Sadh - Succeed & Sadhu - Noble

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 26.71, 27.16
Whitney Roots links: sAD
sādh 1 [p= 1201,1] [p= 1200,3] [L=241500]
sidh) cl.1 P. A1. sā́dati , °te  ; 
accord. to Dha1tup. xxvi , 71 and xxvii , 16 , cl.4. sādhyati , cl.5. sādhnoti (in JaimBr. also sadhnoti ; pf. sasādha ; aor. asātsīt ; fut. sāddhā , sātsyati ; inf. sāddhum , in later language sādhitum ; Ved. inf. sádhase q.v.) , to go straight to any goal or aim , attain an object , to be successful , succeed , prosper RV.  ; 
to bring straight to an object or end , further , promote , advance , accomplish , complete , finish
ib.  ; 
to submit or agree to , obey
ib.  ; 
sādhyati) to be completed or accomplished Dha1tup. : Caus. sādhayati (mc. also °te ; aor. asīadhat ; Ved. also adhati , °dha , °dhema , °dhātu ; Pass. sādhyate MBh. &c ) , to straighten , make straight (a path) RV.  ; 
to guide straight or well , direct or bring to a goal
ib.  ; 
to master , subdue , overpower , conquer , win , win over
RV. &c  ; 
to summon , conjure up (a god or spirit)
Katha1s.  ; 
(in law) to enforce payment , recover (a debt) , collect (taxes)
Mn. Ya1jn5. &c  ; 
to subdue a disease , set right , heal , cure
Sus3r.  ; 
to bring to an end or conclusion , complete , make perfect , bring about , accomplish , effect , fulfil , execute , practice (with
vākyam , " to execute any one's [gen.] order " ; with naikarmyam , " to practise inactivity " ; with marum , " to practise abstinence " ; with mantram , " to practise the recitation of spells ") Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to attain one's object , be successful
MBh. iii , 1441  ; 
to produce , make , render (two
acc.) S3ak. BhP.  ; 
to establish a truth , substantiate , prove , demonstrate
Tattvas. Sarvad.  ; 
to make ready , prepare
MBh.  ; 
to gain , obtain , acquire , procure
S3Br. &c  ; 
to find out (by calculation) ,
Gan2it.  ; 
to grant , bestow , yield
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to put or place in (
loc.) BhP.  ; 
to set out , proceed , go (in
dram. accord. to Sa1h. = √ gam) MBh. Ka1v. &c : Desid. of Caus. siādhayisati or sisādhayirhati , to desire to establish or prove Sa1h. Sarvad. : Desid. siātsati Gr.: Intens. , sāsādhyate , sāsdidhi ib.
sādh 2 [p= 1201,1] [L=241501]
ifc.) accomplishing , performing (» yajña-sā́dh).

(H1) (connected with √2.
(H2) (
sādhú [p= 1201,2] [L=241612]
(vī́)n. straight , right RV. AV. BhP.

RV. S3Br.


RV. R.

RV. Ka1m.

soma) RV. AitBr.


loc.) or towards (loc. gen. , dat. acc. , with prati , anu , abhi , pari , or comp.) S3Br. &c


S3Br. Mn. MBh. &c


sādhú [L=241625]
a good or virtuous or honest man S3Br. Mn. MBh. &c
sādhú [L=241626]
a holy man , saint , sage , seer Ka1lid.
sādhú [L=241627]
(with jainas) a jina or deified saint W.
sādhú [L=241628]
a jeweller Hit.
sādhú [L=241629]
a merchant , money-lender , usurer L.
sādhú [L=241630]
(in gram. accord. to some) a derivative or inflected noun
sādhú [L=241632]
a saintly woman W.
sādhú [L=241633]
a kind of root (= medā) L.
sādhú [L=241634]
the good or right or honest , a good &c thing or act (sādhv asti with dat. , " it is well with -- " ; sādhu-man with acc. , " to consider a thing good , approve ") RV. &c
sādhú [L=241635]
gentleness , kindness , benevolence S3Br. MBh. &c
sādhú [L=241636]
straight , aright , regularly RV. AV.
sādhú [L=241637]
well , rightly , skilfully , properly , agreeably (with √ vt and loc. , " to behave well towards " [once sā́dhu , in RV. viii , 32 , 10] ; with √ k , " to set eight " ; with √ ās , " to be well or at ease ") RV. &c
sādhú [L=241638]
good! well done! bravo! S3Br. MBh. &c
sādhú [L=241639]
well , greatly , in a high degree R. Ka1m. BhP.
sādhú [L=241640]
well , enough of. away with (instr.)! MBh. Pan5cat.
sādhú [L=241641]
well come on! (with Impv. or 1. pr.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
sādhú [p= 1201,3] [L=241642]
assuredly , indeed R. Ka1m.
sādhu [p= 1202,3] [L=241870]
» [p= 1201,2].

(H2) mf
[L=241613]leading straight to a goal , hitting the mark , unerring (as an arrow or thunderbolt)
[L=241614]straightened , not entangled (as threads)
[L=241615]well-disposed , kind , willing , obedient
[L=241616]successful , effective , efficient (as a hymn or prayer)
[L=241617]ready , prepared (as
[L=241618]peaceful , secure
[L=241619]powerful , excellent , good for (
[L=241620]fit , proper , right
[L=241621]good , virtuous , honourable , righteous
[L=241622]well-born , noble , of honourable or respectable descent
[L=241623]correct , pure
[L=241624]classical (as language)
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2C) ind.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H1) &c
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 20.24
Whitney Roots links: sad
sad 1 [p= 1137,1] [L=230196]
comp. for sat.
sad 2 [p= 1138,2] [L=230505]
or cl.6. P. ( Dha1tup. xx , 24 and xxvii 133) sīdati (ep. also °te ; Ved. sádati or sī́dati , °te ; pf. sasā́da , sasáttha , sedús , sediré RV. ; sīdatus MBh. ; sasadyāt. AV. ; aor. asadat [cf. pres. stem] Gr. ; 2. 3. sg. sátsi , sátsat RV. ; asādīt TA1r. ; fut. sattā Gr. ; satsyati Br. ; sīdiyati Pur. ; inf. sáde RV. ; sattum Br. ; sīditum MBh. ; ind.p. -sádya , -sádam RV. ; -sādam Br. ) , to sit down (esp. at a sacrifice) , sit upon or in or at (acc. or loc.) RV. AV. VS. S3Br.  ; 
to sit down before , besiege , lie in wait for , watch (
acc.) RV. AitBr.  ; 
to sink down , sink into despondency or distress , become faint or wearied or dejected or low-spirited , despond , despair , pine or waste away , perish
Mn. MBh. &c : Pass. sadyate (aor. asādi , sādi RV. ) : Caus. sādáyati , °te (aor. asīadat) , to cause to sit down or be seated , place down , put upon or in (loc.) RV. &c  ; 
to put in distress , afflict , weary , exhaust , ruin , destroy
MBh. Ka1v. &c : Desid. siatsati Gr.: Intens. sāsadyate (Gr. also sāsatti) , to sit down in an indecent posture Bhat2t2. [cf. Gk. ζω for σίσδω ; Lat. sidere , sedere ; Lith. se4sti , sede4ti ; Slav. se8sti ; Goth. sitan ; Germ. sitzen ; Angl.Sax. sittan ; Eng. sit.]
sád 3 [p= 1138,3] [L=230550]
(mostly ifc. ; for 1. » [p= 1137,1]) sitting or dwelling in (cf. adma- , antarika- , apsu-sad &c )
sád 3 [L=230551]
covering (the female) AV.
sád [p= 1332,3] [L=340390]
sádā= "ever" in AV. iv, 4, 7).
(H2) in
(H1) cl.1.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2) (erase "m." ;