Artha - Motive, purpose, aim, object, penis, object of the senses, wealth, business, wanting, meaning,

from the superb Monier-Williams online at the University of Cologne (Universität zu Köln)

ártha [p= 90,3] [p= 90,2] [L=15840]
([in RV. i-ix only n. ; in RV. x six times n. and thrice m. ; in later Sanskrit only m.]) aim , purpose (very often artham , arthena , arthāya , and arthe ifc. or with gen. " for the sake of , on account of , in behalf of , for ")
90,3] [L=15841]
Mn. ii , 213 , &c
90,3] [L=15842]
kāma and dharma » tri-varga ; used in wishing well to another dat. or gen. Pa1n2. 2-3 , 73)
90,3] [L=15843]
S3Br. xiv)
90,3] [L=15844]
90,3] [L=15845]
90,3] [L=15846]
90,3] [L=15847]
astron.) N. of the second mansion , the mansion of wealth (cf , dhana) VarBr2S.
90,3] [L=15848]
dharma arid buddhi BhP.
90,3] [L=15849]
acc. ártham with √ i , or gam , to go to one's business , take up one's work RV. &c )
90,3] [L=15850]
90,3] [L=15851]
instr.) , wanting , needing anything (instr.) , SBr , &c
90,3] [L=15852]
cf. artha-śabdauandarthāt s.v. below and vedatattvā*rtha-vid)
90,3] [L=15853]
L. , prohibition , prevention L.
90,3] [L=15854]
argha q.v.) L.
árthāt [p= 90,3] [L=15855]
abl. » s.v. below
árthe [p= 90,3] [L=15856]
with √1. k (g. sakād-ādi q.v.)
artha [p= 1316,2] [L=313940]
(H1) mn.
[p= cause , motive , reason
[p= advantage , use , utility (generally named with
[p= thing , object (said of the membrum virile
[p= object of the senses
[p= (hence) the number " five " ,
[p= substance , wealth , property , opulence , money
[p= (hence in
[p= personified as the son of
[p= affair , concern (Ved. often
[p= (in law) lawsuit , action
[p= having to do with (
[p= sense , meaning , notion (
[p= manner , kind
[p= price (for
(H1C) ind.
(H1C) ind.
(H2) (in

ártha--tas [p= 90,3] [L=15899]
towards a particular object , Sa1n3khyak. Mcar.

ifc.) for the sake of. Pan5cat.

R. &c

VarBr2S. (opposed to grantha-tas and sūtra-tas Jain. )
(H3) ind.
[L=15899.2]in fact , really , truly
[L=15899.3]for the profit of
[L=15899.4]with respect to the sense



ártha--kāma [p= 90,3] [L=15859]
[ R. ii , 86 , 6 v.l.] m. du. [ R. ii , 86 , 6 Mn. , iv , 176] m. pl. [ Mn. ii , 13] utility and desire , wealth and pleasure
ártha--kāma [L=15859.1]
desirous of wealth , N. MBh. xii , 220, desiring to be useful.
(H3) n
(H3B) mfn.

ártha--ghna [L=15884]
destroying wealth , wasteful , extravagant Mn. ix , 80 and Ya1jn5. i , 73

(H3) mfn.
[L=15885]destroying advantage , causing loss , or damage

ártha--citta [L=15886]
thinking on or desirous of wealth.
(H3) mfn.

ártha--tṛṣṇā [L=15901]
desire for wealth or money VP. BhP.
(H3) f.

ártha--nibandhana [p= 91,1] [L=15916]
having its cause in wealth , contingent on affluence and respectability MBh. i , 5141.
(H3) mfn.

ártha--nyúna [L=15920]
" deficient in wealth " , poor MBh.
(H3) mfn.

ártha--pati [L=15921]
" lord of wealth " , a rich man VarBr2S. &c

Ragh. &c

of kubera L.

a Ka1d. (cf. ārtha-patya.)
(H3) m.
[L=15922]a king
[L=15924]of the grandfather of the poet

ártha--para [L=15926]
intent on gaining wealth , niggardly R.
artha--para [p= 1316,2] [L=313941.4]
greedy, covetous, R.
(H3) mfn.
(H3) mfn.

ártha--parígraha [p= 91,1] [L=15927]
possession of wealth R. v , 43 , 6
ártha--parígraha [L=15928]
dependent on money MBh. iii , 1292.
(H3) m.
(H3B) mfn.

ártha--prayoga [L=15931]
application of wealth to usury
(H3) m.

ártha--prā* pti [L=15933]
acquisition of wealth

i.e. the state of being clear by itself. Car.
(H3) f.
[L=15934]" attainment of meaning "

ártha--rāsi [L=15948]
great wealth Das3.
(H3) m.

ártha--lābha [L=15950]
acquisition of wealth.
(H3) m.

ártha--lubdha [L=15951]
greedy of wealth , covetous , niggardly Das3.
(H3) mfn.

ártha--leśa [L=15952]
a little wealth.
(H3) m.

ártha--lobha [L=15954]
desire of wealth , avarice.
(H3) m.

ártha--vddhi [L=15976]
accumulation of wealth.
(H3) f.

ártha--śrī [L=15987]
great wealth Katha1s.
(H3) f.

ártha--sasthāna [L=15989]
accumulation of wealth

(H3) n.

ártha--sagraha [L=15991]
accumulation of wealth Ragh. xvii , 60


N. of one of the pūrva-mīmā texts.
(H3) m.
[L=15993]" compendium of objects (treated of) " ,

ártha--sagrahin [L=15994]
accumulating wealth MBh. ii , 2569.
(H3) mfn.

ártha--sacaya [L=15995]
sg. and pl. collection of wealth , property MBh.
(H3) m.

ártha--sasambandha [L=15997]
possession of wealth Mudr.

cf. -bandha above ) L.
(H3) m.
[L=15998]connection of the sense with the word or sentence (

ártha--siddhi [p= 91,2] [L=16009]
acquisition of wealth Car.

Ragh. ii 21

of a particular magical faculty
ártha--siddhi [L=16012]
N. of a son of puya Hariv.
(H3) f.
(H3B) m.

ártha--hara [L=16013]
inheriting wealth Vishn2us.
(H3) mfn.

ártha--hāni [L=16014]
loss of wealth MBh. VarBr2S.
(H3) f.

ártha--hīna [L=16018]
" deprived " of sense , unmeaning , nonsensical

(H3) mfn.
[L=16019]deprived of wealth , poor

arthā* gama [L=16020]
sg. ([ Va1tsy. ]) or pl. ([ MBh. iii , 88]) receipt or collection of property , income , acquisition of wealth.
(H3) m.

arthā* nvita [L=16028]
possessed of wealth , rich

(H3) mfn.
[L=16029]possessed of sense , significant.

arthā* rthin [L=16039]
desirous of gaining wealth MBh. iii , 1288, desirous of making a profit , selfish
(H3) mfn.

arthā* r° thi-tā [L=16040]
desire of wealth.
(H4) f.

arthā* vamarda [L=16042]
" wasting of wealth " , prodigality.
(H3) m.