. ūh above ) , to observe , mark , note , attend to , heed , regard RV. AV. xx , 131 , 10  ; 
to expect , hope for , wait for , listen for
RV.  ; 
to comprehend , conceive , conjecture , guess , suppose , infer , reason , deliberate upon
MBh. BhP. Nya1yam. Bhat2t2. &c : Caus. ūhayati (aor. aujihat) , to consider , heed MBh.  ; 
to cause to suppose or infer


cl.1 P. A1.
(H1) cl.1 P. A1.


karā* vadhāna [p= 257,2] [L=44981]
giving ear to , listening to , attention (°dhānam ava-dhā , to pay attention , attend) .




kalyā́a [p= 263,2] [L=46283]
(ī́)n. (g. bahv-ādi) beautiful , agreeable RV. S3Br. &c

kalyāa voc. " good sir " ; kalyāi , " good lady ")

RV. i , 31 , 9 ; iii , 53 , 6 TS. AV. S3Br. Nir. ii , 3 MBh. R.
kalyā́a [L=46288]
a particular rāga (sung at night)
kalyā́a [L=46289]
N. of a gandharva
kalyā́a [L=46290]
of a prince (also called bhaṭṭa-śrī-kalya1n2a)
kalyā́a [L=46291]
of the author of the poem gītā-gagā-dhara
kalyā́a [L=46293]
the plant Glycine Debilis L.
kalyā́a [L=46294]
red arsenic L.
kalyā́a [L=46295]
a particular rāgiī
kalyā́a [L=46296]
N. of dākāyaī in Malaya
kalyā́a [L=46297]
N. of one of the mothers attending on skanda MBh. ix , 2625
kalyā́a [L=46298]
N. of a city in the Dekhan and of one in Ceylon
kalyā́a [L=46299]
a river in Ceylon
kalyā́a [L=46300]
good fortune , happiness , prosperity
kalyā́a [L=46301]
good conduct , virtue (opposed to pāpa) S3Br. Bhag. R. Ragh. Pan5cat. Mn. iii , 60 , 65 Sus3r.
kalyā́a [L=46302]
a festival Mn. viii , 292
kalyā́a [L=46303]
gold L.
kalyā́a [L=46304]
heaven L.
kalyā́a [L=46305]
N. of the eleventh of the fourteen pūrvas or most ancient writings of the jainas L.
kalyā́a [L=46306]
a form of salutation (" Hail! " " May luck attend you! ") , S3a1ntis3.


[L=46284]illustrious , noble , generous
[L=46285]excellent , virtuous , good (
[L=46286]beneficial , salutary , auspicious
[L=46287]happy , prosperous , fortunate , lucky , well , right
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.


ki--kara---pāi [p= 283,1] [L=50348]
(fr. ki karavāi , " what am l to do? ") , having hands ready to attend any one MBh. iii , 303



Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 14.39, 14.39

kev [p= 309,3] [L=55854]
kevate , to serve , attend to Dha1tup. xiv , 39 (cf.sev.)


cl.1 A1.


ga [p= 343,1] [p= 342,3] [L=62523]
gaayati (ep. also A1. °te: aor. ajīgaat [ Katha1s. lxxviii] or ajag° Pa1n2. 7-4 , 97 ; ind.p. gaayya BhP. [with a- neg. , iv , 7 , 15]) , to count , number , enumerate , sum up , add up , reckon , take into account MBh. R. &c  ; 
to think worth , value (with
instr. e.g. na gaayāmi ta tṛṇena , " I do not value him at a straw " MBh. ii , 1552)  ; 
to consider , regard as (with double
acc.) Ragh. viii ; xi Das3. Pan5cat. Gi1t. Katha1s.  ; 
to enumerate among (
loc.) MBh. i , 2603 Das3.  ; 
to ascribe , attribute to (
loc.) Bhartr2. ii , 44  ; 
to attend to , take notice of (
acc. ; often with na , not to care about , leave unnoticed) MBh. &c  ; 
to imagine , excogitate
Megh. 107  ; 
to count one's number (said of a flock or troop)
Pa1n2. 1-3 , 67 Ka1s3.


cl.10 P.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 23.24
Whitney Roots links: cit

cít 1 [p= 394,2] [L=73309]
ifc. " piling up " » agni- , ūrdhva- , and pūrva-cít

Pa1n2. 3-2 , 92) forming a layer or stratum , piled up VS. i , xii TS. i (cf. kaka- , karma- , cakuś- , droa- , prā*a- , manaś- , rathacakra- , vāk- , śyena- , and śrotra-cít.)
cit 2 [p= 394,3] [L=73363]
ifc. " knowing " » ta-cít

ṛṇa-] " » ṛṇa-.
cit 3 [L=73368]
ifc. " id. " » 2. cit.
cit [p= 395,2] [L=73473]
cit. » √1. 2. 3. ci.
cit 4 [L=73474]
cétati (impf. acetat RV. vii , 95 , 2 ; p. cétat RV. ) cl.2. (A1. Pass. 3. sg. cité , x , 143 , 4 ; p. f. instr. citantyā , i , 129 , 7 ; A1. citāna , ix , 101 , 11 VS. x , 1) cl.3. irreg. cīhetati ( RV. ; Subj. ciketat RV. ; Impv. 2. sg. cikiddhi RV. ; p. cikitāná RV. ; perf. cikéta RV. &c ; ciceta Vop. viii , 37 ; 3. du. cetatur AV. iii , 22 , 2 ; A1. and Pass. cikité RV. &c ; 3. pl. °tre RV. ; for p. cikitvás » s.v. ; A1. Pass. cicite Bhat2t2. ii , 29 ; aor. acetīt Vop. viii , 35 ; A1. Pass. áceti and céti RV. ; for acait » √2. ci ; fut. 1st céttā , i , 22 , 5) to perceive , fix the mind upon , attend to , be attentive , observe , take notice of (acc. or gen.) RV. SV. AV. Bhat2t2.  ; 
to aim at , intend , design (with
dat.) RV. i , 131 , 6 ; x , 38 , 3  ; 
to be anxious about , care for (
acc. or gen.) , i , ix f.  ; 
to resolve ,
iii , 53 , 24 ; x , 55 , 6  ; 
to understand , comprehend , know (
perf. often in the sense of pr.) RV. AV. vii , 2 , 1 and 5 , 5  ; 
P. A1. to become perceptible , appear , be regarded as , be known RV. VS. x , xv : Caus. cetáyati , °te (2. pl. cetáyadhvam Subj. cetayat Impv. 2. du. cetayethām impf. ácetayat RV. ; 3. pl. citáyante RV. ; p. citáyat RV. (eleven times) ; cetáyat , x , 110 , 8 , &c ; A1. cetayāna » s.v.) to cause to attend , make attentive , remind of. i , 131 , 2 and iv , 51 , 3  ; 
to cause to comprehend , instruct , teach
RV.  ; 
to observe , perceive , be intent upon
RV. MBh. xii , 9890 Katha1s. xiii , 10  ; 
A1. (once P. MBh. xviii , 74) to form an idea in the mind , be conscious of , understand , comprehend , think , reflect upon TS. vi S3Br. ChUp. vii , 5 , 1 MBh. BhP. viii , 1 , 9 Prab.  ; 
P. to have a right notion of. know MBh. iii , 14877  ; 
P. " to recover consciousness " , awake Bhat2t2. viii , 123  ; 
A1. to remember , have consciousness of (acc.) Pa1n2. 3-2 , 112 Ka1s3. Ba1dar. ii , 3 , 18 Sch.  ; 
to appear , be conspicuous , shine
RV. TS. iii : Desid. cíkitsati (fr. √kit Pa1n2. 3-1 , 5 Dha1tup. xxiii , 24 ; exceptionally A1. MBh. xii , 12544 ; Impv. °tsatu Subj. °tsāt aor. 2. sg. ácikitsīs AV. ; Pass. p. cikitsyamāna Sus3r. Pan5cat. ) to have in view , aim at , be desirous AV. v , 11 , 1 ; ix , 2 , 3  ; 
to care for , be anxious about ,
vi , x  ; 
Pa1n2. 3-1 , 5 Siddh. ) to treat medically , cure Ka1tyS3r. xxv MBh. i , xii Sus3r. Pan5cat. Bhartr2.  ; 
to wish to appear
RV. i , 123 , 1: Caus. of Desid. (fut. cikitsayiyati) to cure Ma1lav. iv , 4÷5 , 6 f. : Intens. cekite (fr. √2. ci? , or for °tte RV. i , 53 , 3 and 119 , 3 ; ii , 34 , 10 ; p. cékitat , ix , 111 , 3 ; A1. cékitāna RV. eight times) to appear , be conspicuous , shine RV.
cít 5 [p= 395,3] [L=73517]
ifc. " thinking " » a- , duś- , manaś- , vipaś- , and huraś-cít

also apa-cit
cít 5 [L=73519]
thought , intellect , spirit , soul VS. iv , 19 KapS. Bhartr2. BhP.
cít 5 [L=73520]
cf. sa- and ā cít
cít 5 [L=73521]
pure Thought (brahma cf. RTL. p.34) Veda7ntas. Prab.
cit 6 [p= 398,1] [L=74089]
only in comp.


(H2) mfn.
[L=73364]" giving heed to " or " revenging [guilt ,
(H2) mfn.
(H1) 1. 2. 3
(H1) cl.1.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H1) ind.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 15.81

ninv [p= 549,2] [L=108677]
°vati ( Dha1tup. xv , 81 ; v.l. sinv) , to wet or to attend (prob. a confusion between secane and sevane).




ni- √ budh [p= 550,2] [L=108858]
-bodhati (aor. -bódhiat RV. ) , to learn or hear anything (acc.) from any one (gen. , rarely sakāśāt) , to attend or listen to (esp. Impv. nibodha , °dhata ; rarely °dhasva , °dhadhvam)  ; 
to know , understand , consider as (often with double
acc.) RV. AV. Mn. MBh. &c : Caus. -bodhayati , to cause to know or learn , to inform , tell BhP.




ni-ev [p= 562,2] [p= 562,1] [L=110771]
sev) A1. -evate (impf. ny-aevata pf. ni-ieve Pa1n2. 8-3 , 70 &c ; ind.p. -evya) , to stay in , abide or have intercourse with (loc.) RV. AV.  ; 
acc.) to frequent , inhabit , visit , serve , attend , honour , worship , follow , approach , enjoy (also sexually) , incur , pursue , practise , perform , cultivate , use , employ Mn. MBh. &c : Caus. -evayati to fall into (hell &c ) Pan5c. (B.) iii , 155  ; 
Desid. -ieviate Pa1n2. 8-3 , 70 Ka1s3.


( √


pari- √ car [p= 593,3] [L=117355]
-carati (pf. -cacāra ind.p. -carya) , to move or walk about , go round (acc.) , circumambulate RV. &c  ; 
to attend upon or to (
acc. , rarely gen.) , serve , honour ib. : Caus. P. -cārayati (ind.p. -cārya) , to surround Kaus3.  ; 
to wait on , attend to
DivyA7v.  ; 
to cohabit
ib.  ; 
A1. °te) , to be served or waited upon S3Br. Kat2hUp.




pari-cāraya [L=117379]
P. °yati , to take a walk , roam about SaddhP.  ; 
to cohabit
DivyA7v.  ; 
to attend to , wait on




pari- √ bhū [p= 598,2] [L=118154]
-bhavati , °te (pf. -babhūva , °bhūtha , °bhūvu RV. ; aor. -abhūvan , -bhuvat ; Subj. -bhūtas , -bhūthas ib. ; Impv. -bhūtu ib. ; Ved. inf. -bhvé ib. ; ind.p. -bhūya MBh. Ka1v. &c : Pass. -bhūyate R. ; fut. -bhaviyate Bhat2t2. ) , to be round anything , surround , enclose , contain RV. AV. Br.  ; 
to go or fly round , accompany , attend to , take care of , guide , govern
RV. AV.  ; 
to be superior , excel , surpass , subdue , conquer
RV. &c  ; 
to pass round or over , not heed , slight , despise , insult
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to disgrace
MBh.  ; 
to disappear , be lost (
= parā-bhū) ib. : Caus. -bhāvayati , °te (ind.p. -bhāvya) , to spread around , divulge , make known Uttarar.  ; 
to surpass , exceed
BhP.  ; 
to soak , saturate , sprinkle
Sus3r. S3a1rn3gS.  ; 
to contain , include
BhP.  ; 
to conceive , think , consider , know , recognise as (
acc.) Prab. Ra1jat. BhP. Pan5c.
pari-bhū́ [L=118173]
surrounding , enclosing , containing , pervading , guiding , governing RV. AV. TS. TBr. I1s3Up.


P. A1.
(H3) mfn.


pari- √ bhū [p= 598,3] [p= 598,2] [L=118179]
-bhū́ati , to run round , circumambulate RV.  ; 
to wait upon , serve , attend , honour , obey , follow
ib.  ; 
to fit out , decorate
ib.  ; 
to be superior , surpass in (
instr.) ib. ii , 12 , 1.




pari- √ vas 4 [p= 600,3] [p= 600,2] [L=118504]
pr. p. A1. -vásāna) , to put on , assume RV. iii , 1 , 5  ; 
to surround , attend
AV. xiii , 2 , 22.
pari- √ vas 5 [L=118507]
-vasati , (ind.p. pary-uya) , to abide , stay , remain with (instr.) Ka1tyS3r. R. &c  ; 
sasargitayā) to associate with (acc.) Kull. on Mn. xi , 190 : Caus. vāsayati , to let stand overnight A1s3vGr2.
pari- √ vas 8 [L=118520]
-vāsayati , to cut off all around , cut out Br. A1pS3r.
pari- √ vas [p= 1330,1] [L=335670]


(H1) P.
(H1) P.
(H2) (read 3.


pary-ā- √ loc [p= 608,2] [L=119824]
-locayati (ind.p. -locya) , to look after , attend to , consider , ponder Subh. Vet.




pary-upa- √ sthā [p= 608,3] [L=119881]
-tiṣṭhati , to be or stand round (acc.)  ; 
to attend , serve , honour with (
instr.) MBh. R.  ; 
A1.) to join Ka1tyS3r. Sch.




pary-upā* s [L=119893]
-upa-ās) A1. -upā*ste (3. pl. -upā*sate Pot. 3. sg. -upā*sīta ; impf. 3. sg. -upā*sat) , to sit round , surround , encompass MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to be present at , share in , partake of (
acc.) MBh.  ; 
to approach respectfully , attend upon , worship
Mn. MBh. &c : Pass. -upā*syate , to be attended by (instr.) Ragh. x , 63.



Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 22.27
Whitney Roots links: pA1, pA2, pA3

 3 [p= 573,2] [L=113045]
guarding , protecting L.
 5 [L=113050]
= pūta and pūritaka.
 1 [p= 612,3] [L=120795]
( Dha1tup. xxii , 27) píbati (Ved. and ep. also A1. °te ; rarely pipati , °te Ka1t2h. Br. ) cl.2. pāti , pāthás , pānti RV. AV. ; p. A1. papāná RV. , pípāna AV. (pf. P. papaú , 2. sg. papātha RV. ;papitha Pa1n2. 6-4 , 64 Sch. ;papīyāt RV. ; p. papivás AV. ; A1. pape , papire RV. ; p. papāná ib. ; aor. or impf. apāt RV. [cf. Pa1n2. 2-4 , 77] ; 3. pl. apu [?] RV. i , 164 , 7 ;-pāsta AV. xii , 3 , 43 ; Prec. 3. sg. peyās RV. ; fut. pāsyati , °te Br. &c ;pātā Gr. ; ind.p. pītvā́ RV. &c , °tvī RV. ;-pāya AV. &c ;-pīya MBh. ;pāyam Ka1vya7d. ; inf. píbadhyai RV. ;pātum MBh. &c ;pā́tave AV. Br. ;pā́tavaī́ RV. ) , to drink , quaff , suck , sip , swallow (with acc. , rarely gen.) RV. &c  ; 
(met.) to imbibe , draw in , appropriate , enjoy , feast upon (with the eyes , ears
&c ) Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to drink up , exhaust , absorb
BhP. Pan5c.  ; 
to drink intoxicating liquors
Buddh. : Pass. pīyáte AV. &c &c : Caus. pāyayati , °te (pf. pāyayām āsā MBh. ; aor. apīpyat Pa1n2. 7-4 , 4 ; ind.p. pāyayitvā MBh. ; inf. pā́yayitavaí S3Br. ) , to cause to drink , give to drink , water (horses or cattle) RV. &c &c : Desid. pipāsati ( RV. also pipīati) , to wish to drink , thirst ib. : Desid. of Caus. pipāyayiati , to wish or intend to give to drink Ka1t2h. : Intens. pepīyate (p. °yamāna also with pass meaning) , to drink greedily or repeatedly Up. Hariv. [cf. Gk.πέ-πω-κα ; Aeol. πώ-νω = πίνω ; Lat. pa1-tus , po1tum , bibo for pi-bo ; Slav. pi-ja , pi-ti]
 2 [L=120796]
drinking , quaffing &c (cf. agre- , tu- , madhu- , soma- &c )
 3 [p= 613,2] [L=120935]
( Dha1t. xxiv , 48) pā́ti (Impv. pāhí ; pr. p. P. pā́t A1. pāná RV. ; pf. papau Gr. ; aor. apāsīt Ra1jat. Subj. pāsati RV. ; fut. pāsyati , pātā Gr. ; Prec. pāyāt Pa1n2. 6-4 , 68 Sch. ; inf. pātum MBh. ) , to watch , keep , preserve  ; 
to protect from , defend against (
abl.) RV. &c  ; 
to protect (a country)
i.e. rule , govern Ra1jat.  ; 
to observe , notice , attend to , follow
RV. AitBr. : Caus. pālayati »pāl: Desid. pīpāsati Gr.: Intens. pāpāyate , pāpeti , pāpāti ib. , [cf. Zd. pa1 , paiti ; Gk. πά-ομαι , πέ-πα-μαι , π , &c ; Lat. pa-sco , pa-bulum ; Lith. pe0-mu4]
 4 [L=120936]
keeping , protecting , guarding &c (ef. apā*na- , ritā- , go- , tanū- &c )
[p= 1330,2] [L=335870]
 5. , cl.3 A1. pīpīte, to rise against, be hostile (see 2. anū*t- √ 5. , p. 41 ;  2. ut-, p. 181 ; praty-ut - √  5. , p. 677).


(H1B) f.
(H1) cl.1 P.
(H2) mfn.
(H1) cl.2 P.
(H2) mfn.
(H2) add √


purás-- √ k [p= 634,2] [L=125914]
P. A1. -karoti , -kurute) , to place before or in front , cause to precede RV. &c  ; 
to make one's leader , place in office , appoint
MBh.  ; 
to respect , honour
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to place above all , prefer , choose , attend to
ib.  ; 
to show , display
R. Ra1jat.




pra-i- √ dhyai [p= 660,1] [L=131181]
pf. -dadhyau) , to attend to (acc.) BhP.




prati- √ k [p= 664,3] [L=132131]
-karoti , -kurute , (inf. pratī-kartum BhP. ) , to do or make an opposition AitBr.  ; 
to return , repay , requite (good or evil [
acc.] , with gen. dat. or loc. of pers.) MBh. R. &c  ; 
to counteract , resist (
acc. or gen.) ib.  ; 
to treat , attend to , cure (a disease)
Sus3r.  ; 
to repair , mend , restore
Mn.  ; 
to pay back (a debt)
Gaut. : Caus. A1. -kārayate , to cause to be repeated S3Br. : Desid. -cikīrati , to wish to take revenge on (acc. or loc.) for (acc.) MBh. R.


P. A1.


pratī*  [p= 674,1] [L=133735]
prati-i) P. pratī*cchati (ind.p. pratī*ya) , to strive after , seek RV. x , 129 , 4  ; 
to receive , accept from
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to regard , mind , attend to , obey



Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 21.11
Whitney Roots links: buD

budh [p= 733,2] [p= 733,1] [L=145569]
( Dha1tup. xxi , 11) bo*dhati , °te  ; 
cl.4 A1. xxvi , 63 búdhyate (ep. also P. °ti ; pf. P. bubodha MBh. ; Subj. búbodhati RV. ; A1. bubudhé , p. bubudhāná ib. ; aor. P. Subj. bodhiat ib. ; Impv. bodhi ib. ; A1. 3 pl. abudhram , °ran ; p. budhāná ib. Subj. budhánta ib. ; °abhutsi ib. ; Prec. A1. bhutsīṣṭa Pa1n2. 1-2 , 11 Sch. ; fut. bhotsyati , °te Br. &c ; boddhā Gr. ; ind.p. buddhvā Ya1jn5. MBh. ; -budhya Br. &c ; inf. búdhe Br. ; budhí RV. ; boddhum MBh. &c ) , to wake , wake up , be awake RV. &c  ; 
to recover consciousness (after a swoon)
Ka1vya7d. Bhat2t2. (aor. Pass. abodhi)  ; 
to observe , heed , attend to (with
acc. or gen.) RV.  ; 
to perceive , notice , learn , understand , become or be aware of or acquainted with
RV. &c  ; 
to think of
i.e. present a person (" with " instr.) RV. iv , 15 , 7 ; vii , 21 , I  ; 
to know to be , recognize as (with two
acc.) MBh. R. &c  ; 
to deem , consider or regard as (with two
acc.) R. Katha1s. : Pass. budhyate (aor. abodhi) , to be awakened or restored to consciousness  ; 
» above: Caus. bodháyati , °te (aor. abūbudhat ; Pass. bodhyate) , to wake up , arouse , restore to life or consciousness RV. &c  ; 
to revive the scent (of a perfume)
VarBr2S.  ; 
to cause (a flower) to expand
Ka1v.  ; 
to cause to observe or attend , admonish , advise
RV. &c  ; 
to make a person acquainted with , remind or inform of. impart or communicate anything to (with two
acc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c : Desid. bubhutsati , °te (Gr. also bubodhiati , °te , and bubudhiati , °te) , to wish to observe , desire to become acquainted with Nya1yas. BhP. : Desid. of Caus. » bibodhayiu and bubodhayiu: Intens. bobudhīti (Gr. also bobudhyate , boboddhi) , to have an insight into , understand thoroughly (with acc.) Subh. [cf. Zd. bud ; Gk. πυθ for (φυθ) in πυνθάνομαι , πυθέσθαι , Slav. bu8de8ti , bu8dru8 ; Lith. bude4ti , budru4s ; Goth. biudan ; Germ. biotan , bieten ; Angl.Sax. be4odan ; Eng. bid.]
budh 2 [p= 734,1] [L=145736]
(nom. bhut) awaking (cf. uarbúdh)

cf. a-budh).


cl.1 P. A1.
(H2) mfn.
[L=145737]intelligent , wise (


brāhmī́ [p= 741,1] [L=147289]
» brāhmī
brāhmī [p= 742,1] [L=147461]
(of brāhmá q.v.) the śakti or personified energy of brahmā (regarded as one of the 8 māts or divine mothers of created beings ; in MBh. ix , 2655 they are said to attend skanda) L.

sarasvatī) MBh. i , 19

of durgā Devi1P. ??


N. of a mūrchanā Sam2gi1t.

°myā ind. according to pious usage) R.

brāhma rite Gaut. Vishn2. (cf. -putra) , the constellation rohii L.



of various plants (Clerodendrum Siphonantus , Ruta Graveolens , Enhydra Hingcha &c ) L.


of a river S3atr.

sahitā) N. of wk.


(H2) f.
[L=147462]speech or the goddess of speech (=
[L=147464]the wife of a Brahman
[L=147465](in music)
[L=147466]a religious practice , pious usage (
[L=147467]a woman married according to the
[L=147468]a female fish or frog
[L=147469]a species of ant
[L=147471]a kind of brass


mgá--tīrtha [p= 828,2] [L=166833]
" animal-track " , N. of the path by which the priests at the end of the savana leave the sacred place to attend to their bodily wants S3rS.



Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 17.6
Whitney Roots links: rakz

rak 1 [p= 859,3] [L=173050]
( Dha1tup. xvii , 6) rákati (Ved. and mc. also °te ; pf. raráka RV. &c ; aor. arakīt AV. &c ; arākīt Br. ; Prec. rakyāt Gr. ; fut. rakitā MBh. ; rakiyati Cond. arakiyat ib. ; rakye R. ; inf. rakitum MBh. ) , to guard , watch , take care of , protect , save , preserve (" from " abl.) RV. &c  ; 
to tend (cattle)
Mn. MBh. R.  ; 
to rule (the earth or a country)
MBh. Ra1jat.  ; 
to keep (a secret)
Katha1s.  ; 
to spare , have regard to (another's feelings)
Ma1lav.  ; 
to observe (a law , duty
&c ) RV. MBh.  ; 
to guard against , ward off , keep away , prevent , frustrate , injure
AV. v , 1  ; 
to beware of
Katha1s.  ; 
A1.) to heed , attend to (loc.) RV. i , 72 , 5  ; 
A1.) to conceal , hide (?) RV. ix , 68 , 4  ; 
to conceal one's self , be afraid (?)
ib. x , 68 , 1 : Caus. rakayati , °te (aor. ararakat Pa1n2. 7-4 , 93 Sch.) , to guard , watch , save or protect from (abl.) Ka1v. Pan5cat. : Desid. rirakati , to wish to guard , intend to protect from (abl.) MBh. : Intens. » rārakāá. ([Prob. a kind of Desid. of some root like raj or rajj ; cf. Gk. -λέξω , ρκέω ; Lat. arx , arceo.])
rak 2 [L=173051]
ifc.) guarding , watching &c (» gorak).


cl.1 P.
(H2) (

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 24.56, 28.138, 29.13
Whitney Roots links: vid1, vid2

vid 1 [p= 963,2] [L=195626]
( Dha1tup. xxiv , 56) vetti (vidmahe Br. ; vedati,°te Up. MBh. ; vidáti,°te AV. &c ; vindati,°te MBh. &c ; Impv. vidā-karotu Pan5cat. [cf. Pa1n2. 3-1 , 41] ; 1. sg. impf. avedam , 2. sg. avet or aves [ Pa1n2. 8-2 , 75] RV. &c ; 3. pl. avidus Br. [cf. Pa1n2. 3-4 , 109] ; avidan MBh. &c ; pf. véda [often substituted for pr. vetti cf. Pa1n2. 3-4 , 83] , 3. pl. vidús or vidre RV. ; viveda MBh. &c ; vidācakā́ra Br. &c [cf. Pa1n2. 3-1 , 38 ; accord. to Vop. also vidām-babhūva] ; aor. avedīt ib. ; vidām-akran TBr. ; fut. veditā́ S3Br. ; vettā MBh. fut. vediyati,°te Br. Up. ; vetsyati,°te MBh. &c ; inf. véditum , °tos Br. ; vettum MBh. &c ; ind.p. viditvā́ Br. &c ) , to know , understand , perceive , learn , become or be acquainted with , be conscious of , have a correct notion of (with acc. , in older , language also with gen. ; with inf. = to know how to) RV. &c (viddhi yathā , " know that " ; vidyāt , " one should know " , " it should be understood " ; ya evam veda [in Br. ], " who knows thus " , " who has this knowledge ")  ; 
to know or regard or consider as , take for , declare to be , call (
esp. in 3. pl. vidus , with two acc. or with acc. and nom. with iti , e.g. ta sthavira vidu , " they consider or call him aged " ; rājarir iti mā vidu , " they consider me a rājari ") Up. Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to mind , notice , observe , remember (with
gen. or acc.) RV. AV. Br.  ; 
to experience , feel (
acc. or gen.) RV. &c  ; 
to wish to know , inquire about (
acc.) S3Br. MBh. : Caus. vedáyate (rarely °ti ; aor. avīvidat ; Pass. vedyate) , to make known , announce , report , tell S3Br. &c  ; 
to teach , explain
S3a1n3khS3r. Nir.  ; 
to recognize or regard as , take for (two
acc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to feel , experience
S3Br. Mn. &c : Desid. of Caus. in vivedayiu q.v.: Desid. vividiati or vivitsati , to wish to know or learn , inquire about (acc) S3Br. &c &c : Intens. vevidyate , vevetti Gr. ([cf. Gk. εδον for ἐϝιδον , οδα for ϝοιδα = veda ; Lat. videre ; Slav. ve8de8ti ; Goth. witan , wait ; Germ. wizzan , wissen ; Angl.Sax. wa7t ; Eng. wot.])
víd 2 [p= 963,3] [L=195633]
knowing , understanding , a knower (mostly ifc. ; superl. vit-tama) Kat2hUp. Mn. MBh. &c
víd 2 [L=195634]
the planet Mercury VarBr2S. (cf. 2. jña)
víd 2 [L=195635]
knowledge understanding RV. KaushUp.
víd 2 [L=195636]
(pl.) Bha1m.
vid 3 [p= 965,1] [p= 964,3] [L=195939]
vid) cl.6 P. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxviii , 138) vindáti , °te (Ved. also vitté , vidé ; p. vidāná or vidāna [q.v.] ; ep. 3. pl. vindate Pot. vindyāt , often = vidyāt ; pf. vivéda [3. pl. vividus Subj. vividat] , vividvás , 3. pl. vividre , vidré RV. &c ; p. vividvás RV. ; vividivas Pa1n2. 7-2 , 68 ; aor. ávidat , °data ib. [Ved. Subj. vidā́si , °dā́t ; Pot. vidét , deta VS. AV. Br. ; 3. sg. videṣṭa AV. ii , 36 , 3] ; A1. 1. sg. avitsi RV. Br. ; fut. vettā , vediyati Gr. ; vetsyati,°te Br. &c ; inf. vidé RV. ; vettum MBh. &c ; véttave AV. ; °ttavai [?] and °tos Br. ; ind.p. vittvā́ AV. Br. ; -vidya Br. &c ) , to find , discover , meet or fall in with , obtain , get , acquire , partake of , possess RV. &c &c (with diśas , to find out the quarters of she sky MBh. )  ; 
to get or procure for (
dat.) RV. ChUp.  ; 
to seek out , look for , attend to
RV. &c  ; 
to feel , experience
Ca1n2.  ; 
to consider as , take for (two
acc.) Ka1v.  ; 
to come upon , befall , seize , visit
RV. AV. Br.  ; 
to contrive , accomplish , perform , effect , produce
RV. S3Br.  ; 
A1. mc. also P.) to take to wife , marry (with or scil. bhāryām) RV. Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to find (a husband) , marry (said of a woman)
AV. Mn. MBh.  ; 
to obtain (a son , with or
scil. sutam) BhP. : Pass. or A1. vidyáte (ep. also °ti ; p. vidyamāna [q.v.] ; aor. avedi) , to be found , exist , be RV. &c  ; 
esp. in later language) vidyate , " there is , there exists " , often with na , " there is not "  ; 
bhoktum , " there is something to eat "  ; 
followed by a
fut. , " is it possible that? " Pa1n2. 3-3 , 146 Sch.  ; 
yathā-vidé , " as it happens " i.e. " as usual " , " as well as possible " RV. i , 127 , 4 &c : Caus. vedayati , to cause to find &c MBh. : Desid. vividiati or vivitsati,°te Gr. (cf. vivitsita): Intens. vevidyate,vevetti ib. (for p. vévidatand°dāna » vi-andsavid).
vid 4 [L=195992]
ifc.) finding , acquiring , procuring (» anna- , aśva- , ahar-vid &c )
vid 5 [p= 965,2] [L=196016]
( Dha1tup. xxix , 13) vintte , to consider as , take for (two acc.) Bhat2t2.


cl.2 P.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H1) (originally identical with √1.
(H2) (
(H1) cl.7 A1.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 28.130
Whitney Roots links: viS

viś 1 [p= 989,2] [p= 989,1] [L=200376]
( Dha1tup. xxviii , 130) viśáti (rarely , in later language mostly mc. also A1. viśate ; pf. vivéśa , viviśe RV. &c [viveśitha , viveśu RV. ; viviśyās ib. ; p. -viśivás AV. ; viviśivas or viviśvas Pa1n2. 7-2 , 68 ; aviveśīs RV. ] ; aor. áviśran , ávikmahi , veśīt RV. ; avikat Br. &c ; avikata Gr. ; Prec. viśyāt ib. ; fut. veṣṭā MBh. ; vekyati , °te Br. &c ; inf. veṣṭum MBh. &c ; veṣṭavai Br. ; viśam RV. ; ind.p. -viśya AV. &c ) , to enter , enter in or settle down on , go into (acc. loc. , or antar with gen.) , pervade RV. &c &c (with punar or bhūyas , to re-enter , return , come back)  ; 
to be absorbed into (
acc.) Bhag.  ; 
astron.) to come into conjunction with (acc.) VarBr2S.  ; 
agnim , jvalanam &c ) to enter the fire i.e. ascend the funeral pyre MBh. R. &c  ; 
apas) to sink or be immersed in the water BhP.  ; 
to enter (a house
&c ) Hariv.  ; 
to appear (on the stage)
R. Ka1m.  ; 
to go home or to rest
RV. S3a1n3khBr.  ; 
to sit down upon (
acc. or loc.) R. Hariv.  ; 
to resort or betake one's self to (
agratas , agre , or acc.) Ragh. Pur.  ; 
to flow into (and , join with , ; applied to rivers and armies)
Ra1jat. v , 140  ; 
to flow or redound to , fall to the share of (
acc.) Hariv. Ragh. &c  ; 
to occur to (as a thought , with
acc.) R.  ; 
to befall , come to (as death , with
acc.) BhP.  ; 
to belong to , exist for (
loc.) ib.  ; 
to fall or get into any state or condition (
acc.) R. S3a1ntis3.  ; 
to enter upon , undertake , begin
R. BhP.  ; 
to mind (any business) , attend to (
dat.) MBh. xii , 6955 : Caus. veśáyati , °te (aor. avīviśat ; Pass. veśyate) , to cause to enter into (acc.) AV.  ; 
to cause to sit down on (
loc.) BhP. : Desid. vivikati , to wish to enter (acc.) BhP.  ; 
agnim or vahnim) to wish to enter the fire i.e. to ascend the funeral pyre Katha1s. : Intens. veviśyate , veveṣṭi , Gr. ([cf. Gk. οκος ; Lat. vicus ; Lith. ve0sze8ti ; Slav. vi8si8 ; Goth. weihs ; Angl.Sax. wi7c ; Germ , wi7ch , Weich-bild.])
víś 2 [L=200387]
(m. only L. ; nom. sg. ; loc. pl. vikú) a settlement , homestead , house , dwelling (viśás páti " lord of the house " applied to agni and indra) RV.

pl.) a community , tribe , race (pl. also " subjects " , " people " , " troops ") RV. AV. VS. Br. MBh. BhP.

pl.) the people κατ , ξοχήν , (in the sense of those who settle on the soil ; sg. also " a man of the third caste " , a vaiśya ; viśām with pati or nātha or īśvara &c , " lord of the people " , a king , sovereign) S3Br. &c

sāma N. of a sāman

pl.) property , wealth BhP.

víś 2 [L=200393]
a man in general , person L.
víś 2 [L=200394]
feces L. (w.r. for vi).


cl.6 P.
(H2) f.
[L=200389](sg. and
(H2B) mf.
(H2B) fn.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 18.19, 33.108
Whitney Roots links: vft

vṛ́t 1 [p= 1007,2] [L=203984]
ifc. ; for 2. » [p= 1009,2]) surrounding , enclosing , obstructing (» aro- and nadī-vt)

vt 1 [p= 1009,2] [p= 1009,1] [L=204340]
( Dha1tup. xviii , 19) vártate (rarely °ti ; in veda also vavartti and [once in RV. ] vartti ; Subj. vavártat , vavartati , vavtat ; Pot. vavtyāt , vavtīya ; Impv. vavtsva ; impf. ávavtran , °tranta ; pf. vavárta , vavtús , vav RV. [here also vāv] &c ; aor. avart , avtran Subj. vártat , vartta RV. ; avtat AV. &c ; avartiṣṭa Gr. ; 3. pl. avtsata RV. ; 2. sg. vartithās MBh. ; Prec. vartiīṣṭa Gr. ; fut. vartitā Gr. ; vartsyáti,°te AV. &c ; vartiyati,°te MBh. &c ; Cond. avartsyat Br. ; avartiyata Gr. ; inf. -vṛ́te RV. ; -vṛ́tas Br. ; vartitum MBh. &c ; ind.p. vartitvā and vttvā Gr. ; -vṛ́tya RV. &c ; -vártam Br. &c ) , to turn , turn round , revolve , roll (also applied to the rolling down of tears) RV. &c  ; 
to move or go on , get along , advance , proceed (with
instr. " in a partic. way or manner ") , take place , occur , be performed , come off Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to be , live , exist , be found , remain , stay , abide , dwell (with
ātmani na , " to be not in one's right mind " ; with manasi or hdaye , " to dwell or be turned or thought over in the mind " ; with mūrdhni , " to be at the head of " , " to be of most importance " ; katha vartate with nom. or ki vartate with gen. , " how is it with? ") ib.  ; 
to live on , subsist by (
instr. or ind.p.) , A1s3vGr2. MBh. &c  ; 
to pass away (as time ,
cira vartate gatānām , " it is long since we went ") BhP.  ; 
to depend on (
loc.) R.  ; 
to be in a
partic. condition , be engaged in or occupied with (loc.) , A1Past. ?? MBh. &c  ; 
to be intent on , attend to (
dat.) R.  ; 
to stand or be used in the sense of (
loc.) Ka1s3.  ; 
to act , conduct one's self , behave towards (
loc. dat. , or acc. ; also with itare*taram or parasparam , " mutually ") Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to act or deal with , follow a course of conduct (also with
vttim) , show , display , employ , use , act in any way (instr. or acc.) towards (loc. with parā*jñayā , " to act under another's command " ; with prajā-rūpea , " to assume the form of a son " ; with priyám , " to act kindly " ; with svāni , " to mind one's own business " ; kim idam vartase , " what are you doing there? ") S3Br. Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to tend or turn to , prove as (
dat.) S3ukas.  ; 
to be or exist or live at a
partic. time , be alive or present (cf. vartamāna , vartiyamāa , and vartsyat , p.925) MBh. &c  ; 
to continue (with an
ind.p. , atī*tya vartante , " they continue to excel " ; iti vartate me buddhi , " such continues my opinion ") MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to hold good , continue in force , be supplied from what precedes
Pat. Ka1s3.  ; 
to originate , arise from (
abl.) or in (loc.) BhP.  ; 
to become
TBr.  ; 
to associate with (
saha) Pan5cat.  ; 
to have illicit intercourse with (
loc.) R. : Caus. vartáyati (aor. avīvtat or avavartat ; in TBr. also A1. avavarti ; inf. vartayádhyai RV. ; Pass. vartyate Br. ) , to cause to turn or revolve , whirl , wave , brandish , hurl RV. &c  ; 
to produce with a turning-lathe , make anything round (as a thunderbolt , a pill
&c ) RV. R. Sus3r.  ; 
to cause to proceed or take place or be or exist , do , perform , accomplish , display , exhibit (feelings) , raise or utter (a cry) , shed (tears)
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to cause to pass (as time) , spend , pass , lead a life , live , subsist on or by (
instr.) , enter upon a course of conduct &c (also with vttim or vttyā or vttena ; with bhaikea , " to live by begging ") , conduct one's self , behave Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to set forth , relate , recount , explain , declare
MBh. Hariv. R.  ; 
to begin to instruct (
dat.) S3a1n3khGr2.  ; 
to understand , know , learn
BhP.  ; 
to treat
Car.  ; 
(in law , with
śiras or śīram) to offer one's self to be punished if another is proved innocent by an ordeal Vishn2. Ya1jn5.  ; 
" to speak " or " to shine " (
bhāā*rthe or bhāsā*rthe) Dha1tup. xxxiii , 108 : Desid. vívtsati , °te ( RV. Br. ) , vivartiate ( Pa1n2. 1-3 , 92) , to wish to turn &c : Intens. (Ved. , rarely in later language) várvartti , varīvartti , varīvartyáte , varīvartate , p. várvtat and várvtāna impf. 3. sg. avarīvar , 3. pl. avarīvur (Gr. also varivartti , varīvtīti , varvtīti , varīvtyate) , to turn , roll , revolve , be , exist , prevail RV. S3Br. Ka1v. [cf. Lat. vertere ; Slav. vru8te8ti , vratiti ; Lith. varty4ti ; Goth. wai4rthan ; Germ. werden ; Eng. -ward.]
vt 2 [L=204344]
(only ifc. , for 1. » [p= 1007,2]) turning , moving , existing

» eka- , tri- , su-vt)
vt 2 [L=204346]
finished , ended (a gram. term used only in the Dha1tup. and signifying that a series of roots acted on by a rule and beginning with a root followed by ādi or prabhti , ends with the word preceding vt).
vt 3 [p= 1010,2] [L=204565]
vāvt , [p= 947,1].


[L=203984.1]a troop of followers or soldiers , army , host
(H1) cl.1 A1.
(H2) mfn.
[L=204345](after numerals) = " fold " (
(H2B) ind.
(H1) »


śatā* vadhāna [p= 1050,3] [L=212319]
" a man with such a good memory that he can attend to a hundred things at once " (also °nin) , N. of rāghavendra Cat.



Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 22.44
Whitney Roots links: Sru

śru 1 [p= 1101,1] [p= 1100,3] [L=223393]
( Dha1tup. xxii , 44) śṛṇóti (Ved. and ep. also A1. śṛṇute , and in RV. 3. sg. śṛṇ , 2. sg. °vié , 3. pl. °viré [cf. below] ; Impv. śṛṇu , °udhī́ and °uhī́ pl. śṛṇutā́ , °ota and °otana RV. ; pf. śuśrā́va [once in R. with pass. sense] , śuśruve [2. sg. śuśrotha , 1. pl. śuśruma , in Up. also °mas ; śuśravat,śuśrūyā́s RV. , p. śuśruvás q.v.] ; aor. Ved. áśravam , áśrot , 2. sg. śrói ; Subj. śrávat , °vatha ; [?] śruvam TA1r. ; Impv. śrudhī́ , śrótu RV. ; aśrauīt Br. &c ; Subj. śroan Impv. śroantu RV. [cf. śróamāa] ; Prec. śrūyā́sam AV. &c ; fut. śrotā MBh. ; śroyati,°te Br. &c ; inf. śrotum MBh. &c ; ind.p. śrutvā́ RV. &c ; -śrútya AV. &c ; śrāvam Gr2S3rS. &c ) , to hear , listen or attend to anything (acc.) , give ear to any one (acc. or gen.) , hear or learn anything about (acc.) or from (abl. gen. instr. , mukhāt or śakāśāt) , or that anything is (two acc.) RV. &c  ; 
to hear (from a teacher) , study , learn
S3rS. MBh. &c  ; 
to be attentive , be obedient , obey
MBh. R. &c : Pass. śrūyáte (ep. also °ti ; and in RV. śṛṇve &c [cf. above] with pass. meaning ; aor. aśrāvi , śrāvi) , to be heard or perceived or learnt about (acc.) or from (gen. abl. or mukhāt ; in later language often 3. sg. śrūyate impers. " it is heard " , " one hears or learns or reads in a book " , = " it is said " , " it is written in (with loc.) " ; Impv. śrūyatām , " let it be heard " = " listen! ") RV. &c  ; 
to be celebrated or renowned , be known as , pass for , be called (
nom.) RV.  ; 
to be heard or learnt (from a teacher)
Pan5cat.  ; 
to be taught or stated (in a book)
Sarvad.  ; 
to be heard
i.e. pronounced or employed (as a sound or word) TPra1t. Sch.: Caus. śrāváyati (ep. also °te , in RV. also śraváyati ; aor. aśuśravi , °vu RV. ; aśuśruvat Br. ; aśiśravat Gr. ; Pass. śrāvyate » below) , to cause to be heard or learnt , announce , proclaim , declare RV. &c  ; 
to cause to hear , inform , instruct , communicate , relate , tell (with
acc. of thing , and acc. gen. , or dat. of pers. , or with instr. in sense of " through ") Mn. MBh. &c : Pass. of Caus. śrāvyate , to be informed of (acc.) MBh. &c : Desid. śúśrūate ( Pa1n2. 1-3 , 57 ; ep. or mc. also °ti ; Pass. śuśrūyate) , to wish or like to hear (acc.) , desire to attend or listen to (dat.) RV. &c  ; 
to attend upon , serve , obey (
acc. , rarely gen.) Mn. MBh. &c : Caus. of Desid. śuśrūayati , to wait upon , be at the service of (acc.) Kull. on Mn. ii , 243 : Desid. of Caus. śiśrāvayiati or śuśrāvayiati Gr.: Intens. śośrūyate , śośravīti , śośroti Gr. ([cf. Gk. κλύω , κλθι = śrudhí , κλυτός = śrutá &c ; Lat. cluo , in-clutus ; Slav. sluti ; Germ. laut ; Eng. loud.])
śru 2 [p= 1102,1] [L=223665]
śrúvat ; generally an incorrect form of √ sru) , to dissolve into parts , burst asunder RV. i , 127 , 3.


cl.5 P.
(H1) (only in


sa-vi- √ dhā [p= 1115,2] [L=226236]
-dadhāti , -dhatte , to dispose , arrange , settle , fix , determine , prescribe MBh. R. Sus3r.  ; 
to direct , order
Hariv.  ; 
to carry on , conduct , manage , attend to , mind
Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to use , employ
R.  ; 
to make use of. act or proceed with (
instr.) Pan5cat.  ; 
mānasam) to keep the mind fixed or composed , be in good spirits Bhartr2.  ; 
to make , render (two
acc.) Naish.  ; 
to set , put , lay , place
MBh. : Pass. -dhīyate , to be disposed or arranged &c MBh. : Caus. -dhāpayati , to cause to dispose or manage Ka1d.
sa-vidhā [L=226238]
id. R. Ragh.



P. A1.
(H2) f.
[L=226239]mode of life


sa- √ śru 1 [p= 1118,2] [L=226706]
ṛṇoti , ṛṇute , to hear or hear from (e.g. mukhāt , " from any one's mouth ") , attend or listen attentively to (acc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to assent , promise (
loc. or dat.) ib.  ; 
A1.) to be distinctly heard or audible S3a1n3khBr. (cf. Pa1n2. i , 3 , 29 Va1rtt. 2 Pat. ) : Pass. -śrūyate , to be heard or talked about or read about (yathā saśrūyate , " as people say " or , as we read in books) MBh. : Caus. -śrāvayati , to cause to hear or to be heard , proclaim , announce (nāma , " one's name ") , relate or report anything (acc.) to any one (acc. or dat.) Ya1jn5.  ; 
to read out (
» sa-śrāviśa)  ; 
to make resound


P. A1.


sa- √ sev [p= 1120,2] [L=226994]
-sevate , to be associated with (used in explaining √1. sac) Nir.  ; 
to frequent , inhabit
Subh. Pan5car.  ; 
to wait upon , attend on , serve , honour , worship , salute deferentially
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to refresh , fan (said , of the wind)
R.  ; 
to court , fondle (carnally)
Ka1v. Pan5cat.  ; 
to be addicted or devoted to , use or employ or practise or perform continually
Mn. MBh. &c




sakhīya [p= 1130,3] [L=228882]
P. °yati (only p. °yát) , to seek the friendship of (instr.) , attend or attach one's self as a friend RV.




sam-abhī* [p= 1156,2] [L=233707]
-abhi-i) P. -abhy-eti , to go towards , come near , approach RV. R. &c  ; 
to accrue to (
acc.) Ma1rkP.  ; 
to follow , attend , wait upon




sam-ādhāna [p= 1159,3] [L=234142]
putting together , laying , adding (esp. fuel to fire) Gobh.


acc. with √ k , " to attend ") , eagerness S3am2k. Pan5car.

MBh. Ka1v. Veda7ntas.

cf. -rūpaka) Sarvad.

pūrva-paka MW.

dram.) fixing the germ or leading incident (which gives rise to the whole plot e.g. S3ak. i , 27)


[L=234143]composing , adjusting , settling , and
[L=234145]intentness , attention (
[L=234146]fixing the mind in abstract contemplation (as on the true nature of spirit) , religious meditation , profound absorption or contemplation
[L=234147]justification of a statement , proof (
[L=234148](in logic) replying to the


sam-ādhi [L=234154]
putting together , joining or combining with (instr.) La1t2y.

partic. position of the neck Kir.

R. Hariv. Ragh.




W. RPra1t.

°dhi-k , " to attend ") MBh. R. &c

yoga [ IW. 93] ; with Buddhists samādhi is the fourth and last stage of dhyāna or intense abstract meditation [ MWB. 209] ; in the kāraṇḍa-vyūha several samādhi are enumerated) Up. Buddh. MBh. &c

MBh. Ka1v. &c

W. RTL. 261

rhet.) N. of various figures of speech (defined as ārohā*varohakrama , artha-dṛṣṭi , anya-dharmāām anyatrā*dhirohaa &c ), Ka1vya7d. Va1m. Kpr. &c

of the 17th kalpa (q.v.) , of the 17th arhat of the future utsarpiī L.

vaiśya Cat. (accord. to L. also " silence ; a religious vow of intense devotion or self-imposed abstraction ; support , upholding ; continuance ; perseverance in difficulties ; attempting impossibilities ; collecting or laying up grain in times of dearth ")


[L=234155]a joint or a
[L=234156]union , a whole , aggregate , set
[L=234157]completion , accomplishment , conclusion
[L=234158]setting to rights , adjustment , settlement
[L=234159]justification of a statement , proof
[L=234160]bringing into harmony , agreement , assent
[L=234161]intense application or fixing the mind on , intentness , attention (
[L=234162]concentration of the thoughts , profound or abstract meditation , intense contemplation of any particular object (so as to identify the contemplator with the object meditated upon ; this is the eighth and last stage of
[L=234163]intense absorption or a kind of trance
[L=234164]a sanctuary or tomb of a saint
[L=234167]of a


sam- √ ās [p= 1163,2] [p= 1163,1] [L=234697]
-āste (pr. p. -āsīna q.v.) , to sit together , sit or assemble round (acc.) RV. AV. MBh.  ; 
to sit , be seated
Mn. R.  ; 
to sit or abide in (
loc.) R.  ; 
to hold a council , deliberate
AV. S3Br.  ; 
to practise , observe (
acc.) R.  ; 
to behave like (
iva) , resemble MBh.  ; 
to be dejected or low-spirited
R.  ; 
to mind , attend to , acknowledge
R.  ; 
to be a match for , cope with (
acc.) MBh. R.




sam-upā* - √ car [p= 1170,1] [L=235707]
-carati , to attend , wait on , treat (medically) Sus3r.  ; 
to practise , attend to , be intent upon (
acc.) MBh.




sam-pari- √ car [p= 1172,2] [L=236079]
-carati , to attend on , serve BhP.




sam- √ paś [p= 1172,3] [L=236127]
-paśyati , °te (occurring only in present ; cf. sa-dś) , to see at the same time , survey (A1. " to look at each other " , also = " to be together ") RV. TS. AV.  ; 
to see , behold , perceive , recognize (
yasya sam-paśyata , " before whose eyes ") Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to look at , inspect , review
ib.  ; 
to see
i.e. admit into one's presence , receive MBh. R.  ; 
to look upon as , regard as , (two
acc.) MBh.  ; 
to attend to , ponder , consider
Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to count over or up , calculate , recapitulate
TS. S3Br.


P. A1.


sabā rthī- √ bhū [p= 1194,3] [L=240371]
-bhavati , to accompany , attend (°rthī-bhāva m. " companionship , community ") Pat. on Pa1n2. 1-4 , 23 Va1rtt. 3.



Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 14.30
Whitney Roots links: sev

sev [p= 1247,1] [L=252262]
( Dha1tup. xiv , 30) sevate (rarely °ti ; pf. sieve , °va MBh. &c ; fut. sevitā Gr. ; seviyate ib. , °ti MBh. ; aor. asievat , aseviṣṭa Gr. ; inf. sevitum MBh. &c ; ind.p. sevitvā , -sevya ib.) , to dwell or stay near or in (loc.) S3Br.  ; 
to remain or stay at , live in , frequent , haunt , inhabit , resort to (
acc.) Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to serve , wait or attend upon , honour , obey , worship
ib.  ; 
to cherish , foster (a child)
Katha1s.  ; 
to present with (
instr.) Ragh.  ; 
to enjoy sexually , have sexual intercourse with (
acc.) Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to refresh by soft breezes , fan (said of the wind)
R. Ka1lid. Pan5cat.  ; 
to devote or apply one's self to , cultivate , study , practise , use , employ , perform , do
RV. &c  ; 
to exist or be found in anything (
acc.) R. Hariv. Katha1s. : Pass. sevyate , to be followed or served &c MBh. : Caus. sevayati (aor. asievat) , to attend upon , serve , honour Hit.  ; 
to tend , cherish (plants)
Bhartr2. : Desid. of Caus. » sisevayiu: Desid. siseviate , °ti Gr.: Intens. seevyate ib.


cl.1 A1.