Vritta - Turned, set in motion
(H2) | vṛttá [p= 1009,2] [L=204347]
mfn. |
turned , set in motion (as a wheel) RV.
[L=204348] |
round , rounded , circular |
S3Br. &c
[L=204349] |
occurred , happened ( |
cf. kiṃ-v°) A1past. R. &c
[L=204350] |
( |
ifc.) continued , lasted for a certain time MBh. vii , 6147
[L=204351] |
completed , finished , absolved |
[L=204352] |
past , elapsed , gone |
KaushUp. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=204353] |
quite exhausted |
TBr. (= śrānta Sch.)
[L=204354] |
deceased , dead |
Mn. R.
[L=204355] |
studied , mastered |
Pa1n2. 7-2 , 26
[L=204356] |
existing , effective , unimpaired ( |
» vṛttaū*jas)
[L=204357] |
become ( |
e.g. with mukta , become free) Katha1s. xviii , 306
[L=204358] |
acted or behaved towards ( |
loc.) MBh. R.
[L=204359] |
fixed , firm |
[L=204360] |
chosen ( |
= vṛta) L.
(H2B) | vṛttá [L=204361]
m. |
a tortoise L.
(H2B) | vṛttá [L=204362]
m. |
a kind of grass L.
(H2B) | vṛttá [L=204363]
m. |
a round temple VarBr2S.
(H2B) | vṛttá [L=204364]
m. |
N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
(H2B) | vṛttá [L=204366]
m. |
a kind of drug (= reṇukā) L.
(H2B) | vṛttá [L=204367]
m. |
a kind of metre Col.
(H2B) | vṛttá [L=204368]
n. |
(ifc. f(ā).) a circle Gan2it.
(H2B) | vṛttá [L=204369]
n. |
the epicycle Su1ryas.
(H2B) | vṛttá [L=204370]
n. |
occurrence , use Nir.
(H2B) | vṛttá [L=204371]
n. |
(ifc.) transformation , change into RPra1t.
(H2B) | vṛttá [L=204372]
n. |
appearance Vcar.
(H2B) | vṛttá [L=204373]
n. |
(ifc.) formed of or derived from (» kiṃ-v°)
(H2B) | vṛttá [L=204374]
n. |
an event , adventure R. Katha1s.
(H2B) | vṛttá [L=204375]
n. |
a matter , affair , business ib.
(H2B) | vṛttá [L=204376]
n. |
(also pl.) procedure , practice , action , mode of life , conduct , behaviour (esp. virtuous conduct , good behaviour) S3Br. &c
(H2B) | vṛttá [L=204377]
n. |
means of life , subsistence Hariv. 335 (more correct vṛtti)
(H2B) | vṛttá [L=204378]
n. |
" turn of a line " , the rhythm at the end of a verse , final rhythm RPra1t.
(H2B) | vṛttá [L=204379]
n. |
a metre containing a fixed number of syllables , any metre Ka1vya7d. VarBr2S. &c
(H2B) | vṛttá [p= 1009,3] [L=204380]
n. |
a metre consisting of 10 trochees Col.
A Sanskrit-English dictionary: etymologically and philologically ... - Page 486

Sir Monier Monier-Williams | - 2005 - 1333 pages - Preview
nivartya, mfn. d° to be turned back (flying army), MBh. vi, 145; m -nivritta, xiii, 3504. — nivira, mfn. d° to be kept ... &c- nivritta, mfn. d° to be returned from, R. iv, I 3, 36. — nlvedya, mfn. d4 to be related ; -tva,n. Jitakam. ...
The Laws of Manu - Page 270

author | - Full view
He who sedulously performs acts leading to future births (pravritta) becomes equal to the gods; but he who is intent on the performance of those causing the cessation (of existence, nivritta) indeed, passes beyond (the reach of) the ...
Vedic socialism

Nitya Narayan Banerjee | - 1980 - 274 pages - Snippet view
Ths acts prescribed by the Vedas are of two kinds, viz: to increase happiness and cause continuation of mundane existence — Pravritta Karma and to ensure supreme bliss and cause a cessation of mundane existence, — Nivritta Karma ...
Copper plate inscriptions of Andhra Pradesh Government Museum, ...: Issue 6

Andhra Pradesh Government Museum | , N. Ramesan - 1962 - Snippet view
(11) Gopaswamy of the Kasyapasa Gotra who is described as a Varnathraya Nivritta . The words ASititarkaka and ... The last grantee Gopaswamy is described as Varnathryaya Nivritta. The word Nivritta means accomplishment and achievement. ...
Manu-smriti and Republic of Plato: a comparative and critical study

Ankush R. Sawant | - 1996 - 212 pages - Snippet view
But acts performed without any desire for a reward, preceded by the acquisition of the knowledge, are called Nivritta. These acts cause the cessation of mundane existence. Now, he who untiringly performs the Pravritta actions becomes ...
Tattvālokah: Volume 14

Sri Abhinava Vidyatheertha Educational Trust | - 1991 - Snippet view
after enjoyments and would pursue them right upto heaven. A nivritta, on the other ... A tortoise with extended limbs is a pravritta and with withdrawn limbs is a nivritta. After undergoing many births and deaths, a time comes when ...
Transformation-words in Sanskrit
1 annavikāra (transformation)
2 nirmāṇa (transformation)
3 pariṇati (transformation)
4 pariṇamana (transformation)
5 pariṇāma (transformation)
6 pariṇāmin (transformation)
7 paryavapāda (transformation)
8 paryavapādya (transformation)
9 vikāra (transformation)
10 vikāratva (transformation)
11 vikṛtatva (transformation)
12 vikriyā (transformation)
13 vināśin (transformation)
14 vipariṇāma (transformation)
15 vivarta (transformation)
16 vivartana (transformation)
17 vṛtta (transformation)
18 vaikārya (transformation)
19 sauparṇa (transformation)
(H3) anna--vikāra [p= 45,2] [L=8536] m. transformation of food
[L=8537] disorder of the stomach from indigestion
[L=8538] the seminal secretion.
(H3) nir-° māṇa [p= 556,2] [L=109776] n. measuring , measure , reach , extent (often , mfn. ifc.) Hariv. R.
[L=109777] forming , making , creating , creation , building , composition , work (ifc. " made of " Sus3r. ) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=109778] (with Buddh. ) transformation
[L=109779] pith , the best of anything (= sāra) L.
[L=109780] = asamañjasa L.
(H1) pari-ṇati [p= 594,2] [L=117518] » pari-ṇam.
(H3) pari-ṇati [p= 594,3] [L=117538] f. bending , bowing W.
[L=117539] change , transformation , natural development Sa1h. Pan5c. Sarvad.
[L=117540] ripeness , maturity Megh. Mcar.
[L=117541] mature or old age Vikr. S3is3.
[L=117542] result , consequence , issue , end , termination (ibc. finally , at last ; śravaṇa-pariṇatiṃ- √gam , to come at last to a person's ears ; pariṇatiṃ- √yā , to attain one's final aim) Ka1v.
[L=117543] fulfilment (of a promise) , S3a1ntis3.
[L=117544] digestion L.
(H3) pari-ṇamana [L=117545] n. change , transformation , changing into (instr.) Kap. Sch.
(H3) pari-ṇāma [L=117548] m. change , alteration , transformation into (instr.) , development , evolution Sa1m2khyak. Yogas. Pur. Sus3r.
[L=117549] ripeness , maturity Kir. Uttarar. Ma1lati1m.
[L=117550] alteration of food , digestion Sus3r. Tarkas.
[L=117551] withering , fading S3a1rn3gP.
[L=117552] lapse (of time) MBh. R.
[L=117553] decline (of age) , growing old ib. Sus3r.
[L=117554] result , consequence , issue , end (ibc. and °me ind. finally , at last , in the end) Ka1v.
[L=117555] (in rhet.) a figure of speech by which the properties of any object are transferred to that with which it is compared Kuval.
[L=117556] N. of a holy man RTL. 269
(H3) pari-ṇāmin [L=117571] mfn. changing , altering , subject to transformation , developing VP. S3am2k. (°mi-tva n. ib.)
[L=117572] ripening , bearing fruits or consequences BhP.
(H3) pary-ava-° pāda [p= 607,2] [L=119687] m. transformation ib.
(H4) pary-ava-° pā° dya [L=119688] mfn. effecting transformation ib.
(H3) ví--kāra 1 [p= 950,1] [L=192895] m. (for 2. » vi- √1. kṛ) the syllable vi BhP.
(H1) vi-kāra 1 [p= 954,1] [L=193911] » [p= 950,1].
(H1) vi-kāra 2 [L=193912] &c » under vi- √1. kṛ.
(H2) vi-kāra 2 [p= 954,3] [L=193961] m. (for 1. » [p= 950,1]) change of form or nature , alteration or deviation from any natural state , transformation , modification , change (esp. for the worse) of bodily or mental condition , disease , sickness , hurt , injury , (or) perturbation , emotion , agitation , passion S3rS. MBh. &c
[L=193962] an apparition , spectre Katha1s.
[L=193963] extravagance ib.
[L=193964] a product Gaut.
(H2B) vi-kāra 2 [L=193965] m. (in sāṃkhya) a production or derivative from prakṛti (there are 7 vikāras , viz. buddhi , " intellect " , ahaṃ-kāra , " the sense of individuality " , and the 5 tan-mātras q.v. ; these are also producers , inasmuch as from them come the 16 vikāras which are only productions , viz. the 5 mahā-bhūtāni q.v. , and the 11 organs , viz. the 5 buddhī*ndriyāṇi or organs of sense , the 5 karme*ndriyāṇi or organs of action , and manas , " the mind ") IW. 82 &c
[L=193966] the derivative of a word Nir.
[L=193967] contortion of the face , grimace Katha1s.
[L=193968] change of sentiment , hostility , defection MBh. Ra1jat.
(H3) vi-kāra---tva 2 [L=193970] n. the state of change , transformation Veda7ntas.
(H3) ví-kṛta---tva [L=194008] n. the state of being changed , transformation S3am2k.
(H2) vi-kriyā [L=194042] f. transformation , change , modification , altered or unnatural condition Ka1v. Pur. Sus3r.
[L=194043] change for the worse , deterioration , disfigurement , deformity R.
[p= 955,1] [L=194044] ailment , indisposition , affection R. Das3. Sus3r.
[L=194045] perturbation , agitation , perplexity MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=194046] hostile feeling , rebellion , defection , alienation Hariv. Ka1v. Katha1s.
[L=194047] injury , harm , failure , misadventure (acc. with √ yā , to suffer injury , undergo failure) ib.
[L=194048] extinction (of a lamp) Katha1s.
[L=194049] a strange or unwonted phenomenon ib.
[L=194050] any product or preparation Mn. Ya1jn5. Ma1rkP.
[L=194051] contraction , knitting (of the brows ; » bhrū-v°)
[L=194052] bristling (of the hair ; » roma-v°)
(H1) vi-kriyā [p= 956,1] [L=194257] &c » [p= 954,3].
(H3) vi-° nāśin [p= 969,3] [L=196885] mfn. perishing , perishable (°śi-tva n.) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=196886] under. going transformation W.
[L=196887] (mostly ifc.) destructive , destroying MBh. Ka1v. VarBr2S. &c
[L=196888] (a tale) treating of the destruction of (gen.) MBh.
(H3) vi-° pariṇāma [p= 974,1] [L=197642] m. change , exchange , transformation Pat. S3am2k. &c
[L=197643] ripening , maturing Naigh. Sch.
(H1) vi-varta [p= 987,1] [L=199995] vi-vartana &c » under vi- √vṛt , p.988.
(H2) vi-vartá [p= 988,3] [L=200282] m. " the revolving one " , N. of the sky VS. TS.
[L=200283] a whirlpool SV.
[L=200284] turning round , rolling onwards , moving about Mcar.
[L=200285] turning away L.
[L=200286] dance L.
[L=200287] changing from one state to another , modification , alteration , transformation , altered form or condition Ka1v. Katha1s.
[L=200288] (in vedā*nta) error , illusion , an apparent or illusory form , unreality (caused by a-vidyā , " ignorance " , and removed by vidyā , " true knowledge " ) Veda7ntas.
[L=200289] collection , multitude L.
[L=200290] (with atreḥ) N. of two sāmans A1rshBr.
(H3) vi-° vártana [L=200293] mfn. turning round , revolving MBh.
[L=200294] changing , transforming Katha1s.
(H3B) vi-° vártana [L=200295] n. (ifc. f(ā).) rolling (of a horse) RV. i , 162 , 14
(H3B) vi-° vártana [L=200296] n. rolling or tossing about , struggling Ka1v. Katha1s. (also f(ā). Harav. )
(H3B) vi-° vártana [L=200297] n. moving or wandering to and fro Mn. xii , 75
(H3B) vi-° vártana [L=200298] n. turning round Sus3r.
(H3B) vi-° vártana [L=200299] n. turning , turn , change TBr. Ma1lati1m.
(H3B) vi-° vártana [L=200300] n. turning away or back MBh. Ka1lid.
(H3B) vi-° vártana [L=200301] n. returning , return Kir.
(H3B) vi-° vártana [L=200302] n. a kind of dance (also -nṛtya n.) Sam2gi1t.
(H3B) vi-° vártana [L=200303] n. transformation RPra1t.
(H3B) vi-° vártana [L=200304] n. existing , being , abiding W.
(H3B) vi-° vártana [L=200305] n. going round , circumambulating (an altar &c ) ib.
(H3B) vi-° vártana [L=200306] n. reverential salutation MW.
(H3B) vi-° vártana [L=200307] n. causing to turn or to change , overturning ib.
(H2) vṛttá [p= 1009,2] [L=204347] mfn. turned , set in motion (as a wheel) RV.
[L=204348] round , rounded , circular S3Br. &c
[L=204349] occurred , happened (cf. kiṃ-v°) A1past. R. &c
[L=204350] (ifc.) continued , lasted for a certain time MBh. vii , 6147
[L=204351] completed , finished , absolved MaitrUp.
[L=204352] past , elapsed , gone KaushUp. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=204353] quite exhausted TBr. (= śrānta Sch.)
[L=204354] deceased , dead Mn. R.
[L=204355] studied , mastered Pa1n2. 7-2 , 26
[L=204356] existing , effective , unimpaired (» vṛttaū*jas)
[L=204357] become (e.g. with mukta , become free) Katha1s. xviii , 306
[L=204358] acted or behaved towards (loc.) MBh. R.
[L=204359] fixed , firm L.
[L=204360] chosen (= vṛta) L.
(H2B) vṛttá [L=204361] m. a tortoise L.
(H2B) vṛttá [L=204362] m. a kind of grass L.
(H2B) vṛttá [L=204363] m. a round temple VarBr2S.
(H2B) vṛttá [L=204364] m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
(H2B) vṛttá [L=204366] m. a kind of drug (= reṇukā) L.
(H2B) vṛttá [L=204367] m. a kind of metre Col.
(H2B) vṛttá [L=204368] n. (ifc. f(ā).) a circle Gan2it.
(H2B) vṛttá [L=204369] n. the epicycle Su1ryas.
(H2B) vṛttá [L=204370] n. occurrence , use Nir.
(H2B) vṛttá [L=204371] n. (ifc.) transformation , change into RPra1t.
(H2B) vṛttá [L=204372] n. appearance Vcar.
(H2B) vṛttá [L=204373] n. (ifc.) formed of or derived from (» kiṃ-v°)
(H2B) vṛttá [L=204374] n. an event , adventure R. Katha1s.
(H2B) vṛttá [L=204375] n. a matter , affair , business ib.
(H2B) vṛttá [L=204376] n. (also pl.) procedure , practice , action , mode of life , conduct , behaviour (esp. virtuous conduct , good behaviour) S3Br. &c
(H2B) vṛttá [L=204377] n. means of life , subsistence Hariv. 335 (more correct vṛtti)
(H2B) vṛttá [L=204378] n. " turn of a line " , the rhythm at the end of a verse , final rhythm RPra1t.
(H2B) vṛttá [L=204379] n. a metre containing a fixed number of syllables , any metre Ka1vya7d. VarBr2S. &c
(H2B) vṛttá [p= 1009,3] [L=204380] n. a metre consisting of 10 trochees Col.
(H3) vaikārya [p= 1020,2] [L=206597] n. transformation , change , modification MBh.
(H1) saúparṇa [p= 1253,1] [L=253496] mf(ī)n. or sauparṇá relating or belonging to or derived from or treating of or resembling the bird su-parṇa (q.v.) AV. &c
(H1B) saúparṇa [L=253496.2] n. an emerald L.
(H1B) saúparṇa [L=253496.3] n. dry ginger L.
(H1B) saúparṇa [L=253496.4] n. the sauparṇa hymn (cf. RV. i , 164 , 20 and IW. 39 ; a Vedic story relating the transformation of the metres into birds that they might fetch the soma from , heaven) Br. Gr2S3rS.
(H1B) saúparṇa [L=253496.5]