Amrita - the nectar of immortality

prāṇā api pradātavyā na deyaṃ paramāmṛtam || 160 ||

I love this sound so much, yet on a literal level all it means is, “not dead.”

a-mṛ́ta, not dead
immortal RV. &c
imperishable RV. VS.
beautiful , beloved L.
m. an immortal , a god RV. &c
m. N. of śiva
m. of viṣṇu MBh. xiii
m. of dhanvantari L.
m. the plant Phaseolus Trilobus Ait.
m. the root of a plant L.
n. collective body of immortals RV.
n. world of immortality , heaven , eternity RV. VS. AV. (also āni n. pl. RV. i , 72 , 1 and iii , 38 , 4)
n. immortality RV.
n. final emancipation L.
n. the nectar (conferring immortality , produced at the churning of the ocean) , ambrosia RV. (or the voice compared to it , N. Ragh. )
n. nectar-like food
n. antidote against poison Sus3r.
n. N. of a medicament S3is3. ix , 36, medicament in general Buddh.
n. the residue of a sacrifice (cf. amṛeta-bhuj)
n. unsolicited alms Mn. iv , 4 and 5, water Naigh.
n. milk L. clarified butter L. (cf. pañā*mṛta) , boiled rice L.
n. anything sweet , a sweetmeat R. vii , 7 ,3
n. a pear L.
n. food L. , property L.
n. gold L.
n. quicksilver L.
n. poison L.
n. a particular poison L.
n. a ray of light Ragh. x , 59 N. of a metre RPra1t.
n. of a sacred place (in the north) Hariv. 14095 , of various conjunctions of planets (supposed to confer long life) L.
n. the number , " four " L.
(H2) a-mṛta [p= 1315,3] [L=313190] (in comp.)

a-mṛ́ta [p= 82,2] [L=14198]
(cf. Pa1n2. 6-2 , 116) not dead MBh.

RV. &c


a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.08]
an immortal , a god RV. &c
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.10]
N. of śiva
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.12]
of viṣṇu MBh. xiii
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.14]
of dhanvantari L.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.16]
the plant Phaseolus Trilobus Ait.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.18]
the root of a plant L.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.36]
collective body of immortals RV.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.38]
world of immortality , heaven , eternity RV. VS. AV. (also āni n. pl. RV. i , 72 , 1 and iii , 38 , 4)
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.42]
immortality RV.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.44]
final emancipation L.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.46]
the nectar (conferring immortality , produced at the churning of the ocean) , ambrosia RV. (or the voice compared to it , N. Ragh. )
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.48]
nectar-like food
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.50]
antidote against poison Sus3r.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.52]
N. of a medicament S3is3. ix , 36, medicament in general Buddh.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.54]
the residue of a sacrifice (cf. ameta-bhuj)
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.56]
unsolicited alms Mn. iv , 4 and 5, water Naigh.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.58]
milk L. clarified butter L. (cf. pañā*mta) , boiled rice L.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.60]
anything sweet , a sweetmeat R. vii , 7 ,3
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.62]
a pear L.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.64]
food L. , property L.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.66]
gold L.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.68]
quicksilver L.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.70]
poison L.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.72]
a particular poison L.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.74]
a ray of light Ragh. x , 59 N. of a metre RPra1t.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.76]
of a sacred place (in the north) Hariv. 14095 , of various conjunctions of planets (supposed to confer long life) L.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.78]
the number , " four " L.
a-mta [p= 1315,3] [L=313190]

and also:

(H2) mfn.
[L=14198.06]beautiful , beloved
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2) (in
a-mṛ́ta--kara [p= 82,2] [L=14199]
" nectar-rayed " , the moon Ka1d.
(H3) m.
a-mṛ́ta--kiraa [L=14200]
" nectar-rayed " , the moon Ka1d.
(H3) m.
a-mṛ́ta--kuṇḍa [L=14201]
the vessel containing the amta or nectar.
(H3) n.
a-mṛ́ta--taragiī [L=14210]
" having nectar-waves " , moon-light L.
(H3) f.
a-mṛ́ta--dīdhiti [L=14214]
Ka1d. ]) ([ Naish. ]) m. " nectar-rayed " , the moon.
(H3) ([
a-mṛ́ta--dyuti [L=14215]
Naish. ]) m. " nectar-rayed " , the moon.
(H3) ([
a-mṛ́ta--pa [L=14219]
drinking nectar
a-mṛ́ta--pa [L=14220]
N. of a dānava MBh. i , 2537 N. of viṣṇu MBh. xiii.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
a-mṛ́ta--bindū* paniad [L=14234]
" drop of nectar " , N. of an upaniad of the atharva-veda.
(H3) f.
a-mṛ́ta--rasa [L=14247]
nectar Hit. &c
(H3) m.
a-mṛ́ta--latā [L=14249]
a creeping plant that gives nectar Pan5cat.
(H3) f.
a-mṛ́ta--latikā [p= 82,3] [L=14250]
a creeping plant that gives nectar Pan5cat.
(H3) f.
a-mṛ́ta--varin [L=14255]
giving a shower of nectar S3ak. (v.l.)
(H3) mfn.
a-mṛ́ta--sambhava [L=14261]
produced from nectar MBh. xiii , 7200
(H3) mfn.
a-mṛ́ta--sū [L=14265]
( √3. su) , " distilling nectar " , the moon L.
(H3) m.
a-mṛ́ta--hrada [L=14271]
a lake of nectar S3a1k.
(H3) m.
am* kara [L=14273]
" a mine of nectar " , N. of a man Ra1jat.
(H3) m.
am* pidhāná [L=14277]
water sipped after eating nectar-like food so as to overlay it like a cover TA1r. A1s3vGr2. Ma1nGr2. (cf. amtópastáraa) ,
(H3) n.
amrítā* bhiikta [L=14279]
anointed with nectar S3Br.
(H3) mfn.
am* haraa [L=14287]
" nectar-stealer " , N. of garua
am* haraa [L=14288]
N. of a pariśiṣṭa work of the SV.
(H3) m.
(H3B) n.
amtī-karaa [L=14291]
changing into nectar.
(H3) n.
amtopastaraa [L=14302]
water sipped as a substratum for the nectar like food A1s3vGr2. and Ma1nGr2.

TA1r. (cf. amptā*pidhāná).
(H3) n.
[L=14303]an imperishable substratum
amtaka [L=14304]
the nectar of immortality.
(H2) n.
amtāya [L=14305]
A1. °yate , to turn into nectar Ka1d.  ; 
p. °yamāna) to be like nectar Ragh. ii , 61.
(H2) Nom.
amtāyana [L=14306]
nectar like BhP.
(H2) mfn.

Sanskrit words for “Immortal”

1 ajarāmara (immortal) 2 amamri (immortal) 3 amara (immortal) 4 amaraprakhya (immortal) 5 amaraprabha (immortal) 6 amaravat (immortal) 7 amarībhū (immortal) 8 amaropama (immortal) 9 amaraṇīya (immortal) 10 amariṣṇu (immortal) 11 amarta (immortal) 12 amartya (immortal) 13 amṛta (immortal) 14 amṛtapakṣa (immortal) 15 amṛtamaya (immortal) 16 amṛtavapus (immortal) 17 amṛtāsu (immortal) 18 amṛtyu (immortal) 19 upama (immortal) 20 ketu (immortal) 21 nirjara (immortal) 22 nirjarapaṇyayoṣit (immortal) 23 rāhu (immortal) 24 vimṛtyu (immortal) 25 viśvāmṛta (immortal) 26 siddha (immortal)
ajarā* mara [p= 10,1] [L=2088]
undecaying and immortal MBh.
(H3) mfn.
á-mamri [p= 80,2] [L=13860]
( √ m) , immortal , undying AV. viii , 2 , 26.
amamri [p= 1315,3] [L=312990]
a kind of plant, Kaus3.
(H1) mfn.
(H2) f.
a-mára [p= 80,2] [L=13861]
(ā Mn. ii , 148 ; ī R. i , 34 , 16)n. undying , immortal , imperishable S3Br. xiv , &c
a-mára [L=13862]
a god , a deity MBh. &c
a-mára [L=13863]
hence (in arithm.) the number 33
a-mára [L=13864]
N. of a marut Hariv.
a-mára [L=13865]
the plant Euphorbia Tirucalli Sus3r.
a-mára [L=13866]
the plant Tiaridium Indicum L.
a-mára [L=13867]
a species of pine L.
a-mára [L=13868]
quicksilver L.
a-mára [L=13869]
N. of amarasiha
a-mára [L=13870]
of a mountain (» -parvata)
a-mára [L=13871]
mystical signification of the letter u
a-mára [p= 80,3] [L=13873]
the umbilical cord L.
a-mára [L=13874]
after-birth L.
a-mára [L=13875]
a house-post L.
a-mára [L=13876]
N. of several plants , panicum Dactylon , Cocculus Cordifolius , &c L.
a-mara [p= 1315,3] [L=313000]
(H2) mf
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2) (in
a-mára--prakhya [p= 80,3] [L=13905]
like an immortal.
(H3) mfn.
a-mára--prabha [L=13906]
like an immortal.
(H3) mfn.
a-mára--vat [L=13916]
like an immortal.
(H3) ind.
amarī- √ bhū [L=13934]
(H3) to become immortal (said of brave warriors dying in battle)
amaro* pama [L=13942]
like an immortal MBh.
amaro* pama [L=535305]
(H3) mfn.
(HPW) mfn.
a-maraīya [L=13944]
immortal L.
(H2) mfn.
á-mariṣṇu [L=13946]
immortal (v.l. for á-maviṣṇu , q.v.)
(H2) mfn.
á-marta [L=13947]
immortal RV. v , 33 , 6.
(H2) mfn.
á-martya [L=13948]
(4) immortal RV. AV. VS.

á-martya [L=13948.2]
a god L.
(H2) mfn.
[L=13948.1]imperishable , divine
(H2B) m.
a-mṛ́ta [p= 82,2] [L=14198]
(cf. Pa1n2. 6-2 , 116) not dead MBh.

RV. &c


a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.08]
an immortal , a god RV. &c
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.10]
N. of śiva
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.12]
of viṣṇu MBh. xiii
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.14]
of dhanvantari L.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.16]
the plant Phaseolus Trilobus Ait.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.18]
the root of a plant L.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.36]
collective body of immortals RV.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.38]
world of immortality , heaven , eternity RV. VS. AV. (also āni n. pl. RV. i , 72 , 1 and iii , 38 , 4)
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.42]
immortality RV.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.44]
final emancipation L.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.46]
the nectar (conferring immortality , produced at the churning of the ocean) , ambrosia RV. (or the voice compared to it , N. Ragh. )
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.48]
nectar-like food
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.50]
antidote against poison Sus3r.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.52]
N. of a medicament S3is3. ix , 36, medicament in general Buddh.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.54]
the residue of a sacrifice (cf. ameta-bhuj)
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.56]
unsolicited alms Mn. iv , 4 and 5, water Naigh.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.58]
milk L. clarified butter L. (cf. pañā*mta) , boiled rice L.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.60]
anything sweet , a sweetmeat R. vii , 7 ,3
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.62]
a pear L.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.64]
food L. , property L.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.66]
gold L.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.68]
quicksilver L.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.70]
poison L.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.72]
a particular poison L.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.74]
a ray of light Ragh. x , 59 N. of a metre RPra1t.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.76]
of a sacred place (in the north) Hariv. 14095 , of various conjunctions of planets (supposed to confer long life) L.
a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.78]
the number , " four " L.
a-mta [p= 1315,3] [L=313190]
(H2) mfn.
[L=14198.06]beautiful , beloved
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2) (in
a-mṛ́ta--paká [p= 82,2] [L=14221]
the immortal wing (of sacrificial fire) S3Br.
amṛ́ta--paka [L=14222]
(= híraya-paka q.v.) having golden wings S3Br.
(H3) m.
(H3B) mfn.
a-mṛ́ta--máya [L=14241]
(ī)n. immortal S3Br. xiv

amta Pan5cat. &c
(H3) mf
[L=14242]consisting of or full of
a-mṛ́ta--vapus [p= 82,3] [L=14252]
" of immortal form " , N. of viṣṇu MBh. xiii

(H3) m.
amṛ́* su [L=14286]
whose soul is immortal AV. v , 1 , 1 and 7.
(H3) mfn.
á-mtyu [L=14311]
non death , immortality S3Br. xiii KaushUp.
á-mtyu [L=14312]
immortal RV.
(H1) m.
(H1B) mfn.
upamá 1 [p= 203,2] [L=35268]
(ā)n. uppermost , highest


RV. Nigh.
upama 2 [L=35274]
ifc. for 3. upa-mā q.v.
upa-ma 3 [p= 203,3] [L=35305]
(ifc.) equal , similar , resembling , like (e.g. amaro*pama mfn. resembling an immortal) MBh. Ragh. Das3. Hit. &c
(H1) mf
[L=35269]most excellent , eminent , best
[L=35270]nearest , next , first
(H1) mfn.
(H2B) mfn.
ketú [p= 309,1] [L=55638]
(fr. √4. cit) , bright appearance , clearness , brightness (often pl. , " rays of light ") RV. VS. AV.



Naigh. iii , 9) apparition , form , shape RV. Pa1rGr2.

RV. AV. MBh. &c

RV. R. iv , 28 , 18 Ragh. ii , 33 BhP.

RV. v , 66 , 4 AV. x , 2 , 12

AdbhBr. Mn. i , 38 VarBr2S. BhP. &c

astron. as the 9th planet , and in mythol. as the body of the demon saihikeya [son of sihikā] which was severed from the head or rāhu by viṣṇu at the churning of the ocean , but was rendered immortal by having tasted the amta) Hariv. 4259 R. VP.

» -gaa below



of a son of agni (author of RV. x , 156) RAnukr.

patr. vājya) VBr.

of a dānava Hariv. 198

ṛṣabha BhP. v , 4 , 10 ; of the 4th manu , viii , 1 , 27)

ā́ ketáva , " red apparitions " , a class of spirits (a kind of sacrificial fire is called after them āruaketuka q.v.) AV. xi , 10 , 1 f. and 7 TA1r. MBh. xii , 26 , 7.
(H1) m.
[L=55639]lamp , flame , torch
[L=55642]sign , mark , ensign , flag , banner
[L=55643]a chief , leader , eminent person
[L=55644]intellect , judgement , discernment (?)
[L=55645]any unusual or striking phenomenon , comet , meteor , falling star
[L=55646]the dragon's tail or descending node (considered in
[L=55647]" a pigmy race "
[L=55649]an enemy
[L=55651](with the
[L=55653]of a son (of
nir--jara [p= 541,1] [L=106985]
(in some cases °ras Pa1n2. 7-2 , 101) not becoming old , young , fresh BhP.

nir--jara [L=106987]
a god Ra1jat.
nir--jara [L=106989]
ambrosia or nectar L.
nir-° jara [p= 554,3] [L=109558]
(for 1. » p.541) completely wearing down or destroying Col.
nir-° jara [p= 555,1] [p= 554,3] [L=109558.1]
(with jainas) the gradual destruction of all actions (also f(ā). and °raa n.) HYog. Sarvad.
(H3) mfn.
[L=106986]imperishable , immortal
(H3B) m.
(H3B) n.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
nir--jara---paya-yoit [p= 541,1] [L=106990]
" immortal courtezan " , an apsaras Vcar.
(H4) f.
rāhú [p= 880,1] [p= 879,3] [L=177899]
(fr. √ rabh ; cf. graha and √ grah) " the Seizer " , N. of a daitya or demon who is supposed to seize the sun and moon and thus cause eclipses (he is fabled as a son of vipra-citti and sihikā and as having a dragon's tail ; when the gods had churned the ocean for the amta or nectar of immortality , he disguised himself like one of them and drank a portion ; but the Sun and Moon revealed the fraud to viṣṇu , who cut off rāhu's head , which thereupon became fixed in the stellar sphere , and having become immortal through drinking the amta , has ever since wreaked its vengeance on the Sun and Moon by occasionally swallowing them ; while at the same time the tail of the demon became ketu [q.v.] and gave birth to a numerous progeny of comets and fiery meteors ; in astron. rāhu is variously regarded as a dragon's head , as the ascending node of the moon [or point where the moon intersects the ecliptic in passing northwards] , as one of the planets [cf. graha] , and as the regent of the south-west quarter [ Laghuj. ] ; among Buddhists many demons are called rāhu) AV. &c

rāhu [p= 1332,1] [L=338770]
(H1) m.
[L=177900]an eclipse or (rather) the moment of the beginning of an occultation or obscuration
(H2) (in
ví--mtyu [p= 952,1] [L=193399]
not liable to death , immortal Up.
(H3) mfn.
viśvā* mta [p= 994,1] [L=201427]
(perhaps) immortal for all times MaitrUp.
(H3) mfn.
siddha 1 [p= 1215,1] [L=244299]
driven off , scared away Pan5cavBr.
siddha 2 [L=244302]
accomplished , fulfilled , effected , gained , acquired MBh. Ragh.


dat. or comp.) MBh. R. &c

» 2. siddhi) ib.



Mn. MBh. &c


» as°)

Pat. Mn. Sa1m2khyak. Sarvad.





= prasiddha) A1s3vS3r. R. &c

Ca1n2. Ra1jat.

gen.) Pan5cat. Katha1s.


siddha 2 [L=244322]
a siddha or semidivine being of great purity and perfection and said to possess the eight supernatural faculties (» 2. siddhi ; accord. to some , the siddhas inhabit , together with the munis &c , the bhuvar-loka or atmosphere between the earth and heaven ; accord. to VP. eighty-eight thousand of them occupy the regions of the sky north of the sun and south of the seven ṛṣis ; they are regarded as immortal , but only as living to the end of a kalpa [q.v.] ; in the later mythology the are some times confused with the ; sādhyas [q.v.] or take their place) A1s3vGr2. MBh. &c
siddha 2 [L=244323]
any inspired sage or prophet or seer (e.g. vyāsa , kapila &c ) ib.
siddha 2 [L=244324]
any holy personage or great saint (esp. one who has attained to one of the states of beatitude cf. sālokya) MBh. Ka1v. &c
siddha 2 [p= 1215,2] [L=244325]
any great adept in magic or one who has acquired supernatural powers ib.
siddha 2 [L=244326]
(with jainas) a jina or arhat
siddha 2 [L=244327]
N. of the number 24 (cf. jina)
siddha 2 [L=244328]
the 21st of the astron. yogas. L.
siddha 2 [L=244329]
a lawsuit , judicial trial (= vyavahāra) L.
siddha 2 [L=244330]
N. of a deva-gandharva MBh.
siddha 2 [L=244331]
of a rājari ib.
siddha 2 [L=244332]
of a king Ra1jat.
siddha 2 [L=244333]
of a brother of jajja ib.
siddha 2 [L=244334]
of a Brahman Buddh.
siddha 2 [L=244335]
of an author Cat.
siddha 2 [L=244336]
a kind of thorn-apple L.
siddha 2 [L=244337]
another plant or a sort of hard sugar (= gua) L.
siddha 2 [L=244338]
(pl.) N. of a people MBh. VP.
siddha 2 [L=244340]
N. of one of the yoginīs (q.v.) L. (accord. to Sa1h. siddhā is also used at the end of names of courtezans)
siddha 2 [L=244341]
a kind of medicinal plant or root (= ddhi) L.
siddha 2 [L=244342]
magic , supernatural power Pan5car.
(H2) mfn.
(H2) mfn.
[L=244303]one who has attained his object , successful
[L=244304]one who has attained the highest object , thoroughly skilled or versed in (
[L=244305]perfected , become perfect , beatified , endowed with supernatural faculties (
[L=244306]sacred , holy , divine , illustrious
[L=244307]hit (as a mark)
[L=244308]prepared , cooked , dressed (as food)
[L=244309]healed , cured
[L=244310]valid (as a rule in grammar
[L=244311]admitted to be true or right , established , settled , proved
[L=244312]resulting from
[L=244313]adjudicated , decided , terminated (as a lawsuit)
[L=244314]paid , liquidated , settled (as a debt)
[L=244315]ready for payment (as money)
[L=244316]well-known , notorious , celebrated (
[L=244317]effective , powerful , miraculous , supernatural
[L=244319]subdued , brought into subjection (by magical powers) , subject or obedient to (
[L=244320]peculiar , singular
[L=244321]invariable , unalterable
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) siddha 2 2 [L=244343]
n. sea-salt L.