Kuhaka - Juggler, cheat, rogue
kuhanena prayogeṇa sadya eva mṛgekṣaṇe |
samudeti mahānando yena tattvaṃ prakāśate || 66 ||kuh
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 35.47
(H1) | kuh 1 [p= 298,3] [L=53700]
cl.10 A1. |
kuhayate , to surprise or astonish or cheat by trickery or jugglery Dha1tup. xxxv , 47.
(H1) | kuh 2 [p= 298,3] [L=53728]
» |
(H2) | kuha 1 [p= 298,3] [L=53701]
m. |
( Pa1n2. 6-1 , 216) N. of kubera L.
[p= | 298,3] [L=53702]
a rogue , cheat |
R. ii , 109 , 27 (a-k° , " no deceiver ") .
(H1) | kúha 2 [p= 298,3] [L=53729]
ind. |
(fr. 1. ku) , where? RV.
(H2) | kuhaka 1 [p= 298,3] [L=53703]
m. |
( Un2. ii , 38) a cheat , rogue , juggler MBh. BhP. Ka1m.
[L=53704] |
an impostor |
[L=53705] |
a kind of frog |
[L=53706] |
N. |
of a nāga prince BhP.
(H2B) | kuhaka 1 [L=53707]
n. |
juggling , deception , trickery Hit. BhP. &c
(H1) | kuhaka 2 [L=53734]
ind. |
onomat. from the cry of a cock , &c , only in comp.
(H3) | kuhaka--jīvaka [L=53713]
m. |
one who lives by slight-of-hand , juggler , cheat VarBr2S.
(H3) | kuhaka--jña [L=53715]
m. |
" knowing jugglery " , cheat , juggler VarBr2S.
(H3) | kuhaka--vṛtti [p= 298,3] [L=53716]
f. |
juggling , slight-of-hand
[p= | 298,3] [L=53717]
(H2) | kuhana [p= 298,3] [L=53718]
mfn. |
envious , hypocritical L.
(H2B) | kuhana [p= 298,3] [L=53719]
m. |
a mouse , rat L.
(H2B) | kuhana [p= 298,3] [L=53720]
m. |
a snake L.
(H2B) | kuhana [p= 298,3] [L=53721]
m. |
N. of a man MBh. iii , 15598
(H2B) | kuhanā [p= 298,3] [L=53722]
( |
am , ā) f. hypocrisy , assumed and false sanctity , interested performance of religious austerities L.
(H2B) | kuhanā [p= 298,3] [L=53723]
f. |
envy Gal.
(H2B) | kuhana [p= 298,3] [L=53724]
n. |
a small earthen vessel L.
(H2B) | kuhana [p= 298,3] [L=53725]
n. |
a glass vessel L.
(H1) | kuhana [p= 299,1] [L=53740]
&c |
» √kuh.
- The Yoga of delight, wonder, and astonishment: a translation of ... - Page 63
Kuhanena | prayogena sadya eva mrgeksane / Samudeti mahanando yena tattvarn prakaSate // 66. TRANSLATION O gazzelle-eyed one, by the employment of magic, supreme delight arises (in the heart of the spectator) instantaneously. ...
- Vijnanabhairava, or Divine consciousness: a treasury of 112 types ... - Page 63
Kuhanena | prayogena sadya eva mrgeksane / Samudeti mahanando yena tattvam prakasate // 66. TRANSLATION O gazzelle-eyed one, by the employment of magic, supreme delight arises (in the heart of the spectator) instantaneously. ...
And in Italian:
Annali: Volume 25, Issues 3-4

And Silburn’s work in French:
Publications de l'Institut de civilisation indienne: Série in-8o: Volume 15
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| Lilian Silburn - 1961 - 222 pages - No preview |