Ud - Up, upwards, publicity, pride

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 29.20
Whitney Roots links: ud
ud 1 [L=32058]

ud may also imply publicity , pride , indisposition , weakness , helplessness , binding , loosing , existence , acquisition.) ud is not used as a separable adverb or preposition

veda uncompounded with a verb , the latter has to be supplied from the context (e.g. úd útsam śatádhāram AV. iii , 24 , 4, out (pour) a fountain of a hundred streams) . ud is sometimes repeated in the veda to fill out the verse Pa1n2. 8-1 , 6 (ki na ud ud u harase dātavā u Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. ) ([cf. Zd. uz ; Hib. uas and in composition os , ois e.g. os-car , " a leap , bound " , &c » also uttamá , 1. úttara , &c ])
ud 2 [L=32059]
und cl.7 P. unátti ( RV. v , 85 , 4) : cl.6 P. undati (p. undát RV. ii , 3 , 2 : Impv. 3. pl. undantu AV. vi , 68 , 1 ; 2) A1. undáte ( AV. v , 19 , 4 ; undā cakāra,undiyati &c Dha1tup. xxix , 20) to flow or issue out , spring (as water)  ; 
to wet , bathe
RV. AV. S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. A1s3vGr2. Pa1rGr2. &c : Caus. (aor. aundidat Vop. xviii , 1) : Desid. undidiati Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 6-1 , 3  ; 
cf. Gk. δωρ ; Lat. unda ; Goth. vat-o ; Old High Germ. waz-ar ; Mod. Eng. wat-er ; Lith. wand-u14.])
(H1) a particle and prefix to verbs and nouns. (As implying superiority in place , rank , station , or power) up , upwards
[L=32058.1]upon , on
[L=32058.2]over , above. (As implying separation and disjunction) out , out of , from , off , away from , apart. (According to native authorities
[L=32058.3]in those rare cases , in which it appears in the
(H1) or